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The mutation Ala28 to serine in human immunodeficiency virus, type 1, (HIV-1) protease introduces putative hydrogen bonds to each active-site carboxyl group. These hydrogen bonds are ubiquitous in pepsin-like eukaryotic aspartic proteases. In order to understand the significance of this difference between HIV-1 protease and homologous, eukaryotic aspartic proteases, we solved the three-dimensional structure of A28S mutant HIV-1 protease in complex with a peptidic inhibitor U-89360E. The structure has been determined to 2.0 A resolution with an R factor of 0.194. Comparison of the mutant enzyme structure with that of the wild-type HIV-1 protease bound to the same inhibitor (Hong L, Treharne A, Hartsuck JA, Foundling S, Tang J, 1996, Biochemistry 35:10627-10633) revealed double occupancy for the Ser28 hydroxyl group, which forms a hydrogen bond either to one of the oxygen atoms of the active-site carboxyl or to the carbonyl oxygen of Asp30. We also observed marked changes in orientation of the Asp25 catalytic carboxyl groups, presumably caused by the new hydrogen bonds. These observations suggest that catalytic aspartyl groups of HIV-1 protease have significant conformational flexibility unseen in eukaryotic aspartic proteases. This difference may provide an explanation for some unique catalytic properties of HIV-1 protease.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to use X-ray crystallography to investigate the structural basis of resistance to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) protease inhibitors. We overexpressed, purified, and crystallized a multidrug-resistant (MDR) HIV-1 protease enzyme derived from a patient failing on several protease inhibitor-containing regimens. This HIV-1 variant contained codon mutations at positions 10, 36, 46, 54, 63, 71, 82, 84, and 90 that confer drug resistance to protease inhibitors. The 1.8-angstrom (A) crystal structure of this MDR patient isolate reveals an expanded active-site cavity. The active-site expansion includes position 82 and 84 mutations due to the alterations in the amino acid side chains from longer to shorter (e.g., V82A and I84V). The MDR isolate 769 protease "flaps" stay open wider, and the difference in the flap tip distances in the MDR 769 variant is 12 A. The MDR 769 protease crystal complexes with lopinavir and DMP450 reveal completely different binding modes. The network of interactions between the ligands and the MDR 769 protease is completely different from that seen with the wild-type protease-ligand complexes. The water molecule-forming hydrogen bonds bridging between the two flaps and either the substrate or the peptide-based inhibitor are lacking in the MDR 769 clinical isolate. The S1, S1', S3, and S3' pockets show expansion and conformational change. Surface plasmon resonance measurements with the MDR 769 protease indicate higher k(off) rates, resulting in a change of binding affinity. Surface plasmon resonance measurements provide k(on) and k(off) data (K(d) = k(off)/k(on)) to measure binding of the multidrug-resistant protease to various ligands. This MDR 769 protease represents a new antiviral target, presenting the possibility of designing novel inhibitors with activity against the open and expanded protease forms.  相似文献   

Here we show, at a high resolution (1%), the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) protease gene quasispecies landscape from three infected na?ve individuals. A huge range of genetic configurations was found (67%, 71%, and 80% of the nucleotide clones from the three individuals, respectively, were different), and these configurations created a dense net that linked different parts of the viral population. Similarly, a vast diversity of different protease activities was also found. Importantly, 65% of the analyzed enzymes had detectable protease activity, and 11% of the minority individual variants showed similar or better fitness than the master (most abundant) enzyme, suggesting that the viral complexity in this genomic region does not exclusively depend on the enzyme's catalytic efficiency. Several high-fitness minority variants had only one substitution compared to the master sequence, supporting the possibility that the rugged HIV-1 protease quasispecies fitness landscape may be formed by a continuous network that can be traversed by single mutational steps without passing through defective or less-adapted proteins.  相似文献   

A computer search revealed 10 proteins with homology to the sequence we originally identified in vimentin as the site of cleavage by human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) protease. Of these 10 proteins (actin, alpha-actinin, spectrin, tropomyosins, vinculin, dystrophin, MAP-2, villin, TRK-1 and Ig mu-chain), we show that 4 of the first 5 were cleaved in vitro by this protease, as are MAP-1 and -2 [(1990) J. Gen. Virol. 71, 1985-1991]. In these proteins, cleavage is not restricted to a single motif, but occurs at many sites. However, cleavage is not random, since 9 other proteins including the cytoskeletal proteins filamin and band 4.1 are not cleaved in the in vitro assay. Thus, the ability of HIV-1 protease to cleave specific components of the cytoskeleton may be an important, although as yet unevaluated aspect of the life cycle of this retrovirus and/or may directly contribute to the pathogenesis observed during infection.  相似文献   

Triton X-100-extracted human skin fibroblasts were exposed to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease and analysed by 2D-gel electrophoresis and immunofluorescence microscopy. Vimentin, two of the tropomyosin isoforms, a protein with Mr ∼ 90,000 and a protein with Mr ∼ 200,000 were found to be degraded. Structurally, this was accompanied by the disintegration of the vimentin filament network and the disappearance of the microfilament network. In contrast to our in vivo observations (Höner et al., 1991), prominent stress fibers and chromatin structure seemed to be rather resistant to the action of this protease.  相似文献   

A synthetic peptide, RPI 312, that specifically inhibits the protease of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) showed a potent inhibition on virus production, maturation, and infectivity. Treatment with this agent prevented the cleavage of Gag protein at the site between p17 and p24 in HIV-1 chronically infected MOLT-4 cells as well as in the released virus. Passage of HIV-1 in the presence of gradually increasing concentrations of this protease inhibitor resulted in emergence of a variant that could evade the drug effects. In the resistant variant the maturation of Gag proteins appeared normal, but its infectivity was reduced compared with that of the parent virus. The nucleotides coding the amino acids at and around the cleavage site between Gag proteins p17 and p24 were not changed. One point mutation (A-->G) at site 2082 of the pol gene that resulted in one amino acid change at site 84 of the protease from isoleucine to valine (I-84-->V) could be detected in the resistant variant. An HIV-1 infectious DNA clone with the I-84-->V mutation also showed reduced sensitivity to this protease inhibitor. The findings that the resistant variant had lower infectivity and was still affected by higher doses of the drug support the speculation that resistance to protease inhibitors may not be as problematic as other drug resistance.  相似文献   

Substitution of alanine for cysteine residues of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 LAI (BRU) and ELI Nef proteins was used to determine pairing of the cysteine residues present in each protein. The results show that under nonreducing conditions, alternative pairing of the cysteines occurs. The preferred pairing of cysteine residues of the LAI and ELI proteins differs. In the experimental system used, viruses carrying the ELI nef allele are found to express Nef proteins which accelerate virus replication. Mutation in critical cysteine residues of the protein reduce the rate of virus replication. In the same system, viruses harboring the LAI nef allele fail to replicate. These observations raise the possibility that differences in the observed biological activity of nef alleles may be attributed, at least in part, to differences in the secondary structure of the proteins.  相似文献   

We expressed the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 transactivator protein, Tat, in the wheat germ cell-free translation system and found it to exist as a monomer. The first coding exon (residues 1 to 72) of wheat germ-expressed Tat was resistant to trypsin digestion, indicating that it is a highly folded, independently structured protein domain. Several mutant Tat proteins were dramatically more sensitive to trypsin than the wild type was, suggesting that their reduced transactivation activities are the result of destabilized structures. Mutant proteins with single-amino-acid substitutions were also identified that had reduced transactivation activities but wild-type structures in the trypsin assay. These mutants clustered in two regions of Tat, at acidic residues 2 and 5 in the amino terminus and between residues 18 and 32. These mutants, wild type in structure but reduced in activity, identify residues in the wild-type protein that may directly contact other molecules during Tat function.  相似文献   

The nucleocapsid (NC) region of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Gag is required for specific genomic RNA packaging. To determine if NC is absolutely required for virion formation, we deleted all but seven amino acids from NC in a full-length NL4-3 proviral clone. This construct, DelNC, produced approximately four- to sixfold fewer virions than did the wild type, and these virions were noninfectious (less than 10(-6) relative to the wild type) and severely genomic RNA deficient. Immunoblot and high-pressure liquid chromatography analyses showed that all of the mature Gag proteins except NC were present in the mutant virion preparations, although there was a modest decrease in Gag processing. DelNC virions had lower densities and were more heterogeneous than wild-type particles, consistent with a defect in the interaction assembly or I domain. Electron microscopy showed that the DelNC virions displayed a variety of aberrant morphological forms. Inactivating the protease activity of DelNC by mutation or protease inhibitor treatment restored virion production to wild-type levels. DelNC-protease mutants formed immature-appearing particles that were as dense as wild-type virions without incorporating genomic RNA. Therefore, protease activity combined with the absence of NC causes the defect in DelNC virion production, suggesting that premature processing of Gag during assembly causes this effect. These results show that HIV-1 can form particles efficiently without NC.  相似文献   

The relative replicative fitness of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) mutants selected by different protease inhibitors (PIs) in vivo was determined. Each mutant was compared to wild type (WT), NL4-3, in the absence of drugs by several methods, including clonal genotyping of cultures infected with two competing viral variants, kinetics of viral antigen production, and viral infectivity/virion particle ratios. A nelfinavir-selected protease D30N substitution substantially decreased replicative capacity relative to WT, while a saquinavir-selected L90M substitution moderately decreased fitness. The D30N mutant virus was also outcompeted by the L90M mutant in the absence of drugs. A major natural polymorphism of the HIV-1 protease, L63P, compensated well for the impairment of fitness caused by L90M but only slightly improved the fitness of D30N. Multiply substituted indinavir-selected mutants M46I/L63P/V82T/I84V and L10R/M46I/L63P/V82T/I84V were just as fit as WT. These results indicate that the mutations which are usually initially selected by nelfinavir and saquinavir, D30N and L90M, respectively, impair fitness. However, additional mutations may improve the replicative capacity of these and other drug-resistant mutants. Hypotheses based on the greater fitness impairment of the nelfinavir-selected D30N mutant are suggested to explain observations that prolonged responses to delayed salvage regimens, including alternate PIs, may be relatively common after nelfinavir failure.  相似文献   

We report here for the first time that Zn2+ is an effective inhibitor of renin and the protease from HIV-1, two aspartyl proteinases of considerable physiological importance. Inhibition of renin is noncompetitive and is accompanied by binding of 1 mol of Zn2+/mol of enzyme. Depending on the substrate, inhibition of the HIV protease by Zn2+ can be either competitive or noncompetitive, but in neither case is loss of activity due to disruption of the protease dimer. Inhibition of both enzymes is first order with respect to Zn2+ and is rapidly reversed by addition of EDTA. Ki values are strongly pH dependent and optimal in the range of 20 microM at or above pH 7. All of the data in hand suggest that the inhibitory effect of Zn2+ is a consequence of its binding at, or near, the active-site carboxyl groups of these aspartyl proteinases. This inhibition of the viral enzyme may help to explain some of the beneficial effects seen in AIDS patients who have received Zn2+ therapy.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease plays a critical role in the proteolytic processing of precursor polyproteins during virion maturation. Contradictory evidence has been obtained for a possible role for the protease early after infection, i.e., during DNA synthesis and/or integration. We have reexamined this question by using conditional mutants of the protease. In one set of experiments, protease mutants that confer a temperature-sensitive phenotype for processing were used to assess the need for protease activity early after infection. No significant difference from results with wild-type virus was seen when infections were carried out at either 35 or 40 degrees C. In a separate set of experiments, infections were carried out in the presence of a protease inhibitor. In this case, both wild-type virus and a drug-resistant variant were used, the latter as a control to ensure a specific effect of the inhibitor. Infection with either virus was not inhibited at drug concentrations that were up to 10-fold higher than those needed to inhibit intracellular processing by the viral protease. The results obtained by both of these experimental protocols provide evidence that the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease does not play a role early after infection.  相似文献   

Rapidly developing viral resistance to licensed human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) protease inhibitors is an increasing problem in the treatment of HIV-infected individuals and AIDS patients. A rational design of more effective protease inhibitors and discovery of potential biological substrates for the HIV-1 protease require accurate models for protease cleavage specificity. In this study, several popular bioinformatic machine learning methods, including support vector machines and artificial neural networks, were used to analyze the specificity of the HIV-1 protease. A new, extensive data set (746 peptides that have been experimentally tested for cleavage by the HIV-1 protease) was compiled, and the data were used to construct different classifiers that predicted whether the protease would cleave a given peptide substrate or not. The best predictor was a nonlinear predictor using two physicochemical parameters (hydrophobicity, or alternatively polarity, and size) for the amino acids, indicating that these properties are the key features recognized by the HIV-1 protease. The present in silico study provides new and important insights into the workings of the HIV-1 protease at the molecular level, supporting the recent hypothesis that the protease primarily recognizes a conformation rather than a specific amino acid sequence. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the presence of 1 to 2 lysine residues near the cleavage site of octameric peptide substrates seems to prevent cleavage efficiently, suggesting that this positively charged amino acid plays an important role in hindering the activity of the HIV-1 protease.  相似文献   

Although many human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-infected persons are treated with multiple protease inhibitors in combination or in succession, mutation patterns of protease isolates from these persons have not been characterized. We collected and analyzed 2,244 subtype B HIV-1 isolates from 1,919 persons with different protease inhibitor experiences: 1,004 isolates from untreated persons, 637 isolates from persons who received one protease inhibitor, and 603 isolates from persons receiving two or more protease inhibitors. The median number of protease mutations per isolate increased from 4 in untreated persons to 12 in persons who had received four or more protease inhibitors. Mutations at 45 of the 99 amino acid positions in the protease-including 22 not previously associated with drug resistance-were significantly associated with protease inhibitor treatment. Mutations at 17 of the remaining 99 positions were polymorphic but not associated with drug treatment. Pairs and clusters of correlated (covarying) mutations were significantly more likely to occur in treated than in untreated persons: 115 versus 23 pairs and 30 versus 2 clusters, respectively. Of the 115 statistically significant pairs of covarying residues in the treated isolates, 59 were within 8 A of each other-many more than would be expected by chance. In summary, nearly one-half of HIV-1 protease positions are under selective drug pressure, including many residues not previously associated with drug resistance. Structural factors appear to be responsible for the high frequency of covariation among many of the protease residues. The presence of mutational clusters provides insight into the complex mutational patterns required for HIV-1 protease inhibitor resistance.  相似文献   

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