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The Oligocene Malembo locality, Cabinda exclave, Angola, has yielded a rich vertebrate fauna represented by fragmentary remains. This fossiliferous locality is the only definite occurrence of Oligocene terrestrial mammals in sub-Saharan West Africa. The hyracoids from Malembo have only been very succinctly described and compared thus far, so that their systematic attribution is not consensual among specialists. A revision now allows the identification of three (or four) medium to large-sized species represented by Geniohyus dartevellei, Pachyhyrax cf. crassidentatus, and two undetermined taxa. The species G. dartevellei is revived for the holotype of Palaeochoerus dartevellei Hooijer, 1963; this species is unique to Malembo but appears close to Geniohyus mirus, a species only known from the early Oligocene of the Fayum, Egypt. Other species of Geniohyus and Pachyhyrax crassidentatus are also only known from the early Oligocene of the Fayum. The presence of Geniohyus and Pachyhyrax cf. crassidentatus at Malembo thus supports an early Oligocene age for the fauna.  相似文献   

First middle Miocene sivaladapid primate from Thailand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sivaladapids are a group of Asian adapiform primates that were previously documented from deposits dating to the middle Eocene through the late Miocene in Pakistan, India, Myanmar, Thailand, and China. The group is notable for the persistence of three genera, Sivaladapis, Indraloris and Sinoadapis, into the late Miocene. In Thailand, sivaladapids were previously documented only from late Eocene deposits of the Krabi mine. Here, we describe the first Southeast Asian Miocene sivaladapid, Siamoadapis maemohensis gen. et sp. nov. from a 13.3 to 13.1 Ma lignite layer from the Mae Moh coal mine, Thailand. It differs from other Miocene sivaladapids by its distinctly smaller size and in features of the dentition. This discovery enhances the paleoecological diversity of the middle Miocene primate fauna of Thailand, which now includes sivaladapids, a loris, tarsiids, and hominoids. In this respect, the fossil primate community from the middle Miocene of Thailand is similar in its composition to roughly contemporaneous assemblages from southern China, India, and Pakistan. However, the Thai fossils represent a distinct genus, suggesting a different biogeographic province with distinctive paleoenvironments.  相似文献   

The primate family, Amphipithecidae, lived during the early Cenozoic in South Asia. In this study, the diet of late middle Eocene amphipithecids from the Pondaung Formation (Central Myanmar) is characterized using three different approaches: body mass estimation, shearing quotient quantification and dental microwear analysis. Our results are compared with other Paleogene amphipithecids from Thailand and Pakistan, and to the other members of the primate community from the Pondaung Formation. Our results indicate a majority of frugivores within this primate community. Pondaungia and “Amphipithecus” included hard objects, such as seeds and nuts, in their diet. Folivory is secondary for these taxa. Myanmarpithecus probably had a mixed diet based on fruit and leaves. Contrasting results and a unique dental morphology distinguish Ganlea from other amphipithecids. These render interpretation difficult but nevertheless indicate a diet tending towards leaves and fruit. However, the anterior dentition of Ganlea suggests that this taxon engaged in seed predation, using its protruding canine as a tool to husk hard fruits and obtain the soft seeds inside. Bahinia and Paukkaungia, two other Pondaung primates, are small (<500 g) and therefore would have depended on insects as their source of protein. As such, they occupied a very different ecological niche from Pondaung amphipithecids. This primate community is then compared with the Eocene-Oligocene primate communities of the Fayum from North Africa. Similarities between the late middle Eocene Pondaung primate community and extant equatorial and tropical South American primate communities are noted.  相似文献   

A fifth anthropoid (= anthropoidean, simian or simiiform) genus and species from the late Eocene Fayum Quarry L-41, Abuqatrania basiodontos gen. et sp. nov., further augments the already remarkable primate diversity from this locality and provides the first convincing extension of the enigmatic family Parapithecidae into the oldest productive vertebrate fossil-bearing stratum of the Jebel Qatrani Formation. A. basiodontos exhibits no clear autapomorphies nor any apomorphies that are shared exclusively with any other parapithecid species, and it is most parsimoniously interpreted as the sister taxon of a Qatrania-Parapithecus-Apidium clade. Reevaluation of two contemporaries of A. basiodontos, Serapia and Arsinoea, suggests that neither genus should be ranked as a basal parapithecid. Serapia is more derived than primitive parapithecids in the morphology of the lower fourth premolar and exhibits greater overall similarity to Proteopithecus in cusp placement and the shape and proportions of its lower teeth; accordingly, we place Serapia in the family Proteopithecidae. Arsinoea is much more problematic and does not fit well with any hitherto known Afro-Arabian anthropoid group; we place this genus in a new anthropoid family, Arsinoeidae.  相似文献   


Paleontological field work in the Fayum Depression of Egypt has produced a remarkable diversity of fossil anthropoids, and this, combined with advances in genetic analyses of living anthropoids, has led to establishment of a temporal and phylogenetic framework for anthropoids that is achieving some degree of consensus. Less well understood are the evolutionary mechanisms and selective factors behind the origin and early diversification of anthropoids. One area that has remained under explored is investigation into the life history patterns of early anthropoids, a major omission given that understanding patterns of growth and development is essential for interpreting the paleobiology of fossil species. Here we detail dental emergence sequences for five species in four families of early anthropoid primates from the Fayum, and use these data to test Schultz’s Rule concerning the timing of emergence of molars versus premolars in mammals. Two important results are generated: (1) only one species had a dental eruption sequence identical to that observed among crown catarrhine primates; and (2) in all cases, the permanent canine was the last post-incisor dental element to fully erupt, a finding that may be significant for interpreting early anthropoid behavioral strategies.  相似文献   

The species Proconsul (Xenopithecus) hamiltoni was based on two weathered molars in a maxillary fragment from the Erageleit beds, Lothidok, Turkana District, Kenya. New fossils from Lothidok show a unique suite of features indicating generic distinction of this taxon from other known large early catarrhines. A new generic diagnosis is given. The new genus, although still poorly known, may be the first Oligocene hominoid from East Africa. It retains many primitive features, but the few derived ones hint that it may be related to the Afropithecus group.  相似文献   

The muroid Cricetops Matthew and Granger, 1923 commonly occurred in the Oligocene terrestrial deposits in central and northern Asia. Here we report the first record of Cricetops in the southern part of Asia. Isolated rodent molars named as a new species, Cricetops auster sp. nov., were discovered from the early Oligocene sediments at the Lijiawa locality in Yunnan Province in southwestern China. Compared to previously known Cricetops, C. auster is smaller than Cricetops dormitor Matthew and Granger, 1923 and Cricetops aeneus Shevyreva, 1965, but larger than Cricetops minor Wang, 1987. The cusps of C. auster are less conical. The ridges and crests are longer, higher and thicker. Relatively long and high crests, ridges and arms extending from the main cusps in the new species make those cusps more crescent in appearance than in C. dormitor, C. aeneus and C. minor. C. auster is a rare species in the Lijiawa mammalian fauna. Well-developed shearing tooth crests and ridges of C. auster probably suggest a different diet from the Cricetops from the northern part of Asia.  相似文献   

We report the discovery of two new primates from the late Eocene Krabi Basin, southern Thailand. One isolated upper molar displays morphological features (protocone united with hypocone by the prehypocrista, postprotocrista extended distobuccally) suggesting possible phylogenetic relationships with Amphipithecidae, while an isolated lower molar is tentatively referred to as a new tarsiiform, mainly on the basis of its paraconid and entoconid morphology. Although very scarce, these remains expand the record of Paleogene primates in Southeast Asia, and testify to their successful radiation in that area.  相似文献   

Frontal and lateral intraoral photographs of 19 baboons from the Awash National Park, Ethiopia and 37 baboons from Amboseli National Park, Kenya, were used to assess periodontal health. The Awash baboons, and two groups (Alto's and Hook's) at Amboseli, fed entirely from natural sources, but baboons from the third Amboseli group (Lodge) fed largely on food refuse from one of the park's lodges. Juveniles and adults were evaluated separately. Intraoral photographs were seriated based on visual appraisals of periodontal health. In both age groups, the best periodontal health was seen in Awash animals; Alto's and Hook's animals were intermediate, and the poorest health was seen in the Lodge sample. The periodontal health decreased with age in adult baboons, as reported in humans. Geochemistry, genetics, age, and diet (particularly variations in bacterial flora) were considered as factors contributing to the intergroup differences. Although it is not possible at present to exclude any of these as a contributing cause, we consider that diet in the broad sense (including food, water, and contamination by oral bacteria of human origin) probably plays a major role. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

An anthropometric survey was carried out on 1,383 school students aged 5-17 years in Suba district (a rural area of western Kenya). Body size and proportion were computed from height, weight, sitting height, arm circumference, and skinfolds. The aim of the study was to evaluate patterns of growth and nutritional status of the Luo population by assessment of the prevalence and trends of malnutrition among children and adolescents. Very few age-groups show significant sex differences for height, body weight, and arm muscle area. However, there are several differences in skinfold thicknesses and arm circumference, always with higher mean values in girls. Analysis of the nutritional status (weight-for-age, height-for-age, and BMI-for-age) shows significant differences among the age-groups in both sexes. Boys present lower Z-scores than girls and there are higher percentages of malnourished subjects (stunted and underweight) among the males. The Luo data were compared with those of other African populations. Their body dimensions, nutritional status, and growth are similar to those of the other sub-Saharan samples. In conclusion, the Luo children are generally undernourished at the older ages: adolescents (11-16 years of age) show the most severe undernutrition and the highest percentages of undernourished subjects. In addition to the higher risk of undernutrition in teenagers, an emerging problem of over-nutrition is evident among the younger age-groups, with a higher prevalence in females. These findings are discussed in light of sexual dimorphism in sensitivity to adverse environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Extant snake faunas have their origins in the mid-Cenozoic, when colubroids replaced booid-grade snakes as the dominant species. The timing of this faunal changeover in North America and Europe based on fossils is thought to have occurred in the early Neogene, after a period of global cooling opened environments and made them suitable for more active predators. However, new fossils from the late Oligocene of Tanzania have revealed an early colubroid-dominated fauna in Africa suggesting a different pattern of faunal turnover there. Additionally, molecular divergence times suggest colubroid diversification began sometime in the Paleogene, although the exact timing and driving forces behind the diversification are not clear. Here we present the first fossil snake referred to the African clade Lamprophiinae, and the oldest fossil known of Lamprophiidae. As such, this specimen provides the only potential fossil calibration point for the African snake radiation represented by Lamprophiidae, and is the oldest snake referred to Elapoidea. A molecular clock analysis using this and other previously reported fossils as calibration points reveals colubroid diversification minimally occurred in the earliest Paleogene, although a Cretaceous origin cannot be excluded. The elapoid and colubrid lineages diverged during the period of global warming near the Paleocene-Eocene boundary, with both clades diversifying beginning in the early Eocene (proximate to the Early Eocene Climate Optimum) and continuing into the cooler Miocene. The majority of subclades diverge well before the appearance of colubroid dominance in the fossil record. These results suggest an earlier diversification of colubroids than generally previously thought, with hypothesized origins of these clades in Asia and Africa where the fossil record is relatively poorly known. Further work in these regions may provide new insights into the timing of, and environmental influences contributing to, the rise of colubroid snakes.  相似文献   

潘悦容 《人类学学报》1994,13(2):125-125
埃及北部中新世灵长类新材料在埃及北部中新世的Moghara组发现两种灵长类新材料:一种为Simons(196)描述过的一种古老的猴类(Prohylobatestandyi),材料为5块下颌骨;另一种为个体大的几乎完整的右肽骨.这些化石发现的意义在于它...  相似文献   

An isolated petrosal bone belonging to a diminutive primate is reported from Middle Eocene fissure-fills near Shanghuang (southern Jiangsu Province, People's Republic of China), the type locality of several newly described primates (Eosimias sinensis, a basal anthropoid; Adapoides troglodytes, a basal adapinan; Tarsius eocaenus, a congener of extant tarsiers; and Macrotarsius macrorhysis, the first Asian representative of an otherwise exclusively North American genus). Because of its fragmentary condition and unique combination of characters, the Shanghuang petrosal cannot be assigned unambiguously to any of the Shanghuang primate taxa known from dental remains. However, the possibility that the petrosal represents either an adapid or a tarsiid can be dismissed because it lacks defining basicranial apomorphines of these groups. By contrast, the element does present arterial features consistent with its being haplorhine. Deciding between the likeliest candidates for its allocation—Omomyidae and Eosimiidae—is difficult, in part because it is not known what (or even whether) basicranial characters can be used to distinguish these clades. If the Shanghuang petrosal is that of an cosimiid, as both direct and indirect evidence appears to indicate, the following implications emerge: (1) as long suspected on other grounds, anthropoids share a closer evolutionary history with Omomyidae (and Tarsiiformes) than they do with Adapidae (and Strepsirhini); (2) the specialised basicranial anatomy of extant anthropoids and their immediate cladistic relatives is derived from a primitive precursor whose otic morphology was like that of omomyids in most known respects; (3) the evolution of the defining dental and basicranial apomorphies of extant Anthropoidea has been distinctly mosaic in pattern.  相似文献   

From 1980–1985, the Turkana District of Kenya experienced both drought and above average rainfall. The effects of a 2-year drought on the livestock population of the nomadic pastoral Ngisonyoka are discussed. Detailed data on mortality rates and offtake are presented for the animals of four herd owners, and the recovery process is followed for the 5-year period for one herd owner. It is concluded that during the drought, 63% of the cattle, 45% of the camels, and 55% of the small stock left the sample herds. The livestock population of one herd had recovered to pre-drought levels 3 years after the drought.  相似文献   

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