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Further understanding in the field of psychosomatic medicine has come to light recently as the result of new approaches and methods of research.Such diseases as hypertension, ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, peptic ulcer, diabetes and cardiovascular dysfunction may represent the body''s method of adapting to chronic stress, according to Selye''s concept of the general adaptation syndrome, with the phases of alarm, resistance and exhaustion.It has been postulated that unconscious dynamics of which patients are unaware are crucial in the understanding and interpretation of physiological research and therapy of patients with psychosomatic disorders.The concept of partial regression was applicable to patients with psychosomatic illness who were highly successful in social, economic and professional spheres. The illness was viewed as a protection against psychological regression by limited somatic regression.Pilot studies suggested that patients seriously ill with such disorders as ulcerative colitis and asthma responded favorably to enforced psychological regression and exploitation of dependency by excessive coddling, babying and mothering by an “all-giving” physician in a hospital setting.Good physician-patient relationship remains the keystone in therapy and is the common denominator to many so-called successful modes of treatment.  相似文献   

In recent years we have seen the emergence of “personalised medicine.” This development can be seen as the logical product of reductionism in medical science in which disease is increasingly understood in molecular terms. Personalised medicine has flourished as a consequence of the application of neoliberal principles to health care, whereby a commercial and social need for personalised medicine has been created. More specifically, personalised medicine benefits from the ongoing commercialisation of the body and of genetic knowledge, the idea that health is defined by genetics, and the emphasis the state places on individual citizens as being “responsible for” their own health. In this paper I critique the emergence of personalised medicine by examining the ways in which it has already impacted upon health and health care delivery.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: With the "ASIA-LINK" program, the European Community has supported the development and implementation of a curriculum of postgraduate psychosomatic training for medical doctors in China, Vietnam and Laos. Currently, these three countries are undergoing great social, economic and cultural changes. The associated psychosocial stress has led to increases in psychological and psychosomatic problems, as well as disorders for which no adequate medical or psychological care is available, even in cities. Health care in these three countries is characterized by the coexistence of Western medicine and traditional medicine. Psychological and psychosomatic disorders and problems are insufficiently recognized and treated, and there is a need for biopsychosocially orientated medical care. Little is known about the transferability of Western-oriented psychosomatic training programs in the Southeast Asian cultural context. METHODS: The curriculum was developed and implemented in three steps: 1) an experimental phase to build a future teacher group; 2) a joint training program for future teachers and German teachers; and 3) training by Asian trainers that was supervised by German teachers. The didactic elements included live patient interviews, lectures, communication skills training and Balint groups. The training was evaluated using questionnaires for the participants and interviews of the German teachers and the future teachers. RESULTS: Regional training centers were formed In China (Shanghai), Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City and Hue) and Laos (Vientiane). A total of 200 physicians completed the training, and 30 physicians acquired the status of future teacher. The acceptance of the training was high, and feelings of competence increased during the courses. The interactive training methods were greatly appreciated, with the skills training and self-experience ranked as the most important topics. Adaptations to the cultural background of the participants were necessary for the topics of "breaking bad news," the handling of negative emotions, discontinuities in participation, the hierarchical doctor-patient relationship, culture-specific syndromes and language barriers. In addition to practical skills for daily clinical practice, the participants wanted to learn more about didactic teaching methods. Half a year after the completion of the training program, the participants stated that the program had a great impact on their daily medical practice. CONCLUSIONS: The training in psychosomatic medicine for postgraduate medical doctors resulted in a positive response and is an important step in addressing the barriers in providing psychosomatic primary care. The transferability of western concepts should be tested locally, and adaptations should be undertaken where necessary. The revised curriculum forms the basis of training in psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy for medical students and postgraduate doctors in China, Vietnam and Laos.  相似文献   

This article argues that industrial ecology has, to date, largely engaged with the ecological sciences at a superficial level, which has both attracted criticism of the field and limited its practical application for sustainable industrial development. On the basis of an analysis of the principle of succession, the role of waste, and the concept of diversity, the article highlights some of the key misconceptions that have resulted from the superficial engagement with the science of ecology. It is argued that industrial ecology should not be seen as a metaphor for industrial development; industrial ecology is the ecology of industry and should be studied as such. There are manifold general principles of ecology that underpin our understanding of the world; however, the physical manifestation and causal effects of these principles are particular to the system and its constituent elements under analysis. It is thus proposed that context‐specific observation and analysis of industry are required before theoretical and practical advancement of the field can be achieved.  相似文献   

Treatment of patients with chronic diseases will be one of the main challenges of medicine in the future. This paper presents an overview of different origins, mechanism, and symptoms necessary for understanding new and different interventions that include a psychosomatic view.  相似文献   

E. D. Wittkower 《CMAJ》1964,90(18):1055-1060
Goals, potentialities and limitations of treatment of psychosomatic disorders are reviewed. Removal of a disturbing psychosomatic symptom may be all that can be accomplished. The bulk of patients suffering from psychosomatic disorders should be treated by physicians other than psychiatrists. Difficulties arise, owing to differences in approach, when treatment is carried out by a general physician as well as a psychiatrist. In appraising the prospects of treatment, the age on examination, intelligence, duration of illness, degree of insight, nature of illness, environmental stress and personality structure of the patients should be considered. Psychiatric measures which have been employed include: electroconvulsive therapy, psychotropic drugs, hypnosis, drug abreaction, group therapy, supportive psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis provides the best understanding of the psychodynamics of psychosomatic illness but is, for a variety of reasons, applicable only to a small number of patients. Alternations and removal of disturbing symptoms can be accomplished by the other therapeutic means.  相似文献   

Regeneration in medicine is a concept that has roots dating back to the earliest known records of medical interventions. Unfortunately, its elusive promise has still yet to become a reality. In the field of plastic surgery, we use the common tools of the surgeon grounded in basic operative principles to achieve the present day equivalent of regenerative medicine. These reconstructive efforts involve a broad range of clinical deformities, both congenital and acquired. Outlined in this review are comments on clinical conditions and the current limitations to reconstruct these clinical entities in the effort to practice regenerative medicine. Cleft lip, microtia, breast reconstruction, and burn reconstruction have been selected as examples to demonstrate the incredible spectrum and diverse challenges that plastic surgeons attempt to reconstruct. However, on a molecular level, these vastly different clinical scenarios can be unified with basic understanding of development, alloplastic integration, wound healing, cell–cell, and cell‐matrix interactions. The themes of current and future molecular efforts involve coalescing approaches to recapitulate normal development in clinical scenarios when reconstruction is needed. It will be a better understanding of stem cells, scaffolding, and signaling with extracellular matrix interactions that will make this future possible. Eventually, reconstructive challenge will utilize more than the current instruments of surgical steel but engage complex interventions at the molecular level to sculpt true regeneration. Immense amounts of research are still needed but there is promise in the exploding fields of tissue engineering and stem cell biology that hint at great opportunities to improve the lives of our patients. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 84:322–334, 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper will explore some of the ethical imperatives that have shaped strategic and policy frameworks for the use of new genetic technologies and how these play a role in shaping the nature of research and changing attitudes; with an attempt to conceptualize some theories of genetic determinism. I analyse why there is a need to put bioethical principles within a theoretical framework in the context of new technologies, and how, by doing so, their practical applications for agriculture, environment medicine and health care can be legitimized. There are several theories in favour of and against the use of genetic technologies that focus on genes and their role in our existence. In particular the theory of geneticisation is commonly debated. It highlights the conflicting interests of science, society and industry in harnessing genetic knowledge when the use of such knowledge could challenge ethical principles. Critics call it a ‘reductionist’ approach, based on arguments that are narrowed down to genes, often ignoring other factors including biological, social and moral ones. A parallel theory is that there is something special about genes, and it is this “genetic exceptionalism” that creates hopes and myths. Either way, the challenging task is to develop a common ground for understanding the importance of ethical sensitivities. As research agendas become more complex, ethical paradigms will need to be more influential. New principles are needed to answer the complexities of ethical issues as complex technologies develop. This paper reflects on global ethical principles and the tensions between ethical principles in legitimizing genetic technologies at the social and governance level.  相似文献   

Although both the philosophic and physiologic basis of acupuncture seems fanciful to Western medical thinking, the results obtained in the treatment of certain disease states cannot be lightly dismissed. Its use in the induction of surgical analgesia may have immediate application for Western Medicine.Its mechanism of action is a complete enigma, but information accumulated from research in hypnosis, visceral learning and, most important, the physiology of pain perception may contain clues to the pathophysiologic principles involved.The fact that many disorders for which acupuncture therapy is useful are thought to have a large psychosomatic component only serves to reinforce the Eastern concept of inseparability of mind and body. A great deal of attention is being given to this concept in the current medical literature.In order to define the role of acupuncture in modern medical practice, a more scientific approach in both clinical and basic research is necessary. If acupuncture can be proved safe and efficacious in the treatment of certain diseases, lack of knowledge regarding its mechanism of action should not delay its incorporation into our medical armamentarium.  相似文献   

Classification shapes medicine and guides its practice. Understanding classification must be part of the quest to better understand the social context and implications of diagnosis. Classifications are part of the human work that provides a foundation for the recognition and study of illness: deciding how the vast expanse of nature can be partitioned into meaningful chunks, stabilizing and structuring what is otherwise disordered. This article explores the aims of classification, their embodiment in medical diagnosis, and the historical traditions of medical classification. It provides a brief overview of the aims and principles of classification and their relevance to contemporary medicine. It also demonstrates how classifications operate as social framing devices that enable and disable communication, assert and refute authority, and are important items for sociological study.  相似文献   

Stress-related research has thus far failed to provide an adequate understanding of hypertension and other psychosomatic ailments for three main reasons: First, there has been a continual failure to view stress as a relational phenomenon, that is, as a particular kind of transaction between person and environment. Second, there has been much confusion about the social, psychological and physiological levels of stress analysis; each is to some extent independent of the other, so that what happens at one level cannot stand for what happens at another. Third, the predominant research model has been structural and static. That is, the researcher looks at some environmental or personality characteristic, treating it as a stable property, and attempts to relate it to the risk of hypertension across persons or groups. Such an approach overlooks the key social, psychological and physiological mediating processes (e.g., social supports, cognitive appraisals, and coping) that are concurrent with and have causal significance in blood pressure elevation or change. Structural research models need to be supplemented with process-oriented ones in which the same persons are observed across various adaptational encounters and over time.  相似文献   

There are two standing, incompatible accounts of Descartes' contributions to the study of psychosomatic phenomena that pervade histories of medicine, psychology, and psychiatry. The first views Descartes as the father of "rational psychology" a tradition that defines the soul as a thinking, unextended substance. The second account views Descartes as the father of materialism and the machine metaphor. The consensus is that Descartes' studies of optics and motor reflexes and his conception of the body-machine metaphor made early and important contributions to physiology and neuroscience but otherwise his impact was minimal. These predominately negative assessments of Descartes' contributions give a false impression of the role his philosophy played in the development of medicine and psychiatry in seventeenth-century France and beyond. I explore Descartes' influence in the little-known writings of a doctor from Toulouse, Fran?ois Bayle (1622-1709). A study of Bayle gives us occasion to rethink the nature and role of psychosomatic explanation in Descartes' philosophy. The portrait I present is of a Cartesian science that had an actual and lasting effect on medical science and practice, and may offer something of value to practitioners today.  相似文献   

The techniques and principles of epidemiology, so successfully utilized in the study and control of communicable diseases, should be applied to other mass phenomena in the community.The local health officer should apply them in his “diagnosis” of the sicknesses of his organized community.Epidemiological methods have been used to study mental diseases as well as chronic diseases, and an experiment in using epidemiological methods on the county level to study psychosocial disorders has been carried out.The impact of psychosocial episodes on somatic diseases is now generally accepted and well documented. Individual practitioners of medicine are becoming more interested in the significance of social tensions on the health of their patients.Public health physicians, specialists in preventive medicine, are the best equipped by training and experience to take the leadership in the application of epidemiological methods to sociomedical problems and are in a unique position to assist their colleagues in the private practice of medicine in providing modern helpful and meaningful health protection to their patients.Organized medicine might well become more cognizant of the sociological changes taking place in the nation as they relate to health and assume the responsibility for aggressive leadership in the anticipation of and the solution of these problems.  相似文献   

Evidence has emerged recently indicating that differentiation is not entirely a one-way process, and that it is possible to convert one cell type to another, both in vitro and in vivo. This phenomenon is called transdifferentiation, and is generally defined as the stable switch of one cell type to another. Transdifferentiation plays critical roles during development and in regeneration pathways in nature. Although this phenomenon occurs rarely in nature, recent studies have been focused on transdifferentiation and the reprogramming ability of cells to produce specific cells with new phenotypes for use in cell therapy and regenerative medicine. Thus, understanding the principles and the mechanism of this process is important for producing desired cell types. Here some well-documented examples of transdifferentiation, and their significance in development and regeneration are reviewed. In addition, transdifferentiation pathways are considered and their potential molecular mechanisms, especially the role of master switch genes, are considered. Finally, the significance of transdifferentiation in regenerative medicine is discussed.  相似文献   

The seeming increase in the incidence of peptic ulcer after 1900 quickly occupied the attention of physicians. Their understanding and treatment of peptic ulcer was shaped not only by new diagnostic tools, but by differences between contesting medical specialties, broad concepts or paradigms current in the larger medical and scientific community, and prevailing social and ideological beliefs. Surgeons and internists, for example, were often at odds over appropriate therapies; each maintained that personal experiences demonstrated the efficacy of their therapies. Nor were etiological theories derived from empirical data. The claim that peptic ulcer resulted from focal infections was simply a reflection of the popularity of germ theory. Other explanations included the role of stress, race, constitutional makeup, psychosomatic factors, and the pressures of modern industrial society. Virtually all were derivative and reflected social and intellectual currents that were common in the larger society of which medicine was but a part. Thus, the history of peptic ulcer during the first half of the 20th century provides an instructive and in many ways a typical case study in the complexities posed by the emergence of modern medicine.  相似文献   

The validation of a test method is the process by which the relevance and reliability of the method are assessed for a particular purpose. It is an essential stage in the evolution of the method from its development to its acceptance and application for regulatory purposes. The principles according to which alternative tests should be validated have been agreed at an international level, although the actual process by which the validation process is conducted varies between different validation authorities. This paper summarises the principles of alternative test development and validation, and describes how the principles have been applied to the validation of in vitro tests by ECVAM.  相似文献   

Attitudes towards, and treatment of the elderly in Japan are discussed and the medicalization of their health care is examined. It is suggested that the ready availability of medical care will not eliminate the major problems that the elderly experience. The process by which traditional medicine has been incorporated systematically into the socialized health care system and its use in connection with the problems of elderly patients is documented. Modifications in the application of herbal medicine made by biomedical practitioners have been linked to cases of iatrogenesis in the elderly. In conclusion, the social construction of both traditional East Asian medicine and biomedicine in Japan is briefly examined; in both systems the somatic aspects of the problems of the elderly are emphasized while the social dimensions remain largely unquestioned.  相似文献   

陆雯娉  张勘 《生命科学》2012,(11):1258-1262
转化医学作为一门新兴学科,运用多学科交叉策略来推动医学发展,从临床实践中发现问题,将其凝练成科学问题进行基础医学研究,再将研究成果应用到疾病诊断、治疗和预防过程中,使其真正发挥作用,是一个从基础医学到临床应用的双向进程。转化医学已逐步融入各个学科,并在干细胞研究、生物标志物、细胞信号转导、药物及器具研发及个体化医学等各个领域发挥重要作用。随着转化医学研究深入,一些临床试验势必对人体存在一定伤害和潜在危险,存在各种伦理问题。虽说科学研究与伦理道德是一对相互冲击的矛盾,但两者在总体上又是一致的,共同决定着社会前进步伐。科研的重大进步必然会对伦理道德提出更高要求,而伦理道德的高标准又规范、引导、促进科学研究朝着正确方向迈进,两者相辅相成。鉴于伦理辩护对于转化医学研究强有力的支撑,建议在转化医学研究中能进一步完善伦理监管体系,发挥机构伦理委员会的功效,持续加大伦理培训的力度,强化研究人员的伦理道德修养,从而为转化医学的发展夯实人文基础。  相似文献   

微生物发酵中草药的研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中草药作为天然传统药物,具有纯天然、无药残、无抗药性和毒副作用小等特点,在临床医疗和日常保健中被广泛使用。微生物发酵中草药过程中,中草药经微生物产生的酶作用后,细胞壁中的纤维素、木质素等物质被降解,其活性成分得以释放;中草药活性成分酶解为小分子物质,增强药效以利于机体消化吸收。部分中草药经发酵可以降低其毒性,减少毒副作用,甚至产生新活性物质。同时中草药中的某些成分可促进微生物的生长繁殖,由此可见中草药与微生物协同作用、相辅相成。本文从发酵中草药的优势、常用微生物、应用现状、存在的问题和关键因素等方面进行综述,并对中草药发酵的应用前景进行展望。相信随着发酵技术的成熟和中草药的现代化发展,微生物发酵中草药将具有更广阔的发展潜力和应用价值。  相似文献   

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