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The soilborne filamentous fungus Trichoderma virens is a biocontrol agent with a well-known ability to produce antibiotics, parasitize pathogenic fungi, and induce systemic resistance in plants. Even though a plant-mediated response has been confirmed as a component of bioprotection by Trichoderma spp., the molecular mechanisms involved remain largely unknown. Here, we report the identification, purification, and characterization of an elicitor secreted by T. virens, a small protein designated Sm1 (small protein 1). Sm1 lacks toxic activity against plants and microbes. Instead, native, purified Sm1 triggers production of reactive oxygen species in monocot and dicot seedlings, rice, and cotton, and induces the expression of defense-related genes both locally and systemically in cotton. Gene expression analysis revealed that SM1 is expressed throughout fungal development under different nutrient conditions and in the presence of a host plant. Using an axenic hydroponic system, we show that SM1 expression and secretion of the protein is significantly higher in the presence of the plant. Pretreatment of cotton cotyledons with Sm1 provided high levels of protection to the foliar pathogen Colletotrichum sp. These results indicate that Sm1 is involved in the induction of resistance by Trichoderma spp. through the activation of plant defense mechanisms.  相似文献   



The proteins Sm1 and Sm2 from the biocontrol fungus Trichoderma virens belong to the cerato-platanin protein family. Members of this family are small, secreted proteins that are abundantly produced by filamentous fungi with all types of life-styles. Some species of the fungal genus Trichoderma are considered as biocontrol fungi because they are mycoparasites and are also able to directly interact with plants, thereby stimulating plant defense responses. It was previously shown that the cerato-platanin protein Sm1 from T. virens - and to a lesser extent its homologue Epl1 from Trichoderma atroviride - induce plant defense responses. The plant protection potential of other members of the cerato-platanin protein family in Trichoderma, however, has not yet been investigated.


In order to analyze the function of the cerato-platanin protein Sm2, sm1 and sm2 knockout strains were generated and characterized. The effect of the lack of Sm1 and Sm2 in T. virens on inducing systemic resistance in maize seedlings, challenged with the plant pathogen Cochliobolus heterostrophus, was tested. These plant experiments were also performed with T. atroviride epl1 and epl2 knockout strains. In our plant-pathogen system T. virens was a more effective plant protectant than T. atroviride and the results with both Trichoderma species showed concordantly that the level of plant protection was more strongly reduced in plants treated with the sm2/epl2 knockout strains than with sm1/epl1 knockout strains.


Although the cerato-platanin genes sm1/epl1 are more abundantly expressed than sm2/epl2 during fungal growth, Sm2/Epl2 are, interestingly, more important than Sm1/Epl1 for the promotion of plant protection conferred by Trichoderma in the maize-C. heterostrophus pathosystem.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12866-014-0333-0) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Root treatment of Phaseolus vulgaris with the nonpathogenic Pseudomonas putida BTP1 led to significant reduction of the disease caused by the pathogen Botrytis cinerea on leaves. The molecular determinant of P. putida BTP1 mainly responsible for the induced systemic resistance (ISR) was isolated from cell-free culture fluid after growth of the strain in the iron-poor casamino acid medium. Mass spectrometry analyses performed on both the bacterial product and synthetic analogues revealed a polyalkylated benzylamine structure, with the quaternary ammonium substituted by methyl, ethyl, and C13 aliphatic groups responsible for the relative hydrophobicity of the molecule. The specific involvement of the N-alkylated benzylamine derivative (NABD) in ISR elicitation was first evidenced by testing the purified compound that mimicked the protective effect afforded by crude supernatant samples. The evidence was supported by the loss of elicitor activity of mutants impaired in NABD biosynthesis. Our experiments also showed that other iron-regulated metabolites secreted by the strain are not involved in ISR stimulation. Thus, these results indicate a wider variety of Pseudomonas determinants for ISR than reported to date.  相似文献   

Mycoparasitic fungi are proving to be rich sources of antifungal genes that can be utilized to genetically engineer important crops for resistance against fungal pathogens. We have transformed cotton and tobacco plants with a cDNA clone encoding a 42 kDa endochitinase from the mycoparasitic fungus, Trichoderma virens. Plants from 82 independently transformed callus lines of cotton were regenerated and analysed for transgene expression. Several primary transformants were identified with endochitinase activities that were significantly higher than the control values. Transgene integration and expression was confirmed by Southern and Northern blot analyses, respectively. The transgenic endochitinase activities were examined in the leaves of transgenic tobacco as well as in the leaves, roots, hypocotyls and seeds of transgenic cotton. Transgenic plants with elevated endochitinase activities also showed the expected 42 kDa endochitinase band in fluorescence, gel-based assays performed with the leaf extracts in both species. Homozygous T2 plants of the high endochitinase-expressing cotton lines were tested for disease resistance against a soil-borne pathogen, Rhizoctonia solani and a foliar pathogen, Alternaria alternata. Transgenic cotton plants showed significant resistance to both pathogens.  相似文献   

? Sucrose exuded by plants into the rhizosphere is a crucial component for the symbiotic association between the beneficial fungus Trichoderma and plant roots. In this article we sought to identify and characterize the molecular basis of sucrose uptake into the fungal cells. ? Several bioinformatics tools enabled us to identify a plant-like sucrose transporter in the genome of Trichoderma virens Gv29-8 (TvSut). Gene expression profiles in the fungal cells were analyzed by Northern blotting and quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). Biochemical and physiological studies were conducted on Gv29-8 and fungal strains impaired in the expression of TvSut. ? TvSut exhibits biochemical properties similar to those described for sucrose symporters from plants. The null expression of tvsut caused a detrimental effect on fungal growth when sucrose was the sole source of carbon in the medium, and also affected the expression of genes involved in the symbiotic association. ? Similar to plants, T. virens contains a highly specific sucrose/H(+) symporter that is induced in the early stages of root colonization. Our results suggest an active sucrose transference from the plant to the fungal cells during the beneficial associations. In addition, our expression experiments suggest the existence of a sucrose-dependent network in the fungal cells that regulates the symbiotic association.  相似文献   

Even though beta-1,6-glucanases have been purified from several filamentous fungi, the physiological function has not been conclusively established for any species. In the present study, the role of Tvbgn3, a beta-1,6-glucanase from Trichoderma virens, was examined by comparison of wild-type (WT) and transformant strains in which Tvbgn3 was disrupted (GKO) or constitutively overexpressed (GOE). Gene expression analysis revealed induction of Tvbgn3 in the presence of host fungal cell walls, indicating regulation during mycoparasitism. Indeed, while deletion or overexpression of Tvbgn3 had no evident effect on growth and development, GOE and GKO strains showed an enhanced or reduced ability, respectively, to inhibit the growth of the plant pathogen Pythium ultimum compared to results with the WT. The relevance of this activity in the biocontrol ability of T. virens was confirmed in plant bioassays. Deletion of the gene resulted in levels of disease protection that were significantly reduced from WT levels, while GOE strains showed a significantly increased biocontrol capability. These results demonstrate the involvement of beta-1,6-glucanase in mycoparasitism and its relevance in the biocontrol activity of T. virens, opening a new avenue for biotechnological applications.  相似文献   

Tobacco SABP2, a 29 kDa protein catalyzes the conversion of methyl salicylic acid (MeSA) into salicylic acid (SA) to induce SAR. Pretreatment of plants with acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM), a functional analog of salicylic acid induces systemic acquired resistance (SAR). Data presented in this paper suggest that SABP2 catalyzes the conversion of ASM into acibenzolar to induce SAR. Transgenic SABP2-silenced tobacco plants when treated with ASM, fail to express PR-1 proteins and do not induce robust SAR expression. When treated with acibenzolar, full SAR is induced in SABP2-silenced plants. These results show that functional SABP2 is required for ASM-mediated induction of resistance.  相似文献   

Peroxisomes are involved in various metabolic processes and are important for virulence in different pathogenic fungi. How peroxisomes rapidly emerge in the appressorium during fungal infection is poorly understood. Here, we describe a gene, PEF1, which can regulate peroxisome formation in the appressorium by controlling peroxisomal fission, and is required for plant infection in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. Targeted deletion of PEF1 resulted in a reduction in virulence and a delay in penetration and invasive growth in host cells. PEF1 was particularly expressed during appressorial development, and its encoding protein was co‐localized with peroxisomes during appressorial development. Compared with the massive vesicle‐shaped peroxisomes formed in the wild‐type appressorium, the Δpef1 mutant could only form stringy linked immature peroxisomes, suggesting that PEF1 was involved in peroxisomal fission during appressorium formation. We also found that the Δpef1 mutant could not utilize fatty acids efficiently, which can improve significantly the expression level of PEF1 and induce peroxisomal fission. As expected, the Δpef1 mutant showed reduced intracellular production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) during appressorium formation and induced ROS accumulation in host cells during infection. Taken together, PEF1‐mediated peroxisomal fission is important for fungal infection by controlling the number of peroxisomes in the appressorium.  相似文献   

Cytokinesis completes cell division and partitions the contents of one cell to the two daughter cells. Here we characterize CAR-1, a predicted RNA binding protein that is implicated in cytokinesis. CAR-1 localizes to germline-specific RNA-containing particles and copurifies with the essential RNA helicase, CGH-1, in an RNA-dependent fashion. The atypical Sm domain of CAR-1, which directly binds RNA, is dispensable for CAR-1 localization, but is critical for its function. Inhibition of CAR-1 by RNA-mediated depletion or mutation results in a specific defect in embryonic cytokinesis. This cytokinesis failure likely results from an anaphase spindle defect in which interzonal microtubule bundles that recruit Aurora B kinase and the kinesin, ZEN-4, fail to form between the separating chromosomes. Depletion of CGH-1 results in sterility, but partially depleted worms produce embryos that exhibit the CAR-1-depletion phenotype. Cumulatively, our results suggest that CAR-1 functions with CGH-1 to regulate a specific set of maternally loaded RNAs that is required for anaphase spindle structure and cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Resveratrol induces mitochondrial biogenesis and protects against metabolic decline, but whether SIRT1 mediates these benefits is the subject of debate. To circumvent the developmental defects of germline SIRT1 knockouts, we have developed an inducible system that permits whole-body deletion of SIRT1 in adult mice. Mice treated with a moderate dose of resveratrol showed increased mitochondrial biogenesis and function, AMPK activation, and increased NAD(+) levels in skeletal muscle, whereas SIRT1 knockouts displayed none of these benefits. A mouse overexpressing SIRT1 mimicked these effects. A high dose of resveratrol activated AMPK in a SIRT1-independent manner, demonstrating that resveratrol dosage is a critical factor. Importantly, at both doses of resveratrol no improvements in mitochondrial function were observed in animals lacking SIRT1. Together these data indicate that SIRT1 plays an essential role in the ability of moderate doses of resveratrol to stimulate AMPK and improve mitochondrial function both in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

Pentose metabolism through the phosphoketolase pathway has been well characterized in bacteria. In this paper, we report the identification of a phosphoketolase homologue Mpk1 in the insect-pathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae . Phylogenetic analysis showed that fungal phosphoketolases are of bacterial origin and diverged into two superfamilies. Frequent gene loss or lack of acquisition is evident in specific fungal lineages or species. The mpk1 gene is highly expressed when grown in trehalose-rich insect haemolymph but poorly induced by insect cuticle or carbohydrate-rich plant root exudate. In addition, mpk1 gene expression and enzyme activity could be upregulated by different sugars including xylose, trehalose, glucose or sucrose. mpk1 null mutants generated by homologous recombination grew similar to the wild type of M. anisopliae on medium amended with xylose as a sole carbon source. However, insect (tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta ) bioassays showed significantly reduced virulence in Δ mpk1 . The results of this study suggest that the horizontally transferred Mpk1 in M. anisopliae plays an important niche adaptation role for fungal propagation in insect haemocoel. Following the carbohydrate flux from plants to plant-feeding insects and insect pathogenic fungi, a tritrophic relationship is discussed in association with the requirement of fungal phosphoketolase pathway.  相似文献   

Adjacent bundle sheath and mesophyll cells cooperate for carbon fixation in the leaves of C4 plants. Mutants with compromised plastid development should reveal the degree to which this cooperation is obligatory, because one can assay whether mesophyll cells with defective bundle sheath neighbors retain C4 characteristics or revert to C3 photosynthesis. The leaf permease1-mutable1 (lpe1-m1) mutant of maize exhibits disrupted chloroplast ultrastructure, preferentially affecting bundle sheath choroplasts under lower light. Despite the disrupted ultrastructure, the metabolic cooperation of bundle sheath and mesophyll cells for C4 photosynthesis remains intact. To investigate this novel mutation, the Activator transposon-tagged allele and cDNAs corresponding to the Lpe1 mRNA from wild-type plants were cloned. The Lpe1 gene encodes a polypeptide with significant similarity to microbial pyrimidine and purine transport proteins. An analysis of revertant sectors generated by Activator excision suggests that the Lpe1 gene product is cell autonomous and can be absent up to the last cell divisions in the leaf primordium without blocking bundle sheath chloroplast development.  相似文献   

Cobb BG  Hannah LC 《Plant physiology》1988,88(4):1219-1221
Kernels of wild-type maize (Zea mays L.) shrunken-1 (sh1), deficient in the predominant form of endosperm sucrose synthase and shrunken-2 (sh2), deficient in 95% of the endosperm ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase were grown in culture on sucrose, glucose, or fructose as the carbon source. Analysis of the endosperm extracts by gas-liquid chromatography revealed that sucrose was present in the endosperms of all genotypes, regardless of carbon supply, indicating that all three genotypes are capable of synthesizing sucrose from reducing sugars. The finding that sucrose was present in sh1 kernels grown on reducing sugars is evidence that shrunken-1 encoded sucrose synthase is not necessary for sucrose synthesis. Shrunken-1 kernels developed to maturity and produced viable seeds on all carbon sources, but unlike wild-type and sh2 kernels grown in vitro, sucrose was not the superior carbon source. This latter result provides further evidence that the role of sucrose synthase in maize endosperm is primarily that of sucrose degradation.  相似文献   

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