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Mutational studies were previously carried out at the omega site intact cells (Micanovic, R., L. Gerber, J. Berger, K. Kodukula, and S. Udenfriend. 1990. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 87:157-161; Micanovic R., K. Kodukula, L. Gerber, and S. Udenfriend. 1990. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA: 87:7939-7943) and at the omega + 1 and omega + 2 sites in a cell- free system (Gerber, L., K. Kodukula, and S. Udenfriend. 1992. J. Biol. Chem. 267:12168-12173) of nascent proteins destined to be processed to a glycosylphosphatidyl-inositol (GPI)-anchored form. We have now mutated the omega + 1 and omega + 2 sites in placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP) cDNA and transfected the wild-type and mutant cDNAs into COS 7 cells. Only glycine at the omega + 2 site yielded enzymatically active GPI membrane-anchored PLAP in amounts comparable to the wild type (alanine). Serine was less active and threonine and valine yielded very low but significant activity. By contrast the omega + 1 site was promiscuous, with only proline being inactive. These and the previous studies indicate that the omega and omega + 2 sites of a nascent protein are key determinants for recognition by COOH-terminal signal transamidase. Comparisons have been made to specific requirements for substitution at the -1, -3 sites of amino terminal signal peptides for recognition by NH2-terminal signal peptidase and the mechanisms of NH2 and COOH-terminal signaling are compared.  相似文献   

Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchoring of proteins is catalyzed by GPI transamidase (GPIT), a multisubunit, endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-localized enzyme. GPIT recognizes ER-translocated proteins that have a GPI-directing C-terminal signal sequence and replaces this sequence with a preassembled GPI anchor. Although the GPI signal sequence has been extensively characterized, little is known about the structural features of the GPI lipid substrate that enable its recognition by GPIT. In a previous study we showed that mature GPIs could be co-immunoprecipitated with GPIT complexes containing functional subunits (Vainauskas, S., and Menon, A. K. (2004) J. Biol. Chem. 279, 6540-6545). We now use this approach, as well as a method that reconstitutes the interaction between GPIs and GPIT, to define the basis of the interaction between GPI and human GPIT. We report that (i) human GPIT can interact with GPI biosynthetic intermediates, not just mature GPIs competent for transfer to protein, (ii) the ethanolamine phosphate group on the third mannose residue of the GPI glycan is not critical for GPI recognition by GPIT, (iii) the ethanolamine phosphate residue linked to the first mannose of the GPI structure is a major feature of GPIs that is recognized by human GPIT, and (iv) the simplest GPI recognized by human GPIT is EtN-P-2Manalpha1-4GlcN-(acyl)-phosphatidyl-inositol. These studies define the molecular characteristics of GPI that are recognized by GPIT and open the way to identifying GPIT subunits that are involved in this process.  相似文献   

Gpi7 was isolated by screening for mutants defective in the surface expression of glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) proteins. Gpi7 mutants are deficient in YJL062w, herein named GPI7. GPI7 is not essential, but its deletion renders cells hypersensitive to Calcofluor White, indicating cell wall fragility. Several aspects of GPI biosynthesis are disturbed in Deltagpi7. The extent of anchor remodeling, i.e. replacement of the primary lipid moiety of GPI anchors by ceramide, is significantly reduced, and the transport of GPI proteins to the Golgi is delayed. Gpi7p is a highly glycosylated integral membrane protein with 9-11 predicted transmembrane domains in the C-terminal part and a large, hydrophilic N-terminal ectodomain. The bulk of Gpi7p is located at the plasma membrane, but a small amount is found in the endoplasmic reticulum. GPI7 has homologues in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Caenorhabditis elegans, and man, but the precise biochemical function of this protein family is unknown. Based on the analysis of M4, an abnormal GPI lipid accumulating in gpi7, we propose that Gpi7p adds a side chain onto the GPI core structure. Indeed, when compared with complete GPI lipids, M4 lacks a previously unrecognized phosphodiester-linked side chain, possibly an ethanolamine phosphate. Gpi7p contains significant homology with phosphodiesterases suggesting that Gpi7p itself is the transferase adding a side chain to the alpha1,6-linked mannose of the GPI core structure.  相似文献   

Isolation and primary structure of human PHI (peptide HI)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The isolation of the human form of PHI (peptide HI) is described. The peptide was purified from human colonic extracts by using a chemical method for the detection of its C-terminal amidated structure. Human PHI consists of 27 amino acid residues and the complete amino acid sequence is: His-Ala-Asp-Gly-Val-Phe-Thr-Ser-Asp-Phe-Ser-Lys-Leu-Leu-Gly-Gln-Leu-Ser- Ala-Lys-Lys-Tyr-Leu-Glu-Ser-Leu-Met-NH2. The differences between the structures of porcine and human PHI are at position 12 (Arg/Lys replacement) and at position 27 (Ile/Met).  相似文献   

A novel short neurotoxin, cobrotoxin c (CBT C) was isolated from the venom of monocellate cobra (Naja kaouthia) using a combination of ion-exchange chromatography and FPLC. Its primary structure was determined by Edman degradation. CBT C is composed of 61 amino acid residues. It differs from cobrotoxin b (CBT B) by only two amino acid substitutions, Thr/Ala11 and Arg/Thr56, which are not located on the functionally important regions by sequence similarity. However, the LD50 is 0.08 mg/g to mice, i.e. approximately five-fold higher than for CBT B. Strikingly, a structure-function relationship analysis suggests the existence of a functionally important domain on the outside of Loop III of CBT C. The functionally important basic residues on the outside of Loop III might have a pairwise interaction with alpha subunit, instead of gamma or delta subunits of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR).  相似文献   

A glycosylated protein (small, cartilage-derived glycoprotein, SCGP) of approximately 18 kDa with unknown function has been isolated from dissociative extracts of bovine nasal cartilage and its primary structure determined. The protein has 121 amino acids, giving a calculated protein molecular weight of 13,878, four disulfide bonds, two N-linked oligosaccharides and one O-linked oligosaccharide. In nasal cartilage, this glycoprotein is in molar concentrations equivalent to 1/5-1/2 that of the link protein of cartilage proteoglycan aggregates, and it has also been isolated from bovine articular cartilage and from bovine fetal epiphysis. The N-terminal, glycosylated region of the molecule is relatively rich in arginine, proline, glycine, and threonine. The C-terminal 82 amino acids (which contains all four of the disulfide bonds and none of the carbohydrate) can be found as a discrete entity in cartilage extracts, indicating that the N-terminal domain is readily removed by extracellular proteolytic attack.  相似文献   

The cell wall of Saccharomyces cerevisiae consists of glucan, chitin and various kinds of mannoproteins. Major parts of mannoproteins are synthesized as glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins and are then transferred to cell wall beta-1,6-glucan. A glycosyltransferase has been hypothesized to catalyse this transfer reaction. A database search revealed that the products of YKL046c and DFG5 are homologous to bacterial mannosidase. These genes are homologous to each other and have primary structures characteristic of GPI-anchored proteins. Although single disruptants of ykl046c and dfg5 were viable, ykl046cDelta was hypersensitive to a cell wall-digesting enzyme (zymolyase), suggesting that this gene is involved in cell wall biosynthesis. We therefore designated this gene as DCW1 (defective cell wall). A double disruptant of dcw1 and dfg5 was synthetically lethal, indicating that the functions of these gene products are redundant, and at least one of them is required for cell growth. Cells deficient in both Dcw1p and Dfg5p were round and large, had cell walls that contained an increased amount of chitin and secreted a major cell wall protein, Cwp1p, into the medium. Biochemical analyses showed that epitope-tagged Dcw1p is an N-glycosylated, GPI-anchored membrane protein and is localized in the membrane fraction including the cell surface. These results suggest that both Dcw1p and Dfg5p are GPI-anchored membrane proteins and are required for normal biosynthesis of the cell wall.  相似文献   

The eucaryotic microorganism, Neurospora crassa, is able under specified conditions (Zamir, L.O., Jung, E., and Jensen, R.A. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 258, 6492-6496) to synthesize a cyclohexadienyl derivative of prephenic acid having the novel structure of a spiro-gamma-lactam. This L-gamma-(spiro-4-hydroxy-2,5-cyclohexadienyl)-pyroglutamate is herein given the trivial name, spiro-arogenate, to indicate its close relationship to the amino acid, L-arogenate. Spiro-arogenate is quantitatively converted to phenylalanine at mildly acidic pH and can be converted to arogenate by boiling at basic pH. The structure of spiro-arogenate was established through the application of spectroscopic techniques (ultraviolet, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, and mass spectrometry). The 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR spectra of spiro-arogenate isolated as the natural product conformed to the spectrum of spiro-arogenate prepared by chemical synthesis by S. Danishefsky and co-workers (Danishefsky, S., Morris, J., and Clizbe, L.A. (1981) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 103, 1602-1604). Circular dichroism established the S configuration of the asymmetric carbon at C-8 of spiro-arogenate.  相似文献   

A slow migrating monosialosyl ganglioside with blood group H activity was isolated from human erythrocyte membranes and identified as monosialosylceramide decasaccharide. Its structure was determined by degradation with exo- and endoglycosidases, by mass spectrometric characterization of a nonasaccharide liberated by endo-beta-galactosidase, and by methylation analysis and mass spectrometry of permethylated glycolipids before and after enzymatic degradation. The ganglioside contains two oligosaccharide chains branched through GlcNAcbeta1 leads to 6(GlcNAcbeta1 leads to 3) Gal structure, and the terminal Gal of the 1 leads to 6-linked oligosaccharide was fucosylated, whereas that of the 1 leads to 3-linked oligosaccharide was sialosylated as seen below.  相似文献   

The major zinc metalloprotease of Leishmania (gp63), an important determinant of parasite virulence, is attached to the parasite surface via a glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor. Here we report the spontaneous release of proteolytically active gp63 from a number of Leishmania isolates, causing cutaneous and visceral disease. To investigate the mechanism(s) of gp63 release, we transfected a gp63-deficient variant of Leishmania amazonensis with constructs expressing gp63 and various mutants thereof. Surprisingly, approximately half of wild type gp63 was found in the culture supernatant 12 h post-synthesis. Biochemical analysis of the extracellular gp63 revealed two forms of the protein, one that is released from the cell surface, and another, that apparently is directly secreted. Release of cell surface gp63 was significantly reduced when the proteolytic activity of the protein was inactivated by site-specific mutagenesis or inhibited by zinc chelation, suggesting that release involves autoproteolysis. The extracellular gp63 does not contain a glycosylphosphatidylinositol moiety or ethanolamine, indicating that phospholipolysis is not involved in the release process. Release of gp63 is also independent of glycosylation. The finding of proteolytically active, extracellular gp63 produced by multiple Leishmania isolates suggests a potential role of the extracellular enzyme in substrate degradation relevant to their survival in both the mammalian host and the insect vector.  相似文献   

A new acylphosphatase from human erythrocytes was isolated by an original purification procedure. It is an isoenzyme of the well-characterized human skeletal muscle acylphosphatase. The erythrocyte enzyme shows hydrolytic activity on acyl phosphates with higher affinity than the muscle enzyme for some substrates and phosphorylated inhibitors. The sequence was determined by characterizing the peptides purified from tryptic, peptic, and Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease digests of the protein, and it was found to differ in 44% of the total positions as compared to the human muscle enzyme. About one-third of these differences are in the form of strictly conservative replacements. The protein consists of 98 amino acid residues; it has an acetylated NH2-terminus and does not contain cysteine: (sequence in text).  相似文献   

The primary structure of a novel human chromogranin A-derived tetradecapeptide, WE-14, possessing N-terminal tryptophanyl (W) and C-terminal glutamyl (E) residues was isolated from a hepatic metastasis of an human ileal carcinoid tumour. Human and bovine WE-14 are structurally identical, while rat, mouse and porcine analogues exhibit 93% homology. WE-14 is flanked by paired basic residues (KR) in all known chromogranin A sequences.  相似文献   

A high molecular weight glycoprotein consisting of three disulfide-linked 142,000 molecular weight chains has been isolated from human blood platelets. The glycoprotein, designated thrombospondin, is released by platelets in response to thrombin treatment and is proteolyzed when left in the presence of platelets after liberation. It is relatively insensitive to degradation by thrombin. Thrombospondin is a filamentous protein of dimensions approximately 7 X 70 nm and contains 1.9% neutral sugars, 1.4% amino sugars, 0.7% sialic acid, and no hexuronic acid. Amino acid analysis reveals that the level of cysteine is approximately 260 residues per molecule. Thrombospondin binds to immobilized heparin but is released by 0.45 M sodium chloride. A single band is obtained by isoelectric focusing, indicating a pI of 4.7 as well as a relatively high degree of purity. Degradation of the intact molecule with trypsin yields a stable core particle of molecular weight 210,000 comprised of three 70,000 chains.  相似文献   

The glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchors of Plasmodium falciparum have been proposed to be the major factors that contribute to malaria pathogenesis through their ability to induce proinflammatory responses. In this study we identified the receptors for P. falciparum GPI-induced cell signaling that leads to proinflammatory responses and studied the GPI structure-activity relationship. The data show that GPI signaling is mediated mainly through recognition by TLR2 and to a lesser extent by TLR4. The activity of sn-2-lyso-GPIs is comparable with that of the intact GPIs, whereas the activity of Man(3)-GPIs is about 80% that of the intact GPIs. The GPIs with three (intact GPIs and Man(3)-GPIs) and two fatty acids (sn-2-lyso-GPIs) appear to differ considerably in the requirement of the auxiliary receptor, TLR1 or TLR6, for recognition by TLR2. The former are preferentially recognized by TLR2/TLR1, whereas the latter are favored by TLR2/TLR6. However, the signaling pathways initiated by all three GPI types are similar, involving the MyD88-dependent activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase, c-Jun N-terminal kinase, and p38 and NF-kappaB-signaling pathways. The signaling molecules of these pathways differentially contribute to the production of various cytokines and nitric oxide (Zhu, J., Krishnegowda, G., and Gowda, D. C. (2004) J. Biol. Chem. 280, 8617-8627). Our data also show that GPIs are degraded by the macrophage surface phospholipases predominantly into inactive species, indicating that the host can regulate GPI activity at least in part by this mechanism. These results imply that macrophage surface phospholipases play important roles in the GPI-induced innate immune responses and malaria pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Molecules of human erythrocyte spectrin have been examined by electron microscopy after low-angle shadowing. Spectrin heterodimers and tetramers were first purified and characterized by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and analytical ultracentrifugation under conditions which minimize proteolysis and aggregation. The heterodimers and tetramere were separated for low-angle shadowing by gel filtration in ammonium acetate buffer at physiological ionic strength, in which they showed sedimentation coefficients of 8.9 S and 12.5 S, respectively, similar to those values reported for heterodimers and tetramers in non-volatile buffers. The ammonium acetate buffer promoted the dissociation of spectrin tetramers into heterodimers under conditions in which tetramers in NaCl or KCl buffers are stable. When visualized by low-angle unidirectional and rotary shadowing, spectrin heterodimers appeared as long flexible molecules with a mean shadowed length of 97 nm. Each heterodimer, composed of the two polypeptide chains, band 1 (240,000 Mr) and band 2 (220,000 Mr), often appeared as two separate strands which lay partially separated from one another or coiled round each other in a loose double helix. The association between these polypeptides appears to be weak, except at both ends of the molecule where there are sites of strong binding. Tetramers are formed by the end-to-end association of two spectrin heterodimer molecules without measurable overlap, and have a mean shadowed length of 194 nm. This association to form tetramers probably involves head-to-head binding of the heterodimers, since the higher oligomers to be expected from a head-to-tail binding mode are not observed. The molecular shape of spectrin is quite distinct from that of myosin, to which it has often been likened.  相似文献   

It is known that ABO blood group substances in human erythrocyte membranes are sphingoglycolipids, but recently several authors have reported that the glycoproteins of the erythrocyte membranes also have ABO blood group activities in addition to MN blood group activities and virus hemagglutination inhibitor activity. We solubilized blood group A erythrocyte membranes with lithium diiodosalicylate and separated the glycoprotein fraction by phenol extraction and ethanol precipitation. This fraction was apparently not contaminated with glycolipid, but it showed weak blood group A activity. The activity of the glycoprotein of the erythrocyte membranes was one-sixth of that of the lgycolipid fraction from the same amount of membranes. The glycoprotein components were purified by Sephadex G-200 gel filtration in SDS. The main component isolated, PAS 1, still showed blood A activity.  相似文献   

Alpha(1)-acid glycoprotein is a plasma protein that exhibits both microheterogeneity and polymorphism. Its purification from human plasma is usually performed using a sequence of different fractionation steps. Here we report a one-step isolation technique of this protein based upon pseudo-ligand affinity chromatography on immobilized Cibacron Blue F3GA at acidic pH. In addition, the use of two narrow pH elution buffers allows us to separate the two genetic products of this protein, which differ from each other by 21 amino acid substitutions. This technique will facilitate the study of the structural, biological and pharmacokinetic properties of each individual allele product.  相似文献   

We describe the crystal structure of human epidermal-type fatty acid binding protein (E-FABP) that was recently found to be highly upregulated in human psoriatic keratinocytes. To characterize E-FABP with respect to ligand-binding properties and tertiary structure, we cloned the respective cDNA, overexpressed the protein in Escherichia coli and purified it to homogeneity by a combination of ion-exchange and size-exclusion chromatographic steps with a yield of 30 mg/L broth. The purified protein revealed a 5-fold higher affinity for stearic acid than for oleic and arachidonic acids. The crystal structure of recombinant human E-FABP was determined to 2.05 A and refined to an R(factor) of 20.7%. The initial residual electron density maps clearly showed the presence of a ligand, which was identified as endogenous bacterial fatty acid. Within a central cavity of 252 A(3), this ligand is bound in a U-shaped conformation, its carboxyl group interacting with tyrosine 131 and arginines 129 and 109, the latter via an ordered water molecule. The E-FABP crystal structure is unique in the FABP family because of the presence of a disulfide bridge between cysteines 120 and 127 that may be physiologically as well as pathophysiologically relevant. Cysteines 67 and 87 are also in close vicinity but in contrast do not form a disulfide bridge. We postulate that this protein belongs to a particular FABP subfamily whose members share common structural as well as functional features.  相似文献   

cDNA clones complementary to MS7-4 (Setoguchi et al. (1988) Somat. Cell Mol. Genet. 14, 427-438) from a mouse macrophage cDNA library were separated. Sequence analysis of these clones demonstrated that the longest cDNA clone, MS7X, had a 1366 bp insert and high homology with that of the human CD14 gene (Ferrero and Goyert (1988) Nucleic Acids Res. 16, 4173). Using the MS7X cDNA probe, cDNA clones were separated from cDNA libraries constructed from a human macrophage cell line and macrophages. The total cDNA sequence was 1364 bp in length, with an open reading frame of 1125 nucleotides matching that of the human CD14 gene except for one nucleotide difference. The amino-acid sequence (mouse CD14), deduced from the nucleotide sequence of the MS7X insert consisted of 351 amino-acid residues with a high leucine content (17.66%) and five putative N-glycosylation sites, and in vitro translation predicted a protein of molecular mass of 37.5 kDa. Human CD14 had 356 amino-acid residues, with high leucine content (15.5%), and contained four putative N-glycosylation sites. Mouse CD14 showed 13 building blocks, of which internal nine blocks have a conserved leucine motif and significant homology with human leucine-rich alpha 2-glycoprotein.  相似文献   

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