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Hydrolytic enzymes were measured in gut contents from four sudden death victims. Pancreatic amylase and total protease activities decreased distally from the small bowel to the sigmoid/rectum region of the large intestine, showing that considerable breakdown or inactivation of the enzymes occurred during gut transit. To determine whether pancreatic enzymes were substrates for the gut microflora, mixed populations of bacteria were grown in a 3-stage continuous culture system on a medium that contained pancreatic extract as the sole nitrogen source. The multichamber system (MCS) was designed to reproduce in vitro , the low pH, high nutrient, fast growth conditions of the caecum and right colon and the neutral pH, low nutrient, slow growth conditions of the left colon. Results showed that pancreatic amylase was resistant to breakdown by intestinal bacteria compared with the peptide hydrolases in pancreatic secretions. Leucine aminopeptidase, trypsin and to a lesser degree, chymotrypsin, were easily degraded by gut bacteria, but pancreatic elastase was comparatively resistant to breakdown. Protein degradation in the MCS, as determined by enzyme activities, protein concentration and ammonia and phenol production, increased concomitantly with system retention time over the range 24–69 h. These results suggest that intestinal bacteria play an important role in the breakdown of hydrolytic enzymes secreted by the pancreas and that this process and protein fermentation in general, is likely to occur maximally in individuals with extended colonic retention times.  相似文献   

Human intestinal bacteria were grown in a 3-stage continuous culture system on a medium containing complex polysaccharides and proteins as carbon and nitrogen sources. Selected bacterial populations were enumerated and glycosidase, protease and arylamidase activities measured. Comparison of arylamidase and glycosidase activities in the multichamber system (MCS) and faeces showed that the predominant faecal enzymes were also produced by bacteria growing in the MCS. After 48 d operation, porcine gastric mucin (5.8 g/d) was independently fed to vessel 1. Elevated levels of volatile fatty acid (VFA) formation showed that the glycoprotein was actively fermented. The increase in carbohydrate availability as a result of breakdown of the mucin oligosaccharides stimulated bacterial growth and activities. The enzymological measurements showed that mucin increased production of both cell-bound and extracellular glycosidases, such as β-galactosidase, α-glucosidase and N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase. Protease activities were profoundly influenced by mucin. These were largely cell-bound in non-mucin cultures but were predominantly extracellular and collagenolytic when mucin was present. Experiments with protease inhibitors showed that cysteine proteases were the major cell-bound and extracellular enzymes in both mucin and non-mucin cultures, but that serine and metalloproteases were also present. The effect of mucin on arylamidase formation was less marked, although there was increased production of these enzymes in vessels 1 and 2 of the MCS. These results suggest that host-produced substances such as mucin glycoprotein may play a role in modulating the growth and activity of bacteria growing in the human large intestine.  相似文献   

Human intestinal bacteria were grown in a 3-stage continuous culture system on a medium containing complex polysaccharides and proteins as carbon and nitrogen sources. Selected bacterial populations were enumerated and glycosidase, protease and arylamidase activities measured. Comparison of arylamidase and glycosidase activities in the multichamber system (MCS) and faeces showed that the predominant faecal enzymes were also produced by bacteria growing in the MCS. After 48 d operation, porcine gastric mucin (5.8 g/d) was independently fed to vessel 1. Elevated levels of volatile fatty acid (VFA) formation showed that the glycoprotein was actively fermented. The increase in carbohydrate availability as a result of breakdown of the mucin oligosaccharides stimulated bacterial growth and activities. The enzymological measurements showed that mucin increased production of both cell-bound and extracellular glycosidases, such as beta-galactosidase, alpha-glucosidase and N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase. Protease activities were profoundly influenced by mucin. These were largely cell-bound in non-mucin cultures but were predominantly extracellular and collagenolytic when mucin was present. Experiments with protease inhibitors showed that cysteine proteases were the major cell-bound and extracellular enzymes in both mucin and non-mucin cultures, but that serine and metalloproteases were also present. The effect of mucin on arylamidase formation was less marked, although there was increased production of these enzymes in vessels 1 and 2 of the MCS. These results suggest that host-produced substances such as mucin glycoprotein may play a role in modulating the growth and activity of bacteria growing in the human large intestine.  相似文献   

In vitro fermentations were carried out by using a model of the human colon to simulate microbial activities of lower gut bacteria. Bacterial populations (and their metabolic products) were evaluated under the effects of various fermentable substrates. Carbohydrates tested were polydextrose, lactitol, and fructo-oligosaccharide (FOS). Bacterial groups of interest were evaluated by fluorescence in situ hybridization as well as by species-specific PCR to determine bifidobacterial species and percent-G+C profiling of the bacterial communities present. Short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) produced during the fermentations were also evaluated. Polydextrose had a stimulatory effect upon colonic bifidobacteria at concentrations of 1 and 2% (using a single and pooled human fecal inoculum, respectively). The bifidogenic effect was sustained throughout all three vessels of the in vitro system (P = 0.01 seen in vessel 3), as corroborated by the bacterial community profile revealed by %G+C analysis. This substrate supported a wide variety of bifidobacteria and was the only substrate where Bifidobacterium infantis was detected. The fermentation of lactitol had a deleterious effect on both bifidobacterial and bacteroides populations (P = 0.01) and decreased total cell numbers. SCFA production was stimulated, however, particularly butyrate (beneficial for host colonocytes). FOS also had a stimulatory effect upon bifidobacterial and lactobacilli populations that used a single inoculum (P = 0.01 for all vessels) as well as a bifidogenic effect in vessels 2 and 3 (P = 0.01) when a pooled inoculum was used. A decrease in bifidobacteria throughout the model was reflected in the percent-G+C profiles.  相似文献   

Summary Large amounts (3 g.l–1) of tensio-active substances can be produced continuously and recuperated using a tangential-flow filtration device. These compounds can emulsify crude oil and the emulsions, obtained with a crude oil over biosurfactants ratio of 500, remain stable for hours.  相似文献   

Mixed intestinal bacteria were grown for 336 h in two identical single-stage chemostats at low growth rates in a carbohydrate-limited medium. Complex bacterial populations were maintained and anaerobes always outnumbered aerobes. The predominant organisms belonged to the genera Bacteroides, Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus, Clostridium, Eubacterium, Propionbacterium, Peptococcus, and Peptostreptococcus. Bacteroides species predominated in both fermentors, particularly B. ovatus and B. thetaiotaomicron. A high degree of reproducibility of bacteriological and fermentation product data was obtained in these experiments. When gut contents were inoculated into a five-stage continuous culture system (retention time of 79 or 38 h) containing soya bran, the medium flow rate had little quantitative effect on the formation of acidic fermentation products; however, more oxidized fermentation acids were produced at the higher retention time. Diverse bacterial populations were maintained in every vessel at each flow rate. Bacteroides fragilis group organisms, especially B. ovatus, were numerically the most important. The viability of bacteria decreased through the system, especially at a retention time of 79 h, when the bacteria were growing under severely nutrient-limited conditions.  相似文献   

Mixed intestinal bacteria were grown for 336 h in two identical single-stage chemostats at low growth rates in a carbohydrate-limited medium. Complex bacterial populations were maintained and anaerobes always outnumbered aerobes. The predominant organisms belonged to the genera Bacteroides, Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus, Clostridium, Eubacterium, Propionbacterium, Peptococcus, and Peptostreptococcus. Bacteroides species predominated in both fermentors, particularly B. ovatus and B. thetaiotaomicron. A high degree of reproducibility of bacteriological and fermentation product data was obtained in these experiments. When gut contents were inoculated into a five-stage continuous culture system (retention time of 79 or 38 h) containing soya bran, the medium flow rate had little quantitative effect on the formation of acidic fermentation products; however, more oxidized fermentation acids were produced at the higher retention time. Diverse bacterial populations were maintained in every vessel at each flow rate. Bacteroides fragilis group organisms, especially B. ovatus, were numerically the most important. The viability of bacteria decreased through the system, especially at a retention time of 79 h, when the bacteria were growing under severely nutrient-limited conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Candida shehatae exhibits different fermentative capacities when grown under different aeration conditions. These studies investigated the titers of xylose reductase, xylitol dehydrogenase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and alcohol dehydrogenase in crude extracts ofCandida shehatae grown in continuous culture with various specific aeration rates. Carbon source, aeration rate, dilution rate and temperature were examined as variables. Xylose reductase and xylitol dehydrogenase were induced by xylose and were largely absent in glucose-grown cells. Alcohol dehydrogenae levels were higher in glucose-grown cells than in xylose-grown cells. The levels of this enzyme also correlated with the fermentative character of metabolism, having a low value under fully aerobic conditions, a high value under anaerobic conditions, and intermediate levels under various semi-aerobic conditions. Temperature had no effect on any enzyme level over the range of 20–30°C.Maintained in cooperation with the University of Wisconsin-Madison  相似文献   

The human large intestine is covered with a protective mucus coating, which is heavily colonized by complex bacterial populations that are distinct from those in the gut lumen. Little is known of the composition and metabolic activities of these biofilms, although they are likely to play an important role in mucus breakdown. The aims of this study were to determine how intestinal bacteria colonize mucus and to study physiologic and enzymatic factors involved in the destruction of this glycoprotein. Colonization of mucin gels by fecal bacteria was studied in vitro, using a two-stage continuous culture system, simulating conditions of nutrient availability and limitation characteristic of the proximal (vessel 1) and distal (vessel 2) colon. The establishment of bacterial communities in mucin gels was investigated by selective culture methods, scanning electron microscopy, and confocal laser scanning microscopy, in association with fluorescently labeled 16S rRNA oligonucleotide probes. Gel samples were also taken for analysis of mucin-degrading enzymes and measurements of residual mucin sugars. Mucin gels were rapidly colonized by heterogeneous bacterial populations, especially members of the Bacteroides fragilis group, enterobacteria, and clostridia. Intestinal bacterial populations growing on mucin surfaces were shown to be phylogenetically and metabolically distinct from their planktonic counterparts.  相似文献   

Bacteroides ovatus NCTC 11153 was grown in a two-stage continuous culture system at various growth rates (vessel 1, D = 0.06 to 0.19 h-1; vessel 2, D = 0.03 to 0.09 h-1) on media containing mixtures of starch and arabinogalactan as carbon sources. The cell-associated enzyme activities needed to hydrolyze both substrates (amylase, arabinogalactanase, alpha-glucosidase, beta-galactosidase, and alpha-arabinofuranosidase) were variously influenced by growth rate and polysaccharide availability but were detected under all growth conditions tested. Measurements of residual carbohydrate in spent culture media showed that both polysaccharides were co-utilized during growth under putative C-limited conditions. The arabinogalactan was partly depolymerized in N-limited chemostats, and significant amounts of arabinose- and galactose-containing oligosaccharides accumulated in the cultures, indicating that starch was being preferentially utilized. Acetate, propionate, and succinate were the major fermentation products formed by C-limited bacteria, but under N limitation, lactate was also produced. Molar ratios of succinate increased concomitantly with the dilution rate in C-limited chemostats, whereas molar ratios of propionate decreased. During N-limited growth, however, decarboxylation of succinate to propionate was relatively independent of growth rate. Cell viability was higher in C-limited cultures compared with those grown under N limitation and was greatest at high dilution rates, irrespective of nutrient limitation.  相似文献   

Fluorescence in situ hybridization was used to quantitate bacteria growing in a three-stage continuous culture system inoculated with human faeces, operated at two system retention times (60 and 20 h). Twenty-three different 16S rRNA gene oligonucleotide probes of varying specificities were used to detect bacteria. Organisms belonging to genera Bacteroides and Bifidobacterium, together with the Eubacterium rectale/Clostridium coccoides group, the Atopobium, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii and Eubacterium cylindroides groups, as well as the segmented filamentous bacteria, the Roseburia intestinalis group and lactic acid bacteria, were all present in high numbers in the continuous culture system. Other groups and species such as Ruminococci and Enterobacteria also persisted in the model, though not always at levels that allowed reliable quantitation. Some organisms such as Streptococci and Corynebacteria, present in the faecal inoculum, did not colonize the system. Other probes specific for Eubacterium lentum and for members of the genus Desulfovibrio did not detect these organisms at any time. Short chain fatty acid production was always highest in vessel I of the continuous culture system, however, a marked increase in acetate formation and a reduction in butyrate production occurred when system retention time was reduced to 20 h, which correlated with reductions in the numbers of butyrate-producing Roseburia.  相似文献   

Bacteroides ovatus NCTC 11153 was grown in a two-stage continuous culture system at various growth rates (vessel 1, D = 0.06 to 0.19 h-1; vessel 2, D = 0.03 to 0.09 h-1) on media containing mixtures of starch and arabinogalactan as carbon sources. The cell-associated enzyme activities needed to hydrolyze both substrates (amylase, arabinogalactanase, alpha-glucosidase, beta-galactosidase, and alpha-arabinofuranosidase) were variously influenced by growth rate and polysaccharide availability but were detected under all growth conditions tested. Measurements of residual carbohydrate in spent culture media showed that both polysaccharides were co-utilized during growth under putative C-limited conditions. The arabinogalactan was partly depolymerized in N-limited chemostats, and significant amounts of arabinose- and galactose-containing oligosaccharides accumulated in the cultures, indicating that starch was being preferentially utilized. Acetate, propionate, and succinate were the major fermentation products formed by C-limited bacteria, but under N limitation, lactate was also produced. Molar ratios of succinate increased concomitantly with the dilution rate in C-limited chemostats, whereas molar ratios of propionate decreased. During N-limited growth, however, decarboxylation of succinate to propionate was relatively independent of growth rate. Cell viability was higher in C-limited cultures compared with those grown under N limitation and was greatest at high dilution rates, irrespective of nutrient limitation.  相似文献   

Bacteria grow on multicomponent substrates in most natural and engineered environments. To advance our ability to model bacterial growth on such substrates, axenic cultures were grown in chemostats at a low specific growth rate and a constant total energy flux on binary and ternary substrate mixtures and were assayed for key catabolic enzymes for each substrate. The substrates were benzoate, salicylate, and glucose, and the enzymes were catechol 1,2-dioxygenase, gentisate 1,2-dioxygenase, and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, respectively. The binary mixtures were salicylate with benzoate and salicylate with glucose. Measurements were also made of oxygen uptake rate by whole cells in response to each substrate. The effects of the substrate mixture on the oxygen uptake rate paralleled the effects on the measured enzymes. Catechol 1,2-dioxygenase exhibited a threshold response before synthesis occurred. Below the threshold flux of benzoate through the chemostat, either basal enzyme levels or nonspecific enzymes kept reactor concentrations too low for enzyme synthesis. Above the threshold, enzyme levels were linearly related to the fraction of the total energy flux through the chemostat due to benzoate. Gentisate 1,2-dioxygenase exhibited a linear response to the salicylate flux when mixed with benzoate, but a threshold response when mixed with glucose. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity increased in direct proportion to the glucose flux through the chemostat over the entire range studied. The results from two ternary mixtures were consistent with those from the binary mixtures.  相似文献   

Denitrification and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) are competing microbial nitrate-reduction processes. The occurrence of DNRA has been shown to be effected qualitatively by various parameters in the environment. A more quantitative understanding can be obtained using enrichment cultures in a laboratory reactor, yet no successful DNRA enrichment culture has been described. We showed that a stable DNRA-dominated enrichment culture can be obtained in a chemostat system. The enrichment was based on the hypothesis that nitrate limitation is the dominant factor in selecting for DNRA. First, a conventional denitrifying culture was enriched from activated sludge, with acetate and nitrate as substrates. Next, the acetate concentration in the medium was increased to obtain nitrate-limiting conditions. As a result, conversions shifted from denitrification to DNRA. In this selection of a DNRA culture, two important factors were the nitrate limitation and a relatively low dilution rate (0.026 h−1). The culture was a highly enriched population of Deltaproteobacteria most closely related to Geobacter lovleyi, based on 16S rRNA gene sequencing (97% similarity). We established a stable and reproducible cultivation method for the enrichment of DNRA bacteria in a continuously operated reactor system. This enrichment method allows to further investigate the DNRA process and address the factors for competition between DNRA and denitrification, or other N-conversion pathways.  相似文献   

An anaerobic three-stage continuous culture model of the human colon (gut model), which represent different anatomical areas of the large intestine, was used to study the effect of S. aureus infection of the gut on the resident faecal microbiota. Studies on the development of the microbiota in the three vessels were performed and bacteria identified by culture independent fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Furthermore, short chain fatty acids (SCFA), as principal end products of gut bacterial metabolism, were measured along with a quantitative assessment of the predominant microbiota. During steady state conditions, numbers of S. aureus cells stabilised until they were washed out, but populations of indigenous bacteria were transiently altered; thus S. aureus was able to compromise colonisation resistance by the colonic microbiota. Furthermore, the concentration of butyric acid in the vessel representing the proximal colon was significantly decreased by infection. Thus infection by S. aureus appears to be able to alter the overall structure of the human colonic microbiota and the microbial metabolic profiles. This work provides an initial in vitro model to analyse interactions with pathogens.  相似文献   

Anabaena inaequalis was sensitive to mercuric ion (Hg2+) in the ppb (nanogram per milliliter) range. Growth was inhibited significantly at concentrations of metal ion as low as 2 ppb, and 100 ppb was required to inhibit photosynthesis and acetylene reduction. Low levels of Hg2+ stimulated acetylene reduction and photosynthesis. The lysis of vegetative cells was the primary action of mercuric ions, resulting in the inhibition of growth, photosynthesis, and nitrogenase activity. There was a linear relationship between numbers of cells and the amount of Hg2+ required to induce culture lysis. Calculated on the basis of equivalent cell numbers, Hg2+ was toxic to A. inaequalis at 0.006, 0.009, and 0.100 micrograms of Hg2+ per 10(5) cells for photosynthesis, growth, and acetylene reduction, respectively.  相似文献   

Summary Pectin, dissolved in a mineral salts solution, was degraded anaerobically by a mixed population of bacteria in chemostat cultures (pH=6, T=30°C). At a dilution rate of 0.3 h–1, the specific volume activity was 45.7 (g substrate). (l reactor)–1.d–1.  相似文献   

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