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Summary Administration of a low dose of l-PAM (0.75 mg/kg) to mice bearing a large SC MOPC-315 tumor and extensive metastases led to the development of augmented antitumor immune potential in their hitherto immunosuppressed spleen cells. Such drug-induced potentiation of antitumor immune responsiveness appeared by day 2 after chemotherapy, and it could not be further enhanced but was actually reduced by depletion of glass-adherent cells, a procedure which is effective in depleting the cells known to have inhibitory activity (i.e., macrophages and metastatic tumor cells). To establish that l-PAM can lead to selective in situ abrogation of the inhibitory effectiveness of the splenic macrophages and metastatic tumor cells, we demonstrated that incubation of immunosuppressed tumor-bearer spleen cells with a low concentration of l-PAM in vitro also resulted in augmented antitumor immune potential that could not be further augmented by depletion of glass-adherent cells. l-PAM-mediated enhancement of the antitumor immune potential of immunosuppressed tumor bearer spleen cells was due at least in part to the effects of the drug on the splenic metastatic tumor cells. Isolated tumor cells treated with a low concentration of l-PAM were not only devoid of inhibitory activity for the primary in vitro antitumor immune response by normal spleen cells, but actually manifested a strong immunostimulatory capacity. Thus, l-PAM given at a low dose enhances the development of potent antitumor immunity which brings about the eradication of a large tumorigenic load that remains after the drug has been cleared from the circulation.Presented in part at the 67th annual meeting of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology in Chicago, April 10–15, 1983 Abbreviations used: L-PAM, l-phenylalanine mustard (Melphalan); CY, cyclophosphamide  相似文献   

Summary Mice cured from large MOPC-315 tumors by a single dose of melphalan, 7.5 mg/kg, were examined for up to 60 days after the drug treatment (71 days after the tumor inoculation) for their ability to respond to mitogenic stimulation, specific and nonspecific antigenic stimulation and for their susceptibility to inoculation with an unrelated tumor, L10 lymphoma. The response of spleen cells from cured mice to mitogenic stimulation by phytohemagglutinin or concanavalin A was slightly depressed at an early stage after the drug treatment. The allogeneic response against C57BL spleen cells and the antibody response against sheep red blood cells (SRBC) of spleen cells from cured mice remained below normal levels during the whole observation period. The deficiency in response to antigenic stimulation was found to be due to impairment in T-cell function. Cured mice were also deficient in their response to SRBC immunization (antibody and delayed-type hypersensitivity responses) and were more susceptible to inoculation with an unrelated tumor, L10 lymphoma, than normal, noninoculated mice. On the other hand, spleen cells of cured mice developed a highly specific cytotoxic response against target MOPC-315 tumor cells and the cured mice were resistant to challenge with an otherwise highly tumorigenic dose of MOPC-315. Thus, cured mice remained deficient for a long period of time in their response to MOPC-315-unrelated antigens but, at the same time, they showed a potent specific antitumor immunity potential in vivo and in vitro.Presented in part at the Ninth European Immunology Meeting, September 14–17, 1988, Rome, ItalyThe contribution of S. Shoval is in partial fullfillment of a PhD Thesis  相似文献   

Summary We have previously shown that spleen cells from BALB/c mice that are in the process of eradicating a large MOPC-315 tumor following low-dose (2.5 mg/kg) melphalan (l-phenylalanine mustard) therapy are effective in preventing tumor progression upon adoptive transfer into BALB/c mice bearing a barely palpable tumor that had been treated with a subcurative dose of melphalan [Mokyr et al. (1989) Cancer Res 49: 4597]. Here we show that such spleen cells in conjunction with a subcurative dose of drug (adoptive chemoimmunotherapy, ACIT) can cause the complete regression of a large (15–20 mm) s.c. MOPC-315 tumor in a large percentage of T-cell-deficient (athymic nude) tumor-bearing mice. Spleen cells that were effective in ACIT of athymic nude mice displayed in vitro a substantial direct lytic activity against MOPC-315 tumor cells, and the lytic activity was greatly enhanced when the spleen cells were cultured for 5 days with or without mitomycin-C-treated MOPC-315 stimulator tumor cells. The cells responsible for the therapeutic effectiveness of the spleen cells in ACIT of athymic nude mice, as well as the cells responsible for the direct in vitro anti-MOPC-315 lytic activity of the spleen cells, were of the Lyt 2 and not the L3T4 phenotype. Most of the athymic nude mice that completely eradicated a large MOPC-315 tumor as a consequence of ACIT were capable of rejecting a challenge with 30–100 times the minimal lethal tumor dose for 100% of normal BALB/c mice administered more than 1 month after the ACIT. The ability of these athymic nude mice to resist the tumor challenge was associated with the presence of a greatly elevated percentage of cells expressing T cell surface markers in their spleens. Thus, it is conceivable that splenic Lyt 2+ T cells from melphalan-treated BALB/c mice bearing a large MOPC-315 tumor mediate their therapeutic effectiveness in ACIT of athymic nude mice bearing a large MOPC-315 tumor, at least in part, through direct cytotoxicity for MOPC-315 tumor cells. In addition, eradication of a large MOPC-315 tumor through cooperation between antitumor immunity and melphalan toxicity endues the athymic nude mice with an elevated percentage of T cells in their secondary lymphoid organs, and these T cells are probably responsible for the long-lasting protective antitumor immunity exhibited by these mice.Supported by research grant IM-435A from the American Cancer Society and research grant B-8806 from the Bane EstateIn partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy DegreeRecipient of Career Development Award CA-01350 from the National Cancer Institute  相似文献   

Summary We have previously shown that, as a consequence of low-dose melphalan (l-phenylalanine mustard) treatment, thymocytes from mice bearing a large, day-10 MOPC-315 tumor, but not thymocytes from normal mice, acquire the ability to generate an enhanced level of antitumor cytotoxicity upon in vitro stimulation with MOPC-315 tumor cells plus low concentrations (9.0–90 IU/ml) of exogenous interleukin-2 (IL-2) [23]. Here we show that the time interval between tumor inoculation and low-dose melphalan therapy as well as the magnitude of tumor burden at the time of the chemotherapy are important for the ability of the drug to render thymocytes more responsive to in vitro stimulation with MOPC-315 tumor cells plus low concentrations of recombinant IL-2 (rIL-2). Specifically, the chemotherapy was found to be effective in enhancing the thymic antitumor reactivity only if the mice bore a large, late-stage tumor. Comparison of thymocytes from untreated mice bearing a large, late-stage tumor to thymocytes from normal mice revealed that tumor-bearer thymocytes contained approximately a three-fold higher frequency of cytotoxic T lymphocyte precursors (CTLp) for MOPC-315-associated antigens. Following curative low-dose melphalan therapy of mice bearing a large, latestage MOPC-315 tumor, the frequency of CTLp for MOPC-315-associated antigens increased further, reaching a level approximately tenfold higher than that found among thymocytes of normal mice. At the same time, the frequency of CTLp for an antigenically unrelated allogeneic tumor (EL4) as well as the overall percentage of mature cells was not increased. The cells responsible for the exertion of the enhanced antitumor cytotoxicity following in vitro stimulation of thymocytes from mice treated with low-dose melphalan when they have a large, latestage MOPC-315 tumor are of the CD8+/CD4 phenotype. Thus, the enhanced level of antitumor cytotoxicity generated by thymocytes from mice that are treated with low-dose melphalan when they have a large, late-stage MOPC-315 tumor is due, at least in part, to the presence of an enlarged pool of CTLp specific for MOPC-315-associated antigens, which mature into CD8+/CD4 effector cells upon stimulation with MOPC-315 tumor cells plus low concentrations of rIL-2.supported by Research Grant CA-35761 from the National Cancer Institute and Research Grant EY-05945 from the National Eye Institute. This work is in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy degree of M. M. B. M. B. M. was supported by a Career Development Award CA-01350 from the National Cancer Institute.  相似文献   

Summary We had shown previously that progression of MOPC-315 plasmacytoma growth is associated with an increase in the percentage of macrophages in the spleen as well as a decrease in the ability of tumor-bearer spleen cells to mount an antitumor cytotoxic response upon in vitro immunization. Here we provide evidence that macrophages in the MOPC-315 tumor-bearer spleen are responsible at least in part for the suppression of the generation of antitumor cytotoxicity. Accordingly, removal of most macrophages by depletion of phagocytic cells or Sephadex G-10-adherent cells from spleens of mice bearing a large tumor resulted in augmented antitumor immune potential. Also, Sephadex G-10-adherent spleen cells from tumor-bearing (but not normal) mice drastically suppressed the in vitro generation of antitumor cytotoxicity by normal spleen cells. The suppressive activity of these adherent cells did not reside in contaminating suppressor T cells, since it was not reduced by treatment with monoclonal anti-Thy 1.2 antibody plus complement. The Sephadex G-10-adherent cell population from the tumor-bearer spleen suppressed the in vitro generation of antitumor cytotoxicity against autochthonous tumor cells but not against allogeneic EL4 tumor cells, and hence the suppression was apparently specific. The suppressive activity of the Sephadex G-10-adherent cell population from tumor-bearer spleens was overcome by treatment of the tumor-bearing mice with a low curative dose of cyclophosphamide. This immunomodulatory effect of a low dose of the drug in overcoming the suppression mediated by the Sephadex G-10-adherent cell population enables the effector arm of the immune system of tumor-bearing mice to cooperate effectively with the drug's tumoricidal activity in tumor eradication.This paper was presented in part at the annual meeting of the American Association of Immunologists, Chicago, Illinois, 10–15 April 1983  相似文献   

We had shown previously that progression of MOPC-315 plasmacytoma growth is associated with an increase in the percentage of macrophages in the spleen as well as a decrease in the ability of tumor-bearer spleen cells to mount an antitumor cytotoxic response upon in vitro immunization. Here we provide evidence that macrophages in the MOPC-315 tumor-bearer spleen are responsible at least in part for the suppression of the generation of antitumor cytotoxicity. Accordingly, removal of most macrophages by depletion of phagocytic cells or Sephadex G-10-adherent cells from spleens of mice bearing a large tumor resulted in augmented antitumor immune potential. Also, Sephadex G-10-adherent spleen cells from tumor-bearing (but not normal) mice drastically suppressed the in vitro generation of antitumor cytotoxicity by normal spleen cells. The suppressive activity of these adherent cells did not reside in contaminating suppressor T cells, since it was not reduced by treatment with monoclonal anti-Thy 1.2 antibody plus complement. The Sephadex G-10-adherent cell population from the tumor-bearer spleen suppressed the in vitro generation of antitumor cytotoxicity against autochthonous tumor cells but not against allogeneic EL4 tumor cells, and hence the suppression was apparently specific. The suppressive activity of the Sephadex G-10-adherent cell population from tumor-bearer spleens was overcome by treatment of the tumor-bearing mice with a low curative dose of cyclophosphamide. This immunomodulatory effect of a low dose of the drug in overcoming the suppression mediated by the Sephadex G-10-adherent cell population enables the effector arm of the immune system of tumor-bearing mice to cooperate effectively with the drug's tumoricidal activity in tumor eradication.  相似文献   

Summary We have previously shown that while spleen cells from untreated mice bearing a large MOPC-315 tumor are not cytotoxic in vitro for MOPC-315 tumor cells, spleen cells obtained from such mice on day 7 after low-dose melphalan (l-phenylalanine mustard);l-PAM therapy exert a substantial anti-MOPC-315 cytotoxicity [Mokyr et al. (1989) Cancer Res 49: 4597]. Here we show that this anti-MOPC-315 lytic activity is evident by day 5, and peaks on day 7 after the low-dose chemotherapy, at a time when the mice are actively engaged in tumor eradication. Short-term exposure of spleen cells from mice bearing a MOPC-315 tumor and treated with low-dosel-PAM (l-PAM TuB mice) to phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) was found to enhance greatly the ability of these spleen cells to lyse MOPC-315 tumor cells. The highest level of anti-MOPC-315 cytotoxicity was obtained when spleen cells from tumor-bearing mice that had received chemotherapy 7 days earlier were exposed to PMA at a concentration of 1–10 ng/ml. The exertion of the enhanced anti-MOPC-315 lytic activity byl-PAM TuB spleen cells exposed to PMA was found to require CD8+, but not CD4+, T cells. The apparent specificity of the lytic activity exerted by the PMA-stimulatedl-PAM TuB spleen cells was illustrated not only by the inability of the spleen cells to lyse an allogeneic, antigenically unrelated thymoma (EL4), but also by their relatively weak lytic activity for two antigenically related syngeneic plasmacytomas. In addition, when EL4 target cells were admixed with MOPC-315 tumor cells, the lytic activity triggered in thel-PAM TuB spleen cells by the MOPC-315 tumor cells plus PMA was not effective in lysing the antigenically unrelated target cells. Moreover, even in the presence of the calcium-specific ionophore, ionomycin,l-PAM TuB spleen cells exposed to PMA were unable to lyse the EL4 target cells. Thus, fresh CD8+ splenic T cells froml-PAM TuB mice that are in the process of eradicating a large MOPC-315 tumor as a consequence of low-dosel-PAM therapy can be triggered with PMA to exert enhanced lytic activity against MOPC-315 tumor cells. Since the curative effectiveness of low-dose chemotherapy for MOPC-315 tumor-bearing mice requires the participation of CD8+ T cells that exploit a cytotoxic T lymphocyte type lytic activity for tumor eradication, it is feasible that in some situations PMA-like stimulants could be used to augment the antitumor cytotoxic activity of the CD8+ T cells, which in turn could improve the therapeutic outcome of low-dose chemotherapy.Supported by research grant IM-435A from the American Cancer Society and research grant B-8806 from the Bane EstateIn partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy DegreeRecipient of Career Development Award CA-01 350 from the National Cancer Institute  相似文献   

Summary Exposure of MOPC-315 cells from the primary tumor nodule to a low concentration (0.5 nmol/ml) of melphalan (L-phenylalanine mustard; L-PAM) rendered the tumor cells capable of bringing about the generation of a potent primary antitumor cytotoxic response. Accordingly, the level of antitumor cytotoxicity generated by normal spleen cells immunized in vitro with L-PAM-treated tumor cells was at least five-fold greater than the level generated in response to untreated tumor cells. The marked superiority of L-PAM-treated tumor cells over untreated tumor cells in bringing about the generation of antitumor cytotoxicity was evident over a wide range of responder to stimulator cell ratios. The higher level of antitumor cytotoxicity exhibited by normal spleen cells immunized with L-PAM-treated tumor cells as compared with untreated tumor cells was not merely the result of direct drug-mediated tumoricidal activity, thereby reducing the number of tumor cells present which can act as cold target cell inhibitors during the 51Cr release assay. This is apparent from the observation that the level of antitumor cytotoxicity generated in response to a given percentage of stimulator tumor cells pretreated with 0.5 nmol L-PAM/ml, a drug concentration associated with retention of 60% tumor cell proliferative capacity, is substantially greater than that generated in response to less than half that percentage of untreated stimulator tumor cells. Moreover, stimulator tumor cells exposed to a fully antiproliferative concentration of L-PAM brought about the generation of a higher level of antitumor cytotoxicity than stimulator tumor cells exposed to mitomycin C at a concentration which inhibited the proliferation of the tumor cells to the same extent as the L-PAM. A low concentration of L-PAM which was effective in rendering isolated tumor cells from the primary tumor nodule capable of bringing about the generation of antitumor cytotoxicity was also effective in inducing the appearance of potent antitumor immune potential in tumor bearer splenic cells containing metastatic tumor cells. Thus, metastatic tumor cells within the spleen of tumor-bearing mice may have the potential to act as in situ stimulators for the generation of potent antitumor immunity which brings about the eradication of a large, metastatic tumorigenic load remaining after clearance of the drug from the circulation.Supported by United States Public Health Service Research Grants CA-30088 and CA-35761 from the National Cancer InstituteIn partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Graduate College for the Doctor of Philosophy degree for RCBSBE was visiting Fulbright Professor from the Department of Human Microbiology, Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel, and was supported by the Council for International Exchange of Scholars  相似文献   

Summary We have shown previously that low-dose melphalan (L-PAM) therapy of mice bearing a large MOPC-315 plasmacytoma enables their hitherto immunosuppressed spleen cells to exert potent anti-MOPC-315 cytotoxicity following in vitro immunization with MOPC-315 tumor cells [3]. Here we show that, following in vitro immunization with MOPC-315 tumor cells, spleen cells from such L-PAM-treated MOPC-315 tumor bearers exhibited enhanced T-cell-mediated cytotoxicity not only against the MOPC-315 tumor, but also against another plasmacytoma (MOPC-104E) possessing surface immunoglobulin (SIg) of a different idiotype than the MOPC-315 cells, as well as against a variant of the MOPC-315 tumor which does not produce nor possess SIg (SIgMOPC-315). The enhanced cytotoxicity was directed against target antigens which are not expressed on the surface of the syngeneic WEHI 22.1 thymoma or the natural killer-sensitive YAC-1 cells. Plasmacytoma shared antigens, other than immunoglobulins, were able to stimulate spleen cells from L-PAM-cured MOPC-315 tumor bearers to generate in vitro a secondary type anti-plasmacytoma cytotoxic response. L-PAM-cured MOPC-315 tumor bearers exhibited in vivo immunity against SIgMOPC-315 tumor cells, which was sufficiently triggered by the SIg cells to bring about the rejection of a challenge of at least 100-fold the minimal lethal tumor dose of the SIgMOPC-315 cells. Thus, SIg MOPC-315 tumor cells present among SIg+ tumor cells in the parental MOPC-315 tumor inoculum [9, 26] can be eradicated in the L-PAM-treated MOPC-315 tumor bearers by the immune response to SIg+ tumor cells as well as by the immune response to SIg tumor cells themselves.Supported by Research Grant CA-35761 from the National Cancer Institute and Research Grant IM-435 from the American Cancer SocietyIn partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy degree.  相似文献   

Sarcomas were induced in C57BL/6 mice by using 3-methylcholanthrene. Spleen cells taken from these mice bearing primary, chemically induced tumors and from matched control mice were assessed for the capacity to generate cell-mediated cytotoxic cell activity after in vitro sensitization. Spleen cells from tumor-bearing mice generated strong cell-mediated cytotoxic responses against alloantigens and antigens on syngeneic cells.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that 1) BALB/c mice and patients with IgA myeloma developed a marked expansion of T cells with surface IgA-Fc receptors (T alpha cells), 2) the FcR alpha were induced by direct interaction of soluble myeloma IgA with T cells, and 3) the T alpha cells induced in IgA myeloma were Lyt-1-2+, IgA isotype-specific suppressor cells in normal immune responses. These findings established that the host with IgA myeloma responds to the large amounts of Ig produced by the tumor by activating an otherwise normal IgA isotype-specific suppressor circuit. In the present studies, we extend our previous observations and show that T alpha cells can suppress both the growth and secretion of MOPC-315 myeloma tumor cells. Thus, the isotype-specific immunoregulatory circuit activated in myeloma is capable of suppressing tumor cells as well as normal cells.  相似文献   

目的探讨四磨汤口服液对脾虚便秘的疗效机制。方法用番泻叶水煎液灌胃制作脾虚模型,然后停用番泻叶,通过控制饮食和饮水制备脾虚便型。治疗组给予四磨汤口服液灌胃,模型组和正常组均给予无菌水灌胃。结果在体重影响方面,治疗组、模型组和正常组三组对比,治疗组有明显改善,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05);在免疫功能方面,三组对比,治疗组有极显著改善,差异具有统计学意义(P0.01)。结论四磨汤口服液能增强脾虚便秘小鼠的非特异性免疫功能。  相似文献   

The current studies demonstrate that MOPC-315 tumor cells secrete large amounts of interleukin-10 (IL-10), which contributes to the inhibitory activity of MOPC-315 culture supernatants for the in vitro generation of antitumor cytotoxicity by MOPC-315-immune spleen cells. Moreover, addition of neutralizing monoclonal anti-IL-10 antibody to the in vitro stimulation cultures of cells from the tumor infiltrated spleens of mice bearing a large MOPC-315 tumor resulted in the generation of enhanced anti-MOPC-315 cytotoxicity. In contrast, addition of monoclonal anti-IL-10 antibody to the in vitro stimulation cultures of splenic cells from mice that are in the final stages of immune-mediated tumor eradication as a consequence of low-dose melphalan (l-phenylalanine mustard; L-PAM) therapy (and whose spleens no longer contain metastatic tumor cells) did not lead to enhancement in the in vitro generation of antitumor cytotoxicity. The cessation of IL-10 secretion as a consequence of low-dose L-PAM therapy of MOPC-315 tumor bearers was found to be accompanied by the acquisition of the ability to secrete interferon (IFN) by the splenic cells. In addition, by day 2 after low-dose L-PAM therapy a drastic decrease in the amount of IL-10 secreted by the s.c. tumor nodules was noted, which preceded the accumulation of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes capable of secreting IFN. Thus, low-dose L-PAM therapy of mice bearing a large MOPC-315 tumor leads to a shift in cytokine production from a Th2-type cytokine to a Th1-type cytokine, and it is conceivable that this shift in cytokine production plays an important role in the low-dose L-PAM-induced acquisition of antitumor immunity by hitherto immunosuppressed mice bearing a large MOPC-315 tumor.Supported by research grant IM-435 from the American Cancer Society and CA54413 from the National Cancer InstituteIn partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy DegreeRecipient of career development award CA-01350 from the National Cancer Institute  相似文献   

Transient T cell depletion occurs before the development of an effective immune response to infection. In this study we show that most T cells, regardless of specificity, are induced to express early activation markers soon after infection with Listeria monocytogenes or lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. Ag-specific T cells are further activated to display late activation markers and undergo extensive proliferation. As Ag-specific T cells begin to expand, nonspecific T cells are depleted en masse and exhibit no sign of further activation or proliferation before their depletion. This selective depletion of nonspecific T cells is due to in situ death via apoptosis, as visualized by confocal microscopy. Thus, early activation and subsequent depletion of nonspecific T cells are integral parts of the immune response to proinflammatory infections. These results have important implications for our understanding of early events in the development of a robust T cell response.  相似文献   

Summary In the present study the possible modulation of nonspecific defence mechanisms and specific immune responses after suppression induced by oxytetracycline, oxolinic acid, and lindane – an organochlorine pesticide, were analysed in carp. Modulation was attempted using a natural immunostimulant, dimerized lysozyme (KLP-602, Nika Health Products, USA). Five groups of fish were given intraperitoneal injections of selected doses of the drugs on days 7, 6 and 4 before immunization with Yersinia ruckeri vaccine. At each injection, group I was also given 10 mg kg−1 oxytetracycline, group II 10 mg kg−1 oxolinic acid, group III 10 mg kg−1 lindane, group IV was only immunized, and group V was injected with PBS. The immunostimulant was added in food before and after immunization. The study showed the immunotoxic effects of oxytetracycline, oxolinic acid and lindane; dimerized lysozyme corrected the defence mechanisms suppressed by these drugs and chemicals. The immunostimulatory effects of dimerized lysozyme were better when added before rather than after fish immunization.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of metal-binding protein, metallothionein (MT), in lymphocyte activation, the mitogen-induced proliferation of freshly isolated spleen cells was compared among MT-I, II null, and control 129/Sv mice. Spleen cells from MT null mice exhibited a markedly reduced proliferation compared with control cells when stimulated by concanavalin A or anti-CD3(epsilon) mAb, but not by lipopolysaccharide, indicating that only the response of T cells to mitogens was suppressed in MT null mice. Flow cytometric analysis of unstimulated spleen cells demonstrated no significant difference in the relative percentages of either B220+ and CD3+ cells or CD4+ and CD8+ cells between the two strains of mice. The production of interleukin (IL)-2 by MT null spleen cells after the stimulation by anti-CD3(epsilon) mAb was lower than that of control spleen cells, especially within 24 hr after the stimulation. The addition of IL-2 recovered the proliferation of MT null spleen cells to the control level. The reduced proliferative response to mitogenic stimulation of MT null T cells was confirmed by using purified splenic T cells. These results suggest that the MT expressed at basal level in the splenocytes plays an important role in T cell mitogen-induced proliferative response, probably by positively regulating the production of IL-2.  相似文献   

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