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以IL-10的功能短肽(35肽,即IL10第23至57氨基酸残基)为导向部分与PE40(绿脓杆菌外毒素除去受体结合区后的剩余部分)融合分别置入pet20b( )和pet28a( )构建重组毒素IL102357PE40的两种表达质粒,其中置于pet20b( )的重组毒素在BL21(DE3)pLysS中以周质分泌可溶形式表达,置于pet28a( )的重组毒素在Rosettablue(DE3)中以高效胞质可溶形式表达;依次通过硫酸铵盐析、疏水层析、阴离子交换层析、铜离子亲和层析纯化周质分泌成份,得90%重组毒素纯品;细胞活性实验表明,该重组毒素只对单核巨噬细胞有杀伤作用;细胞ELISA显示,该重组毒素对单核巨噬细胞的杀伤作用(IC50为13.9pmolL)符合绿脓杆菌外毒素的作用机理.  相似文献   

IL-1018-57-PE40高效表达、纯化及细胞活性之研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以IL-10的功能短肽(40肽,即IL-10第18号至57号氨基酸)为导向部分与PE40(绿脓杆菌外毒素除去受体结合区后的剩余部分)融合分别构建了IL-101857PE40的胞质和胞周质表达质粒,其中,IL101857PE40在Rosettablue(DE3)中以高效胞质可溶形式表达,在BL21(DE3)pLysS中以胞周质分泌形式表达;表达宿主菌Rosettablue(DE3)超声波破碎后,依次通过硫酸铵盐析、疏水层析、铜离子亲和层析、阴离子交换层析纯化后,得96%重组毒素纯品;细胞活性实验、细胞ELISA和荧光标记实验表明,构建的IL101857PE40符合免疫毒素的作用机理。因此,该实验为PE免疫毒素的规模制备和纯化做了一定的有益的探索。  相似文献   

IL-10_(23-57)-PE40可溶表达、纯化及其细胞活性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以IL-10的功能短肽(35肽,即IL10第23至57氨基酸残基)为导向部分与PE40(绿脓杆菌外毒素除去受体结合区后的剩余部分)融合分别置入pet20b(+)和pet28a(+)构建重组毒素IL102357PE40的两种表达质粒,其中置于pet20b(+)的重组毒素在BL21(DE3)pLysS中以周质分泌可溶形式表达,置于pet28a(+)的重组毒素在Rosettablue(DE3)中以高效胞质可溶形式表达;依次通过硫酸铵盐析、疏水层析、阴离子交换层析、铜离子亲和层析纯化周质分泌成份,得90%重组毒素纯品;细胞活性实验表明,该重组毒素只对单核巨噬细胞有杀伤作用;细胞ELISA显示,该重组毒素对单核巨噬细胞的杀伤作用(IC50为13.9pmolL)符合绿脓杆菌外毒素的作用机理.  相似文献   

以IL-10的功能短肽(40肽,即IL-10第18号至57号氨基酸)为导向部分与PE40(绿脓杆菌外毒素除去受体结合区后的剩余部分)融合分别构建了IL-1018-57-PE40的胞质和胞周质表达质粒,其中,IL-1018-57-PE40在Rosettablue(DE3)中以高效胞质可溶形式表达,在BL21(DE3)pLysS中以胞周质分泌形式表达;表达宿主菌Rosettablue(DE3)超声波破碎后,依次通过硫酸铵盐析、疏水层析、铜离子亲和层析、阴离子交换层析纯化后,得96%重组毒素纯品;细胞活性实验、细胞ELISA和荧光标记实验表明,构建的IL-1018-57-PE40符合免疫毒素的作用机理。因此,该实验为PE免疫毒素的规模制备和纯化做了一定的有益的探索。  相似文献   

本文报告了构建人转化生长因子α和绿脓杆菌外毒素融合基因的表达型重组质粒pYX382和pYX 3825,两种质粒转化大肠杆菌BL21后,经IPTG 诱导,表达融合蛋白TGFα-PE 40,表达产物分子量为46 kd,具有和抗TGF a抗体和抗PE 抗体反应的能力,重组质粒pYX 3825带有信号肽顺序,因而在细菌中表达产物大部分被分泌到培基和周质中。TGFa-PE 40具有和细胞表面EGFR 结合的能力,因而,能与过度表达EGFR 的癌细胞结合,将毒素蛋白的活性部分带入细胞而显示对癌细胞蛋白质合成的强烈抑制和对癌细胞的杀伤。  相似文献   

对重组牛IL 2基因工程大肠杆菌的摇瓶表达条件进行了研究。实验结果表明 :采用DH5α作为宿主菌 ,接种后 30℃培养 3h升温 4 2℃诱导表达 3~ 4h ,目的蛋白 (分子量 14ku左右 )表达量可达细胞总蛋白的 2 0 %~ 30 %。实验同时还确定了摇瓶发酵装液量 ,Amp浓度等关键因素。  相似文献   

用PCR技术从Bacillus Calmetteguérin(BCG)基因组中扩增出抗原85B(Ag85B)的信号肽(SP)DNA序列,从pCMVMTHSP65质粒中扩增出人结核杆菌HSP65全长基因。利用DNA重组技术将以上两个片段插入质粒pBCG2100的人结核杆菌HSP70启动子下游,构建成分泌型原核穿梭表达质粒(pBCGSPHSP65)。酶切鉴定、PCR和测序分析结果均表明分泌型原核穿梭表达质粒pBCGSPHSP65构建成功。利用电穿孔将该质粒转入耻垢分枝杆菌(Mycobacterial smegmatis, MS)中,用卡那霉素筛选出阳性重组子。经热诱导后用SDS-PAGE观察到在耻垢分枝杆菌中65kD蛋白占总蛋白的20%,而在重组耻垢分枝杆菌表达的65kD蛋白占菌体总蛋白的34.46%,占裂解物上清总蛋白的68.56%,表明重组的HSP65基因能在耻垢分枝杆菌中高效表达,表达的蛋白大部分以可溶状态存在。通过Westernblot证实分泌的该蛋白能与结核杆菌HSP65的抗体特异性结合,说明该重组蛋白具有HSP65的生物学活性。  相似文献   

将单拷贝人α心钠素基因3′端用Ban Ⅱ酶解除去包括终止密码在内的36个碱基对,代之以人工合成的含Glu-Lys-Phe-Glu连接片段与另一单拷贝人α心钠素基因的5′端串连成编码60肽的双拷贝心钠素基因,克隆于大肠杆菌分泌型表达载体pIN-Ⅲ-OmpA_2质粒中,表达生成60肽的双拷贝人α型心钠素衍生物,在信号肽的作用下分泌至胞膜间质并自动切割为60肽的外源基因产物。分子量约8K的表达产物用分子筛或超滤膜分离后再经HPLC纯化,表达产物具有明显的心钠素放免活性和舒张血管活性。  相似文献   

鲑鱼生长激素基因分泌型表达质粒的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生长激素(GH)是动物垂体前叶分泌的一种多肽类激素.应用分子重组及PCR等技术,构建了一种鲑鱼生长激素基因分泌型表达质粒pOsGH153,使编码鲑鱼生长激素成熟肽的序列克隆在大肠杆菌分泌型表达载体PIN-Ⅲ-ompA内,直接位于编码大肠杆菌外膜蛋白A信号肽序列的下游,在Lpp-Lac杂合启动子控制下,经IPTG诱导,分子量约23 000的鲑鱼生长激素在大肠杆菌中获得高效表达,该产物具有天然鲑鱼生长激素的免疫活性,直接分泌到细胞周质,而信号肽被自动剪除.  相似文献   

本文报道了重组白介素6-假单胞菌外毒素融合蛋白(IL-6-PE40)对正常BN大鼠骨髓粒系造血的体外效应。10ng/ml的IL-6-PE40对高表达IL-6受体的U266骨髓瘤细胞的蛋白质合成抑制率为50%,1000ng/ml则为100%。1~1000ng/mlIL-6-PE40对正常骨髓未纯化细胞的CFU-GM集落形成和DNA合成无明显抑制,但IL-6却具有一定的刺激效应。提示正常骨髓粒系祖细胞和骨髓细胞可能不表达IL-6受体,IL-6-PE40对粒系造血仍具有某些细胞毒作用,但被IL-6-PE40中的IL-6极大地削弱了。  相似文献   

We investigated the ability of Lactococcus lactis to secrete biologically active, murine interleukin-10 (mIL-10). mIL-10 was synthesized as a fusion protein, consisting of the mature part of the eukaryotic protein fused to the secretion signal of the lactococcal Usp45 protein. The secreted protein was analyzed by PAGE, ELISA and bioassay.We show that L. lactis can efficiently secrete biologically active, murine IL-10. Determination of the N-terminal amino acid sequence confirmed correct processing of the fusion polypeptide by the lactococcal signal peptidase. The amount of mIL-10, accumulating in the medium, could be increased by a factor of ten by growing the cells in an optimized medium, buffered at near-neutral pH. Under these conditions, up to 30 mg of mIL-10 was obtained from a 10-litre fermentation.  相似文献   

Physiological effects of isopropyl-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) induction were examined in Escherichia coli strain JM109 expressing a fusion protein composed of transforming growth factor alpha and a 40-kD portion of Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin A (TGF(alpha)-PE40) under control of the tac promoter. Fermentations at the 15-L scale in complex medium compared growth and metabolite profiles of the untransformed JM109 host strain, the strain transformed with the vector lacking the TGF(alpha)-PE40 open reading frame (JM109[pKK2.7]), and the strain with the complete plasmid for TGF(alpha)-PE40 expression (JM109[pTAC-TGF57-PE40]). Metabolite and growth profiles of JM109 (pTAC-TGF57-PE40) cultures changed significantly in IPTG-induced versus uninduced cultures. Prior to induction, glucose was metabolized to acetate or completely oxidized to CO(2). Following induction, pyruvate was also excreted in addition to acetate. In the absence of inducer, pyruvate was excreted by JM109 (pTAC-TGF57-PE40) only when dissolved oxygen levels fell to less than 10% of saturation (microaerobic rather than anaerobic conditions). The untransformed JM109 host strain or JM109 (pKK2.7) did not excrete pyruvate in the presence or absence of inducer, although JM109 (pKK2.7) exhibited a pattern of growth following addition of IPTG that closely resembled JM109 (pTAC-TFG57-PE40). Fermentations of JM109 (pTAC-TFG57-PE40) in a synthetic medium supported lower expression levels, but resulted in similar alterations in metabolite profiles. Induction in synthetic medium resulted in pyruvate excretion without further acetate accumulation. Taken together, these data suggest that one consequence of TGF(alpha)-PE40 expression in JM109 is altered patterns of pyruvate oxidation. (c) 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Cytokines interleukin (IL)-12 and IL-23 are implicated in the pathogenesis of psoriasis. IL-12 causes differentiation of CD4+ T cells to interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma)-producing T helper 1 (Th1) cells, while IL-23 induces differentiation to IL-17-producing pathogenic Th17 cells. The effects of the monoclonal antibody to IL-12/23 p40 subunit (CNTO 1275) on IL-12 receptor (IL-12R) expression, markers associated with skin homing, activation, and cytokine secretion were investigated in vitro using human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from healthy donors. PBMCs were activated in the presence or absence of recombinant human (rh) IL-12 or rhIL-23, with or without CNTO 1275. CNTO 1275 inhibited upregulation of CLA, IL-12R, IL-2Ralpha and CD40L expression and also inhibited IL-12- and IL-23-induced IFN-gamma, IL-17A, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, IL-2, and IL-10 secretion. Thus, the therapeutic effect of CNTO 1275 may be attributed to the IL-12/23 neutralization, resulting in decreased expression of skin homing and activation markers, and IL-12- and IL-23-induced cytokine secretion.  相似文献   

Human anaplasmosis is an emerging infectious disease transmitted by ticks that can be potentially fatal in the immunocompromised and the elderly. The mechanisms of defense against the causative agent, Anaplasma phagocytophilum, are not completely understood; however, interferon (IFN)-gamma plays an important role in pathogen clearance. Here, we show that IFN-gamma is regulated through an early IL-12/23p40-dependent mechanism. Interleukin (IL)-12/23p40 is regulated in macrophages and dendritic cells after activation by microbial agonists and cytokines and constitutes a subunit of IL-12 and IL-23. IL-12/23p40-deficient mice displayed an increased A. phagocytophilum burden, accelerated thrombocytopenia and increased neutrophil numbers in the spleen at day 6 postinfection. Infection of MyD88- and mitogen-activated kinase kinase 3 (MKK3)-deficient mice suggested that the early susceptibility due to IL-12/23p40 deficiency was not dependent on signaling through MyD88 or MKK3. The lack of IL-12/23p40 reduced IFN-gamma production in both CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells although the effect was more pronounced in CD4(+) T cells. Our data suggest that the immune response against A. phagocytophilum is a multifactorial and cooperative process. The IL-12/23p40 subunit drives the CD4(+) Th1 immune response in the early phase of infection and IL-12/23p40-independent mechanisms ultimately contribute to pathogen elimination from the host.  相似文献   

IL-23 and IL-12 are structurally similar and critical for the generation of efficient cellular immune responses. Toxoplasma gondii induces a strong cell-mediated immune response. However, little is known about IL-23 secretion profiles in T. gondii-infected immune cells in connection with IL-12. We compared the patterns of IL-23 and IL-12 production by THP-1 human monocytic cells in response to stimulation with live or heat-killed T. gondii tachyzoites, or with equivalent quantities of either T. gondii excretory/secretory proteins (ESP) or soluble tachyzoite antigen (STAg). IL-23 and IL-12 were significantly increased from 6 hr after stimulation with T. gondii antigens, and their secretions were increased with parasite dose-dependent manner. IL-23 concentrations were significantly higher than those of IL-12 at the same multiplicity of infection. IL-23 secretion induced by live parasites was significantly higher than that by heat-killed parasites, ESP, or STAg, whereas IL-12 secretion by live parasite was similar to those of ESP or STAg. However, the lowest levels of both cytokines were at stimulation with heat-killed parasites. These data indicate that IL-23 secretion patterns by stimulation with various kinds of T. gondii antigens at THP-1 monocytic cells are similar to those of IL-12, even though the levels of IL-23 induction were significantly higher than those of IL-12. The detailed kinetics induced by each T. gondii antigen were different from each other.  相似文献   

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