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 Interactions involving the T-cell receptor (TCR) and major histocompatibility complex (MHC) are fundamental to the generation of a specific immune response. The study of interpopulation differences in TCR genes may identify those genes which are subject to selection, and also provides useful information for future genetic studies in these populations. In this study we present analysis of five TCRAV polymorphisms, for V5S1, V6S1, V8S1, V17S1, and V21S1 loci in five human populations by single-strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) analysis. Caucasian, Chinese, Gambian, AfroCaribbean, and South American Indians (Mapuches) showed marked interpopulation variation for both the silent (V5S1, V17S1, and V21S1) and coding (V6S1 and V8S1) polymorphisms. In general the alleles were conserved in the different populations, but new, additional variants were found for V5S1 and V17S1 in Gambians and Caucasians. V6S1 overall showed the highest nucleotide diversity, and V6S1 genotype distributions were skewed away from expected values in Chinese and Mapuches. Analysis of allelic associations showed a general lack of linkage disequilibrium between the loci, which was reflected by the absence of strong population-specific haplotypes. Received: 22 April 1997 / Revised: 9 July 1997  相似文献   

 A comprehensive analysis was carried out of the tri-molecular complex of peptide, major histocompatibility class II molecule, and T-cell receptor (TcR) involved in the recognition of the promiscuous HA (306–318) peptide, restricted by one of two closely related HLA-DR alleles, HLA-DRB1*0101 and HLA-DRB1*0103. These two DR molecules differ by only three amino acids at positions 67, 70, and 71, in the third variable region of the DRB1 chain. None of the HA (306–318)-specific T-cell clones restricted by these two DR molecules tolerated amino acid substitution at the peptide-binding position 71, despite the fact that the substitution did not interfere with peptide binding. The majority of the DRB1*0103-restricted clones tolerated substitution of the amino acid at the TcR-contacting position 70, while the DRB1*0101-restricted T cells did not. Biased usage of TRVA and TRVB segments was observed for the DRB1*0103-restricted clones; in contrast, apparently random usage was seen in the DRB1*0101-restricted T cells. Finally, limiting dilution analysis revealed a lower frequency of T cells reactive with the HA peptide in a DRB1*0103 compared with a DRB1*0101 individual. Taken together these data suggest that biased TcR gene usage may reflect a relatively low precursor frequency of T cells, and the need for clonal expansion of a limited set of high avidity T cells. Received: 7 August 1998 / Revised: 19 November 1998  相似文献   

Genetic transfer of T-cell receptor (TCR) chains provides a means of transferring tumor antigen specificity onto an alternate T-cell population. To determine which tumor reactive TCRs are best suitable for such adoptive transfer, careful evaluation of the resulting TCR modified populations need to be performed. We have previously cloned, and expressed TCRs from melanoma, EBV, HCV, and HPV reactive T-cell clones and found that several routine indicators of T-cell function do not always predict the relative strength of a TCR. Using a combination of tetramer binding assays and antigen recognition assays, we identified TCRs that fall into three classes. One class of TCR did not bind tetramers yet resulted in cells with high avidity for antigen. A second TCR class bound tetramer but did not secrete cytokines in response to antigen. Finally, the third class of TCRs bound tetramer and reacted to antigen as would be expected. We conclude that tetramer binding is not always a good indicator of the function of a cloned TCR or the avidity of a TCR gene modified T cell. Furthermore, our data indicate that the use of tetramer binding alone to identify antigen reactive TCRs may result in the exclusion of TCRs that may be highly reactive or cross reactive to the relevant tumor antigen.  相似文献   

 Collagen type II-induced arthritis (CIA) develops in susceptible mouse strains after intradermal injections of type II collagen (CII) in complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA). Susceptibility to CIA in mice is linked to genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). Although the SWR mouse has a susceptible MHC haplotype (H2 q ), it is resistant to CIA. SWR exhibits at least two known immunological defects: (1) it contains a germline deletion of about 50% of T-cell receptor (TCR) Vβ-chain gene segments, and (2) SWR is deficient in complement component C5. It has been shown that T cells that express TCRVα11.1 and TCRVβ8.2 play a substantial role in the pathogenesis of arthritis in the DBA/1 mouse (H2 q ). We generated SWR transgenic (tg) mice to determine whether the expression of pathogenic Vα11.1 and/or Vβ8.2 transgenes would confer arthritis susceptibility. Arthritis was induced in the SWR TCRαβ tg mice, but not in SWR TCRβ tg mice. To address the role of Vα11.1 in arthritis susceptibility, we examined the allelic polymorphisms of the Tcra-V11-gene subfamily members between the arthritis susceptible DBA/1 mouse and the arthritis-resistant SWR mouse strain. The amino acid sequences of the Vα11.1 alleles differ at two positions (codons 18 and 68). Accordingly, these two amino acid changes are sufficient to allow the production of pathogenic T cells in SWR mice. This is the first demonstration of the association of a particular Tcra-V allele and arthritis susceptibility in mice. Received: 20 November 1998 / Revised: 15 February 1999  相似文献   

Su C  Jakobsen I  Gu X  Nei M 《Immunogenetics》1999,50(5-6):301-308
 The receptor of a T lymphocyte (TCR) recognizes nonself antigens in the company of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules presented to it by the antigen-presenting cell. The variable region of TCR is encoded by either a concatenation of variable region (TCR-V), diversity region (TCR-D), and joining region (TCR-J) genes, or a concatenation of TCR-V and TCR-J genes. The TCR-V genes exist as a multigene family in vertebrate species. Here we study the evolutionary relationships of TCR-V genes from humans, sheep, cattle, rabbits, mice, and chicken. These six species can be classified into two groups according to the frequency of γδ T-cells in their peripheral T-cell populations. The "γδ low" group of species includes humans and mice, in which γδ T-cells constitute very limited portion of the T-cell population. The "γδ high" group includes sheep, cattle, rabbits, and chicken, in which γδ T-cells comprise up to 60% of the T-cell population. Here, we compiled TCR-V sequences from the six species and conducted a phylogenetic analysis. We identified various TCR-V gene subgroups based on the analysis. We found that humans and mice have representatives from nearly all of the subgroups identified, while other species have lost subgroups to different extent. Therefore, the γδ low species have a high degree of diversity of TCR-V genes, while γδ high species all have limited diversity of TCR-V genes. This pattern is similar to that found for immunoglobulin variable region (IGV) genes. Received: 20 May 1999 / Revised: 13 July 1999  相似文献   

To understand the biology of γδ T cells in ruminants, it is necessary to have a comprehensive picture of γδ T-cell receptor gene diversity and expression. In this study, three new subgroups of bovine T-cell receptor δ (TRD) variable genes were identified by RT-PCR and sequencing and homology with TRDV genes from other mammals determined. Previously unidentified TRDV subgroup genes described in this study include the bovine homologues of ovine TRDV2, TRDV3, and TRDV4 which were named accordingly. TRDV2 subgroup has two genes (TRDV2-1 and TRDV2-2) while we found the previously identified TRDV1 has at least eight genes corresponding to separate genomic sequences. Nucleotide and amino acid sequences for particular gene subgroups between cattle and sheep were more than 87% identical but identities among TRDV subgroups within a species were much less, with bovine TRDV4 having <45% identity to the other three bovine TRDV gene subgroups. Analysis of circulating bovine γδ T cells revealed that genes from all four TRDV subgroups were expressed in combination with TRDJ1, TRDJ3, and TRDC, although TRDV4 was the least represented, and all displayed a variety of CDR3 junctional lengths. Finally, some genes within the TRDV1, TRDV2, and TRDV3 subgroups recombined with TRAV incorporating TRAJs, suggesting dual use.The nucleotide sequence data reported are available in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank database under the accession numbers DQ275147, DQ275148, DQ275149, and DQ280318.  相似文献   

The phenotypic characterization and distribution of lymphocytes bearing the gamma/delta T-cell receptor (TCR) in the human gut were investigated by an immunohistochemical technique. A mirror section technique and double staining method were used for the phenotypic analysis. Intraepithelial delta-positive cells were almost all CD8-positive and rarely negative for both CD4 and CD8. On the other hand, lymphocytes bearing TCR gamma/delta in the lamina propria were largely negative for both CD4 and CD8. The ratio of delta-positive to CD3-positive cells amongst intraepithelial lymphocytes was larger in the lower intestine. Delta-positive cells were also observed in paracortical areas of lymphoid follicles. Immunoelectron microscopic observation revealed granular structures in these delta-positive cells, which are also present in large granular lymphocytes. The role of lymphocytes bearing TCR gamma/delta in mucosal immune responses in the human gut are discussed.  相似文献   

 Animal models of autoimmune diseases have been instrumental in advancing our understanding of autoimmunity in humans. Collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) in mice is an autoimmune disease model of rheumatoid arthritis. Susceptibility to CIA in mice is linked to genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). CD4+ T cells that express the T-cell receptor (TCR) Tcra-V11.1 and/or Tcrb-V8.2 play a key role in the pathogenesis of arthritis in the DBA/1 mouse (H2 q ). We identified an inbred mouse strain, FVB/NJ (H2 q ), that is resistant to arthritis induction and exhibits a genomic deletion of certain Tcrb-V gene segments. We report a novel polymerase chain reaction-based method for the rapid identification of new mouse strains that exhibit germline Tcrb-V gene deletions. We mapped for the first time both the 5′ and 3′ breakpoints of the Tcrb-V deletion in the FVB/NJ, SWR, SJL, C57L, and C57BR strains to within 1.1 kilobases. Since there is an association between a particular Tcra-V allele (Tcra-V11.1 d ) and arthritis susceptibility in H2 q mouse strains, we examined the allelic polymorphisms of the Tcra-V11 gene subfamily members between the arthritis-susceptible DBA/1 mouse and the arthritis-resistant FVB/NJ mouse strain. The amino acid sequences of the Tcra-V11.1 alleles differ at two positions (codons 18 and 68). Therefore, the resistance of FVB/NJ mouse to arthritis induction may be due in part to Tcra-V11.1 coding sequence polymorphism and Tcrb-V8.2 gene segment deletion, as we have recently demonstrated in the case of SWR mouse strain. Received: 12 January 1999 / Revised: 17 March 1999  相似文献   

Adoptive transfer of T cells expressing chimeric antigen receptors (CARs) is considered to be a novel anticancer therapy. To date, in most cases, single-chain variable fragments (scFvs) of murine origin have been used in CARs. However, this structure has limitations relating to the potential immunogenicity of mouse antigens in humans and the relatively large size of scFvs. For the first time, we used camelid nanobody (VHH) to construct CAR T cells against prostate specific membrane antigen (PSMA). The nanobody against PSMA (NBP) was used to show the feasibility of CAR T cells against prostate cancer cells. T cells were transfected, and then the surface expression of the CAR T cells was confirmed. Then, the functions of VHH-CAR T cell were evaluated upon coculture with prostate cancer cells. At the end, the cytotoxicity potential of NBPII-CAR in T cells was approximated by determining the cell surface expression of CD107a after encountering PSMA. Our data show the specificity of VHH-CAR T cells against PSMA+ cells (LNCaP), not only by increasing the interleukin 2 (IL-2) cytokine (about 400 pg/mL), but also the expression of CD69 by almost 38%. In addition, VHH-CAR T cells were proliferated by nearly 60% when cocultured with LNCaP, as compared with PSMA negative prostate cancer cell (DU-145), which led to the upregulation of CD107a in T cells upto 31%. These results clearly show the possibility of using VHH-based CAR T cells for targeted immunotherapy, which may be developed to target virtually any tumor-associated antigen for adoptive T-cell immunotherapy of solid tumors.  相似文献   

IgG receptor polymorphisms: risk factors for disease   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
 Two groups of receptors for immunoglobulin G (FcγR) can be distinguished. Endothelial cells and placental syncytiotrophoblasts express an MHC class I-like FcγR important for regulation of IgG half-life and IgG transport, respectively. FcγR expressed on leukocytes constitute a heterogeneous family of membrane bound and soluble proteins. The various FcγR (sub) classes of this family differ in ligand affinity and specificity, which is determined by primary structure, glycosylation, association with signaling subunits, and environmental factors (such as serine proteases). The finding that polymorphisms of FcγRIIa, FcγRIIIa, and FcγRIIIb critically affect interaction with antibodies has prompted analysis in patients which provided tantalizing evidence for the relevance of FcγR polymorphisms as risk factors for a number of infectious and autoimmune diseases. Received: 15 January 1998  相似文献   

Conrad B 《Immunogenetics》2004,56(3):220-224
The human T-cell receptor beta locus (TRB) contains two frequent insertion-deletion polymorphisms. In one, the insertion comprises two functional variable beta genes, TRBV6-2/TRBV6-3 and TRBV4-3, and the pseudogene TRBV3-2. Deletion of these TRBV genes may confer resistance and/or susceptibility to autoimmunity, analogously to findings in rodent models. Curiously, the TRBV domains in the insertion react with the HERV-K18 superantigen associated with type 1 diabetes. While this region has been extensively characterized before, typing methods compatible with high-throughput analysis are not yet available. Here, two novel procedures are reported that are suitable for large-scale association analysis of this polymorphism. One features a duplex TaqMan 5-exonuclease assay that quantifies the gene dosage of TRBV3-2 present at 0, 1 or 2 copies, with its closely related diploid relative TRBV3-1 as an internal reference, using the 2-CT method. The other technique consists of two complementary long PCRs with primers specific for unique regions in the locus. The first discriminates individuals heterozygous or homozygous for the deletion, and the second, individuals heterozygous or homozygous for the insertion from other genotypes. These simple, solid, and cross-validated procedures can now be used in conjunction with flanking single-nucleotide polymorphisms for large-scale linkage studies.  相似文献   

Hawke NA  Yoder JA  Litman GW 《Immunogenetics》1999,50(3-4):124-133
 The immunoglobulin superfamily (IgSF) is an extensively diversified multigene family whose members share a common structural feature, the Ig fold. Members of the Ig/T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) subset of the IgSF mediate antigen-specific recognition in adaptive immune responses. Antigen-binding receptors belonging to this subset are present in all species of jawed vertebrates. To explore whether there are additional structurally related but otherwise distinct members of this subset, we have developed a technique termed the short-primer polymerase chain reaction (PCR) that targets structurally conserved short motifs in the Ig fold. Large-scale sequencing efforts and recent advances in information biotechnology, including "electronic PCR," provide additional computational means to implement similarly directed searches within databases. The use of these approaches has led to the discoveries of Ig/TCR homologues in a variety of phylogenetically diverse organisms, a diversified family of novel immune-type receptor genes, as well as a novel human IgSF member. The potential of random sequencing efforts and virtual screening of databases is described in the context of two novel genes in bony fish. The various methodologies that are discussed and the examples shown provide means for further investigating, and/or elucidating novel, IgSF receptors as well as components of pathways that are involved in immune responses in both traditional and nontraditional model systems.  相似文献   

To elucidate whether T-cell receptor Jbeta gene usage was affected by major histocompatibility complex haplotypes and other genetic backgrounds, we investigated such usage with Jbeta-specific probes in four different mouse strains. As a result, (a) frequent usage of Jbeta2.1 and Jbeta2.6, (b) infrequent usage of Jbeta1.3, Jbeta1.5 and Jbeta1.6, and (c) predominant usage of the Jbeta2 cluster compared to the Jbeta1 cluster were found. Importantly, these biases were common to almost all the tested Vbeta families of the four strains. Thus, TCR Jbeta usage would be independent of the major histocompatibility complex haplotypes and other genetic backgrounds.  相似文献   

Thymic-derived lymphocytes (T cells) recognize and respond to antigens through the mediation of the T-cell receptor complex. Here we report polymorphism at each of the five loci that encode the different components of the T-cell receptor complex in cattle. These genes were mapped on the bovine genome by genetic linkage analysis in the International Bovine Reference Panel (IBRP). These mapping data provide additional type I markers for linking the bovine genetic map with the human and mouse maps and also permit investigation of the effect of T-cell receptor polymorphism on immune responsiveness and disease susceptibility.  相似文献   

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