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This paper investigates the commonalities in ethnoveterinary medicine used for horses between Trinidad (West Indies) and British Columbia (Canada). These research areas are part of a common market in pharmaceuticals and are both involved in the North American racing circuit. There has been very little research conducted on medicinal plants used for horses although their use is widespread. The data on ethnoveterinary medicines used for horses was obtained through key informant interviews with horse owners, trainers, breeders, jockeys, grooms and animal care specialists in two research areas: Trinidad and British Columbia (BC). A participatory validation workshop was held in BC. An extensive literature review and botanical identification of the plants was also done. In all, 20 plants were found to be used in treating racehorses in Trinidad and 97 in BC. Of these the most-evidently effective plants 19 of the plants used in Trinidad and 66 of those used in BC are described and evaluated in this paper. Aloe vera, Curcuma longaand Ricinus communisare used in both research areas. More research is needed in Trinidad to identify plants that respondents claimed were used in the past. Far more studies have been conducted on the temperate and Chinese medicinal plants used in BC and therefore these ethnoveterinary remedies reflect stronger evidence of efficacy.  相似文献   

Concerns about infectious diseases in fish used for research have risen along with the dramatic increase in the use of fish as models in biomedical research. In addition to acute diseases causing severe morbidity and mortality, underlying chronic conditions that cause low-grade or subclinical infections may confound research results. Here we present recommendations and strategies to avoid or minimize the impacts of infectious agents in fishes maintained in the research setting. There are distinct differences in strategies for control of pathogens in fish used for research compared to fishes reared as pets or in aquaculture. Also, much can be learned from strategies and protocols for control of diseases in rodents used in research, but there are differences. This is due, in part, the unique aquatic environment that is modified by the source and quality of the water provided and the design of facilities. The process of control of pathogens and infectious diseases in fish research facilities is relatively new, and will be an evolving process over time. Nevertheless, the goal of documenting, detecting, and excluding pathogens in fish is just as important as in mammalian research models.  相似文献   

This paper presents single case (small N) research designs as a design option for research in zoos. Because of the small numbers of animals in zoos, traditional large group designs using inferential statistics are often not feasible. Single subject research designs are discussed with respect to logic, specific design options, and validity. Specific examples are used throughout to demonstrate how these designs would be used in zoo research. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

It is often argued that clinical research should not violate the Kantian principle that people must not be used merely as a means for the purposes of others. At first sight, the practice of clinical research itself, however, seems to violate precisely this principle: clinical research is often beneficial to future people rather than to participants; even if participants benefit, all things considered, they are exposed to discomforts which are absent both in regular care for their diseases and in other areas of daily life. Therefore, in this paper we will consider whether people are used merely as a means by being enrolled in clinical research. On the basis of recent studies of Kantian scholars we will argue that clinical research is compatible with the Kantian principle if the conditions of possible consent and end‐sharing have been met. Participants are not used merely as a means if they have sufficient reasons to consent to being enrolled in clinical research and can share the ends of the researchers who use them. Moreover, we will claim that even if people are used merely as a means by participating in clinical research, it may not always be morally wrong to use them in this way.  相似文献   

Fishes are used in a wide range of scientific studies, from conservation research with potential benefits to the species used to biomedical research with potential human benefits. Fish research can take place in both laboratories and field environments and methods used represent a continuum from non-invasive observations, handling, through to experimental manipulation. While some countries have legislation or guidance regarding the use of fish in research, many do not and there exists a diversity of scientific opinions on the sentience of fish and how we determine welfare. Nevertheless, there is a growing pressure on the scientific community to take more responsibility for the animals they work with through maximising the benefits of their research to humans or animals while minimising welfare or survival costs to their study animals. In this review, we focus primarily on the refinement of common methods used in fish research based on emerging knowledge with the aim of improving the welfare of fish used in scientific studies. We consider the use of anaesthetics and analgesics and how we mark individuals for identification purposes. We highlight the main ethical concerns facing researchers in both laboratory and field environments and identify areas that need urgent future research. We hope that this review will help inform those who wish to refine their ethical practices and stimulate thought among fish researchers for further avenues of refinement. Improved ethics and welfare of fishes will inevitably lead to increased scientific rigour and is in the best interests of both fishes and scientists.  相似文献   

Current achievements using ProteinChip Array technology   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Because of its inherent flexibility, the ProteinChip Array platform has demonstrated utility into basic research as well as clinical research. In the domain of basic research, it has been used to examine protein modifications, characterize protein-protein interactions and study signal transduction and enzymatic pathways. In clinical research, it has been used to elucidate and identify biomarkers of disease, and as a platform for predictive medicine.  相似文献   

Use of primates in research: a global overview   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We assessed the use of nonhuman primates and nonhuman primate biological material in research by reviewing studies published in 2001 in peer-reviewed journals. The number and species of primates used, the origin of the animals, the type of study, the area of research of the investigation, and the location at which the research was performed were tabulated. Additionally, factors related to the animals that may have affected the outcome of the experiments were recorded. A total of 2,937 articles involving 4,411 studies that employed nonhuman primates or nonhuman primate biological material were identified and analyzed. More than 41,000 animals were represented in the studies published in 2001. In the 14% of studies for which re-use could be determined, 69% involved animals that had been used in previous experiments. Published studies most commonly used nonhuman primates or nonhuman primate biological material from the species Chlorocebus aethiops (19%), Macaca mulatta (18%), M. fascicularis (9%), and Papio spp. (6%). Of these studies, 54% were classified as in vitro studies, 14% as noninvasive, 30% as chronic, and 1% were considered acute. Nonhuman primates were primarily used in research areas in which they appear to be the most appropriate models for humans. The most common areas of research were microbiology (including HIV/AIDS (26%)), neuroscience (19%), and biochemistry/chemistry (12%). Most (84%) of the primate research published in 2001 was conducted in North America, Europe, and Japan. The animals and conditions under which they were housed and used were rarely described. Although it is estimated that nonhuman primates account for an extremely small fraction of all animals used in research, their special status makes it important to report the many husbandry and environmental factors that influence the research results generated. This analysis has identified that editors rarely require authors to provide comprehensive information concerning the subjects (e.g., their origin), treatment conditions, and experimental procedures utilized in the studies they publish. The present analysis addresses the use of primates for research, including the effects of a shortage of suitable nonhuman primate subjects in many research areas.  相似文献   

Proteomics has been widely used in the last few years to look for new biomarkers and decipher the mechanism of HIV-host interaction.Herein,we review the recent developments of HIV/AIDS proteomic research,including the samples used in HIV/AIDS related research,the technologies used for proteomic study,the diagnosis biomarkers of HIV-associated disease especially HIV-associated neurocognitive impairment,the mechanisms of HIV-host interaction,HIV-associated dementia,substance abuse,and so on.In the end of this review,we also give some prospects about the limitation and future improvement of HIV/AIDS proteomic research.  相似文献   

The increasing debate and restrictions on primate research have prompted many surveys about their status. However, there is a lack of information regarding strepsirrhine primates in the literature. This study provides an overview of research on strepsirrhines in captivity by analyzing scientific articles published from 2010 to 2013 and assessing publicly available government reports in Europe and the United States. Data on taxonomy, country, research area, research class, and type of institution were extracted. The 174 qualifying articles showed that species in the Galagidae and Cheirogaleidae families were used more often in invasive studies of neuroscience and metabolism, while the most commonly used species in noninvasive studies of behavior and cognition were true lemurs (family Lemuridae). France conducted the greatest number of invasive research projects, and the Duke Lemur Center was the institution with the most noninvasive studies. This study investigates how strepsirrhines are used in captive research and identifies issues in need of further review, which suggest that increased participation by the scientific community in the monitoring of strepsirrhine research is warranted.  相似文献   

In this paper, I explore the benefits of using a Foucaultian approach to examine research questions related to Dene women, menstrual traditions, and physical practices (the term physical practices is here used to encompass the contested terms sport, recreation, traditional games, and physical activity) in the Dehcho region of the Northwest Territories, Canada. While it is clear that Indigenous research frameworks have been marginalized in past research projects, this paper argues that the current approach of using almost exclusively Indigenous frameworks when conducting research with Indigenous communities has several drawbacks and relies on some troubling assumptions. After outlining the strengths of a Foucaultian approach, examples derived from fieldwork in the Dehcho region are used to illustrate the ways in which a Foucaultian approach can be operationalized, while also demonstrating the ways in which such an approach to research can complement Indigenous research frameworks and agendas.  相似文献   

Insects used in research have traditionally been housed and cared for in the investigator's laboratory. Centralized colony maintenance may be advantageous, but presents unique challenges to animal care staff members, who are more familiar with vertebrate research animals. To fill this potential knowledge gap, the authors share the procedures they have developed at Arizona State University for the housing, husbandry, and breeding of grasshoppers used in research and teaching.  相似文献   

The common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) is a small, nonendangered New World primate that is native to Brazil and has been used extensively in biomedical research. Historically the common marmoset has been used in neuroscience, reproductive biology, infectious disease, and behavioral research. Recently, the species has been used increasingly in drug development and safety assessment. Advantages relate to size, cost, husbandry, and biosafety issues as well as unique physiologic differences that may be used in model development. Availability and ease of breeding in captivity suggest that they may represent an alternative species to more traditional nonhuman primates. The marmoset models commonly used in biomedical research are presented, with emphasis on those that may provide an alternative to traditional nonhuman primate species.  相似文献   

Health-care research relies largely on human materials stored in highly specialised biorepositories. Medical translational research on tissues can be performed using a variety of resources in distinct situations. The best known is the secondary use of pathology archives where paraffin-embedded tissues are stored for diagnostic reasons. Another is collecting and storing frozen material obtained from leftover surgical diagnosis. Such residual tissues can either be used directly in research projects or used in the context of a clinical trial with new interventional medicinal products. The latter can make the regulations governing the use of these materials for medical research much more complicated. The use of residual materials is very distinct from biobanking projects for which tissue is specifically collected. This article describes the consequences of using residual human material from different sources in distinct situations and why signed informed consent is not always the preferred choice of individual countries regarding the use of residual material. In addition, signed informed consent is overdone when using residual tissues in medical research. We maintain that the opt-out system is a balanced choice if certain requirements are met, relating to sufficient transparency about using residual tissue for research, the purpose of such research and to the confidentiality of the data used in that research. Finally, the international exchange of samples can be based on the laws and regulations of the countries of origin. Respecting these form the basis of what can and cannot be done in the country where the research on the samples is being performed.  相似文献   

The use of visuals in anthropological research is an established though much debated practice, both as a research tool and as a means of reporting. Pile sorts, mapping, thematic drawing, photographs, visual scales and pictorial triad testing are all visual methods that have been used in participatory and conventional ethnographic research to encourage discussion among study participants and to clarify detail. Our experience in the use of visual tools in a study conducted in 1997–98, among former child garment workers in Bangladesh, reinforces the value of the use of visuals in research. A documentary film was used in focus groups with children, most aged 10–13. The results suggest that film is a powerfully evocative tool and, combined with focus groups, is an excellent qualitative research technique. The research experience in Bangladesh also suggests that children are able to participate meaningfully in the research not in spite of but because of the use of documentary film.  相似文献   

果蝇在肿瘤学研究中的优势及应用前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
霍桂桃  吕建军  屈哲  林志  张頔  杨艳伟  李波 《遗传》2014,36(1):30-40
果蝇作为研究人类疾病的模式生物, 与哺乳动物不仅在基本的生物学、生理学和神经系统机能等方面比较相似, 而且果蝇有其作为模式生物的独特优势。近年来的研究表明, 果蝇和人类在肿瘤发生信号通路等方面的保守性很高, 而且果蝇具有很强的遗传学可操作性, 是肿瘤学研究有效的模型之一, 可用于研究人类肿瘤发生、发展、转移等分子机制。文章综述了果蝇在肿瘤学研究中的优势、已建立的用于研究特定癌症的果蝇模型, 并对其在未来肿瘤学的研究方向进行展望, 以期为国内肿瘤学研究和抗肿瘤药物的研发提供参考。  相似文献   

小型模式生物如酵母、线虫、果蝇、斑马鱼等在生命科学研究中应用广泛,将其应用于病毒的研究,使人们对病毒-宿主的相互作用以及生物体的抗病毒免疫机制有了新的认识。本文对这些小型模式生物的特点及其在病毒机制研究中的应用做简要介绍。  相似文献   

Ethnicity is used increasingly as a key variable to describe health data, and ethnic monitoring in the NHS will further stimulate this trend. We identify four fundamental problems with ethnicity in this type of research: the difficulties of measurement, the heterogeneity of the populations being studied, lack of clarity about the research purpose of the research, and ethnocentricity affecting the interpretation and use of data. Ethnicity needs to be used carefully to be a useful tool for health research. We make nine recommendations for future practice, one of which is that ethnicity and race should be recognised and treated as distinct concepts.  相似文献   

埃三极(Exergy)理论──生态系统研究的一种新方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
埃三极(Exergy)理论生态系统研究的一种新方法孙平跃陆健健(华东师范大学河口海岸国家重点实验室,上海200062)ExergyTheory:ANewMethodForEcosystemResearch.SunPingyue,LuJianjian(...  相似文献   

斑马鱼行为学实验在神经科学中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
斑马鱼作为新型模式动物的优势正在逐渐被人们所认识,其应用的领域也越来越宽广.斑马鱼在神经生物学中的应用,除了在发育方面比其他模式动物更具优势外,在行为学方面的应用也更加丰富.由于斑马鱼幼体在受精后前两天通体透明,眼睛大小占到大脑体积的二分之一以上,成鱼昼夜节律明显,对光反应强烈,因此斑马鱼在视觉领域应用的优势十分明显.斑马鱼的嗅觉、听觉器官都在体表可见,可以很容易地用行为学实验手段对嗅觉和听觉功能进行检测.斑马鱼习性好动,利用斑马鱼进行运动方面的行为学观察也非常便利.斑马鱼具有群聚习性,在社会生物学研究方面正得到越来越多的关注.斑马鱼行为学是一种比较简单而又有效地分析神经整合功能的方法,并形成了许多相关的实验模型.  相似文献   

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