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Plexin receptors play a crucial role in the transduction of axonal guidance events elicited by semaphorin proteins. In Drosophila, Plexin A (PlexA) is a receptor for the transmembrane semaphorin semaphorin-1a (Sema-1a) and is required for motor and central nervous system (CNS) axon guidance in the developing embryonic nervous system. However, it remains unknown how PlexB functions during neural development and which ligands serve to activate this receptor. Here, we show that plexB, like plexA, is robustly expressed in the developing CNS and is required for motor and CNS axon pathfinding. PlexB and PlexA serve both distinct and shared neuronal guidance functions. We observe a physical association between these two plexin receptors in vivo and find that they can utilize common downstream signaling mechanisms. PlexB does not directly bind to the cytosolic semaphorin signaling component MICAL (molecule that interacts with CasL), but requires MICAL for certain axonal guidance functions. Ligand binding and genetic analyses demonstrate that PlexB is a receptor for the secreted semaphorin Sema-2a, suggesting that secreted and transmembrane semaphorins in Drosophila use PlexB and PlexA, respectively, for axon pathfinding during neural development. These results establish roles for PlexB in central and peripheral axon pathfinding, define a functional ligand for PlexB, and implicate common signaling events in plexin-mediated axonal guidance.  相似文献   

Yu HH  Huang AS  Kolodkin AL 《Genetics》2000,156(2):723-731
Semaphorins comprise a large family of phylogenetically conserved secreted and transmembrane glycoproteins, many of which have been implicated in repulsive axon guidance events. The transmembrane semaphorin Sema-1a in Drosophila is expressed on motor axons and is required for the generation of neuromuscular connectivity. Sema-1a can function as an axonal repellent and mediates motor axon defasciculation. Here, by manipulating the levels of Sema-1a and the cell adhesion molecules fasciclin II (Fas II) and connectin (Conn) on motor axons, we provide further evidence that Sema-1a mediates axonal defasciculation events by acting as an axonally localized repellent and that correct motor axon guidance results from a balance between attractive and repulsive guidance cues expressed on motor neurons.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are a large conserved family of extracellular proteases, a number of which are expressed during neuronal development and upregulated in nervous system diseases. Primarily on the basis of studies using pharmaceutical inhibitors, MMPs have been proposed to degrade the extracellular matrix to allow growth cone advance during development and hence play largely permissive roles in axon extension. Here we show that MMPs are not required for axon extension in the Drosophila embryo, but rather are specifically required for the execution of several stereotyped motor axon pathfinding decisions. The Drosophila genome contains only two MMP homologs, Mmp1 and Mmp2. We isolated Mmp1 in a misexpression screen to identify molecules required for motoneuron development. Misexpression of either MMP inhibits the regulated separation/defasciculation of motor axons at defined choice points. Conversely, motor nerves in Mmp1 and Mmp2 single mutants and Mmp1 Mmp2 double mutant embryos are loosely bundled/fasciculated, with ectopic axonal projections. Quantification of these phenotypes reveals that the genetic requirement for Mmp1 and Mmp2 is distinct in different nerve branches, although generally Mmp2 plays the predominant role in pathfinding. Using both an endogenous MMP inhibitor and MMP dominant-negative constructs, we demonstrate that MMP catalytic activity is required for motor axon fasciculation. In support of the model that MMPs promote fasciculation, we find that the defasciculation observed when MMP activity is compromised is suppressed by otherwise elevating interaxonal adhesion -- either by overexpressing Fas2 or by reducing Sema-1a dosage. These data demonstrate that MMP activity is essential for embryonic motor axon fasciculation.  相似文献   

The Alzheimer's disease-linked gene presenilin is required for intramembrane proteolysis of amyloid-β precursor protein, contributing to the pathogenesis of neurodegeneration that is characterized by loss of neuronal connections, but the role of Presenilin in establishing neuronal connections is less clear. Through a forward genetic screen in mice for recessive genes affecting motor neurons, we identified the Columbus allele, which disrupts motor axon projections from the spinal cord. We mapped this mutation to the Presenilin-1 gene. Motor neurons and commissural interneurons in Columbus mutants lacking Presenilin-1 acquire an inappropriate attraction to Netrin produced by the floor plate because of an accumulation of DCC receptor fragments within the membrane that are insensitive to Slit/Robo silencing. Our findings reveal that Presenilin-dependent DCC receptor processing coordinates the interplay between Netrin/DCC and Slit/Robo signaling. Thus, Presenilin is a key neural circuit builder that gates the spatiotemporal pattern of guidance signaling, thereby ensuring neural projections occur with high fidelity.  相似文献   

Long H  Cameron S  Yu L  Rao Y 《Genetics》2006,172(3):1633-1642
Guanine nucleotides are key players in mediating growth-cone signaling during neural development. The supply of cellular guanine nucleotides in animals can be achieved via the de novo synthesis and salvage pathways. The de novo synthesis of guanine nucleotides is required for lymphocyte proliferation in animals. Whether the de novo synthesis pathway is essential for any other cellular processes, however, remains unknown. In a search for genes required for the establishment of neuronal connectivity in the fly visual system, we identify the burgundy (bur) gene as an essential player in photoreceptor axon guidance. The bur gene encodes the only GMP synthetase in Drosophila that catalyzes the final reaction of de novo GMP synthesis. Loss of bur causes severe defects in axonal fasciculation, retinotopy, and growth-cone morphology, but does not affect photoreceptor differentiation or retinal patterning. Similar defects were observed when the raspberry (ras) gene, encoding for inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase catalyzing the IMP-to-XMP conversion in GMP de novo synthesis, was mutated. Our study thus provides the first in vivo evidence to support an essential and specific role for de novo synthesis of guanine nucleotides in axon guidance.  相似文献   

Previous work has documented the importance of BMPs in eye development. Loss-of-function studies in mice, with targeted deletions in either the Bmp7 or Bmp4 genes, have shown that these molecules are critical for early eye development. On the basis of the asymmetry in the dorsal-ventral expression patterns of several members of this family, it has been proposed that these molecules are critical for some aspect of dorsal-ventral patterning in the eye; however, it has been difficult to test this hypothesis because of the early requirement for BMPs in eye development. We have therefore examined the effects of loss of one of the BMP receptors, the BmprIb, on the development of the eye by using targeted deletion. We have found that BmprIb is expressed exclusively in the ventral retina during embryonic development and is required for normal ventral ganglion cell axon targeting to the optic nerve head. In mice with a targeted deletion of the BmprIb gene, many axons arising from the ventrally located ganglion cells fail to enter the optic nerve head, and instead, make abrupt turns in this region. A second phenotype in these mice is a significantly elevated inner retinal apoptosis during a distinct phase of postnatal development, at the end of neurogenesis. Our results therefore show two distinct requirements for BmprIb in mammalian retinal development.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies have served to characterize neurotactin, a novel Drosophila protein for which a role in cell adhesion is postulated. Neurotactin is a transmembrane protein, as indicated by epitope mapping and amino acid sequence. Similarly to other cell adhesion molecules, neurotactin accumulates in parts of the membrane where neurotactin-expressing cells contact each other. The protein is only detected during cell proliferation and differentiation, and it is found mainly in neural tissue and also in mesoderm and imaginal discs. Neurotactin has a large cytoplasmic domain rich in charged residues and an extracellular domain similar to cholinesterase that lacks the active site serine required for esterase activity. The extracellular domain also contains three copies of the tripeptide leucine-arginine-glutamate, a motif that forms the primary sequence of the adhesive site of vertebrate s-laminin.  相似文献   

Two novel dosage-sensitive modifiers of the Abelson tyrosine kinase (Abl) mutant phenotype have been identified. Amalgam (Ama) is a secreted protein that interacts with the transmembrane protein Neurotactin (Nrt) to promote cell:cell adhesion. We have identified an unusual missense ama allele, ama(M109), which dominantly enhances the Abl mutant phenotype, affecting axon pathfinding. Heterozygous null alleles of ama do not show this dominant enhancement, but animals homozygous mutant for both ama and Abl show abnormal axon outgrowth. Cell culture experiments demonstrate the Ama(M109) mutant protein binds to Nrt, but is defective in mediating Ama/Nrt cell adhesion. Heterozygous null alleles of nrt dominantly enhance the Abl mutant phenotype, also affecting axon pathfinding. Furthermore, we have found that all five mutations originally attributed to disabled are in fact alleles of nrt. These results suggest Ama/Nrt-mediated adhesion may be part of signaling networks involving the Abl tyrosine kinase in the growth cone.  相似文献   

Octopamine is a major monoamine in invertebrates and affects many physiological processes ranging from energy metabolism to complex behaviors. Octopamine binds to receptors located on various cell types and activates distinct signal transduction pathways to produce these diverse effects. We previously identified one of the Drosophila octopamine receptors named OAMB that produces increases in cAMP and intracellular Ca2+ upon ligand binding. It is expressed at high levels in the brain. To explore OAMB's physiological roles, we generated deletions in the OAMB locus. The resultant oamb mutants were viable without gross anatomical defects. The oamb females displayed normal courtship and copulation; however, they were impaired in ovulation with many mature eggs retained in their ovaries. RT-PCR, in situ hybridization, and expression of a reporter gene revealed that OAMB was also expressed in the thoracicoabdominal ganglion, the female reproductive system, and mature eggs in the ovary. Moreover, analysis of various alleles pinpointed the requirement for OAMB in the body, but not in the brain, for female fecundity. The novel expression pattern of OAMB and its genetic resource described in this study will help advance our understanding on how the neuromodulatory or endocrine system controls reproductive physiology and behavior.  相似文献   

Amalgam, a multi-domain member of the immunoglobulin superfamily, possesses homophilic and heterophilic cell adhesion properties. It is required for axon guidance during Drosophila development in which it interacts with the extracellular domain of the transmembrane protein, neurotactin, to promote adhesion. Amalgam was heterologously expressed in Pichia pastoris, and the secreted protein product, bearing an NH2-terminal His6Tag, was purified from the growth medium by metal affinity chromatography. Size exclusion chromatography separated the purified protein into two fractions: a major, multimeric fraction and a minor, dimeric one. Two protocols to reduce the percentage of multimers were tested. In one, protein induction was performed in the presence of the zwitterionic detergent CHAPS, yielding primarily the dimeric form of amalgam. In a second protocol, agitation was gradually reduced during the course of the induction and antifoam was added daily to reduce the air/liquid interfacial foam area. This latter protocol lowered the percentage of multimer 2-fold, compared to constant agitation. Circular dichroism measurements showed that the dimeric fraction had a high β-sheet content, as expected for a protein with an immunoglobulin fold. Dynamic light scattering and sedimentation velocity measurements showed that the multimeric fraction displays a monodisperse distribution, with RH = 16 nm. When co-expressed together with amalgam the ectodomain of neurotactin copurified with it. Furthermore, both purified fractions of amalgam were shown to interact with Torpedo californica acetylcholinesterase, a structural homolog of neurotactin.  相似文献   

Desai C  Purdy J 《Genetics》2003,164(2):575-588
We have isolated and characterized a series of 18 chemically induced alleles of Ptp69D ranging in strength from viable to worse than null, which represent unique tools for probing the structure, function, and signaling pathway of DPTP69D. Three alleles are strongly temperature sensitive and were used to define the developmental periods requiring DPTP69D function; adult health requires DPTP69D during the mid- to late-pupal stage, eclosion requires DPTP69D during the early to mid-larval stage, and larval survival requires DPTP69D during embryogenesis. Mutations predicted to abolish the phosphatase activity of the membrane proximal D1 domain severely reduce but do not abolish DPTP69D function. Six alleles appear null; only 20% of null homozygotes pupate and <5% eclose, only to fall into the food and drown. One allele, Ptp69D(7), confers axon and viability defects more severe than those of the null phenotype. Sequence analysis predicts that Ptp69D(7) encodes a mutant protein that may bind but not release substrate. Like mutations in the protein tyrosine phosphatase gene Dlar, strong Ptp69D alleles cause the ISNb nerve to bypass its muscle targets. Genetic analysis reveals that the bypass defect in Dlar and Ptp69D mutants is dependent upon DPTP99A function, consistent with the hypothesis that DPTP69D and DLAR both counteract DPTP99A, allowing ISNb axons to enter their target muscle field.  相似文献   

Intracellular protein trafficking is a key factor in maintaining epithelial cell adhesion and cell shape. Small monomeric Rab GTPases are key players involved in intracellular membrane transport. Rab11, a subfamily of the Ypt/Rab gene family of ubiquitously expressed GTPases, is associated with recycling endosomes, and acts as a master molecule in regulating vesicular trafficking. Wing epithelium of Drosophila has been chosen to address the involvement of Rab11 in trafficking of a cell adhesion molecule, the βPS integrin. Here, we show that Rab11 immunocolocalizes with trans-Golgi network and it is enriched in the centrosomal/recycling endosomal area labeled by γ-Tubulin. Furthermore, Rab11 is required for transcytic and exocytic trafficking of βPS integrin; alterations of Rab11 function by different genetic procedures in wings results in the formation of blisters. We show altered activity of Rab11 affects cell adhesion, cell shape and organization in the actin-cytoskeleton during wing morphogenesis. Finally, using a genetic approach, we demonstrate that Rab11 interacts with the βPS integrin. Collectively, our data suggest that Rab11 regulates cell adhesion, maintenance of cell shape and actin-cytoskeleton organization during Drosophila wing development.  相似文献   

Ptpmeg is a cytoplasmic tyrosine phosphatase containing FERM and PDZ domains. Drosophila Ptpmeg and its vertebrate homologs PTPN3 and PTPN4 are expressed in the nervous system, but their developmental functions have been unknown. We found that ptpmeg is involved in neuronal circuit formation in the Drosophila central brain, regulating both the establishment and the stabilization of axonal projection patterns. In ptpmeg mutants, mushroom body (MB) axon branches are elaborated normally, but the projection patterns in many hemispheres become progressively abnormal as the animals reach adulthood. The two branches of MB alpha/beta neurons are affected by ptpmeg in different ways; ptpmeg activity inhibits alpha lobe branch retraction while preventing beta lobe branch overextension. The phosphatase activity of Ptpmeg is essential for both alpha and beta lobe formation, but the FERM domain is required only for preventing alpha lobe retraction, suggesting that Ptpmeg has distinct roles in regulating the formation of alpha and beta lobes. ptpmeg is also important for the formation of the ellipsoid body (EB), where it influences the pathfinding of EB axons. ptpmeg function in neurons is sufficient to support normal wiring of both the EB and MB. However, ptpmeg does not act in either MB or EB neurons, implicating ptpmeg in the regulation of cell-cell signaling events that control the behavior of these axons.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Axon pruning is involved in establishment and maintenance of functional neural circuits. During metamorphosis of Drosophila, selective pruning of larval axons is developmentally regulated by ecdysone and caused by local axon degeneration. Previous studies have revealed intrinsic molecular and cellular mechanisms that trigger this pruning process, but how pruning is accomplished remains essentially unknown. RESULTS: Detailed analysis of morphological changes in the axon branches of Drosophila mushroom body (MB) neurons revealed that during early pupal stages, clusters of neighboring varicosities, each of which belongs to different axons, disappear simultaneously shortly before the onset of local axon degeneration. At this stage, bundles of axon branches are infiltrated by the processes of surrounding glia. These processes engulf clusters of varicosities and accumulate intracellular degradative compartments. Selective inhibition of cellular functions, including endocytosis, in glial cells via the temperature-sensitive allele of shibire both suppresses glial infiltration and varicosity elimination and induces a severe delay in axon pruning. Selective inhibition of ecdysone receptors in the MB neurons severely suppressed not only axon pruning but also the infiltration and engulfing action of the surrounding glia. CONCLUSIONS: These findings strongly suggest that glial cells are extrinsically activated by ecdysone-stimulated MB neurons. These glial cells infiltrate the mass of axon branches to eliminate varicosities and break down axon branches actively rather than just scavenging already-degraded debris. We therefore propose that neuron-glia interaction is essential for the precisely coordinated axon-pruning process during Drosophila metamorphosis.  相似文献   

The mammalian focal adhesion kinase (FAK) family of non-receptor protein-tyrosine kinases has been implicated in controlling a multitude of cellular responses to the engagement of cell-surface integrins and G-protein-coupled receptors. The high level of sequence conservation between the mammalian proteins and the Drosophila homologue of FAK, Fak56, suggested that it would have similar functions. However, we show here that Drosophila Fak56 is not essential for integrin functions in adhesion, migration or signaling in vivo. Furthermore, animals lacking Fak56 are viable and fertile, demonstrating that Fak56 is not essential for other developmental or physiological functions. Despite this, overexpressed Fak56 is a potent inhibitor of integrins binding to the extracellular matrix, suggesting that Fak56 may play a subtle role in the negative regulation of integrin adhesion.  相似文献   

Although the Myc oncogene has long been known to play a role in many human cancers, the mechanisms that mediate its effects in both normal cells and cancer cells are not fully understood. We have initiated a genetic analysis of the Drosophila homolog of the Myc oncoprotein (dMyc), which is encoded by the dm locus. We carried out mosaic analysis to elucidate the functions of dMyc in the germline and somatic cells of the ovary during oogenesis, a process that involves cell proliferation, differentiation and growth. Germline and somatic follicle cells mutant for dm exhibit a profound decrease in their ability to grow and to carry out endoreplication, a modified cell cycle in which DNA replication occurs in the absence of cell division. In contrast to its dramatic effects on growth and endoreplication, dMyc is dispensable for the mitotic division cycles of both germline and somatic components of the ovary. Surprisingly, despite their impaired ability to endoreplicate, dm mutant follicle cells appeared to carry out chorion gene amplification normally. Furthermore, in germline cysts in which the dm mutant cells comprised only a subset of the 16-cell cluster, we observed strictly cell-autonomous growth defects. However, in cases in which the entire germline cyst or the whole follicular epithelium was mutant for dm, the growth of the entire follicle, including the wild-type cells, was delayed. This observation indicates the existence of a signaling mechanism that acts to coordinate the growth rates of the germline and somatic components of the follicle. In summary, dMyc plays an essential role in promoting the rapid growth that must occur in both the germline and the surrounding follicle cells for oogenesis to proceed.  相似文献   

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