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Abstract— The distribution of GABA and enzymes involved in its metabolism was investigated in the different regions of the olfactory bulb and olfactory nucleus. The highest levels of GABA in the olfactory bulb were found in the layers rich in nerve terminals (31 μmol/g dry wt.). A similar distribution was found in the olfactory nucleus although the overall level of GABA was only a quarter of that measured in the bulb. Glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) levels in the various layers of the olfactory nucleus were similar in distribution to those of GABA. However, the correlation between GAD and GABA did not hold for the olfactory bulb, particularly in the granule cell layer and the medulla. The activities of GAD and the levels of GABA are significantly higher in the bulb than in the nucleus but succinic acid scmialdehyde dehydrogenase and GABA aminotransaminase activities are almost identical in both regions.  相似文献   

—A method is described for the preparation of glutamate dehydrogenase in a highly purified form from rat brain. Only one protein band was detected when the enzyme was subjected to electrophoresis on SDS polyacrylamide gels. The rat brain enzyme was essentially identical to the rat liver enzyme with respect to electrophoresis on SDS polyacrylamide gels, immunochemical properties and most kinetic parameters. However, the brain enzyme was much less reactive with glutamate, was more sensitive to inhibition by haloperidol, and was considerably more stable than the liver enzyme.  相似文献   

The distribution of rat brain tyrosine transaminase was determined in brain regions and in subcellular fractions. The results indicate that brain tyrosine transaminase is predominantly a mitochondrial enzyme. Its localization on the inner mitochondrial membrane is suggested. The results are discussed in relation to the function of tyrosine as precursor of catecholamines in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Abstract— Two NADPH-linked aldehyde reductases (alcohol:NADP+oxidoreductase, EC capable of reducing succinic semialdehyde to the anaesthetic Chydroxybutyrate have been purified from human brain to electrophoretic homogeneity. The first of these enzymes, which is typical of its category, is not specific for succinic semialdehyde and can reduce some aromatic aldehydes at a high rate. It is a monomer of molecular weight about 45,000 and is strongly inhibited by various hypnotics and anticonvulsants. The second enzyme is, in contrast, fairly specific for succinic semialdehyde. It is a dimer of molecular weight about 90,000 and is not inhibited by the hypnotics and anticonvulsants which inhibit the first enzyme. It is thus different from previously described aldehyde reductases from human brain.  相似文献   

The kinetic constants for 4-aminobutyrate: 2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase (GABA-trans-aminase) and succinate-semialdehyde: NAD+ oxidoreductase (SSA-DH) have been determined using rat brain homogenate. The Michaelis constants for GABA-T at saturated substrate concentrations were calculated to be Kgaba= 1.5 mM, K2-OG= 0.25 mM, KGLU= 620 μM, and KSSA= 87 μm. The Vmax for the reaction using GABA and 2-oxoglutarate (2-OG) as substrates (forward reaction) was found to be 35.2 μmol/ These results indicate that MOPEG is a measure for changes in central noradrenaline turnover and that drugs affect MOPEG in the brain and spinal cord similarly. Fractional rate constants of MOPEG in the rat brain and spinal cord were estimated with the exponential decline curves produced by treatment with pargyline. Turnover rates of 193 pmol/gh and 167 pmol/g These results indicate that MOPEG is a measure for changes in central noradrenaline turnover and that drugs affect MOPEG in the brain and spinal cord similarly. Fractional rate constants of MOPEG in the rat brain and spinal cord were estimated with the exponential decline curves produced by treatment with pargyline. Turnover rates of 193 pmol/g/h and 167 pmol/g/h in the brain and spinal cord respectively were calculated. The kinetics of GABA-T have been shown to be consistent with a Ping Pong Bi Bi mechanism. Substrate inhibition of the forward reaction, through formation of a dead-end complex, was found to occur with 2-OG (Ki 3.3 mM), whereas GABA was found to be a product inhibitor of the reverse reaction (Ki= 0.6 mM). Using the appropriate Haldane relationship, a Keq of 0.04 for GGBA-T was found, indicating that the reaction was strongly biased towards GABA. For SSA-DH, the Km of SSA was determined (9.1 μM) and the Vmax was 27.5 μmol/ These results indicate that MOPEG is a measure for changes in central noradrenaline turnover and that drugs affect MOPEG in the brain and spinal cord similarly. Fractional rate constants of MOPEG in the rat brain and spinal cord were estimated with the exponential decline curves produced by treatment with pargyline. Turnover rates of 193 pmol/g/h and 167 pmol/g These results indicate that MOPEG is a measure for changes in central noradrenaline turnover and that drugs affect MOPEG in the brain and spinal cord similarly. Fractional rate constants of MOPEG in the rat brain and spinal cord were estimated with the exponential decline curves produced by treatment with pargyline. Turnover rates of 193 pmol/g/h and 167 pmol/g/h in the brain and spinal cord respectively were calculated. h. The effect of di-n-propylacetate (DPA) on both GABA-T and SSA-DH was measured. DPA inhibited SSA-DH competitively with respect to SSA, giving a Ki of 0.5 mM. GABA-T was only slightly inhibited. The Ki of DPA for the forward reaction was 23.2 mM with respect to GABA, which was 40-50 times higher than that for SSA-DH. For the reverse reaction the Ki of DPA was found to be nearly the same (15.2 mM with respect to Glu and 22.9 mM with respect to SSA). These results suggest that GABA accumulation in the brain, after administration of DPA in vivo, is caused by SSA-DH inhibition. Two mechanisms are indicated by the data. (1) The higher level of SSA, which results from inhibition of SSA-DH, initiates the reverse reaction of GABA-T, thus increasing the level of GABA via conversion of SSA. (2) The degradation of GABA is inhibited by SSA, since SSA has a strong inhibitory effect on the forward reaction, as calculated from the present data.  相似文献   

Abstract— A significant level of alcohol dehydrogenase activity has been demonstrated in the soluble fraction of rat brain. The pH optimum, kinetic properties and response to inhibitors are similar to those of liver alcohol dehydrogenase. The nutritional state of the animal, such as that associated with feeding or fasting, appeared to have no effect on the levels of the alcohol dehydrogenase activities in either liver or brain. A cerebral mechanism for the metabolism of ethanol may be involved in local biochemical adjustments in tissues during exposure to alcohol and may play a significant role in the pathogenesis of the neural disorders which can accompany chronic alcohol ingestion or acute withdrawal.  相似文献   

—The distribution, localization and changes in intensity of γ-aminobutyrate transaminase (4-aminobutyrate: 2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase, EC in rat brain have been studied during the first 20 days of postnatal life by a histochemical technique. Enzyme activity at birth was seen only in Purkinje cells of the cerebellar cortex where it increased markedly during the first 20 days. A rapid increase in enzyme activity was seen in regions of the hind-brain after 3 days but a slower increase was apparent in areas of the fore- and mid-brain. The results indicated that by 10 days post-partum nerve cell GABA-T activity had developed in the majority of brain areas studied, while glial cell GABA-T activity developed between 10 and 15 days post-partum. Evidence is presented which indicates that there is a discontinuous function of GABA-T in the developing brain.  相似文献   

Abstract— The effects of divalent metal ions, sulfhydryl reagents, carbonyl trapping reagents, substrate analogs, and organic solvents on purified mouse brain 4-aminobutyrate-2-ketoglutarate transaminase (EC and the subunit structure of this enzyme were studied. Of the metal ions tested, Hg2+ was found to be the most potent inhibitor inhibiting the enzyme 50 percent at a concentration of 0-7 μM. The order of decreasing inhibitory potency for the divalent metal ions was: Hg2+± Cd2+± Zn2+± Cu2+± Co2+± Ba2+± Sr2+± Ni2+± Mn2+± Ca2+± Mg2+. p-Chloromercuribenzoale was the most potent inhibitor among the sulfhydryl reagents tested inhibiting the enzyme to the extent of 50 per cent at 0-5 μM 3-Mercaptopropionic acid was found to be a competitive inhibitor for GABA and non-competitive for 2-ketoglutarate. The Ki, value was estimated to be 13 μM. Aminooxyacetic acid was the most potent inhibitor of the carbonyl trapping agents with a K, value of 0-06 μM. being competitive with GABA and non-competitive with 2-ketoglutarate. Hydroxylamine and hydrazine were the next most potent compounds in this group. Of a series of substrate analogs and metabolites tested, only acetic acid, propionic acid, butyric acid, glutamic acid, adipic acid, pimelic acid and 2-ketoadipic acid inhibited the enzyme to a significant extent. Dioxan inhibited the enzyme 50 per cent at a concentration of 5 per cent (v/v) whereas methanol and ethanol only inhibited 5-10 per cent at 10 per cent (v/v) concentration. A spectrum of the native enzyme at pH 7-2 showed maxima at 278 nm. 330 nm and 411 nm. Treatment of the enzyme with aminooxyacetic acid or 3-mercaptopropionic acid caused the maximum at 411 nm to disappear. Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the enzyme revealed two protein bands. The molecular weights of these two subunits were determined to be 53.000 and 58,000, respectively.  相似文献   

The distribution of N-acetyl-l -aspartic acid in the rat brain has been studied by means of a new gas-chromatographic method. The results obtained concern twelve different brain areas.  相似文献   

—(1) At least four distinct molecular forms of 4-aminobutyrate: 2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase from mouse and rat brain, have been separated by electrophoresis on paper, cellogel, agargel, silicagel and by immunoelectrophoresis. (2) The existence of specific typical electrophoretic profiles in mitochondrial and extramitochondrial compartments was shown. (3) A differential effect of pH on the anionic and cationic 4-aminobutyrate:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase transaminase activities has been shown. (4) The possible consequences of the 4-aminobutyrate: 2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase isozyme compartimentation on the local availability of γ-aminobutyric acid pools has been discussed.  相似文献   

Using cytochemical method,microspectrophotometry and image analysis,effects of va-soactive intestinal peptide(VIP)on activities of succinic dehydrogenase(SDH)and alkalinephosphatase(ALP)in rat hepatoma cells were studied in vitro.The results showed that thehepatoma cell expressed potent positive reactions of SDH and ALP,the positive positionswere located at the cell membranes and/or cytoplasm.Having been treated with VIP,ALPdecreased obviously in activity(P<0. 01,compared with hepatoma cells untreated by VIP).The sites of ALP activty were chiefly located at the cell membranes,particularly at the cell-cell contacts.Cultured rat hepatoma cells had intensive SDH activity in their cytoplasm.Compared with untreated eclls,there was no marked difference in the intensity of SDH activ-ity in VIP-treated hepatoma cells(P>0.05).  相似文献   

Abstract— The subcellular distributions of UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine: GM3 N-acetyl-galactosaminyl transferase and UDP-galactose: GM2 galactosyl transferase, two enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of gangliosides, were determined in the 7-day-old rat brain by means of synaptosomal fractionation techniques. The enzymes were located on the synaptic membranes and appeared to be closely associated with gangliosides and acetylcholinesterase. Solubilization of the transferase enzymes from the microsomal particles was achieved and differed from the solubilization of acetylcholinesterase and of the total membrane protein. Competition studies suggest that the N-acetylgalactosaminyl transferase involved in the formation of GM2 from GM3 is different from the N-acetylgalactosaminyl transferase involved in the formation of GalNAoGal-Glc-ceramide from Gal-Glc-ceramide, whereas in contrast, both the formation of GM1 from GM2 and of Gal-GalNAc-Gal-Glcceramide from GalNAc-Gal-Glc-ceramide appear to be catalysed by the same galactosyl transferase.  相似文献   

—Properties of the histamine-forming enzyme in rat brain were studied, utilizing a sensitive fluorometric assay. The optimum pH was related to substrate concentration and found to be6·4 at 10?2m -histidine; the apparent Km was about 4·10?4m ; enzyme activity was inhibited by α-hydrazino -histidine and brocresine but was not affected by α-methyl DOPA or benzene. These different data suggest that the 'specific’histidine decarboxylase (EC—and not the aromatic l -aminoacid decarboxylase—is involved. Determination of enzyme activity and histamine level in different areas of the rat brain revealed important regional differences, the two values being roughly parallel.  相似文献   

Abstract— A simple method is described for the preparation of succinic semialdehyde by the oxidation of 4-hydroxybutyric acid with dimethyl sulphoxide in the presence of phosphorus pentoxide. The colorimetric estimation of succinic semialdehyde by condensation with 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolinone-2-hydrazone is used as an assay for GABA aminotransferase activity in mouse brain. The values obtained for the specific activity of this enzyme in mouse brain using the colorimetric method agree with those obtained by the more conventional isotopic method.  相似文献   

Abstract— —-(1) The total hexokinase activity present in the mitochondrial fraction can be solubilized completely by incubation with salt and Triton X-100. This activity cannot be entirely released by washing with sucrose or by freezing and thawing.
(2) A part of the particle bound hexokinase exists in a latent form. The latent form is apparent after incubation with high salt concentrations, detergents or by freezing and thawing.
(3) Solubilization of membrane bound hexokinase is pH-dependent. Incubation in salt solutions increases the specific activity ten-fold. The salt concentration and pH are con-current. At pH 7.0 part of the hexokinase is solubilized. The lower the pH the less salt is required to release the same amount of activity.
(4) Triton X-100 solubilizes particle-bound hexokinase, but to a less extent than salts. The activation of hexokinase is greater with Triton X-100 than with salt.
(5) The possible nature of the bonds between hexokinase and mitochondrial membranes is discussed.  相似文献   

—Rat brain d -amino acid oxidase was found to be confined to the hindbrain, distributed more or less equally between cerebellum and medulla. Histochemical staining showed the enzyme to be localized largely in the molecular layer of the cerebellum. After fractionation by means of several distinct density gradient centrifugation procedures exploiting differences in sedimentation coefficient or in density or in both, the enzyme was found to be entirely or almost entirely associated with cytoplasmic particles with a median diameter of the order of 0·2 μm, and a median equilibrium density in aqueous sucrose of 1·18. Comparison with the behavior of cytochrome oxidase and of N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase indicates that these particles are not mitochondria and are unlikely to be lysosomes. They also differ significantly from the bulk of the catalase-containing particles, which on an average appear to be somewhat smaller. The possibility that they might contain some catalase activity, and thereby qualify as ‘peroxisomes’, can however not be excluded. In any case, they differ profoundly from the peroxisomes of liver or kidney.  相似文献   

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