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Kahuzi-Biega National Park, located in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, harbours an abundance of endemic species and maintains important populations of Grauer's gorilla ( Gorilla gorilla graueri ) and elephants ( Loxodonta africana ). This paper reports on the status of large mammals within the mountain sector of the park in 1996, 2 years after the arrival of half a million Rwandan refugees in the area immediately adjacent to the sector. Large mammal surveys found that gorilla populations had remained stable and that elephants were concentrated within a subsector of the area. However, although chimpanzees ( Pan troglodytes ), blue monkeys ( Cercopithecus mitis ), and owl-faced monkeys ( C. hamlyni ) were abundant and widespread, most terrestrial mammal species were found in very low densities and had been subjected to poaching. Nevertheless, important mammal populations remained and complemented the biodiversity conservation value of the park.  相似文献   

Currently, the timber company Industrie Forestiére du Batalimo is selectively logging the Ngotto Forest in the Central African Republic. The forest is home to a population of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes troglodytes) and gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) and provides the Bofi-speaking people of Grima with food, medicine, housing material, and other commodities. Over a 7-month period, the research team conducted a line-transect survey of the great ape population in the forests to the south of Grima to document their distribution. For comparison purposes, the team also surveyed a section of adjacent forest that had already been logged. Ape nests were significantly rarer in the logged forest than in the unlogged forest, and ape nests were most common in the more pristine forests to the south. This report further discusses the effects of logging and other human activities.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of human temporal bone pneumatization has been well studied from both comparative and clinical perspectives. While a difference in the extent of air cell distribution has been noted in our closest living relatives, chimpanzees and gorillas, the processes responsible have been relatively unexplored. To examine these processes, a large, age‐graded series of hominoid skulls was radiographed and the progress of pneumatization recorded. Additionally, a subsample of 30 chimpanzees and 12 gorillas was subjected to high‐resolution CT scanning. Neonatal specimens show a well‐developed mastoid antrum, as well as a capacious hypotympanum extending into the petrous apex. In African apes, as in humans, the mastoid antrum serves as the focus for air cell expansion into the mastoid and immediately adjacent areas. In chimpanzees and gorillas, however, a pronounced lateral structure, described as the squamous antrum, serves as the focus of pneumatization for anterior structures such as the squamous and zygomatic. The diminution of this structure in Homo sapiens explains the difference in air cell distribution in these regions. J. Morphol. 241:127–137, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

I used a zoological park setting to address food preferences among gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorill) and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Gorillas and chimpanzees are different sizes, and consequently, have been traditionally viewed as ecologically distinct. Sympatric western gorillas and chimpanzees have proved difficult to study in the wild. Limited field data have provided conflicting information about whether gorillas are fundamentally different from chimpanzees in diet and behavior. Fruit eating shapes the behavior of most apes, but it is unclear whether the large-bodied gorillas are an exception to this rule, specifically whether they are less selective and more opportunistic fruit eaters than chimpanzees are. My research provides experimental observational data to complement field data and to better characterize the diets and food preferences of the African apes. During laboratory research at the San Francisco Zoological Gardens, I examined individual and specific differences in food preferences of captive gorillas and chimpanzees via experimental paired-choice food trials with foods that varied in nutritional content. During the study, I offered 2500 paired-food choices to 6 individual gorillas and 2000 additional pairs to them as a group. I also proffered 600 food pairs to 4 individual chimpanzees. Despite expectations of the implications of body size differences for diet, gorillas and chimpanzees exhibited similar food preferences. Both species preferred foods high in non-starch sugars and sugar-to-fiber ratios, and low in total dietary fiber. Neither species avoided foods containing tannins. These data support other suggestions of African apes sharing a frugivorous adaptation.  相似文献   

A survey of apes was carried out between October 1996 and May 1997 in the Dzanga sector of the Dzanga‐Ndoki National Park, Central African Republic (CAR), to estimate gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) and chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) densities. The density estimates were based on nest counts. The strip transect census and the line transect survey method (Standing Crop Nest Count) were used to estimate the gorilla nest group density. The strip transect has been most commonly used to date. It assumes that all nest groups within the width of the strip are detected, but as this assumption is easily violated in the dense tropical rain forest, the line transect survey was also used. In this method, only the nest groups on the transect line itself should be detected. This method proved to be an adequate and easy technique for estimating animal densities in dense vegetation. The gorilla density of 1.6 individuals km?2 (line transect survey method) found for the Dzanga sector is one of the highest densities ever reported in the literature for the Western lowland gorilla. The density estimate for chimpanzees was 0.16 individuals km?2 (census method). The results of this study confirm the importance of the Dzanga‐Ndoki National Park for primate conservation.  相似文献   

A census was made of gorilla and chimpanzee populations throughout Gabon between December 1980 and February 1983. The aim of the census was to estimate the total numbers of both species and describe their distributions. The method was based on nest counts from line transects which allowed the calculation of population densities of all individuals except suckling infants. Fifteen types of habitat were recognized and defined in terms of their structural features. In the initial phase of the study we did transects in each habitat-type and computed mean densities for each species in each habitat-type. In the second phase of the study we estimated the sizes of gorilla and chimpanzee populations throughout the country by extrapolation from these population density values. We did transects in all areas of the country and conducted interviews to check the accuracy of the population totals obtained by extrapolation. Corrections were made to the extrapolated totals to take into account different levels of hunting pressure and other human activities found to modify ape population densities. Total populations of 34,764 gorillas and 64,173 chimpanzees were estimated. An error of ± 20% was associated with the estimated population totals, which allows the conclusion that Gabon contains 35,000 ± 7,000 gorillas and 64,000 ± 13,000 chimpanzees. The figure for gorillas is much larger than previous estimates. This seems to be because (1) gorillas occur in almost all types of forest and are not restricted to man-made secondary forest as had been though; and (2) the geographical distribution of gorillas in Gabon is wider than previously believed. Gabon's large areas of undisturbed primary forest offer exceptional potential for conservation, not only of gorillas and chimpanzees, but also of the intact tropical rain forest ecosystems which they inhabit.  相似文献   

Until recently it was generally believed that gorillas avoid water. In two recent, independent faunal surveys in the Likouala swamp of north central Congo, we have found that gorillas occur at high densities, extending the known range of Gorilla gorilla gorillavery close to the Oubangui River. The gorillas in this area fed on the abundant ground vegetation of herbaceous monocotyledons in the swamp forest. In adjacent islands of terra firmathere was little evidence of gorilla nesting or feeding, indicating that they spend at least part of the year almost exclusively in the swamp forests. Recent reports from several sites in West Africa indicate that swamp forests may generally provide abundant food resources that are used regularly by gorillas.  相似文献   

We describe the diet of a semihabituated group of Grauer's gorillas (Gorilla beringei graueri) inhabiting the montane forest of Kahuzi-Biega National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo, based on direct observations, feeding remains in their fresh trails, and fecal samples collected over 9 yr. We examined fruit availability in their habitat; consumption of fruit, vegetative, and animal food; and daily intake of vegetative plant food using a transect, fruit monitoring trails, fecal analysis, and tracing of the animal's daily trails between consecutive nest sites. The fruit food repertoire of Kahuzi gorillas resembles that of western and eastern lowland gorillas inhabiting lowland tropical forests, while their vegetative food repertoire resembles that of mountain gorillas inhabiting montane forests. Among 236 plant foods (116 species), leaves, pith, and barks constitute the major parts (70.2%), with fruit making up the minor part (19.7%). About half (53.2%) of the total fecal samples included fruit remains. The gorillas used leaves, stems and other vegetative plant parts as staples. Their fruit intake was similar to that reported for mountain gorillas in Bwindi. They ate animal foods, including earthworms, on rare occasions. Variation in fruit consumption was positively associated with variation in fruit production. The gorillas ate fig fruits frequently; fig intake is positively correlated with that of other fruits, and figs were not fallback foods. They relied heavily on bamboo shoots on a seasonal basis; however, no bamboo shoots were available for several years after a major flowering event. Our results support the argument that variation in gorilla diets mostly reflects variation in vegetational composition of their habitats.  相似文献   

Monitoring populations of endangered species over time is necessary to guide and evaluate conservation efforts. This is particularly important for nonprotected areas that ensure connectivity between protected populations but are prone to uncontrolled hunting pressure. We investigated whether use of transects by local people and transect reuse for repeated surveys influence great ape nesting and bias results. We conducted simultaneous marked nest count surveys over 12 mo on established and newly opened transects in a nonprotected area subject to traditional heavy use by local people and recorded forest composition and signs of human activity. Chimpanzee and gorilla density estimates and encounter rates per kilometer were lower on established transects than on new ones. A generalized linear model indicated that hunting activity, distance to a regularly used forest trail, and transect type (old or new) predicted chimpanzee nest abundance, and distance to the trail and transect type predicted gorilla nest abundance, with no effect of habitat type (percentage suitable habitat) for either species. We, therefore, suggest that the difference in great ape nesting is a result of high levels of hunting by local people on established transects and forest trails. Our results support the use of repeated line transect surveys for monitoring great ape populations in many circumstances, although we advocate taking precautions in nonprotected areas, to avoid the bias imposed by use of established transects for hunting.  相似文献   

This paper describes the size and structure of western lowland gorilla groups visiting Mbeli Bai, a swampy forest clearing in northern Congo. An observation platform at the edge of the clearing was used over a 3-yr period, with gorillas visible for 1,681 hr. Data are presented on 14 groups and seven solitary males. Mean group size (excluding solitary males) was 8.4 +/- SD 4.3, and did not differ significantly from most other gorilla studies. All groups at Mbeli contained only one fully mature male and did not show evidence of fission-fusion or regular subgrouping. All emigrating males that remained in the population became solitary, and "bachelor" groups were not observed. Methodological issues are raised, including the classification of multi-male groups, and the demographic profiles of other populations are discussed in the light of results from Mbeli.  相似文献   

Sympatric populations of lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes troglodytes) in the Lopé Reserve in central Gabon consumed insects at similar average frequencies over a 7-year period (30% versus 31% feces contained insect remains). Data came mostly from fecal analysis supplemented by observation and trail evidence. The weaver ant (Oecophylla longinoda) was the species eaten most frequently by both gorillas and chimpanzees. Other species of insects wore eaten but there was virtually no overlap: Chimpanzees used tools to eat Apis bees (and their honey) and two large species of ants; gorillas ate three species of small ants. Thus, despite their shared habitat, the esources utilized were not identical as gorillas do not show the tool-use “technology” of chimpanzees. The frequency of insect-eating by both species of ape varied seasonally and between years but in different ways. This variation did not seem to be related to the ratio of fruit to foliage in their diets. Gorillas of all age-classes ate insects at similar rates. Comparisons with insectivory by other populations of gorillas indicate differences exist. Mountain gorillas (Gorilla g. beringei) in the Virunga Volcanoes, Rwanda, consume thousands of invertebrates daily, eating them inadvertently with handfuls of herbaceous foods but they deliberately ingest insect-foods only rarely. Lowland gorillas at Lopé habitually ate social insects, and their selective processing of herbaceous foods probably minimizes inadvertent consumption of other invertebrates. Gorillas at Belinga in northeastern Gabon, 250 km from Lop6, ate social insects at similar rates but ignored weaver ants in favor of Cubitermes sulcifrons, a small species of termite that occurs at Lopé but was not eaten by gorillas. This indicates that local traditions similar to those reported for chimpanzees also exist amongst populations of gorillas. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Repetitive linear enamel hypoplasia (rLEH) is often observed in recent large-bodied apes from Africa and Asia as well as Mid- to Late Miocene sites from Spain to China. The ubiquity and periodicity of rLEH are not understood. Its potential as an ontogenetic marker of developmental stress in threatened species (as well as their ancient relatives) makes rLEH an important if enigmatic problem. We report research designed to show the periodicity of rLEH among West African Pan troglodytes (12 male, 32 female), Gorilla gorilla (10 male, 10 female), and Bornean and Sumatran Pongo pygmaeus (11 male, 9 female, 9 unknown) from collections in Europe. Two methods were employed. In the common chimpanzees and gorillas, the space between adjacent, macroscopically visible LEH grooves on teeth with two or more episodes was expressed as an absolute measure and as a ratio of complete unworn crown height. In the orangutans, the number of perikymata between episode onsets, as well as duration of rLEH, was determined from scanning electron micrographs of casts of incisors and canines. We conclude that stress in the form of LEH commences as early as 2.5 years of age in all taxa and lasts for several years, and even longer in orangutans; the stress is not chronic but episodic; the stressor has a strong tendency to occur in pulses of two occurrences each; and large apes from both land masses exhibit rLEH with an average periodicity of 6 months (or multiples thereof; Sumatran orangutans seem to show only annual stress), but this needs further research. This is supported by evidence of spacing between rLEH as well as perikymata counts. Duration of stress in orangutans averages about 6 weeks. Finally, the semiannual stressor transcends geographic and temporal boundaries, and is attributed to regular moisture cycles associated with the intertropical convergence zone modified by the monsoon. While seasonal cycles can influence both disease and nutritional stress, it is likely the combination of seasonal variation in fruiting cycles with specific stressors (malaria and/or intestinal parasites, especially hookworm) that results in this widespread phenomenon. This seasonal stress is sufficiently common and of long duration (6 weeks on average in orangutans) that we think rLEH may reflect significant stress in recent and, inferentially, fossil apes. Increasing seasonality may have impinged negatively on later Miocene apes, especially if they lacked a clear birth peak or seasonality in their reproductive cycles.  相似文献   

The conservation of gorillas (Gorilla spp.) and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) depends upon knowledge of their densities and distribution throughout their ranges. However, information about ape populations in swamp forests is scarce. Here we build on current knowledge of ape populations by conducting line transect surveys of nests throughout a reserve dominated by swamp forest: the Lac Télé Community Reserve in northern Congo. We estimated gorilla and chimpanzee densities, distributions across habitats, and seasonal changes in abundance. Gorilla density was 2.9 gorillas km–2, but densities varied by habitat (0.3–5.4 gorillas km–2) with highest densities in swamp forest and terra firma mixed forest. Average chimpanzee density is 0.7 chimpanzees km–2 (0.1–1.3 chimpanzees km–2), with highest densities in swamp forest. Habitat was the best predictor of ape nest abundance, as neither the number of human indices nor the distance from the nearest village predicted nest abundance. We recorded significantly greater numbers of apes in terra firma forest during the high-water season than the low-water season, indicating that many gorillas and chimpanzees are at times concentrated in terra firma forest amid a matrix of swamp forest. Seasonally high numbers of apes on terra firma forest islands easily accessible to local people may expose them to substantial hunting pressure. Conversely, the nearly impenetrable nature of swamp forests and their low value for logging makes them promising sites for the conservation of apes.  相似文献   

Dispersal is a rare event that is difficult to observe in slowly maturing, long-lived wild animal species such as the bonobo. In this study we used sex-linked (mitochondrial DNA sequence and Y-chromosome microsatellite) markers from the same set of individuals to estimate the magnitude of difference in effective dispersal between the sexes and to investigate the long-term demographic history of bonobos. We sampled 34 males from four distinct geographical areas across the bonobo distribution range. As predicted for a female-dispersing species, we found much higher levels of differentiation among local bonobo populations based upon Y-chromosomal than mtDNA genetic variation. Specifically, almost all of the Y-chromosomal variation distinguished populations, while nearly all of the mtDNA variation was shared between populations. Furthermore, genetic distance correlated with geographical distance for mtDNA but not for the Y chromosome. Female bonobos have a much higher migration rate and/or effective population size as compared to males, and the estimate for the mitochondrial TMRCA (time to most recent common ancestor) was approximately 10 times greater than the estimate for the Y chromosome (410,000 vs. 40,000-45,000). For humans the difference is merely a factor of two, suggesting a more stable demographic history in bonobos in comparison to humans.  相似文献   

International Journal of Primatology - A key feature of human behavioral diversity is that it can be constrained by cultural preference (“cultural override”); that is,...  相似文献   

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