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The role of stem cells in a multi-tiered organization of tissue structure extends the potential of longevity in multicelled organisms. This role can be responsible for the mechanism of evolution of the stem cells themselves. The principles involved in this mechanism can aid research for the development and management of successful tissue therapies.  相似文献   

Way EC 《Bio Systems》2001,60(1-3):85-94
Artificial life uses computers and formal systems to model and explore the dynamics of evolution. A fundamental question for A-Life concerns the role of computation in these models, and how we are to interpret computer implementations that do not have actual contact with physical systems. In this paper I will discuss how models are seen to explain and predict in philosophy of science and how these ideas apply to A-Life. I will also explore how the notion of an epistemic cut, as defined by H. Pattee, can be realized in a computational model with an artificial physical world.  相似文献   

Variation in the prominence of haploidy and diploidy is a striking feature of eukaryote life cycles that has not been explained from an evolutionary point of view. the ease with which ploidy and other variables of population genetics may be manipulated in yeast make Saccharomyces cerevisiae an excellent subject for experiments on the fitness effects of ploidy. Several hypotheses have been advanced to explain the emphasis on diploidy in plants and animals, and yeast experiments have been particularly informative for a few. Evidence suggests that diploids may enjoy an immediate advantage over haploids in masking harmful mutations, avoiding the fitness cost such mutations impose on haploids. A convincing longer-term advantage for diploidy has proven elusive, and different evolutionary explanations for the origin and for the subsequent maintenance of diploidy may be required.  相似文献   

Summary The problem of choosing an alignment of two or more nucleotide sequences is particularly difficult for nucleic acids, such as 5S ribosomal RNA, which do not code for protein and for which secondary structure is unknown. Given a set of costs for the various types of replacement mutations and for base insertion or deletion, we present a dynamic programming algorithm which finds the optimal (least costly) alignment for a set of N sequences simultaneously, where each sequence is associated with one of the N tips of a given evolutionary tree. Concurrently, protosequences are constructed corresponding to the ancestral nodes of the tree. A version of this algorithm, modified to be computationally feasible, is implemented to align the sequences of 5S RNA from nine organisms. Complete sets of alignments and proto-sequence reconstructions are done for a large number of different con-figurations of mutation costs. Examination of the family of curves of total replacements inferred versus the ratio of transitions/trans-versions inferred, each curve corresponding to a given number of in-sertions-deletions inferred, provides a method for estimating relative costs and relative frequencies for these different types of mutation.  相似文献   

In chordates, early separation of cell fate domains occurs prior to the final specification of ectoderm to neural and non-neural as well as mesoderm to dorsal and ventral during development. Maintaining such division with the establishment of an exact border between the domains is required for the formation of highly differentiated structures such as neural tube and notochord. We hypothesized that the key condition for efficient cell fate separation in a chordate embryo is the presence of a positive feedback loop for Bmp signaling within the gene regulatory network (GRN), underlying early axial patterning. Here, we therefore investigated the role of Bmp signaling in axial cell fate determination in amphioxus, the basal chordate possessing a centralized nervous system. Pharmacological inhibition of Bmp signaling induces dorsalization of amphioxus embryos and expansion of neural plate markers, which is consistent with an ancestral role of Bmp signaling in chordate axial patterning and neural plate formation. Furthermore, we provided evidence for the presence of the positive feedback loop within the Bmp signaling network of amphioxus. Using mRNA microinjections we found that, in contrast to vertebrate Vent genes, which promote the expression of Bmp4, amphioxus Vent1 is likely not responsible for activation of cephalochordate ortholog Bmp2/4. Cis-regulatory analysis of amphioxus Bmp2/4, Admp and Chordin promoters in medaka embryos revealed remarkable conservation of the gene regulatory information between vertebrates and basal chordates. Our data suggest that emergence of a positive feedback loop within the Bmp signaling network may represent a key molecular event in the evolutionary history of the chordate cell fate determination.  相似文献   

The impact of synonymous nucleotide substitutions on fitness in mammals remains controversial. Despite some indications of selective constraint, synonymous sites are often assumed to be neutral, and the rate of their evolution is used as a proxy for mutation rate. We subdivide all sites into four classes in terms of the mutable CpG context, nonCpG, postC, preG, and postCpreG, and compare four-fold synonymous sites and intron sites residing outside transposable elements. The distribution of the rate of evolution across all synonymous sites is trimodal. Rate of evolution at nonCpG synonymous sites, not preceded by C and not followed by G, is approximately 10% below that at such intron sites. In contrast, rate of evolution at postCpreG synonymous sites is approximately 30% above that at such intron sites. Finally, synonymous and intron postC and preG sites evolve at similar rates. The relationship between the levels of polymorphism at the corresponding synonymous and intron sites is very similar to that between their rates of evolution. Within every class, synonymous sites are occupied by G or C much more often than intron sites, whose nucleotide composition is consistent with neutral mutation-drift equilibrium. These patterns suggest that synonymous sites are under weak selection in favor of G and C, with the average coefficient s approximately 0.25/Ne approximately 10(-5), where Ne is the effective population size. Such selection decelerates evolution and reduces variability at sites with symmetric mutation, but has the opposite effects at sites where the favored nucleotides are more mutable. The amino-acid composition of proteins dictates that many synonymous sites are CpGprone, which causes them, on average, to evolve faster and to be more polymorphic than intron sites. An average genotype carries approximately 10(7) suboptimal nucleotides at synonymous sites, implying synergistic epistasis in selection against them.  相似文献   

Summary Selective constraints on DNA sequence change were incorporated into a model of DNA divergence by restricting substitutions to a subset of nucleotide positions. A simple model showed that both mutation rate and the fraction of nucleotide positions free to vary are strong determinants of DNA divergence over time.When divergence between two species approaches the fraction of positions free to vary, standard methods that correct for multiple mutations yield severe underestimates of the number of substitutions per site. A modified method appropriate for use with DNA sequence, restriction site, or thermal renaturation data is derived taking this fraction into account. The model also showed that the ratio of divergence in two gene classes (e.g., nuclear and mitochondrial) may vary widely over time even if the ratio of mutation rates remains constant.DNA sequence divergence data are used increasingly to detect differences in rates of molecular evolution. Often, variation in divergence rate is assumed to represent variation in mutation rate. The present model suggests that differing divergence rates among comparisons (either among gene classes or taxa) should be interpreted cautiously. Differences in the fraction of nucleotide positions free to vary can serve as an important alternative hypothesis to explain differences in DNA divergence rates.  相似文献   

Human evolution     
The origin, history, and singularity of our species has fascinated storytellers, philosophers and scientists throughout, and doubtless before, recorded history. Anthropology, the modern-era discipline that deals with these issues, is a notoriously contentious field, perhaps because the topic at hand – the nature of our own species – is one that is difficult or impossible to approach in an unbiased way. Recently, molecular genetics has increasingly contributed to this field. Here, I briefly discuss three areas where I believe molecular studies are likely to be of decisive importance in the future. These concern the questions of where and when our species originated, what the genetic background for characters that differ between us and apes is, and how the phenotypic traits that vary among human groups have evolved.  相似文献   

beta-Phenylethylamine (PE) hydrochloride injected intraperitoneally into rats was distributed evenly throughout the various regions of rat brain. Similarly, when a mixture of PE and alpha, alpha, beta, beta-deuterated PE [( 2H4]PE) was injected, no regional differences were observed in the ratios of the amounts of [2H4]PE and PE present; however, significantly more [2H4]PE than PE was present, although a 1:1 mixture had been administered. Further experiments in which the amounts of [2H4]PE and PE in whole rat brain, liver, and plasma were quantified confirmed this finding. The maximum [2H4]PE-to-PE ratios observed were 67 in whole brain 1 h after injection and 8 in liver and in plasma 45 min after injection. The whole brain [2H4]PE-to-PE ratios were decreased by pargyline pretreatment. Subsequent experiments showed that more alpha, alpha-[2H2]PE than PE was present in whole brain, liver, and plasma of rats injected with an equimolar mixture of alpha, alpha-[2H2]PE and PE. In contrast, beta, beta-[2H2]PE was not enriched in comparison to PE under the same experimental conditions. We concluded that the basis for the enrichment of [2H4]PE and alpha, alpha-[2H2]PE compared to PE was due to protection of the deuterated analogs from the actions of monoamine oxidase and perhaps aldehyde dehydrogenase; this protection led to pronounced deuterium substitution effects in vivo especially in the brain.  相似文献   

Human evolution     
The origin, history, and singularity of our species has fascinated storytellers, philosophers and scientists throughout, and doubtless before, recorded history. Anthropology, the modern-era discipline that deals with these issues, is a notoriously contentious field, perhaps because the topic at hand – the nature of our own species – is one that is difficult or impossible to approach in an unbiased way. Recently, molecular genetics has increasingly contributed to this field. Here, I briefly discuss three areas where I believe molecular studies are likely to be of decisive importance in the future. These concern the questions of where and when our species originated, what the genetic background for characters that differ between us and apes is, and how the phenotypic traits that vary among human groups have evolved.  相似文献   

Human evolution     
The origin, history, and singularity of our species has fascinated storytellers, philosophers and scientists throughout, and doubtless before, recorded history. Anthropology, the modern-era discipline that deals with these issues, is a notoriously contentious field, perhaps because the topic at hand – the nature of our own species – is one that is difficult or impossible to approach in an unbiased way. Recently, molecular genetics has increasingly contributed to this field. Here, I briefly discuss three areas where I believe molecular studies are likely to be of decisive importance in the future. These concern the questions of where and when our species originated, what the genetic background for characters that differ between us and apes is, and how the phenotypic traits that vary among human groups have evolved.  相似文献   

Mutations at the period (per) locus (1:1.3; 3B1-2) in Drosophila melanogaster lengthen (perL), shorten (per5), or abolish (per°) overt circadian rhythmi-city. Deuterium oxide lengthens the free-running circadian period. We tested the effects of deuterium on three mutants of the per gene (per5 perL, and per°) and wild-type Drosophila melanogaster (per+) to assess interactions. With increasing concentrations of deuterium, the free-running circadian period of locomotor activity rhythms increased. The dose-response was linear in all genotypes tested. With increasing dosages ofdeuterium, circadian rhythms became weaker as evidenced by the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Genotype and deuterium changed circadian period length independently and additively, showing no interaction. SNRs for all genotypes converged on a low level as deuterium concentration increased. Deuterium increased life span, except at high concentrations (40 and 50%).  相似文献   

Summary The stochastic model of molecular evolution was used to makea priori predictions for the total number of one-step nucleotide changes required to account for a given number of amino acid substitutions between two homologous proteins. These predictions are now found to be concordant with empirical data summarized by Dayhoff, Eck and Park (1969). Correction factors are derived for adjusting the leg lengths of phylogenetic trees. It is shown that the operations of constructing the phylogenetic tree and applying the correction algorithm are not commutative with respect to obtaining the leg lengths. The effect of this on certain published phylogenies is discussed. It is suggested that, as a first approximation, at any given point in evolutionary time, enthalpic (selective) forces determine the number and position of those codon sites which are free to vary, whereas within these variable sites, entropic (random) processes determine the course of evolution at the molecular level.  相似文献   

Mutations at the period (per) locus (1:1.3; 3B1-2) in Drosophila melanogaster lengthen (perL), shorten (per5), or abolish (per°) overt circadian rhythmi-city. Deuterium oxide lengthens the free-running circadian period. We tested the effects of deuterium on three mutants of the per gene (per5 perL, and per°) and wild-type Drosophila melanogaster (per+) to assess interactions. With increasing concentrations of deuterium, the free-running circadian period of locomotor activity rhythms increased. The dose-response was linear in all genotypes tested. With increasing dosages ofdeuterium, circadian rhythms became weaker as evidenced by the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Genotype and deuterium changed circadian period length independently and additively, showing no interaction. SNRs for all genotypes converged on a low level as deuterium concentration increased. Deuterium increased life span, except at high concentrations (40 and 50%).  相似文献   

The mobile DNAs of the Mutator system of maize (Zea mays) are exceptional both in structure and diversity. So far, six subfamilies of Mu elements have been discovered; all Mu elements share highly conserved terminal inverted repeats (TIRs), but each sub-family is defined by internal sequences that are apparently unrelated to the internal sequences of any other Mu subfamily. The Mu1/Mu2 subfamily of elements was created by the acquisition of a portion of a standard maize gene (termed MRS-A) within two Mu TIRs. Beside the unusually long (185–359 bp) and diverse TIRs found on all of these elements, other direct and inverted repeats are often found either within the central portion of a Mu element or within a TIR.Our computer analyses have shown that sequence duplications (mostly short direct repeats interrupted by a few base pairs) are common in non-autonomous members of the Mutator, Ac/Ds, and Spm(En) systems. These duplications are often tightly associated with the element-internal end of the TIRs. Comparisons of Mu element sequences have indicated that they share more terminal components than previously reported; all subfamilies have at least the most terminal 215 bp, at one end or the other, of the 359-bp Mu5 TIR. These data suggest that many Mu element subfamilies were generated from a parental element that had termini like those of Mu5. With the Mu5 TIRs as a standard, it was possible to determine that elements like Mu4 could have had their unusual TIRs created through a three-step process involving (1) addition of sequences to interrupt one TIR, (2) formation of a stem-loop structure by one strand of the element, and (3) a subsequent DNA repair/gene conversion event that duplicated the insertion(s) within the other TIR. A similar repair/conversion extending from a TIR stem into loop DNA could explain the additional inverted repeat sequences added to the internal ends of the Mu4 and Mu7 TIRs. This same basic mechanism was found to be capable of generating new Mu element subfamilies. After endonucleolytic attack of the loop within the stem-loop structure, repair/conversion of the gap could occur as an intermolecular event to generate novel internal sequences and, therefore, a new Mu element subfamily. Evidence supporting and expanding this model of new Mu element subfamily creation was identified in the sequence of MRS-A.  相似文献   

Biological utilization of cellulose is a complex process involving the coordinated expression of different cellulases, often in a synergistic manner. One possible means of inducing an organism-level change in cellulase activity is to use laboratory adaptive evolution. In this study, evolved strains of the cellulolytic actinobacterium, Thermobifida fusca, were generated for two different scenarios: continuous exposure to cellobiose (strain muC) or alternating exposure to cellobiose and glucose (strain muS). These environmental conditions produced a phenotype specialized for growth on cellobiose (muC) and an adaptable, generalist phenotype (muS). Characterization of cellular phenotypes and whole genome re-sequencing were conducted for both the muC and muS strains. Phenotypically, the muC strain showed decreased cell yield over the course of evolution concurrent with decreased cellulase activity, increased intracellular ATP concentrations, and higher end-product secretions. The muS strain increased its cell yield for growth on glucose and exhibited a more generalist phenotype with higher cellulase activity and growth capabilities on different substrates. Whole genome re-sequencing identified 48 errors in the reference genome and 18 and 14 point mutations in the muC and muS strains, respectively. Among these mutations, the site mutation of Tfu_1867 was found to contribute the specialist phenotype and the site mutation of Tfu_0423 was found to contribute the generalist phenotype. By conducting and characterizing evolution experiments on Thermobifida fusca, we were able to show that evolutionary changes balance ATP energetic considerations with cellulase activity. Increased cellulase activity is achieved in stress environments (switching carbon sources), otherwise cellulase activity is minimized to conserve ATP.  相似文献   

BackgroundMost, if not all, green plant (Virdiplantae) species including angiosperms and ferns are polyploids themselves or have ancient polyploid or whole genome duplication signatures in their genomes. Polyploids are not only restricted to our major crop species such as wheat, maize, potato and the brassicas, but also occur frequently in wild species and natural habitats. Polyploidy has thus been viewed as a major driver in evolution, and its influence on genome and chromosome evolution has been at the centre of many investigations. Mechanistic models of the newly structured genomes are being developed that incorporate aspects of sequence evolution or turnover (low-copy genes and regulatory sequences, as well as repetitive DNAs), modification of gene functions, the re-establishment of control of genes with multiple copies, and often meiotic chromosome pairing, recombination and restoration of fertility.ScopeWorld-wide interest in how green plants have evolved under different conditions – whether in small, isolated populations, or globally – suggests that gaining further insight into the contribution of polyploidy to plant speciation and adaptation to environmental changes is greatly needed. Forward-looking research and modelling, based on cytogenetics, expression studies, and genomics or genome sequencing analyses, discussed in this Special Issue of the Annals of Botany, consider how new polyploids behave and the pathways available for genome evolution. They address fundamental questions about the advantages and disadvantages of polyploidy, the consequences for evolution and speciation, and applied questions regarding the spread of polyploids in the environment and challenges in breeding and exploitation of wild relatives through introgression or resynthesis of polyploids.ConclusionChromosome number, genome size, repetitive DNA sequences, genes and regulatory sequences and their expression evolve following polyploidy – generating diversity and possible novel traits and enabling species diversification. There is the potential for ever more polyploids in natural, managed and disturbed environments under changing climates and new stresses.  相似文献   

A thermostable quorum-quenching lactonase from Geobacillus kaustophilus HTA426 (GI: 56420041) was used as an initial template for in vitro directed evolution experiments. This enzyme belongs to the phosphotriesterase-like lactonase (PLL) group of enzymes within the amidohydrolase superfamily that hydrolyze N-acylhomoserine lactones (AHLs) that are involved in virulence pathways of quorum-sensing pathogenic bacteria. Here we have determined the N-butyryl-l-homoserine lactone-liganded structure of the catalytically inactive D266N mutant of this enzyme to a resolution of 1.6 Å. Using a tunable, bioluminescence-based quorum-quenching molecular circuit, the catalytic efficiency was enhanced, and the AHL substrate range increased through two point mutations on the loops at the C-terminal ends of the third and seventh β-strands. This E101N/R230I mutant had an increased value of kcat/Km of 72-fold toward 3-oxo-N-dodecanoyl-l-homoserine lactone. The evolved mutant also exhibited lactonase activity toward N-butyryl-l-homoserine lactone, an AHL that was previously not hydrolyzed by the wild-type enzyme. Both the purified wild-type and mutant enzymes contain a mixture of zinc and iron and are colored purple and brown, respectively, at high concentrations. The origin of this coloration is suggested to be because of a charge transfer complex involving the β-cation and Tyr-99 within the enzyme active site. Modulation of the charge transfer complex alters the lactonase activity of the mutant enzymes and is reflected in enzyme coloration changes. We attribute the observed enhancement in catalytic reactivity of the evolved enzyme to favorable modulations of the active site architecture toward productive geometries required for chemical catalysis.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Deuterium oxide averts pupal diapause in the flesh fly Sarcophaga crassipalpis Macquart when fed to larvae or when applied topically to photosensitive embryos exposed to short daylength. Deuterium oxide was not effective in promoting diapause when presented to embryos or larvae reared at long daylength. The effect of deuterium oxide appears to be cumulative in the larval state: increasing exposure time progressively reduces diapause response. If flies reared on deuterium oxide are exposed to continuous darkness, the diapause response remains high, thus implying that the physiological capacity for diapause is not disrupted. We suggest that deuterium oxide exerts its effect on the circadian rhythm controlling diapause induction.  相似文献   

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