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DNA binding properties of the vitamin D3 receptor zinc finger region.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The DNA binding domains of the nuclear receptor superfamily are highly conserved and consist of residues that fold into two zinc finger-like motifs, suggesting that the structures of this region among the members of the superfamily are likely to be very similar. Furthermore, the response elements that these receptors bind to are similar in sequence and organization. Nevertheless, these receptors selectively recognize target response elements and differentially regulate linked genes. In order to study the details of receptor:DNA binding, we have overexpressed and purified the vitamin D3 receptor DNA binding domain (VDRF) and have begun characterizing its DNA binding properties. We find that the VDRF protein binds strongly and specifically to direct repeats constituting a vitamin D response element from the mouse osteopontin (Spp-1) promoter region but weakly to the human osteocalcin vitamin D response element. Unlike receptors that recognize hormone response elements oriented as inverted repeats, such as the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) and estrogen receptor, VDRF appears to bind half-sites noncooperatively, without the free energy contribution of dimerization seen when the glucocorticoid receptor DNA binding domain associates with a glucocorticoid response element. By comparing and contrasting the DNA binding properties of the vitamin D and glucocorticoid receptors, we suggest a model for how receptors that prefer direct repeats differ in their binding strategy from those that recognize inverted repeats.  相似文献   

Recent studies provide a glimpse of future potential therapeutic applications of custom-designed zinc finger proteins in achieving highly specific genomic manipulation. Custom-design of zinc finger proteins with tailor-made specificity is currently limited by the availability of information on recognition helices for all possible DNA targets. However, recent advances suggest that a combination of design and selection method is best suited to identify custom zinc finger DNA-binding proteins for known genome target sites. Design of functionally self-contained zinc finger proteins can be achieved by (a) modular protein engineering and (b) computational prediction. Here, we explore the novel functionality obtained by engineered zinc finger proteins and the computational approaches for prediction of recognition helices of zinc finger proteins that can raise our ability to re-program zinc finger proteins with desired novel DNA-binding specificities.  相似文献   

Zinc finger proteins interact via their individual fingers to three base pair subsites on the target DNA. The four key residue positions -1, 2, 3 and 6 on the alpha-helix of the zinc fingers have hydrogen bond interactions with the DNA. Mutating these key residues enables generation of a plethora of combinatorial possibilities that can bind to any DNA stretch of interest. Exploiting the binding specificity and affinity of the interaction between the zinc fingers and the respective DNA can help to generate engineered zinc fingers for therapeutic purposes involving genome targeting. Exploring the structure-function relationships of the existing zinc finger-DNA complexes can aid in predicting the probable zinc fingers that could bind to any target DNA. Computational tools ease the prediction of such engineered zinc fingers by effectively utilizing information from the available experimental data. A study of literature reveals many approaches for predicting DNA-binding specificity in zinc finger proteins. However, an alternative approach that looks into the physico-chemical properties of these complexes would do away with the difficulties of designing unbiased zinc fingers with the desired affinity and specificity. We present a physico-chemical approach that exploits the relative strengths of hydrogen bonding between the target DNA and all combinatorially possible zinc fingers to select the most optimum zinc finger protein candidate.  相似文献   

In Petunia, the expression of the 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase gene (EPSPS) is tissue-specific and developmentally regulated. Nuclear extracts from Petunia petal contain a factor that interacts with the 5' upstream region of EPSPS. DNase I footprinting experiments revealed four strong binding sites (EP1-EP4) and several weaker sites that appear to bind the same factor. We have isolated a cDNA clone (EPF1) encoding a DNA-binding protein that has similar binding activity to that of the nuclear factor. The deduced amino acid sequence shows that the encoded protein, EPF1, contains two repeats of a Cys2/His2 zinc finger motif. EPF1 and the factor detected in nuclear extracts appear to differ in their molecular weight and Zn2+ requirements. Nevertheless, Northern blot analyses showed that the expression pattern of EPF1 is remarkably similar to that of EPSPS. In addition, as determined by translational fusion of the EPF1 upstream region to the beta-glucuronidase reporter gene, the cell specific expression pattern of EPF1 in flower and seedling is nearly identical to that of EPSPS. Taken together with the results of cis-element analyses, these observations suggest that EPF1 may be one of the factors involved in the activation of EPSPS.  相似文献   

Modulation of the vitamin D receptor (VDR) with a ligand has the potential to be useful for the oral treatment of osteoporosis. One component of our lead generation strategy to identify synthetic ligands for VDR included a fragment based drug design approach. Screening of ligands in a VDR fluorescence polarization assay and a RXR/VDR conformation sensing assay resulted in the identification of multiple fragment hits (lean >0.30). These fragment scaffolds were subsequently evaluated for interaction with the VDR ligand binding domain using hydrogen–deuterium exchange (HDX) mass spectrometry. Significant protection of H/D exchange was observed for some fragments in helixes 3, 7, and 8 of the ligand binding domain, regions which are similar to those seen for the natural hormone VD3. The fragments appear to mimic the A-ring of VD3 thereby providing viable starting points for synthetic expansion.  相似文献   

Integrase of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIVIN) consists of 288 amino acids, and its minimum DNA-binding domain (MDBD) (amino acids [aa] 220 to 270) is required for the integration reaction. We produced and characterized four murine monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) to the MDBD of HIVIN (strain LAI). Immunoblot and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays with truncated HIVINs showed that those MAbs recognized sequential epitopes within the MDBD (aa 228 to 236, 237 to 252, 253 to 261, and 262 to 270). Their binding to HIVIN inhibited terminal cleavage and strand transfer activities but not disintegration activity in vitro. This collection of MAbs is useful for studying the structure and function of the MDBD by complementing mutational analyses and other biochemical studies.  相似文献   

The heterodimer of the ecdysone receptor (EcR) and ultraspiracle (Usp), members of the nuclear receptors superfamily, is considered as the functional receptor for ecdysteroids initiating molting and metamorphosis in insects. Here we report the 1.95Å structure of the complex formed by the DNA-binding domains (DBDs) the EcR and the Usp, bound to the natural pseudopalindromic response element. Comparison of the structure with that obtained previously, using an idealized response element, shows how the EcRDBD, which has been previously reported to possess extraordinary flexibility, accommodates DNA-induced structural changes. Part of the C-terminal extension (CTE) of the EcRDBD folds into an α-helix whose location in the minor groove does not match any of the locations previously observed for nuclear receptors. Mutational analyses suggest that the α-helix is a component of EcR-box, a novel element indispensable for DNA-binding and located within the nuclear receptor CTE. This element seems to be a general feature of all known EcRs.  相似文献   

We have exploited emulsion-based in vitro compartmentalization (IVC) to devise a method for the selection of zinc finger proteins (ZFPs) on the basis of their DNA-binding specificity. A library of ZFPs fused to a C-terminal peptide tag is encoded by a set of DNA cassettes that are prepared wholly in vitro. In addition to the ZFP gene, each DNA cassette also carries a given DNA target binding site sequence for which one wishes to isolate ZFP binders. An aliquot of the library is added to bacterial S30 extract and emulsified in mineral oil so that most of the aqueous droplets contain, on average, no more than one gene. If an intra-compartmentally expressed ZFP binds specifically to its encoding DNA via the target binding site, the complex can be purified by affinity capture via the peptide tag after breaking the emulsion, thus rescuing the gene. We present proof-of-principle for this IVC selection method by selecting a specific high-affinity ZFP gene from a high background of a related gene. We also propose that high-affinity ZFPs can be used as genotype-phenotype linkages to enable selection of other proteins using IVC.  相似文献   

For approximately one-third of estrogen receptor (ER)-positive breast cancer patients, extracted tumor ER is unable to bind to its cognate DNA estrogen response element (ERE), an effect that is partly reversible by the thiol-reducing agent dithiothreitol (DTT). Full-length (67 kDa) ER or its 11 kDa recombinant DNA-binding domain (ER-DBD) is also susceptible to loss of structure and function by the action of oxidants such as diamide and hydrogen peroxide; however, prior DNA binding by ER or ER-DBD protects against this oxidant induced loss of function. The ER-DBD contains two (Cys)(4)-liganded zinc finger motifs that cooperate to stabilize a rigid DNA-binding recognition helix and a flexible helix-supported dimerization loop, respectively. Comparisons between synthetic peptide analogues of each zinc finger and recombinant ER-DBD in the presence of zinc by electrophoretic mobility shift assay, circular dichroism, and mass spectrometry confirm that cooperativity between these zinc fingers is required for both ER-DBD structure (alpha-helicity) and function (dimeric DNA binding). Rapid proteolytic digestion of monomeric, non-DNA-bound ER-DBD followed by HPLC-MS analysis of the resulting peptides demonstrates that zinc inhibits thiol oxidation of the DNA-binding finger, but not the finger supporting the flexible dimerization loop, which remains sensitive to internal disulfide formation. These findings indicate that the loss of ER DNA-binding function in extracts from some primary breast tumors and in ER or ER-DBD exposed to thiol-reacting oxidants results from this asymmetric zinc finger susceptibility to disulfide formation that prevents dimerization. Although ER-DBD contains several strategically located methionine residues, they are less susceptible to oxidation than the thiol groups and, thus, afford no protection against cysteine oxidation and consequent loss of ER DNA-binding function.  相似文献   

The vitamin D hormone 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3) [1,25-(OH)(2)D(3)], the biologically active form of vitamin D, is essential for an intact mineral metabolism. Using gene targeting, we sought to generate vitamin D receptor (VDR) null mutant mice carrying the reporter gene lacZ driven by the endogenous VDR promoter. Here we show that our gene-targeted mutant mice express a VDR with an intact hormone binding domain, but lacking the first zinc finger necessary for DNA binding. Expression of the lacZ reporter gene was widely distributed during embryogenesis and postnatally. Strong lacZ expression was found in bones, cartilage, intestine, kidney, skin, brain, heart, and parathyroid glands. Homozygous mice are a phenocopy of mice totally lacking the VDR protein and showed growth retardation, rickets, secondary hyperparathyroidism, and alopecia. Feeding of a diet high in calcium, phosphorus, and lactose normalized blood calcium and serum PTH levels, but revealed a profound renal calcium leak in normocalcemic homozygous mutants. When mice were treated with pharmacological doses of vitamin D metabolites, responses in skin, bone, intestine, parathyroid glands, and kidney were absent in homozygous mice, indicating that the mutant receptor is nonfunctioning and that vitamin D signaling pathways other than those mediated through the classical nuclear receptor are of minor physiological importance. Furthermore, rapid, nongenomic responses to 1,25-(OH)(2)D(3) in osteoblasts were abrogated in homozygous mice, supporting the conclusion that the classical VDR mediates the nongenomic actions of 1,25-(OH)(2)D(3).  相似文献   

UV exposure and serum levels of vitamin D have been linked in several studies with prostate cancer risk. At the cellular level, the principal action of vitamin D is mediated though vitamin D receptors (VDR). Since prostate cancer is a disease strongly associated with age, we examined the presence of VDR in normal prostate from donors of various ages to determine if the VDR expression pattern changed with age. We also compared the VDR expression in the peripheral and central zones of the prostate to determine if the expression pattern varied by location. Immunohistochemical studies were performed on paraffin-embedded tissue from cases selected by the following age decades; 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, and 60-69. Both the central and peripheral zones were examined for VDR expression. The intensity of VDR expression in prostate was compared with expression in different types of human tissues. Mean VDR expression was lowest in the 10-19 years of age group. The intensity of the nuclear VDR was higher though the fifth decade, and then declined in cases of ages 60-70. When multiple sections of the same donor prostate were compared, VDR expression was greater in the peripheral zone compared to the central zone.  相似文献   

AOBP, a DNA-binding protein in pumpkin, contains a Dof domain that is composed of 52 amino acid residues and is highly conserved in several DNA-binding proteins of higher plants. The Dof domain has a significant resemblance to Cys2/Cys2 zinc finger DNA-binding domains of steroid hormone receptors and GATA1, but has a longer putative loop where an extra Cys residue is conserved. We show that the Dof domain in AOBP functions as a zinc finger DNA-binding domain and suggest that the Cys residue uniquely conserved in the putative loop might negatively regulate the binding to DNA.  相似文献   

The second zinc finger fragment of Sp1 (Spl-ZF2), its mutant (Spl-ZF2/HT. E20→H, R23→T), and two mimic analogues (ZF20 and ZF15) were synthesized by stepwise solid phase technique. The CD spectra and UV-visible spectrum with CoCl2 indicated that the formation of zinc finger structure was affected not only by the hy-drophobic amino acids but also by the change of the distance between Cys and His. Gel-retardation electrophoresis as-says indicated that the Grlu and Arg residues are very important for recognition. A single zinc finger like Spl-ZF2 isable to bind DNA sequence specifically.  相似文献   

Apigenin, a flavonoid with chemopreventive properties, induces cellular growth arrest, with concomitant inhibition of intracellular signaling cascades and decreased proto-oncogene expression. We report that apigenin potently inhibited vitamin D receptor (VDR) mRNA and protein expression in human keratinocytes without changes in VDR mRNA half-life. Concurrently, downregulation of retinoid X receptor alpha, a dramatic loss of c-myc mRNA, and upregulation of p21(WAF1) took place. Furthermore, a nearly complete suppression of vitamin D responsiveness was observed as estimated by induction of 24-hydroxylase mRNA. The apigenin effect on VDR expression was shared by some other (quercetine and fisetine) but not all tested flavonoids. Interestingly, the apigenin-mediated VDR suppression was counteracted by the NFkappaB inhibitors sodium salicylate and caffeic acid phenethyl ester. The presented results propose suppression of nuclear receptor levels as a novel mechanism whereby flavonoids exert their pleiotropic effects. This study may also contribute to the understanding of the regulation of VDR expression in epidermal keratinocytes.  相似文献   

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