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木糖还原酶(XR, EC是真菌微生物代谢木糖的关键酶之一。本文以米曲霉基因组DNA为模板,克隆木糖还原酶基因(xr,GenBank登录号:FJ957890.1),并对XR的序列、系统进化树、理化性质及蛋白结构等进行生物信息学分析。结果表明: xr基因序列长1449 bp,其中开放阅读框长960 bp,编码319个氨基酸,蛋白质分子质量35.9 kDa,等电点为5.78;米曲霉XR与其他菌种XR有较高的同一性,含有醛酮还原酶家族的两个指纹结构和一个参与辅酶结合活性位点指纹结构,以及醛酮还原酶家族典型的(β/α)8 TIM桶结构,说明米曲霉XR属于醛酮还原酶家族。  相似文献   

本文通过序列分析获得了铁皮石斛甘露糖结合凝聚素(Dendrobium officinale mannose-binding lectin,DOL)成熟肽和甘露糖结合位点(50-58AA,81-89AA,116-124AA)。通过同源建模建立了DOL三维结构模型,DOL呈中空的三棱柱结构,三棱柱的三个侧面主要由β折叠构成,三个侧面各有一个甘露糖结合部位。甘露糖与DOL的分子对接和动力学分析表明,结合位点50-58AA和81-89AA对甘露糖的结合要强于116-124AA,在与甘露糖结合的过程中发挥关键作用的氨基酸残基为Gln81,Asp83,Asn85和Tyr89。研究结果有助于进一步开展凝集素抗病机理及凝集素相关药物研究。  相似文献   

海枣曲霉木聚糖酶降解寡聚木糖的特性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用滤纸层析或AcrylexP-2凝胶过滤从落叶松木聚糖硫酸水解液中分离纯化子木二糖至木五糖。采用硅胶薄层层析分析底物和产物的方法研究了海枣霉木聚糖酶降解寡聚木糖的特点。此酶作用于寡糖的最适PH为5.0,终产物为X和X2。酶作用于X3、X4及X5的相对初速度分别为1、34和400,X2几乎不被酶解,推断该酶的底物结合部位至少具有5个亚位点,在高底物浓度,低酶量,远离最适PH以及在反应初期都能检测到  相似文献   

目的探究白念珠菌几丁质合成酶活性位点的结构特征。方法通过采用同源建模的方法首次构建白念珠菌几丁质合成酶的三维结构模型,模型的可靠性经Ramachandran和Profile-3D图进行验证。采用InsightⅡ-Binding site方法准确定位几丁质合成酶的活性位点,并研究了几丁质合成酶的重要功能残基在活性位点的立体分布。结果通过柔性分子对接方法首次阐明几丁质合成酶抑制剂FR-900403与靶酶活性位点的相互作用模式,明确几丁质合成酶与该类抑制剂结合时起重要作用的氨基酸残基。结论本研究为基于几丁质合成酶三维结构的药物靶点设计提供重要的参考信息,同时也为抗真菌药的发展奠定坚实的理论基础。  相似文献   

【背景】双分子荧光互补(Bimolecularfluorescencecomplementation,BiFC)在水稻恶苗病菌(Fusarium fujikuroi)等微生物蛋白互作中的应用已有报道,但在工业菌株米曲霉(Aspergillus oryzae)中还未见应用。【目的】探究米曲霉中Fus3和Ste12蛋白在生长发育中可能存在的相互作用关系,建立在米曲霉活细胞中检测蛋白互作的方法,即BiFC体系。该系统可用于特异性、可视化米曲霉目标蛋白在活细胞中的定位,并且可以更加直观地探究蛋白之间是否存在相互作用。【方法】利用MultisiteGateway复杂载体构建技术,使用切开的绿色荧光蛋白,将荧光蛋白分子的两个片段N端和C端分别与米曲霉Fus3和Ste12蛋白融合,对获得的转化株进行荧光观察。通过BiFC系统检测蛋白之间的相互作用。【结果】成功转化的米曲霉菌丝中观察到荧光,Fus3和Ste12在米曲霉中存在相互作用。【结论】通过BiFC技术证实蛋白质Fus3和Ste12在无性繁殖菌株米曲霉体内发生互作,暗示它们通过互作可能参与除了有性生殖之外的其他细胞功能,并为米曲霉蛋白互作功能研究提供一种新的检测技术和方法。  相似文献   

本文采用分子模拟技术预测CD47抗体的抗原结合表位及氨基酸残基理化性质,为下一步的抗体结构优化提供参考.使用Discovery Studio对CD47抗体C47B222、C47B161、B6H12.2进行同源建模,并对其结构合理性进行评估与分析.使用GROMACS进行分子动力学模拟,深入分析抗体结构的稳定性以及抗体互补...  相似文献   

本研究旨在利用理性设计的方法来提高来源于土曲霉Aspergillus terreus的酸性脂肪酶ATL的催化活力。通过同源比对,选择脂肪酶盖子区域和底物结合口袋域中的位点进行定点突变,得到8种ATL的突变脂肪酶。结果发现,盖子区域突变酶ATLLid与底物结合口袋域突变酶ATLV218W的催化活性显著提高。ATLLid和ATLV218W对底物对硝基苯酚月桂酸酯p-nitrophenyl laurate(p-NPL)的催化活性最高,k_(cat)值较ATL分别提高了39.37倍和50.79倍,k_(cat)/K_m值较ATL分别提高了2.85倍和8.48倍。与ATL相比,ATLLid和ATLV218W的热稳定性略有下降,最适p H为5.0,p H 4.0–8.0具有较好的稳定性,说明突变未对ATL的嗜酸耐酸特性产生影响。通过同源建模模拟及分子对接技术分析底物p-NPL与酶分子间的相互作用,解析了ATLLid和ATLV218W催化活性提高的机理。  相似文献   

查尔酮合成酶(chalcone synthase,CHS)是植物中类黄酮生物合成途径的关键酶,其催化对-香豆酰辅酶A和丙二酸单酰辅酶A发生缩合反应.本研究以苜蓿CHS的晶体为模板,利用同源建模构建决明CHS的三维模型.经过动力学优化后,决明CHS的三维模型与苜蓿CHS的结构极为相似,主要由α-螺旋和β-折叠构成,其中有13个α螺旋,占32.82%,15个β折叠,占19.23%,无规则卷曲占47.95%.模型验证结果表明决明CHS的三维模型具有合理的立体化学性质与氨基酸相容性.决明CHS含有两个重要的结构域:对-香豆酰辅酶A结合域与丙二酸单酰辅酶A结合域.决明CHS与对-香豆酰辅酶A、丙二酸单酰辅酶A的结合主要通过氢键与范德华力.决明CHS中Cys164、His303与活性中心的H2O能够形成电子传递体系,参与对-香豆酰辅酶A形成CHS-对-香豆酰基中间产物.本研究结果为利用此类CHS三维模型研究其催化机理和分子工程改造奠定基础.  相似文献   

食品用米曲霉α—淀粉酶的制备   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

米曲霉是一种重要的微生物,在食品、酿造、商业酶和医用蛋白的生产中具有广泛的应用,该菌被美国食品与药品管理局(FDA)认定为GRAS(generally regarded as safe)级。讨论了提高同源和异源蛋白在米曲霉中表达量的几种策略,包括使用强启动子、多拷贝编码基因、优化培养基和超表达血红素结构域(HBD)等。异源蛋白容易被米曲霉蛋白酶降解,表达量往往较低,因此使用蛋白酶缺陷型宿主菌是非常必要的。另外将外源蛋白与米曲霉高分泌蛋白融合表达也是提高异源蛋白产量的有效途径。  相似文献   

The intracellular enzyme xylitol dehydrogenase (XD, EC from Candida guilliermondii, grown in sugarcane bagasse hydrolysate, was separated by reversed micelles of BDBAC [N-benzyl-N-dodecyl-N-bis (2-hydroxyethyl) ammonium chloride] cationic surfactant. An experimental design was employed to evaluate the influence of the following factors on the enzyme separation: temperature, co-solvent concentration and surfactant concentration. The results showed that just the temperature did not show significant effect on XD recovery. A model was used to represent the activity recovery and fit the experimental data. Under optimized conditions, the recovery of total activity was about 121%, and the purity increased 2.3-fold.  相似文献   

Human serum paraoxonase1 (HuPON1) belongs to the family of A-esterases (EC. It is associated with HDL particle and prevents atherosclerosis by cleaving lipid hydroperoxides and other proatherogenic molecules of oxidized low density lipoproteins (LDL). Since the precise structure of HuPON1 is not yet available, the structure-function relationship between HuPON1 and activators/inhibitors is still unknown. Therefore, a theoretical model of HuPON1 was generated using homology modelling and precise molecular interactions of an activator aspirin and an inhibitor cefazolin with PON1 were studied using Autodock software. The ligand binding residues were found to be similar to the predicted active site residues. Both cefazolin and aspirin were found to dock in the vicinity of the predicted active sites of PON1; cefazolin bound at residues N166, S193 and Y71, while aspirin at residues N309, I310 and L311. Binding region in the PON1 by prediction (3D2GO server) and docking studies provide useful insight into mechanism of substrate and inhibitor binding to the enzyme active site.  相似文献   

With consumers growing increasingly aware of environmental issues, industries find enzymes as a reasonable alternative over physical conditions and chemical catalysts. Amylases are important hydrolase enzymes, which have been widely used in variety of industrial process such as pharmaceutical, food, and fermentation industries. Among amylases α-Amylase is in maximum demand due to its wide range of applications. The homology modeling study on Schwanniomyces occidentalis amylase (AMY1, UniProt identifier number: P19269) was performed by Modeller using Aspergillus oryzae (6TAA) as the template. The resulting structure was analyzed for validity and subjected to 14 ns of molecular dynamics (MD) simulation trough GROMACS. The validity of obtained model may represent that utilized OPLS force field is suitable for calcium-containing enzymes. DSSP secondary structure and contact map analysis represent the conservation of domain A TIM barrel feature together with calcium ion coordination sphere. Investigating the covariance matrix followed by principle component analyses for the first five eigenvectors of both trajectories indicate a little more flexibility for AMY1 structure. The electrostatic calculation for the final structures shows similar isoelectric point and superimposed buffering zone in the 5–8 pH range.  相似文献   

Li W  Tang Y  Liu H  Cheng J  Zhu W  Jiang H 《Proteins》2008,71(2):938-949
Cytochrome P450 (P450) 2J2 catalyzes epoxidation of arachidonic acid to eicosatrienoic acids, which are related to a variety of diseases such as coronary artery disease, hypertension, and carcinogenesis. Recent experimental data also suggest that P450 2J2 could be a novel biomarker and a potential target for cancer therapy. However, the active site topology and substrate specificity of this enzyme remain unclear. In this study, a three-dimensional model of human P450 2J2 was first constructed on the basis of the crystal structure of human P450 2C9 in complex with a substrate using homology modeling method, and refined by molecular dynamics simulation. Flexible docking approaches were then employed to dock four ligands into the active site of P450 2J2 in order to probe the ligand-binding modes. By analyzing the results, active site architecture and certain key residues responsible for substrate specificity were identified on the enzyme, which might be very helpful for understanding the enzyme's biological role and providing insights for designing novel inhibitors of P450 2J2.  相似文献   

Alpha (α)-enolase (e), a glycolytic enzyme, has an alternative role as a surface receptor of several bacteria mediating plasminogen (pg) binding. It is also recognized as a virulence factor of some pathogenic bacteria facilitating plasminogen activation and host cell invasion. A mycoplasmal α-enolase is also a plasminogen binding protein. Molecular interactions of enolase from Mycoplasma pneumoniae with host plasminogen would be useful for exploring the pathogen-host interaction. In an attempt to identify plasminogen binding sites of M. pneumoniae enolase, homology modeling and docking studies were conducted to obtain modeled structures of the M. pneumoniae enolase-plasminogen complex. The refined model was validated further by standard methods. Molecular docking revealed hydrogen bonding of eLys70-pgTyr50, eAsn165-pgThr66, eAla168-pgGlu21, eAsp17-pgLys70, and eAsn213-pgPro68/pgAsn69. Substantial decreases in accessible surface area (ASA) were observed and in concurrence with hydrogen bond pattern. These findings provide a detailed prediction of key residues that interact at the protein-protein interface. Our theoretical prediction is consistent with known biochemical data. The predicted interaction complex can be of great assistance in understanding structural insights, which is necessary to pathogen and host-component interaction. The ability of M. pneumoniae enolase to bind plasminogen may be indicative of an important role in invasion of this pathogen to host.  相似文献   

利用Modeller7v7软件对米根霉(Rhizopus oryzoe)富马酸酶(fumarase)进行了三级结构的同源建模并对结果的空间和能量上的合理性进行了验证,进一步对酶的结构域和催化活性位点进行了研究。结果表明:富马酸酶由三个结构域组成,中心区域为一个由五个几乎平行的α螺旋组成的独特的束型结构,其催化活性位点是由三个亚基上的氨基酸相互靠近共同组成的。为以后有针对性的进行富马酸酶的定点突变提高富马酸产量提供分子水平上的理论指导。  相似文献   


Klebsiella pneumoniae (K. pneumoniae) is a Gram-negative opportunistic pathogen commonly associated with hospital-acquired infections that are often resistant even to antibiotics. Heptosyltransferase (HEP) belongs to the family of glycosyltransferase-B (GT-B) and plays an important in the synthesis of lipopolysaccharides (LPS) essential for the formation of bacterial cell membrane. HEP-III participates in the transfer of heptose sugar to the outer surface of bacteria to synthesize LPS. LPS truncation increases the bacterial sensitivity to hydrophobic antibiotics and detergents, making the HEP as a novel drug target. In the present study, we report the 3D homology model of K. pneumoniae HEP-III and its structure validation. Active site was identified based on similarities with known structures using Dali server, and structure-based pharmacophore model was developed for the active site substrate ADP. The generated pharmacophore model was used as a 3D search query for virtual screening of the ASINEX database. The hit compounds were further filtered based on fit value, molecular docking, docking scores, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of HEP-III complexed with hit molecules, followed by binding free energy calculations using Molecular Mechanics-Poisson–Boltzmann Surface Area (MM-PBSA). The insights obtained in this work provide the rationale for design of novel inhibitors targeting K. pneumoniae HEP-III and the mechanistic aspects of their binding.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

对肺炎链球菌双组份系统中的组氨酸激酶YycG进行同源模建, 并分析其与底物ADP的相互作用, 为寻找特异性的激酶抑制剂提供了理论依据。采用同源模建的方法构建YycG蛋白的三维结构, 并用ProCheck、Profile_3D软件对此结构模型的合理性进行验证; 用Autodock4.0软件将结构模型与ADP进行自动对接, 分析二者之间的相互作用。序列比对结果显示肺炎链球菌YycG蛋白与Thermotoga maritima X-ray晶体结构序列的同一性达33%; YycG模建后的结构与模板能很好的叠合; 在活性口袋处的保守的氨基酸残基Asn145、Asn149、Lys152以及口袋内部的疏水残基在结合、水解底物ADP的过程中发挥重要作用。组氨酸激酶YycG的模建合理, 该结构模型可作为设计抗菌药的研究起点。  相似文献   


Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are implicated in the pathology of various cancers, and their pharmacological blockade has proven to be promising in reversing the malignant phenotypes. However, lack of crystal structures of some of the human HDAC isoforms (e.g., HDAC10) hinders the design of the isoform-selective inhibitor. Here, the recently solved X-ray crystal structure of Danio rerio (zebrafish) HDAC10 (Protein Data Bank (PDB) ID; 5TD7, released on 24 May 2017) was retrieved from the PDB and used as a template structure to model the three-dimensional structure of human HDAC10. The overall quality of the best model (M0017) was assessed by computing its z-score—a measure of the deviation of the total energy of the structure with respect to an energy distribution derived from random conformations and by docking of known HDAC10 inhibitors to its catalytic cavity. Furthermore, to identify potential HDAC10-selective inhibitor ligand-based virtual screening was carried out against the ZINC database. The free modeled structure of HDAC10 and its complexes with quisinostat and the highest-ranked compound ZINC19749069 were submitted to molecular dynamics simulation. The comparative analysis of root-mean-squared deviation, root-mean-squared fluctuation, radius of gyration (Rg), and potential energy of these systems showed that HDAC10-ZINC19749069 complex remained the most stable over time. Thus, M0017 could be potentially used for structure-based inhibitor against HDAC10, and ZINC19749069 may provide a scaffold for further optimization.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

Galdieria sulphuraria (Galdieri) Merola can grow heterotrophically on at least ten different polyols. We investigated their metabolic path to glycolysis/gluconeogenesis and identified two NAD-dependent polyol dehydrogenases. Activity of other enzymes metabolizing mannitol or sorbitol could not be detected. The two dehydrogenases had a broad substrate specificity and were termed xylitol dehydrogenase (EC; substrate specificity: xylitol > d-sorbitol > d-mannitol > l-arabitol) and d-arabitol dehydrogenase (EC; substrate specificity: d-arabitol > l-fucitol > d-mannitol > d-threitol) according to the substrate with the lowest K m value. The xylitol dehydrogenase was stable during purification. In contrast, the d-arabitol dehydrogenase was thermolabile and depended on divalent ions for stability and activity, preferentially Mn2+ and Ni2+. The molecular mass of the xylitol dehydrogenase was estimated to be 295 kDa by size-exclusion chromatography and 220 kDa by rate-sedimentation centrifugation. The d-arabitol dehydrogenase had a molecular mass of 105 kDa as determined by rate-sedimentation centrifugation. The specific activity of both enzymes increased about fourfold when cells were transferred from autotrophic to heterotrophic conditions regardless of whether sugars or polyols were supplied as substrates. The significance of polyol metabolism in Galdieria sulphuraria with regard to the natural habitat of the alga is discussed. Received: 15 January 1997 / Accepted: 12 February 1997  相似文献   

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