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While eating, Homo sapiens frequently look up and visually scan their environment. As in many bird and mammal species studied, the frequency of looking up was negatively correlated with group size. Average duration of scanning the environment also correlated negatively with group size. At all group sizes studied (1–5), females spent less time scanning than did males. With increasing group size females reduced their rate of looking up more than did males.  相似文献   

Decrease in individual vigilance with flock size is a widely recognized pattern in group‐living species. However such a relationship may be affected by other factors, such as age and flock composition. For instance, because young animals generally lack experience and have higher nutritional needs than adults, they can be expected not only to be less vigilant than adults but also to decrease their vigilance level by a greater extent when flock size increases than adults do. We investigated this issue using data on greater flamingos wintering in the gulf of Gabès, in southern Tunisia. Flamingos tended to congregate in small single‐age flocks for feeding, but as flock size increased, flocks became mixed. We found that when flock size increased, young flamingos significantly decreased their vigilance time, while adult did not, suggesting an age‐dependent flock size effect on vigilance. However, when flock composition (single‐age vs. mixed) was taken into account, a more complex pattern was found. Within single‐age and small flocks, no difference was found between young flamingos and adult ones regarding their vigilance level and their response to increasing flock size. However, within mixed and large flocks, adult flamingos were more vigilant than young ones, while variation in flock size did not result in a significant change in vigilance. These results suggest that young birds relied on the presence of adults, and hence more experienced individuals in detecting dangers, to reduce their vigilance and to increase their foraging time in order to satisfy their higher nutritional requirements. They could also be interpreted as a possible consequence of increasing competition with flock size which constrained more nutritionally stressed young flamingos to increase their foraging time to the detriment of vigilance.  相似文献   

International Journal of Primatology - Intergroup encounters are common in nonhuman primates and can vary from affiliative to aggressive. We extracted data from the literature to test five...  相似文献   

We studied the effect of sex and group size on the proportion of time a greater rhea, Rhea americana, allocates to vigilance and feeding during the breeding and the non-breeding seasons. We analysed 175 records of focal animals that were feeding alone or in groups of 2 to 26 birds. In both seasons, males spent more time in vigilance and less time in feeding than females. Both sexes spent more time in vigilance and less time in feeding during the breeding season. Sexual and seasonal differences in vigilance were the result of different mechanisms. Males had shorter feeding bouts than females but there were no sexual differences in the length of the vigilance bouts. On the contrary, seasonal differences were the result of males and females having longer vigilance bouts during the breeding season but there were no seasonal differences in the length of the feeding bouts. During the non-breeding season, individual vigilance was higher in rheas foraging alone than in groups. In this case, solitary birds had longer vigilance and shorter feeding bouts than birds foraging in groups. We discuss the possible effect of intragroup competition and food availability on the allocation of time between feeding and vigilance in this species.  相似文献   

2005年1—3月,在云南丽江拉市海就群体规模对越冬灰鹤(Grusgrus)警戒行为的影响进行了研究。用扫描取样记录群体的规模和警戒个体的数量、用焦点取样记录群体中个体警戒行为的频次和持续时间,结果显示灰鹤群体和个体的警戒力均随群体规模增加而降低,但集群个体数超过30只后,群体警戒力便不会再下降(P>0.05)、成体的警戒持续时间也会增加(P<0.01);当群体规模超过50只后,成体的警戒频次也会上升(P<0.05)。推测亚成体维持低警戒的群体规模上限值要高于成体,单从警戒行为分析,20—30只个体的集群可能代表越冬灰鹤的最适群体大小。  相似文献   

Cover can be either a source of protection or a source of danger for foragers. Distance to cover creates a gradient in predation risk that allows examining adjustments in anti‐predator behaviour such as group size and vigilance. As distance to obstructive cover increases, both group size and vigilance are expected to decrease given that individuals have more time to react to a more distant source of danger. I provide an empirical test of these predictions in staging semipalmated sandpipers (Calidris pusilla) in a system controlling for many confounding factors that have marred earlier research. Controlling for food density, forager density and phenotypic attributes often correlated with distance to cover, I found that as distance to obstructive cover increased, sandpipers foraged in sparser groups, were less flighty and to some extent less vigilant. Such controlled studies are needed to re‐assess the relationship between distance to cover and anti‐predator behaviour.  相似文献   

The breeding system of the Greater Rhea Rhea americana is almost unique among birds as it combines harem polygyny and sequential polyandry, with communal egg-laying and uniparental male care. In this species, large communal clutches (more than 30 eggs) are rare and have a lower hatching success than smaller clutches. Here we analyse the proximate causes of hatching failures and the costs of large communal clutches (and therefore the costs of extensive polygyny) for males and females. We evaluated if length of the nesting period, egg viability, egg losses during incubation and male parental activity at the nest were affected by clutch size. We also evaluated if chicks hatched from large clutches have a lower survival during the first 2 months after hatching. Large clutches had longer nesting period and lower hatching success, mainly as a result of bacterial contamination of the eggs and increased hatching asynchrony. In addition, large clutches tended to lose more eggs as a result of accidental breakage or predation. Male activity at the nest and chick survival were not related to clutch size. Low hatching success, nest predation risk and energetic costs associated with large clutches penalize females that join large harems and males that accept additional eggs into the nest.  相似文献   

Animals receive anti-predator benefits from social behavior. As part of a group, individuals spend less time being vigilant, and vigilance decreases with increasing group size. This phenomenon, called “the many-eyes effect”, together with the “encounter dilution effect”, is considered among the most important factors determining individual vigilance behavior. However, in addition to group size, other social and environmental factors also influence the degree of vigilance, including disturbance from human activities. In our study, we examined vigilance behavior of Khulans (Equus hemionus) in the Xinjiang Province in western China to test whether and how human disturbance and group size affect vigilance. According to our results, Khulan showed a negative correlation between group size and the percentage time spent vigilant, although this negative correlation depended on the groups’ disturbance level. Khulan in the more disturbed area had a dampened benefit from increases in group size, compared to those in the undisturbed core areas. Provision of continuous areas of high-quality habitat for Khulans will allow them to form larger undisturbed aggregations and to gain foraging benefits through reduced individual vigilance, as well as anti-predator benefits through increased probability of predator detection.  相似文献   

An animal's level of vigilance depends on various environmental factors such as predator presence or the proximity of conspecific competitors. In addition, several individual traits may influence vigilance. We investigated the effects of body condition, social rank and the state of pregnancy on individual vigilance (scanning) rates in individually marked European rabbits ( Oryctolagus cuniculus ) of a field enclosure population. We found lower rates in young rabbits than in adult females, but male and female juveniles did not differ. Vigilance of juveniles was positively correlated with their age-dependent body mass (used as a measure of body condition), i.e. young rabbits with lower body condition scanned less. We suggest that juveniles with low body condition were trading off vigilance against feeding to maximise their growth. In contrast, there was no significant correlation between body mass and vigilance in adult females. Adult females increased scanning rates during late pregnancy, which might constitute a behavioural compensation because of their lower capacity to escape predator attacks. In addition, adult females with low social ranks scanned more than high ranking individuals, likely because of their higher risk of attacks by conspecifics. In summary, our results highlight various individual characteristics that influence vigilance behaviour in European rabbits.  相似文献   

International Journal of Primatology - Evolutionary game theory posits that competitive ability affects the initiation of conflicts. When contests occur among groups, competitive ability is...  相似文献   

We propose an individual-based energy budget model of the Greater Rhea (Rhea americana) with the purpose of analyzing the population's recruitment. One remarkable characteristic of this species is that female rheas lay eggs communally and males incubate the eggs and care for the chicks without the assistance of females.The model is based on a system of equations daily updating the weight of each bird as a function of its ingestion rate and the energetic cost of its activity pattern. Ingestion rate is calculated from field experiments. Daily energetic costs are estimated from activity patterns observed in the field, taking into account gender and factors that influence behavior (e.g., photoperiod, season). Concatenating daily model outputs, the weight dynamics of an individual can be calculated over any given period of time.The possible factors that affect the successful breeding of the Greater Rhea and therefore population growth are analyzed using the model. Different reproductive strategies for each gender are analyzed and the minimal body weight, and thus energy reserves, that an individual needs to achieve for ensuring reproductive success is determined. Model outputs show that the reproductive success of males depends strongly on their body weight while females exhibit low nutritional requirements for producing eggs. An analysis of model outputs allows inferring that males in wild populations might not be able to breed in consecutive years but could successfully breed every other year. They also allow estimating the incidence that food availability has on population growth. Management strategies that are easy to implement in extensive and semi-extensive farms may allow obtaining male individuals capable of breeding every year.  相似文献   

警戒行为是动物对环境中潜在危险做出的反应。为探究影响警戒行为的因素,作者在内蒙古锡林郭勒典型草原区进行了集群数量和采食距离对储草期自由生活状态下布氏田鼠(Lasiopodomys brandtii)警戒频次影响的实验。通过标志重捕法和人工去除法设定3个集群数量梯度(11只、6只和3只),利用人工食物站设置4个采食距离梯度(5 m、10 m、20 m、30 m),共12个梯度组合,每个组合分别观察60次采食过程,共计观察720次,并记录采食过程中的警戒频次。对数据进行双因素方差分析,集群规模和采食距离对布氏田鼠警戒行为频次均有极显著影响(P0.01)。随着集群数量减小,布氏田鼠单次采食的警戒频次显著增加;采食距离越远,单次采食的警戒频次越高;集群数量和采食距离之间还存在极显著的交互作用(P0.01)。集群数量增大意味着采食距离的增加,为保证储草效率,布氏田鼠种群会在增加集群数量和减小采食距离之间权衡,最终集群数量维持在中等水平,支持了最优集群理论。  相似文献   

Visitors can affect and reduce the welfare of nonhuman animals. The Belo Horizonte Zoo, Brazil, had a group of greater rheas intended for reintroduction to the wild. Because this group received public visitation, evaluating its effect on the birds' behavior and welfare was important. The study conducted 60 hr of behavioral observations: 30 with, and 30 without, visitors in front of the birds' enclosure. The study, conducted April–December 2009, collected data using scan sampling with instantaneous recording of behavior every minute. The study collected data on public behavior, visitor density, and time spent observing the birds. More than 4,000 persons visited the birds' enclosure: 9.86 s average time spent. Public behaviors most expressed were walking-watching-talking and stopped-watching-talking; visitors or not, greater rheas' most expressed behaviors (inversed between treatments) were foraging and walking alert; defecating/urinating and other behaviors differed statistically between treatments. Walking alert was most expressed in the presence of visitors; defecating/urinating and other behaviors were most expressed in their absence. Greater rheas seemed to habituate to visitors. Birds' behaviors differed little in visitors' presence or absence.  相似文献   

Individuals of social and partially social species typically reduce their vigilance activity when foraging in groups. As a result, per capita risk of predation decreases and individuals allocate more time to foraging and other fitness rewarding activities. Reduction of per capita risk is hypothesized to occur because there are more individuals to detect potential predators. If so, collective (i.e. total) vigilance is expected to increase with foraging group size. Increased surveillance during group foraging may occur if group members scan independently of one another, or sequentially to avoid the overlapping of their vigilance bouts. Intriguingly, such coordinated vigilance assumes that individuals monitor not only the presence, but the vigilance behaviour of group mates. We used seasonal records on time budget and grouping patterns of individually marked degus (Octodon degus), a social rodent, to examine if (a) individual vigilance decreases and/or foraging increases with group size, (b) collective vigilance increases with group size and (c) foraging degus coordinate their vigilance. When foraging, degus decreased their individual vigilance and increased their foraging time when in larger groups. Despite this, degus in larger groups increased their collective vigilance, supporting the hypothesis that socially foraging degus decrease predation risk through an improved ability to detect and escape potential predators. Additionally, patterns of collective vigilance suggested that degus scan independently of each other and so, they do not coordinate their vigilance to prevent its temporal overlapping. This finding does not support that foraging degus monitor the vigilance activity of group mates.  相似文献   

Vigilance achieved at the group level, known as collective vigilance, can enhance the ability to assess threats and confer benefits to gregarious prey species. Examining the factors that influence collective vigilance and exploring how individual vigilance is organized at the group level can help to understand how prey groups respond to potential threats. We quantified collective vigilance and determined its temporal pattern in a natural wintering population of the hooded crane Grus monacha in the Shengjin Lake reserve in China. We examined the role of flock size and anthropogenic disturbances in the human‐dominated landscape on collective vigilance and level of synchronization. The proportion of time during which at least one individual scanned the surroundings (collective vigilance) increased with flock size and was higher in the more disturbed buffer zone of the lake. Synchronization of vigilance occurred more frequently in the smaller flocks but was not related to the risk of disturbance. Synchronization implies that individuals tend to monitor and copy the vigilance of neighbors. In the degraded wetlands, the wintering hooded crane benefits from foraging in groups and synchronizing their vigilance in response to human disturbances.  相似文献   

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