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Calanoid copepods, rather than cladocerans, frequently dominatethe zooplankton of lakes in New Zealand. The potential consequencesof this domination for the microbial community of mesotrophicLake Mahinerangi, New Zealand, were determined by field experimentsin which Boeckella and Daphnia were added to in situ enclosuresin the presence and absence of added nutrients. Boeckella hamataat ambient densities (2 and 81–1) rapidly and severelysuppressed ciliate population growth over 4 days, even whenmicrobial growth was enhanced by added nutrients, but effectsof copepods on other components of the microbial community (bacteria,photosynthetic picoplankton, heterotrophic nano-flagellates,algae) were slight. In contrast, Daphnia carinata at the samedensities (but 3-fold higher biomasses per litre) had a relativelyweak effect on ciliates, suppressing ciliate abundance onlyafter 4 days at 8 Daphnia 1–1 (330 µg 1–1);this daphniid density also depressed abundances of large bacterialrods, some photosynthetic picoplankton and the dominant alga,Cyclotella. These results highlight the relative importanceof specific trophic linkages in a microbial food web; they alsosuggest that the dominance of Boeckella in many southern hemispherelakes may account for relatively low ciliate abundances in theselakes.  相似文献   

Feeding experiments were conducted with the ambush-feeding copepodAcartia tonsa and the feeding-current-generating copepod Temoralongicornis. The copepods were offered a mixed diet of the dinoflagellateHeterocapsa triquetra and the ciliate Balanion comatum of similarcell size. The dinoflagellate was offered at a constant concentrationof 10–15 cells mL–1, whereas the ciliate was offeredat a variety of concentrations, ranging from 7 to 57 cells mL–1.Copepods with different feeding modes possess different mechanismsfor prey detection, suggesting that the two copepods would responddifferently to the two prey types. Both copepods had significantlyhigher clearance rates on the highly motile ciliate than onthe less motile dinoflagellate. In encounters between A. tonsaand its prey, we argue that this is due to the higher hydromechanicalsignal generated by the ciliate. The advection feeding copepodT. longicornis fed on the two prey according to their relativeconcentrations; in this case, we suggest that although B. comatumis capable of detecting feeding-current-generating predators,the feeding current velocity generated by T. longicornis isgreater than the escape velocity of this ciliate.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to measure to what extent cyclopoidcopepods ingest ciliated protists. Five freshwater ciliate species,ranging in size from 22 to 120 µm diameter, were testedwith two species of cyclopoids: Cyclops abyssorum and Cyclopskolensis. Ingestion rates were measured by radiolabeling ciliateswith 14C, and from these, functional response curves (the changein ingestion rate with changing cell densities) were constructed.Cyclopoids ingest ciliates with very high estimated maximalrates of >200 cells cyclopoid–1 h–1 However,there are large differences in ingestion rates that are notpredictable by the size of predator or prey. One ciliate speciesof intermediate size, Coleps hirtus, is nearly immune from cyclopoidpredation at all measured ciliate densities. Three other smallciliate species that move in rapid jumps elicit Honing type3 functional responses, with very little change in ingestionrates at low ciliate densities. Thus, while cyclopoids are capableof having a very considerable impact on ciliate populations,some ciliate species appear to have behavioral, morphologicalor chemical defenses to reduce their vulnerability. This callsinto question the practice of considering ciliates a homogeneousgroup when constructing food web models.  相似文献   

Two lakes of contrasting trophic state in the central NorthIsland of New Zealand were sampled monthly for protozoan ciliatesand potential food resources. Oligotrichs dominated numbersin both lakes. Subdominants in oligotrophic Lake Taupo includedAskenasia, Pscudobalanion and Urotri-cha, and in eutrophic LakeOkaro Prorodon, Coleps, Urocentrum, Stentor and Spirostomumwere important. Biomass was dominated by large predatory ciliatesand Stentor in Lake Taupo, and Prorodon and Stentor in LakeOkaro. The importance of Prorodon and Stentor to ciliate biomassis unusual and has not been reported for northern hemispherelakes. Small ciliates (<20 µm) capable of consumingparticles <2 µm were a major component of the ciliatecommunity in Lake Taupo. Peaks in ciliate abundance occurredat the same time in both lakes: in autumn, at the beginningof mixis and in spring. Ciliates were vertically stratifiedduring mixis and stratification in both lakes. The effect wasmore pronounced during deoxygenation of the hypolimnion in LakeOkaro which excluded oligotrichs and introduced benthic ciliates.Ciliates were less abundant (mean 40001–1 in Lake Okaroand 9001–1 in Lake Taupo) than in comparable northerntemperate lakes. There was no correlation between the seasonaldistribution of ciliates and chlorophyll a, primarily causedby a winter peak in chlorophyll a dominated by large speciesof phytoplankton in Lake Taupo, at a time when ciliate numberswere low. The only consistent, significant correlations weretotal ciliate numbers and individual species of ciliates withbacterial concentrations in both lakes and with picophytoplanktonin Lake Taupo.  相似文献   

The abundance and biomass of marine planktonic ciliates in BorgeBay, Signy Island, were determined at monthly intervals betweenApril 1990 and June 1991. At least 24 different ciliate taxawere recorded from samples preserved in Lugol's iodine, includingthe tintinnids Codonellopsis balechi, Cymalocylis convallaria,Laackmaniella naviculaefera and Salpingella sp., and the aloricatetaxa Didinium sp. and Mesodinium rubrum. Ciliate abundance andbiomass exhibited a clear seasonal cycle with high values duringthe austral summer and low values in the austral winter. Abundanceranged from 0.3 103l–1 in September to 2.3 103l–1in January, while biomass ranged from 0.5 µg C l–1in October to 12.6 µg C l–1 in December. Small ciliatesdominated abundance throughout the year, and biomass duringwinter. Larger ciliates contributed most to biomass during summer.Aloricate ciliates were common throughout the year, while tintinnidscontributed substantially to abundance and biomass only duringsummer. Salpingella sp. was the commonest tintinnid, but C.convallariacontributed most to tintinnid biomass. The seasonal patternof ciliate abundance and biomass matched that of chlorophylla concentration and bacterial biomass, suggesting tight trophiccoupling between ciliates and other components of the pelagicmicrobial community. 1Present address: Scott Polar Research Institute, Universityof Cambridge, Lensfield Road, Cambridge CB2 1ER, UK  相似文献   

Temporal changes in ciliate assemblages during the course ofa bloom of the harmful microalga Heterocapsa circularisquama(Dinophyceae) were investigated and consecutive estimates ofspecies-specific maximum grazing losses were analyzed from Augustto September 1998 at a site in western Hiroshima Bay, the SetoInland Sea of Japan. Temporal increases of the H. circularisquamamean concentration in the water column were observed twice (25–29August and 7–10 September) with the maximum concentration(ca. 4000 cells mL–1) being recorded on 25 August. Themain ciliate genera during the bloom were Favella, Tontonia,Eutintinnus, Tintinnopsis and Amphorellopsis. Increases of Favellaand Tontonia were observed when the concentration of H. circularisquamaranged from 260 to 1170 cells mL–1. Total maximum grazingloss estimated from the abundance and ingestion rate of eachciliate species on H. circularisquama ranged from 1 to 75% standingstock removed d–1 of the H. circularisquama concentration.High grazing losses mainly due to the genera Favella and Tontoniaoccurred during the period when the H. circularisquama concentrationwas decreasing. These results suggest that grazing by ciliateassemblages can influence the population dynamics of H. circularisquamadespite the potentially toxic nature of the phytoplankter.  相似文献   

Pseudobalanion plancioracum was the most abundant ciliate speciesin the pelagic zone of Lake Constance, FRG, over a 3 year period.Annual averages accounted for 30, 35 and 43% of total ciliatenumbers in the uppermost 20 m of the water column in 1987, 1988and 1989 respectively. Highest cell numbers were observed inearly spring, simultaneously with the first phytoplankton maximum.The small ciliate (mean length 15 µm, mean cell volume1300 µm3) is a raptorial feeder and predominantly consumesphytoplankton. In laboratory cultures, P planctonicum grew wellon a diet of Rhodomonas sp. (Cryptophyceae). Maximum growthrates increased from 0.46 day–1 at 5 5°C to 1.52 day–1at 18.5° C, while temperatures above 21°C were lethal.Depending on food concentration, 0.2–4.4 Rhodomonas cellswere ingested per ciliate and hour.  相似文献   

Growth rates, ingestion rates and grazer yields (grazer volumeproduced/prey volume consumed) were measured for six protozoanspecies (ciliates: Favella sp., Strombidinopsis acuminatum,Uronema sp.; heterotrophic dinoflagellates: Amphidinium sp.,Gymnodinium sp., Noctiluca scintillans) in laboratory batchculture experiments. Comparative growth data indicate that theprymnesiophyte Isochrysis galbana, the prasinophyte Mantoniellasquamata, two cryptophyte species and several autotrophic dinoflagellatespecies were suitable foods for these grazers. When grown onoptimized diets at 13C, maximum ciliate growth rates (range0.77–1.01 day–1 uniformly exceeded maximum heterotrophicdioflagellate growth rates (range 0.41–0.48 day–1).A compilation of published data demonstrates that this growthrate difference persists across a range of ciliate and dinoflagellatetaxa and cell sizes. Comparison of volume-specific ingestionrates and yields for the six species studied here showed thatthere was no single explanation for this growth rate disparity.Heterotrophic dinoflagellates exhibited both low ingestion ratesand, in one case, low yields; ciliates were able to achievehigher growth rates via either higher ingestion rates or higheryields, depending on ciliate species. Volume yield increasedover time throughout the exponential growth phase in nearlyall experiments, suggesting variation in response to changingfood concentrations or long-term acclimation to culture conditions.Higher maximum ciliate growth rates mean that these grazershave the potential to exercise tighter control over incipientblooms of their prey than do heterotrophic dinoflagellates.  相似文献   

Fine scale spatial distributions of planktonic ciliates whichprey on dinoflagellates were investigated in a small estuary.The horizontal distributions of Favella sp., Balanion sp. andStrobilidium sp. were positively correlated with the patchydistribution of dinoflagellates. The vertical distribution ofFavella was positively corrdated with the distribution of dinoflagellates.Throughout the diel cycle, the vertical distribution of Faveilawas similar to the vertical distribution of dinoflagellates.We speculate that behavioral responses are responsible for theassociation of diliates with their prey in the water column.Vertically coincident ciliate and algal populations should respondsimilarly to turbulent mixing and water displacement causedby wind stress, bathymetry, or frontal convergences. This wouldresult in horizontal patches in which the ciliates and algaeremain associated. This fine scale spatial coupling betweenciliates and their prey should result in higher ciliate growthrates and greater impact of ciliate grazing on phytoplanktonpopulations than would be predicted from average ciliate oralgal densities. Coincident patches of algae and ciliates mayalso provide higher food concentrations for larger grazers whichcan use both resources. Contribution No. 5532, W.H.O.I.  相似文献   

It is proposed that surface scums of densely packed planktoniccyanobacteria (blue-green algae) which exist for weeks to months,measure several decimeters in thickness and are covered by acrust of photo-oxidized cells, be called hyperscums. Hyperscumsof Microcystis aeruginosa formed during prolonged periods ofcalm weather in wind-protected sites in a hypertrophic lakesubject to low wind speeds (Hart beespoort Dam, South Africa).A hyperscum that extended over 1–2 hectares and persistedfor 103 days during winter 1983 was studied. Chlorophyll a concentrationsranged from 100 to 300 mg l–2 Microcystis cell concentrationsreached 1.76x109 cells ml–1 or 116 cm3l–1. The hyperscumenvironment was anoxic, aphotic, with a fluctuating temperatureregime and low pH values. The densely packed Microcystis cellssurvived these conditions for more than 2 months. This was shownby comparing the potential photosynthetic capacity of Microcystisfrom the hyperscum with that of Microcystis from the main basinof the lake. However, after 3 months the hyperscum algae losttheir photosynthetic capacity and decomposition processes prevailed.The hyperscum gradually shrank in size until a storm causedits complete disintegration.  相似文献   

The abundance of the marine phototrophic planktonic ciliateMesodinium rubrum was monitored throughout an annual cycle attwo stations in the Southampton Water estuary. Seasonal changesin the concentration of nitrate, ammonia and phosphate weremonitored both at the inner estuary station (NW Netley) andouter estuary station (Calshot). Nutrient levels in the winterwere similar at both stations, and were diminished during sequentialdiatom blooms dominated initially by Sketetonema costatum andthen by Rhizosolenia dclicatula. Nitrate was reduced to a seasonalminimum in the outer estuary following these spring diatom blooms,but in the inner estuary was sustained >500 µg I–1until the onset of the M.rubrum bloom. During the developmentof a visible red tide of M.rubrum in June/July at NW Netley,nutrient concentrations were considerably reduced. Cell numbersof M.rubrum varied between 2 and 3 cells ml during winterto >400 cells ml–1 during the bloom at NW Netley, whereasat Calshot cell abundance did not increase above 25 cells ml–1at any time of the year. At NW Netley, dense accumulations ofthe ciliate occurred over restricted depth intervals duringthe bloom and possible factors influencing the observed verticaldistribution of cells are considered. 1Present address: Biology Department, Faculty of Science, AddisAbaba University, PO Box 1176, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia  相似文献   

Feeding by larval and post-larval ctenophores on microzooplankton   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Feeding by the coastal ctenophorc, Mnemiopsis leidyi, on microplanktonwas investigated. Larval ctenophores (tentaculate stage) grewbest and had the highest survival rates when offered a mixtureof ciliates and copepod nauplii. Larvae did not survive whenoffered phytoplankton alone. Clearing of planktonjc ciliatesby post-larval ctenophores was a function of the ciliate speciesand the size of the predator. Removal of small ciliates (<20µm in size) and phytoplankton was negligible. Small post-larvalctenophores (volume <4 cm3) had higher biovolume-specificclearing rates (0.5–1.5 1 cm–3 day–1) thandid larger ctenophores fed the same ciliate species. Duringin situ incubations, adult M. leidyi removed ciliates, rotifersand copepod nauplii from natural microplankton assemblages.The data indicate that non-crustacean microzooplanlctoo arean important component of the diet of larval and post-larvallocate cteoophores, particularly when copepod standing stocksare low.  相似文献   

准噶尔荒漠分布的早春短命植物不仅具有十分独特的生物学特点,而且在荒漠植物群落演替、物种多样性维持及土壤改良与防治水土流失等方面具有重要的生态学价值。该文运用Li-6400开放式气体交换光合作用测定系统,对分布于准噶尔荒漠的16种早春短命植物生长盛期的净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、水分利用效率(WUE)等特征进行了测定,并对其中7种植物与生长相关的生物量分配特征进行了分析。结果表明:1)16种植物的最大Pn、 最大TrWUE分别为8.07~35.96 μmol CO2·m-2·s-1、3.16~29.64 mmol H2O·m-2·s-1、0.54~4.26 μmol CO2·mmol-1H2O;种间最大Pn与最大气孔导度(Stomatal conductance, Gs)之间存在正相关关系,其相关系数为0.77(p<0.05),线性回归斜率为26.36 μmol·mmol-1;从光合速率对胞间CO2浓度及光量子通量密度的响应曲线来看,这类植物的表观CO2补偿点均在4~5 Pa之间(28~30 ℃),表观羧化效率为0.64~1.86 μmol CO2·m-2·s-1·Pa-1,表观量子效率为0.05~0.06。2)从生物量分配来看,所测植物的个体生物量为0.05~0.39 g;单株总叶面积为 3.24~51.40 cm2;单位叶面积干重为0.40~0.77 g·m-2,根在总生物量中所占比例为5.72%~19.43%,单株叶面积比在2.92~9.00 m2·kg-1之间。种间根所占生物量的比与对应的WUE之间的比较分析结果表明,二者之间存在显著的正相关关系,其相关系数r为0.93(p<0.01)。这些结果表明,所观测的早春短命植物具有典型的C3植物特征,相比其它类型的荒漠植物具有较高的单位叶面积Pn、高Tr及低WUE,并且在生长发育过程中表现出很低的根/地上生物量比、较高的叶面积比和单位叶面积干重,说明它们具有相对高的生长速率,这与其生长发育节律相一致,反映了它们与准噶尔荒漠环境相适应的特点。  相似文献   

Four co-existing species (Deschampsia flexuosa, Festuca ovina,Juncus squarrosus and Nardus stricta) were subjected to clippingand the net photosynthetic and dark respiration rates were followedafter this treatment for 50 d. Concurrently carbon partitioningin F. ovina plants clipped initially and again at 50 and 100d was examined. An expansion of new leaf lamina was observed with F. ovina,which had a greater net photsynthetic rate per unit leaf areathan unclipped lamina. The remaining leaf lamina (stubble) afterclipping also showed net photosynthetic and dark respirationrates greater than unclipped lamina; these responses were uniqueto F. ovina plants. N. stricta was the only other species toattain a pre-clipping photosynthetic rate within 6 d. Clipped F. ovina plants showed a change in carbon allocationpattern, with a reduction in carbon allocated to roots. 14Caccumulated in roots and stubble was shown to have a role inregrowth, as was current assimilate via the production of newleaf lamina. Plants initially clipped before exposure to 14C,redistributed less 14C to new shoot growth and, therefore, lostless when subsequently clipped. Further redistribution of 14Ccame from leaf stubble tissue and not at the expense of roots.The variation between species in clipping response are discussedin terms of the implications for coexistence. Carbon partitioning, clipping, gas exchange, grasses  相似文献   

The impact of a cyclopoid copepod population on the protozoacommunity (two ciliate categories and Cryptomonas) was assessedweekly during the spring cohort of Cyclops vicinus (one monthduration) in hypereutrophic Lake Søbygård by insitu gradient experiments with manipulation of ambient zooplanktonabundance. As C.vicinus always made up >92% of the zooplanktonbiomass, the response of protozoa is assumed to be a resultof predation by the copepod. Significant effects of copepodbiomass on protozoa net population growth rates were obtainedin the four experiments. Copepod clearance rates were significantlyhigher on oligotrichs than on prostomatids and Cryptomonas butdeclined for all three protozoa categories during the firstthree weeks of the copepod cohort, probably because of the changein developmental instar composition of the copepod population.Grazing impact on protozoa at ambient copepod abundance wasconsiderable (range, 0.05–0.87 day–1) and could,together with the estimated reproductive potential of protozoans(range, –0.20–0.87 day–1), account for thedecline in abundance and biomass of protozoa during the cohortdevelopment. Carbon flow from the protozoa to C.vicinus (range,2.8–23.5 µg C l–1 day–1) documents thepresence of a trophic link between protozoa and the spring cohortof C.vicinus in Lake Søbygård.  相似文献   

The in situ growth rates of dominant ciliate species were studiedduring and shortly after phytoplankton peaks in two water bodies:the eutrophic Rímov Reservoir (South Bohemia, Czech Republic)and the oligo-mesotrophic Piburger See (Tyrol, Austria). Growthrate estimates based on changes in ciliate abundances in incubatedpre-screened samples (EN) were compared with those derived fromthe ciliate cell volume and ambient temperatures (ET). The valuesof EN were always rather lower than those of ET. During thestudies, the food supply limited the ciliate growth dependingon the ciliate feeding mode. An ecological grouping into filterfeeding versus raptorial feeding (‘hunting’) species,on the one hand, and attached/crawling (browsing) versus freeswimming species, on the other hand, clearly affected experimentalestimation. Both fine filter feeders (namely attached) and browsersexhibited a calculated EN closer to the theoretical (maximum)ET than did hunters and coarse filter feeders. It was apparent,for example, comparing EN and ET (day–1) of the followingspecies: filter feeders Halteria grandinella (EN = 0.42; ET>1.4), Strobilidium hexakinetum (0.34;>1.9), Pelagohalteriaviridis (0.27;>0.9), Vorticella aquadulcis complex (0.75;>1.0);raptorial Balanion planctonicum (0.65;>1.5), Urotricha furcata(in Rímov Reservoir 0.65;>2.1; in Piburger See 0.20;>1.5),Rhabdoaskenasia minima (0.22;>1.0), Askenasia acrostomia(0.12;>0.6); opportunistic Cyrtolophosis mucicola (0.42;>1.6)and Cinetochilum margaritaceum (0.86;>1.4). Predation byrotifers apparently affected measurements in several samplescontaining {small tilde}400 rotifers l–1 however, it seemedto be of little importance in the water column.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic rates of outdoor-grown soybean (Glycine max L.Merr. cv. Bragg) canopies increased with increasing CO2 concentrationduring growth, before and after canopy closure (complete lightinterception), when measured over a wide range of solar irradiancevalues. Total canopy leaf area was greater as the CO2 concentrationduring growth was increased from 160 to 990 mm3 dm–3.Photosynthetic rates of canopies grown at 330 and 660 mm3 CO2dm–3 were similar when measured at the same CO2 concentrationsand high irradiance. There was no difference in ribulose bisphosphatecarboxylase/oxygenase (rubisco) activity or ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate(RuBP) concentration between plants grown at the two CO2 concentrations.However, photosynthetic rates averaged 87% greater for the canopiesgrown and measured at 660 mm3 CO2 dm–3. A 10°C differencein air temperature during growth resulted in only a 4°Cleaf temperature difference, which was insufficient to changethe photosynthetic rate or rubisco activity in canopies grownand measured at either 330 or 660 mm3 CO2 dm–3. RuBP concentrationsdecreased as air temperature during growth was increased atboth CO2 concentrations. These data indicate that the increasedphotosynthetic rates of soybean canopies at elevated CO2 aredue to several factors, including: more rapid development ofthe leaf area index; a reduction in substrate CO2 limitation;and no downward acclimation in photosynthetic capacity, as occurin some other species. Key words: CO2 concentration, soybean, canopy photosynthesis  相似文献   

The activities of Hill reaction and photosynthetic 14CO2 fixationin bundle sheath strands enzymatically isolated from millet(Panicum miliaceum) were 3–15 times as high as those observedin corn (Zea mays). In both preparations, 3-phosphoglyceratewas the initial 14CO2 fixation product and the radioactivitywas incorporated into sucrose and insoluble compounds (glucose-polymers)during the later period. After 20 sec of photosynthetic 14CO2fixation, the percent of 14C incorporated into sugar phosphatesin millet was about 3 times as high as that in corn, while incorn, the percent of 14C in 3-phosphoglycerate was higher thanthat observed in millet throughout the experimental period.When 14C-phosphoglycerate was added to the isolated bundle sheathstrands, the rates of transfer of the radioactivity to dihydroxyacetonephosphate and sugar diphosphates in millet were significantlyhigher than those in corn. These results indicate that in thebundle sheath strands isolated from corn in which photosystemII activity is deficient, the reductive pentose cycle is impairedat the reduction step of 3-phosphoglycerate to glyceraldehydephosphate due to the limited supply of NADPH through the photoelectrontransport system. In contrast, the bundle sheath strands isolatedfrom millet which have adequate photosystem II activity cancarry out normal photosynthetic CO2 fixation. (Received January 23, 1975; )  相似文献   

The relationships between photosynthesis and photosyntheticphoton flux densities (PPFD, P-l) were studied during a red-tideof Dinophysis norvegica (July-August 1990) in Bedford Basin.Dinophysis norvegica, together with other dinoflagellates suchas Gonyaulax digitate, Ceratium tripos, contributed {small tilde}50%of the phytoplankton biomass that attained a maximum of 16.7µg Chla 1 and 11.93 106 total cells I–1.The atomic ratios of carbon to nitrogen for D.norvegica rangedfrom 8.7 to 10.0. The photosynthetic characteristics of fractionatedphytoplankton (>30 µm) dominated by D.norvegica weresimilar to natural bloom assemblages: o (the initial slope ofthe P-l curves) ranged between 0.013 and 0.047 µg C [µgChla]–1 h–1 [µmol m s–1]–1the maximum photosynthetic rate, pBm, between 0.66 and 1.85µg C [µghla]–1 h–1; lk (the photoadaptationindex) from 14 to 69 µ,mol m–2 s–1. Carbonuptake rates of the isolated cells of D.norvegica (at 780 µmolm–2 s–1) ranged from 16 to 25 pg C cell–1h and were lower than those for C.tripos, G.digitaleand some other dinoflagellates. The variation in carbon uptakerates of isolated cells of D.norvegica corresponded with PBmof the red-tide phytoplankton assemblages in the P-l experiments.Our study showed that D.norvegica, a toxigenic dinoflagellate,was the main contributor to the primary production in the bloom.  相似文献   

The relationship between chlorophyll a (Chl a) and primary productivity(PP) in the uppermost water layer and the water column-based(0–15 m) integral values of those variables were examinedusing measurements taken in Lake Kinneret (Israel) from 1990to 2003. In 81% of all Chl a profiles examined, the distributionwas fairly uniform within the entire 0–15 m water column,and 12.3% of instances showed a prominent subsurface maximum,when the lake phytoplankton was dominated by the dinoflagellatePeridinium gatunense. Chl a can be reliably estimated by remotesensing techniques in the productive and turbid water of LakeKinneret, since Chl a concentration at surface layers can beextrapolated to the entire water column. Light vertical attenuationcoefficient average for wavelengths from 400 to 700 nm, Kd,ranged from 0.203 to 1.954 m–1 and showed high degreeof temporal variation. The maximal rate of photosynthetic efficiency,PBopt [average 3.16 (±1.50)], ranged from 0.25 to 8.85mg C m–3 h–1 mg Chl a–1. Using measured dataof Chl a, PBopt, and light as an input, a simple depth-integratedPP model allowed plausible simulation of PP. However, a lackof correlation between photosynthetic activity and temperature(or other variable with remotely sensed potential) renders theuse of models that require input of photosynthetic efficiencyto calculate integrated PP of little value in the case of productiveand turbid Lake Kinneret.  相似文献   

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