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Taxonomic account of Solandra , a neotropical genus ranging from Mexico and West Indies to South America, with phytochemical, ethnobotanical and ornamental interest. Its systematic position and affinities are discussed in connection to Trianaea , the other genus of the tribe Solandreae. Ten species are recognized: S. boliviano, S. brachycalyx, S. brevicalyx, S. grandiflora, S. longiflora, S. maxima, S. nizandensis, S. paraensis, S. guerrerensis and 5. guttata.  相似文献   

A taxonomic revision of Psathyrostachys (Poaceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Several taxa have previously been recognized within Secale , but most of them are difficult or even impossible to distinguish morphologically. We recognize only three species: S. sylvestre, S. strictum , and S. cereale. Secale strictum has priority over S. montanum and has two subspecies, ssp. strictum and ssp. africanum , and two varieties within ssp. strictum , van strictum and var. ciliatoglume comb. nov. Secale cereale is also treated as having two subspecies. The cultivated taxa, marked by their tough rachises, are placed in ssp. cereale and the wild or weedy taxa that have more or less fragile rachis, in ssp. ancestrale. A complete synonymy is given for S. cereale , but typification has been omitted because, in many instances, type material does not exist or has been impossible to trace.  相似文献   

以礼草属系统发育的分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
基于分支系统学的原理和方法。对禾本科以礼草属进行了系统发育分析,以礼草属是个单系在群,它的32个外部性状选作极性分析。鹅观草属中的肃草作为外类群,采用PAUP程序对矩阵进行运算,获得了1个最简约的谱系分支图。在分支图上,以民礼草属26个种可以归为3个组,但不适合于划分系,3个组中各组包含的种数分别与传统分类的3个组基本吻合,从而支持了传统分类的结果。同时,分支图还展示了各个类群间的亲缘演化关系,其  相似文献   

Sullivantia (Saxifragaceae) is restricted to the United States; its species occur in very specialized habitats such as wet cliffs and moist canyon walls in scattered localities from Washington and Oregon, eastward to Wyoming, Montana, Colorado, Missouri, Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio, and Virginia. Relationships in the genus were reevaluated using data from morphology (including the use of greenhouse-grown plants), crossability, and flavonoid chemistry. The conclusion of this study is thatSullivantia comprises four morphologically similar allopatric taxa:S. oregana, S. hapemanii var.hapemanii, S. hapemannii var.purpusii, andS. sullivantii.  相似文献   

The genus Cycniopsis is reexamined. Generic and specific delimitation is discussed with respect to morphological characters, including seed structures studied by scanning electron microscopy. A hierarchical key to Cycniopsis and related genera is presented.
Two species are recognised, C. humifusa and C. humilis comb. nov. Several names are reduced to synonymy, and three lectotypes and one neotype are selected. Both species are illustrated, and a distribution map is provided.  相似文献   

The neotropical genus Rhynchanthera (Melastomataceae, Microlicieae) is revised, and 15 of the 84 proposed taxa are recognized; two species are excluded from the genus. The group consists of subshrubs and shrubs with usually purple flowers in thyrsoid inflorescences of uniparous or biparous cymes. It is characterized by androecia with five antepetalous staminodia in addition to the five fertile stamens, and - in most species - dimorphism of the stamens, with one strikingly longer than the other four. The plants always are covered by at least some simple glandular hairs. The majority of the species of Rhynchanthera occur in south-central Brazil, however, the range of the genus extends from southern Mexico to Bolivia and Paraguay. All species grow in wet places in open scrub or savanna vegetation. Micromorphological features of the seeds have been investigated and support the traditional placement of Rhynchanthera in the Microlicieae where it is closest to Microlicia, Lavoisiera , and Trembleya. Two taxa are illustrated with drawings, and the distribution of all is mapped.  相似文献   

Cerdia is a poorly understood genus of minute cushiony plants endemic to Mexico that is traditionally placed in subfamily Paronychioideae, tribe Polycarpeae (Caryophyllaceae). Morphological observations and phylogenetic analysis of ITS DNA sequences were carried out to determine the number of species, heretofore controversial, that constitute the genus as well as its position within Caryophyllaceae. Samples of Cerdia were collected through its entire range of distribution and together with previous specimens were used in morphological analyses. Nineteen terminal taxa were considered in a phylogenetic analysis with representatives of the different lineages in Caryophyllaceae. Results indicated that Cerdia is a monotypic genus, including only one variable species, C .  virescens , but its phylogenetic affinities remain doubtful.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 152 , 1–13.  相似文献   

The neotropical palm genus Hyospathe includes two species, H. elegans and H. macrorhachis. Based on morphological, anatomical and palynological evidence, most of the names previously published in the genus have been synonymized into H. elegans. A detailed treatment of the variation and distribution of this broadly defined and widespread species is given.  相似文献   

Schimperella is a small African genus related toRhynchostegium. It is characterized by noncomplanate plants with erect capsules and reduced endostomes. Two species are recognized:S. katalensis andS. rhynchostegioides. A proposed synonym ofS. rhynchostegioides, Rhynchostegium nervosum, is best placed inIsothecium, asIsothecium nervosum.  相似文献   

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