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Erythrogymnotheca, a new genus of the Eurotiales, is proposed. The genus, based on the single speciesE. paucispora, is characterized by non-ostiolate ascomata with a telaperidium composed of an envelope of yellowish or reddish, branched, thin-walled hyphae, 1–2(-4)-spored asci, one-celled, subglobose to broadly ellipsoidal, thick-walled ascospores with spines, and the absence of an anamorph. The ascomatal initials ofE. paucispora are long clavate to vermiform, and reminiscent of those ofTalaromyces flavus.  相似文献   

Certain related oscillatorialean species, originally attributed to the genusOscillatoria and recently assigned to subg.Geitlerinema of the genusPhormidium (Phormidiaceae-Phormidioideae), are revised and reclassified. Based on a reevaluation of the diacritical features, subg.Geitlerinema is raised to generic rank and assigned to the familyPseudanabaenaceae (tentatively to subfam.Pseudanabaenoideae). The individual species are reviewed and the necessary new combinations are made.Dedicated to Prof. DrLothar Geitler on the occasion of his 90th birthday.  相似文献   

A new species ofNeosartorya, N. sublevispora (anam.Aspergillus sublevisporus), is described and photographed. The species is characterized by non-ostiolate ascomata covered loosely with a pale yellowish hyphal envelope, lenticular ascospores with two low equatorial crests, and subglobose to ellipsoidal, microtuberculate conidia. The ornamentation of ascospores, which is composed of two closely appreassed crests and small even-sized echines on their convex surfaces, particularly serves to distinguish this species from other recognized species. A revised key to all accepted species of the genus is provided.  相似文献   

The new genusCaucasalia is described. Four species are included, previously referred toSenecio, Cacalia, Cineraria, Pojarkovia orAdenostyles. The latter genus may be the closest relative, being similar in habit and chromosome number, but different in floret colour and style morphology. The new genus is centered in the Caucasus mountains, with extensions into Anatolia.Dedicated to emer. Univ.-Prof. DrFriedrich Ehrendorfer on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

A new species ofTalaromyces, characterized by development of unusual deep green ascomata on common media, is described and given the nameTalaromyces euchlorocarpius. This species, isolated from soil, also produces ellipsoidal, spinose ascospores, typically biverticillate penicilli, large ellipsoidal, smooth-walled conidia, and is assigned to the seriesLutei of the sectionTalaromyces.  相似文献   

The two closely related speciesLycopsis variegata andAnchusa cretica, formerly placed inAnchusa subg.Rivinia, were compared with the type species ofLycopsis andAnchusa, on the basis of a set of macro and microcharacters. The presence of only two fertile stamens as well as other peculiar characters in flower structure, androecium, gynoecium, pollen and fruit, supports the institution of the new genusAnchusella, consisting ofA. variegata andA. cretica. Karyological and eco-chorological aspects are consistent with morphological data in pointing to the autonomy of this genus, which appears characterized by autapomorphic, advanced traits.  相似文献   

Recent systematic studies ofBartsia andOdontites showed the necessity to exclude the closely related perennial speciesBartsia aspera (Portugal and northern Morocco) andBartsia spicata (Central Pyrenees) from the genusBartsia as a segregate genus namedNothobartsia. Morphologically this new genus combines characteristic features ofBartsia and ofOdontites. Its autonomous systematic position is supported by the cladistic analysis, showing thatNothobartsia represents a relatively primitive genus standing close to the common ancestral root ofBartsia, Euphrasia, andOdontites.  相似文献   

The new monotypic genusTriuridopsis from Peru is described. A key to the genera ofTriuridaceae worldwide is given.  相似文献   

The surface ornamentation of ascospores ofPreussia globosa was compared in an isolate from paddy soil in Japan and a culture derived from the holotype. The ascospores of two cultures were characterized by the surface ornamentation of a single, semicircular spiral ridge. This new finding strongly suggested that the fungus should be transferred to the genusWesterdykella. Therefore, the morphological and cultural characters of the fungus were re-examined, and the new combinationWesterdykella globosa is herein proposed.  相似文献   

Aspergillus taichungensis isolated from a soil sample collected in Taiwan is described as a new species. The new species is characterized by its restricted growth on Czapek's and malt extract agars and its white to light yellow colonies, radiate conidial heads, smooth and often diminutive conidiophores, hemispherical to elongate vesicles with biseriate aspergilla (conidiogenous cells), globose, micro-verrucose conidia and dark brown sclerotia. The species somewhat resemblesA. versicolor, A. terreus andA. flavipes, but differs in cultural and morphological details, and is considered to represent an interface species in the subgenusNidulantes.  相似文献   

Among the isolates from soil of grassland in Roraima State, Brazil, a new species ofNeosartorya, N. takakii is described and illustrated.Neosartorya takakii differs from the other known species of the genus in having lenticular ascospores with two distinct equatorial crests and with roughly circularly arranged projections on the convex walls. A comparative SEM view of ascospores from six relatedNeosartorya species is also provided.  相似文献   

Cesariella graeca gen. sp. nov. is described to accommodate a new species of the Laboulbeniales (Fungi, Ascomycota) parasitic on the endogean ground beetles Reicheadella aetolica and R. bischoffi (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from Greece. Cesariella is distinguished from the allied genus Laboulbenia by the presence of two cells borne on the inner side of cell III, and by the presence of a conspicuous remnant of the spore apex protruding laterally near the base of the appendage.  相似文献   

Ramicandelaber, a new genus of Zygomycetes is erected to accommodateRamicandelaber longisporus sp. nov. The fungus has hyphal septa with median plugs and forms homologous structures to sporocladia and pseudophialides. These characteristics suggest that it belongs to the Kickxellales, Zygomycetes.  相似文献   

Emericella appendiculata, a new species isolated from soil of the Pamire Plateau, is described and illustrated. It is characterized by grayish green non-ostiolate ascomata surrounded by a thick layer of hülle cells, membranaceous peridium, prototunicate asci, violet-brown, lenticular ascospores which are ornamented by two stellate equatorial crests, capitate convex surfaces, and long filiform appendages, and anAspergillus anamorph with biseriate conidiogenous cells.  相似文献   

A new species ofMicrosphaeropsis (Sphaeropsidales, Coelomycetes),M. rugospora, is described and illustrated. This fungus is characterized by its rapid growth on common media such as oatmeal and potato-carrot agars; semi-immersed to immersed, nearly globose, papillate pycnidias; pale yellowish brown, translucent, membranaceous peridium; monophialidic, ampulliform conidiogenous cells; and one-celled, dark brown, globose conidia ornamented with distinct tubercles. The holotype was isolated from the cultivated soil in Tanegashima Island, southern Japan.  相似文献   

A new genus,Aurantiosporium Piepenbring, Vánky & Oberwinkler (Ustilaginales), is proposed for the smut speciesUstilago subnitens Schröter & Hennings onScleria melaleuca Reichb. The soral morphology, teliospore development, the ultrastructure of the teliospore wall and teliospore germination ofAurantiosporium subnitens, studied on collections from Costa Rica, are described for the first time. The character set ofA. subnitens including intercellular teliospore development, spores in irregular groups and light coloured spore walls with numerous layers in TEM is neither known fromUstilago norCintractia nor any other smut species.Part 113 in the series Studies inHeterobasidiomycetes from the Botanical Institute, University of Tübingen.  相似文献   

Emericella qinqixianii, a new species isolated from desert soil from Sanchakou, Aksu, Qiemo, Yuli, Yutian, and the Taklimakan desert 100 km inland from Minfeng, Xinjiang Province, China, is described and illustrated. It is characterized by grayish yellow to olive brown, non-ostiolate ascomata surrounded by hyaline to pale yellowish brown hülle cells, membranaceous peridium, prototunicate asci, and violet-brown, lenticular ascospores with two equatorial crests, smooth convex surfaces, and long filiform appendages. It hasAspergillus anamorph with biseriate aspergilla.  相似文献   

A new species ofEmericella isolated from forest soil in the Oman,E. omanensis, is described and illustrated. It differs from the other known species of the genus in having bivalvate ascospores with a tuberculate or verruculose convex wall. The new species is compared with the closely related speciesE. desertorum andE. echinulata.  相似文献   

The new genusRhodothyrsus is proposed, based on the AmazonianSenefeldera macrophylla Ducke but also containing another newly described species,Rhodothyrsus hirsutus from northwestern Venezuela. The genus is a member of the tribe Hippomaneae of the Euphorbiaceae and apparently related toSenefeldera, but its closest relationships are still obscure, because the phylogeny of the tribe is poorly known and most of the significant characters ofRhodothyrsus are probably autapomorphies or symplesiomorphies. The restriction to tropical lowland rain forests is rare within the Hippomaneae, and several floral characters, pointing to a specialized pollination possibly by butterflies, are unique in the tribe.  相似文献   

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