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Growth of maize seedlings is limited by low temperature andceases at about 10 °C. In a search for processes underlyingthis limitation, rates of photosynthesis and dark respirationwere measured in controlled environments at night/day temperaturesof 5/10, 10/15, and 15/20 °C. CO2 exchange was measuredon whole seedlings including the root system. Two maize hybrids,which differed in dry matter production at low temperature,were tested from the 4th-leaf until the 8th-leaf stage. Grossphotosynthesis, net photosynthesis, and respiration increasedproportionally with leaf area. The response to low temperaturewas independent of seedling stage. The decline of photosynthesisand respiration with decreasing temperature was similar in bothhybrids. At 10 °C, rates of photosynthesis and respirationwere relatively high indicating a minimum temperature for thoseprocesses much lower than 10 °C. Possible reasons for growthlimitation at 10 °C are discussed.  相似文献   

Chemolithoautotrophic bacteria were enriched from mine water at incubation temperatures ranging from 4 to 46°C, using elemental sulfur as a substrate in acid mineral salts media. Thiobacillus-type bacteria were successfully enriched for at all test temperatures except 46°C. Changes in pH (−dpH/dt) were used to estimate the rate constants for the enrichment cultures. The rate constants yielded a linear Arrhenius plot, an activation energy of 65 kJ/mol, and a temperature coefficient (Q10) of 2.1 for the 4 to 37°C temperature interval.  相似文献   

The purpose of the work was to quantitatively characterize temperature effects on the bacterial leaching of sulfide ore material containing several sulfide minerals. The leaching was tested at eight different temperatures in the range of 4 to 37°C. The experimental technique was based on column leaching of a coarsely ground (particle diameter, 0.59 to 5 mm) ore sample. The experimental data were used for kinetic analysis of chalcopyrite, sphalerite, and pyrrhotite oxidation. Chalcopyrite yielded the highest (73 kJ/mol) and pyrrhotite yielded the lowest (25 kJ/mol) activation energies. Especially with pyrrhotite, diffusion contributed to rate limitation. Arrhenius plots were also linear for the reciprocals of lag periods and for increases of redox potentials (dmV/dt). Mass balance analysis based on total S in leach residue was in agreement with the highest rate of leaching at 37 and 28°C. The presence of elemental S in leach residues was attributed to pyrrhotite oxidation.  相似文献   

Kreslavski  V.D.  Balakhnina  T.I.  Khristin  M.S.  Bukhov  N.G. 《Photosynthetica》2001,39(3):363-368
Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Berbukskaya) seedlings were pre-treated with choline compounds, 19 mM 2-ethyltrimethylammonium chloride (Ch) or 1.6 mM 2-chloroethyltrimethylammonium chloride (CCh), during 24 h, then after 6 d the excised primary leaves were exposed to UV-B and high temperature stress. Chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence, delayed light emission, accumulation of photosynthetic pigments, contents of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, and activities of the active oxygen detoxifying enzymes (superoxide dismutase, ascorbate peroxidase, and glutathione reductase) were examined. Pre-treatment of plants with Ch or CCh enhanced the resistance of photosystem 2 (PS2) photochemistry to UV-B and heat injuries. The higher stress resistance can be explained by the increased activity of the detoxifying enzymes. The increased content of UV-B-absorbing pigments may also contribute to the enhanced resistance of choline-treated plants to UV-B radiation.  相似文献   

Zhang F  Smith DL 《Plant physiology》1995,108(3):961-968
In the soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) N2-fixing symbiosis, suboptimal root zone temperatures (RZTs) slow nodule development, especially at temperatures below 17[deg]C. A step in the infection process that occurs within the first 24 h is particularly sensitive to suboptimal RZT. The first phase in the establishment of the soybean-Bradyrhizobium japonicum symbiosis is the exchange of recognition molecules. The most effective plant-to-bacterium signal is genistein. Binding of genistein to B. japonicum activates many of the B. japonicum nod genes. To our knowledge, the potential of sub-optimal RZT to disrupt this interorganismal signaling has not previously been investigated. Controlled environment experiments were conducted to determine whether the preincubation of B. japonicum with genistein increases soybean nodulation and N2 fixation at suboptimal RZT and whether the time between inoculation and root-hair curling is shortened by genistein application. The results of these experiments indicated that (a) genistein application increased soybean nodulation at suboptimal RZTs (17.5 and 15[deg]C) but not at the optimal RZT (25[deg]C); (b) the period between inoculation and root-hair curling was shortened by inoculation with bradyrhizobia preincubated with genistein; (c) at 17.5 and 15[deg]C RZT, the onset of N2 fixation occurred earlier in plants that received genistein-treated bradyrhizobia than in plants inoculated with untreated bradyrhizobia; (d) over the tested concentration range, genistein application at 15 to 20 [mu]M was the most effective in stimulating nodulation; and (e) between 25 and 15[deg]C, as RZT decreased, there was an increase in the nodulation-stimulating potential of genistein.  相似文献   

Although the electrolytically obtained DPNH was not completely oxidized by usual dehydrogenases or diaphorases, one of the authors noticed that its absorption band at 340 mμ disappeared completely when it was incubated with the extract of mung been seedlings. The reaction was found to be stimulated by the addition of methylene blue, and the product was identified as DPN. Thus, the reaction resembled that of diaphorase, although it was less specific to the configuration of DPNH. But unlike usual diaphorase, it required a cofactor, which was neither flavins nor metallic ion, but an unidentified acidic substance. General properties of the enzyme and the cofactor are reported in this article.  相似文献   

Nitrate utilization and ammonium utilization were studied by using three algal isolates, six bacterial isolates, and a range of temperatures in chemostat and batch cultures. We quantified affinities for both substrates by determining specific affinities (specific affinity = maximum growth rate/half-saturation constant) based on estimates of kinetic parameters obtained from chemostat experiments. At suboptimal temperatures, the residual concentrations of nitrate in batch cultures and the steady-state concentrations of nitrate in chemostat cultures both increased. The specific affinity for nitrate was strongly dependent on temperature (Q10≈3, where Q10 is the proportional change with a 10°C temperature increase) and consistently decreased at temperatures below the optimum temperature. In contrast, the steady-state concentrations of ammonium remained relatively constant over the same temperature range, and the specific affinity for ammonium exhibited no clear temperature dependence. This is the first time that a consistent effect of low temperature on affinity for nitrate has been identified for psychrophilic, mesophilic, and thermophilic bacteria and algae. The different responses of nitrate uptake and ammonium uptake to temperature imply that there is increasing dependence on ammonium as an inorganic nitrogen source at low temperatures.  相似文献   

Use of the Weibull Function to Calculate Cardinal Temperatures in Faba Bean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The onset of germination of faba bean seeds at constant temperaturewas progressively delayed as that temperature diverged froman optimum of 25.5 ?C. At temperatures below 10 ?C, or above28 ?C, the maximum germination percentage fell to below 90%.There was no germination at 39 ?C. Positive and negative linearrelationships were established between the constant temperaturesand the rates of progress of germination to different percentiles,at sub-optimal and supra-optimal temperatures, respectively.Like germination rates, base temperature (Tb) declined from3.71 to –0.83 ?C as the percentile value increased from10% to 80%. Caution was urged in extrapolating beyond the experimentaldata set. Differences in the ceiling temperature (Tc) with percentilecould not be discerned. Cumulative germination progress curves at each temperature weremodelled by the Weibull, logistic, and cumulative normal distributionfunctions. Cardinal temperatures (Tb and Tc) calculated fromthese data reasonably approximated the actual data. The Weibullfunction demonstrated a good approximation at all percentilelevels, while the logistic and cumulative normal distributionfunctions, as a result of their inherent symmetry, deviatedat the extreme percentiles. It was concluded that the Weibullfunction not only accurately modelled cumulative germinationbut could also be used in the calculation of cardinal temperatures. Key words: Seed germination rate, cardinal temperatures, faba bean, Weibull function, probit and logic scales  相似文献   

Catalases purified from endosperm glyoxysomes and non-specializedmicrobodies from hypocotyls of castor bean seedlings differedin their specific activity [90–164 and 0.89–4.9kunits (mg protein)–1, respectively] and in their constituentsubunits [two subunits of 54 and 56 kDa for the endosperm enzymeand only one of 56 kDa for the hypocotyl enzyme]. Immunoblotanalysis also showed that particulate fractions from the endospermsand from etiolated and green cotyledons contained two catalasesubunits of 54 and 56 kDa, whereas such fractions from the hypocotylsand roots contained only the 56-kDa subunit. Leaf peroxisomesfrom green leaves had two catalase subunits of around 55 kDaeach. Results of translation in vitro indicated that the 54-and 56-kDa subunits were translated from distinct mRNAs andlevels of both mRNAs increased in the endosperms during germination,prior to increases in levels of catalase proteins. In the hypocotyls,the 56-kDa subunit seemed to be synthesized constitutively. 1Present addresses: YO, Toyota Central Institute, 31-9 Musashizuka,Nagabuchi, Nagakute, Aichi 480-11, Japan  相似文献   

The sodium chloride inhibition of spore outgrowth of four strains of type E Clostridium bolulinum was determined in a Trypticase-peptone-glucose (TPG) medium. At 16, 21, and 30 C, spores of three strains required 5.0% and one strain 4.5% salt for complete inhibition during 1 year of incubation. At 8 and 10 C, spores of the four strains required 4.5% salt for definite inhibition. Salt concentrations slightly lower than those providing inhibition tended to extend spore outgrowth time at low temperatures. The minimal pH permitting outgrowth of type E spore inocula was affected by the concentration of reducing compound present in the system. When either 0.02% sodium thioglycolate or 0.05% L-cysteine hydrochloride was used, outgrowth at 30 and 8 C occurred at much lower pH levels than when 0.2% thioglycolate was added. At 30 C, spores of one strain showed outgrowth in TPG medium as low as pH 5.21 with an inoculum of 2 million spores per replicate tube. At a 10-fold higher inoculum, the same strain showed outgrowth at pH 5.03 in one of five replicate tubes. At 8 C, spore outgrowth of the four strains occurred at pH 5.9, but not at pH 5.7, in TPG medium containing L-cysteine hydrochloride.  相似文献   

酰脲代谢在许多固氮豆科植物氮素代谢中起重要作用;尿囊酸的酰胺水解酶(EC3.5.3.9)分解尿囊酸成为脲基乙醇酸和CO2、NH3,脲基乙醇酸的酰胺水解酶进一步分解脲基乙醇酸产生乙醛酸和CO2、NH3.该文首次报告测定四季豆尿囊酸降解酶(分解尿囊酸的酶)的方法,酶反应基质需要盐酸苯肼存在.在四季豆干种子、幼苗根、茎和叶,均可测出尿囊酸降解酶活力.从四季豆幼苗分离出两个尿囊酸降解酶.一个分子量大于200 kD,另一个分子量为13.5 kD;小分子量的尿囊酸降解酶(没有脲基乙醇酸酰胺水解酶或脲酶活力)用于性质研究.酶反应产物分析表明,该酶是尿囊酸的酰胺水解酶.该酶反应的最适pH为8.5.Mn2 是该酶的金属辅助因子.Km为76μmol/L,Vmax为16.7 nKat/mg(=1 002 nmol min1mg1).乙醛酸和乙醇酸抑制该酶活力.赖氨酸残基和色氨酸残基是酶活力的必需基团;巯基和酪氨酸残基不是酶活力的必需基团.  相似文献   

The youngest fully expanded leaves of young plants of tall fescue(Festuca arundinacea Schreb. cv. S 170) were allowed to assimilate14CO2 either (a) at the fifth leaf stage immediately beforetransfer from 17/14?C to 7/4?C (non-acclimated), or (b) aftertransfer from 17/14?C to 7/4?C at the fifth leaf stage, andfurther development in 7/4?C of one or two more leaves (acclimationfor one or two plastochrons). Controls were maintained in 17/14?C and allowed to assimilate 14CO2 at the corresponding (fifth,sixth, or seventh) leaf stages. Allocation of 14C amongst sinksand biochemical fractions was analysed during a subsequent periodof growth at 7/4 ?C (cold) or 17/14 ?C (control). Allocationof assimilate to growing parts of the shoot was less than controlsin the non-acclimated plants transferred to the cold and morethan controls in plants acclimated for one plastochron. Afterthe imbalance induced initially by transfer from 17/14?C to7/4 ?C, acclimation for one or two plastochrons brought theallocation amongst sinks and amongst biochemical fates closerto the balance existing in controls. The main shoot and sidetillers differed in the time during acclimation when they becamemore like the controls. The percentage of assimilate in thesoluble carbohydrate fraction of non-acclimated plants and ofplants acclimated for one plastochron, was higher than in controls.The percentage of assimilate in the cell wall fraction was lowerin non-acclimated plants than in controls but the differencefrom controls after two plastochrons acclimation again was less.During the first plastochron after transfer to cold, diversionof assimilate to a reserve pool in sinks could be a factor limitingcell wall synthesis and growth and this limitation may be relievedwhen the reserve pool is ‘full’. Low temperaturereduced the percentage of assimilate in the protein fractionof growing parts of the shoot and the difference was found evenafter two plastochrons acclimation. Key words: Low temperature, metabolism, tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb. cv. S. 170)  相似文献   

The response of species to global warming depends on how different populations are affected by increasing temperature throughout the species'' geographic range. Local adaptation to thermal gradients could cause populations in different parts of the range to respond differently. In aquatic systems, keeping pace with increased oxygen demand is the key parameter affecting species'' response to higher temperatures. Therefore, respiratory performance is expected to vary between populations at different latitudes because they experience different thermal environments. We tested for geographical variation in respiratory performance of tropical marine fishes by comparing thermal effects on resting and maximum rates of oxygen uptake for six species of coral reef fish at two locations on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Australia. The two locations, Heron Island and Lizard Island, are separated by approximately 1200 km along a latitudinal gradient. We found strong counter-gradient variation in aerobic scope between locations in four species from two families (Pomacentridae and Apogonidae). High-latitude populations (Heron Island, southern GBR) performed significantly better than low-latitude populations (Lizard Island, northern GBR) at temperatures up to 5°C above average summer surface-water temperature. The other two species showed no difference in aerobic scope between locations. Latitudinal variation in aerobic scope was primarily driven by up to 80% higher maximum rates of oxygen uptake in the higher latitude populations. Our findings suggest that compensatory mechanisms in high-latitude populations enhance their performance at extreme temperatures, and consequently, that high-latitude populations of reef fishes will be less impacted by ocean warming than will low-latitude populations.  相似文献   

Sushchik  N. N.  Kalacheva  G. S.  Gladyshev  M. I. 《Microbiology》2001,70(5):542-547
The paper describes the composition of extracellular free fatty acids (FFAs) and intracellular fatty acids (FAs) in the enrichment cultures of the prokaryotic alga Spirulina platensisand the eukaryotic alga Chlorella vulgarisgrown at optimal, supraoptimal, and suboptimal growth temperatures. With increasing growth temperature, the degree of unsaturation of the intracellular FAs of both algae decreased, while that of the extracellular FFAs of S. platensisincreased. The composition of the extracellular FFAs of C. vulgarispractically did not depend on the growth temperature.  相似文献   

An acetylcholine hydrolyzing enzyme was prepared and purified (40 times) from dwarf bean hypocotyl hooks. The purity of the enzyme was proved by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The molecular weight of the enzyme was determined to be 65,000 daltons. Enzyme activity was the highest at pH 8.0 and between 30 and 36 C. The enzyme had an apparent affinity constant (Km) for acetylcholine of 460/micromolar. The affinity for substrate analogs increased from butyrylthiocholine to propionylthiocholine to acetylthiocholine. The enzyme activity was inhibited by choline, neostigmine, physostigmine, manganese, and calcium. Magnesium had no influence on the enzyme activity. We conclude that the enzyme from dwarf beans is an acetylcholinesterase (EC  相似文献   

盐胁迫下绿豆幼苗的超微弱发光   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对不同NaCl浓度胁迫下绿豆种子早期萌发时的超微弱发光变化进行了初步研究。结果表明,随。NaCl浓度的增加,绿豆胚根的生长速度(根长)减慢,生长受到明显抑制,其超微弱发光的强度显著下降。萌发期间,SOD活性随着盐浓度的增加而降低,其活性与生物光子强度有极为密切的关系。这些结果表明生物超微弱发光探测技术有可能成为植物盐胁迫研究的有效工具,对于进一步理解盐胁迫机理有一定的意义。  相似文献   

Effect of NaCl and Proline on Bean Seedlings Cultured in vitro   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Effects of NaCl (150 mM), proline (10 mM) and their combination on growth and contents of chlorophyll, proline and protein of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris cv. Kizilhaç) seedlings in vitro were investigated. NaCl decreased seedling growth. Proline added to control seedlings did not change seedling growth but decreased chlorophyll and increased protein contents. When proline added to NaCl-treated seedlings growth was increased in comparison with NaCl-treated only. Thus, proline alleviated salinity stress in bean seedlings.  相似文献   

Osmotic Adjustment and Osmotic Constituents in Roots of Mung Bean Seedlings   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Osmotic adjustment in roots of mung bean seedlings (Vigna mungo(L.) Hepper) and the effect of cotyledon excision on the osmoticadjustment were investigated. The major osmotic constituentsin roots of intact seedlings were K+, Cl, free aminoacids and sugars (glucose, fructose and sucrose). All theseintracellular concentrations distinctly increased under osmoticstress and contributed to about 80% of the intracellular osmoticpressure of the root cell sap. Cotyledon excision remarkablysuppressed both the osmotic adjustment and the elongation inroots. However, the effect of cotyledon excision on intracellularK+ and Cl concentrations in roots was quite small. Twodifferent mechanisms are likely for the osmotic adjustment inroots. One is the K+ and Cl-dependent osmotic adjustmentwhich is cotyledon-independent, and the other is the osmoticadjustment dependent on the supply of free amino acids and sugarsfrom cotyledons. (Received September 20, 1986; Accepted January 14, 1987)  相似文献   

菜豆幼苗EPSP合成酶的分离纯化和它的部分性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用硫酸铵分级沉淀,SephedexG-50凝胶柱层析,FPLCMono-Q和磷酸纤维素离子层析法从菜豆幼苗中分离提纯了EPSP合成酶。该酶被纯化2961.6倍,比活性达到6219.4nmolmg-1蛋白min-1。该酶分子量经SDS-PAGE检测为51kD,等电点为pH5.7,酶促反应最适pH7.5,最适温度45℃。6.2μmol/L的除草剂草甘膦能抑制EPSP合成酶活性的50%。  相似文献   

Application of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) hasbeen shown to increase legume growth and development under optimaltemperature conditions, and specifically to increase nodulationand nitrogen fixation of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] overa range of root zone temperatures (RZTs). Nine rhizobacteriaapplied into soybean rooting media were tested for their abilityto reduce the negative effects of low RZT on soybean growthand development by improving the physiological status of theplant. Three RZTs were tested: 25, 17.5, and 15 °C. At eachtemperature some PGPR strains increased plant growth and development,but the stimulatory strains varied with temperature. The strainsthat were most stimulatory at each temperatures were as follows:15 °C—Serratia proteamaculans 1–102; 17.5 °C—Aeromonashydrophila P73, and 25 °C—Serratia liquefaciens 2–68.Because enhancement of plant physiological activities were detectedbefore the onset of nitrogen fixation, these stimulatory effectscan be attributed to direct stimulation of the plant by thePGPR rather than stimulation of plant growth via improvementof the nitrogen fixation symbiosis. Legume; nitrogen fixation; nodulation; root zone temperature; PGPR  相似文献   

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