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The open-air site la Rouquette, located at the foot of a cliff, was excavated by André Tavoso (1979-1988). The seven Mousterian archaeological levels are all in place, but of different richness. The sedimentological and faunal studies define a series of dates between isotopic stages 4 and 3, maybe even at the end of stage 5 for the lowest levels. The industrial complexes represent three broad types of “Bordian” facies, with technological, typological and lithological evolution. The industries from levels E to B display interesting evolutionary traits in so far as technological and typological behaviour are concerned, in a general Charentian Quina type Mousterian from the south of France continuum. After a “classical” facies in the “western” sense of the term (levels E to C), an atypical form of this facies (levels Bb and B) displays characteristics generally marked in the Quina Mousterian of the Grands Causses in more eastern or Mediterranean Quina Mousterians. Level Bb presents a Mousterian facies with a Ferrassie tendency, characterizing a short-term occupation. Level A contains a Mousterian defined as “non classical denticulates”, in which typical Mousterian and Charentian Mousterian influences are clearly marked.  相似文献   

Beginning with excavations during the 1970s, Vindija Cave (Croatia) has yielded significant Middle and Upper Paleolithic fossil and archaeological finds. We report on seven recently identified hominid fossils, a newly associated partial hominid cranial vault from level G(3), nine possible bone retouchers, and a revised interpretation of the Mousterian artifact assemblage from the site. This new information reinforces our knowledge of the complex biocultural phenomena revealed in unit G and earlier deposits at Vindija. Six of the new hominid fossils derive from stratigraphic units G and I, while one lacks exact provenience. All specimens preserving diagnostic anatomy are from Neandertals. One of the postcranial remains, a radius fragment which exhibits Neandertal-like anatomy, comes from level G(1)and is congruent with the previously established association of Neandertals with an early Upper Paleolithic industry at the site. The partial cranial vault represents the most complete Neandertal from Vindija. The possible retouchers derive from unit G. Our analysis of these artifacts suggests that both percussion and pressure techniques may have been used by Neandertals in the final stage of tool production (retouching). This paper also presents a revision of the artifact analysis for late Mousterian level G(3). We separated raw materials into two main groups due to the differing ways that the materials fracture and the differing morphology of the debitage. The use of raw material in level G(3)is different from earlier Middle Paleolithic levels at Vindija. This indicates that the G(3)late Neandertals were making choices regarding source material somewhat more like the Upper Paleolithic people at the site. When interpreted within a larger regional framework, the Vindija archaeological and hominid fossil remains demonstrate a complex, mosaic pattern of biocultural change in the Late Pleistocene of south-central Europe.  相似文献   

Two archaeological assemblages from the Sierra de Atapuerca sites show evidence of anthropogenic cannibalism. These are the late Early Pleistocene level TD6-2 at Gran Dolina, and the Bronze Age level MIR4 in the Mirador Cave. Despite the chronological distance between these two assemblages, they share the common feature that the human remains exhibit a high frequency of anthropogenic modifications (cut marks, percussion pits and notches and peeling). This frequency could denote special treatment of bodies, or else be the normal result of the butchering process. In order to test these possibilities, we subjected a chimpanzee carcass to a butchering process. The processing was intensive and intended to simulate preparation for consumption. In doing this, we used several simple flakes made from quartzite and chert from quarries in the Sierra de Atapuerca. The skull, long bones, metapodials and phalanges were also fractured in order to remove the brain and bone marrow. As a result, about 40% of the remains showed some kind of human modification. The frequency, distribution and characteristics of these modifications are very similar to those documented on the remains of Homo antecessor from TD6-2. In case of the MIR4 assemblage, the results are similar except in the treatment of skulls. Our results indicate that high frequencies of anthropogenic modifications are common after an intensive butchering process intended to prepare a hominin body for consumption in different contexts (both where there was possible ritual behavior and where this was not the case and the modifications are not the result of special treatment).  相似文献   

At the site of Marillac, near the Ligonne River in Marillac‐le‐Franc (Charente, France), a remarkable stratigraphic sequence has yielded a wealth of archaeological information, palaeoenvironmental data, as well as faunal and human remains. Marillac must have been a sinkhole used by Neanderthal groups as a hunting camp during MIS 4 (TL date 57,600 ± 4,600BP), where Quina Mousterian lithics and fragmented bones of reindeer predominate. This article describes three infracranial skeleton fragments. Two of them are from adults and consist of the incomplete shafts of a right radius (Marillac 24) and a left fibula (Marillac 26). The third fragment is the diaphysis of the right femur of an immature individual (Marillac 25), the size and shape of which resembles those from Teshik‐Tash and could be assigned to a child of a similar age. The three fossils have been compared with the remains of other Neanderthals or anatomically Modern Humans (AMH). Furthermore, the comparison of the infantile femora, Marillac 25 and Teshik‐Tash, with the remains of several European children from the early Middle Ages clearly demonstrates the robustness and rounded shape of both Neanderthal diaphyses. Evidence of peri‐mortem manipulations have been identified on all three bones, with spiral fractures, percussion pits and, in the case of the radius and femur, unquestionable cutmarks made with flint implements, probably during defleshing. Traces of periostosis appear on the fibula fragment and on the immature femoral diaphysis, although their aetiology remains unknown. Am J Phys Anthropol 155:99–113, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Thanks to recent research and the re-evaluation of the archaeological material coming from older research, the Mousterian of Greece has started to become better known. Aside the surface findings, which testify the presence of Mousterian throughout the entire continental Greece, only five Middle Paleolithic sites have been excavated. Almost every remnant has been dated to the last ice age. All lithics belong to the “typical” Mousterian, while the Quina Mousterian has not been certainly testified. The Levallois method is almost always present, more or less frequent, but always dominated by non-Levallois methods. The recurrent variations, mostly centripetal, have been more frequently used. The “Micromousterian” of Asprochaliko is the only lithic assemblage from which the Levallois method is absent.  相似文献   

李浩 《人类学学报》2018,37(4):602-612
关于中国石器技术发展轨迹和特点,其中一种观点认为,在更新世大部分时间内,中国石器技术以第1模式为主。本文结合近年的考古发现和研究成果,对中更新世早期至距今约4万年的中国石器技术面貌进行了简要总结。这段时间内的中国石器技术呈现出明显的多样性和复杂性,尤其自晚更新世以来,多种石器技术体系并存,其中包括以手斧、手镐和薄刃斧等大型工具为特色的阿舍利技术体系、以盘状石核和各类小型工具为特征的小型石片石器技术体系、以勒瓦娄哇石核和尖状器为特点的莫斯特技术体系、以及以基纳型刮削器为主的莫斯特技术体系,后两者具有明显的旧石器时代中期技术特点。多种石器技术体系共存,这一现象反映了技术发展的区域性和该阶段人群构成的多样性,这为探讨古人类环境适应行为以及区域间人群扩散交流提供了重要信息。  相似文献   

许昌人遗址位于河南省许昌市灵井镇,2005-2017年发掘,揭露面积500余平方米,2007、2014年在9号探方出土包括2颗"许昌人"头骨在内的5个古人类个体,大量的石制品和21种哺乳动物化石。头骨具有东亚古人类、欧洲尼安德特人和早期现代人的镶嵌特征,可能代表一种新型的古老型人类。石制品研究显示,石核类型多样,且以小型双锥形盘状石核为特色;小型工具类型分异明显、加工精细,显示出不同于旧石器时代早期遗址中的工具技术,而与西方旧石器时代中期遗址工具技术上的特点较为一致。此外,遗址出土7件软锤工具,以动物长骨或鹿角为原料,用以修理石质工具。软锤工具的发现,对于认识中国旧石器时代技术的发展有重要意义。通过对遗址形成过程的分析,"许昌人"生活时期的沉积环境经历了三个阶段:下部灰绿色滨湖相粉砂堆积所指示的水流动力相对较弱的沉积环境,中部综红色粉砂堆积所指示的水流动力相对较强的沉积环境,以及上部浅棕红色粉砂堆积所指示的相对冷湿、水动力仍然较强的沉积环境。尽管存在水动力强弱上的相对变化,但水动力总体上并不大,以低能量水流为主,文化遗物属于原地埋藏。今后将开展人类艺术行为能力、古人用软锤和压制法制作石器的技术、动物埋藏学和年代学等方面的深入研究。  相似文献   

吴秀杰 《人类学学报》2022,41(4):608-617
自20世纪40年代魏敦瑞提出北京猿人(周口店直立人)可能存在“暴力争斗”和“同类残食”的观点之后,引发了一些学者和科普大众对北京猿人是否为“食人族”的争论。由于原始化石标本在第二次世界大战期间丢失,本文以保存下来的周口店(ZKD)直立人头骨原始模型和素描图为研究材料,对魏敦瑞提出的具有创伤和人工切割痕迹的5件标本(ZKD II、ZKD VI、ZKD X、ZKD XI和ZKD XII)进行辨析。结果显示:1)ZKD X、ZKD XI、ZKD XII这3件标本的头盖部,有7处可以确定为生前遭受非致死性撞击导致的局部创伤;2)ZKD VI头盖骨残片周边的及中央区域的断痕,为个体生前遭受致死性的暴力打击导致;3)ZKD II和ZKD VI顶骨位置疑似人工切割痕迹的沟槽实际上是动物啃咬或自然因素导致的,北京猿人“同类残食”的观点在本文研究中没有得到证实。北京猿人头骨的创伤痕迹都位于头盖部,以顶骨居多,其次为额骨,符合人群之间暴力冲突产生创伤的位置。  相似文献   

Few Middle Stone Age sites have yielded convincing evidence for a complex bone technology, a behavior often associated with the emergence of modern cultures. Here, we review the published evidence for Middle Stone Age bone tools from southern Africa, analyze an additional nine bone artifacts recently recovered from Middle Stone Age levels at Blombos Cave, describe an unpublished bone tool from probable Middle Stone Age levels at Peers Cave, examine a single bone awl found at Blombosch Sands (an open site near Blombos Cave), and reappraise marked bone artifacts and a bone point recovered from Klasies River. To determine the chronological and cultural attribution of these artifacts, document bone-manufacturing techniques associated with the southern African MSA, and discuss the symbolic significance of the markings present on some of these objects we use (1) available contextual information; (2) morphometric comparison of Later Stone Age, Modern San, and purported Middle Stone Age projectile points; (3) analysis of the carbon/nitrogen content of bone tools and faunal remains from Peers and Blombos caves; and (4) microscopic analysis of traces of manufacture and use. Previously undescribed bone artifacts from Blombos Cave include a massive point manufactured on weathered bone, two complete awls and two awl tips manufactured on small-sized mammal and bird bone, a probable projectile point with a tang manufactured by knapping and scraping, a shaft fragment modified by percussion, used as retoucher and bearing a set of incised lines on the middle of the periosteal surface, and two fragments with possible engravings. The point from Peers Cave can be assigned to the Middle Stone Age and bears tiny markings reminiscent of those recorded on projectile points from Blombos and used as marks of ownership on San arrow points. The awl from Blombosch Sands and the bone point from Klasies River can be attributed to the Later Stone Age. Two notched objects from Klasies are attributed to the Middle Stone Age and interpreted as tools used on soft material; a third object bears possible deliberate symbolic engravings. Although low in number, the instances of bone artifacts attributable to the Middle Stone Age is increasing and demonstrates that the bone tools from Blombos Cave are not isolated instances. New discoveries of bone tools dating to this time period can be expected.  相似文献   

Neandertals were effective hunters of large ungulates throughout their geographic and temporal ranges. Equipped with this knowledge, researchers in paleoanthropology continue to seek insight on the relationships between hunting and subsistence strategies with other components of the Neandertals’ niche, such as mobility, site use, and lithic technology. The Quina Mousterian deposits from the rockshelter site of Chez Pinaud Jonzac (Charente-Maritime, France; hereafter Jonzac) offer an excellent opportunity to pursue these issues. This paper focuses on the extensive and well-preserved skeletal remains of reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) recovered from recent excavations of the site, representing at least 18 individuals that were hunted by Neandertals during the fall through winter. Our zooarchaeological results indicate that all ages of reindeer were hunted but adult individuals predominate. No bias is evident in the comparable frequencies of males and females. These prey were butchered on-site, with abundant evidence of meat filleting and marrow exploitation. In the excavated sample, the absence of hearths and the almost complete lack of burned bones or stones suggest that Neandertals were not using fire to assist with processing the reindeer carcasses. The zooarchaeological results presented here indicate that reindeer were hunted during a restricted window of time when they were seasonally abundant in the local area near Jonzac. Taken together with the lithic industry based on bifacial elements, the evidence is consistent with a pattern of site use by highly mobile hunter-gatherers making frequent, short-term visits. Ongoing research at Jonzac and other Quina Mousterian localities will contribute to a better understanding of Neandertal behavior during cold climate phases.  相似文献   

河南灵井许昌人遗址动物骨骼表面人工改造痕迹   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河南灵井许昌人遗址发掘出土了距今约10—8万年前的古人类头骨化石, 与头骨化石同层发现的还有大量哺乳动物化石及石制品等文化遗物。本文是对该遗址2005—2006年出土动物化石骨骼表面人工改造痕迹的观察分析结果。灵井遗址中13%的动物骨骼表面有人工切割痕的产生, 其中切割痕位于长骨骨干部位的约占此类标本总数的98.45%; 同时,在具切割痕的长骨类化石材料中,属于食草动物上部和中部肢骨的分别为34%和41%, 属于下部肢骨的则仅为25%。此外, 灵井动物群中具敲击痕、火烧痕迹、人工使用痕迹的骨骼标本分别占全部观察例数的4.2%、1%、1.32%。总之, 通过对动物骨骼表面保留的上述人工改造痕迹的观察与统计分析, 并与埋藏学实验及其他考古遗址相关属性的对比, 表明古人类是这一遗址中大量脊椎动物肉食资源的初级获取者和利用者, 他们是导致这一动物群聚集形成的主要埋藏学因素。同时, 许昌人遗址中大量破碎动物骨骼的出现可能也与古人类敲骨取髓的取食行为有着非常紧密的联系。  相似文献   

It has often been reported that the Krapina Neandertal remains bear incised linear striations which appear to be cutmarks. Here, the plausibility of the striations as cutmarks is tested by comparing them to Mousterian butchery marks on large fauna and to cutmarks on modern human skeletons known to have been defleshed with stone tools. The anatomical location, gross appearance, and frequency of occurrence of the striations on the Krapina material do not resemble Mousterian butchery marks on reindeer. The Krapina striations do closely match authenticated cutmarks on 22 modern human skeletons defleshed with stone tools after partial decomposition, preparatory to secondary burial. Data are presented supporting the hypothesis that the striations on the Krapina Neandertal remains are consistent with postmortem processing of corpses with stone tools, probably in preparation for burial of cleaned bones.  相似文献   

The most abundant evidence of Pampean Pleistocene human presence are modified bones, as lithic procurement sites located farther than 300 km away. Therefore, we focused on the study of bone modifications, in particular cut and percussion marks. We studied Pampean paleontological collections of Argentine and European museums as an alternative resource of previously unnoticed human modification evidences. We compared marks characteristics with those of archaeological collections from diverse climatic and cultural adaptations, from middle Pleistocene sites (Vallonet, Atapuerca, Lazaret, Arago and Terra Amata) to terminal Pleistocene ones (Abri Pataud, Isturiz and La Vache). Marks typologies were defined, leading to the identification of a particular cutmark that we named double parallel considered as highly diagnostic of anthropic use of lithic artifacts. We also propose that hafted artifacts were used on carcass processing. Perimortem bone modifications are classified in relation with mark morphology (e.g., percussion striae), inferred gesture or action (e.g., breakage of diaphysis), and inferred objective of that action (e.g., marrow extraction). The megafauna specimens analyzed from the historical collections (d’Angelis-Vilardebó, 1847, Muñiz-Dupotet, 1842 and Breton-Bonnement, 1881) present modifications compatible with dismemberment, defleshing, tongue and masseter extraction, and utilization as anvils. The lack of contextual data (location, stratigraphy) and the loss due to museum selection/collecting of accompanying material prevent paleoenvironmental and paleoecological inferences. Regional geology indicates that most of the historical collections were exhumed in riverbank cuts with ages between 70 and 13 ky BP. Preliminary direct dating presents evidence of a Pampean human occupation, at least, since OIS 2.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2016,15(8):994-1010
The so-called bone retouchers have been the subjects of numerous studies examining them from different points of view and in various chronological and geographic contexts. However, the study of these tools has rarely been carried out in conjunction with data from lithic typology and technology studies and archaeozoological research, to understand the context in which retouchers were made and used. In this paper, we examined the technological and functional aspects of the retouchers recovered in the Proto-Aurignacian and the Early Aurignacian levels of Labeko Koba. Our study shows that the retouchers of these two techno-complexes of Labeko share several features but also some differences. The exploitation of bones in the Early Upper Palaeolithic EUP levels at Labeko Koba, represented mainly by the retouchers, cannot be regarded as complex. This behaviour is part of a technical tradition that has its roots in the Middle Palaeolithic.  相似文献   

人类骨组织特征研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张继宗 《人类学学报》2008,27(4):325-330
为解决杀人毁尸案中骨骼残片的法医鉴定问题,对人类不同部位的骨骼进行组织学研究,为比较骨骼残片是否为人类骨骼提供科学基础。本研究提取的人类骨骼有颅骨、四肢长骨。将提取的骨片制成骨组织片,在显微镜下观察,并将观察结果输入计算机进行分析。通过对人类不同部位骨骼的组织学特征研究,描述了人类骨组织的板层结构、骨单位及骨小管的形态。本研究结果在法医学、人类学及考古学等领域有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

The structural characteristics of the supraorbital ridge in three extent primate species and fossil Neanderthals are described in this study. Surface morphology and patterns of trabecular organization as observed in cross-sectional collections of Papio, Macaca and Pan are compared with similar traits encountered in the Pech de l'Aze infant, Gibraltar child, and La Quina 5, La Chapelle-aux-Saints, Broken Hill, Skhul V, Skhul IX, Tabun I and Gibraltar adult Neanderthals. Periods of rapid appositional growth of the browridges by means of fine cancellous bone formation and its subsequent remodeling and consolidation are temporally correlated with dental development and eruption sequences.  相似文献   

A fragment of parietal bone from an adult individual of unknown sex exhumed from the collective burial of Praia da Samarra (Sintra, Portugal), dated to the end of the Neolithic, presents signs of different types of trauma. These include thinning of the skull vault and incisions marks. Differential diagnoses for these alterations are discussed: for the first one, depressed skull factures is the most likely cause. For the incisions, trepanation (more probable) and trauma due to a sharp force are proposed. These hypotheses are also discussed in terms of other similar findings from coeval Portuguese collective burials.  相似文献   

The different types of ancient man-made bone modifications serve as evidence concerning human activities. Correct identification and interpretation of cut, scrape, chop, sawing, and blow marks is based on their morphology and recurrent position on the various bones. Important information concerning the processes by which the marks were inflicted leads to a greatly improved insight into modes of fundamental human activities such as hunting, killing, skinning, butchering, food preparation, and marrow fracturing.  相似文献   

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