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Within the framework of an investigation into the carrying capacity of the Bay of Marennes-Oléron (France) for bivalve culture, thein situ uptake of suspended particulate material by oysters (Crassostrea gigas) and mussels (Mytilus edulis) was determined in experiments with benthic ecosystem tunnels. Very high fluctuations in seston quantity and quality were observed within and between tidal cycles. The percentage of organic carbon was inversely related to seston quantity at low concentrations. Organic carbon was diluted by resuspension of material rich in inorganic matter. At high seston concentrations a constant level of about 2% organic carbon was found. The C/N ratio was relatively constant throughout the seasons and fairly low (6.5 to 8.4). Owing to the presence of bivalves large fluxes of suspended particulate material were observed in thein situ measurements. Selective retention of organic carbon or nitrogen could not be demonstrated. Clearance rates based on chlorophyll uptake were within a normal range compared to other studies. A large contribution to the food of the bivalves seemed to be formed by resuspended microphytobenthos. Judged by the low C/N ratio, the food was of good quality. Although its quantity was variable by dilution, it may support largely the carrying capacity of the Bay of Marennes-Oléron for the cultivation of bivalves. Communication no. 687 of the Netherlands Institute of Ecology, Centre for Estuarine and Coastal Ecology, Yerseke, the Netherlands.  相似文献   

The effects of invasive species on the patch dynamics (establishment, growth, and local extinction) of native species are not well studied, owing to the need for relatively fine-scale data on the distribution of species. Within the prairie pothole region of the United States and Canada, the grass, Bromus inermis (smooth brome) has become established by invading disturbed prairies, and through repeated introductions for soil retention and animal graze. In this study, the impact of smooth brome on the patch dynamics of a dominant native grass species, Spartina pectinata (prairie cordgrass), was assessed using fine-scale (sub-meter) mapping of the distribution of cordgrass and brome in three prairie fragments from 2000 to 2006. Using GIS spatial analyses, we determined that cordgrass patch growth was two times greater in areas not invaded by smooth brome versus areas that were heavily infested with smooth brome. Among sites and time periods, there was a consistent significant negative relationship between the amount of smooth brome surrounding a patch of cordgrass and the growth of that cordgrass patch. The probability of establishment of a new patch of cordgrass averaged 1.3 times higher in areas of low brome coverage (<25%) than areas of high brome coverage (>75%). Conversely, existing cordgrass patches were 7.8 times more likely to go extinct in areas of high than low brome coverage. This is one of only a few field studies to provide evidence of the negative impact of smooth brome on native flora and hopefully will serve as justification for the development of a formal management plan to limit the distribution of this species in tallgrass prairie ecosystems.  相似文献   

The Ediacaran–Fortunian ichnofauna from Central Brittany (NW France) is revised for the first time since the pioneering work by Lebesconte at the end of the 19th century. The study is based on fossils from the type-localities of the historical Brioverian taxa Montfortia (traces from Montfort-sur-Meu) and Neantia (wrinkle surfaces from Néant-sur-Yvel), and on two new outcrops from Saint-Gonlay. The ichnofossil assemblage includes Helminthoidichnites tenuis, Helminthopsis tenuis, Gordia marina, Palaeophycus tubularis, ?Neonereites uniserialis, and ?Spirodesmos archimedeus. Locally, the grazing traces are associated with wrinkle surfaces considered as microbially induced sedimentary structures (MISS). The sedimentological characteristics of these deposits correspond to a shelf marine environment. Both U-Pb datings on detrital zircon and ichnostratigraphic criteria tend toward an Ediacaran age of the fossiliferous deposits, but we cannot exclude the possibility of a Fortunian age at the present state of knowledge.  相似文献   

Seasonal sampling at six locations on the Lower Ardèche River was effected irregularly during 1982, 1983 and 1984. The seasonal structure of the taxa-sample matrix, much more important than sample location, is demonstrated using graphical interpretation.The Mediterranean aspect of the lower reaches of the Ardèche River is pointed out through its community structure which includes species often collected in other typical Mediterranean streams, e.g. Oligoneuriella rhenana, Ephoron virgo, Ecdyonurus dispar, E. insignis, Choroterpes picteti.Water temperature and day length were the determinant influences on seasonal variations in population structure of benthic macroinvertebrates. Three periods were distinguished: water (November to April), spring (May, June and beginning July) and summer (end of July to October). Spring and autumnal spates marked the limits of the summer and winter periods. Hence, annual fluctuations of this seasonal typology may occur in response to the hydrological regime.  相似文献   

Large lowland rivers with sufficient hydrological storage capacity are capable of supporting primary production, but the dynamics of the advecting phytoplankton is poorly understood. Our study aimed at exploring how longitudinal versus lateral connectivity, flow dynamics versus resource availability and continuous versus discontinuous environmental gradients shaped the species composition of phytoplankton. Samples were taken from February to October 2000 along the Hungarian Tisza River (HTR) and in its main tributaries. Longitudinal and seasonal patterns were related to resources (light and nutrients) availability and flow dynamics derived from a 1D hydrodynamic model. The HTR was autotrophic during the study period, but tributary input considerably exceeded net autochtonous production. The Szamos River was the major source of both phytoplankton and nutrients in the HTR. Chryso- and euglenophytes were flushed into the main river from floodplain oxbows during high discharge. Imported algae experienced discontinuity in environmental gradients when entering the main river. The merged impact areas of two dams (IAD) that separate the two large meandering patches of the HTR disrupted the longitudinal profiles of both physico-chemical variables and attributes of algal assemblages (biomass, species composition, richness, similarity between adjacent sampling sites). Hydraulic storage along the IAD selectively favoured the recruitment of cryptophytes that, however, could not compensate for the enhanced sedimentation of diatoms in terms of biomass. Although the meandering patches presented several small-scale differences in major environmental gradients, both patches supported the growth of planktonic diatoms. Changes in algal biomass were decoupled from nutrient availability. We conclude that various measures must be applied in various lowland rivers within the same catchment to control their trophic status as a component of the ‘good ecological status’ defined in the Water Framework Directive.  相似文献   

Negro  Ana I.  De Hoyos  Caridad  Vega  Jose C. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,424(1-3):25-37
The aim of this work is to compare the composition and seasonality of the phytoplankton population in a natural oligotrophic lake (Lake Sanabria) and a mesotrophic reservoir (Valparaíso). Both ecosystems are located on the Tera river course (NW Spain), which runs along an area of ancient metamorphic and plutonic rocks. Some physical and chemical parameters, chlorophyll a and phytoplankton biovolume were studied from monthly samples collected at different depths during the periods 1987–1989 (Lake Sanabria) and 1991–1992 (Valparaíso). Phytoplankton biovolume and chlorophyll a concentration were about five times higher in Valparaíso than in Lake Sanabria. Species composition (and main phytoplankton groups) were different. Valparaíso was highly dominated by diatoms and Lake Sanabria by cryptophytes and small chlorophytes. In spite of the fact that both sites were nitrogen limited, heterocystous cyanophytes (Anabaena sp.) were detected only in Valparaíso. The relationships between phytoplankton structure and trophic level, hydrological conditions and nitrate content are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of mull and mor, in an area which is believed to have borne forest for a number of centuries at least, led to investigations into the reasons for their development.Although the term forest-floor type has been substituted for humus type, mull and mor are used in the Müller-Hesselman sense.There appeared to be no obvious relationship between the distribution of the various forest-floor subtypes and the results of chemical analyses and pH determinations on soil samples.Where free CaCO3 occurred in the A1-horizon, a mull forest floor had developed even on coarse sand and the associated herb flora differed only slightly from that occurring on very acid mull. As the manner in which lime influences most soil processes is still unknown, the areas in which free CaCO3 occurs were excluded from the investigations.Assessments of various other soil characteristics were made and the frequency of association of the various categories of these characteristics ascertained.It is concluded that the colour of the upper part of the A1-horizon and its degree of leaching are related to its texture, and that the forest-floor subtypes are more closely related to soil texture than to soil colour or degree of leaching.  相似文献   

Enumeration of the functional groups of sulfur bacteria was performed in the sediments in the Bassin d'Arcachon, a mesotidal lagoon with strong tidal currents and dominant populations of seagrass (Zostera noltii), and in the Etang du Prévost, a shallow lagoon with moderate tidal fluctuations and dominant populations of floating seaweed (Ulva sp.). In addition, data were collected on the distribution of oxygen and sulfide at the water-sediment interface during diel cycles. Bacterial enumeration studies revealed highest numbers in the top two cm of the sediments for three functional groups of sulfur bacteria, these being the sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), the colorless sulfur bacteria (CSB), and the phototrophic sulfur bacteria (PSB). In both systems high numbers of SRB were encountered, suggesting ample availability of organic matter. A comparison between different sites in each ecosystem showed that sediments overlain by more stagnant water were dominated by PSB, whereas those overlain by more oxygenated water were dominated by CSB. Important factors are the physical forces induced by tidal currents and the degree of daily exchange of water between the lagoons and the sea. These factors may explain the differences observed between the two systems with regard to the development of anoxic conditions, more so than the level of eutrophication. It appears that rooted plants play an important role in the introduction of oxygen into the sediments, thus enhancing the competitive position of CSB compared to PSB. Mini-electrodes studies revealed high concentrations of free sulfide at the inner site of the Etang du Prévost but very low concentrations at the inner station of the Bassin d'Arcachon, which may be explained by the high iron input of the latter, rather than by differences in the rate of sulfide production.  相似文献   

Maughan  Ben C.  Barnes  David K. A. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,440(1-3):101-109
The sedentary fauna of sublittoral boulders was studied at five sites with very different environmental conditions within Lough Hyne Marine Nature Reserve (51° 30 N, 9° 18 W). The degree of competition was assessed through the construction of competitive hierarchies built up from the results of nearly 3000 interactions between organisms. Communities at all sites were predominantly hierarchically organised with few stand-offs recorded. Density of interactions was correlated with total space occupation. Flow speed at all sites was logged over 24 h and this factor also correlated with space occupation. Degree of disturbance was assessed through the use of marked boulders at each site. Species diversity peaked where all factors were moderate and was lowest at extreme sites. The effects of these environmental variables and biotic factors in determining community composition are discussed, and a working model detailing a Minimum Stress Inflexion is described. This represents an extension of the intermediate disturbance hypothesis in that it is proposed that disturbance in this system may serve to reduce sediment load as opposed to preventing space monopolisation in the classical model.  相似文献   

E. Chauvet  A. Fabre 《Hydrobiologia》1990,192(2-3):183-190
Water contents of suspended matter, algal pigments, particulate organic carbon and particulate phosphorus were measured in the rivers Garonne (2 sites) and Ariège (1 site) throughout an annual cycle. The general trend of the parameters was similar at the three sites. Depending on the sites, the period of algal growth (chlorophyll a + phaeopigments > 25 µg l–1), lasted from two to six weeks in August–September. The algal peaks reached 50 to 90 µg 1–1 of total pigments. High contents of particulate organic carbon (> 2 mg 1–1) occurred at the end of summer (coinciding with algal growth), and during the November and May floods. In summer 50–75 % of the suspended matter was organic, in spring this was 10 times less. The high linear correlation between particulate organic carbon and pigment contents (r = 0.87; P = 0.0001) suggested an algal origin of at least part of the particulate carbon. Algal carbon was minor in the annual fluxes of particulate carbon (25 to 39% depending on the sites), but relatively high in comparison with other rivers. The mean particulate phosphorus content calculated over the year was 24 µg l–1 ; it varied from 15 µg l–1 during the high water period to 28 µg 1–1 during the low water period. Likewise the percentage of particulate phosphorus in the suspended matter varied from 0.17 to 0.40. A negative linear correlation existed between particulate phosphorus content and specific discharge (r = – 0.46; P = 0.0001).The very marked seasonal trend of the parameters and the interactions led us to differentiate two modes of the rivers' functioning: a hydrologic phase and a biological phase. The hydrologic phase (high water) was dominated by the processes of erosion and transfer over the whole catchment area and the flood plain, while the biological phase was characterized by a high primary production in the river bed.  相似文献   

Effects of pond size and isolation on total vascular plant species richness and number of obligate wetland species were compared. Subsequently, the potential for the presence of spatial patterns in wetland species distribution among ponds in an agricultural landscape was explored. Relationships between species richness and two main biogeographic parameters were analysed using simple and multiple linearised regression models. Spatial patterns were looked for by means of analyses carried out with the R CRAN software (join-count statistics). Simple regression analyses performed on the regional scale (n = 50) revealed the significance of the effect of pond size only (r = 0.46 for total plant species richness and r = 0.28 for wetland species richness vs. pond area). Further analyses conducted on the local scale identified the best multiple regression models in the largest pond cluster (n = 20); the models showed statistical significance of relationships between the species richness and both independent variables (r = 0.80 for total plant species richness and r = 0.70 for wetland species richness vs. pond area and isolation, including mean distance to the nearest ten ponds). Spatial analyses were performed for 26 obligate wetland species selected from 149 species recorded in all the 50 ponds. Exploratory spatial data analysis revealed the presence of significant positive spatial autocorrelation in the distribution of 8 species. In such cases, it is possible to reject the random distribution hypothesis, which justifies exploration of spatial regimes. In practice, correct spatial model specifications may have implications for predicting species occurrences under changing environmental conditions, e.g. changes in the number of ponds.  相似文献   

An unarmored dinoflagellate bloom of Cochlodinium geminatum (Schütt) Schütt has been identified in the Pearl River Estuary, South China Sea during the severe dry season, from late October to early November, 2009, when temperature and salinity ranged between 20.0–27.2 °C and 10.6–33.4, respectively. Light and scanning electron microscopy were used to identify the characteristics of C. geminatum and provided the clear morphological structure for this species. The organism was primarily found in chains of two cells or single cell, and no longer chains were observed. Cells were irregularly spherical or slightly dorso-ventrally, with size ranged between 28 and 36 μm and longer than wide. A large nucleus in the center with numerous golden chloroplasts was present, and the cingulum made 1.5 turns around the cell. The concentration of C. geminatum ranged from 102 to greater than 107 cells l−1 during the bloom period. Nutrient concentration ranges during the bloom were 1.29–81.00 μM NO3, 0.14–12.14 μM NO2, 0.21–6.29 μM NH4, 0.23–6.26 μM PO4 and 3.29–171.43 μM SiO3, respectively. Total biomass expressed in terms of chlorophyll a ranged from 2.44 to 135.45 μg l−1, with an average 19.9 μg l−1 in surface water throughout the PRE. Two main clusters corresponding to the water sectors were defined with multivariate analysis (cluster and nMDS). Based on the composition and abundance of phytoplankton, spatial variations were observed at a significant level (ANOSIM, R = 0.44, P < 0.01). Although the pairwise correlation analysis detected no significant effect of any single environmental variable on the abundance of C. geminatum, the multivariate analysis (BIO-ENV) between biotic and abiotic variables resulted in the best variables combination with all measured factors involved (temperature, salinity, turbidity, NO3, NO2, NH4, PO4 and SiO3) which showed a combined effect during the bloom of C. geminatum in the Pearl River Estuary (ρw = 0.477).  相似文献   

Diet investigations were carried out on 0-, 1- and 2-year-old Northeast Arctic cod (Gadus morhua) sampled in the Barents Sea during 1984–2002. Stomach-content analyses showed that the 0 and 1 group cod fed mainly on crustaceans, with krill and amphipods composing up to 70% of their diet. Krill (Thysanoessa spp. and Meganyctiphanes norvegica) and amphipods (Themisto spp.) were mainly found in cod stomachs sampled in the central and close to the Polar Front region in the Barents Sea where these prey organisms are reported to be abundant in summer. A shift in the main diet from crustaceans to fish was observed from age 1 to age 2. The diet of 2-year-old cod mainly comprised capelin (Mallotus villosus) and other fish, and to a lesser degree, krill and amphipods. Shrimp (mainly Pandalus spp.) was also an important prey in both age 1 and 2 cod. A statistically significant positive relationship was obtained between capelin stock size and the amount of capelin in the diet of 2-year-old cod. Results from this study also show that the larger age-2 cod preyed more on capelin in winter and that larger cod (>22 cm) prefer larger capelin (>12 cm). During periods of low capelin abundance, the 2-year-old cod shift their diet more to crustaceans, such as krill and amphipods. A positive significant relationship was also obtained between Total Fullness Index (TFI) and the amount of capelin in the diet and between TFI and the growth of 2-year-old cod, indicating that the growth of age-2 cod is to a large extent dependent on the amount of capelin consumed. Growth of age-1 cod was also positively correlated to TFI.  相似文献   

BackgroundWe investigated Se levels along the Tapajós River basin - which is an important tributary of the Amazon River - and the possible antagonistic effect of Se in Hg availability. This is the first study to investigate Se transfer from abiotic to biotic compartments and along the food chain in aquatic ecosystems of the Amazon basin.MethodsSe concentrations were measured in superficial sediment (n = 29), plankton (n = 28) and fishes (n = 121) along two stretches of the Tapajós River basin (Tapup/mi and Taplow), comprising approximately 500 km with different hydrological characteristics.ResultsSe concentrations in sediment were significantly higher in the Taplow (345−664 μg kg−1) than in the Tapup/mi (60−424 μg kg−1). The seasonal flooding of the Amazon River probably helps to carry selenium-rich sediment to the Tapajós mouth (Taplow stretch). We suggest that Se in sediment could decrease the bioavailability of Hg resulting in lower MeHg concentrations in fish, as observed in the Taplow (45−934 μg kg−1). Sediment and plankton were positively correlated in relation to their Se concentrations (r = 0.62; p = 0.001) suggesting that sediment can possibly be the main source of Se to plankton. Our data indicate Se uptake by primary consumers, as noted in phytoplankton levels. The decrease of Se concentrations along the food chain was also noteworthy.ConclusionThis work elucidates some aspects of Se biogeochemistry in the Amazon basin and shows its importance regarding Hg cycles in aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

The behavior of the basic nutrients (NO3, PO4, SiO2) was studied in the estuary of the Razdolnaya River in low and high water, the flow was 4.3 × 106 m3/day and 10.8 × 106 m3/day, respectively. It was shown that within the limits of the euphotic zone the nutrients were characterized by a pronounced nonconservative behavior caused by their removal by phytoplankton in primary production. It was determined that phytoplankton removal of nutrients occurred with ratios C : NO3 : P : Si = 105 : 18 : 1 : 37 and C : NO3 : P : Si = 93 : 11 : 1 : 29 at a respective ratio P : NO3 : Si = 1 : 22 : 140 in low water and P : NO3 : Si = 1 : 17 : 120 in high water. It was also determined that the maximum rate of nutrient removal was 4 times higher in the high water than in the low water. The maximum value of primary production of phytoplankton was 2.5–4.0 gC/m2 day. The estuary area of the Razdolnaya River was specified by rather high production. Such a rate of estuarine primary production, caused by nutrients carried out by the river, being no less than 250 t of dry weight of phytoplankton a day, can provide daily production up to 800 t of biomass in the secondary chain of the ecosystem.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Biologiya Morya, Zvalinsky, Nedashkovsky, Sagalayev, Tishchenko, Shvetsova.  相似文献   

The Carnoulès mine is an extreme environment located in the South of France. It is an unusual ecosystem due to its acidic pH (2-3), high concentration of heavy metals, iron, and sulfate, but mainly due to its very high concentration of arsenic (up to 10 g L?1 in the tailing stock pore water, and 100-350 mg L?1 in Reigous Creek, which collects the acid mine drainage). Here, we present a survey of the archaeal community in the sediment and its temporal variation using a culture-independent approach by cloning of 16S rRNA encoding genes. The taxonomic affiliation of Archaea showed a low degree of biodiversity with two different phyla: Euryarchaeota and Thaumarchaeota. The archaeal community varied in composition and richness throughout the sampling campaigns. Many sequences were phylogenetically related to the order Thermoplasmatales represented by aerobic or facultatively anaerobic, thermoacidophilic autotrophic or heterotrophic organisms like the organotrophic genus Thermogymnomonas. Some members of Thermoplasmatales can also derive energy from sulfur/iron oxidation or reduction. We also found microorganisms affiliated with methanogenic Archaea (Methanomassiliicoccus luminyensis), which are involved in the carbon cycle. Some sequences affiliated with ammonia oxidizers, involved in the first and rate-limiting step in nitrification, a key process in the nitrogen cycle were also observed, including Candidatus Nitrososphaera viennensis and Candidatus nitrosopumilus sp. These results suggest that Archaea may be important players in the Reigous sediments through their participation in the biochemical cycles of elements, including those of carbon and nitrogen.  相似文献   

Large river floodplains are convenient model systems to test for variation in animal and plant community structure, as they have a variety of habitats and substrates and are generally dynamic systems through the occurrence of flood pulses with varying intensity. South American floodplain systems furthermore have unique types of substrates, in the form of root systems of floating macrophytes. Here, we investigate the variation in ostracod (small, bivalved crustaceans) communities in relation to substrates and related environmental variables. Sampling was effected in 2004 in the alluvial valley of the upper Paraná River, Brazil, in the wet and dry seasons. Five different substrates, including littoral sediment and four macrophyte species root and leaf systems, in four hydrological systems and a variety of habitat types, were sampled. Fifty-four species of Ostracoda were found. Variation partitioning analysis (RDA) showed that ostracod communities significantly differed between different substrates, mainly between the littoral and plants with small root systems (Eichhornia azurea) on the one hand, and plants with large and complex root systems on the other hand (Eichhornia crassipes and Pistia stratiotes). RDA analyses indicated that the pleuston (biotic communities associated with root systems of floating plants) of E. crassipes comprised more non-swimming species than the pleuston of the smaller roots of P. stratiotes, but species-level Kruskal–Wallis analyses could not detect significant differences between both macrophyte species. Also habitat type and hydrological systems contributed to variation amongst ostracod communities, but less so than the factor substrate. Abiotic factors also contributed to variation, but the ranges of all measured water chemistry variables were narrow. This uniformity in abiotic factors, which might be owing to the occurrence of large flooding events, unites all water bodies, even those that are generally separated.  相似文献   

《Biological Control》2005,32(1):40-48
Early French discoveries of insect parasitoids and various aspects of their life cycle are discussed in this paper. Parasitism in insects first attracted the attention of French scientists in the 18th century, despite indifference of the famous encyclopedists of “the Age of Enlightenment” to this group of animals. Fortunately, a distinguished scientist of many talents, R.A. Ferchault de Réaumur (1683–1757), was interested in the study of insects. His work on insects, “Mémoires pour servir à l’histoire des insectes” published in six volumes, remains his most well known opus. He was the first person in France to describe an entomophagous insect (probably a Cotesia species) as well as several aspects of the biological characteristics of parasitoid life in 1736. Together with Latreille (1762–1833), he may be considered one of the founding fathers of entomology in France.  相似文献   

This study shows the results of monitoring thepollen present in the atmosphere of the city ofLugo for three years (1999–2001) using a Hirstvolumetric trap (model Lanzoni VPPS-2000). During the three-year study, 61,381 pollengrains were counted. Poaceae represents 39.5%of the total pollen identified, Pinus12.3%, Quercus 8.7% and Betula8.4%. More than half of the total annualpollen was recorded in June and July. Itscorrelation was positive with temperature,hours of sun and wind speed, and negative withrainfall and relative humidity. The maximumvalues were recorded between 11 am and 8 pm,coinciding with the highest temperatures andlowest relative humidity.  相似文献   

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