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Structural comparisons of the two GTPase activating proteins (GAPs) p120 and p50 in complex with Ras and Rho, respectively, allowed us to decipher the functional role of specific structural features, such as helix alpha8c of p120 and helix A1 of p50, necessary for small GTPase recognition. We identified important residues that may be critical for stabilization of the GAP/GTPase binary complexes. Detection of topohydrophobic positions (positions which are most often occupied by hydrophobic amino acids within a family of protein domains) conserved between the two GAP families led to the characterization of a common flexible four-helix bundle. Altogether, these data are consistent with a rearrangement of several helices around a common core, which strongly supports the assumption that p50 and p120 GAPs derive from a unique fold. Considered as a whole, the remarkable plasticity of GAPs appears to be a means used by nature to accurately confer functional specificity.  相似文献   

SGS1 encodes a protein having DNA helicase activity, and a mutant allele of SGS1 was identified as a suppressor of the slow growth phenotype of top3 mutants. In this study, we examined whether Sgs1 prevents formation of DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) or is involved in DSB repair following exposure to methyl methanesulfonate (MMS). An analysis by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and epistasis analyses indicated that Sgs1 is required for DSB repair that involves Rad52. In addition, analyses on the relationship between Sgs1 and proteins involved in DSB repair suggested that Sgs1 and Mre11 function via independent pathways both of which require Rad52. In sgs1 mutants, interchromosomal heteroallelic recombination and sister chromatid recombination (SCR) were not induced upon exposure to MMS, though both were induced in wild type cells, indicating the involvement of Sgs1 in heteroallelic recombination and SCR. Surprisingly, the ability of Sgs1 to bind to DNA topoisomerase III (Top3) was absolutely required for the induction of heteroallelic recombination and SCR and suppression of MMS sensitivity but its helicase activity was not, suggesting that Top3 plays a more important role in both recombinations than the DNA helicase activity of Sgs1.  相似文献   

ErbB receptors are a family of ligand-activated tyrosine kinases that play a central role in proliferation, differentiation, and oncogenesis. ErbB2 is overexpressed in >25% of breast and ovarian cancers and is correlated with poor prognosis. Although ErbB2 and ErbB1 are highly homologous, they respond quite differently to geldanamycin (GA), an antibiotic that is a specific inhibitor of the chaperone protein Hsp90. Thus, although both mature and nascent ErbB2 proteins are down-regulated by GA, only nascent ErbB1 is sensitive to the drug. To reveal the underlying mechanism behind these divergent responses, we made a chimeric receptor (ErbB1/2) composed of the extracellular and transmembrane domains of ErbB1 and the intracellular domain of ErbB2. The ErbB1/2 protein is functional since its kinase activity was stimulated by epidermal growth factor. The sensitivity of ErbB1/2 to GA was similar to that of ErbB2 and unlike that of ErbB1, indicating that the intracellular domain of the chimera confers GA sensitivity. This finding also suggests that the GA sensitivity of mature ErbB2 depends on cytosolic Hsp90, rather than Grp94, a homolog of Hsp90 that is restricted to the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum, although both chaperones bind to and are inhibited by GA. Lack of Grp94 involvement in mediating ErbB2 sensitivity to GA is further suggested by the fact that a GA derivative with low affinity for Grp94 efficiently depleted ErbB2 protein in treated cells. To localize the specific region of ErbB2 that confers GA sensitivity, we made truncated receptors with progressive deletions of the cytoplasmic domain and tested the GA sensitivity of these molecules. We found that ErbB2 constructs containing an intact kinase domain retained GA sensitivity, whereas those lacking the kinase domain (ErbB2/DK) lost responsiveness to GA completely. Hsp90 co-immunoprecipitated with all ErbB2 constructs that were sensitive to GA, but not with ErbB2/DK or ErbB1. Both tyrosine-phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated ErbB2 proteins were similarly sensitive to GA, as was a kinase-dead ErbB2 mutant. These data suggest that Hsp90 uniquely stabilizes ErbB2 via interaction with its kinase domain and that GA stimulates ErbB2 degradation secondary to disruption of ErbB2/Hsp90 association.  相似文献   

A family of inner nuclear membrane proteins is implicated in gene regulation by interacting with chromatin, nuclear lamina and intranuclear proteins; however, the physiological functions of these proteins are largely unknown. Using a Xenopus expression screening approach with an anterior neuroectoderm cDNA library, we have identified an inner nuclear membrane protein, XMAN1, as a novel neuralizing factor that is encoded by the Xenopus ortholog of human MAN1. XMAN1 mRNA is expressed maternally, and appears to be restricted to the entire ectoderm at the early gastrula stage, then to the anterior neuroectoderm at the neurula stage. XMAN1 induces anterior neural markers without mesoderm induction in ectodermal explants, and a partial secondary axis when expressed ventrally by dorsalizing the ventral mesoderm. Importantly, XMAN1 antagonizes bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling downstream of its receptor Alk3, as judged by animal cap assays, in which XMAN1 blocks expression of downstream targets of BMP signaling (Xhox3 and Msx1), and by luciferase reporter assays, in which XMAN1 suppresses BMP-dependent activation of the Xvent2 promoter. Deletion mutant analyses reveal that the neuralizing and BMP-antagonizing activities of XMAN1 reside in the C-terminal region, and that the C-terminal region binds to Smad1, Smad5 and Smad8, which are intracellular mediators of the BMP pathway. Interference with endogenous XMAN1 functions with antisense morpholino oligos leads to the reduction of anterior neuroectoderm. These results provide the first evidence that the nuclear envelope protein XMAN1 acts as a Smad-interacting protein to antagonize BMP signaling during Xenopus embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Although specificity protein 1 (Sp1) accumulation has been found in various tumor strains, its mechanism is still not very clear. Herein, we found that modification of Sp1 by SUMO-1 facilitates Sp1 degradation. Our findings revealed that, although the amounts of Sp1 and Sp1 mutant (K16R) [Sp1(K16R)] mRNA in cells were equal, the protein level of Sp1(K16R) was higher than that of wild-type Sp1. We also proved that this sumoylation site was not the residue at which ubiquitination occurred. Invitro and in vivo pull-down assays revealed that more sumoylated Sp1 was localized in the cytoplasm, and the interaction between SUMO-1-Sp1 and the proteasome subunit rpt6 in HeLa cells was enhanced. In addition, although Sp1 accumulated in the tumorous cervical tissue, it was not prone to sumoylation. Finally, by overexpression of HA (hemagglutinin)-SUMO-1-Sp1-myc, HA-Sp1-myc, and HA-Sp1(K16R), we found that modification of Sp1 by SUMO-1 was important for Sp1 proteolysis. In conclusion, modification of Sp1 by SUMO-1 altered its localization and then increased its interaction with rpt6. This interaction increased the efficiency of Sp1 proteolytic processing and ubiquitination and then resulted in Sp1 degradation. Therefore, sumoylation of Sp1 is attenuated during tumorigenesis in order to increase Sp1 stability.  相似文献   

Identifier sequences are transcribed to generate a brain-specific BC-1 RNA present as a ribonucleoprotein particle in the dendrites and somata of neurons. This ribonucleoprotein particle contains an identifier sequence-binding protein (Bp-1 protein). We report here the purification of BC-1 RNA and demonstrate that Bp-1 protein interacts directly with the RNA. We also demonstrate an accumulation of Bp-1 protein in the nucleus of brain cells from mouse fetus and newborns that precedes the postnatal increase in BC-1 RNA. Cytoplasmic Bp-1 protein present in a complex with BC-1 RNA increases postnatally with a concomitant decrease in nuclear Bp-1 protein. These observations suggest that Bp-1 protein may play a role(s) in the synthesis and nuclear export of BC-1 RNA.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are cell surface proteins which help to regulate the physiology of all the major organ systems within higher eukaryotes. They are stimulated by multiple ligands and activate a range of effector molecules to bring about changes in cell behaviour. The use of constitutively active mutants (CAMs) of GPCRs has enabled a better understanding of receptor activation as CAMs exhibit ligand-independent signalling negating the use of ligands. Here we introduce the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe as a host for producing CAMs, by describing the isolation and characterization of constitutive mutants of the P-factor receptor (Mam2). One mutant Mam2[P261L] contained a single-amino-acid substitution (Pro261 to Leu) within a region of high homology in GPCRs. Substitution of this proline leads to an 18-fold increase in ligand-independent signalling. We utilized Mam2[P261L] to investigate CAM activity by demonstrating that Mam2[P261L] is efficiently trafficked to the cell surface where it can form fully functional oligomeric complexes with the native receptor. Mam2[P261L] also retains the G protein specificity (RG-profile) of the native receptor and only induces constitutive signalling in the same G proteins. Finally, evidence is provided to indicate that CAM activity results from a reduction in the kinetics of G protein binding. This is the first time that S. pombe has been utilized for isolating and characterizing CAMs and the techniques employed will complement the current systems available for studying these important receptors.  相似文献   

Shen K  Fetter RD  Bargmann CI 《Cell》2004,116(6):869-881
Synaptic connections in the nervous system are directed onto specific cellular and subcellular targets. Synaptic guidepost cells in the C. elegans vulval epithelium drive synapses from the HSNL motor neuron onto adjacent target neurons and muscles. Here, we show that the transmembrane immunoglobulin superfamily protein SYG-2 is a central component of the synaptic guidepost signal. SYG-2 is expressed transiently by primary vulval epithelial cells during synapse formation. SYG-2 binds SYG-1, the receptor on HSNL, and directs SYG-1 accumulation and synapse formation to adjacent regions of HSNL. syg-1 and syg-2 mutants have defects in synaptic specificity; the HSNL neuron forms fewer synapses onto its normal targets and forms ectopic synapses onto inappropriate targets. Misexpression of SYG-2 in secondary epithelial cells causes aberrant accumulation of SYG-1 and synaptic markers in HSNL adjacent to the SYG-2-expressing cells. Our results indicate that local interactions between immunoglobulin superfamily proteins can determine specificity during synapse formation.  相似文献   

At the proximal part of mouse chromosome 17 there are three well-defined genes affecting the axis of the embryo and consequently tail length: Brachyury, Brachyury the second, and the t-complex tail interaction (T1, T2, and tct). The existence of T1 and tct in fact defines the classical "t-complex" that occupies approximately 40 cM of mouse chromosome 17. Their relationship to each other and various unlinked interacting genes has been enigmatic. The tint gene was the first of the latter to be identified. We report here its genetic mapping using a microsatellite scan together with outcrosses to Mus spretus and M. castaneous followed by a subsequent testcross to T, T1, and T2 mutants. Surprisingly, tint interacts with T2 but not with T1. The implications of our data suggest that T2 may be part of the T1 regulatory region through direct or indirect participation of tint.  相似文献   

Valine 114 in the D(109)AAILVVA sequence of elongation factor 1alpha from the archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus (SsEF-1alpha) was substituted with an acidic (V114E), basic (V114K), or cavity-forming (V114A) residue, and the effects on the biochemical properties of the factor were investigated. This sequence is well-conserved among most of eukaryal and eubacterial counterparts, and in the three-dimensional structure of SsEF-1alpha, V114 is located in a hydrophobic pocket near the first GDP-binding consensus sequence G(13)XXXXGK[T,S] [Vitagliano, L., Masullo, M., Sica, F., Zagari, A., and Bocchini, V. (2001) EMBO J. 20, 5305-5311]. These mutants displayed functions absent in the wild-type factor. In fact, although they exhibited a rate in poly(Phe) incorporation almost identical to that of SsEF-1alpha, V114K and V114A exhibited an affinity for GDP and GTP higher and a capability to bind heterologous aa-tRNA stronger than that elicited by SsEF-1alpha but similar to that of eubacterial EF-Tu. V114E instead displayed not only a weaker binding capability for aa-tRNA but also a lower affinity for GDP. The intrinsic GTPase activity of V114E was drastically reduced compared to those of SsEF-1alpha, V114K, and V114A. Interestingly, the decreased intrinsic GTPase activity of V114E was partially restored by kirromycin, an effect already observed for the G13A mutant of SsEF-1alpha [Masullo, M., Cantiello, P., de Paola, B., Catanzano, F., Arcari, P., and Bocchini, V. (2002) Biochemistry 41, 628-633]. Finally, the V114A substitution showed only a marginal effect on both the thermostability and thermophilicity of SsEF-1alpha, whereas V114K and V114E replacements strongly destabilized the molecule.  相似文献   

Using affinity chromatography of F-actin-sepharose 4B, the ability of proteins from rat liver submitochondrial fractions to interact with rabbit skeletal muscle actin was studied. The bulk of the actin-bound components was detected in the soluble compartments of the mitochondria, i.e., mitochondrial matrix and intermembrane space. The interaction was predominantly weak, since the desorption of the proteins from the column occurred at increased ionic strength of the solution. In membrane fractions, four polypeptides with Mr 65 000, 62 000, 59 000 and 10 500 eluting from the column only under effects of denaturating agents were predominant, thus suggesting the specificity of their binding to the immobilized actin. In a model system involving mitochondrial enzyme preparations (cytochrome c, glutamate dehydrogenase, isocitrate dehydrogenase, catalase), the possibility of their adsorption of F-actin-sepharose was investigated. It was shown that the highest adsorption capacity was observed in the case of immobilized actin with respect to catalase, the lowest one-to glutamate dehydrogenase. The data obtained suggest that the interaction of the actin-like mitochondrial protein with the system of solubilized enzymes may serve as a basis for their normal functioning.  相似文献   

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