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台湾中部暗绿绣眼鸟的繁殖生物学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
颜重威  孙清松 《动物学报》2003,49(2):185-190
本研究将暗绿绣眼鸟 (Zosteropsjaponicasimplex)捕捉、套彩色环后释放 ,分别于 1999年和 2 0 0 1年 3~ 8月追踪监测 7对和 13对暗绿绣眼鸟的繁殖行为。总结此二年对 2 0对暗绿绣眼鸟的监测 ,其繁殖期始于 3月中旬 ,终止于 8月下旬。 1对最多可年产 5窝 ,但以 3~ 4窝为常见。初次筑巢所需时间平均为 10 4d ,筑第 2、3巢的时间依次减少 ;窝与窝之间的繁殖间隔视情况而定 ,如孵化或喂养失败 ,通常都在 1~ 2d内再筑巢 ,如繁殖育雏成功 ,平均相隔 7d再筑巢。 2年 6 3窝的窝卵数平均为 2 6 8± 0 71(n =6 3)枚 ;孵化期平均为 11±0 6 4 (n =4 7)d ;6 3窝孵化成功 4 7窝 ,孵化成功率为 74 6 % ;雏鸟离巢日龄平均为 10 5± 0 88(n =35 )d ;4 7窝雏鸟喂养成功 35窝 ,育雏成功率为 74 5 % ;6 3窝繁殖成功 35窝 ,繁殖成功率为 5 5 5 %。失败因素包括气候、动物掠食、人为破坏和其它不明原因  相似文献   

笼养灰胸竹鸡的繁殖行为   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
于1999年3-7月对笼养条件下灰胸竹鸡的繁殖行为进行了观察。结果表明,笼养灰胸竹鸡仍保留求偶,交配和产卵等野外繁殖行为,但营巢,邻域,孵卵和育雏行为基本消失,求偶和交配于3出现,5月达到高峰,8月以后繁殖行为基本消失,本文还分析了笼养灰胸竹鸡繁殖期的觅食行为。  相似文献   

野生条件下扬子鳄的吼叫规律   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
20 0 3年在安徽扬子鳄自然保护区对扬子鳄的吼叫规律进行了为期一年的专题研究。在监测中 ,记录了吼叫日期、吼叫时间、吼叫数和天气情况。扬子鳄在每年的 3月开始吼叫 ,11月停止吼叫 ;扬子鳄的吼叫数在不同的月份差异极显著 (χ2 检验 :χ2 =4 4 8 2 9,df=8,P <0 0 1) ,其中 6月扬子鳄吼叫最为频繁 ,其吼叫数占全年的 2 6 0 % ;繁殖期间 (6— 9月 )扬子鳄吼叫数明显高于非繁殖期 (Mann WhitneyU检验 :U =2 0 ,P <0 0 5 ) ;在每天的不同时间扬子鳄的吼叫数呈极显著差异 (χ2 =2 33 18,df =17,P <0 0 1) ,存在明显的吼叫高峰 ,白天吼叫多于晚上 (U =12 5 ,P <0 0 5 ) ;天气的变化对吼叫没有影响。分析表明 ,扬子鳄的吼叫与其繁殖行为关系紧密 ,吼叫的主要目的是为了吸引异性 ,同时有保护领域的功能。  相似文献   

几种笼养鸟的人工繁殖李雪,李福来野生鸟类的繁殖一般从春季开始。早春,随着日照时间延长,天气渐渐变暖,万物复苏,鸟类的体内也发生着一系列的变化,新陈代谢增强,性激素分泌增多,刺激生殖腺发育,开始出现求偶、交配、营巢、产卵、孵化、育雏等一系列的繁殖行为。...  相似文献   

为了解笼养蓝冠噪鹛Garrulax courtoisi的行为节律和时间分配,2015年1—12月,采用全天瞬时扫描法,在南昌动物园对人工饲养的8只蓝冠噪鹛各种行为节律及时间分配进行了研究。结果表明,蓝冠噪鹛各种行为在全年的变化趋势不尽相同,繁殖期营巢、交配、卧巢、孵卵和育雏这5种繁殖行为增加,繁殖期结束,休息明显增加;全年中觅食的时间分配最高,为36.37%,其次为飞行(24.54%)、理羽(16.73%)、休息(7.75%)、社会行为(5.43%)、育雏(4.66%)、营巢(2.36%)、孵卵(1.92%)、卧巢(0.15%)和交配(0.01%)。单因素方差分析结果显示,除交配以外,其他行为的时间分配在繁殖期不同阶段的差异均有高度统计学意义(P0.001)。不同时期蓝冠噪鹛行为节律和时间分配反映了其生活史不同时期的相应需求,本研究结果可为蓝冠噪鹛人工饲养和野生种群行为研究提供参考。  相似文献   

散养与野生丹顶鹤孵卵期行为比较   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
2007年4月在扎龙国家级自然保护区,采用瞬时扫描取样法对散养和野生丹顶鹤(Grus japonensis)的孵卵期行为进行了观察、比较.结果表明,散养丹顶鹤与野生丹顶鹤的孵卵期行为模式基本相同.在总体行为发生频次上,散养丹顶鹤的繁殖行为明显高于野生丹顶鹤,游走行为则低于野生丹顶鹤.行为日节律的比较表明,一天中散养丹顶鹤的繁殖行为波动小于野生丹顶鹤.由于人为干扰,散养丹顶鹤的繁殖行为显著高于野生丹顶鹤的繁殖行为(P<0.05).在个体间差异比较中,散养丹顶鹤与野生丹顶鹤在觅食表达上均存在显著差异(P<0.05),而散养丹顶鹤的警戒行为表达也存在显著差异(P<0.05).  相似文献   

纯色鹪莺繁殖行为观察   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
纯色鹪莺(Prinia inornata)具有繁殖期身体量度小于非繁殖期的特性,开展相关研究对了解鸟类新的生存和繁殖策略有重要意义。从2005年12月至2006年6月在广东省肇庆地区对纯色鹪莺的繁殖行为开展了研究。结果如下:①繁殖期体长和尾羽长均极显著(P<0·01)小于非繁殖期,翼长显著(P<0·05)小于非繁殖期;②每年3月下旬开始出现筑巢现象,雌雄共同筑巢,筑巢时间4~5d,巢多建在禾本科植物上,巢址选择与水源关系密切,主成分分析显示,距水边距离占主导地位(34·88%),之后依次是距地面高度(18·55%)、距最近水面高度(12·95%)、巢口方向(9·08%)和巢区植被盖度(8·51%);③筑巢后1~2d产卵,窝卵数(4·7±1·6),孵卵期持续8~10d,亲鸟轮流坐巢,亲鸟会根据窝卵数的不同调整坐巢次数和坐巢时间。窝卵数越多,亲鸟坐巢时间越长;④纯色鹪莺的巢成功率为43·75%,繁殖失败的主要原因是外界干扰。据此,我们认为纯色鹪莺在繁殖期的高投资和繁殖行为,可能是研究该物种生存对策的重要线索。  相似文献   

丹顶鹤性活动的声行为研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
丹顶鹤繁殖期的性活动可分为雄鹤求偶、雌鹤对雄性求偶的应答、两性交配和交配完结4个阶段,其相应的鸣声模式分别为雄性的求偶鸣声、雌性对雄性求偶的应答声和两性的对鸣声、两性对唱的交配声和两性的高声合唱。4个阶段鸣声都是以基本音的主频率(PF)为主音的单音调声,前3个阶段都带数个近似fn=nf0(f0=FP)关系的低幅值谐频成分。第4个阶段带数个近似fn=nf0(f0=FP)关系的高幅值谐频成分;品质因数(Q3dB)多半为4~6,声脉冲重复频率(RFP)一般为150~180Hz,而第2阶段声的RFP一般为180~260Hz。雄性鸣声的每个单次叫声中含有的音节数较少,一般不超过4个;而雌性鸣声比较复杂。每个单次叫声中含有的音节数较多,一般都在7~8个以上;但雌雄鸣声的每个音节都是由3个声脉冲组成。雄鹤鸣唱声频率变化范围较小,而雌鹤鸣唱声频率变化形式是由低到高达到高峰后又开始下降。4个阶段的鸣声都具有较好共鸣。只有第2阶段发声运动较快。而且发现雄鹤鸣唱单次鸣叫声的音节数“增多”。各阶段鸣声特性均存在差异,不同配偶间均存在显著差异,研究结果表明丹顶鹤雌雄都具有不同的鸣声,且其性活动过程中不同的鸣声行为具有较高的个体识别信号潜能。另外,求偶鸣叫声和求偶应答与对鸣声在性活动鸣声中起着决定性的作用。  相似文献   

东方白鹳繁殖期行为时间分配及日节律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年3—6月,采用扫描取样法对在黄河三角洲国家级自然保护区内繁殖成功的4对东方白鹳的行为活动进行了观察,同时对东方白鹳在繁殖期的行为时间分配和日节律进行了研究。结果表明:繁殖期各行为时间所占比例依次是繁殖22.17%±21.69%(其中孵化19.75%±20.71%,晾卵1.31%±2.16%,育幼1.00%±1.01%,交配0.11%±0.32%),静栖19.09%±13.94%,修巢6.40%±5.92%,警戒3.94%±4.88%,理羽3.11%±2.31%,其他行为45.27%±11.08%;在繁殖不同时期各行为差异显著(P0.01)。东方白鹳在繁殖期不同阶段行为活动存在一定节律,并且不同阶段日节律明显不同。此外,温度与晾卵(r=0.810,P0.01)、孵化(r=-0.518,P0.01)行为显著相关;车辆数与警戒(r=0.745,P0.01)、静栖(r=0.612,P0.01)行为显著相关。  相似文献   

人工饲养丹顶鹤繁殖季节行为的时间分配   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
对哈尔滨动物园两组人工饲养的丹顶鹤繁殖季节的行为时间分配进行研究,结果表明。人工饲养丹顶鹤繁殖期行为的时间分配与野生丹顶鹤不同,按频率依次为:游走39.8%、休息21.9%、取食21.0%、理羽14.5%、繁殖2.8%;其繁殖期行为呈明显的日节律性,游走行为在中午呈现高峰,而其它行为则主要出现在上午和下午;在不同的繁殖阶段,行为时间分配总体上无明显差异。但中期的繁殖行为仍明显高于前、后期;两性间行为的时间分配差异未达显著性水平;天气阴晴状况是影响繁殖期各种行为时间分配的重要因素。通过与野生丹顶鹤进行初步比较分析,发现人工饲养鹤在行为时间分配及节律方面与野生鹤有较大差异。  相似文献   

1. The turnovers of hypothalamic 5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT), dopamine (DA) and noradrenaline (NE) were measured in male and female ring doves (Streptopelia risoria) at three stages of the breeding cycle: courtship, 3 days after pairing; early incubation, 1–2 days after egg laying; and brooding, 1–3 days after the squabs had hatched.2. In both sexes plasma LH decreased progressively from courtship through incubation to brooding young. Crop sacs were fully developed in doves brooding young but not at other stages of the reproductive cycle, indicating increased concentrations of plasma prolactin.3. The turnovers of 5HT and DA in both sexes were significantly higher (P<0.001) in doves brooding young than in birds incubating eggs or nest building. The turnover of DA was higher in females than in males at the onset of incubation. The turnover of NE was lower (P > 0.01) in females at the onset of incubation than during courtship or brooding.4. Increased turnover of hypothalamic DA may be more closely related to brooding behaviour than to changes in prolactin or LH secretion.5. Increased hypothalamic 5HT turnover in brooding doves appears to be more directly related to crop sac development, and by inference increased prolactin secretion, than to depressed plasma LH concentrations.  相似文献   

Multiple brooding can substantially increase the annual reproductive output of birds, and the propensity for multiple brooding can vary geographically. Thus, studies attempting to understand the evolution of geographic variation in nesting success need to account for variation in re‐nesting potential. However, direct assessment of rates of multiple brooding requires individually recognizable breeding adults, which are not generally available. We explore the possibility of comparing relative indices of multiple broodedness across a latitudinal gradient from studies of un‐banded birds locally restricted to nest boxes. We analyzed nest box reoccupation by a multiple‐brooding species, the eastern bluebird Sialia sialis, reported by volunteers in a citizen‐participation project (1998–2002) in which nest boxes were monitored throughout much of the breeding range of the bluebirds. We found nest boxes in the southern portion of the bluebird range (30° latitude) had, on average 17–33% higher likelihood of repeated egg‐laying, brooding, and successful fledging events than boxes in the north (48° latitude). Latitudinal variation in the reoccupation of nest boxes may indicate that either (1) the number of broods per female varies with latitude, (2) female breeding dispersal/site fidelity varies with latitude, (3) the density, distribution, and/or availability of suitable nest sites varies with latitude, or (4) observer bias varies with latitude. Various lines of evidence suggest that nest re‐occupancy is a useful index of latitudinal variation in re‐nesting. During the time‐frame of second attempts, first‐time box occupancy was as likely as second occupancy and approximately 45% more likely in the south than north, suggesting that, despite considerable breeding dispersal, observed trends in box reoccupation conservatively reflect latitudinal trends in the number of nest attempts/broods per female. Furthermore, despite a compressed nesting cycle in the north (shorter incubation and re‐nesting interval), the shorter duration of the breeding season in the north restricted the potential number of broods. Studies of banded birds are necessary to confirm the behavior underlying the latitudinal trends in box reoccupation.  相似文献   

We investigated changes in antiphonal duetting with phases of reproduction and circulating levels of luteinizing hormone, testosterone, and estradiol in slate-colored boubous (Laniarius funebris) breeding in aviaries. Frequency of overall male singing did not vary with reproductive phase while frequencies of female singing and female vocal responses to male song were reduced during incubation and feeding of nestlings. This resulted in significant changes in frequency of duetting. Males sang the sexual song type M1 more often during courtship and nest building than during the nestlings phase. Their territorial song types M2 and M4 did not vary with breeding phase. Females were less responsive to M1 during incubation and to M2 during the nest building and nestlings than during the courtship phase. Plasma levels of luteinizing hormone and testosterone increased in males from the prebreeding to the courtship phase. While testosterone decreased already during nest building and remained low during subsequent phases of reproduction, luteinizing hormone decreased during incubation and feeding of nestlings. Female luteinizing hormone levels were highest during nest building. Female estradiol levels decreased from nest building to incubation and increased again during subsequent nest building. Female testosterone levels were low but not basal and did not vary with phase. Neither the overall male and female singing frequencies nor the frequencies of male song types were correlated with hormonal state. However, female participation in territorial duets M4 correlated positively with their testosterone levels. It is suggested that in this monogamous, duetting species with prolonged pairbonds behavioral cues between the mates are more important than the hormonal state in control of male and female singing.  相似文献   

Understanding reproductive behavior is important for the conservation of endangered species, but research on the reproductive behavior of Sunda pangolins (Manis javanica Desmarest, 1822) is still very scarce. In this study, we used focal animal sampling and all-occurrence recording by an infrared monitor to observe the behaviors of two Sunda pangolins during a 5-day breeding period at the Pangolin Research Base for Artificial Rescue and Conservation Breeding of South China Normal University (PRB-SCNU). The behavioral characteristics and breeding strategies were analyzed, and the results were discussed together with information on other captive Sunda pangolin pairs at PRB-SCNU. The results found that there was no obvious estrus behavior in the captive female, while the male could exhibit sexual excitement and courtship behavior after a brief introduction period. Repeated copulation continued over many days after the female accepted the courtship. The average duration of copulatory behavior was 248.9 ± 148.7 s (n = 25), and all copulation occurred between 20:00 and 08:00 hr in the natural day–night photoperiod. The mating position of Sunda pangolins was lateral–ventral and was classified as the ninth or eleventh pattern under both Dewsbury's and Dixson's classification systems. This study can provide scientific guidance for the captive breeding and management of Sunda pangolins and other pangolin species, which is of great significance for ex situ conservation tactics.  相似文献   

We investigated the frequency of courtship feeding (CF) in the Bull-headed Shrike (Lanius bucephalus) during the 1981–1982 breeding seasons. Because no CF was observed just prior to, during or just after copulation, CF is not associated directly with copulation and does not function as a releaser for copulation. The absence of CF during the pair-formation period of the early breeder and the high frequency of CF behavior in the cold season and in the critical breeding stages (egg-laying and incubation stages) for females strongly suggests that the significance of CF in this species is not symbolic but substantial at least in early breeders. We assign one of the causes of this CF to the early onset of breeding.  相似文献   

布氏田鼠的双亲行为比较   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
尹峰  房继明 《兽类学报》1998,18(4):277-281
在实验室对布氏田鼠双亲行为和幼仔发育的研究表明, 雌性布氏田鼠的修饰、筑巢和摄食行为显著地多于雄鼠, 且这些差异多集中在幼仔发育的最初9 d 内。雌鼠的修饰、筑巢行为以及在巢内的时间与幼仔发育日龄呈显著地负相关, 而雄鼠的这些行为无显著变化。但雌雄的衔回行为却与幼仔发育日龄呈显著地正相关。据此认为雌性布氏田鼠的双亲行为多于雄鼠, 符合双亲投资的理论。  相似文献   

The sexes’ share in parental care and the social mating system in a marked population of the single‐brooded Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos minor were studied in 17 woodpecker territories in southern Sweden during 10 years. The birds showed a very strong mate fidelity between years; the divorce rate was 3.4%. In monogamous pairs, the male provided more parental care than the female. The male did most of the nest building and all incubation and brooding at night. Daytime incubation and brooding were shared equally by the sexes, and biparental care at these early breeding stages is probably necessary for successful breeding. In 42% of the nests, however, though still alive the female deserted the brood the last week of the nestling period, whereas the male invariably fed until fledging and fully compensated for the absent female. Post‐fledging care could not be quantified, but was likely shared by both parents. Females who ceased feeding at the late nestling stage resumed care after fledging. We argue that the high premium on breeding with the same mate for consecutive years and the overall lower survival of females have shaped this male‐biased organisation of parental care. In the six years with best data, most social matings were monogamous, but 8.5% of the females (N=59) exhibited simultaneous multi‐nest (classical) polyandry and 2.9% of the males (N=68) exhibited multi‐nest polygyny. Polyandrous females raised 39% more young than monogamous pairs. These females invested equal amounts of parental care at all their nests, but their investment at each nest was lower than that of monogamous females. The polyandrously mated males fully compensated for this lower female investment. Polygynous males invested mainly in their primary nest and appeared to be less successful than polyandrous females. Polyandry and polygyny occurred only when the population sex ratio was biased, and due to strong intra‐sexual competition this is likely a prerequisite for polygamous mating in Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers.  相似文献   

Comparative studies of populations occupying different environments can provide insights into the ecological conditions affecting differences in parental strategies, including the relative contributions of males and females. Male and female parental strategies reflect the interplay between ecological conditions, the contributions of the social mate, and the needs of offspring. Climate is expected to underlie geographic variation in incubation and brooding behavior, and can thereby affect both the absolute and relative contributions of each sex to other aspects of parental care such as offspring provisioning. However, geographic variation in brooding behavior has received much less attention than variation in incubation attentiveness or provisioning rates. We compared parental behavior during the nestling period in populations of orange‐crowned warblers Oreothlypis celata near the northern (64°N) and southern (33°N) boundaries of the breeding range. In Alaska, we found that males were responsible for the majority of food delivery whereas the sexes contributed equally to provisioning in California. Higher male provisioning in Alaska appeared to facilitate a higher proportion of time females spent brooding the nestlings. Surprisingly, differences in brooding between populations could not be explained by variation in ambient temperature, which was similar between populations during the nestling period. While these results represent a single population contrast, they suggest additional hypotheses for the ecological correlates and evolutionary drivers of geographic variation in brooding behavior, and the factors that shape the contributions of each sex.  相似文献   

Parental incubation behavior largely influences nest survival, a critical demographic process in avian population dynamics, and behaviors vary across species with different life history breeding strategies. Although research has identified nest survival advantages of mixing colonies, behavioral mechanisms that might explain these effects is largely lacking. We examined parental incubation behavior using video‐monitoring techniques on Alcatraz Island, California, of black‐crowned night‐heron Nycticorax nycticorax (hereinafter, night‐heron) in a mixed‐species colony with California gulls Larus californicus and western gulls L. occidentalis. We first quantified general nesting behaviors (i.e. incubation constancy, and nest attendance), and a suite of specific nesting behaviors (i.e. inactivity, vigilance, preening, and nest maintenance) with respect to six different daily time periods. We employed linear mixed effects models to investigate environmental and temporal factors as sources of variation in incubation constancy and nest attendance using 211 nest days across three nesting seasons (2010–2012). We found incubation constancy (percent of time on the eggs) and nest attendance (percent of time at the nest) were lower for nests that were located < 3 m from one or more gull nest, which indirectly supports the predator protection hypothesis, whereby heterospecifics provide protection allowing more time for foraging and other self‐maintenance activities. To our knowledge, this is the first empirical evidence of the influence of one nesting species on the incubation behavior of another. We also identified distinct differences between incubation constancy and nest attentiveness, indicating that these biparental incubating species do not share similar energetic constraints as those that are observed for uniparental species. Additionally, we found that variation in incubation behavior was a function of temperature and precipitation, where the strength of these effects was dependent on the time of day. Overall, these findings strengthen our understanding of incubation behavior and nest ecology of a colonial‐nesting species.  相似文献   

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