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While considerable variations in both the frequency of extra‐pair paternity (EPP) and the behavioral events that produce it are recognized among species, populations, individuals, and breeding attempts, the determinants of these variations are surprisingly difficult to establish. Nest predation may be one such determinant, since it is the most important source of reproductive failure, and past studies have suggested a variety of reproductive flexibilities under nest predation risk. However, despite its potentially significant effect on mating behaviors, nest predation risk has rarely been discussed in association with variations in intraspecific EPP patterns. Here, we examined the effect of naturally occurring nest predation, which varied between sites, years, and breeding attempts, on patterns of EPP in 92 broods (132 adults and 710 nestlings) of the Japanese great tit Parus major minor. We found that the frequency of extra‐pair offspring was positively correlated with the nest predation rate, along with a correlation to breeding attempts in a season, but not with other factors such as individual quality or breeding density. Under high nest‐predation risk, it may be adaptive for males to search for additional extra‐pair copulation to spread the risk of losing all offspring and to invest less in mate‐guarding, which also enables females to seek additional extra‐mating. The results of this study suggest that nest predation risk, among other factors, may significantly influence paternity allocation in birds.  相似文献   

Raptors exhibit some of the highest rates of intra‐pair copulations among birds, perhaps in an attempt by males to reduce the risk of being cuckolded. Indeed, the frequency of extra‐pair fertilizations reported in studies of raptors to date is relatively low (0–11.2%). Socially monogamous Cooper's Hawks (Accipiter cooperii) exhibit one of the highest copulation rates among birds, yet there are no published accounts of extra‐pair copulations (or paternity). We studied a population of Cooper's Hawks in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, during three breeding seasons (2003, 2004, and 2007), examining the possible effects of age (1 yr old vs. ≥ 2 yr old), adult mass, and brood size on the frequency of extra‐pair paternity (EPP). We found that 19.3% of nestlings (N = 27/140) were extra‐pair young (EPY), and 34% of all broods (N = 15/44) had at least one EPY. The sires of the EPY in our study were identified for only two broods, suggesting that floater males may have engaged in extra‐pair copulations with territorial females. We found that brood size was a good predictor of the occurrence of EPP (EPP) in nests, but adult mass and female age were not. To our knowledge, these possible correlates of the occurrence of EPP in raptors had not previously been investigated. Male Cooper's Hawks provide food for females during the pre‐nesting period, and delivery of food is, in contrast to other raptor species, typically followed by copulation. Thus, one possible explanation of the relatively high rates of EPP in our study is that females might accept or even solicit extra‐pair copulations from males other than their mates as a means of maximizing energy intake for egg production. Such behavior might be particularly likely in our study area, i.e., a food‐rich urban setting with a high breeding density of Cooper's Hawks.  相似文献   

Extra‐pair copulation is common among passerine birds. Females might engage in this behavior to obtain direct or indirect benefits. They may choose extra‐pair males with larger ornaments, especially if they are costly to produce. Here we studied extra‐pair paternity in the collared flycatcher. Genetic analysis allowed us to identify the presence or absence of extra‐pair young in the focal nests, and to identify extra‐pair fathers. We also identified potential males available as extra‐pair sires around the nests of females who had extra‐pair young. First, we tested the relationship between paternity in own nest and ornament size (wing patch and/or forehead patch), morphological traits and age of social males and females. Second, we compared the same suite of traits among social mates, extra‐pair males and all potential extra‐pair mates. Finally, we investigated the effect of the size of ornaments on the distance between the social nest and that of nest the extra‐pair father. Contrary to our prediction, males with larger ornaments and longer wings lost more paternity in their nests. We also found that early breeders lost less paternity in their nests. Extra‐pair males were older and had longer wings than social and potential extra‐pair males. Females mainly obtained extra‐pair mates near their nests but the distance did not vary according to ornamentation. These results could potentially be explained by differences in mate guarding strategy as older males may be more experienced in guarding their mate and attract other females more easily. More data about mate guarding and prospecting are needed to increase our understanding of mechanisms underlying the extra‐pair paternity in birds.  相似文献   

Extra‐pair paternity (EPP) is common in chickadees and often attributed to the good genes hypothesis. Females generally seek dominant males, who are typically larger, older and sing at higher rates than subordinate males, as extra‐pair sires. In other songbird species, habitat quality and urbanization have been found to influence EPP. Mountain chickadees commonly inhabit suburban habitat, and previous research on our population has shown urbanization may provide benefits to these adaptable songbirds. Here, we ask how individual condition and urbanization influence rates of EPP in mountain chickadees. Over three breeding seasons, we monitored mountain chickadee nests in urban and rural habitat, and determined parentage by genotyping adults and nestlings at six microsatellite loci. Extra‐pair paternity is common in mountain chickadees, with extra‐pair offspring (EPO) in 43.2% of nests and accounting for 17.9% of offspring. We found tenuous support for the good genes hypothesis with females tending to engage in EPCs with older males. However, we did not find an influence of male or female condition on the proportion of EPO in a nest. In addition, we did not find a significant effect of habitat on EPP rates, suggesting the impacts of urbanization on mountain chickadee reproduction may not extend to altering extra‐pair behaviour.  相似文献   

Breeding synchrony may affect the tradeoff between pursuing multiple mates and avoiding paternity loss, translating into differences in the rate of extrapair paternity (EPP). However, diverse empirical relationships between breeding synchrony and EPP remain challenging to explain. We examined whether the relationship between breeding synchrony and EPP varied with male morph, age, body size, or breeding density in the white‐throated sparrow Zonotrichia albicollis. In this species, males of two genetically determined morphs pursue alternative mating strategies. Breeding synchrony positively correlated with EPP within polygamous white morph males, which have high rates of EPP and cuckoldry, but was unrelated to EPP within tan morph males, which prioritize mate guarding and paternal care. As previously reported, males that gained EPP were primarily white males. Males gained EPP more often than expected by chance during their mate's fertile period and on neighboring territories. Since extrapair copulation appears primarily male‐driven in this species, these results indicate that white males focus extra‐pair mating effort during periods of high synchrony and during their mates’ fertile periods, even at the expense of paternity loss within their own nests. Breeding density, male age, and male size did not modify the relationship between breeding synchrony and EPP. However, older white males had higher cuckoldry rates, perhaps reflecting declines in performance associated with senescence. Results suggest that, even within species, mating strategy may modify how breeding synchrony affects rates of EPP, with positive relationships manifest only within subsets of individuals that pursue a strategy of polygyny at the expense of paternity loss.  相似文献   

Breeding density, synchrony, and experience are expected toinfluence the frequency of extrapair paternity in birds. UsingDNA fingerprinting, we examined the effect of these factorson tree swallows nesting at relatively high (grids of nest-boxes)and low (solitary boxes at least 100 m from the nearest neighbor)densities and in relatively synchronous (Alberta) and asynchronous(Ontario) populations in Canada. The mean percentage of extrapairoffspring per nest did not differ significantly between birdsnesting in grids (43%, n = 22 families) and solitary boxes (57%,n = 12 families). Similarly, there was no significant differencein the mean percentage of extrapair offspring per nest betweenrelatively synchronous (60%, n = 12 Alberta families) and asynchronous(41%, n = 22 Ontario families) populations. We also found noconsistent pattern between extrapair paternity and breedingexperience among seven males and seven females examined overtwo to three breeding seasons. Female tree swallows can influencethe fertilization success of extrapair males by active selectionand rejection of copulation partners. We suggest that this abilitylimits the predicted effect of various ecological factors onthe frequency of extrapair paternity  相似文献   

We investigated the genetic mating system of a socially monogamous passerine bird, the Capricorn silvereye Zosterops lateralis chlorocephalus, on an island of the Great Barrier Reef. Therewere no cases of extrapair paternity (EPP) among 122 offspringfrom 53 broods detectable by minisatellite or microsatelliteDNA fingerprinting. Behavioral observations of paired birdsshowed that this was not a consequence of efficacious paternityguards and that females did not engage in extrapair copulation(EPC). Frequency of intrapair copulations was also low, withonly 14 cases observed during 199 hours of observations ofthe 11 focal pairs in the fertile periods of females, and thiswas consistent with anatomical features of the cloacal protuberancein males. In this population, young birds form life-time pairbonds soon after gaining independence but females are obviouslynot attempting EPC possibly to redress this early mate choice.This is despite the fact that they breed in high density witha synchronous start and asynchronous spread of laying in aprotracted season and males do not positively exhibit mateguarding behavior when females are fertile. Our results supporthigh fidelity of socially monogamous birds on islands and are consistent with the hypothesis that sexual selection is reducedwhere genetic variation in fitness is limited.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Although passerines have been relatively well studied and many species found to exhibit relatively high rates of extra‐pair paternity (EPP), less is known about the frequency of EPP in other avian taxa, including raptors. From 2008 to 2010, we examined the frequency of EPP in a population of Swainson's Hawks (Buteo swainsoni) in Butte Valley, California. We examined paternity of 56 nestlings from 19 pairs and 27 broods and found that only three nestlings (5%) in two (7%) broods were the result of extrapair fertilizations. This relatively low frequency of EPP may be the result of mechanisms that reduce the likelihood of extra‐pair fertilization (e.g., mate guarding and frequent copulation), or could result from females limiting EPP to assure paternity of the social male and ensure paternal investment in offspring.  相似文献   

Most bird species are socially monogamous. However, extra‐pair copulations (EPCs), resulting in extra‐pair paternity (EPP), commonly occur. EPCs should allow females to adjust social mate choice and allow males that fail to obtain a nest a chance to avoid missing a breeding season, especially when poor nest supply constrains social mate choice. Procellariiformes (albatrosses and petrels) are socially monogamous seabirds which seldom divorce, even when nest availability constrains social mate choice. In Cory's shearwater Calonectris diomedea, a burrow‐nesting petrel, two studies conducted in the Mediterranean, where competition for nests is weak, detected no EPP. EPP remains to be investigated at localities where competition for nests is much stronger, such as Vila islet, Azores archipelago, Atlantic Ocean. We conducted a genetic (microsatellites) study over two successive years on Vila, involving the breeding pairs of the same 65 nests each year and their single chick. EPPs occurred each year, the overall rate being 11.6%. Coupling genetic analyses to a 7‐year demographic survey provided additional data on pair bonds and competition for nests. Overall, cuckoldry was unrelated to divorce, nest density and inbreeding avoidance, but was more frequent when the social male was small. Nest changes were more costly for males than for females, and some apparently unpaired males attempted to dislodge social males during within‐pair copulations. These results are compatible with the existence of a link between poor nest availability and EPP and confirm that even species considered strongly monogamous can adopt flexible mating strategies.  相似文献   

Extra‐pair paternity (EPP) is often linked to male age in socially monogamous vertebrates; that is, older males are more likely to gain EPP and less likely to be cuckolded. However, whether this occurs because males improve at gaining paternity as they grow older, or because “higher quality” males that live longer are preferred by females, has rarely been tested, despite being central to our understanding of the evolutionary drivers of female infidelity. Moreover, how extra‐pair reproduction changes with age within females has received even less attention. Using 18 years of longitudinal data from an individually marked population of Seychelles warblers (Acrocephalus sechellensis), we found considerable within‐individual changes in extra‐pair reproduction in both sexes: an early‐life increase and a late‐life decline. Furthermore, males were cuckolded less as they aged. Our results indicate that in this species age‐related patterns of extra‐pair reproduction are determined by within‐individual changes with age, rather than differences among individuals in longevity. These results challenge the hypothesis—based on longevity reflecting intrinsic quality—that the association between male age and EPP is due to females seeking high‐quality paternal genes for offspring. Importantly, EPP accounted for up to half of male reproductive success, emphasizing the male fitness benefits of this reproductive strategy. Finally, the occurrence of post‐peak declines in extra‐pair reproduction provides explicit evidence of senescence in infidelity in both males and females.  相似文献   

Understanding causes of variation in promiscuity within populations remain a major challenge. While most studies have focused on quantifying fitness costs and benefits of promiscuous behaviour, an alternative possibility--that variation in promiscuity within populations is maintained because of linkage with other traits-has received little attention. Here, we examine whether promiscuity in male and female great tits (Parus major)--quantified as extra-pair paternity (EPP) within and between nests--is associated with variation in a well-documented personality trait: exploration behaviour in a novel environment. Exploration behaviour has been shown to correlate with activity levels, risk-taking and boldness, and these are behaviours that may plausibly influence EPP. Exploration behaviour correlated positively with paternity gained outside the social pair among males in our population, but there was also a negative correlation with paternity in the social nest. Hence, while variation in male personality predicted the relative importance of paternity gain within and outside the pair bond, total paternity gained was unrelated to exploration behaviour. We found evidence that males paired with bold females were more likely to sire extra-pair young. Our data thus demonstrate a link between personality and promiscuity, with no net effects on reproductive success, suggesting personality-dependent mating tactics, in contrast with traditional adaptive explanations for promiscuity.  相似文献   

Despite many studies of how male characteristics affect paternity in predominantly monogamous birds, relatively little attention has been given to the traits of females that may influence extra‐pair paternity (EPP). However, the occurrence of EPP may be the result of behavioural interactions in which both male and female traits are important for determining the outcome. If EPP is driven mainly by female choice of extra‐pair sires, older, more experienced or larger females would be better able to evade mate guarding tactics and more capable of selecting extra‐pair mates and resisting unwanted suitors. This would be especially noticeable in females paired with unattractive mates. On the other hand, if EPP is driven mainly by male pursuit, we should expect that young, inexperienced or small females would be more exposed to coercive male approaches independently of social mate traits. In a study of an Iberian population of the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca, we found that EPP affected 38% of the broods and 17% of the nestlings. These values are relatively high, allowing a relatively large number of affected within‐pair mates to be included. We found that EPP is related to both female and male traits although not to any interaction between male and female traits. EPP was higher at nests tended by both younger and short‐winged females and by browner males. Older females may be more experienced and dominant while long‐winged females may be faster fliers, these traits enabling them to avoid extra‐pair copulations, while brown males are less aggressive towards male intruders. In our study population, EPP appears to be caused by male pursuit, which in some cases may overwhelm female attempts to avoid extra‐pair copulations and their social partner's ability to prevent them.  相似文献   

Extra‐pair copulation (EPC) is a widespread behaviour amongst birds, yet the rate of occurrence of extra‐pair offspring is highly variable both within and across species. Two populations of Mediterranean blue tits, Parus caeruleus, one on the mainland and the other on the island of Corsica, are characterized by high levels of extra‐pair paternity (EPP), with 14 and 25% of extra‐pair offspring (in 46 and 68% of the nests), respectively. The rate of EPP is significantly higher in the island population. Such high rates on Corsica contradict the predictions of higher mate fidelity and lower levels of EPP on islands. Despite expressing several traits that characterize an insular syndrome, blue tits of Corsica do not exhibit lower genetic variation which could be associated with low levels of EPP on islands. Furthermore, our results do not support any of the hypotheses that have been proposed so far to explain variation in EPP rates at the local level. We tentatively suggest that proximate Mediterranean constraints, especially consistent food shortage, prompt females to seek better breeding opportunities through a two‐step process including high rates of EPC and divorce.  相似文献   

Rates of extra‐pair paternity (EPP) have frequently been associated with genetic relatedness between social mates in socially monogamous birds. However, evidence is limited in mammals. Here, we investigate whether dominant females use divorce or extra‐pair paternity as a strategy to avoid the negative effects of inbreeding when paired with a related male in meerkats Suricata suricatta, a species where inbreeding depression is evident for several traits. We show that dominant breeding pairs seldom divorce, but that rates of EPP are associated with genetic similarity between mates. Although extra‐pair males are no more distantly related to the female than social males, they are more heterozygous. Nevertheless, extra‐pair pups are not more heterozygous than within‐pair pups. Whether females benefit from EPP in terms of increased fitness of the offspring, such as enhanced survival or growth, requires further investigations.  相似文献   

Male quality may influence both the outcome of sperm competition and female faithfulness. In male house sparrows Passer domesticus , the size of the black throat patch (badge) signals dominance and perhaps attractiveness. So far, however, no study has reported any significant relationships between badge size, paternity and paternity assurance behaviours in this species. We found that the time mates spent together at the nest was positively correlated with badge size. Furthermore, although paternity losses were influenced by both the time spent at the nest and within-pair copulation frequency, we found no relationship between copulation rate and badge size. It seems therefore that copulation frequency served as a paternity assurance behaviour, whereas the time mates stayed together at the nest may have reflected male attractiveness. Alternatively, females may have decided to stay with large-badged males because they were better able to protect them from harassment by strange males. We also found that paternity losses were related to male badge size; average-badged males cuckolded were more often than males with smaller or larger badges. We suggest that average-badged males suffered higher paternity losses because they had different time allocation strategies than other males.  相似文献   

Extra-pair paternity (EPP) is a widespread and highly variable reproductive phenomenon in birds. We tested the effects of habitat, spatial factors, and timing of breeding on the occurrence of EPP in red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus). We used PCR-amplified microsatellites to assess the paternity of 1479 nestlings from 537 broods on 235 territories over four breeding seasons. Over 4 years, 40% of nestlings were extra-pair. At least 27% of actual sires were non-neighbours, suggesting that males or females interacted over longer distances than in other populations of red-winged blackbirds. The level of EPP was significantly clumped within broods and males but not within females across broods. EPP was negatively related to the area of a male's territory. The spatial proximity of a female's nest to the territory boundary had no effect on total EPP, but tended to increase the probability of an EPP by a nearby male. We found no influence on EPP of the type of habitat on the territory or the level of nesting activity nearby. The time in the season when a nest was started and the synchrony of breeding also had no significant effect on the level of EPP. The age of the male, the age of his neighbours, and the interaction between the two had no effect on total EPP. However, older males were less likely to have an offspring sired by a neighbour on their territory. Males with older neighbours were also less likely to have offspring sired by a neighbour, particularly if they were new territory owners. The high variability in who gained and lost paternity, and the limited impact of spatial and temporal factors influencing it, have some interesting implications for theories seeking to explain mating patterns.  相似文献   

That repeated copulation with the same partner within a singlefertile period is beneficial to the male is generally accepted,but why it should be adaptive to the female is controversialand clear evidence supporting any hypothesis is lacking. Hunteret al. (1993) presented seven hypotheses explaining repeatedmating from the female perspective. Four of them are consistentwith the occurrence of male refusal to copulate: females mighttrade copulations for (1) immediate and or (2) future materialbenefits, or use mating as a mechanism for (3) mate-guardingand or (4) mate-assessment. To test these hypotheses in a populationof crested tits Parus cristatus, we collected data on variationin female solicitation rate, proportion of male refusal, andextra-pair paternity. We found that (1) female solicitationrate was independent of male condition, (2) the proportion ofmale refusal was higher in poor-condition males and (3) femalespaired to poor-condition males sought extra pair paternity.These findings agree with predictions stemming from the mateassessment hypothesis. Therefore, it is suggested that, in crestedtits, male response to female copulation solicitation reflectsmale condition and is used by females to assess male quality  相似文献   

The frequency of extra‐pair paternity (EPP) in socially monogamous birds varies substantially between and within species, but ecological drivers of this variation remain poorly understood. Habitat configuration could influence EPP by moderating access to extra‐pair mates, because species occupying territories in a clustered ‘honeycomb’ configuration have a larger pool of potential extra‐group mates in their immediate neighbourhood than those living in linearly arranged territories (e.g. along narrow strips of riparian or fragmented habitat). We exploited variation in the spatial arrangement of territories due to anthropogenic modification of habitat of the cooperatively breeding superb fairy‐wren Malurus cyaneus to test whether habitat configuration influenced the frequency of EPP. In this species, most paternity is obtained by males outside the social group [extra‐group paternity (EGP)]. We found that the frequency of EGP among groups living in linear strips of roadside vegetation (41% of 44 offspring) was lower than it was for groups living in clustered territories within continuous habitat (59% of 70 offspring). Differences in group size and pair relatedness did not explain differences in EGP associated with territory configuration, although the frequency of EGP was negatively correlated with pair relatedness. Our finding suggests that territory configuration can influence rates of EGP and that anthropogenic habitat fragmentation has the potential to limit access to extra‐pair mates, affecting mating systems and ultimately fitness.  相似文献   

A method that was based on non‐invasive sampling of genetic material was used to determine the rates of extra‐pair paternity (EPP) and conspecific brood parasitism (CBP) in mallards. Maternal and offspring DNA were extracted from feathers in nest material and hatched eggshell membranes. Using 8 microsatelite loci, extra‐pair offspring were detected in 48% of nests and accounted for 9.3% of all offspring. In addition, 10.1% of the offspring were confirmed to result from CBP, and 24% of all nests contained at least 1 offspring from CBP. Rates of conspecific nest parasitism were higher than those of related species, which might have been due to higher breeding densities at our study site. The incidence of EPP was distributed randomly (i.e. did not deviate from bionomial distribution) throughout the population, indicating that variations in pre‐copulatory (e.g. female choice, mate guarding) or post‐copulatory processes (e.g. sperm competition, cryptic female choice) do not affect the distribution of EPP among breeding pairs markedly. Yet, our data provide evidence of variation in the risk of being parasitized among breeding females. The occurrence of CBP and EPP was unaffected by the timing of the breeding attempt or breeding synchrony.  相似文献   

Extra-pair paternity is an important aspect of reproductive strategies in many species of birds. Given that in most species females control whether fertilization occurs, they are expected to benefit in some way from the extra-pair matings. In this study we use patterns of extra-pair paternity (EPP) in broods of individual reed buntings (Emberiza schoeniclus), both within and between seasons, to test four hypothesized female benefits: (1) assessing potential future partners and seeking (2) genetic diversity (3) good genes, or (4) compatible genes. Reed buntings are socially monogamous, multibrooded passerines with extremely high levels of extra-pair paternity. We studied a population of reed buntings in the Netherlands in 2002 and 2003; 51% of offspring in 74% of nests were extra-pair. We showed that patterns of EPP did not support the first and second hypotheses, since females did not form a pair with previous extra-pair partners, EPP was not evenly distributed among broods and more broods than expected were sired by a single male. Furthermore, there was no relation between a male's within- and extra-pair fertilization success, no consistency in EPP between breeding attempts, no effect of parental relatedness on EPP and several cases of reciprocal paternity. These patterns do not support the good genes hypothesis and are most consistent with the genetic compatibility hypothesis. However, our previous finding that older males are more successful in gaining EPP, suggests some effect of good genes. These hypotheses need not be mutually exclusive, as females may select compatible males above a certain quality threshold (e.g. old males).  相似文献   

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