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Binema mirzaia (Basir, 1942a) Basir, 1956, Cameronia nisari (Parveen and Jairajpuri, 1985) Adamson and Van Waerebeke, 1992a and Mirzaiella meerutensis Singh and Malti, 2003 are redescribed morphologically along with molecular identification from the intestine of mole cricket Gryllotalpa africana. Molecular characterization was carried out using the D2–D3 expansion domains of the 18S ribosomal DNA region. This study first time presents molecular data for the above three nematode species.  相似文献   

In the interests of nomenclatural stability it is proposed that Johnstonia Quatrefages. 1866 (Polychaeta, Maldanidae) be conserved relative to its senior homonym Johnstonia Quatrefages, 1849 (Polychaeta, Nereidae) and its coexistent junior homonym Johnstonia Basir, 1956 (Nematoda, Thelastomatidae). Type material of all species previously assigned to Johnstonia Quatrefages, 1866 is re-examined and a new species from Trinidad described. All three valid species ( J. clymenoides Quatrefages, 1866; J. knysna Day. 1955; J. duplicata sp. n.) are described and figured in detail. An unnamed fourth species is known only from fragments collected off West Africa, and Johnstonia gracilis Kinberg, 1867 is newly synonymised with Euclymene oerstedii (Claparède. 1863).  相似文献   

Brunke AJ  Majka CG 《ZooKeys》2010,(65):51-61
New distributional and bionomic data are provided for species of the genus Xantholinus in North America. Xantholinus elegans (Olivier 1795) (= X. jarrigei Coiffait 1956)is recorded from North America for the first time, based on specimens collected in Ontario, Canada from 2007-2010. The armature of the internal sac of the aedeagus in situ is illustrated to aid in identification. Xantholinus linearis (Olivier 1795), known previously from the Maritime Provinces of Canada and the eastern United States, is newly recorded from Ontario. Xantholinus longiventris Heer 1839 is still only known from western North America. A key is provided to allow recognition of all three species.  相似文献   

The Family Thelastomidae (Thelastomatoidea; Oxyurida; Nematoda) is revised, genera are diagnosed and a complete list of species is given. The following genera, normally classified in the family, are not included: Linstowiella Basir is considered a member of the Pharyngodonidae and perhaps a synonym of Pharyngodon Diesing; Klossinema Lal is considered a synonym of Cephalobellus Cobb; Schubartnema Kloss is considered a taxonomic chimaera, the male corresponding to Carnoya Gilson and the female probably to Binema Basir. Two new species are proposed: Gryllophila bainae and G. klossae for material assigned to G. skrjabini (Sergiev) by Bain (1965) and Kloss (1959) respectively. The following new synonyms are proposed: Blattellicola Basir and Blatellicoloides Farooqui synonyms of Blatticola Schwenck; Basiriella Ahmed & Jabin synonym of Blattophila Cobb; Leidynema (Basiria) Farooqui synonym of Cranifera Kloss; Posterovulva Van Waerebeke synonym of Desmicola Basir; Oryctophila Van Waerebeke synonym of Johnstonia Basir; Panaesthiana Kloss synonym of Leidynemella Chitwood & Chitwood; Psilocephala Rao synonym of Cameronia Basir; Welchiella Gupta & Kaur synonym of Hammerschmidtiella Chitwood. The following new combinations are proposed: Blattophila basiri for Basiriella basiri Ahmed & Jabin, leaving Blattophila basiri Farooqui pre-occupied (and renamed B. farooquii); Cameronia psilocephala and C. aspiculata for Psilocephala psilocephala Rao and P. aspiculata Farooqui respectively; Corydiella mamba (Van Waerebeke) for Thelastoma mamba; Desmicola moramangi for Posterovulva moramangi Van Waerebeke; Johnstonia morondovae for Oryctophila morondovae; Leidynemella sphaeropoei for Oxyuris sphaeropoei Parona; Thelastoma aurangabadense, T. indica (preoccupied), T. mackenziei, T. thapari, T. unicoloris and T. welchi for Schwenkiella aurangabadense Farooqui, S. indica Rao & Rao, Suifunema mackenziei Zervos, Bulhoesia thapari Singh & Singh, Cephalobellus unicoloris Van Waerebeke and Schwenkiella welchi Farooqui, respectively.  相似文献   

Three new species of Arrhopalites in the Symphypleona from Korea are described and illustrated. This work also records new occurrence of Arrhopalites habei Yosii, 1956, with brief remarks. A key to the identification of the Korean species of Arrhopalites is provided.  相似文献   

Israeli spiders of the orb-weaver genera Singa and Hypsosinga (Araneidae) have been revised. New and updated information on the little known Mediterranean spider fauna, pertaining to European species as well, is presented. Some of the species have never been adequately described or illustrated. All the species previously described from the Middle East and adjacent countries were re-examined. Aranea neta is newly placed in Singa and the following new synonyms are defined: Lithyphantes sepfemguffafus Simon, 1873, along with Araneus decorus (Simon, 1891) and Lithyphantes pollocki Denis, 1956 = Singa neta (O. P.-Cambridge, 1872); Singa afjinis O. P.-Cambridge, 1876 along with Singa attica Simon, 1884 = Hypsosinga albovittata (Westring, 1851). The presence of three species formerly reported from Israel, including one erroneously determined, has been confirmed, and the occurrence of another three species previously unknown from this country has been proved. All are newly described. Keys, detailed illustrations of diagnostic characters and records of -distribution are provided for each species.  相似文献   

Members of the subfamily Neothoracocotylinae are gastrocotylinean monogeneans on the gills of scombrid fishes of the genera Scomberomorus and Acanthocybium, and reportedly of a coryphaenid fish belonging to the genus Coryphaena. We revise the diagnosis of the subfamily and its two genera and accept only two species as valid. Neothoracocotyle acanthocybii (Meserve, 1938) Hargis, 1956 is known from Acanthocybium solandri throughout the Pacific Ocean and in the western Atlantic. N. coryphaenae (Yamaguti, 1938) Hargis, 1956, known only from a single specimen and described from Coryphaena hippurus in Japan, is synonymised with N. acanthocybii. The sole member of Scomberocotyle, S. scomberomori (Koratha, 1955) Hargis, 1956, infects five species of Scomberomorus in the eastern Pacific Ocean and the western and eastern Atlantic. We record this worm from several new hosts and/or localities, including S. sierra and S. concolor in the eastern Pacific (Mexico to Colombia), S. maculatus and S. cavalla in the western Atlantic (USA to Brazil), and S. tritor in the eastern Atlantic (Sierra Leone to Nigeria).  相似文献   

Two new species of shrimp belonging to the campylonotid genus Bathypalaemonella Balss from the Australian Northwest Shelf. R. brevirostris sp.n. and B. pilosipes sp.n., are described and illustrated. constituting the first records of this genus from Australian waters. Present knowledge of the genus is reviewed and the distribution of the known species listed. The two new species can be readily distinguished from the previously described species of Banthypalaemonella by the very characteristic morphologies of the dactyls of their ambulatory pereiopods.  相似文献   

A benedeniine monogenean, Benedenia rohdei n. sp., is reported from the gills of the stripey Lutjanus carponotatus (Richardson, 1842) (Lutjanidae) from Heron Island and Lizard Island, Queensland, Australia. The oncomiracidium of the new species is also illustrated. B. rohdei n. sp. differs from all known species of the genus in the possession of a sclerite at the tip of the penis. Examination of type-specimens of B. jaliscana Bravo-Hollis, 1952 has shown that the three penis ‘hooks’ described by Bravo-Hollis are unsclerotised conical papillae.  相似文献   

Aspidistra albiflora C. R. Lin, W. B. Xu & Yan Liu (Asparagaceae) is described and illustrated as a new species from limestone areas in Guangxi, China. The new species is similar to A. cerina G. Z. Li & S. C. Tang, but differs in having the perianth white by the sides, white pistils, bracts longer than the perianth, anthers only 2 mm long, pistil obconical and stigma slightly enlarged, 4–5 mm in diameter. The new species is currently only known from the type locality in southwestern Guangxi, near the border to northern Vietnam.  相似文献   

Hemiboea purpurea Yan Liu & W. B. Xu, a new species of Gesneriaceae from Guangxi, China, is described and illustrated. The new species is similar to H. follicularis C. B. Clarke, but differs by smaller leaf blades, 3–10×2–5 cm, corolla purple, ca 2.0–2.5 cm long, exserted from the involucre, filaments glandular‐puberulent and staminodes 3. It is only known from one site in the Rongshui County.  相似文献   

This paper describes two new species of Cotingacola Carriker, 1956, C. lutzae n. sp. and C. engeli n. sp., from the cinereous mourner Laniocera hypopyrra (Vieillot) and black-necked red cotinga Phoenicircus nigricollis Swainson (Aves: Passeriformes: Cotingidae), respectively. These species are fully illustrated and compared with their morphologically closest relatives. With the addition of these two new species, this Neotropical chewing louse genus now includes ten species. We also present records from Brazil for two previously described species, C. stotzi Clayton & Price, 1998 and C. parmipapillae Carriker, 1956. The re-examination of a specimen identified as ‘Cotingacola sp.’ in a recent phylogenetic study confirmed that it is C. parmipapillae and that Querula purpurata (Statius Müller) regularly hosts two Cotingacola species, which means that at least three cotingid hosts carry more than one species of Cotingacola. We comment on the variability in the host-specificity of Cotingacola species.  相似文献   

Several heteracanthocephalid specimens were recovered from the flatfish Rhombosolea leporina (Günther), a host of Heteracanthocephalus peltorhamphi (Baylis, 1944) Petrochenko, 1956 from New Zealand. Unlike H. peltorhamphi, these new specimens have trunk spines. Measurements and proboscis armament of the new specimens are consistent with the worms being Aspersentis minor Edmonds & Smales, 1992 originally described from the Australian flounder Rhombosolea tapirina Günther. A review of the family Heteracanthocephalidae Petrochenko, 1956 was undertaken to assess the validity of its four genera and eight species. The validity of Aspersentis megarhynchus (Linstow, 1892) Golvan, 1960 (syn. Echinorhynchus megarhynchus Linstow, 1892) is questioned. E. megarhynchus is not considered to be an heteracanthocephalid and is relegated to a species inquirenda. A. megarhynchus (Linstow, 1892) of Golvan (1960) nec E. megarhynchus Linstow, 1892 is considered a synonym of A. austrinus Van Cleave, 1929. The monotypic genus Heteracanthocephalus Petrochenko, 1956 is proposed as a synonym of Aspersentis Van Cleave, 1929 because there appear to be insufficient morphological differences between them. Aspersentis peltorhamphi n. comb. is proposed for Heteracanthocephalus peltorhamphi. The monotypic genus Sachalinorhynchus Krotov & Petrochenko in Petrochenko, 1956 is considered valid, but the other heteracanthocephalid genus, Bullockrhynchus Chandra, Rao & Shyamasundari, 1985, also monotypic, is not. B. indicus Chandra, Rao & Shyamasundari, 1985 possesses more features resembling rhadinorhynchids than heteracanthocephalids but only females are known, and therefore the genus and species cannot be placed. There are currently four valid species of Aspersentis and one of Sachalinorhynchus.  相似文献   

记述采自湖南省的弹尾目Collembola鳞(虫兆)科Tomoceridae鳞(虫兆)属Tomocerus 3种,包括2新种:六斑鳞(虫兆)Tomocerus(Tomocerus)hexipunctatus sp. nov.和多毛鳞(虫兆)Tomocerus(Tomocerus)multisetus sp. nov.和1个已知种T.(T.)kinoshitai Yosii,1954.  相似文献   

Five new species of the family Simuliidae Stegopterna byrrangii Yankovsky, sp. n. and Cnephia chaurensis Yankovsky sp. n., from Taimyr peninsula, Metacnephia olyutorii Yankovsky sp. n. from Kamchatka, Metacnephia karakechensis Yankovsky sp. n. and Montisimulium sonkulense Yankovsky sp. n. from Kirghizia, are described. Stegopterna byrrangii differs from related species: in male--from all known species of the genus by peculiar form of apical end of gonostyles, when apical spine is approximately parallel to inner surface of gonostyle; in female--from all known species of the genus by very long genital lobes (their length twice more than width), from S. longicoxa Rubzov, 1971 and S. duodecimata (Rubzov, 1940) by long stem of genital fork, absence of anterolateral sclerotized projections of branches of genital fork; in pupa--from all known species of the genus by number of filaments of respiratory organ (14-16, when in other species no more than 12). Cnephia chaurensis differs from related species: in male--from C. intermedia Rubzov, 1956 and C. toptchievi Yankovsky, 1996 by absence of medial projection or ridge of gonosternum, from C. intermedia by widened body of gonosternum, from C. toptchievi by ridge on gonocoxites and wide triangular projections near base of arms of gonosternum; in female--from C. intermedia by sclerotized finger-like anterolateral projections of branches of genital fork, subdivision of branches into two lobes, wide flat apical end of stem of genital fork. Metacnephia karakechensis differs from related species: in male--from M. subalpina (Rubzov, 1956) by form of gonostyles, absence of triangular medial projection of gonosternum, short widened gonofurca and more number of spines in parameres, from M. kirjanovae (Rubzov, 1956) and M. slepjani (Rubzov, 1967) by triangular body of gonosternum, widened gonostyles, more number of spines in parameres; in larva--from M. subalpina by more number of rays of primary fan of premandibles, less number of ridges of hooks in posterior attachment organ, from M. kirjanovae by short thick antennae; in pupa--from M. subalpina by character of divergence of upper thick filaments of respiratory organ, from M. kirjanovae by presence of thick filaments of the organ. Metacnephia olyutorii differs from related species: in female--from M. larunae Worobez, 1984 and M. aldanica Worobez, 1987 by thick sclerotized anterolateral projections of branches of genital fork, from M. taimyrica Patrusheva, 1976 by 1-ended (not 3-ended) anterolateral projections of branches of genital fork, large (not shortened) anal lobes, from M. crassifistula (Rubzov, 1956) by very long stem of genital fork. Montisimulium sonkulense differs from related species: in male--from M. brachystylum (Rubzov, 1976) by more prolonged gonostyles, less number of spines of parameres, from M. ocreastylum (Rubzov, 1956) by form of gonostyles, from M. odontostylum (Rubzov, 1947) by more number of spines of parameres; in female--from M. brachystylum and M. odontostylum by stricktly developed posteromedial projections of branches of genital fork, from species having posteromedical projections of branches of genital fork--from M. (ABSTRACT TRUNCATED)  相似文献   

西藏林芝真蚋亚属三新种(双翅目:蚋科)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文记述西藏林芝真蚋亚属Eusimulium三种:凸端真蚋Simulium(Eusimulium)concavustylumsp.nov.、林芝真蚋Simulium(Eusimulium)lingziensesp.nov.、裂缘真蚋Simulium(Eusimulium)schizolomunsp.nov 。  相似文献   

本文报道中国的5种短脉姬蜂Brachynervus Uchida,其中有3个新种:截距短脉姬蜂B.truncatus sp.nov.,牯岭短脉姬蜂B.kulingensis sp.nov.和锚斑短脉姬蜂B.anchorimaculus sp.nov.;以及2个已知种;混短脉姬蜂B.confusus Gauld北京短脉姬蜂B.beijingensis Wang。对新种作了描述,并报道寄主为刺蛾科昆虫  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2021,24(3):580-583
Only one species of the genus Grahamomyia Alexander, 1935 was previously known from the world. Here one new species, Grahamomyia bilobula sp. nov., is reported from China. Grahamomyia bicellula Alexander, 1935 is re-described and illustrated. A key to the known species of Grahamomyia is presented.LSID: urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:A18E32D8-B017-46FF-B05B-B664AF988F1B.  相似文献   

A new species Dendrocalamus menglongensis Hsueh & K. L. Wang ex N. H. Xia, R. S. Lin &Y. B. Guo is described and illustrated from Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China. It differs from D. giganteus by e.g. shorter internodes, 4–5 florets, a perfect terminal floret and persistent culm sheaths. A key to the new species and the other 7 species of Dendrocalamus known from Xishuangbanna is provided.  相似文献   

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