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J van Minnen 《Peptides》1988,9(3):515-518
Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH)-like immunoreactivity was localized in the male reproductive system of the rat. Epithelial cells of the epididymus, seminal vesicles and coagulation gland showed a strong reaction to anti-LHRH serum. Also the epithelia of the ductus deferens and the prostate gland appeared to be immunoreactive, albeit to a lesser extent. The LHRH-like substances are most likely secreted into the male tract, as can be concluded from the observation that the secretion product in the lumina of the seminal vesicles, coagulation gland and prostate gland was also immunopositive. The functional significance of these phenomena is discussed. No immunostaining was obtained with antisera to FSH, LH or beta-hCG.  相似文献   

雌性生殖道碳酸氢根分泌机制及其对精子受精能力的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Zhou CX  Wang XF  Chan HC 《生理学报》2005,57(2):115-124
雌性生殖道内微环境对精子获得受精能力所依赖的一系列分子事件起关键性作用。研究表明,雌性生殖道含有高浓度的碳酸氢根,而且已经证明此阴离子对精子功能(包括精子运动,精子获能,超激活运动以及顶体反应)起重要的作用。本综述详细总结了雌性生殖道内微环境碳酸氢根对精子功能的影响及其分子机制,并探讨子宫内碳酸氢根的分泌机制。同时对碳酸氢根分泌受损可能是女性不育的一个病因提供了最新证据。  相似文献   

The male reproductive tracts of Drosophila display considerable variation in the relative size of their components, notably of the testes, but there are few structural differences between species. Here we report a remarkable coiled structure separating the testes from the seminal vesicles in the giant sperm species Drosophila bifurca. This evolutionary novelty, known as the 'sperm roller', seems to be an exaggeration in the size of the testicular duct as revealed by light and electron microscopic observations. It consists of a tubular monocellular epithelium lying on the basal laminae and muscle and conjunctive cells. The lumen of the roller contains crypts. The apical membrane of the epithelial cells presents numerous long microvilli protruding into the lumen. The sperm roller structure is probably involved in managing sperm during their transit through the male genital tract, because sperm are seen in bundles at the base of the testis, whereas they are singly rolled up by the time they enter the seminal vesicles. The hypercoiling of the individual spermatozoon within the roller probably occurs as the result of an osmotic process produced by features of the epithelial wall and the dramatically increased exchange surface. This is the first report of a specialized device of this type in Drosophila or, more generally, in insects.  相似文献   

Extragonadal sperm reserves in male rats were measured in different regions of the genital tract before and subsequent to normal ejaculation. In sexually rested rats, the sperm count (million spermatozoa for the paired organs) in different regions was: distal vas, 18; proximal vas, 9.8; cauda epididymidis, 229; caput + corpus epididymidis, 154. Following mating, the sperm count was reduced in the proximal and distal vas deferens and in the cauda epididymidis. The reproductive tract of mated females was found to contain 29% (no copulatory plug) or 59% (with copulatory plug) of the estimated mean ejaculate, which was estimated from the difference between the sperm counts in the sexually rested rat and following ejaculation. It is concluded that in the rat the immediate source of spermatozoa for ejaculation is the cauda epididymidis, with a smaller contribution arising from the vas deferens.  相似文献   

Coccidioides immitis infection of the male reproductive tract is a rare entity that can evade diagnosis and pose a dilemma in management. Initially, patients are often evaluated for malignancy or other infections such as tuberculosis. In the past, surgery was the only management option for C. immitis infection of the male reproductive tract, but azole therapy now provides an adjunct or an alternative. We describe two patients who received azole therapy for C. immitis infection of the male reproductive tract. One received fluconazole for prostatic disease, while one received surgery followed by itraconazole for testicular disease. After 12 months of therapy, both remain asymptomatic and have decreased antibody titers against C. immitis.Disclaimer: The Views expressed herein are those of the authors do not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of the Air Force, Department of the Army, Department of Defence, or the U.S. Government.  相似文献   

Yang Y  Lu X 《Biology of reproduction》2011,84(5):1005-1015
Motile cilia and flagella exhibit many waveforms as outputs of dynein activation sequences on the highly conserved axoneme. Motility change of sperm in the reproductive tract is difficult to study and remains an important area of investigation. Sperm typically execute a sinusoidal waveform. Increased viscosity in the medium induces somewhat unusual arc-line and helical waveforms in some sperm. However, whether the latter two waveforms occur in vivo is not known. Using green fluorescence protein imaging, we show that Drosophila sperm in the uterus move in circular foci via arc-line waves, predominantly in a tail-leading orientation. From the uterus, a small fraction of the sperm enters the seminal receptacle (SR) in parallel formations. After sperm storage and coincident with fertilization of the egg, the sperm exit the SR via head-leading helical waves. Consistent with the observed bidirectional movements, the sperm show the ability to propagate both base-to-tip and tip-to-base flagellar waves. Numerous studies have shown that sperm motility is regulated by intraflagellar calcium concentrations; in particular, the Pkd2 calcium channel has been shown to affect sperm storage. Our analyses here suggest that Pkd2 is required for the sperm to adopt the correct waveform and movement orientation during SR entry. A working model for the sperm's SR entry movement is proposed.  相似文献   

The lumen of theepididymis is the site where spermatozoa undergo their final maturationand acquire the capacity to become motile. An acidic luminal fluid isrequired for the maintenance of sperm quiescence and for the preventionof premature activation of acrosomal enzymes during their storage inthe cauda epididymis and vas deferens. We have previously demonstratedthat a vacuolar H+-ATPase[proton pump (PP)] is present in the apical pole of apical and narrow cells in the caput epididymis and of clear cells in thecorpus and cauda epididymis and that this PP is responsible for themajority of proton secretion in the proximal vas deferens. We now showthat PP-rich cells in the vas deferens express a high level of carbonicanhydrase type II (CAII) and that acetazolamide markedly inhibits therate of proton secretion by 46.2 ± 6.1%. The rate ofacidification was independent ofCl and was stronglyinhibited by SITS under both normal andCl-free conditions (50.6 ± 5.0 and 57.5 ± 6.0%, respectively). In the presence ofCl,diphenylamine-2-carboxylate (DPC) had no effect, whereas SITS inhibitedproton secretion by 63.7 ± 11.3% when applied together with DPC. In Cl-freesolution, DPC markedly inhibited proton efflux by 45.1 ± 7.6%,SITS produced an additional inhibition of 18.2 ± 6.6%, and bafilomycin had no additive effect. In conclusion, we propose that CAIIplays a major role in proton secretion by the proximal vas deferens.Acidification does not require the presence ofCl, but DPC-sensitiveCl channels mightcontribute to basolateral extrusion ofHCO3 underCl-free conditions. Theinhibition by SITS observed under both normal andCl-free conditionsindicates that aCl/HCO3exchanger is not involved and that an alternativeHCO3 transporter participates in proton secretion in the proximal vas deferens.


Summary Muscle potentials were recorded extracellularly fromRothschildia jacobeae in stationary flight while the moth was visually stimulated to turn around its dorsoventral axis. Asymmetries in wing position were also observed photographically. During a turn, right and left mesothoracic basalar muscles were excited at certain but different phases of the wingbeat cycle. The asymmetry was reversed when the direction of the turn was reversed. Right and left mesothoracic third axillary muscles were also excited at different phases of the wingbeat cycle, but they also fired in synchronous bursts or throughout the cycle. Thus the possibilites for controlling wing rotation and wing position during flight are extensive.
Zusammenfassung BeiRothschildia jacobeae wurden Muskelpotentiale im Stationärflug und bei visuell induzierten Drehbewegungen um die Hochachse extrazellulär abgeleitet. Zudem wurden Links-Rechts-Unterschiede im Flügelschlag fotografisch registriert. Wahrend einer Drehbewegung waren die rechten und linken basalaren Mesothoraxmuskeln in bestimmter, aber unterschiedlicher Phasenlage zum Flügelschlag aktiv. Bei Umkehr der Drehrichtung änderte sich die Phasenlage spiegelbildlich. Ebenso waren der rechte und linke Muskel des 2. Axillare des Mesothorax in unterschiedlicher Phasenlage zum Flügelschlag aktiv, sie feuerten aber auch in synchronen Rhythmen oder während des gesamten Schlagablaufs. Somit ergibt sich eine Vielzahl von Steuermöglichkeiten für Flügelrotation und Flügellage während des Flugs.

We wish to thank the University of Saarland for the financial support provided to guest zoologist Dr. Ann Kammer, Dr. W. Zarnack for the construction of the preamplifiers, and master mechanic Mr. R. Jacobi for the alterations made in the moving-film camera.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine whether domestic fowl (Gallus domesticus) sperm undergo maturation in their capacity for survival and fertilization in the male reproductive tract. Sperm collected from the testis, epididymis and the proximal, middle and distal vas deferens were simultaneously stored in vitro in minimum essential medium (MEM) at 39°C for 0, 3 and 6h, and at 4°C for 24 and 48h. Sperm membrane integrity was measured using the dual fluorescent stain SYBR-14/propidium iodide (PI). Aliquots of sperm from the various sites were subjected to artificial insemination (AI) into the uteri of hens to assess the duration of sperm survival in the oviduct and to determine the fertility status of the sperm. Testicular sperm exhibited a very low capacity to survive under in vitro liquid storage conditions, irrespective of the storage temperature used, and in the oviduct, and they had a low ability to fertilize the ovum. On the contrary, sperm from the distal vas deferens had a higher survival rate during in vitro storage periods, a longer life span in the oviduct, and high fertility. Survival and fertilizing capacity of the sperm recovered from the testes increased gradually (P<0.05) from the testes to the distal vas deferens. In conclusion, we suggest that fowl sperm may undergo functional maturation through a process of gradual changes in their survival and fertilization capacities during their passage through the successive parts of the male reproductive tract.  相似文献   

Aquaporin 9 expression along the male reproductive tract   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Fluid movement across epithelia lining portions of the male reproductive tract is important for modulating the luminal environment in which sperm mature and reside, and for increasing sperm concentration. Some regions of the male reproductive tract express aquaporin (AQP) 1 and/or AQP2, but these transmembrane water channels are not detectable in the epididymis. Therefore, we used a specific antibody to map the cellular distribution of another AQP, AQP9 (which is permeable to water and to some solutes), in the male reproductive tract. AQP9 is enriched on the apical (but not basolateral) membrane of nonciliated cells in the efferent duct and principal cells of the epididymis (rat and human) and vas deferens, where it could play a role in fluid reabsorption. Western blotting revealed a strong 30-kDa band in brush-border membrane vesicles isolated from the epididymis. AQP9 is also expressed in epithelial cells of the prostate and coagulating gland where fluid transport across the epithelium is important for secretory activity. However, it was undetectable in the seminal vesicle, suggesting that an alternative fluid transport pathway may be present in this tissue. Intracellular vesicles in epithelial cells along the reproductive tract were generally poorly stained for AQP9. Furthermore, the apical membrane distribution of AQP9 was unaffected by microtubule disruption. These data suggest that AQP9 is a constitutively inserted apical membrane protein and that its cell-surface expression is not acutely regulated by vesicular trafficking. AQP9 was detectable in the epididymis and vas deferens of 1-wk postnatal rats, but its expression was comparable with adult rats only after 3--4 wk. AQP9 could provide a route via which apical fluid and solute transport occurs in several regions of the male reproductive tract. The heterogeneous and segment-specific expression of AQP9 and other aquaporins along the male reproductive tract shown in this and in our previous studies suggests that fluid reabsorption and secretion in these tissues could be locally modulated by physiological regulation of AQP expression and/or function.  相似文献   

The immunocytochemical localization of the milk protein alpha-lactalbumin in the male reproductive tract is described. Using a primary antiserum raised against highly purified rat milk alpha-lactalbumin, specific staining was consistently shown in the supranuclear Golgi region of the principal cells of the proximal caput epididymidis but only occasionally in epithelial cells from other regions of the duct. Staining was also found in the epididymal lumen and associated with spermatozoa. This luminal staining persisted throughout the distal caput, corpus and cauda epididymidis. Staining was rarely associated with spermatozoa in the efferent ducts and initial segment. Alpha-lactalbumin immunoreactivity was also detected in the seminiferous epithelium. Staining was confined to the Golgi-acrosome region of spermatids. These results indicate that an alpha-lactalbumin-like molecule, or molecules, is present in the male reproductive tract and that it is localized specifically in principal cells from the proximal caput epididymidis and germ cells from the seminiferous epithelium.  相似文献   

Zika virus (ZIKV) is unique among mosquito-borne flaviviruses in that it is also vertically and sexually transmitted by humans. The male reproductive tract is thought to be a ZIKV reservoir; however, the reported magnitude and duration of viral persistence in male genital tissues vary widely in humans and non-human primate models. ZIKV tissue and cellular tropism and potential effects on male fertility also remain unclear. The objective of this study was to resolve these questions by analyzing archived genital tissues from 51 ZIKV-inoculated male macaques and correlating data on plasma viral kinetics, tissue tropism, and ZIKV-induced pathological changes in the reproductive tract. We hypothesized that ZIKV would persist in the male macaque genital tract for longer than there was detectable viremia, where it would localize to germ and epithelial cells and associate with lesions. We detected ZIKV RNA and infectious virus in testis, epididymis, seminal vesicle, and prostate gland. In contrast to prepubertal males, sexually mature macaques were significantly more likely to harbor persistent ZIKV RNA or infectious virus somewhere in the genital tract, with detection as late as 60 days post-inoculation. ZIKV RNA localized primarily to testicular stem cells/sperm precursors and epithelial cells, including Sertoli cells, epididymal duct epithelium, and glandular epithelia of the seminal vesicle and prostate gland. ZIKV infection was associated with microscopic evidence of inflammation in the epididymis and prostate gland of sexually mature males, pathologies that were absent in uninfected controls, which could have significant effects on male fertility. The findings from this study increase our understanding of persistent ZIKV infection which can inform risk of sexual transmission during assisted reproductive therapies as well as potential impacts on male fertility.  相似文献   

1. Females of the noctuid moth Heliothis virescens F. mate more than once. Thus, sperm from two or more males normally compete for fertilisations within the female reproductive tract. The eggs are typically fertilised by sperm from only one male, either the female's last mate or an earlier mate. Twice‐mated females store only one ejaculate's worth of fertilising sperm (eupyrene) but nearly two ejaculates' worth of a nonfertilising sperm morph (apyrene), which is thought to play a role in sperm competition. 2. The mechanism of sperm use in H. virescens was investigated by examining factors that vary with paternity, which was assigned based on allozyme variation. The factors included male and female body masses and ages, male genital characters, the size of the sperm package, and the number of sperm stored by the female. 3. One male typically gained sperm precedence; this was nearly twice as likely to be the second male as it was to be the first. Two factors were found to vary significantly with paternity: female mass and male age. The second male to mate was more likely to gain sperm precedence if the female was larger and if the male was older than the female's first mate. 4. The significance of male age and female mass to several hypothetical models of the mechanism of sperm use is discussed.  相似文献   

A glycoprotein, designated CMB-1, has been identified in media from Sertoli cell-enriched cultures that increases in concentration in response to follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and testosterone. Subsequent studies indicated that CMB-1 is immunologically related to albumin and alpha-fetoprotein and is concentrated in the luminal compartment of the testis in adult rats. Thus, CMB-1 was termed testibumin. The goal of the present study was to determine the concentrations of this protein in testes, epididymides, and serum of normal rats between 10 and 180 days of age and to compare them to rat androgen-binding protein (rABP). Testibumin concentration in rat testes increased with age and peaked at Day 60; thereafter, unlike rABP, its concentration declined, reaching a plateau by 150 days of age. Testibumin concentration in the epididymal compartment also increased with age and peaked at Day 90; thereafter, its concentration remained relatively unchanged. Unlike rABP, which accumulates in the caput epididymis, testibumin did not accumulate preferentially in any particular region of the epididymis. In spite of the marked changes of testibumin concentration in the male reproductive tract, the levels in blood remained relatively constant between 10 and 180 days of age. In adult male and female rats, the serum concentrations of testibumin were similar. Following orchiectomy, serum testibumin concentration decreased by 50% with an apparent t1/2 of approximately 8 h. The presence of immunoreactive macromolecules in other species that share epitopes with rat testibumin was also investigated. Material in human sera and extracts of human and monkey testes cross-reacts with rat testibumin. After [35S]methionine was added to the primary Sertoli cell-enriched cultures, anti-testibumin antiserum selectively immunoprecipitated a radiolabeled protein with the same electrophoretic mobility as purified testibumin on sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gels. We conclude that 1) rat testibumin is synthesized and secreted by Sertoli cell-enriched cultures; 2) the relative concentrations and distribution of testibumin in testis, epididymis, and serum of the rat as a function of age are strikingly different from those of rABP; 3) rat testibumin shares epitopes with proteins in human serum and testicular extracts of monkey and man.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the locus and means of spermiophagy in passerine birds, we examined histologically the entire male reproductive tract of sexually mature birds of three passerine species with different forms of sperm competition, namely, the alpine accentor (Prunella collaris), the redflanked bush robin (Tarsiger cyanurus), and the Bengalese finch (Lonchura striata var. domestica). Spermiophagy occurred consistently and frequently in the epithelial layer of the seminal glomera and ejaculatory duct in each species, which were regularly identified by non-ciliated epithelial cells. The epithelial spermiophagy was occasional or infrequent in other portions of the seminal tract, and spermiophagy by macrophages was uncommon throughout the tract. Quantitative data in the seminal glomera and ejaculatory duct gave no clear answer concerning a possible relationship between the epithelial spermiophagy and different levels of sperm competition among these passerine species. In conclusion, the epithelial lining of the terminal region of the seminal tract is the main site for spermiophagy in the male reproductive tract of these passerine species, which activity serves to maintain the quality of semen by eliminating infertile spermatozoa as well as sperm remaining at the end of the breeding season.  相似文献   

胞外ATP在男性生殖道中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Zhou WL  Zuo WL  Ruan YC  Wang Z  DU JY  Xiong Y  Chan HC 《生理学报》2007,59(4):487-494
胞外ATP除了能广泛作为神经递质外,还被认为是一种旁分泌或自分泌因子。ATP从男性生殖道中的精子或上皮细胞中释放,在调节各种生殖生理功能中起多种作用。本文综述了ATP调节附睾上皮细胞阴离子分泌的信号通路,阐述了ATP对依赖上皮细胞的输精管平滑肌收缩的调节机制,讨论了ATP在男性生殖道中的功能和作用。  相似文献   

Summary One hundred and fifty adult male albino mice were subjected to maintained environmental temperatures of -6°C for periods up to ten weeks.During the first five weeks of cold exposure the mortality was nil; thereafter it rose steadily with the duration of cold exposure. The seminal vesicle weight fell to 54% of control levels, and its content of fructose and citric acid to 34% and 39% respectively of the control level. These facts indicate a big reduction in androgen production.No quantitative or qualitative changes were observed in the distribution of glucose, cholesterol, ascorbic acid, lipofuscin, -ketols, succinic dehydrogenase, cytochrome oxidase, esterases, or 3 -hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases in the interstitium of the testis. The relationship of these changes to seasonal gonadal regression and the adaptation syndrome is considered.The author is grateful for the research facilities provided in the Anatomy Department at Glasgow University.  相似文献   

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