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Unicolonial ant colonies occupy many nests and individuals rarely show aggression across large geographic distances. These traits make it difficult to detect colony structure. Here we identify colony structure at scales of hundreds of square-meters, within an invasive population of unicolonial Argentine ants. In experiments using labeled food, and in a 3-year census of nests and trails, we found that food was shared and nests were linked by trails at distances up to 50 meters. Food was not distributed to all nearby Argentine ant nests, showing that ants tend to share resources within a spatially bounded group of nests. The spatial extent of food sharing increased from winter to summer. Across different habitats and nest densities, nests were consistently aggregated at spatial scales of 3- 4 meters in radius. This suggests that new nests bud from old nests at short distances regardless of local conditions. We suggest that a ‘colony’ of Argentine ants could be defined as a group of nests among which ants travel and share food. In our study population, colonies occupy up to 650 m2 and contain as many as 5 million ants. In combination with previous work showing that there is genetic differentiation among nests at similar spatial scales, the results suggest that Argentine ant populations do not function ecologically as single, large supercolonies, but instead as mosaics of smaller, distinct colonies consisting of groups of interacting nests. Received 6 June 2008; revised 30 June 2008; accepted 2 July 2008.  相似文献   

Abstract The spatial organization of individuals, or groups of individuals, within a population can provide valuable information about social organization and population dynamics. We analysed the spatial distribution of nests of the sociable weaver (Philetairus socius) on two farms in the Kalahari. Sociable weavers build large communal nests on big savannah trees, forming a pattern of trees with and without nests. We used two spatial statistics, Ripley's K and the pair correlation function, to describe characteristics of the point patterns over a range of distances. (i) At distances of 200 and 300 m, communal nests were clustered. (ii) At distances greater than 1000 m, communal nests were regularly distributed. These findings are independent of the spatial distribution of trees. Furthermore, we used Moran's I to analyse spatial autocorrelation of nest sizes. We expected negative autocorrelation because of competition between nests. But on both farms there was no significant autocorrelation of nest sizes for any distance class. The regular distribution observed at larger distances may indicate competition and/or territoriality among different nests, but the lack of spatial autocorrelation between nest sizes suggests that these interactions may happen between nest clusters rather than between single nests. This was confirmed by significant clustering of nests on small scales. We thus suggest, that colonies of P. socius consist of several nests on adjacent trees forming a cluster of subcolonies. The question why sociable weavers establish subcolonies instead of adding more chambers to the natal nest, could not simply be answered by limitation of nesting space. We suggest a strategy to avoid costs due to increasing colony size.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a satellite tracking study of seven adult Abdim's Storks Ciconia abdimii that were followed from the nesting areas in southern Niger across the equator to the non-breeding range and back. Post-breeding migration started between early November and early December when all birds migrated directly to an area south of Lake Victoria in Tanzania, where they arrived between late November and early January. One bird moved to Zimbabwe for 2.5 months before returning to Tanzania; this bird returned to the same place in Zimbabwe the following year. The other tagged storks remained in northern Tanzania, suggesting that this region (at least in 2003–2004) is more important as a wintering area for the species than previously thought. While in Tanzania and Zimbabwe, most storks were almost completely stationary. Prenuptial migration started during mid-February, when one stork moved to the Central African Republic (CAR). The other storks moved to northern Uganda in mid-March and four continued into southern Sudan in mid-April, following the progression of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). Final migration towards Niger started between early April and early May, when the storks returned to the nests of the previous year in mid-May, almost simultaneously with the first major rainfall. Storks from the same village differed widely in migration strategy. Post-breeding maximum migration speed was between 216km/day and 307km/day, while migration was generally faster on the last leg of the return trip to the nest, with a maximum of 456km/day.  相似文献   

Spleen volume varies with colony size and parasite load in a colonial bird   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Comparisons across bird species have indicated that those more exposed to parasites and pathogens invest more in immunological defence, as measured by spleen size. We investigated how spleen volume varied with colony size, parasite load and an individual's colony-size history in the cliff swallow, Petrochelidon pyrrhonota, a colonial passerine bird of North America. We used a sample of over 1700 birds that had all died during a period of inclement weather in 1996. We experimentally manipulated ectoparasitism by fumigating nests in some colonies prior to the bad weather. Birds from parasite-free colonies had significantly smaller spleens than those from naturally infested sites; spleen volume did not differ between the sexes and did not vary with age. Mean spleen volume increased significantly with the colony size at a site prior to the bad weather in 1996 and at the site in 1995, both measures of colony size being indices of ectoparasitism at a site. An individual's history of breeding-colony size (defined as the average colony size it had occupied in years prior to 1996) had no association with its spleen size. The results are consistent with parasite-induced splenomegaly whenever birds are exposed to large numbers of ectoparasites. The results do not support spleen size as being a signal of differential life-history investment in immunological defence among individuals and thus run counter to interpretations from recent cross-species comparisons.  相似文献   

It is often suggested that colonial breeding reduces nest predation for birds with a high defence capacity, but experimental comparison of predation at solitary and colonial nests is seldom feasible within a single species. We here report on such a test in the common gull (Larus canus). The rate of predation on experimental eggs was significantly lower near colonies than near solitary gull nests, and the eggs survived longer at the edge of a colony than farther away. Communal mobbing of nest predators is the likely reason. In both of two years, almost all nests of solitary gulls were destroyed by predators, while most clutches survived in colonies. Nest predation hence selects strongly for colonial breeding in the present population of common gulls.  相似文献   

Explanations for the variation in the number of nests at bird colonies have focused on competitive or habitat effects without considering potential interactions between the two. For the rook, a colonial corvid which breeds seasonally but forages around the colony throughout the year, both the amount of foraging habitat and its interaction with the number of competitors from surrounding colonies are important predictors of colony size. The distance over which these effects are strongest indicates that, for rooks, colony size may be limited outside of the breeding season when colony foraging ranges are larger and overlap to a greater extent.  相似文献   

The harvester ant Messor barbarus can be responsible for substantial losses of weed seeds in arable fields in NE Spain. The spatial distribution of nests can have consequences for biological weed control, because foraging intensities decline with distance from the nest. The probability that seeds will escape harvesting will be lower if nests occur regularly distributed. We here investigated ‘large’-scale variability (up to 150 m), caused by habitat heterogeneity, and ‘small’-scale spatial variability (up to 12 m), caused by interactions between colonies, in nest distribution in a 50 × 150 m area in a cereal field in NE Spain, in 2009 and 2010. Large-scale variability was present in the data, but could not be explained by elevation, distance to the nearest field edge, or interpreted as simple trends across the area. Small-scale interactions could successfully be described by a multi-type/hard core Strauss process model, indicating territoriality among nests. Exclusion and interaction zones were identified, with radii that were smaller for small than for large colonies, and smaller for 2009 than for 2010. There was close resemblance between the observed and fitted spatial structure up to a radius of 3–4 m. Large-scale spatial variability, but not small-scale interactions, may be responsible for the existence of areas with few or no nests, where weed seeds have a higher probability of escaping the ants and entering the seed bank. Identifying and understanding the factors that influence the large-scale trends is, therefore, essential for optimizing weed control.  相似文献   

Social insect colonies are like fortresses, well protected and rich in shared stored resources. This makes them ideal targets for exploitation by predators, parasites and competitors. Colonies of Myrmica rubra ants are sometimes exploited by the parasitic butterfly Maculinea alcon. Maculinea alcon gains access to the ants' nests by mimicking their cuticular hydrocarbon recognition cues, which allows the parasites to blend in with their host ants. Myrmica rubra may be particularly susceptible to exploitation in this fashion as it has large, polydomous colonies with many queens and a very viscous population structure. We studied the mutual aggressive behaviour of My. rubra colonies based on predictions for recognition effectiveness. Three hypotheses were tested: first, that aggression increases with distance (geographical, genetic and chemical); second, that the more queens present in a colony and therefore the less-related workers within a colony, the less aggressively they will behave; and that colonies facing parasitism will be more aggressive than colonies experiencing less parasite pressure. Our results confirm all these predictions, supporting flexible aggression behaviour in Myrmica ants depending on context.  相似文献   

红外热成像仪是一种非接触、无损伤性的温度测量仪,它可通过接收被测物体表面的热辐射形成热谱图,对研究对象进行定性观察或定量分析。热成像仪在野生动物调查和实验研究等领域均有应用。我们于2015年4~8月的鸟类繁殖季,使用手持便携式红外热成像仪,对贵州宽阔水国家级自然保护区内4种生境的鸟巢进行系统搜索。共找到鸟巢54个,其中7巢可在红外热成像仪中清晰显示。使用红外热成像仪搜寻鸟巢的成功率为13.0%(7/54)。其中,搜寻地面巢的成功率最大(27.3%,3/11),树上巢的成功率最低(0%,0/5)。在热谱图中所显示的巢,其植被郁闭度显著小于红外热成像仪搜寻不到的巢(t=2.837,df=16,P0.01);而其温差则显著大于红外热成像仪搜寻不到的巢(t=﹣2.476,df=19,P0.05)。这表明,使用红外热成像仪搜寻鸟巢主要受巢上植被郁闭度及巢周围环境温度的影响。巢上植被郁闭度越小,与周围环境的温差越大,则搜寻成功率越高。  相似文献   

In species with large geographic ranges, genetic diversity of different populations may be well studied, but differences in loci and sample sizes can make the results of different studies difficult to compare. Yet, such comparisons are important for assessing the status of populations of conservation concern. We propose a simple approach of using a single well-studied reference population as a ‘yardstick'' to calibrate results of different studies to the same scale, enabling comparisons. We use a well-studied large carnivore, the brown bear (Ursus arctos), as a case study to demonstrate the approach. As a reference population, we genotyped 513 brown bears from Slovenia using 20 polymorphic microsatellite loci. We used this data set to calibrate and compare heterozygosity and allelic richness for 30 brown bear populations from 10 different studies across the global distribution of the species. The simplicity of the reference population approach makes it useful for other species, enabling comparisons of genetic diversity estimates between previously incompatible studies and improving our understanding of how genetic diversity is distributed throughout a species range.  相似文献   

In metapopulations in which habitat patches vary in quality and occupancy it can be complicated to calculate the net time-averaged contribution to reproduction of particular populations. Surprisingly, few indices have been proposed for this purpose. We combined occupancy, abundance, frequency of occurrence, and reproductive success to determine the net value of different sites through time and applied this method to a bird of conservation concern. The Tricolored Blackbird (Agelaius tricolor) has experienced large population declines, is the most colonial songbird in North America, is largely confined to California, and breeds itinerantly in multiple habitat types. It has had chronically low reproductive success in recent years. Although young produced per nest have previously been compared across habitats, no study has simultaneously considered site occupancy and reproductive success. Combining occupancy, abundance, frequency of occurrence, reproductive success and nest failure rate we found that that large colonies in grain fields fail frequently because of nest destruction due to harvest prior to fledging. Consequently, net time-averaged reproductive output is low compared to colonies in non-native Himalayan blackberry or thistles, and native stinging nettles. Cattail marshes have intermediate reproductive output, but their reproductive output might be improved by active management. Harvest of grain-field colonies necessitates either promoting delay of harvest or creating alternative, more secure nesting habitats. Stinging nettle and marsh colonies offer the main potential sources for restoration or native habitat creation. From 2005–2011 breeding site occupancy declined 3x faster than new breeding colonies were formed, indicating a rapid decline in occupancy. Total abundance showed a similar decline. Causes of variation in the value for reproduction of nesting substrates and factors behind continuing population declines merit urgent investigation. The method we employ should be useful in other metapopulation studies for calculating time-averaged reproductive output for different sites.  相似文献   

Summary Many females morphologically intermediate between queens and workers were found in a northernmost population ofMyrmecina graminicola nipponica Wheeler. Dissection and morphological observation revealed that there were three categories of intercastes. Major intercastes were as large as queens in body size, with seven or more ovarioles, but had only one ocellus, unlike queens, which had three ocelli. Medium intercasts had an enlarged mesonotum, one or no ocellus and 2 to 12 ovarioles. Minor intercaste was very simlar to workers in external morphology, but had a spermatheca, unlike workers. Inseminated females constituted 75%, 40% and 28.6% in the major, medium and minor intercastes respectively. Many of the virgin medium and minor intercastes had a small disfunctional spermatheca.In queenright colonies, a single queen was inseminated and had an active ovary. In queenless colonies where the intercastes reproduced, however, some colonies were functionally monogynous, but the others polygynous. The ratio of polygynous colonies to monogynous colonies was lowest in July and highest in September, suggesting that polygyny results from newly inseminated intercastes remaining in their natal nests, although they leave those nests in the season of colonial budding. Queenless colonies containing inseminated intercastes exclusively produced intercastes, while queenright colonies almost exclusively produced queens.  相似文献   

Seabirds in expanding colonies select the highest-quality nesting habitat, but habitat selection has seldom been studied in declining colonies. We studied a colony of Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) that declined from 314,000 active nests in 1987 to 201,000 in 2014. As expected, nest quality and reproductive success were higher in burrow habitats than in other habitats, and nest density decreased with distance from shore. Contrary to predictions, the steepest declines did not occur in the poorest-quality habitat (scrub) or near the inland colony edge and the colony area did not shrink. In agreement with predictions, penguins shifted from nests with less cover to nests with more cover. The highest nest densities and the steepest declines were in habitats of large bushes and bush clusters. As the population declined penguins abandoned nests on the edges of large bushes. Constraints on penguin habitat-use changes include strong area and nest-site fidelity, increased avian predation in high-density areas, soil characteristics, and the costs of making and maintaining nests. Contrary to conventional wisdom we found low-density, poor-quality scrub habitat (which covers >70 % of the colony area) contained 45 % of active nests, produced 44 % of fledglings, and was as important as high-quality habitat for reproductive output. Our research shows that all habitats in a declining colony of seabirds have value for conservation.  相似文献   

Wood storks (Mycteria americana) are endangered throughout their breeding range in the United States. Because of this, researchers have had little opportunity to thoroughly examine the continental wood stork population for endoparasites. The blood protozoan Haemoproteus crumenium has been identified from several populations of wood storks in North America. However, there have been no reports of wood storks being infected with species of Plasmodium or Leucocytozoon. During 2003, 42 nestling wood storks were captured at sites in Georgia and 27 free-ranging wood storks were captured at postbreeding dispersal sites in Mississippi and Louisiana. Two thin blood smears were made from each bird, and they were examined for parasites. Haemoproteus crumenium was found in 5 wood storks (7.2%), whereas Leucocytozoon sp., Plasmodium sp., and microfilariae were not observed. Mean intensity of H. crumenium was 4.4 +/- 0.7 (SE) per 2,000 erythrocytes counted. All infected wood storks were subadult or adult and were from postbreeding dispersal sites in Mississippi.  相似文献   

Introduced species often become ecologically dominant, displacing native species and posing a serious threat to ecosystem function and global biodiversity. Ants are among the most widespread and damaging alien species; introductions are often accompanied by population-level behavioural and genetic changes contributing to their success. We investigated the genetic structure, chemical profile and nestmate recognition in introduced populations of the invasive big-headed ant, Pheidole megacephala, in Australia. Behavioural analyses show that workers are not aggressive towards conspecifics from different nests, even at large geographical scales (up to 3000 km) and between populations encompassing a wide range of environmental conditions. By contrast, interactions with workers of other species invariably result in agonistic behaviours. Genetic analyses reveal that populations have low genetic diversity. No genetic differentiation occurs among nests of the same population; differentiation between populations, though significant, remains weak. Chemical analyses indicate that cuticular lipids are similar between colonies of a population, and that differentiation between populations is low. Altogether, these results indicate that the big-headed ant P. megacephala forms a large unicolonial population across northern/eastern Australia.  相似文献   

The multi‐scale spatial match between bird and food abundances is a main driver of the structure of fruit‐eating bird assemblages. We explored how the activity of fruit‐eating birds was influenced by the abundance of fruits at the local and landscape scales in Andean mountain forests during the breeding season, when most birds forage close to their nest. We measured: (1) the spatial scale of variation in the abundance of fruits, (2) the spatial scale of variation in the activity of fruit‐eating birds, and (3) the spatial match between both variables. The sampling design consisted of eleven 1.2‐ha sites, each subdivided into 30 cells of 20 × 20 m, where we sampled fruits and fruit‐eating birds. We found that fruit consumption, and to a lesser extent bird abundance, were associated with local spatial variation in abundance of selected fruit species. However, fruit‐eating birds did not modify their spatial distribution in the landscape following changes in availability of these fruits. Our study shows that fruit‐eating birds detect local spatial variation in fruit availability in their home breeding ranges, and exploit patches with large clusters of selected fruits. However, it may be unprofitable for breeding birds to stray too far from their nests to exploit fruit‐rich patches, accounting for the absence of fruit tracking at larger spatial scales.  相似文献   

Human commensal species such as rodent pests are often widely distributed across cities and threaten both infrastructure and public health. Spatially explicit population genomic methods provide insights into movements for cryptic pests that drive evolutionary connectivity across multiple spatial scales. We examined spatial patterns of neutral genomewide variation in brown rats (Rattus norvegicus) across Manhattan, New York City (NYC), using 262 samples and 61,401 SNPs to understand (i) relatedness among nearby individuals and the extent of spatial genetic structure in a discrete urban landscape; (ii) the geographic origin of NYC rats, using a large, previously published data set of global rat genotypes; and (iii) heterogeneity in gene flow across the city, particularly deviations from isolation by distance. We found that rats separated by ≤200 m exhibit strong spatial autocorrelation (r = .3, p = .001) and the effects of localized genetic drift extend to a range of 1,400 m. Across Manhattan, rats exhibited a homogeneous population origin from rats that likely invaded from Great Britain. While traditional approaches identified a single evolutionary cluster with clinal structure across Manhattan, recently developed methods (e.g., fineSTRUCTURE, sPCA, EEMS) provided evidence of reduced dispersal across the island's less residential Midtown region resulting in fine‐scale genetic structuring (FST = 0.01) and two evolutionary clusters (Uptown and Downtown Manhattan). Thus, while some urban populations of human commensals may appear to be continuously distributed, landscape heterogeneity within cities can drive differences in habitat quality and dispersal, with implications for the spatial distribution of genomic variation, population management and the study of widely distributed pests.  相似文献   

Many passerine bird populations, particularly those that have open‐cup nests, are in decline in agricultural landscapes. Current theory suggests that an increase in habitat generalist predators in response to landscape change is partially responsible for these declines. However, empirical tests have failed to reach a consensus on how and through what mechanisms landscape change affects nest predation. We tested one hypothesis, the Additive Predation Model, with an artificial nest experiment in fragmented landscapes in southern Queensland, Australia. We employed structural equation modelling of the influence of the relative density of woodland and habitat generalist predators and landscape features at the nest, site, patch and landscape scales on the probability of nest predation. We found little support for the Additive Predation Model, with no significant influence of the density of woodland predators on the probability of nest predation, although landscape features at different spatial scales were important. Within woodlands fragmented by agriculture in eastern Australia, the presence of noisy miner colonies appears to influence ecological processes important for nest predation such that the Additive Predation Model does not hold. In the absence of colonies of the aggressive native bird, the noisy miner, the influence of woodland predators on the risk of artificial nest predation was low compared with that of habitat generalist predators. Outside noisy miner colonies, we found significant edge effects with greater predation rates for artificial nests within woodland patches located closer to the agricultural matrix. Furthermore, the density of habitat generalist predators increased with the extent of irrigated land‐use, suggesting that in the absence of noisy miner colonies, nest predation increases with land‐use intensity at the landscape scale.  相似文献   

At small spatial and temporal scales, genetic differentiation is largely controlled by constraints on gene flow, while genetic diversity across a species' distribution is shaped on longer temporal and spatial scales. We assess the hypothesis that oceanographic transport and other seascape features explain different scales of genetic structure of giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera. We followed a hierarchical approach to perform a microsatellite‐based analysis of genetic differentiation in Macrocystis across its distribution in the northeast Pacific. We used seascape genetic approaches to identify large‐scale biogeographic population clusters and investigate whether they could be explained by oceanographic transport and other environmental drivers. We then modelled population genetic differentiation within clusters as a function of oceanographic transport and other environmental factors. Five geographic clusters were identified: Alaska/Canada, central California, continental Santa Barbara, California Channel Islands and mainland southern California/Baja California peninsula. The strongest break occurred between central and southern California, with mainland Santa Barbara sites forming a transition zone between the two. Breaks between clusters corresponded approximately to previously identified biogeographic breaks, but were not solely explained by oceanographic transport. An isolation‐by‐environment (IBE) pattern was observed where the northern and southern Channel Islands clustered together, but not with closer mainland sites, despite the greater distance between them. The strongest environmental association with this IBE pattern was observed with light extinction coefficient, which extends suitable habitat to deeper areas. Within clusters, we found support for previous results showing that oceanographic connectivity plays an important role in the population genetic structure of Macrocystis in the Northern hemisphere.  相似文献   

Intraspecific queen parasitism in a highly eusocial bee   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Insect societies are well-known for their advanced cooperation, but their colonies are also vulnerable to reproductive parasitism. Here, we present a novel example of an intraspecific social parasitism in a highly eusocial bee, the stingless bee Melipona scutellaris. In particular, we provide genetic evidence which shows that, upon loss of the mother queen, many colonies are invaded by unrelated queens that fly in from unrelated hives nearby. The reasons for the occurrence of this surprising form of social parasitism may be linked to the fact that unlike honeybees, Melipona bees produce new queens in great excess of colony needs, and that this exerts much greater selection on queens to seek alternative reproductive options, such as by taking over other nests. Overall, our results are the first to demonstrate that queens in highly eusocial bees can found colonies not only via supersedure or swarming, but also by infiltrating and taking over other unrelated nests.  相似文献   

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