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Lysyl-tRNA synthetase [L-lys:tRNAlys ligase (AMP forming) EC:] has been purified to homogeneity from Mycobacterium smegmatis SN2. The enzyme is a dimer of molecular weight 126,000 and is composed of identical subunits. A detailed analysis of the kinetic mechanism of the lysyl-tRNA synthetase has been carried out. A rapid equilibrium random ter ter mechanism is proposed based on initial velocity and product inhibition studies. There is no evidence for the formation of enzyme-bound lysyl-adenylate. The reverse reaction, studied by the deacylation of lysyl-tRNA, requires the presence of both AMP and PPi. This observation is consistent with the mechanism proposed.  相似文献   

Ribosomal RNA methylation in Mycobacterium smegmatis SN2   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) from a fast growing nonpathogenic strain of mycobacteria, Mycobacterium smegmatis SN2, was analyzed for the presence of minor nucleotides. Of the sixteen modified nucleotides detected, the identity of twelve has been established and their molar ratios were determined. These nucleotides include m1A, m2A, m6A, m6(2)A, m7G, m5C, rT, CmpC, CmpG, GmpG, UmpG and UmpU. The distinct features of the mycobacterial rRNA modifications include: (i) relatively substantial level of methylation, a feature distinct from that of the tRNA species which are unique in being under methylated in these bacteria, (ii) N1 methyl adenine representing the bulk of the modified bases, (iii) the lack of ribose methylation on any two successive nucleotides, and (iv) the presence of N6,N6-dimethyl adenosines, which are the target sites of the antibiotic kasugamycin, although the bacterial growth is insensitive to the drug.  相似文献   

Valyl-tRNA synthetase from Mycobacterium smegmatis has been purified over 1200-fold by conventional techniques as well as affinity chromatography on valyl-aminohexyl Sepharose columns. The purified preparation is homogeneous by electrophoretic and immunologic criteria. The enzyme is a tetramer of approximate molecular weight of 120,000, composed of a single type of subunit. The synthetase exhibited maximal activity between 35--40 degrees C and pH 6.8--7.0. The pure enzyme though stable for several months below 0 degrees C, loses activity completely at 70 degrees C, for 1 min. The enzyme showed normal Michaelis-Menten kinetic behaviour in the total aminoacylation reaction with Km values of 1.25 microM, 0.1 mM and 1.0 microM for valine, ATP and tRNA, respectively, but the kinetic response deviated from the above pattern in the partial (activation) reaction. Based on these findings, the existence of the enzyme in two molecular forms, modulated by substrate concentration has been suggested; of these, only one may be active in the total reaction, while both forms may function in the phophosphate exchange reaction.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium smegmatis SN2 does not exhibit natural competence for the uptake of phage I3 DNA. Competence can artificially be induced by treatment with glycine or CaCl2, and the combination of both is even more effective. The efficiency of transfection can be improved by inclusion of protamine sulphate and heterologous RNA in the system. From 32P DNA uptake studies the major barrier for the entry of DNA has been found to be the complex cell wall. The efficiency of transfection calculated on the basis of fraction of DNA which has entered the cell is comparable to that of other bacterial systems. The phage development takes a longer time (7 h for one cycle) after transfection, as compared to infection (4 h).  相似文献   

S X Lin  J P Shi  X D Cheng  Y L Wang 《Biochemistry》1988,27(17):6343-6348
A Blue Sephadex G-150 affinity column adsorbs the arginyl-tRNA synthetase of Escherichia coli K12 and purifies it with high efficiency. The relatively low enzyme content was conveniently purified by DEAE-cellulose chromatography, affinity chromatography, and fast protein liquid chromatography to a preparation with high activity capable of catalyzing the esterification of about 23,000 nmol of arginine to the cognate tRNA per milligram of enzyme within 1 min, at 37 degrees C, pH 7.4. The turnover number is about 27 s-1. The purification was about 1200-fold, and the overall yield was more than 30%. The enzyme has a single polypeptide chain of about Mr 70,000 and binds arginine and tRNA with 1:1 stoichiometry. For the aminoacylation reaction, the Km values at pH 7.4, 37 degrees C, for various substrates were determined: 12 microM, 0.9 mM, and 2.5 microM for arginine, ATP, and tRNA, respectively. The Km value for cognate tRNA is higher than those of most of the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase systems so far reported. The ATP-PPi exchange reaction proceeds only in the presence of arginine-specific tRNA. The Km values of the exchange at pH 7.2, 37 degrees C, are 0.11 mM, 2.9 mM, and 0.5 mM for arginine, ATP, and PPi, respectively, with a turnover number of 40 s-1. The pH dependence shows that the reaction is favored toward slightly acidic conditions where the aminoacylation is relatively depressed.  相似文献   

Glutamine synthetase from a Gram-positive acid-fast bacterium, Mycobacterium smegmatis, was purified to homogeneity from cells grown with glycerol-bouillon medium. Electron micrographs of the enzyme revealed a dodecameric arrangement of its subunits in two superimposed hexagonal rings, similar to the structure of glutamine synthetase of Escherichia coli. Disc electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate indicated a subunit molecular weight of 56,000. The sedimentation coefficient of the native enzyme was estimated to be 19.4S by ultracentrifugation in a sucrose gradient. Like the E. coli enzyme, the glutamine synthetase from M. smegmatis is regulated by adenylylation/deadenylylation. This conclusion was based on studies of the effect of snake venom phosphodiesterase treatment on the catalytic and spectral properties of the isolated enzyme. The AMP released from the enzyme by the phosphodiesterase was identified by thin-layer chromatography. Despite the structural similarity of both enzymes, striking differences were found between the catalytic properties of M. smegmatis and E. coli glutamine synthetases. The divalent cation specificity of the M. smegmatis enzyme was not altered by adenylylation of the enzyme, and deadenylylation of the enzyme caused a significant increase in the specific activities for both biosynthetic and transfer reactions with either Mg2+ or Mn2+.  相似文献   

Trehalose is a nonreducing disaccharide of glucose (alpha,alpha-1,1-glucosyl-glucose) that is essential for growth and survival of mycobacteria. These organisms have three different biosynthetic pathways to produce trehalose, and mutants devoid of all three pathways require exogenous trehalose in the medium in order to grow. Mycobacterium smegmatis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis also have a trehalase that may be important in controlling the levels of intracellular trehalose. In this study, we report on the purification and characterization of the trehalase from M. smegmatis, and its comparison to the trehalase from M. tuberculosis. Although these two enzymes have over 85% identity throughout their amino acid sequences, and both show an absolute requirement for inorganic phosphate for activity, the enzyme from M. smegmatis also requires Mg(2+) for activity, whereas the M. tuberculosis trehalase does not require Mg(2+). The requirement for phosphate is unusual among glycosyl hydrolases, but we could find no evidence for a phosphorolytic cleavage, or for any phosphorylated intermediates in the reaction. However, as inorganic phosphate appears to bind to, and also to greatly increase the heat stability of, the trehalase, the function of the phosphate may involve stabilizing the protein conformation and/or initiating protein aggregation. Sodium arsenate was able to substitute to some extent for the sodium phosphate requirement, whereas inorganic pyrophosphate and polyphosphates were inhibitory. The purified trehalase showed a single 71 kDa band on SDS gels, but active enzyme eluted in the void volume of a Sephracryl S-300 column, suggesting a molecular mass of about 1500 kDa or a multimer of 20 or more subunits. The trehalase is highly specific for alpha,alpha-trehalose and did not hydrolyze alpha,beta-trelalose or beta,beta-trehalose, trehalose dimycolate, or any other alpha-glucoside or beta-glucoside. Attempts to obtain a trehalase-negative mutant of M. smegmatis have been unsuccessful, although deletions of other trehalose metabolic enzymes have yielded viable mutants. This suggests that trehalase is an essential enzyme for these organisms. The enzyme has a pH optimum of 7.1, and is active in various buffers, as long as inorganic phosphate and Mg(2+) are present. Glucose was the only product produced by the trehalase in the presence of either phosphate or arsenate.  相似文献   

In early stationary phase of growth, Mycobacterium smegmatis cultures accumulate amylooligosaccharides (alpha 1 leads to 4-glucooligosaccharides) up to the undecasaccharide. Although M. smegmatis also makes an acylated polymethylpolysaccharide that is predominantly and alpha 1 leads to 4-glucan, we conclude that these oligosaccharides are precursors of glycogen rather than lopopolysaccharide.  相似文献   

A specific trehalose phosphate phosphatase was purified approximately 50-fold from Mycobacterium smegmatis. The enzyme had a pH optimum of about 7.0 and was stimulated by Mg(2+). The optimum concentration of Mg(2+) was about 1.5 x 10(-3)m. Of other divalent cations tested, only Co(2+) showed some activity. The K(m) for trehalose phosphate was found to be about 1.5 x 10(-3)m. The enzyme showed slight activity toward mannose-6-P and fructose-6-P but was inactive on a large number of other phosphorylated compounds. Citrate was a competitive inhibitor of the enzyme both with respect to trehalose phosphate concentration and Mg(2+) concentration. This inhibition appears to be due to chelation of Mg(2+) by this compound. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and NaF were also inhibitors of the enzyme, but these inhibitions were noncompetitive.  相似文献   

Arginyl-tRNA synthetase from baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae, strain 836) was obtained pure by a large-scale preparative method, which involves four chromatographic columns and one preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic step. The enzyme has a high specific activity (9000 U/mg) and consists of a single polypeptide chain of molecular weight approximately 73000 as determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecylsulphate. Amino acid analysis of the enzyme permitted calculation of the absorption coefficient of arginyl-tRNA synthetase (A(1 mg/ml 280 nm)=1.26). Concerning kinetic parameters of the enzyme we found the following Km values: 0.28 muM, 300 muM, 1.5 muM for tRNA(Arg III), ATP and arginine in the aminoacylation reaction, and 1400 muM, 2.5 muM, and 50 muM for ATP, arginine and PP(i) in the ATP-PP(i) exchange reaction. Arginyl-tRNA synthetase required tRNA(Arg III) to catalyse the ATP-PP(i) exchange reaction.  相似文献   

When tested as activators on the trehalose phosphate synthetase [UDP-d-glucose:d-glucose 6-phosphate α-d-glucosyltransferase, EC (46)] from Mycobacterium smegmatis, heparin was the best, various other sulfated polysaccharides (especially chondroitin 4- and 6-sulfates, dermatan sulfate, heparan sulfate, and γ-carrageenan) and polynucleotides were good, but hyaluronic acid, d-galacturonan, dextran sulfate, and keratan sulfate, were poor. Digestion of chondroitin sulfate with hyaluronidase destroyed the activating ability, but separation of the digestion products on Sephadex G-100 resin gave large-molecular-weight componentns that still showed activating ability. A sulfated tetra- or octa-saccharide isolated from chondroitin sulfate did not activate the enzyme, nor did they prevent the activation by chondroitin sulfate, suggesting that these small polyanions do not bind to the enzyme. Among polycations, poly-dl-ornithine (mol. wt. 15,600 daltons) was the best inhibitor of the enzyme followed by poly-l-lysine (mol. wt. 4,000 daltons), poly-d-lysine (mol. wt. 70,000 daltons), poly-d,l-lysine (mol. wt. 35,000 daltons), and then poly-l-ornithine (mol. wt. 120,000 daltons); polyglycine, polyleucine, and polyhistidine showed no effect. In all cases, more polycation was required to inhibit the enzyme when heparin was used as the activator than when chondroitin sulfate was used. The order of mixing of various reaction components was important for the extent of inhibition, the greates inhibition being observed when polyanion and polycation were mixed before the addition of enzyme, and the smallest when polyanion and enzyme were mixed before the addition of polycation.  相似文献   

Carbon metabolism and regulation is poorly understood in mycobacteria, a genus that includes some major pathogenic species like Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium leprae. Here, we report the identification of a glucose kinase from Mycobacterium smegmatis. This enzyme serves in glucose metabolism and global carbon catabolite repression in the related actinomycete Streptomyces coelicolor. The gene, msmeg1356 (glkA), was found by means of in silico screening. It was shown that it occurs in the same genetic context in all so far sequenced mycobacterial species, where it is located in a putative tricistronic operon together with a glycosyl hydrolase and a putative malonyl-CoA transacylase. Heterologous expression of glkA in an Escherichia coli glucose kinase mutant led to the restoration of glucose growth, which provided in vivo evidence for glucose kinase function. GlkA(Msm) was subsequently overproduced in order to study its enzymatic features. We found that it can form a dimer and that it efficiently phosphorylates glucose at the expense of ATP. The affinity constant for glucose was with 9 mM about eight times higher and the velocity was about tenfold slower when compared to the parallel measured glucose kinase of S. coelicolor. Both enzymes showed similar substrate specificity, which consists in an ATP-dependent phosphorylation of glucose and no, or very inefficient, phosphorylation of the glucose analogues 2-deoxyglucose and methyl alpha-glucoside. Hence, our data provide a basis for studying the role of mycobacterial glucose kinase in vivo to unravel possible catalytic and regulatory functions.  相似文献   

Manganese ion, like Mg2+, has been found to produce high biosynthetic activity of the unadenylylated form of glutamine synthetase obtained from Mycobacterium smegmatis, and the activity with each of these cations was decreased by the adenylylation of the enzyme. Further, the gamma-glutamyltransferase reaction was catalyzed in the presence of either Mn2+, Mg2+, or Co2+ with both unadenylylated and adenylylated enzyme; however, each of these divalent cation-dependent activities was also decreased by one order of magnitude by adenylylation of the enzyme. From studies of UV-difference spectra, it was found that the ability of M. smegmatis glutamine synthetase to assume a number of distinctly different configurations was the result of the varied response of the enzyme to different cations. When either Mn2+, Mg2+, Ca2+, or Co2+ was added to the relaxed (divalent cation-free) enzyme at saturated concentration, each produced a similar UV-difference spectrum of the enzyme, indicating that the conformational states induced by these cations are similar with respect to the polarity of the microenvironment surrounding the tyrosyl and tryptophanyl groups of the enzyme. The binding of Cd2+, Ni2+, or Zn2+ to the relaxed enzyme each produced a different shift in the UV-absorption spectrum of the enzyme, indicating different conformational states. The kinetics of the spectral change that occurred upon addition of Mn2+, Mg2+, or Co2+ to a relaxed enzyme preparation were determined. The first-order rate constants for the decrease in relaxed enzyme with Mn2+ and Mg2+ were 0.604 min-1 and 0.399 min-1, respectively, at 25 degrees C, pH 7.4. The spectral change with Co2+ was completed within the time of mixing (less than 4 s). For these three metal ions, the total spectral change as well as the time course of the change were the same for both the unadenylylated enzyme and the partially adenylylated enzyme. However, Hill coefficients obtained from spectrophotometric titration data for both Mn2+ and Mg2+ were decreased with adenylylated enzyme to compared with unadenylylated enzyme. These results suggest that covalently bound AMP on each subunit may be involved in subunit interactions within the dodecamer. Circular dichroism measurements also indicated that the various structural changes of the M. smegmatis glutamine synthetase were produced by the binding of the divalent cations.  相似文献   

Lee JM  Cho HY  Cho HJ  Ko IJ  Park SW  Baik HS  Oh JH  Eom CY  Kim YM  Kang BS  Oh JI 《Journal of bacteriology》2008,190(20):6795-6804
The DevS histidine kinase of Mycobacterium smegmatis contains tandem GAF domains (GAF-A and GAF-B) in its N-terminal sensory domain. The heme iron of DevS is in the ferrous state when purified and is resistant to autooxidation from a ferrous to a ferric state in the presence of O(2). The redox property of the heme and the results of sequence comparison analysis indicate that DevS of M. smegmatis is more closely related to DosT of Mycobacterium tuberculosis than DevS of M. tuberculosis. The binding of O(2) to the deoxyferrous heme led to a decrease in the autokinase activity of DevS, whereas NO binding did not. The regulation of DevS autokinase activity in response to O(2) and NO was not observed in the DevS derivatives lacking its heme, indicating that the ligand-binding state of the heme plays an important role in the regulation of DevS kinase activity. The redox state of the quinone/quinol pool of the respiratory electron transport chain appears not to be implicated in the regulation of DevS activity. Neither cyclic GMP (cGMP) nor cAMP affected DevS autokinase activity, excluding the possibility that the cyclic nucleotides serve as the effector molecules to modulate DevS kinase activity. The three-dimensional structure of the putative GAF-B domain revealed that it has a GAF folding structure without cyclic nucleotide binding capacity.  相似文献   

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