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Muscles generate force to resist gravitational and inertial forces and/or to undertake work, e.g. on the centre of mass. A trade-off in muscle architecture exists in muscles that do both; the fibres should be as short as possible to minimise activation cost but long enough to maintain an appropriate shortening velocity. Energetic cost is also influenced by tendon compliance which modulates the timecourse of muscle mechanical work. Here we use a Hill-type muscle model of the human medial gastrocnemius to determine the muscle fascicle length and Achilles tendon compliance that maximise efficiency during the stance phase of walking (1.2 m/s) and running (3.2 and 3.9 m/s). A broad range of muscle fascicle lengths (ranging from 45 to 70 mm) and tendon stiffness values (150-500 N/mm) can achieve close to optimal efficiency at each speed of locomotion; however, efficient walking requires shorter muscle fascicles and a more compliant tendon than running. The values that maximise efficiency are within the range measured in normal populations. A non-linear toe-region region of the tendon force-length properties may further influence the optimal values, requiring a stiffer tendon with slightly longer muscle fascicles; however, it does not alter the main results. We conclude that muscle fibre length and tendon compliance combinations may be tuned to maximise efficiency under a given gait condition. Efficiency is maximised when the required volume of muscle is minimised, which may also help reduce limb inertia and basal metabolic costs.  相似文献   

In this study, the frontal plane moment arms of tibialis anterior (TA) and the lateral and medial heads of gastrocnemius (LG and MG) were determined using ultrasonography of ten healthy subjects. Analysis of variance was performed to investigate the effects of frontal plane angle, muscle activity, and plantarflexion angle on inversion–eversion moment arm for each muscle. The moment arms of each muscle were found to vary with frontal plane angle (all p<0.001). TA and LG exhibited eversion moment arms when the foot was everted, but MG was found to have a slight inversion moment arm in this position. As the ankle rotated from 0° to 20° inversion, the inversion moment arm of each increased, indicating that the three muscles became increasingly effective inverters. In neutral position, the inverter moment arm of MG was greater than that of LG (p=0.001). Muscle activity had a significant effect on both LG and MG moment arm at all frontal plane positions (all p0.005). These results demonstrate the manner in which frontal plane moment arms of gastrocnemius and TA differ across the frontal plane range of motion in healthy subjects. This method for assessing muscle action in vivo used in this study may prove useful for subject-specific planning of surgical treatments for frontal plane foot and ankle deformities.  相似文献   

Previous studies have differed in expectations about whether long limbs should increase or decrease the energetic cost of locomotion. It has recently been shown that relatively longer lower limbs (relative to body mass) reduce the energetic cost of human walking. Here we report on whether a relationship exists between limb length and cost of human running. Subjects whose measured lower-limb lengths were relatively long or short for their mass (as judged by deviations from predicted values based on a regression of lower-limb length on body mass) were selected. Eighteen human subjects rested in a seated position and ran on a treadmill at 2.68 ms(-1) while their expired gases were collected and analyzed; stride length was determined from videotapes. We found significant negative relationships between relative lower-limb length and two measures of cost. The partial correlation between net cost of transport and lower-limb length controlling for body mass was r=-0.69 (p=0.002). The partial correlation between the gross cost of locomotion at 2.68 ms(-1) and lower-limb length controlling for body mass was r=-0.61 (p=0.009). Thus, subjects with relatively longer lower limbs tend to have lower locomotor costs than those with relatively shorter lower limbs, similar to the results found for human walking. Contrary to general expectation, a linear relationship between stride length and lower-limb length was not found.  相似文献   

Bipedalism is a defining feature of the hominin lineage, but the nature and efficiency of early hominin walking remains the focus of much debate. Here, we investigate walking cost in early hominins using experimental data from humans and chimpanzees. We use gait and energetics data from humans, and from chimpanzees walking bipedally and quadrupedally, to test a new model linking locomotor anatomy and posture to walking cost. We then use this model to reconstruct locomotor cost for early, ape-like hominins and for the A.L. 288 Australopithecus afarensis specimen. Results of the model indicate that hind limb length, posture (effective mechanical advantage), and muscle fascicle length contribute nearly equally to differences in walking cost between humans and chimpanzees. Further, relatively small changes in these variables would decrease the cost of bipedalism in an early chimpanzee-like biped below that of quadrupedal apes. Estimates of walking cost in A.L. 288, over a range of hypothetical postures from crouched to fully extended, are below those of quadrupedal apes, but above those of modern humans. These results indicate that walking cost in early hominins was likely similar to or below that of their quadrupedal ape-like forebears, and that by the mid-Pliocene, hominin walking was less costly than that of other apes. This supports the hypothesis that locomotor energy economy was an important evolutionary pressure on hominin bipedalism.  相似文献   

When studying muscle and whole-body function in children with cerebral palsy (CP), knowledge about both internal and external moment arms is essential since they determine the mechanical advantage of a muscle over an external force. Here we asked if Achilles tendon moment arm (MAAT) length is different in children with CP and age-matched typically developing (TD) children, and if MAAT can be predicted from anthropometric measurements. Sixteen children with CP (age: 10y 7 m ± 3y, 7 hemiplegia, 12 diplegia, GMFCS level: I (11) and II (8)) and twenty TD children (age: 10y 6 m ± 3y) participated in this case-control study. MAAT was calculated at 20° plantarflexion by differentiating calcaneus displacement with respect to ankle angle. Seven anthropometric variables were measured and related to MAAT. We found normalized MAAT to be 15% (∼7 mm) smaller in children with CP compared to TD children (p = 0.003). MAAT could be predicted by all anthropometric measurements with tibia length explaining 79% and 72% of variance in children with CP and TD children, respectively. Our findings have important implications for clinical decision making since MAAT influences the mechanical advantage about the ankle, which contributes to movement function and is manipulated surgically.  相似文献   

A recent study demonstrated that variation in enamel cap crown formation in the anterior teeth is greater than that in the molars from two geographically distinct populations: native indigenous southern Africans and northern Europeans. Eighty southern African and 69 northern European premolars (P3 and P4) were analyzed in the present study. Cuspal, lateral, and total enamel formation times were assessed. Although cuspal enamel formation times were not consistently different between the two populations, both lateral and total enamel formation times generally were. Bonferroni-corrected t-tests showed that southern Africans had significantly shorter lateral enamel formation time for five of the six cusps, as well as significantly shorter total enamel formation time for these same cusps. An analysis of covariance performed on the lingual cusps of the upper third and fourth premolars showed that differences in enamel formation times between these populations remained when crown height was statistically controlled. A further goal of this study was to ascertain, based on perikymata counts, what Neandertal periodicities would have to be in order for their teeth to have lateral enamel formation times equivalent to either southern Africans or northern Europeans. To this end, perikymata were counted on 32 Neandertal premolars, and the counts were inserted into regression formulae relating perikymata counts to periodicity for each population and each tooth type. Neandertal enamel formation times could be equivalent to those of southern Africans or northern Europeans only if their hypothetical periodicities fall within the range of periodicities for African apes and modern humans (i.e., 6-12 days). The analysis revealed that both populations could encompass Neandertal timings, with hypothetical periodicities based on the southern African population necessitating a lower range of periodicity (6-8 days) than those based on the northern European population (8-11 days).  相似文献   

As noted by previous researchers, the chimpanzee postcranial anatomy reflects a compromise between the competing demands of arboreal and terrestrial locomotion. In this study, we measured the distance climbed and walked per day in a population of wild chimpanzees and used published equations to calculate the relative daily energy costs. Results were used to test hypotheses regarding the arboreal-terrestrial tradeoff in chimpanzee anatomy, specifically whether arboreal adaptations serve to minimize daily locomotor energy costs by decreasing the energy spent climbing. Our results show that chimpanzees spend approximately ten-times more energy per day on terrestrial travel than on vertical climbing, a figure inconsistent with minimizing energy costs in our model. This suggests non-energetic factors, such as avoiding falls from the canopy, may be the primary forces maintaining energetically costly climbing adaptations. These analyses are relevant to anatomical comparisons with living and extinct hominoids.  相似文献   

Although there is consensus that Neandertal craniofacial morphology is unique in the genus Homo, debate continues regarding the precise anatomical basis for this uniqueness and the evolutionary mechanism that produced it. In recent years, biomechanical explanations have received the most attention. Some proponents of the "anterior dental loading hypothesis" (ADLH) maintain that Neandertal facial anatomy was an adaptive response to high-magnitude forces resulting from both masticatory and paramasticatory activity. However, while many have argued that Neandertal facial structure was well-adapted to dissipate heavy occlusal loads, few have considered, much less demonstrated, the ability of the Neandertal masticatory system to generate these presumably heavy loads. In fact, the Neandertal masticatory configuration has often been simultaneously interpreted as being disadvantageous for producing large bite forces. With rare exception, analyses that attempted to resolve this conflict were qualitative rather than quantitative. Using a three-dimensional digitizer, we recorded a sequence of points on the cranium and associated mandible of the Amud 1, La Chapelle-aux-Saints, and La Ferrassie 1 Neandertals, and a sample of early and recent modern humans (n = 29), including a subsample with heavy dental wear and documented paramasticatory behavior. From these points, we calculated measures of force-production capability (i.e., magnitudes of muscle force, bite force, and condylar reaction force), measures of force production efficiency (i.e., ratios of force magnitudes and muscle mechanical advantages), and a measure of overall size (i.e., the geometric mean of all linear craniofacial measurements taken). In contrast to the expectations set forth by the ADLH, the primary dichotomy in force-production capability was not between Neandertal and modern specimens, but rather between large (robust) and small (gracile) specimens overall. Our results further suggest that the masticatory system in the genus Homo scales such that a certain level of force-production efficiency is maintained across a considerable range of size and robusticity. Natural selection was probably not acting on Neandertal facial architecture in terms of peak bite force dissipation, but rather on large tooth size to better resist wear and abrasion from submaximal (but more frequent) biting and grinding forces. We conclude that masticatory biomechanical adaptation does not underlie variation in the facial skeleton of later Pleistocene Homo in general, and that continued exploration of alternative explanations for Neandertal facial architecture (e.g., climatic, respiratory, developmental, and/or stochastic mechanisms) seems warranted.  相似文献   

Penguins are known to have high pedestrian locomotory costs in comparison to other cursorial birds, but the ecological consequences of this difference have received limited attention. Here we present a method for the accurate estimation of onshore energetics based on measurements of body mass, simple morphometrics and distance moved. The method is shown to be similarly accurate to other field-based estimates of energy expenditure, but has the advantage of logistical simplicity. King penguins spend 30-50% of their time ashore and may walk distances of several kilometres to and from their breeding colonies. However, in such cases the total energetic cost of pedestrian locomotion is estimated to be only 1.0% of the energy expended whilst ashore. Thus, despite a high instantaneous cost, pedestrian locomotion is a small and possibly negligible component of total energy turnover in king penguins.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a concurrent strength and endurance training program on running performance and running economy of middle-aged runners during their marathon preparation. Twenty-two (8 women and 14 men) recreational runners (mean ± SD: age 40.0 ± 11.7 years; body mass index 22.6 ± 2.1 kg·m?2) were separated into 2 groups (n = 11; combined endurance running and strength training program [ES]: 9 men, 2 women and endurance running [E]: 7 men, and 4 women). Both completed an 8-week intervention period that consisted of either endurance training (E: 276 ± 108 minute running per week) or a combined endurance and strength training program (ES: 240 ± 121-minute running plus 2 strength training sessions per week [120 minutes]). Strength training was focused on trunk (strength endurance program) and leg muscles (high-intensity program). Before and after the intervention, subjects completed an incremental treadmill run and maximal isometric strength tests. The initial values for VO2peak (ES: 52.0 ± 6.1 vs. E: 51.1 ± 7.5 ml·kg?1·min?1) and anaerobic threshold (ES: 3.5 ± 0.4 vs. E: 3.4 ± 0.5 m·s?1) were identical in both groups. A significant time × intervention effect was found for maximal isometric force of knee extension (ES: from 4.6 ± 1.4 to 6.2 ± 1.0 N·kg?1, p < 0.01), whereas no changes in body mass occurred. No significant differences between the groups and no significant interaction (time × intervention) were found for VO2 (absolute and relative to VO2peak) at defined marathon running velocities (2.4 and 2.8 m·s?1) and submaximal blood lactate thresholds (2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 mmol·L?1). Stride length and stride frequency also remained unchanged. The results suggest no benefits of an 8-week concurrent strength training for running economy and coordination of recreational marathon runners despite a clear improvement in leg strength, maybe because of an insufficient sample size or a short intervention period.  相似文献   

Since the nineteenth century, researchers have noted that Neandertal and modern human adults differ in mental foramen position, although the ontogenetic changes in the position of this feature have only recently come under the scrutiny of paleoanthropologists. Research on mental foramen position has focused on whether this feature is inferior to a particular tooth. However, tooth position may not be a reliable indicator of mental foramen position because of variability in tooth size within and between taxa and during eruption events. As opposed to observing the mental foramen with respect to the postcanine teeth, we examined linear distances from the mental foramen to other mandibular landmarks. Modern human adults may appear truncated, or paedomorphic, in mental foramen position with respect to Neandertal adults. However, infants of the two taxa differ substantially in anterior mandibular form. The initial differences in the shape of the mental region may be related to the embryological position of the mental foramen in modern humans and its role in the development of the mental trigone. The shape changes that accrue thereafter, possibly from faster mandibular growth rates in Neandertals, further distinguish the adults from one another. Although mandibular shape differences exist from early infancy onwards, adults of the two taxa are broadly similar in bi-mental foramen breadth with respect to mandibular size. For this reason, qualitative assessments of mental foramen position may provide less taxonomic information than previously thought.  相似文献   

Stretching can lead to decreased muscle stiffness and has been associated with decreased force and power production. The purpose of this study was to investigate the acute effects of static stretching (SS) on running economy and endurance performance in trained female distance runners. Twelve long distance female (30 ± 9 years) runners were assessed for height (159.4 ± 7.4 cm), weight (54.8 ± 7.2 kg), % body fat (19.7 ± 2.8%), and maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max: 48.4 ± 5.1 ml·kg(-1)·min(-1)). Participants performed 2 sessions of 60-minute treadmill runs following a randomly assigned SS protocol or quiet sitting (QS). During the first 30 minutes (running economy), expired gases, heart rate (HR), and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) were recorded while the participant ran at 65% VO2max. During the final 30 minutes (endurance performance), distance covered, speed, HR, and RPE were recorded while the participant attempted to cover as much distance as possible. Repeated measures analyses of variance were performed on the data. Significance was accepted at p < 0.05. The SS measured by sit-and-reach increased flexibility (SS: 29.8 ± 8.3 vs. QS: 33.1 ± 8.1 cm) but had no effect on running economy (VO2: 33.7 ± 3.2 vs. 33.8 ± 2.3 ml·kg(-1)·min(-1)), calorie expenditure (270 ± 41 vs. 270 ± 41 kcal), HR (157 ± 10 vs. 160 ± 12 b·min(-1)), or endurance performance (5.5 ± 0.6 vs. 5.5 ± 0.7 km). These findings indicated that stretching did not have an adverse effect on endurance performance in trained women. This suggests that the performance decrements previously associated with stretching may not occur in trained women.  相似文献   

The study of the origins of modern humans continues to be a dynamic, quickly changing field, as shown by the recent extraction and analysis of DNA from the Neander Valley fossils.1 The dynamic nature of the field partly arises from the clearly defined opposing models for the origins of modern humans,2 and the spirited defense of the opposing models by the main protagonists in the debate. Although the “Out-of-Africa” and “Multiregional Continuity Models” are typically argued from the perspective of biological evolution, with the debates centering on anatomical and molecular evidence, the behavioral side of the question is of equal significance. Even though the anatomical record will always be a productive avenue for behavioral reconstruction,3,4 archeology remains the major contributor to our understanding of the behavioral side of this debate.  相似文献   

Summary The capacity for sustained, terrestrial locomotion in the cockroach. Blaberus discoidalis, was determined in relation to running speed, metabolic cost, aerobic capacity, and ambient temperature (T a=15, 23, and 34°C; acclimation temperature=24°C). Steady-state thoracic temperature (T tss) increased linearly with speed at each T a.The difference between T tss and T awas similar at each experimental temperature with a maximum increase of 7°C. Steady-state oxygen consumption (VO2ss) increased linearly with speed at each T aand had a low thermal dependence (Q10=1.0-1.4). The minimum cost of locomotion (the slope of the VO2ss versus speed function) was independent of T a.Cockroaches attained a maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max). increased with T afrom 2.1 ml O2·g-1·h-1 at 15°C to 4.9 ml O2·g-1·h-1 at 23°C, but showed no further increase at 34°C, VO2max increased 23-fold over resting VO2 at 23°C, 10-fold at 34°C, and 15-fold at 15°C. Endurance correlated with the speed at which VO2max was attained (MAS, maximal aerobic speed). Temperature affected the kinematics of locomotion. compared to cockroaches running at the same speed, but higher temperatures (23–34°C), low temperature (15°C) increased protraction time, reduced stride frequency, and reduced stability by increasing body pitching. The thermal independence of the minimum cost of locomotion (Cmin), the low thermal dependence of VO2ss (i.e., y-intercept of the VO2ss versus speed function), and a typical Q10 of 2.0 for VO2max combined to increase MAS and endurance in B. discoidalis when T awas increased from 15 to 23°C. Exerciserelated endothermy enabled running cockroaches to attain a greater VO2max, metabolic scope, and endurance capacity at 23°C than would be possible if T tss remained equal to T a. The MAS of B. discoidalis was similar to that of other arthropods that use trachea, but was 2-fold greater than ectotherms, such as salamanders, frogs, and crabs of a comparable body mass.Abbreviations T a ambient temperature - T t thoracic temperature - T tss steady state thoracic temperature during exercise - T trest thoracic temperature during rest - VO2 oxygen consumption - VO2rest oxygen consumption during rest - VO2ss steady-state oxygen consumption during exercise - VO2max maximal oxygen consumption; MAS maximum aerobic speed - C min minimum cost of locomotion - t end endurance time  相似文献   

A variety of lines of evidence support the idea that neutral evolutionary processes (genetic drift, mutation) have been important in generating cranial differences between Neandertals and modern humans. But how do Neandertals and modern humans compare with other species? And how do these comparisons illuminate the evolutionary processes underlying cranial diversification? To address these questions, we used 27 standard cranial measurements collected on 2524 recent modern humans, 20 Neandertals and 237 common chimpanzees to estimate split times between Neandertals and modern humans, and between Pan troglodytes verus and two other subspecies of common chimpanzee. Consistent with a neutral divergence, the Neandertal versus modern human split-time estimates based on cranial measurements are similar to those based on DNA sequences. By contrast, the common chimpanzee cranial estimates are much lower than DNA-sequence estimates. Apparently, cranial evolution has been unconstrained in Neandertals and modern humans compared with common chimpanzees. Based on these and additional analyses, it appears that cranial differentiation in common chimpanzees has been restricted by stabilizing natural selection. Alternatively, this restriction could be due to genetic and/or developmental constraints on the amount of within-group variance (relative to effective population size) available for genetic drift to act on.  相似文献   

Paleoanthropologists have long noted the unique "hyper-barrel-shaped" Neandertal thorax as inferred from fragmentary ribs, clavicles, and sterna. Yet scholars disagree whether the Neandertal thorax represents an adaptation to cold climates or elevated activity levels. Given the difficulties of reconstructing overall chest shape from isolated and fragmentary thoracic skeletal elements, it is worthwhile comparing Neandertals and contemporaneous early modern human fossils from the same geographic region to recent modern human skeletons that are known to have enlarged chests. This study compares thoracic skeletal morphology in two Near Eastern Neandertals (Tabūn C1 and Shanidar 3) and two early modern humans from the same region (Skhūl IV and V) with four samples of recent modern human skeletons from the Andes (n=347): two coastal groups and two groups from high altitudes. The two highland groups, similar to their living descendants, exhibit morphological evidence of anteroposteriorly deep and mediolaterally wide chests as part of respiratory adaptations to high-altitude hypoxia. I calculated the percentage of deviation of each Neandertal and early modern human fossil from the means of the four recent modern human samples for clavicle and rib lengths and curvatures. Shanidar 3 and Tabūn C1 exhibit ribs that are slightly larger and less curved than the Andean samples, indicating slightly larger thoracic skeletons than modern humans who are known to have enlarged chests in response to increased respiratory demands. Skhūl IV and V have significantly shorter ribs with greater curvature suggesting especially narrow thoracic skeletons. Comparisons with Andean populations suggest that the enlarged thoraces of Neandertals may reflect high activity levels, although results from this study do not exclude cold adaptation as an explanatory factor.  相似文献   

A linear encoder measuring vertical displacement during the heel-rise endurance test (HRET) enables the assessment of work and maximum height in addition to the traditional repetitions measure. We aimed to compare the test-retest reliability and agreement of these three outcome measures. Thirty-eight healthy participants (20 females, 18 males) performed the HRET on two occasions separated by a minimum of seven days. Reliability was assessed by the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and agreement by a range of measures including the standard error of measurement (SEM), coefficient of variation (CV), and 95% limits of agreement (LoA). Reliability for repetitions (ICC = 0.77 (0.66, 0.85)) was equivalent to work (ICC = 0.84 (95% CI 0.76, 0.89)) and maximum height (ICC = 0.85 (0.77, 0.90)). Agreement for repetitions (SEM = 6.7 (5.8, 7.9); CV = 13.9% (11.9, 16.8%); LoA = −1.9 ± 37.2%) was equivalent to work (SEM = 419 J (361, 499 J); CV = 13.1% (11.2, 15.8%); LoA = 0.1 ± 34.8%) with maximum height superior (SEM = 0.8 cm (0.6, 1.0 cm); CV = 6.6% (5.7, 7.9%); LoA = 1.3 ± 17.1%). Work and maximum height demonstrated acceptable reliability and agreement that was at least equivalent to the traditional repetitions measure.  相似文献   

This study uses elliptical Fourier analysis to quantify shape differences observed in the P(4) crown of Neandertals and anatomically modern humans. Previously, P(4) shape was assessed qualitatively, and results suggested marked differences between Neandertals and anatomically modern humans (Bailey [2002] New Anat. 269:148-156). The goal of this study was to investigate the P(4) shape in more detail, quantifying it in order to determine its utility for taxonomic classification and phylogenetic analysis. A comparison of mean shapes confirms that the mesiolingual portion of the P(4) is truncated in Neandertals, and that this produces a distinctively asymmetrical P(4). A randomization test confirms that the shape difference between Neandertals and anatomically modern humans is significant. Principal component and discriminant function analyses indicate that the relative size of the lingual portion of the tooth also affects tooth shape, with the lingual portion of the Neandertal P(4) being narrower than that of anatomically modern humans. Classification of P(4) crown shapes using discriminant functions analysis is far from perfect. While 86.4% of the teeth were correctly classified, classification was much better for anatomically modern humans (98.1%) than it was for Neandertals (65%). Fortunately, crown shape is but one of several diagnostic characters of the P(4) crown. P(4) crown asymmetry can be added to the growing list of dental morphological characters distinguishing Neandertals from anatomically modern humans. Moreover, based on a comparison of mean tooth shapes in fossil and recent humans, symmetry, rather than asymmetry, appears to be the primitive state, and the high frequency of P(4) asymmetry is likely derived in Neandertals.  相似文献   

Previous studies of daily energy expenditure (DEE) in hominin fossils have estimated locomotor costs using a formula that was based on six species, all 18 kg or less in mass, including no primates, and that has a number of other problems when applied in an ecological context. It is well established that the energetic cost of human walking is lower than that of representative mammals, particularly for individuals with long lower limbs. The current study reevaluates the daily energy expenditures of a variety of hominin species using more appropriate approaches to estimating locomotor costs. To estimate DEE for primates, I relied on published data on body mass, day range, and the percentage of time spent in various activities. Based on those data, I calculated a value for nonlocomotor DEE. I then used a variant of a method that I have suggested elsewhere to calculate the daily cost due to locomotion (DEEL) and summed the two to calculate total DEE. The more up-to-date methods for calculating the cost of travel result in lower estimates of this aspect of the energy budget than seen in previous studies. Values obtained here for DEE in various representatives of Australopithecus are lower than reported previously by around 200 kcal/day. Taking into account the greater economy of human walking, particularly the effect of the longer lower limbs found in many later Homo species, also results in lowered estimates of DEE. Elongation of the lower limbs in H. erectus reduced relative travel costs nearly 50% in comparison to A.L. 288-1 (A. afarensis). The present method for calculating DEE indicates that female H. erectus DEE was 84% greater than that of female Australopithecus; this disparity is even larger than that suggested by previous workers.  相似文献   

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