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Morphometrics of the molar crown is based traditionally on diameter measurements but is nowadays more often based on 2D image analysis of crown outlines. An alternative approach involves measurements at the level of the cervical line. We compare the information content of the two options in a three-dimensional (3D) digital sample of lower and upper first molars (M(1) and M(1) ) of modern human and Neanderthal teeth. The cervical outline for each tooth was created by digitizing the cervical line and then sectioning the tooth with a best fit plane. The crown outline was projected onto this same plane. The curves were analyzed by direct extraction of diameters, diagonals, and area and also by principal component analysis either of the residuals obtained by regressing out these measurements from the radii (shape information) or directly by the radii (size and shape information). For M(1) , the crown and cervical outline radii allow us to discriminate between Neanderthals and modern humans with 90% and 95% accuracy, respectively. Fairly good discrimination between the groups (80-82.5%) was also obtained using cervical measurements. With respect to M(1) , general overlap of the two groups was obtained by both crown and cervical measurements; however, the two taxa were differentiable by crown outline residuals (90-97%). Accordingly, while crown diameters or crown radii should be used for taxonomic analysis of unworn or slightly worn M(1) s, the crown outline, after regressing out size information, could be promising for taxonomic assignment of lower M1s.  相似文献   

Despite the general increase in digital techniques for dental morphometric analyses, only a few methods are available to study worn teeth. Moreover, permanent dentitions are studied much more frequently than deciduous teeth. In this study, we address both issues by providing a taxonomic classification of Neanderthal and modern human (MH) lower second deciduous molars (dm2s) through the analysis of crown and cervical outlines. Crown and cervical outlines were obtained from a three‐dimensional (3D) digital sample of uniformly oriented dm2s. Both outlines were centered on the centroid of their area and represented by 16 pseudolandmarks obtained by equiangularly spaced radial vectors out of the centroid. We removed size information from the oriented and centered outlines with a uniform scaling of the pseudolandmark configurations to unit Centroid Size. Group shape variation was evaluated separately for the dm2 crown and cervical outlines through a shape–space principal component (PC) analysis. Finally, quadratic discriminant analysis of a subset of PCs was used to classify the specimens. Our results demonstrate that both outlines successfully separate the two groups. Neanderthals showed a buccodistal expansion and convex lingual outline shape, whilst MHs have buccodistal reduction and straight lingual outline shape. Therefore, we confirmed that the cervical outline represents an effective parameter for distinguishing between the two taxa when dealing with worn or damaged dm2s. Am J Phys Anthropol 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The aluminum (Al) concentrations in the enamel and dentin of 314 human deciduous teeth were determined in order to examine the relationship between Al and dental caries. The sample teeth were divided into three groups: the sound tooth group, carious tooth group and filled tooth group. The teeth of the carious tooth group were further classified into three groups depending on the stage of caries. The Al content was determined using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. In both the enamel and dentin, the Al concentrations were unaffected by sex, but did depend on tooth type. In enamel, the Al concentration was significantly higher in the sound tooth group (42.8 +/- 37.3 microg/g) than in the three carious groups (20.7 +/- 17.1-24.9 +/- 22.0 microg/g) and the filled tooth group (27.3 +/- 25.5 microg/g). As for dentin, the Al concentration was also significantly higher in the sound tooth group (36.2 +/- 35.1 microg/g) than in the three carious groups (15.1 +/- 13.3-24.5 +/- 23.4 microg/g) and the filled tooth group (17.2 +/- 20.6 microg/g). Even when analyzing incisors alone, the Al concentrations were significantly higher in the sound tooth group than in the other groups, for both enamel and dentin. Furthermore, the Al levels in carious enamel and dentin did not decrease with the advance of caries. These findings indicated that the deciduous teeth containing higher Al concentrations on average had less caries than the teeth with lower Al concentrations, and suggest that Al acts as a possible cariostatic agent by itself.  相似文献   

Morphological variations of the deciduous dentition are as useful as those of the permanent dentition for determining the biological affinities of human populations. This paper provides material on morphological variations of deciduous teeth of the prehistoric Japanese population from the Late and the Latest Jomon Period (ca. 2000–ca. 300 B.C.). The expression of nonmetric traits of the deciduous teeth in the Jomon sample shows a closer affinity with modern Japanese and Native American samples than with American White, Asiatic Indian, and African samples. However, the frequency of shoveling in deciduous upper incisors in the Jomon sample is lower than those in modern Japanese and Native American samples. The Jomon sample also expresses a much higher frequency of cusp 6 in deciduous lower second molars than seen in modern Japanese, Ainu, and Native American samples. The frequency in the Jomon sample is equal to that in the Australian Aboriginal sample, which shows cusp 6 most frequently among the samples compared. A somewhat low incidence of incisor shoveling in the Jomon sample was also reported in the permanent dentition (Turner [1976] Science 193:911–913, [1979] Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 51:619–635, [1987] Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 73:305–321, [1990] Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 82:295–317; T. Hanihara [1992] Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 88:163–182, 88:183–196). However, the frequency of cusp 6 in the Jomon sample shows no significant difference from those of Northeast Asian or Native American samples in the permanent dentition (Turner [1987] Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 73:305–321; T. Hanihara [1992] Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 88:1–182, 88:183–196). Evidently, some nonmetric traits express an inter-group difference only in the deciduous dentition. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Stem cells have been identified using the DNA-binding dye Hoechst 33342 and flow cytometry (FCM) in various tissues known as the side population (SP). The present study shows, for the first time, the presence of side population cells in human deciduous dental pulp cells (DPCs). Flow cytometric identification revealed that 2% of human deciduous DPCs were SP cells and that this SP profile disappeared in the presence of verapamil. The SP marker ABCG2 protein was localized to DPCs in the cell membrane by immunofluorescence staining, and flow cytometric analysis demonstrated that 3.6% of DPCs were ABCG2-positive. Furthermore, quantitative real-time PCR proved that ABCG2 mRNA expression in DPCs isolated from human exfoliated deciduous teeth was higher than in DPCs from permanent teeth. Our findings demonstrate that DPCs from human exfoliated deciduous teeth contain a higher proportion of the SP phenotype than permanent teeth and that they may constitute a stem cell population.  相似文献   

刘武  王善才 《人类学学报》1998,17(3):177-190
对在湖北长阳县深潭湾崖葬墓出土的青铜时代人类乳齿形态特征的观察研究显示在人类恒齿出现的大多数具有种族识别价值的形态特征在乳齿有相等程度的表现,其中部分特征的出现率和表现程度高于恒齿。与其他地区人群相比,长阳青铜时代人类乳齿特征在总体上与东北亚人类具有的“中国型牙齿”特征接近。同时,在个别牙齿特征上呈现出南亚蒙古人种的特点。作者对产生这种现象的原因进行了分析。本文还就长阳青铜时代人类乳齿测量数据的表现特点进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The model of primate dental homologies and development recently proposed by Schwartz ('75, '78) is re-evaluated in view of documented exceptions to his account of postcanine supernumerary teeth in both anthropoids and prosimians. Schwartz concluded that catarrhines and living indriids retain only two true molars in each dental quadrant. As many as six molars on one side of the jaw can develop in rare instances in catarrhines, and supernumerary molars are also known for a wide range of other primates, including Cebidae, Adapidae, and subfossil Indriidae. Polydontia cannot be explained exclusively by atavistic development. More convincing explanations regard supernumerary teeth as the result of excessive growth of the dental lamina or localized twinning of tooth buds during early development. Conventional dental formulae of catarrhines and indriids including three permanent molars remain the most plausible.  相似文献   

It is well known that interactions between epithelial components and mesenchymal components are essential for tooth development. Therefore, it has been postulated that both types of stem cells might be involved in the regeneration of dental hard tissues. Recently, mesenchymal dental pulp stem cells that have odontogenic potential were identified from human dental pulp. However, the existence of epithelial cells has never been reported in human dental pulp. In the present study, we isolated and characterized epithelial cell-like cells from human deciduous dental pulp. They had characteristic epithelial morphology and expressed epithelial markers. Moreover, they expressed epithelial stem cell-related genes such as ABCG2, Bmi-1, ΔNp63, and p75. Taken together, our findings suggest that epithelial stem cell-like cells might exist in human deciduous dental pulp and might play a role as an epithelial component for the repair or regeneration of teeth.  相似文献   

Tooth components of deciduous molars were measured from standardized radiographs of Homo sapiens sapiens and Homo sapiens neanderthalensis. Enamel height and width were greater in deciduous teeth of Homo sapiens sapiens than in Homo sapiens neanderthalensis and the differences were statistically significant (p less than 0.01). Dentin height showed no significant differences between the two groups, but enamel to floor of pulp chamber and pulp height and width dimensions were significantly greater in Homo sapiens neanderthalensis. Discriminant analysis carried out between groups, using deciduous tooth components, showed an accuracy of 98-100% for identification of Homo sapiens sapiens and 83-92% for identification of Homo sapiens neanderthalensis. The results obtained in this study on dental dimensions support the hypothesis of a distinct evolutionary line for Neanderthals.  相似文献   

The occlusal surface pattern of the lower molars and the second deciduous molar among the Polynesians living in Western Samoa was studied on plaster casts. The following are the characteristic traits of this race. The occlusal surface pattern of the first and second lower molars falls within the range of variation of the Mongoloid racial group. In general, the variation of the furrow pattern is remarkable, but the tendency of reduction of number of cusps is not conspicuous. The frequency of C6 in the lower molars and C7 in m2 is far higher than in any other population, but the frequency of C7 in M1 or M2 is not noticeably different.  相似文献   

In a recent paper Schwartz ('74) proposes revised homologies of the deciduous and permanent teeth in living lemuriform primates of the family Indriidae. However, new evidence provided by the deciduous dentition ofAvahi suggests that the traditional interpretations are correct, specifically: (1) the lateral teeth in the dental scraper of Indriidae are homologous with the incisors of Lemuridae and Lorisidae, not the canines; (2) the dental formula for the lower deciduous teeth of indriids is 2.1.3; (3) the dental formula for the lower permanent teeth of indriids is; and (4) decrease in number of incisors during primate evolution was usually in the sequence I3, then I2, then I1. It appears that dental reduction during primate evolution occurred at the ends of integrated incisor and cheek tooth units to minimize disruption of their functional integrity.  相似文献   

Teeth are among the hardest animal tissues, because they are composed of large amounts of inorganic compounds. Consequently, teeth are difficult to prepare for microscopic examination. Acids and chelating agents traditionally have been used to remove calcium ions. We compared decalcifying agents including strong acids, weak acids, chelating agents, techniques using electric current, agitation and heat. Freshly extracted teeth were fixed and decalcified using formic acid-formalin, formal-nitric acid, formalin-EDTA, Von Ebner’s fluid and Perenyi’s fluid. Three additional techniques including formic acid with agitation, formic acid with heat and formic acid with electric current also were evaluated. Decalcified teeth were evaluated histologically for tissue preservation and staining characteristics. Formic acid with gentle agitation produced the best decalcification overall based on time required for decalcification, ease of sectioning, hard and soft tissue staining and tissue preservation. Our findings support the use of agitation with formic acid decalcification, because it reduces significantly both the time required and the deleterious effects of prolonged immersion.  相似文献   

Clarifying morphological variation among African and Eurasian hominoids during the Miocene is of particular importance for inferring the evolutionary history of humans and great apes. Among Miocene hominoids, Nakalipithecus and Ouranopithecus play an important role because of their similar dates on different continents. Here, we quantify the lower fourth deciduous premolar (dp4) inner morphology of extant and extinct hominoids using a method of morphometric mapping and examine the phylogenetic relationships between these two fossil taxa. Our data indicate that early Late Miocene apes represent a primitive state in general, whereas modern great apes and humans represent derived states. While Nakalipithecus and Ouranopithecus show similarity in dp4 morphology to a certain degree, the dp4 of Nakalipithecus retains primitive features and that of Ouranopithecus exhibits derived features. Phenotypic continuity among African ape fossils from Miocene to Plio-Pleistocene would support the African origin of African apes and humans (AAH). The results also suggest that Nakalipithecus could have belonged to a lineage from which the lineage of Ouranopithecus and the common ancestor of AAH subsequently derived.  相似文献   

A better understanding of the evolutionary relationship between modern humans and Neanderthals is essential for improving the resolution of hominin phylogenetic hypotheses. Currently, four distinct chronologies for the timing of population divergence are available, ranging from the late Middle Pleistocene to the late Early Pleistocene, each based on different interpretations of hominin taxonomy. Genetic data can present an independent estimate of the evolutionary timescale involved, making it possible to distinguish between these competing models of hominin evolution. We analysed five dated Neanderthal mitochondrial genomes, together with those of 54 modern humans, and inferred a genetic chronology using multiple age calibrations. Our mean date estimates are consistent with a process of genetic divergence within an ancestral population, commencing approximately 410-440 ka. These results suggest that a reappraisal of key elements in the Pleistocene hominin fossil record may now be required.  相似文献   

李法军 《人类学学报》2016,35(2):283-299
一直以来,有关人类牙齿磨耗的研究主要集中在年龄判定和生业方式比较方面。然而,很多研究因样本人群来源复杂、忽视个体牙齿磨耗的特殊性及缺乏足够的个人信息,很难进一步解释其牙齿磨耗特点的成因。本文基于对当代水族男性牙齿磨耗的记录和相关信息,通过梳理该人群牙齿磨耗的一般特点和特殊磨耗形式,探讨了有关影响该人群牙齿磨耗的可能因素。笔者发现,总体来说,该人群的牙齿磨耗较轻,牙齿磨耗水平与其年龄分布呈正相关关系,符合人类牙齿面随年龄增长而发生退行性生理磨耗的规律。牙齿磨耗等级在不同年龄中呈镶嵌式分布,某些个体存在越位磨耗现象。从本文的结果看,这些现象的产生除了退行性生理磨耗的原因外,还可能与口腔健康状况、饮食结构和少餐习惯等因素密切相关。  相似文献   

Previous research by the first author revealed that, relative to other modern peoples, sub-Saharan Africans exhibit the highest frequencies of ancestral (or plesiomorphic) dental traits and, thus, appear to be least derived dentally from an ancestral hominin state. This determination, in conjunction with various other lines of dental morphological evidence, was interpreted to be supportive of an African origin for modern humans. The present investigation expands upon this work by using: 1) direct observations of fossil hominin teeth, rather than data gleaned from published sources, 2) a single morphological scoring system (the Arizona State University Dental Anthropology System) with consistent trait breakpoints, and 3) data from larger and more varied modern human comparative samples. As before, a multivariate distance statistic, the mean measure of divergence, was used to assess diachronic phenetic affinities among the Plio-Pleistocene hominins and modern humans. The present study also employed principal components analysis on dental trait frequencies across samples. Both methods yielded similar results, which support the previous findings; that is, of all modern human samples, sub-Saharan Africans again exhibit the closest phenetic similarity to various African Plio-Pleistocene hominins-through their shared prevalence of morphologically complex crown and root traits. The fact that sub-Saharan Africans express these apparently plesiomorphic characters, along with additional information on their affinity to other modern populations, evident intra-population heterogeneity, and a world-wide dental cline emanating from the sub-continent, provides further evidence that is consistent with an African origin model.  相似文献   

Evolutionary and functional significance of the human chin has long been explored from various perspectives including masticatory biomechanics, speech, and anterior tooth size. Recent ontogenetic studies have indicated that the spatial position of internally forming anterior teeth partially constrains adult mandibular symphyseal morphology. The present study therefore preliminarily examined the size and placement of developing anterior teeth in immature Neanderthal mandibles of Dederiyeh 1 and 2, compared with similarly‐aged modern humans (N = 16) and chimpanzees (N = 7) whose incisors are comparatively small and large among extant hominids, respectively. The Dederiyeh 1 mandible is described as slightly presenting a mental trigone and attendant mental fossa, whereas Dederiyeh 2 completely lacks such chin‐associated configurations. Results showed that, despite symphyseal size being within the modern human range, both Dederiyeh mandibles accommodated overall larger anterior dentition and displayed a remarkably wide bicanine space compared to those of modern humans. Dederiyeh 2 had comparatively thicker deciduous incisor roots and more enlarged permanent incisor crypts than Dederiyeh 1, but both Dederiyeh individuals exhibited a total dental size mostly intermediate between modern humans and chimpanzees. These findings potentially imply that the large deciduous/permanent incisors collectively distended the labial alveolar bone, obscuring an incipient mental trigone. It is therefore hypothesized that the appearance of chin‐associated features, particularly of the mental trigone and fossa, can be accounted for partly by developmental relationships between the sizes of the available mandibular space and anterior teeth. This hypothesis must be, however, further addressed with more referential samples in future studies. Am J Phys Anthropol 156:482–488, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Dental pulp is a promising source of mesenchymal stem cells with the potential for cell-mediated therapies and tissue engineering applications. We recently reported that isolation of dental pulp-derived stem cells (DPSC) is feasible for at least 120 h after tooth extraction, and that cryopreservation of early passage cultured DPSC leads to high-efficiency recovery post-thaw. This study investigated additional processing and cryobiological characteristics of DPSC, ending with development of procedures for banking. First, we aimed to optimize cryopreservation of established DPSC cultures, with regards to optimizing the cryoprotective agent (CPA), the CPA concentration, the concentration of cells frozen, and storage temperatures. Secondly, we focused on determining cryopreservation characteristics of enzymatically digested tissue as a cell suspension. Lastly, we evaluated the growth, surface markers and differentiation properties of DPSC obtained from intact teeth and undigested, whole dental tissue frozen and thawed using the optimized procedures. In these experiments it was determined that Me2SO at a concentration between 1 and 1.5 M was the ideal cryopreservative of the three studied. It was also determined that DPSC viability after cryopreservation is not limited by the concentration of cells frozen, at least up to 2 × 106 cells/mL. It was further established that DPSC can be stored at −85 °C or −196 °C for at least six months without loss of functionality. The optimal results with the least manipulation were achieved by isolating and cryopreserving the tooth pulp tissues, with digestion and culture performed post-thaw. A recovery of cells from >85% of the tissues frozen was achieved and cells isolated post-thaw from tissue processed and frozen with a serum free, defined cryopreservation medium maintained morphological and developmental competence and demonstrated MSC-hallmark trilineage differentiation under the appropriate culture conditions.  相似文献   

Melanoma accounts for 75% of all skin cancer deaths. Pulsed photothermal radiometry (PPTR), optical coherence tomography (OCT) and ultrasound (US) are non‐invasive imaging techniques that may be used to measure melanoma thickness, thus, determining surgical margins. We constructed a series of PDMS tissue phantoms simulating melanomas of different thicknesses. PPTR, OCT and US measurements were recorded from PDMS tissue phantoms and results were compared in terms of axial imaging range, axial resolution and imaging time. A Monte Carlo simulation and three‐dimensional heat transfer model was constructed to simulate PPTR measurement. Experimental results show that PPTR and US can provide a wide axial imaging range (75 μm–1.7 mm and 120–910 μm respectively) but poor axial resolution (75 and 120 μm respectively) in PDMS tissue phantoms, while OCT has the most superficial axial imaging range (14–450 μm) but highest axial resolution (14 μm). The Monte Carlo simulation and three‐dimensional heat transfer model give good agreement with PPTR measurement. PPTR and US are suited to measure thicker melanoma lesions (<$>><$>400 μm), while OCT is better to measure thin melanoma lesions (<$><<$>400 μm). (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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