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Molecular Genetics and Genomics - A series of λ derivatives carrying tof mutations were tested for their ability to give rise to plasmid λ dv. Phages carrying tof mutations that distorted...  相似文献   

A technique has been described for selection of bacteria carrying plasmid lambdadv. With this technique, the effects of mutations in the promoter-operators were compared on the production and perpetuation of the plasmid. It was found that "left" promoter-operator that controls leftward gene expressions can be deleted from the plasmid genome. Some mutations of "right" promoter-operator (pRoR) that controls expression of genes tof, O, and P affect the stability of the plasmid. However, the plasmid genome accomodates a variety of pRoR mutations within a reasonable but different degree of constitutivity. Some new promoter mutations that allow bypass of the pRoR cannot be carried in the plasmid genome. From these findings it was proposed that the plasmid replicon has one indispensable promoter-operator that controls expression of all the genes related to its own replication, although a variety of constitutive mutations can be accommodated in the pRorR.  相似文献   

Chi-Stimulated Recombination between Phage λ and the Plasmid λdv   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Chi promotes Rec-mediated recombination between phage lambda DNA and the homologous plasmid lambda dv. In the absence of Chi, some of the interactions splice lambda dv into lambda, whereas others patch information from lambda dv into lambda. When Chi is in the phage DNA, splices and patches are increased in frequency by the same factor. This result strengthens the analogy between Chi and recombination-promoting elements in fungi. It also rules out one model for the previously reported orientation dependence of Chi phenotype.  相似文献   

Isolation of a λdv Plasmid Carrying the Bacterial gal Operon   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A lambdadvgal plasmid carrying genes for controlled plasmid replication from phage lambda and the bacterial gal operon was isolated as a deletion mutant of phage lambdagalq4, which carries the gal operon between lambda genes P and Q. The plasmid DNA was found in cell extracts as covalently closed circular molecules. The plasmid was characterized by using genetic crosses, digestion with the specific endonuclease EcoRI, sucrose gradient centrifugation, and electron microscopy. In one clone analyzed, the plasmid was a complete dimer (O(lambda)P(lambda)galO(lambda)P(lambda)gal); in a subclone derived from it, the plasmid was a partial dimer with only one copy of gal (O(lambda)P(lambda)O(lambda)P(lambda)gal). The partial dimer may be a recombination product of the complete dimer, since test crosses show that the gal and lambda sequences in the plasmid can be separated by recombination. Analyses of the EcoRI digests of plasmid DNAs indicated one cleavage site per lambda gene sequence and none in the gal operon. A lambdadvgal monomer was approximately 6.7 x 10(6) daltons and the lambda gene and gal components were 3.9 x 10(6) and 2.8 x 10(6) daltons, respectively. The lambdadvgal plasmid can be introduced into a new bacterial host by transfection at an efficiency of 10(-6) per DNA molecule.  相似文献   

The double-strand-break repair (DSBR) model was formulated to account for various aspects of yeast mitotic and meiotic recombination. In this study three features of the DSBR model are tested for Red-mediated recombination between phage lambda and lambda dv, a plasmid that is perfectly homologous to about 10% of lambda. The results support the applicability of the DSBR model to lambda's Red system: (1) Creating a double-strand-break (DSB) within the region of homology shared by phage and plasmid increases their genetic interaction by about 20-fold. A DSB outside the region of shared homology has no such effect. (2) Both patches, i.e., simple marker rescue, and splices, i.e., co-integration of the phage and plasmid, are stimulated by a DSB in the region of shared homology. (3) Co-integrants harbor a duplication of the region of shared homology. Among co-integrants that were formed by the creation of a DSB, there is a preferential loss of whichever allele was in cis to a utilized cut site. The DSBR model as originally formulated involves the isomerization and cleavage of Holliday junctions to resolve the canonical intermediate. We propose as an alternative mechanism that a topoisomerase can resolve the canonical DSBR intermediate.  相似文献   

Fibrillins constitute a family of large extracellular glycoproteins which multimerize to form microfibrils, an important structure in the extracellular matrix. It has long been assumed that fibrillin-2 was barely present during postnatal life, but it is now clear that fibrillin-2 molecules form the structural core of microfibrils, and are masked by an outer layer of fibrillin-1. Mutations in fibrillins give rise to heritable connective tissue disorders, including Marfan syndrome and congenital contractural arachnodactyly. Fibrillins also play an important role in matrix sequestering of members of the transforming growth factor-β family, and in context of Marfan syndrome excessive TGF-β activation has been observed. TGF-β activation is highly dependent on integrin binding, including integrin αvβ8 and αvβ6, which are upregulated upon TGF-β exposure. TGF-β is also involved in tumor progression, metastasis, epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and tumor angiogenesis. In several highly vascularized types of cancer such as hepatocellular carcinoma, a positive correlation was found between increased TGF-β plasma concentrations and tumor vascularity. Interestingly, fibrillin-1 has a higher affinity to TGF-β and, therefore, has a higher capacity to sequester TGF-β compared to fibrillin-2. The previously reported downregulation of fibrillin-1 in tumor endothelium affects the fibrillin-1/fibrillin-2 ratio in the microfibrils, exposing the normally hidden fibrillin-2. We postulate that fibrillin-2 exposure in the tumor endothelium directly stimulates tumor angiogenesis by influencing TGF-β sequestering by microfibrils, leading to a locally higher active TGF-β concentration in the tumor microenvironment. From a therapeutic perspective, fibrillin-2 might serve as a potential target for future anti-cancer therapies.  相似文献   

Xie F  Ma Q  Jiang S  Ren Z  Wang J  Huang S  Zeng F  Zeng Y 《DNA and cell biology》2012,31(7):1335-1340
ΦC31 integrase, a site-specific recombinase, can catalyze integration of circular DNA bearing attB site into pseudo attP sites in mammalian genomes. However, the integration efficiency mediated by integrase is relatively low. Our study centered on the investigation of the impact of the position, orientation, and number of attBs in the donor plasmid on the efficiency of ΦC31 integrase system. Donor plasmids bearing various types of attBs (including forward and reverse directions, tandem, and intersperse) and reporter enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) were constructed. The plasmids plus helper plasmid encoding integrase were co-transfected into HeLa cells. After G418 selection, the resistant cell colonies were counted for calculating chromosomal integration frequency. EGFP expression was detected by fluorescence-activated cell sorter and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay analysis. The results showed that efficiency of integration mediated by integrase accounted for 70% ± 7.1% of total integration events in the transfected HeLa cells. Compared with a forward orientation of attB in donor plasmid, a reverse direction of attB or interspersed attBs showed 1.5- or 2.8-fold increase in integration efficiency, respectively, while tandem attBs in donor plasmids caused a decreased efficiency of integration. We conclude that the adjustment of attB sites in donor plasmids may be of value for gene therapy and routine genetic engineering by using ΦC31 integrase system.  相似文献   

Tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) are key components of the tumor microenvironment, and their different polarization states play multiple roles in tumors by secreting cytokines, chemokines, and so on, which are closely related to tumor development. In addition, the enrichment of TAMs is often associated with poor prognosis of tumors. Thus, targeting TAMs is a potential tumor treatment strategy, in which therapeutic approaches such as reducing TAMs numbers, remodeling TAMs phenotypes, and altering their functions are being extensively investigated. Meanwhile, the ubiquitin–proteasome system (UPS), an important mechanism of protein hydrolysis in eukaryotic cells, participates in cellular processes by regulating the activity and stability of key proteins. Interestingly, UPS plays a dual role in the process of tumor development, and its role in TAMs deserve to be investigated in depth. This review builds on this foundation to further explore the multiple roles of UPS on TAMs and identifies a promising approach to treat tumors by targeting TAMs with UPS.  相似文献   



The digestion of dietary starch in humans is initiated by salivary α-amylase, an endo-enzyme that hydrolyzes starch into maltose, maltotriose and larger oligosaccharides. Salivary amylase accounts for 40 to 50% of protein in human saliva and rapidly alters the physical properties of starch. Importantly, the quantity and enzymatic activity of salivary amylase show significant individual variation. However, linking variation in salivary amylase levels with the oral perception of starch has proven difficult. Furthermore, the relationship between copy number variations (CNVs) in the AMY1 gene, which influence salivary amylase levels, and starch viscosity perception has not been explored.

Principal Findings

Here we demonstrate that saliva containing high levels of amylase has sufficient activity to rapidly hydrolyze a viscous starch solution in vitro. Furthermore, we show with time-intensity ratings, which track the digestion of starch during oral manipulation, that individuals with high amylase levels report faster and more significant decreases in perceived starch viscosity than people with low salivary amylase levels. Finally, we demonstrate that AMY1 CNVs predict an individual''s amount and activity of salivary amylase and thereby, ultimately determine their perceived rate of oral starch viscosity thinning.


By linking genetic variation and its consequent salivary enzymatic differences to the perceptual sequellae of these variations, we show that AMY1 copy number relates to salivary amylase concentration and enzymatic activity level, which, in turn, account for individual variation in the oral perception of starch viscosity. The profound individual differences in salivary amylase levels and salivary activity may contribute significantly to individual differences in dietary starch intake and, consequently, to overall nutritional status.  相似文献   

Qin Y  Cheng C  Wang H  Shao X  Gao Y  Shen A 《Neurochemical research》2008,33(6):1077-1084
In the peripheral nervous system (PNS), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) derived from activated Schwann cells (SCs) play a critical role as a pleiotropic mediator. In this study, we examined the function of TNF-α as an inflammatory mediator in SCs activation. TNF-α exhibits its biological effect through two distinct surface receptors, TNF receptor 1 (TNFR1) and TNFR2. We show here that cultured SCs express both TNFR1 and TNFR2, and that activation of these receptors by TNF-α promotes expression of TNF-α. Meanwhile, TNF-α also increased the production of other inflammatory mediators. Furthermore, TNF-α is involved in the induction of apoptosis through binding to TNFR in SCs. The activation of SCs by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is partially mediated by SCs-derived TNF-α. These findings suggest the existence of a positive feedback loop in the activation of SC via TNF-α. This loop may be involved in the prolonged activation of SCs. Acute or chronic stimulation of TNF-α by SC at sites of PNS inflammation may be critical in determining whether TNF-α has activational, inflammatory, or cytotoxic effects on these cells. Yongwei Qin and Chun Cheng contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

The 2‐5A system (2-5OAS/RNaseL) is composed of the 2′,5′oligoadenylate synthetase 1 (2-5OAS1) and 2-5A-dependent RNase (RNaseL), enzymes that play a key role in antiviral defence mechanisms. Activation of the 2-5A system by double stranded RNA (dsRNA) induces degradation of ribosomal RNAs and apoptosis in mammalian cells. To obtain further information into the molecular mechanisms by which RNaseL induces apoptosis, we expressed human RNaseL and 2-5OAS in HeLa cells using recombinant vaccinia viruses as vectors and we analysed in detail different biochemical markers of apoptosis. In this expression virus-cell system the activation of RNaseL, as index of rRNA degradation, is an upstream event of apoptosis induction. RNaseL induces apoptosis in a caspase-dependent manner (caspases 8, 9 and 2). At the beginning of apoptosis RNaseL and 2-5OAS are localized in the mitochondria and cytosol fractions, while at the onset of apoptosis both enzymes are largely in mitochondria. The 2-5A system induces the release of Cytochrome c from mitochondria to cytosol in a caspase dependent manner. The onset of apoptosis elicits the disruption of mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΦm), as well as the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Moreover, the activation of RNaseL induces morphological alterations in the mitochondria. Apoptosis induced by the 2-5A system involves mitochondrial proteins, such as the human anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2, which blocks both the apoptosis and the change of ΔΦm induced by the activation of RNaseL. These findings provide new insights into the molecular mechanisms of apoptosis induction by the 2-5A system, demonstrating the importance of mitochondria in 2-5OAS/RNaseL-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   



Thymic epithelial tumours (thymoma and carcinoma) are exceptionally rare in children. We describe a national multicentre series with a view to illustrating their clinical behaviour and the results of treatment.


From January 2000 all patients under 18 years of age diagnosed with "rare paediatric tumours" were centrally registered by the Italian centres participating in the TREP project (Tumori Rari in EPediatrica [Rare Tumours in Paediatric Age]). The clinical data of children with a thymic epithelial tumour registered as at December 2009 were analyzed for the purposes of the present study.


Our series comprised 4 patients with thymoma and 5 with carcinoma (4 males, 5 females; median age 12.4 years). The tumour masses were mainly large, exceeding 5 cm in largest diameter. Based on the Masaoka staging system, 3 patients were stage I, 1 was stage III, 1 was stage IVa and 4 were stage IVb. All 3 patients with stage I thymoma underwent complete tumour resection at diagnosis and were alive 22, 35 and 93 months after surgery. One patient with a thymoma metastasizing to the kidneys died rapidly due to respiratory failure. Thymic carcinomas were much more aggressive, infiltrating nearby organs (in 4 cases) and regional nodes (in 5), and spreading to the bone (in 3) and liver (in 1). All patients received multidrug chemotherapy (platinum derivatives + etoposide or other drugs) with evidence of tumour reduction in 3 cases. Two patients underwent partial tumour resection (after chemo-radiotherapy in one case) and 4 patients were given radiotherapy (45-54 Gy). All patients died of their disease.


Children with thymomas completely resected at diagnosis have an excellent prognosis while thymic carcinomas behave aggressively and carry a poor prognosis despite multimodal treatment.  相似文献   

We present the complete genome sequence of the tetracycline resistance plasmid R621a isolated from Salmonella typhimurium, which belongs to the incompatibility group Iγ. In the 93,185 bp circular double-stranded R621a genome, 96 complete ORFs are predicted. In addition, one and six different kinds of proteins are produced by translational reinitiation and shufflon multiple inversions, respectively. The genome consists of four regions: replication, leading, transfer, and miscellaneous regions. The R621a genome is similar to those of IncI1 plasmids such as R64 and ColIb-P9 and particularly to those of pEK204 and pEC_Bactec. Three major differences including inc, parAB, and excA regions were noted between R621a and prototype IncI1 plasmids. Seven nucleotide replacements and one nucleotide deletion in the putative Inc RNA sequence are found between R621a and IncI1 plasmids irrespective of close similarity in the other parts of the rep system. The sequences of R621a parAB and excA genes are significantly different from those of R64 and ColIb-P9, while those of R621a parAB and excA genes exhibit close similarity to those of pEK204 and pEC_Bactec, respectively. The R621a genome is suggested to be formed by acquiring parAB and excA genes from pEK204 and pEC_Bactec genomes, respectively, and then novel inc function by the mutations. The insertions in the R621a, pEK204, and pEC_Bactec genomes are flanked by direct repeats, suggesting that insertions accompanied by long target duplications have also played an important role in the evolution of IncI plasmids.  相似文献   

Information on the dynamics of the effective population size over time can be obtained from the analysis of phylogenies, through the application of time-varying coalescent models. This approach has been used to study the dynamics of many different viruses, and has demonstrated a wide variety of patterns, which have been interpreted in the context of changes over time in the ‘effective number of infections’, a quantity proportional to the number of infected individuals. However, for infectious diseases, the rate of coalescence is driven primarily by new transmissions i.e. the incidence, and only indirectly by the number of infected individuals through sampling effects. Using commonly used epidemiological models, we show that the coalescence rate may indeed reflect the number of infected individuals during the initial phase of exponential growth when time is scaled by infectivity, but in general, a single change in time scale cannot be used to estimate the number of infected individuals. This has important implications when integrating phylogenetic data in the context of other epidemiological data.  相似文献   

Transposon insertions in the Rz gene of bacteriophage λ block lysis if the medium contains divalent cations at concentrations greater than 5?mM, but otherwise cause no change in phenotype. The Rz protein is thought to have an endopeptidase activity, previously reported in λ lysates, which might be involved in cleavage of oligopeptide crosslinks between glycosidic strands in the peptidoglycan and the Lpp lipoproteins of the outer bacterial membrane. Recently, a small lipoprotein has been reported as the product of a short reading frame, designated Rz1, in the +1 register within Rz. This protein has been detected in membranes of induced λ lysogens. To determine whether Rz1 has a function in the λ vegetative cycle, amber nonsense alleles of Rz and Rz1 have been constructed by site-directed mutagenesis and used for complementation and suppression analysis. Both Rzam and Rz1am alleles have phenotypes identical to those of the original Rz insertion alleles, and complement and are fully suppressed in a supE host, indicating that the two genes are independent, trans-acting genes encoding proteins required for lysis in the presence of cations. Moreover, supF suppresses Rzam but not the Rz1am mutation, and the defective Rz1am product in the supF host shows a partially dominant character and significantly retards lysis even in the absence of additional cations in the medium. Rz and Rz1 represent a unique example of two genes located in different reading frames in the same nucleotide sequence, which encode different proteins that are both required in the same physiological pathway.  相似文献   

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