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Phylogenetic relationships among 36 species of major coleoid cephalopods from Japanese waters were studied using partial sequences of three mitochondrial genes, 16S rDNA, 12S rDNA, and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene. Octopoda and Decapoda were monophylic groups. Within Sepioidea, Sepiadariidae and Sepiolidae were not closely related to Sepiidae, but rather related to Teuthoidea. Sepiidae with a distinct calcareous shell formed a single cluster. Myopsida was closely related to Oegopsida. Within Octopoda, Opisthoteuthis depressa and Argonauta argo diverged earlier than Octopodiidae. The common octopuses in Japanese waters were separated into three clusters. The first cluster occupied a basal position, and includes large-sized octopuses, such as Enteroctopus dofleini and Octopus (Paroctopus) conispadiceus from the continental shelf and upper slope. The second cluster consisted of long-armed octopuses, such as O. ornatus, O. minor, and O. sasakii. The third cluster contained small- to medium-sized octopus, such as Amphioctopus fangsiao, A. areolatus, O. cyaneus, and O. vulgaris, in which several species possess ocelli on the web. The second cluster formed the sister group to the third cluster.  相似文献   

Sequence data from nrITS and cpDNA have failed to fully resolve phylogenetic relationships among Pinus species. Four low-copy nuclear genes, developed from the screening of 73 mapped conifer anchor loci, were sequenced from 12 species representing all subsections. Individual loci do not uniformly support either the nrITS or cpDNA hypotheses and in some cases produce unique topologies. Combined analysis of low-copy nuclear loci produces a well-supported subsectional topology of two subgenera, each divided into two sections, congruent with prior hypotheses of deep divergence in Pinus. The placements of P. nelsonii, P. krempfii, and P. contorta have been of continued systematic interest. Results strongly support the placement of P. nelsonii as sister to the remaining members of sect. Parrya, suggest a moderately well-supported and consistent position of P. krempfii as sister to the remaining members of sect. Quinquefoliae, and are ambiguous about the placement of P. contorta. A successful phylogenetic strategy in Pinus will require many low-copy nuclear loci that include a high proportion of silent sites and derive from independent linkage groups. The locus screening and evaluation strategy presented here can be broadly applied to facilitate the development of phylogenetic markers from the increasing number of available genomic resources.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial cytochrome b and 16S rRNA genes, totaling 946 bp, were used to reconstruct a molecular phylogeny of 42 species of the subfamily Viperinae representing 12 of the 13 recognized genera. Maximum-parsimony and maximum-likelihood were used as methods for phylogeny reconstruction with and without a posteriori weighting. When representatives of the Causinae were taken as outgroup, five major monophyletic groups were consistently identified: Bitis, Cerastes, Echis, the Atherini (Atheris s.l.), and the Eurasian viperines. Proatheris was affiliated with Atheris, and Adenorhinos clustered within Atheris. The African Bitis consisted of at least three monophyletic groups: (i) the B. gabonica group, (ii) the B. caudalis group, and (iii) the B. cornuta group. B. worthingtoni and B. arietans are not included in any of these lineages. Eurasian viperines could be unambiguously devided into four monophyletic groups: (i) Pseudocerastes and Eristicophis, (ii) European vipers (Vipera s.str.), (iii) Middle East Macrovipera plus Montivipera (Vipera xanthina group), and (iv) North African Macrovipera plus Vipera palaestinae and Daboia russelii. These evolutionary lineages are consistent with historical biogeographical patterns. According to our analyses, the viperines originated in the Oligocene in Africa and successively underwent a first radiation leading to the five basal groups. The radiation might have been driven by the possession of an effective venom apparatus and a foraging startegy (sit-wait-strike) superior in most African biomes and might have been adaptive. The next diversifications led to the Proatheris-Atheris furcation, the basal Bitis splitting, and the emergence of the basal lineages within the Eurasian stock. Thereafter, lineages within Echis, Atheris, and Cerastes evolved. The emergence of three groups within Vipera s.l. might have been forced by the existence of three land masses during the early Miocene in the area of the Paratethys and the Mediterranean Seas. Taxonomic consequences of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent molecular studies investigating higher-level phylogeneticsof coleoid cephalopods (octopuses, squids and cuttlefishes)have produced conflicting results. A wide range of sequencealignment and analysis methods are used in cephalopod phylogeneticstudies. The present study investigated the effect of commonlyused alignment and analysis methods on higher-level cephalopodphylogenetics. Two sequence homology methods: (1) eye alignment,(2) implied alignment, and three analysis methods: (1) parsimony,(2) maximum likelihood, (3) Bayesian methodologies, were employedon the longest sequence dataset available for the coleoid cephalopods,comprising three mitochondrial and six nuclear loci. The datawere also tested for base composition heterogeneity, which wasdetected in three genes and resolved using RY coding. The Octopoda,Argonautoidea, Oegopsida and Ommastrephidae are monophyleticin the phylogenies resulting from each of the alignment andanalysis combinations. Furthermore, the Bathyteuthidae are thesister taxon of the Oegopsida in each case. However many relationshipswithin the Coleoidea differed depending upon the alignment andanalysis method used. This study demonstrates how differencesin alignment and analysis methods commonly used in cephalopodphylogenetics can lead to different, but often highly supported,relationships. (Received 15 December 2006; accepted 1 September 2007)  相似文献   

PHYLOGENETIC RELATIONSHIPS AMONG THE CIRRATE OCTOPODS (MOLLUSCA: Cephalopoda) were investigated using partial sequences of the 16S rRNA mitochondrial gene. The derived phylogeny supports the traditional separation of cirrate families based on web form. Genera with a single web (Opisthoteuthis, Grimpoteuthis, Luteuthis, and Cirroctopus) are clearly distinct from those with an intermediate or secondary web (Cirroteuthis, Cirrothauma, and Stauroteuthis). The cirrates with a single web are separated into three groups. The first group is represented by Opisthoteuthis species, the second by Grimpoteuthis and Luteuthis, and the third by members of the genus Cirroctopus. There is no support for the isolation of Luteuthis in a separate family (Luteuthidae). There is, however, evidence of two groupings within the genus Opisthoteuthis. The data suggest the following revisions in the systematic classification of the cirrates: (1) Cirrothauma, Cirroteuthis, and Stauroteuthis be united in the Cirroteuthidae; (2) Grimpoteuthis and Luteuthis be placed in the Grimpoteuthidae; (3) Opisthoteuthis in the Opisthoteuthidae, and; (4) Cirroctopus be considered sufficiently distinct from both Opisthoteuthidae and Grimpoteuthidae to warrant placement in a new family.  相似文献   

Mastigoteuthid squids are ecologically important, being prey to many apex predators, yet the diversity and systematics of the family remain poorly understood. Delicate by nature, they are often damaged during capture; there is a need to accurately identify incomplete mastigoteuthid specimens from collections and stomach contents. This study aimed to test a morphological hypothesis for the division of the genera Mastigoteuthis (Mt.), Idioteuthis, Mastigopsis (Mp.), Echinoteuthis, and Magnoteuthis (Mg.) and to assess the utility of DNA barcodes to discriminate species. Three mitochondrial genes (16S rRNA, 12S rRNA, and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) were analysed for eight different species, representing the largest phylogenetic assessment of the family to date. Evidence was found for a potentially new species in New Zealand that has been previously misidentified as the morphologically similar species Mg. magna. Each species analysed herein exhibited unique mitochondrial DNA haplotypes for all loci, and the morphological distinction between the five proposed genera was strongly supported using a combined Bayesian and maximum-likelihood phylogenies. Of the three loci examined, the DNA barcode region shows the greatest divergence between species and should be used in future systematic work on the Mastigoteuthidae.  相似文献   

Within the Polyceridae, Nembrothinae includes some of the most striking and conspicuous sea slugs known, although several features of their biology and phylogenetic relationships remain unknown. This paper reports a phylogenetic analysis based on partial sequences of two mitochondrial genes (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I and 16S rRNA) and morphology for most species included in Nembrothinae. Our phylogenetic reconstructions using both molecular and combined morphological and molecular data support the taxonomic splitting of Nembrothinae into several taxa. Excluding one species (Tambja tentaculata), the monophyly of Roboastra was supported by all the phylogenetic analyses of the combined molecular data. Nembrotha was monophyletic both in the morphological and molecular analyses, always with high support. However, Tambja was recovered as para- or polyphyletic, depending on the analysis performed. Our study also rejects the monophyly of "phanerobranch" dorids based on molecular data.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships among the loliginid squids, a species-rich group of shallowwater muscular squids, have been investigated recently using several approaches, including allozyme electrophoresis and analyses of morphological and DNA sequence data, yet no consensus has been reached. This study examines the effects of combining multiple data sets (morphology, allozymes and DNA sequence data from two mitochondrial genes) on estimates of loliginid phylogeny. Various data combinations were analysed under three maximum parsimony weighting schemes: equal weights for all characters, successive approximations and implicit weights parsimony. When feasible, support for branches within trees was assessed with nonparametric bootstrapping and decay analysis. Some ingroup relationships were consistent across all analyses, but relationships among outgroup taxa and basal ingroup taxa varied. Combining data increased bootstrap support for several nodes. Methods that downweight highly variable characters (i.e. successive approximations and implicit weights parsimony) produced very similar trees which included two major clades: a clade consisting of all species sampled from American waters (except Sepioteuthis ), and a clade of several east Atlantic species ( Loligo forbesi Steenstrup, Loligo vulgaris Lamarck and Loligo reynaudi d'Orbigny) plus several Indo-West Pacific species in the genera Uroteuthis and Loliolus. The Sepioteuthis species occupied a basal position within Loliginidae, but Sepioteuthis itself was not always monophyletic. The position of a clade of a few Lolliguncula species and Loligo (Alloteuthis) also varied across analyses. A new loliginid classification is proposed based on these findings.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction analysis was used to examine the evolutionary and taxonomic relationships among 11 taxa of the subfamily Salmoninae. The genera Brachymystax and Hucho were closely related, diverging by sequence divergence estimates of 3.1%. Because the mtDNA sequence divergence between blunt- and sharp-snouted forms of Brachymystax (2.24%) was similar to divergence level of Brachymystax and Hucho , then taking into account the distinct morphological, ecological and allozyme differences between them, it is possible to recognize these forms as two separate species. The subgenus Parahucho formed a very distinct group differing by 6.35–7.08% (sequence divergence estimate) from both Brachymystax and Hucho and must be considered as a valid genus. The UPGMA and neighbour-joined phenograms showed that the five genera studied are divided into two main groupings: (1) Hucho, Brachymystax and Salvelinus ; and (2) Oncorhynchus and Parahucho species. The mtDNA sequence divergence estimates between these groupings were about 8.1%. However, the subsequent bootstrap analysis of mtDNA RFLP data did not support the monophyly of the latter grouping. The concordance of morphological and mtDNA phylogenetic patterns is discussed.  相似文献   

A single layer of cell secrets the hard cephalopod beaks. The beccublasts are tall columnar cells that separate the beak from the surrounding buccal muscles, and must serve to attach these muscles to the beak. Within the cell layer there are three types of cells. The first, and most frequently found contain cell-long fibrils. These fibrils may have contractile and tensile properties. Complex trabeculae extend from the beccublasts into the matrix of the beak. The fibrils are attached to these trabeculae and at the other end of the cells they are anchored near to the beccublast-muscle cell interface, closely associated with the muscles that move the beak. The second group of cells contain masses of endoplasmic reticulum the cysternae of which are arranged along the long axis of the cell. These cells also contain dense granules and are probably the major source of beak hard tissue. It is probable that each cell secretes its own column of beak hard tissue. The third group of cells cells contains a mixture of fibrils and secretory tissue. In the beccublast layer there are changes in the proportion of the three types of cells depending upon the region sampled. In the region where growth is most active there are mostly secretory cells, whereas near the biting and wearing tip there are mainly anchoring type cells.  相似文献   

Paralarvae of the family Gonatidae were sampled in the Gulfof Alaska during spring 2001–2003. Taxonomic characterswere determined to allow identification of the specimens tospecies. The dorsal head chromatophore pattern (DHCP) was themost robust character and allowed identification to speciesfor the first time without requiring the removal and examinationof the radula. Six different DHCPs were found among the sixspecies in the study area. The 1140 specimens collected consistedof the following six species: Berryteuthis anonychus (759),Berryteuthis magister (71), Gonatopsis borealis (155), Gonatuskamtschaticus (1), Gonatus madokai (4) and Gonatus onyx (143).The specimens had a size range of 3.0–20.63 mm dorsalmantle length with the majority of specimens smaller than 10 mm.All species showed an increasing trend in abundance from theshelf (0–200 m) to the slope (200–1000 m)to the basin (>1000 m) except G. onyx in 2001 and 2002.Wide variation in distribution and abundance was found for thefour most abundant species; however, in general, B. anonychuswas most abundant and widely distributed, followed by Gonatopisborealis, Gonatus onyx and B. magister. (Received 28 April 2006; accepted 1 February 2007)  相似文献   

In order to describe the genetic diversity of five geographical populations of cuttlefish (Sepiella japonica) along with Chinese coast and determined their phylogenetic relationship, partial mitochondrial COI gene (681bp in length) was amplified from 96 individuals collected from these populations and sequenced. The 5 populations of cuttlefish inhabit Yellow Sea, East China Sea and South China Sea. Out of 22 polymorphic nucleotides identified, 8 were represented by a single sequence, 12 were parsimony informative, which defined 22 haplotypes. Haplotype and nucleotide diversity were low among populations. Of 22 haplotypes, 15 appeared only in a single population, 6 appeared in 2 or 3 populations and 1 was shared by all populations. The COI gene was monomorphic in Qingdao population. The haplotypes identified clustered into 2 clades, each covered individuals from 5 populations each. Pairwise FST were not proportional to the geographical distances. Among the 5 populations, relatively high level of genetic diversity was found in Ningde population which was recommended to be the best choice of germplasm resources for artificial releasing project.  相似文献   

The statocysts of Cranchiidae are unlike those of all other squids. They are very varied: at one extreme is Bathothauma with a very large sac unique in having no internal interruptions. Conversely Egea has more of these anticristae than any other cephalopod. They are arranged in patterns that are different from those of other squids and they are sometimes very long and thin. The anticristae are large and numerous in the cranchiids that are perhaps more rapid swimmers and more active in hunting their prey, for example Mesonychoteuthis, Megalocranchia, Egea or Taonius. However, in the moderately large cranchiids Teuthowenia and Galiteuthis the statocyst cavities are little interruped by anticristae.
The conditions of the statocysts are found to correspond well with the cladistic analyses of relationship within the family performed by N.A. and R.S. Voss, except for those of Teuthowenia and Galiteuthis which stand apart, having relatively uninterrupted cavities. Other genera showing this condition are mostly small animals and form a group of presumably neotenous forms as suggested by N. Voss. It is discussed whether these may be the more primitive genera in the group. Possibly the Cranchiidae arose as neotenous buoyant squids with a peculiar mantle cavity and coelom and uninterrupted statocysts. Later genera exploited these characters and when they became more active swimmers they developed anticristae with an original pattern, allowing monitoring of more rapid turns.  相似文献   

Several members of the dipteran family Tephritdae are serious pests because females lay eggs in ripening fruit. The genus Bactrocera is one of the largest within the family with over 500 described species arranged in 28 subgenera. The phylogenetic relationships among the various species and subgenera, and the monophyly of specific groups have not been examined using a rigorous phylogenetic analysis. Therefore, phylogenetic relationships among 24 Bactrocera species belonging to 9 subgenera were inferred from DNA sequence of portions of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA, cytochrome oxidase II, tRNA(Lys), and tRNA(Asp) genes. Two morphological characters that traditionally have been used to define the four groups within the subgenus Bactrocera were evaluated in a phylogenetic context by mapping the character states onto the parsimony tree. In addition, the evolutionary trend in male-lure response was evaluated in a phylogenetic context. Maximum parsimony analyses suggested the following relationships: (1) the genus Bactrocera is monophyletic, (2) the subgenus B. (Zeugodacus) is paraphyletic, (3) the subgenus B. (Daculus) is a sister group to subgenus B. (Bactrocera), and (4) the subgenus B. (Bactrocera) is monophyletic. The mapping analyses suggested that the morphological characters exhibit a simple evolutionary transition from one character state to another. Male-lure response was identified as being a labile behavior that has been lost on multiple occasions. Cue-lure response was plesiomorphic to methyl-eugenol response, and the latter has evolved independently within the Bactrocera and Zeugodacus groups of subgenera. The implications of our results for devising a coherent, consolidated classification for Bactrocera is discussed.  相似文献   

Paralarval behaviour of eight species of the family Gonatidae (Teuthoidea, Cephalopoda) was examined in small 3–1 aquaria on board ship during planktonic surveys, which were carried out above and off the continental slope of the western part of the Bering Sea. Undisturbed paralarvae moved in aquaria with an average frequency of 15–20 mantle contractions per minute. In response to a sudden disturbance (flash of light, impact to the aquarium wall) squids exhibited a defensive body posture, relaxing the mantle and pulling the head with tentacles and arms into the mantle cavity, thereby becoming similar in appearance, size and colour to small jellyfishesAglantha digitalis (Hydromedusae).  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analysis conducted on a 784-bp fragment of 82 actin gene sequences of 44 coleoid cephalopod taxa, along with results obtained from genomic Southern blot analysis, confirmed the presence of at least three distinct actin loci in coleoids. Actin isoforms were characteri zed through phylogenetic analysis of representative cephalopod sequences from each of the three isoforms, along with translated actin cDNA sequences from a diverse array of metazoan taxa downloaded from GenBank. One of the three isoforms found in cephalopods was closely related to actin sequences expressed in the muscular tissues of other molluscs. A second isoform was most similar to cytoplasmic-specific actin amino acid sequences. The muscle type actins of molluscs were found to be distinct from those of arthropods, suggesting at least two independent derivations of muscle actins in the protostome lineage, although statistical support for this conclusion was lacking. Parsimony and maximum-likelihood analyses of two of the isoforms from which >30 orthologous coleoid sequences had been obtained (one of the cytoplasmic actins and the muscle actin) supported the monophyly of several higher-level coleoid taxa. These included the superorders Octopodiformes and Decapodiformes, the order Octopoda, the octopod suborder Incirrata, and the teuthoid suborder Myopsida. The monophyly of several taxonomic groups within the Decapodiformes was not supported, including the orders Teuthoidea and Sepioidea and the teuthoid suborder Oegopsida. Parametric bootstrap analysis conducted on the simulated cytoplasmic actin data set provided statistical support to reject the monophyly of the Sepioidea. Although parametric bootstrap analysis of the muscle actin isoform did not reject sepioid monophyly at the 5% level, the results (rejection at P: = 0.068) were certainly suggestive of sepioid nonmonophyly.  相似文献   

用12S rRNA基因序列研究斑腿蝗科二属六种的进化关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用DNA测序技术测定了中国斑腿蝗科昆虫6种和斑翅蝗科的红胫小车蝗线粒体12S rRNA基因长约345 bp片段的序列。在获得的345 bp的序列中,A+T约占71.8%,其中135个核苷酸位点存在变异 (约占39.1%)。PAUP4.0b数据分析软件构建该6种蝗虫的MP和NJ分子系统树显示,稻蝗属和蔗蝗属各为独立的一支。在稻蝗属一支中,中华稻蝗与山稻蝗关系很近,而与小稻蝗关系较远,这与形态学结果相吻合;在蔗蝗属一支中,异歧蔗蝗与斑角蔗蝗亲缘关系较近,而与等歧蔗蝗关系较远,这与形态学研究结果并不吻合,有待进一步的研究。  相似文献   

A comparative study was carried out of the substrate and inhibitory specificity of cholinesterase preparations from squids, representatives of 3 genes and 5 species of the Gonatidae family:Berryteuthis (B. magister andB. anonichos),Gonatus (G. kamtschaticus andG. tinro), andGonatipsis (G. borealis), that have overlapping habitation areals in the Bering Sea. As substrates, there were used bromides of acetylthiocholine, propionylthiocholine, and butyrylthiocholine, as organophosphorus inhibitors, diisopropylfluorophosphate, a cation-containing inhibitor, and 4 hydrophobic compounds. The homogeneity of the cholinesterase activity in these preparations has been shown, the intergenus and interspecies differences in the enzyme properties are revealed, and also the peculiarity of properties of enzymes from Gonatidae squids is emphasized in comparison with cholinesterase from the Pacific squidTodarodes paciflcus and “standard” mammalian enzymes (from human erythrocytes and horse blood serum). The revealed interspecies differences are discussed in terms of evolutionary development of the Gonatidae family.  相似文献   

Abstract. The tentacles of ommastrephid squids fuse during embryonic development and remain fused as they grow through hatching, but eventually separate to become two fully functional adult tentacles. The external anatomy of individuals at several post‐hatching ontogenetic stages of three species of ommastrephid squids (Ommastrephes bartramii, Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis, and Hyaloteuthis pelagica) was examined using scanning electron microscopy and morphometrics. The fusion of the transverse muscle mass of the tentacles was examined using light microscopy. Five ontogenetic stages of tentacle separation were defined based on landmark features such as the extent of the fusion and the presence of suckers or sucker buds at the distal tip. The total tentacle length and fused tentacle length reached a maximum when the dorsal mantle length (ML) equaled 3–4 mm (H. pelagica) or 4–6 mm (O. bartramii, S. oualaniensis), and then decreased with increasing ML. The average split length (measured from the base of the tentacles to the point of tentacle fusion) increased gradually with increasing ML, and the separate tentacle diameter was roughly half the diameter of the fused portion at all sizes. In all three species, separation of the fused tentacles began earlier in development (2–3‐mm ML) and was more advanced at smaller sizes than previously reported. The sizes presented here are conservative because excess epithelium at the location of the split may disguise the actual site of separation. Post‐separation tentacles were much shorter than the arms, and the carpal region appeared torn in 2 of the 4 specimens of S. oualaniensis examined. Finally, none of the original distal tip suckers were retained on the post‐separation tentacles of S. oualaniensis. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that the tentacles separate gradually then rupture at the “wrist” (presumptive carpus), and argue against the possibility of prey capture by the fused tentacles.  相似文献   

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