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The preparation of the thymine peptide nucleicacid (PNA) monomer carrying a 2-nitrophenyl group in position4 is described. This monomer is incorporated into PNAoligomers and reacted with amines to yield PNA oligomerscarrying 5-methylcytosine derivatives. During thedeprotection-modification step two side reactions weredetected: degradation of PNA oligomer from the N-terminal residue and modification of N 4-tert-butylbenzoyl cytosine residue. Protection of the N-terminal position and the use of N 4-acetyl group for the protection of cytosine eliminate these side reactions.  相似文献   

The preparation of peptide nucleic acids (PNA)carrying a c-myc tag-peptide sequence isdescribed. These PNA-peptide chimeras have higheraffinity to complementary DNA than unmodifiedoligonucleotides. Moreover, they can be used asnonradioactive probes with sensitivity similar toother nonradioactive methods.  相似文献   

Summary The preparation of peptide nucleic acids (PNA) carrying a c-myc tag-peptide sequence is described. These PNA-peptide chimeras have higher affinity to complementary DNA than unmodified oligonucleotides. Moreover, they can be used as nonradioactive probes with sensitivity similar to other nonradioactive methods.  相似文献   

Summary A convenient route for the preparation of peptide nucleic acid (PNA) monomers is described. Two different baselabile protecting groups (2-cyanoethyl and 4-nitrophenylethyl) are described for the protection of the carboxylic function of theN-(2-aminoethyl)glycine backbone during the assembly of the monomers. These groups are selectively removed yielding the desired PNA monomers in high yields, the 2-cyanoethyl group being faster and cleaner than the 4-nitrophenylethyl group. The use of PNA monomers for the preparation of DNA-PNA chimeric molecules is also discussed.  相似文献   

Peptide nucleic acids (PNA) were synthesized by a modified Merrifield method using several improvements. Activation by O-(benzotriazol-1-yl)-1,1,3,3-tetramethyluronium hexafluorophosphate in combination with in situ neutralization of the resin allowed efficient coupling of all four Boc-protected PNA monomers within 30 min. HPLC analysis of the crude product obtained from a fully automated synthesis of the model PNA oligomer H-CGGACTAAGTCCATTGC-Gly-NH2, indicated an average yield per synthetic cycle of 97.1%. N1-benzyloxycarbonyl-N63-methylimidazole triflate substantially outperformed acetic anhydride as a capping reagent. The resin-bound PNAs were successfully cleaved by the ‘low–high’ trifluoromethanesulphonic acid procedure.  相似文献   

A convenient route for the preparation of peptide nucleic acid (PNA) monomers is described. Two different base-labile protecting groups (2-cyanoethyl and 4-nitrophenylethyl) are described for the protection of the carboxylic function of the N-(2-aminoethyl)glycine backbone during the assembly of the monomers. These groups are selectively removed yielding the desired PNA monomers in high yields, the 2-cyanoethyl group being faster and cleaner than the 4-nitrophenylethyl group. The use of PNA monomers for the preparation of DNA–PNA chimeric molecules is also discussed.  相似文献   

A new simple solid-phase method has been developed for synthesizing Boc-protected peptide nucleic acid (PNA) monomers. An immobilized backbone 3 was built on Expansin® resin using an ester disulphide handle: 2-hydroxypropyl-dithio-2′-isobutyric acid (HPDI). The base acetic acids of thymine 5 , Z-cytosine 9 , Z-adenine 12 , and 6-O-benzyl guanine 17 were prepared and coupled to the immoblized backbone. The HPDI handle was cleaved under mild conditions by cyanolysis or assisted hydrolysis with tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine (TCEP) to give undamaged PNA monomers. These monomers were coupled to form oligomers by solid-phase method with another disulphide linkage: aminoethyldithio-2-isobutyric acid (AEDI) grafted on an amino-functionalized TentaGel® resin, using in situ neutralization and TBTU as activating reagent. Final cleavage of the AEDI linker gave PNA bearing a cysteamide residue that could be useful for optimizing PNA properties. Oligomers of up to 16 residues long were assembled. © 1998 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Peptide nucleic acid (PNA) is highly stable and binds to complementary RNA and DNA with high affinity, but it resists cellular uptake, thereby limiting its bioavailability. We investigated whether protectiveantigen (PA, a non-toxic component of anthrax toxin) could transport antisense PNA oligomers into reporter cells that contain luciferase transgenes with mutant β-globin IVS2 intronic inserts, which permit aberrant pre-mRNA splicing and impair luciferase expression. PNA oligomers antisense to mutant splice sites in these IVS2 inserts induced luciferase expression when effectively delivered into the cells. PNA 18-mers with C-terminal poly-lysine tails [PNA(Lys)8] demonstrated modest sequence-specific antisense activity by themselves at micromolar concentrations in luc-IVS2 reporter cell cultures. However, this activity was greatly amplified by PA. Antisense PNA(Lys)8 with but not without PA also corrected the IVS2-654 β-globin splice defect in cultured erythroid precursor cells from a patient with β-thalassemia [genotype, IVS2-654(β0E)], providing further evidence that anthrax PA can effectively transport antisense PNA oligomers into cells.  相似文献   

We present improvements on a previously reported method (Vernille JP, Schneider JW. 2004. Biotechnol Prog 20(6):1776-1782) to purify DNA oligomers by attachment of peptide nucleic acid amphiphiles (PNAA) to particular sequences on the oligomers, followed by their separation from unbound oligomers using hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC). Use of alkyl-modified HIC media (butyl and octyl sepharose) over phenyl-modified media (phenyl sepharose) reduced the elution time of unbound DNA while not affecting the elution time of the PNAA/DNA complex. Modifying the alkane tail length for PNAA from C(12) to C(18) increased slightly the retention of PNAA/DNA duplexes. By combining these two refinements, we show that sequence-specific purifications of DNA oligomers 60 bases in length or more can be achieved with high resolution, even when the PNAA alkane is attached to the center of the target strand. The insensitivity of the PNAA/DNA duplex binding to choice of HIC media appears to be due to a surface-induced aggregation phenomenon that does not occur in the case of untagged DNA. We also report on the use of batch HIC as an adequate predictor of elution profiles in linear gradient HIC, and its potential to considerably reduce purification times by applying step gradients.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to study the inhibitory effects of antisense peptide nucleic acids (PNAs) targeted to domain II of 23S rRNA on bacterial translation and growth. In this paper, we report that PNA(G1138) or peptide-PNA(G1138) targeted to domain II of 23S rRNA can inhibit both translation in vitro (in a cell-free translation system) and bacterial growth in vivo. The inhibitory concentration (IC50) and the minimum inhibiting concentration (MIC) are 0.15 and 10 microM, respectively. The inhibition effect of PNA(G1138) in vitro is somewhat lower than that of tetracycline (IC50 = 0.12 microM), but the MIC of peptide-PNA(G1138) against Escherichia coli is significantly higher than that of tetracycline (MIC = 4 microM). Further studies based on similar colony-forming unit (CFU) assays showed that peptide-PNA(G1138) at 10 microM is bactericidal, but the bactericidal effect is less effective than that of tetracycline. Nevertheless, the results demonstrated that the peptide-PNA(G1138) treatment is bactericidal in a dose- and sequence-dependent manner and that the G1138 site of 23S rRNA is a possible sequence target for designing novel PNA-based antibiotics.  相似文献   

Peptide nucleic acids (PNA) are one of many synthetic mimics of DNA and RNA that have found applications as biological probes, as nano-scaffold components, and in diagnostics. In an effort to use PNA as constructs for cellular delivery we investigated the possibility of installing a biologically susceptible disulfide bond in the backbone of a PNA oligomer. Here we report the synthesis of a new abasic Fmoc monomer containing a disulfide bond that can be incorporated into a PNA oligomer (DS-PNA) using standard solid phase peptide synthesis. The disulfide bond survives cleavage from the resin and DS-PNA forms duplexes with complementary PNA oligomers. Initial studies aimed at determining if the disulfide bond is cleavable to reducing agents while in a duplex are explored using UV thermal analysis and HPLC.  相似文献   

Peptide nucleic acids (PNAs) containing an insert of three chiral monomers based on D-lysine ('chiral box') were synthesized and used as probes in Biospecific Interaction Analysis (BIA) for the recognition of DNA containing the W1282X point mutation of the cystic fibrosis gene. Hybridization experiments carried out in solution showed enhanced mismatch recognition when compared with the analogous achiral PNAs and oligonucleotides. The signal intensity was lower, but the selectivity of the Biacore response was found to be much higher than that observed with achiral PNAs. The newly designed chiral PNA probes were also found to hybridize with a 1:1 mixture of normal (N-W1282X) and mutated (M-W1282X) DNA oligomers immobilized on the biosensor, thus allowing discrimination not only between a normal and a mutated sequence (healthy/homozygous), but also between homo- and heterozygous individuals. These results suggest that 'chiral box' PNAs are potential powerful tools for the analysis of single point mutations of biological/biomedical relevance.  相似文献   

The Sec61alpha protein is defined as a highly conserved essential integral component of the endoplasmic reticulum in eukaryotic cells. We report a detailed immunolocalization of the Entamoeba histolytica homologue of the Sec61alpha subunit (EhSec61alpha), which shows an irregular pattern throughout the cell and is also found on the cell surface, its effective down-regulation by means of antisense peptide nucleic acids and its effects on cell proliferation, subcellular distribution of two virulence factors, and the ability of the trophozoites to cause liver abscess in hamsters. Although Sec61alpha levels are specifically decreased in antisense PNA-treated trophozoites, which proliferate more slowly than the controls, mobilization of the cysteine protease 5 and amoebapore to the cell surface is not significantly impeded and the capacity to induce liver abscess in hamsters is largely unaffected. The implications of these findings are discussed in the context of the peculiar cell biology of E. histolytica.  相似文献   

Fluorescently labeled peptide nucleic acids (PNAs) are important tools in fundamental research and biomedical applications. However, synthesis of labeled PNAs, especially using modern and expensive dyes, is less explored than similar preparations of oligonucleotide dye conjugates. Herein, we present a simple procedure for labeling of the PNA N-terminus with HiLyte Fluor 488 as the last step of solid phase PNA synthesis. A minimum excess of 1.25 equiv of activated carboxylic acid achieved labeling yields close to 90% providing a good compromise between the price of dye and the yield of product and significant improvement over previous literature procedures. The HiLyte Fluor 488-labeled PNAs retained the RNA binding ability and in live cell fluorescence microscopy experiments were brighter and significantly more photostable than PNA labeled with carboxyfluorescein. In contrast to fluorescein-labeled PNA, the fluorescence of PNAs labeled with HiLyte Fluor 488 was independent of pH in the biologically relevant range of 5–8. The potential of HiLyte Fluor 488-labeling for studies of PNA cellular uptake and distribution was demonstrated in several cell lines.  相似文献   

A peptide nucleic acid (PNA) oligomer and a series of PNA conjugates featuring covalently attached pendant 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane (cyclen) or bis((pyridin-2-yl)methyl)amine (DPA) moieties have been synthesized that are complementary to regions of the HIV-1 TAR messenger RNA stem-loop. Thermal denaturation studies, in conjunction win with native gel shift assays, suggest that the PNAs “invade” TAR to produce a mixture of two 1:1 PNA–TAR adducts, tentatively assigned as an “open-duplex” structure, in which the TAR stem-loop dissociates and the PNA hybridizes with its RNA complement via Watson–Crick base-pairing, and a triplex-type structure, in which the initially displaced RNA segment is bound to the PNA:RNA duplex through Hoogsteen base-pairing. Thermal denaturation experiments with the TAR sequence and single-stranded RNA and DNA oligonucleotides, both in the presence and in the absence of Zn2+ ions, show that the introduction of cyclen or DPA ligand arms into the PNA oligomer leads to a small but reproducible increase in the T m values. This is attributed to hydrogen-bonding and/or electrostatic interactions between protonated forms of cyclen/DPA and the cognate RNA or DNA oligonucleotide targets. Contrary to expectations, the addition of Zn2+ ions did not further enhance duplex formation through binding of Zn(II)–cyclen or Zn(II)–DPA moieties to the complementary RNA or DNA. Native gel shift assays further confirmed the stability increase of the metal-free cyclen- and DPA-modified PNA hybrids as compared with a control PNA sequence. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Nucleotides with conformationally restricted carbohydrate rings such as locked nucleic acid (LNA), alpha-L-LNA or 2',5'-linked 3'-O,4'-C-methyleribonucleotides exhibit significant potential as building blocks for antigene and antisense strategies. 2',5'-Linked alpha-L-ribo configured monomer X (termed alpha-L-ONA) was designed as a potential structural mimic of alpha-L-LNA. The corresponding phosphoramidite building block of monomer X was obtained in five steps (10% overall yield) from the easily obtainable thymine derivative 1. Incorporation of monomer X into oligodeoxyribonucleotides (ONs) results in dramatically decreased thermal stabilities with DNA/RNA complements (DeltaTm/mod=-11.5 to -17.0 degrees C) compared to unmodified reference ONs. Less pronounced decreases (DeltaTm/mod=-4.5 to -8.5 degrees C) are observed when monomer X is incorporated into triplex forming ONs and targeted against double-stranded DNA (parallel orientation, pyrimidine motif). This biophysical data, together with modelling studies, suggest that 2',5'-linked alpha-L-ONA is a poor structural mimic of alpha-L-LNA.  相似文献   

A series of six novel opioid peptide analogs containing one to three N‐methylamino acid residues, and six cyclic counterparts of these peptides were prepared by the solid‐phase method. Introduction of two consecutive N‐methylated amino acids, as well as cyclization of such conformationally constrained sequences, turned out to be challenging. The use of a recently reported triazine‐based coupling reagent, 4‐(4,6‐dimethoxy‐1,3,5‐triazin‐2‐yl)‐4‐methylmorpholinium toluene‐4‐sulfonate, enabled the synthesis and cyclization of the designed analogs in acceptable yields and with a lesser amount of by‐products than observed with the standard coupling reagents such as TBTU or HATU.Copyright © 2015 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This report presents an entirely chemical, general strategy for the synthesis of relaxin‐2 and insulin‐like peptide 5. Historically, these two peptides have represented two of the more synthetically challenging members of the insulin superfamily. The key synthetic steps involve two sequential oxime ligations to covalently link the individual A‐chain and B‐chain, followed by disulfide bond formation under aqueous, redox conditions. This is followed by two chemical reactions that employ diketopiperazine cyclization‐mediated cleavage and ester hydrolysis to liberate the connecting peptide and the heterodimeric product. This approach avoids the conventional iodine‐mediated disulfide bond formation and enzyme‐assisted proteolysis to generate biologically active two‐chain peptides. This novel synthetic strategy is ideally suited for peptides such as relaxin and insulin‐like peptide 5 as they possess methionine and tryptophan that are labile under strong oxidative conditions. Additionally, these peptides possess multiple arginine and lysine residues that preclude the use of trypsin‐like enzymes to obtain biologically active hormones. This synthetic methodology is conceivably applicable to other two‐chain peptides that contain multiple disulfide bonds. Copyright © 2017 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The HERV‐W family of human endogenous retroviruses represents a group of numerous sequences that show close similarity in genetic composition. It has been documented that some members of HERV‐W–derived expression products are supposed to play significant role in humans' pathology, such as multiple sclerosis or schizophrenia. Other members of the family are necessary to orchestrate physiological processes (eg, ERVWE1 coding syncytin‐1 that is engaged in syncytiotrophoblast formation). Therefore, an assay that would allow the recognition of particular form of HERV‐W members is highly desirable. A peptide nucleic acid (PNA)–mediated technique for the discrimination between multiple sclerosis‐associated retrovirus and ERVWE1 sequence has been developed. The assay uses a PNA probe that, being fully complementary to the ERVWE1 but not to multiple sclerosis‐associated retrovirus (MSRV) template, shows high selective potential. Single‐stranded DNA binding protein facilitates the PNA‐mediated, sequence‐specific formation of strand invasion complex and, consequently, local DNA unwinding. The target DNA may be then excluded from further analysis in any downstream process such as single‐stranded DNA‐specific exonuclease action. Finally, the reaction conditions have been optimized, and several PNA probes that are targeted toward distinct loci along whole HERV‐W env sequences have been evaluated. We believe that PNA/single‐stranded DNA binding protein–based application has the potential to selectively discriminate particular HERV‐W molecules as they are at least suspected to play pathogenic role in a broad range of medical conditions, from psycho‐neurologic disorders (multiple sclerosis and schizophrenia) and cancers (breast cancer) to that of an auto‐immunologic background (psoriasis and lupus erythematosus).  相似文献   

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