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The ability of the mycorrhizal fungus Paxillus involutus to mobilize nitrogen and phosphorus from discrete patches of beech ( Fagus sylvatica ), birch ( Betula pendula ) and pine ( Pinus sylvestris ) litter collected from the fermentation horizon of three forest soils, and to transfer the nutrients to colonized B. pendula Roth seedlings, was investigated in transparent observation chambers. The mycelium of P. involutus foraged intensively in all three types of litter, leading to a significant decline in their phosphorus contents after 90 d. Over the same period only one of the litter types, beech, showed more than a 10% loss of its N contents. Exploitation of the litter led to invigoration of the vegetative mycelium of the fungus throughout the chambers as well as to significant increases of biomass production and leaf area in seedlings grown in the plus litter (+L) relative to those in minus litter (−L) systems. The yield increases were associated with gains in whole plant tissue content and concentration of P, but in content only in the case of N. Calculations suggest that a major proportion of the phosphorus lost from litter originated in its organic fraction. The possible basis of the discrepancy between values of N loss from litter and gain by the plant is discussed and the extent to which the distinctive pattern of nutrient mobilization is a feature peculiar to this fungus-plant combination is considered. It is concluded that nutrient mobilization from natural organic substrates in the fermentation horizon of forest soils may be a key function of the vegetative mycelium of mycorrhizal systems. The need for experimental analyses of a greater range of fungus-plant partnerships is stressed.  相似文献   

A pathway for the transfer of nutrients from dead nematodes to mycorrhizal plants is described for the first time. Plants of Betula pendula were grown in transparent microcosms in the mycorrhizal (M) or non‐mycorrhizal (NM) condition, either with or without nematode necromass of known nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) contents as the major potential source of these elements. Plants colonized by the mycorrhizal fungus Paxillus involutus produced greater yields and had larger N and P contents in the presence of nematodes than did their NM counterparts. The symbiotic systems were shown to exploit the N and P originally contained in necromass more effectively, and to transfer the nutrients to the plants in quantities approximately double those seen in NM systems. Even so, NM plants obtained sufficient N and P from dead nematodes to enable some enhancement of growth. Our observations confirm that mycorrhizal fungi provide the potential for the recycling of nutrients contained in this quantitatively important component of the soil mesofauna and demonstrate that the symbiotic pathway is considerably more effective than that provided by saprotrophs alone. The consequences of this nutrient transfer pathway for nutrient recycling in temperate forest ecosystems are considered.  相似文献   

钾对外生菌根真菌的分泌作用及氮、磷、钾含量的影响   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
用无钾、低钾、中钾和高钾的液体培养基培养外生菌根真菌14~21d,随着钾离子浓度的降低,外生菌根真菌分泌H^ 和草酸的速率提高。由于H^ 能取代2:1型粘粒矿物品层和晶格内的钾,草酸能络合矿物中的Fe,Al离子,促进Al-O八面体风化,推测菌根真菌和菌根活化土壤无效钾的能力在低钾时较强,在高钾时较弱。在外生菌根真菌分泌的H^ 中,草酸电离可能不是它们的主要来源,而是一些目前尚未知道的有机酸。此外,液体培养基中的钾离子不同程度地影响外生菌根真菌体内的氮、磷、钾含量,看来环境中的钾离子供应影响了真菌菌丝对养分的吸收。  相似文献   

The contribution of the extramatrical mycelium to N and P nutrition of mycorrhizal Norway spruce ( Picea abies (L.) Karst.) was investigated. Seedlings either inoculated with Paxillus involutus (Batsch) Fr. or non-mycorrhizal were grown in a two compartment sand culture system where hyphae were separated from roots by a 45 μm nylon net. Nutrient solution of the hyphal compartment contained either 1.8 m m NH4+ and 0.18 m m H2PO4 or no N and P. Aluminium added to the hyphal compartment as a tracer of mass flow was not detected in the plant compartment, indicating that measurements of N and P transfer by the mycelium were not biased by solute movement across the nylon net.
The addition of N and P to the hyphal compartment markedly increased dry weight, N and P concentration and N and P content of mycorrhizal plants. Calculating uptake from the difference in input and output of nutrient in solution confirmed a hyphal contribution of 73% and 76% to total N and P uptake, respectively. Hyphal growth was increased at the site of nutrient solution input.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to examine the extent of root colonization by four locally isolated ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi (Hebeloma theobrominum, Boletus dryophilus, Scleroderma citrinum and Suillus luteus) and their effects on seedling growth in Pinus wallichiana and Cedrus deodara under nursery conditions. Seedlings of the two conifers were inoculated with mycelium of ECM fungi and were grown in pots containing sterilized forest soil for six months. The percentage of ECM colonization of roots was 38%-52% in Pinus wallichiana and 33%-48~ in Cedrus deodara. ECM colonization increased shoot height, needle number, shoot and root biomass and survival of inoculated seedlings. Among the four ECM fungi Hebeloma theobrominum was more effective with Pinus wallichiana and Scleroderma citrinum with Cedrus deodara in promoting seedling survival and overall growth. All the four ECM fungi used enhanced growth of inoculated seedlings and thus can be used in afforestation and regeneration programmes in degraded forests ecosystems.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the functional role of individual ectomycorrhizal (EcM) fungal species in the field, we need to relate their abundance and distribution as mycorrhizas to their abundance and distribution as extramatrical mycelium (EMM). We divided each of four 20 cm x 20 cm x 2 cm slices of pine forest soil into 100 cubes of 2 cm x 2 cm. For each cube, ectomycorrhizas were identified and the presence of EMM of the EcM fungi recorded as ectomycorrhizas was determined by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis of ITS rDNA. Ectomycorrhizas and EMM of seven EcM species were mapped. Spatial segregation of mycorrhizas and EMM was evident and some species produced their EMM in different soil layers from their mycorrhizas. The spatial relationship between mycorrhizas and their EMM generally conformed to their reported exploration types, but EMM of smooth types (e.g. Lactarius rufus) was more frequent than expected. Different EcM fungi foraged at different spatial scales.  相似文献   

Interest in stipitate hydnoid fungi of the genera Bankera, Hydnellum, Phellodon and Sarcodon has increased due to the decline in numbers of sporocarps in Europe. Conservation of these fungi is hindered by a lack of understanding of their basic ecology. In particular, a better understanding of their belowground ecology is required. Real-time PCR in conjunction with spatially explicit sampling was used to quantify the relationship between sporocarps and mycelium of Hydnellum peckii and Phellodon tomentosus . Species-specific DNA of the target species was quantified in 100 soil samples collected on a 360 × 360 cm grid at five locations where sporocarps were present. All sporocarps within the grid and up to 2 m around the grid were mapped. Sporocarp production did not occur over the whole extent of the belowground mycelium of these two species, and mycelium extended up to 330 cm away from the immediate site of sporocarp production. Spatial analyses using Kernel-smoothing and Moran's I correlograms showed that, with a single exception, there was no quantitative relationship between sporocarp distribution and the belowground abundance of mycelium. These findings have important implications for the conservation of this rare group of fungi.  相似文献   

Dynamics of C,N, P and S in grassland soils: a model   总被引:42,自引:8,他引:42  
We have developed a model to simulate the dynamics of C, N, P, and S in cultivated and uncultivated grassland soils. The model uses a monthly time step and can simulate the dynamics of soil organic matter over long time periods (100 to 10,000 years). It was used to simulate the impact of cultivation (100 years) on soil organic matter dynamics, nutrient mineralization, and plant production and to simulate soil formation during a 10,000 year run. The model was validated by comparing the simulated impact of cultivation on soil organic matter C, N, P, and S dynamics with observed data from sites in the northern Great Plains. The model correctly predicted that N and P are the primary limiting nutrients for plant production and simulated the response of the system to inorganic N, P, and S fertilizer. Simulation results indicate that controlling the C:P and C:S ratios of soil organic matter fractions as functions of the labile P and S levels respectively, allows the model to correctly simulate the observed changes in C:P and C:S ratios in the soil and to simulate the impact of varying the labile P and S levels on soil P and S net mineralization rates.  相似文献   

Plant mycorrhizal associations influence the accumulation and persistence of soil organic matter and could therefore shape ecosystem biogeochemical responses to global changes that are altering forest composition. For instance, arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) tree dominance is increasing in temperate forests, and ericoid mycorrhizal (ErM) shrubs can respond positively to canopy disturbances. Yet how shifts in the co-occurrence of trees and shrubs with different mycorrhizal associations will affect soil organic matter pools remains largely unknown. We examine the effects of ErM shrubs on soil carbon and nitrogen stocks and indicators of microbial activity at different depths across gradients of AM versus ectomycorrhizal (EcM) tree dominance in three temperate forest sites. We find that ErM shrubs strongly modulate tree mycorrhizal dominance effects. In surface soils, ErM shrubs increase particulate organic matter accumulation and weaken the positive relationship between soil organic matter stocks and indicators of microbial activity. These effects are strongest under AM trees that lack fungal symbionts that can degrade organic matter. In subsurface soil organic matter pools, by contrast, tree mycorrhizal dominance effects are stronger than those of ErM shrubs. Ectomycorrhizal tree dominance has a negative influence on particulate and mineral-associated soil organic matter pools, and these effects are stronger for nitrogen than for carbon stocks. Our findings suggest that increasing co-occurrence of ErM shrubs and AM trees will enhance particulate organic matter accumulation in surface soils by suppressing microbial activity while having little influence on mineral-associated organic matter in subsurface soils. Our study highlights the importance of considering interactions between co-occurring plant mycorrhizal types, as well as their depth-dependent effects, for projecting changes in soil carbon and nitrogen stocks in response to compositional shifts in temperate forests driven by disturbances and global change.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of 16 fungal isolates in forming ectomycorrhizas and increasing the growth and phosphorus uptake of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. and E. diversicolor F. Muell. seedlings was examined in the glasshouse. Seedlings were grown in yellow sand at 2 phosphorus levels (4 and 12 mg P kg-1 sand). At the time of harvest (100 days), the non-inoculated seedlings and seedlings inoculated with Paxillus muelleri (Berk.) Sacc. and Cortinarius globuliformis Bougher had a low level of contamination from an unknown mycorrhizal fungi. Seedlings inoculated with Thaxterogaster sp. nov. and Hysterangium inflatum Rodway had developed mycorrhizas of the superficial type whereas Hydnangium carneum Wallr. in Dietr., Hymenogaster viscidus Massee & Rodway, Hymenogaster zeylanicus Petch, Setchelliogaster sp. nov., Laccaria laccata (Scop. ex. Fr.) Berk., Scleroderma verrucosum (Vaillant) Pers., Amanita xanthocephala (Berk.) Reid & Hilton, Descolea maculata Bougher and Malajczuk and Pisolithus tinctorius (Pers.) Coker & Couch formed typical pyramidal ectomycorrhizas. The dry weight of non-inoculated and inoculated E. globulus seedlings at 12 mg P kg-1 sand did not differ, whereas several isolates caused growth depression of E. diversicolor. By contrast, at 4 mg P kg-1 sand growth increases ranged from 0–13 times above that of non-inoculated seedlings. P. tinctorius produced the largest growth increase on both eucalypt species. In general, isolates which developed more extensive mycorrhizas on roots produced the largest growth responses to inoculation. Isolates which increased plant growth also increased phosphorus uptake by the plant. Seedlings inoculated with L. laccata and S. verrucosum retained more phosphorus in their roots than plants inoculated with the other fungal isolates.  相似文献   

1 A survey of plant and soil parameters was carried out in dry dune grasslands along the Dutch coast in the lime‐ and iron‐poor Wadden district and initially lime‐ and iron‐rich Renodunaal district, in order to detect differences in nutrient availability related to soil characteristics and potential sensitivity to atmospheric deposition of nitrogen.
2 Plant biomass and phosphorus pools in the shoot were higher in the Wadden district. The low foliar nitrogen concentrations and nitrogen/phosphorus ratios in the Wadden district suggested nitrogen‐limitation, while in the Renodunaal district there appeared to be a balanced supply of both nitrogen and phosphorus.
3 Soil pH, soil organic matter, soil nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations and total amounts were generally higher in the Renodunaal district. In both districts mineral phosphorus decreased with acidification and phosphorus oxalate (iron and aluminium bound) increased.
4 In the Wadden district iron is present primarily in iron–organic matter complexes, which leads to reversible binding of phosphorus. In the Renodunaal district large amounts of iron (hydr)oxides occur and at high pH may contribute to reversible phosphorus‐sorption, but at low pH this probably leads to immobilization of phosphorus.
5 While pools of soil phosphorus are low in the Wadden district, the phosphorus availability may be relatively high due to the comparatively loose nature of phosphorus‐sorption. As a result the area may be nitrogen‐limited and grass‐encroachment may thus have resulted from atmospheric deposition of nitrogen.
6 In the Renodunaal district, atmospheric deposition probably only accelerates grass‐encroachment, because deposition of acid and nitrogen increases the availability of both nitrogen and phosphorus and maintains the 'co‐limitation'.  相似文献   

Due to acid rain and nitrogen deposition, there is growing concern that other mineral nutrients, primarily potassium and phosphorus, might limit forest production in boreal forests. Ectomycorrhizal (EcM) fungi are important for the acquisition of potassium and phosphorus by trees. In a field investigation, the effects of poor potassium and phosphorus status of forest trees on the production of EcM mycelium were examined. The production of EcM mycelium was estimated in mesh bags containing sand, which were buried in the soil of forests of different potassium and phosphorus status. Mesh bags with 2% biotite or 1% apatite in sand were also buried to estimate the effect of local sources of nutrients on the production of EcM mycelium. No clear relation could be found between the production of EcM mycelium and nutrient status of the trees. Apatite stimulated the mycelial production, while biotite had no significant effect. EcM root production at the mesh bag surfaces was stimulated by apatite amendment in a forest with poor phosphorus status. The contribution of EcM fungi to apatite weathering was estimated by using rare earth elements (REE) as marker elements. The concentration of REE was 10 times higher in EcM roots, which had grown in contact with the outer surface of apatite-amended mesh bags than in EcM roots grown in contact with the biotite amended or sand-filled mesh bags. In a laboratory study, it was confirmed that REE accumulated in the roots with very low amounts <1 translocated to the shoots. The short-term effect of EcM mycelium on the elemental composition of biotite and apatite was investigated and compared with biotite- and apatite-amended mesh bags buried in trenched soil plots, which were free from EcM fungi. The mesh bags subjected to EcM fungi showed no difference in chemical composition after 17 months in the field. This study suggests that trees respond to phosphorus limitation by increased exploitation of phosphorus-containing minerals by ectomycorrhiza. However, the potential to ameliorate potassium limitation in a similar way appears to be low.  相似文献   

1. Although dissolved nutrients and the quality of particulate organic matter (POM) influence microbial processes in aquatic systems, these factors have rarely been considered simultaneously. We manipulated dissolved nutrient concentrations and POM type in three contiguous reaches (reference, nitrogen, nitrogen + phosphorus) of a low nutrient, third‐order stream at Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (U.S.A). In each reach we placed species of leaves (mean C : N of 68 and C : P of 2284) and wood (mean C : N of 721 and C : P of 60 654) that differed in elemental composition. We measured the respiration and biomass of microbes associated with this POM before and after nutrient addition. 2. Before nutrient addition, microbial respiration rates and biomass were higher for leaves than for wood. Respiration rates of microbes associated with wood showed a larger response to increased dissolved nutrient concentrations than respiration rates of microbes associated with leaves, suggesting that the response of microbes to increased dissolved nutrients was influenced by the quality of their substrate. 3. Overall, dissolved nutrients had strong positive effects on microbial respiration and fungal, but not bacterial, biomass, indicating that microbial respiration and fungi were nutrient limited. The concentration of nitrate in the enriched reaches was within the range of natural variation in forest streams, suggesting that natural variation in nitrate among forest streams influences carbon mineralisation and fungal biomass.  相似文献   

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