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To quantify the effects of water table drawdown and soil warming on CH4 fluxes, we used a static chamber technique during the growing seasons (May–October) of 2011–2013 at hollow and hummock microforms at three sites of a continental bog near the town of Wandering River, Alberta, Canada: (1) Control, (2) Experimental drained, and (3) old Drained. To simulate climatic warming, we used open top chambers to passively warm half of the hollows and half of the hummocks at each of the water level treatment sites. Water table drawdown significantly reduced CH4 flux by 50% in 3 years and 76% in 13 years of drainage. The hollows showed greater reduction of efflux as compared to hummocks. A persistent functional relationship of CH4 flux with water level was found across all sites in all years. The relationship revealed that the contribution of change in vegetation type at hollows and hummocks to CH4 production and emission was relatively less important than that of the water level. Hummocks and hollows responded to warming differently. At the control, experimental and drained sites, warming increased flux at hollows by 16, 21 and 26%, and reduced flux at hummocks by 4, 37, and 56%, respectively. The combined effect of lowered water table and warming on CH4 emission was overall negative, although the interaction between the two contributing factors was not significant. Therefore, whereas climatic warming and subsequent lowering of water table are expected to reduce CH4 efflux from dry ombrotrophic bogs of Alberta, different microforms at these bogs may respond differently with accelerated emissions at warmed, wetter (hollows) and reduced emissions at warmed, drier (hummocks) microforms. Overall, CH4 efflux from Alberta’s dry continental bogs that are not underlain by permafrost might be affected only slightly by the direct effect of predicted climate warming, although initial water table position will be an important control on the overall response. 相似文献
Permafrost thaw resulting from climate warming may dramatically change the succession and carbon dynamics of northern ecosystems.
To examine the joint effects of regional temperature and local species changes on peat accumulation following thaw, we studied
peat accumulation across a regional gradient of mean annual temperature (MAT). We measured aboveground net primary production
(AGNPP) and decomposition over 2 years for major functional groups and used these data to calculate a simple index of net
annual aboveground peat accumulation. In addition, we collected cores from six adjacent frozen and thawed bog sites to document
peat accumulation changes following thaw over the past 200 years. Aboveground biomass and decomposition were more strongly
controlled by local succession than regional climate. AGNPP for some species differed between collapse scars and associated
permafrost plateaus and was influenced by regional MAT. A few species, such as Picea mariana trees on frozen bogs and Sphagnum mosses in thawed bogs, sequestered a disproportionate amount of peat; in addition, changes in their abundance following thaw
changed peat accumulation. 210Pb-dated cores indicated that peat accumulation doubles following thaw and that the accumulation rate is affected by historical
changes in species during succession. Peat accumulation in boreal peatlands following thaw was controlled by a complex mix
of local vegetation changes, regional climate, and history. These results suggest that northern ecosystems may show responses
more complex than large releases of carbon during transient warming.
Received 8 August 2000; accepted 12 January 2001. 相似文献
Ecosystem Respiration in a Cool Temperate Bog Depends on Peat Temperature But Not Water Table 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Ecosystem respiration (ER) is an important but poorly understood part of the carbon (C) budget of peatlands and is controlled
primarily by the thermal and hydrologic regimes. To establish the relative importance of these two controls for a large ombrotrophic
bog near Ottawa, Canada, we analyzed ER from measurements of nighttime net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide (CO2) determined by eddy covariance technique. Measurements were made from May to October over five years, 1998 to 2002. Ecosystem
respiration ranged from less than 1 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1 in spring (May) and fall (late October) to 2–4 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1 during mid-summer (July-August). As anticipated, there was a strong relationship between ER and peat temperatures (r2 = 0.62). Q10 between 5° to 15°C varied from 2.2 to 4.2 depending upon the choice of depth where temperature was measured and location
within a hummock or hollow. There was only a weak relationship between ER and water-table depth (r2 = 0.11). A laboratory incubation of peat cores at different moisture contents showed that CO2 production was reduced by drying in the surface samples, but there was little decrease in production due to drying from below
a depth of 30 cm. We postulate that the weak correlation between ER and water table position in this peatland is primarily
a function of the bog being relatively dry, with water table varying between 30 and 75 cm below the hummock tops. The dryness
gives rise to a complex ER response to water table involving i) compensations between production of CO2 in the upper and lower peat profile as the water table falls and ii) the importance of autotrophic respiration, which is
relatively independent of water-table position. 相似文献
The abstraction of groundwater is a global phenomenon that directly threatens groundwater ecosystems. Despite the global significance of this issue, the impact of groundwater abstraction and the lowering of groundwater tables on biota is poorly known. The aim of this study is to determine the impacts of groundwater drawdown in unconfined aquifers on the distribution of fauna close to the water table, and the tolerance of groundwater fauna to sediment drying once water levels have declined. A series of column experiments were conducted to investigate the depth distribution of different stygofauna (Syncarida and Copepoda) under saturated conditions and after fast and slow water table declines. Further, the survival of stygofauna under conditions of reduced sediment water content was tested. The distribution and response of stygofauna to water drawdown was taxon specific, but with the common response of some fauna being stranded by water level decline. So too, the survival of stygofauna under different levels of sediment saturation was variable. Syncarida were better able to tolerate drying conditions than the Copepoda, but mortality of all groups increased with decreasing sediment water content. The results of this work provide new understanding of the response of fauna to water table drawdown. Such improved understanding is necessary for sustainable use of groundwater, and allows for targeted strategies to better manage groundwater abstraction and maintain groundwater biodiversity. 相似文献
Modeling Soil and Biomass Carbon Responses to Declining Water Table in a Wetland-Rich Landscape 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Peatlands and forested wetlands can cover a large fraction of the land area and contain a majority of the regional carbon pool in wet northern temperate landscapes. We used the LANDIS-II forest landscape succession model coupled with a model of plant community and soil carbon responses to water table changes to explore the impacts of declining water table on regional carbon pools in a peatland- and wetland-rich landscape in northern Wisconsin, USA. Simulations indicated that both biomass accumulation and soil decomposition would increase as a consequence of drying. In peatlands, simulated water table declines of 100 cm led to large increases in biomass as well as short-term increases in soil carbon, whereas declines of 40 cm led to continuous declines in soil carbon and smaller increases in biomass, with the net result being a loss of total carbon. In non-peat wetlands, biomass accumulation outweighed soil carbon loss for both scenarios. Long-term carbon cycle responses were not significantly affected by the time scale of water table decline. In general, peatland carbon storage over the first 50–150 years following drainage was neutral or increasing due to increased plant growth, whereas carbon storage over longer time scales decreased due to soil carbon loss. Although the simplicity of the model limits quantitative interpretation, the results show that plant community responses are essential to understanding the full impact of hydrological change on carbon storage in peatland-rich landscapes, and that measurements over long time scales are necessary to adequately constrain landscape carbon pool responses to declining water table. 相似文献
Juliette M. G. Bloor Patrick Pichon Robert Falcimagne Paul Leadley Jean-François Soussana 《Ecosystems》2010,13(6):888-900
Future climate scenarios predict simultaneous changes in environmental conditions, but the impacts of multiple climate change
drivers on ecosystem structure and function remain unclear. We used a novel experimental approach to examine the responses
of an upland grassland ecosystem to the 2080 climate scenario predicted for the study area (3.5°C temperature increase, 20%
reduction in summer precipitation, atmospheric CO2 levels of 600 ppm) over three growing seasons. We also assessed whether patterns of grassland response to a combination of
climate change treatments could be forecast by ecosystem responses to single climate change drivers. Effects of climate change
on aboveground production showed considerable seasonal and interannual variation; April biomass increased in response to both
warming and the simultaneous application of warming, summer drought, and CO2 enrichment, whereas October biomass responses were either non-significant or negative depending on the year. Negative impacts
of summer drought on production were only observed in combination with a below-average rainfall regime, and showed lagged
effects on spring biomass. Elevated CO2 had no significant effect on aboveground biomass during this study. Both warming and the 2080 climate change scenario were
associated with a significant advance in flowering time for the dominant grass species studied. However, flowering phenology
showed no significant response to either summer drought or elevated CO2. Species diversity and equitability showed no response to climate change treatments throughout this study. Overall, our data
suggest that single-factor warming experiments may provide valuable information for projections of future ecosystem changes
in cool temperate grasslands. 相似文献
Environmental and Biotic Controls over Aboveground Biomass Throughout a Tropical Rain Forest 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Gregory P. Asner R. Flint Hughes Timothy A. Varga David E. Knapp Ty Kennedy-Bowdoin 《Ecosystems》2009,12(2):261-278
The environmental and biotic factors affecting spatial variation in canopy three-dimensional (3-D) structure and aboveground
tree biomass (AGB) are poorly understood in tropical rain forests. We combined field measurements and airborne light detection
and ranging (lidar) to quantify 3-D structure and AGB across a 5,016 ha rain forest reserve on the northeastern flank of Mauna
Kea volcano, Hawaii Island. We compared AGB among native stands dominated by Metrosideros polymorpha found along a 600–1800 m elevation/climate gradient, and on three substrate-age classes of 5, 20, and 65 kyr. We also analyzed
how alien tree invasion, canopy species dominance and topographic relief influence AGB levels. Canopy vertical profiles derived
from lidar measurements were strong predictors (r
2 = 0.78) of AGB across sites and species. Mean AGB ranged from 48 to 363 Mg ha−1 in native forest stands. Increasing elevation corresponded to a 53–84% decrease in AGB levels, depending upon substrate age.
Holding climate constant, changes in substrate age from 5 to 65 kyr corresponded to a 23–53% decline in biomass. Invasion
by Psidium cattleianum and Ficus
rubiginosa trees resulted in a 19–38% decrease in AGB, with these carbon losses mediated by substrate age. In contrast, the spread of
former plantation tree species Fraxinus uhdei corresponded to a 7- to 10-fold increase in biomass. The effects of topographic relief at both local and regional scales
were evident in the AGB maps, with poorly drained terrain harboring 76% lower biomass than forests on well-drained relief.
Our results quantify the absolute and relative importance of environmental factors controlling spatial variation in tree biomass
across a rain forest landscape, and highlight the rapid changes in carbon storage incurred following biological invasion.
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
Author Contributions GPA and RFH conceived of or designed the study. GPA, RFH, TAV, DEK, and TKB performed research and analyzed data. GPA, RFH,
DEK, and TKB contributed new methods or models. GPA wrote the article. 相似文献
Wildfire and clearcutting are two main disturbances in North American forests, but whether root systems may respond differently to such disturbances is unknown. Here, we studied how the dynamics of fine roots (<2 mm in diameter) varied with stand origins in a boreal forest in northern Ontario, Canada. Fine root biomass increased with stand age, but did not differ between stands originating from fire and clearcutting. By contrast, fine root production, mortality and turnover rates were lower in 3- and 11-year-old clearcut-origin than fire-origin stands, but did not differ in 29-year-old stands of different stand origins. The lower rates of production, mortality, and turnover rates in 3- and 11-year-old clearcut-origin than fire-origin stands are attributable to a lower density of shrubs and herbs and larger nutrient pools after clearcutting than fire. The similarities among 29-year-old stands indicate that the effects of stand origin on fine root processes tend to converge at this time scale. Our results illustrate that time scale is critical for assessing ecosystem responses to disturbances. 相似文献
Korrensalo Aino Mehtätalo Lauri Alekseychik Pavel Uljas Salli Mammarella Ivan Vesala Timo Tuittila Eeva-Stiina 《Ecosystems》2020,23(4):842-858
Ecosystems - We quantified the role of spatially varying vegetation composition in seasonal and interannual changes in a boreal bog’s CO2 uptake. We divided the spatially heterogeneous site... 相似文献
Shrub willow biomass crops (SWBC) have been developed as a biomass feedstock for bioenergy, biofuels, and bioproducts in the northeastern and midwestern USA as well as in Europe. A previous life cycle analysis in North America showed that the SWBC production system is a low-carbon fuel source. However, this analysis is potentially inaccurate due to the limited belowground biomass data and the lack of aboveground stool biomass data. This study provides new information on the above- and belowground biomass, the carbon–nitrogen (C/N) ratio, and the root/shoot (R/S) ratio of willow biomass crops (Salix × dasyclados [SV1]), which have been in production from 5 to 19 years. The measured amounts of biomass were: 2.6 to 4.1 odt ha?1 for foliage, 4.9 to 10.9 odt ha?1 for aboveground stool (AGS), 2.9 to 5.7 odt ha?1 for coarse roots (CR), 3.1 to 10.2 odt ha?1 for belowground stool (BGS), and 5.6 to 9.9 odt ha?1 for standing fine root (FR). The stem biomass production ranged from 7.0 to 18.0 odt ha?1?year?1 for the 5- and 19-year-old willows, respectively. C/N ratios ranged from 23 for foliage to 209 for belowground stool. An average R/S ratio of 2.0, calculated as total belowground biomass (BGS, CR, and FR) plus AGS divided by annual stem biomass, can be applied to estimate the total belowground biomass production of a mature SWBC. Based on AGS, BGS, and CR and standing FR biomass data, SWBC showed a net GHG potential of ?42.9 Mg CO2 eq?ha?1 at the end of seven 3-year rotations. 相似文献
Belowground Primary Production by Carbon Isotope Decay and Long-term Root Biomass Dynamics 总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9
The isotope decay method of estimating belowground net primary production (BNPP) has the potential to overcome the assumptions
and biases associated with traditional methods. Isotope loss through in situ decomposition after pulse-labeling is considered
the inverse of production, and turnover times are estimated by regression to time of zero remaining isotope. Method development
and estimates of production were previously published using 4 years of data, which showed a clear linear loss rate over time.
A slow, distinctly different phase in isotope loss developed 5–10 years postlabeling. We assess reasons for the two-phase
loss functions and the implications for estimates of BNPP and compare the isotope decay method with standard coring methods
over a 13-year period. Reasons for the two-phase dynamics of carbon 14 (14C) loss could include various biological and/or methodological factors. Results suggest that 14C in soil embedded in roots as they grow, a small proportion of roots that live for a much longer time than the majority of
roots, and method of separating roots from soil organic matter may influence estimates of BNPP by isotope methods. Remobilization
of label in structural tissue or reuptake of label from the soil did not appear to be responsible for the slow, second phase
of loss dynamics. Isotope decay produced more reliable estimates than standard coring methods. Estimates using harvest sum
of increments were zero in 6 of 13 years. Thirteen years of root biomass data showed no predictable trend over winter or consistent
seasonal pattern, although longer-term cycles were evident. Aboveground:belowground ratios were generally smaller during dry
periods, but root biomass was not as responsive as aboveground biomass to annual precipitation.
Received 31 May 2000; accepted 3 November 2000. 相似文献
Topographic Variation in Aboveground Biomass in a Subtropical Evergreen Broad-Leaved Forest in China
The subtropical forest biome occupies about 25% of China, with species diversity only next to tropical forests. Despite the recognized importance of subtropical forest in regional carbon storage and cycling, uncertainties remain regarding the carbon storage of subtropical forests, and few studies have quantified within-site variation of biomass, making it difficult to evaluate the role of these forests in the global and regional carbon cycles. Using data for a 24-ha census plot in east China, we quantify aboveground biomass, characterize its spatial variation among different habitats, and analyse species relative contribution to the total aboveground biomass of different habitats. The average aboveground biomass was 223.0 Mg ha−1 (bootstrapped 95% confidence intervals [217.6, 228.5]) and varied substantially among four topographically defined habitats, from 180.6 Mg ha−1 (bootstrapped 95% CI [167.1, 195.0]) in the upper ridge to 245.9 Mg ha−1 (bootstrapped 95% CI [238.3, 253.8]) in the lower ridge, with upper and lower valley intermediate. In consistent with our expectation, individual species contributed differently to the total aboveground biomass of different habitats, reflecting significant species habitat associations. Different species show differently in habitat preference in terms of biomass contribution. These patterns may be the consequences of ecological strategies difference among different species. Results from this study enhance our ability to evaluate the role of subtropical forests in the regional carbon cycle and provide valuable information to guide the protection and management of subtropical broad-leaved forest for carbon sequestration and carbon storage. 相似文献
Fine Root Production and Turnover in a Norway Spruce Stand in Northern Sweden: Effects of Nitrogen and Water Manipulation 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Fine root length production, biomass production, and turnover in forest floor and mineral soil (0–30 cm) layers were studied in relation to irrigated (I) and irrigated-fertilized (IL) treatments in a Norway spruce stand in northern Sweden over a 2-year period. Fine roots (<1 mm) of both spruce and understory vegetation were studied. Minirhizotrons were used to estimate fine root length production and turnover, and soil cores were used to estimate standing biomass. Turnover was estimated as both the inverse of root longevity (RTL) and the ratio of annual root length production to observed root length (RTR). RTR values of spruce roots in the forest floor in I and IL plots were 0.6 and 0.5 y−1, respectively, whereas the corresponding values for RTL were 0.8 and 0.9 y−1. In mineral soil, corresponding values for I, IL, and control (C) plots were 1.2, 1.2, and 0.9 y−1 (RTR) and 0.9, 1.1, and 1 y−1 (RTL). RTR and RTL values of understory vegetation roots were 1 and 1.1 y−1, respectively. Spruce root length production in both the forest floor and the mineral soil in I plots was higher than in IL plots. The IL-treated plots gave the highest estimates of spruce fine root biomass production in the forest floor, but, for the mineral soil, the estimates obtained for the I plots were the highest. The understory vegetation fine root production in the I and IL plots was similar for both the forest floor and the mineral soil and higher (for both layers) than in C plots. Nitrogen (N) turnover in the forest floor and mineral soil layers (summed) via spruce roots in IL, I, and C plots amounted to 2.4, 2.1, and 1.3 g N m−2 y−1, and the corresponding values for field vegetation roots were 0.6, 0.5, and 0.3 g N m−2 y−1. It was concluded that fertilization increases standing root biomass, root production, and N turnover of spruce roots in both the forest floor and mineral soil. Data on understory vegetation roots are required for estimating carbon budgets in model studies. 相似文献
A large portion of the global carbon pool is stored in peatlands, which are sensitive to a changing environment conditions. The hydrological loss of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is believed to play a key role in determining the carbon balance in peatlands. Zoige peatland, the largest peat store in China, is experiencing climatic warming and drying as well as experiencing severe artificial drainage. Using a fully crossed factorial design, we experimentally manipulated temperature and controlled the water tables in large mesocosms containing intact peat monoliths. Specifically, we determined the impact of warming and water table position on the hydrological loss of DOC, the exported amounts, concentrations and qualities of DOC, and the discharge volume in Zoige peatland. Our results revealed that of the water table position had a greater impact on DOC export than the warming treatment, which showed no interactive effects with the water table treatment. Both DOC concentration and discharge volume were significantly increased when water table drawdown, while only the DOC concentration was significantly promoted by warming treatment. Annual DOC export was increased by 69% and 102% when the water table, controlled at 0 cm, was experimentally lowered by −10 cm and −20 cm. Increases in colored and aromatic constituents of DOC (measured by Abs254 nm, SUVA254 nm, Abs400 nm, and SUVA400 nm) were observed under the lower water tables and at the higher peat temperature. Our results provide an indication of the potential impacts of climatic change and anthropogenic drainage on the carbon cycle and/or water storage in a peatland and simultaneously imply the likelihood of potential damage to downstream ecosystems. Furthermore, our results highlight the need for local protection and sustainable development, as well as suggest that more research is required to better understand the impacts of climatic change and artificial disturbances on peatland degradation. 相似文献
Impacts of Water Input Manipulations on Fine Root Production and Mortality in a Mature Hardwood Forest 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
In order to examine the below ground response of a mature upland hardwood forest in the southeastern U.S., to increases and decreases in water inputs, the gross production, mortality, and net production of fine roots were examined over the first and third years of a long-term water manipulation experiment (Throughfall Displacement Experiment). Treatments involved a 33% decrease (DRY), 33% increase (WET), and ambient (AMB) levels of throughfall to the forest floor, begun in July, 1993. Video images of roots appearing on minirhizotron faces installed on both upper and lower slopes were recorded biweekly to a depth of 90 cm from April through October of 1994 and of 1996. Comparisons were made between treatments in amounts of new root elongation, root mortality, and calculated net root production. Minirhizotron observations during 1994 growing season, immediately following winter 1994 installation, revealed a strong effect of installation disturbance and were therefore not considered valid reflections of the response of the stand to the treatments. The 1996 data, on the other hand, exhibited absence of installation biases inherent in 1994 data because of a longer period since treatment initiation (2 2/3 yr vs. 8 mths), and favorable root growth conditions in all treatments during a greater portion of the year. The 1996 data were, therefore, considered realistic measures of below ground treatment responses. During 1996, net root production at 0-30 cm depth, at the upper slope positions, was significantly greater in DRY than in WET and AMB. Net root production was also greater at the lower slope position, but not significantly so. Treatment differences were the result of gross root production, as patterns of mortality did not differ across treatments. Nor were there significant treatment differences at depths below 30 cm. Whether trees in DRY produced more roots to replace root biomass lost during a previous drought year, or whether a new root:shoot ratio was beginning to develop in response to treatments, will require observations from the response of the stand in future years to be determined. 相似文献
厚穗宾草地上部生物量与株高的分形关系 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
应用分形几何学的方法对厚穗宾草种群地上部生物量与株高的关系进行了分析研究.结果表明:厚穗宾草种群地上部生物量与株高之间存在着明显的分形关系.不同时期,不同高度的植株在空间分布结构存在着相似性,各时期分维数分别为1.993 1(3月),1.317 3(5月),1.618 2(6月),2.119 1(7月),1.935 6(8月),1.668 6(9月).整个生长季,分维数呈抛物线型,7月份达到最大值,并且生长后期的较大植株同生长前期的植株相似,分维数为1.466 8. 相似文献
通过将沙棘(Hippophae rhamnoides L.)与3种杨树品种(小黑杨(Populus cv.“Xiaohei”),昭林6号杨(P.cv.“Zhaolin06”)和欧美杨64号(P.euramericane cv.“N3016”))的人工林分别按株混和行混两种方式进行混交实验,研究了固氮植物沙棘对亚湿润干旱区的杨树人工林生长和生产力的影响。研究结果表明:无论哪一种杨树品种或混交方式,沙棘与杨树混交后能显著地增加杨树人工林的生长量,林分平均胸径增加6%~38%,林分平均高增加8%~23%。在株混方式中,杨树地上部生物量大于杨树纯林的地上部生物量。但是在行混方式中,呈现相反的规律,这是由于行混方式中单位面积的杨树株数少。无论哪一种杨树品种或混交方式,杨树与沙棘混交林的地上部净生产力大于杨树纯林的地上部生产力。在株混和行混两种方式中,沙棘占总地上部净生产力的比例分别为20%和41%,但草本植物所占的比重很小。 相似文献
Fine roots <2 mm in diameter play a key role in regulating the biogeochemical cycles of ecosystems and are important to our understanding of ecosystem responses to global climate changes. Given the sensitivity of fine roots, especially in boreal region, to climate changes, it is important to assess whether and to what extent fine roots in this region change with climates. Here, in this synthesis, a data set of 218 root studies were complied to examine fine root patterns in the boreal forest in relation to site and climatic factors. The mean fine root biomass in the boreal forest was 5.28 Mg ha?1, and the production of fine roots was 2.82 Mg ha?1 yr?1, accounting for 32% of annual net primary production of the boreal forest. Fine roots in the boreal forest on average turned over 1.07 times per year. Fine roots contained 50.9 kg ha?1 of nitrogen (N) and 3.63 kg ha?1 of phosphorous (P). In total, fine roots in the boreal forest ecosystems contain 6.1 × 107 Mg N and 4.4×106Mg P pools, respectively, about 10% of the global nutrients of fine roots. Fine root biomass, production, and turnover rate generally increased with increasing mean annual temperature and precipitation. Fine root biomass in the boreal forest decreased significantly with soil N and P availability. With increasing stand age, fine root biomass increased until about 100 years old for forest stands and then leveled off or decreased thereafter. These results of meta analysis suggest that environmental factors strongly influence fine root biomass, production, and turnover in boreal forest, and future studies should place a particular emphasis on the root-environment relationships. 相似文献
Effects of Elevated Carbon Dioxide on Plant Biomass Production and Competition in a Simulated Neutral Grassland Community 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Using open-top chambers, four prominent species (Lolium perenne,Cynosurus cristatus, Holcus lanatusandAgrostis capillaris) ofIrish neutral grasslands were grown at ambient and elevated(700 µmol mol-1) atmospheric CO2for a period of 8 months.The effects of interspecific competition on plant responsesto CO2enrichment were investigated by growing the species ina four-species mixture. The results indicate that the speciesdiffer in their ability to respond to elevated CO2. CO2-enrichmenthad the largest effect on the biomass production ofH. lanatus,but substantial stimulations in biomass production were alsofound for the other three species. The CO2-stimulation of biomassproduction forH. lanatuswas accompanied by increased tillering.In addition, reductions in specific leaf area were found forall species. Exposure to elevated CO2increased the communitybiomass of the four-species mixture. This increase can be mainlyattributed to a significant increase in the biomass ofH. lanatusatelevated CO2. No statistically-significant changes in speciescomposition of community biomass were found. However,H. lanatusdidincrease its share of community biomass at each of the harvests,with the other three species, mainlyL. perenne, suffering lossesin their shares at elevated CO2. The results show that: (1)the species varied in their response to elevated CO2; and (2)species composition in natural plant communities is likely tochange at elevated CO2, but these changes may occur rather slowly.Much longer periods of exposure to elevated atmospheric CO2maybe required to permit detection of significant changes in speciescomposition.Copyright 1998 Annals of Botany Company Carbon dioxide (CO2) enrichment, competition, Lolium perenne,Cynosurus cristatus, Holcus lanatus, Agrostis capillaris, biomass, specific leaf area, tillering. 相似文献