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Summary The song of intact male canaries develops under the almost exclusive control of the left hypoglossus and left syringeal half. Section of the left hypoglossus or of its tracheosyringealis branch induces the right hypoglossus to assume a dominant control over vocal behavior. When this operation is done during the first two weeks after hatching the ensuing song is under sole right hypoglossal control; if done during the third and fourth week after hatching song develops under shared right-left hypoglossal control. In either case the quality of song is close to that of intact birds of comparable age. If the left hypoglossal innervation to the syrinx is cut when song development is already well under way (plastic song) or after stable adult song has been acquired, then the quality of song developed is markedly poorer than that of controls. From these observations we may conclude that: 1) Left or right hypoglossal dominance are not necessary for the production of normal canary song. 2) Soon after hatching either hypoglossus has the potential to assume a dominant role in song development. 3) The ability of the right hypoglossus to develop normal song decreases as birds master song under dominant left hypoglossal control. It is suggested that hypoglossal dominance and dominance reversal may provide convenient material to study neuronal changes related to the learning of new motor tasks.Abbreviations e.l. external labium - i.t.m. internal tympaniform membrane - ts tracheosyringealis Steven Green, Myron C. Baker and Timothy DeVoogd provided invaluable help on statistical analysis. Steven Green also read the text and made useful suggestions.  相似文献   

In some songbirds perturbing auditory feedback can promote changes in song structure well beyond the end of song learning. One factor that may drive vocal change in such deafened birds is the ongoing addition of new vocal-motor neurons into the song system. Without auditory feedback to guide their incorporation, the addition of these new neurons could disrupt the established song pattern. To assess this hypothesis, the authors determined if neuronal recruitment into the vocal motor nucleus HVC is affected by neural signals that influence vocal change in adult deafened birds. Such signals appear to be conveyed via LMAN, a nucleus in the anterior forebrain that is necessary for vocal change after deafening. Here the authors tested whether LMAN lesions might restrict song degradation after deafening by reducing the addition or survival of new HVC neurons that would otherwise corrupt the ongoing song pattern. Using [3H]thymidine autoradiography to identify neurons generated in adult zebra finches, it was shown here that LMAN lesions do not reduce the number or percent of new HVC neurons surviving for either several weeks or months after [3H]thymidine labeling. However, the authors confirmed previous reports that LMAN lesions restrict vocal change after deafening. These data suggest that neurons incorporated into the adult HVC may form behaviorally adaptive connections without requiring auditory feedback, and that any role such neurons may play in promoting vocal change after adult deafening requires anterior forebrain pathway output.  相似文献   

Numerous animals use chemical cues within their environments to execute various behaviors. One of these behaviors is orientation to an odor source. Crayfish, in particular, can orient to food sources under a number of different conditions. It has not been determined, however, what kind of search strategy these animals employ to successfully locate a food source. To determine the role of antennae and antennules in this behavior and to investigate different modes of orientation behavior, the orientation patterns of crayfish with complete and partial antennal lesions were examined. Detailed analysis of orientation paths confirmed that crayfish could not locate odor sources with either bilateral or unilateral lesions. This suggests that crayfish are using the spatial information obtained from these appendages to successfully orient. Animals using information from the bilaterally paired appendages in the control group exhibited increased walking speed, increased speed to source and decreased heading angles towards the source compared to these measurements taken from lesioned groups. There was no significant difference in any parameters between animals with unilateral or bilateral lesions. This strongly suggests that these animals are reliant on the spatial comparison of differences between bilaterally paired olfactory appendages for successful orientation.  相似文献   

Unilateral lesions of the nigro-neostriatal dopaminergic projection were induced by injections of 6-hydroxydopamine into the zona compacta of the substantia nigra. This resulted in a reduction of neostriatal dopamine to less than 6 percent of the control side. Two months later intraperitoneal injections of apomorphine (1 mg/kg) produced contralateral turning and a significant increase in neostriatal acetylcholine levels. The increase was significantly greater in the neostriatum ipsilateral to the lesion than in the intact side. Haloperidol (1 mg/kg) produced a significant decrease in neostriatal acetylcholine but this decrease did not differ between the “denervated” and intact neostriata. The nigral 6-hydroxydopamine lesions did not by themselves affect neostriatal acetylcholine levels. The fact that apomorphine produces a greater increase in neostriatal acetylcholine after lesions of the dopaminergic nigro-neostriatal projection supports earlier behavioral data suggestive of denervation supersensitivity of neostriatal dopaminergic receptors after these lesions.  相似文献   

To define the role of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in a novel salt-sensitive model, neonatal Wistar rats were given capsaicin (50 mg/kg sc) on the first and second days of life. After weaning, male rats were divided into the following six groups and treated for 3 wk with: control + normal sodium diet (CON-NS), CON + high-sodium diet (CON-HS), CON + HS + spironolactone (50 mg x kg(-1) x day(-1), CON-HS-SP), capsaicin pretreatment + NS (CAP-NS), CAP-HS, and CAP-HS-SP. Radioimmunoassay shows that plasma renin activity (PRA) and plasma aldosterone level (PAL) were suppressed by HS, but they were higher in CAP-HS than in CON-HS and CON-HS-SP (P < 0.05). Both tail-cuff systolic blood pressure and mean arterial pressure were higher in CAP-HS than in all other groups (P < 0.05). Urine water and sodium excretion were increased with HS intake, but they were lower in CAP-HS than in CON-HS (P < 0.05). Western blot did not detect differences in adrenal AT1 receptor content. Therefore, insufficiently suppressed PRA and PAL in response to HS intake by sensory denervation may contribute to increased salt sensitivity and account for effectiveness of spironolactone in lowering blood pressure in this model.  相似文献   

The effects of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) on the bioluminescent response of Porichthys photophores were investigated as part of a pharmacological study of the neural control of luminescence in this fish. Subcutaneous injections of 6-OHDA induce a luminescent response similar to that of norepinephrine (NE), suggesting a sympathomimetic action. The luminescent response to electrical stimulation is almost completely and irreversibly abolished within 24 hours following low-dose treatment of the photophores with 6-OHDA, while the sensitivity of these organs to exogenous NE is increased significantly over the few days post-treatment. During this period the photophores continuously emitted a steady low-level glow. Electronmicroscopic studies of such photophores revealed progressive destruction of the nerve endings. Photophore luminescent sensitivity to NE subsequently became sub-normal, and at this stage electron microscopy revealed an increasingly larger number of damaged photocytes, supportive cells and, in one case, lens cells. From these results it is suggested that 6-OHDA initially impairs neuro-photocyte transmission by destroying catecholaminergic nerve endings. In turn, the transmitter reuptake mechanism is also impaired, thus accounting for development of supersensitive responses to exogenous NE. Subnormal luminescent responses to NE appear as a result of loss of photocyte competence due to structural deterioration. The latter are interpreted as the consequence of removal of trophic factors supplied by the photophore adrenergic innervation.Suppression of luminescent response to both electrical stimulation and exogenous NE in photophores treated with higher doses of 6-OHDA, may be due to a direct effect of this drug on the receptor sites of the photocytes.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate whether mimecan was involved in aortic hypertrophy induced by sinoaortic denervation in rats. 8 weeks after sinoaortic denervation, when compared to sham-operated rats, sinoaortic denervated rats exhibited aortic hypertrophy and down-regulation of mimecan. Through classic univariate correlation analysis, it was found that mimecan mRNA was negatively related to extent of aortic hypertrophy. Treatment of primary cultured vascular smooth muscle cells with the Ang II (1 μM), which was found locally increased in the aortae of sinoaortic denervated rats, resulted in a reduction of mimecan expression. In vitro, knockdown of mimecan in vascular smooth muscle cells promoted cell proliferation induced by 15% of fetal bovine serum or Ang II (1 μM). We concluded that down-regulation of mimecan was involved in aortic hypertrophy induced by sinoaortic denervation in rats.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test thehypothesis that dysrhythmic breathing induced by the2-agonist clonidine isaccompanied by differential recruitment of respiratory muscles. Inadult goats (n = 14) electromyographic(EMG) measurements were made from inspiratory muscles (diaphragm andparasternal intercostal) and expiratory muscles [triangularissterni (TS) and transversus abdominis (Abd)]. EMG of thethyroarytenoid (TA) muscle was used as an index of upper airway(glottal) patency. Peak EMG activities of all spinal inspiratory andexpiratory muscles were augmented by central and peripheralchemoreceptor stimuli. Phasic TA was apparent in the postinspiratoryphase of the breathing cycle under normoxic conditions. Duringdysrhythmic breathing episodes induced by clonidine, TS and Abdactivities were attenuated or abolished, whereas diaphragm andparasternal intercostal activities were unchanged. There was no tonicactivation of TS or Abd EMG during apneas; however, TA activity becametonic throughout the apnea. We conclude that1) 2-adrenoceptor stimulationresults in differential recruitment of respiratory muscles duringrespiratory dysrhythmias and 2) apneas are accompanied by active glottic closure in the awake goat.


The structure of the nerve fibres in the intact and neurally isolated intestine of the cat was studied after 6-OHDA treatment by fluorescence and electron microscopy. A gradual disappearance of green fluorescence in the monoaminergic fibers was observed. Degeneration of nerve fibres containing 30--60 nm agranular and 30--60 nm densecore (granular) vesicles could be seen in all layers of the small intestine. Sporadically, degeneration of the presynaptic elements occurred also in the synapses of myenteric ganglia. A large number of degenerating fibres could be observed in close relation to blood vessels. These were thought to be monoaminergic because 6-OHDA selectively affected their terminals. In the chronically isolated small intestine degenerated nerve processes could not be observed following 6-OHDA treatment. It is concluded that the intrinsic nerve elements do not contain monoamines. Accordingly, the previously observed yellow fluorescence of the nerve elements of the isolated small intestine might be due to some other kind of neurotransmitter, possibly tryptamine.  相似文献   

This report examines the effects of unilateral electrolytic and knife-cut lesions of entorhinal cortex on glutamate uptake, the muscarinic receptor [3H]QNB binding and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity in the dorsal and ventral parts of the ipsi- and contralateral hippocampus of the rat.We found that (1) in unoperated, control rats there are no pre-existing differences in the level of the investigated markers between the right and left hippocampus, (2) both electrolytic and knife-cut lesions of the entorhinal cortex evoke bilateral changes in the investigated markers and (3) the character of the response is dependent on the survival time and on the hippocampal part involved. Four days after operation a substantial reduction in glutamate uptake was found in both the dorsal and ventral parts of the ipsi- and contralateral hippocampus. At the same time there was a drop in muscarinic receptor binding, while AChE activity was not affected. The decrease in glutamate uptake persisted on the 21st postoperative day, whereas muscarinic receptor binding was enhanced, in comparison with the control level, in the ventral part of both the ipsi- and contralateral hippocampus. This overshoot was not so evident on the 30th postoperative day; glutamate uptake at that time reached or even surpassed the control level. Enhancement of AChE activity on the ipsi- and contralateral sides was noted on both the 21st and 30th day after operation.We suggest the following interpretation of these results: (1) glutamatergic projections from the entorhinal cortex to the hippocampus are bilateral, (2) some transneuronal changes probably contribute to the decline in glutamate uptake, particularly on the contralateral side, (3) neuronal depolarization does not seem to be the only mechanism responsible for the decrease in muscarinic receptor binding and (4) some compensatory mechanisms occur in the hippocampus at a later time after the lesion.Moreover, we believe that the use of the contralateral side as a control should be considered with caution in studies with unilaterally lesioned animals.  相似文献   

The crystal structures of Leishmania mexicana fructose-1,6-bis(phosphate) aldolase in complex with substrate and competitive inhibitor, mannitol-1,6-bis(phosphate), were solved to 2.2 A resolution. Crystallographic analysis revealed a Schiff base intermediate trapped in the native structure complexed with substrate while the inhibitor was trapped in a conformation mimicking the carbinolamine intermediate. Binding modes corroborated previous structures reported for rabbit muscle aldolase. Amino acid substitution of Gly-312 to Ala, adjacent to the P1-phosphate binding site and unique to trypanosomatids, did not perturb ligand binding in the active site. Ligand attachment ordered amino acid residues 359-367 of the C-terminal region (353-373) that was disordered beyond Asp-358 in the unbound structure, revealing a novel recruitment mechanism of this region by aldolases. C-Terminal peptide ordering is triggered by P1-phosphate binding that induces conformational changes whereby C-terminal Leu-364 contacts P1-phosphate binding residue Arg-313. C-Terminal region capture synergizes additional interactions with subunit surface residues, not perturbed by P1-phosphate binding, and stabilizes C-terminal attachment. Amino acid residues that participate in the capturing interaction are conserved among class I aldolases, indicating a general recruitment mechanism whereby C-terminal capture facilitates active site interactions in subsequent catalytic steps. Recruitment accelerates the enzymatic reaction by using binding energy to reduce configurational entropy during catalysis thereby localizing the conserved C-terminus tyrosine, which mediates proton transfer, proximal to the active site enamine.  相似文献   

We investigated which isoforms of PKCs can be modulated and what their roles are during l-buthionine-S,R-sulfoximine (BSO)-induced neuronal death. We observed the isoform specific translocation of PKC-epsilon from the soluble fraction to the particulate in cortical neurons treated with 10 mM BSO. The translocation of PKC-epsilon by BSO was blocked by antioxidant trolox, suggesting the PKC-epsilon as a downstream of reactive oxygen species (ROS) elevated by BSO. Trolox inhibited the ROS elevation and the neuronal death in BSO-treated cortical cells. The BSO-induced neuronal death was remarkably inhibited by both the pharmacological inhibition of PKC-epsilon with epsilonV1-2 and the functional blockade for PKC-epsilon through overexpression of PKC-epsilon V1 region, suggesting the detrimental role of PKC-epsilon. These results suggest that PKC-epsilon is the major PKC isoform involved in the pathways triggered by ROS, leading to neuronal death in BSO-treated cortical neurons.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii modifies behaviour of its intermediate hosts, including humans, where it globally infects about 20–60% of the population. Although it is considered asymptomatic in its latent stage, it was previously found to have remarkable and gender different effects on the personality factors A (warmth), G (rule consciousness), L (vigilance, mistrust) and Q3 (self-control, self-image) from Cattell’s 16PF Questionnaire. We performed a double blind experiment testing 72 and 142 uninfected men and women, respectively, and 20 and 29 infected men and women, respectively, in order to verify these gender differences using behavioural experiments. Our composite behavioural variables Self-Control and Clothes Tidiness (analogue to the 16PF factors G – conscientiousness and Q3 – self-control) showed a significant effect of the toxoplasmosis–gender interaction with infected men scoring significantly lower than uninfected men and a trend in the opposite direction in women. The effect of the toxoplasmosis–gender interaction on our composite behavioural variable Relationships (analogue to factor A – warmth) approached significance; infected men scored significantly lower than uninfected men whereas there was no difference in women. In the composite behavioural variable Mistrust (analogue to factor L), the pattern was affected by environment (rural versus urban). Possible interpretations of the gender differences are discussed.  相似文献   

The nucleolar lesions provoked by the action of ribonuclease (RNase) on living chick embryo fibroblasts were studied by means of microcinematographic analysis and at the ultrastructural level using oxidized diaminobenzidine as a differentially contrasting stain for nucleic acids. This study has shown that the induction of nucleolar dispersion by RNase was only the beginning of a series of discrete steps. The following sequences are described: dispersion of the nucleolus into fragments, their reassembly, and the emission of spherules which appear of chromatin origin. At that step nucleoli are typically segregated. The alteration of the nucleolar associated chromatin seemed to be primordial in these processes. Moreover, the large mass of heterochromatin intimately associated with the nucleolus and which has been considered to be a part of the nucleolar organizer region apparently plays a chief part in the reassembly of the nucleolar fragments into a segregated nucleolus. Ribonuclease is compared to other drugs known to act on nucleolar DNA.  相似文献   

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