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Membranes from cells infected with Sindbis virus had associated with them viral ribonucleic acid (RNA) polymerase and about 60 to 70% of the viral RNA labeled when short pulses were used. This RNA contained most of the replicative intermediate and replicative form of viral RNA found in the infected cells. The use of "Mg(2+) sarkosyl crystals" permitted the isolation of membrane-bound nucleic acids and allowed the demonstration that Sindbis virus RNA was synthesized on a membrane-viral RNA complex. Viral RNA from the infecting virions first became associated with the membranes during the latent period and, subsequently, slowly detached. The attachment of the viral RNA to the membranes did not require active viral RNA polymerase, since RNA from ts6, an RNA(-) temperature-sensitive mutant of Sindbis virus, associated with cellular membranes at a nonpermissive temperature. However, the subsequent detachment of the RNA from the membranes was restricted in the absence of viral RNA synthesis. The results indicate that association of viral RNA with cellular membranes may represent an early step occurring during the replication of Sindbis virus RNA.  相似文献   

Ribonucleic Acid Transcriptases in Sendai Virions and Infected Cells   总被引:4,自引:17,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Sendai virions contain an enzyme which catalyzes the incorporation of ribonucleotides into ribonucleic acid (RNA). Enzyme activity was optimal at pH 8.0 and 28 C; otherwise conditions were similar to those reported for Newcastle disease virion (NDV) RNA polymerase. The initial rate of RNA synthesis by the Sendai virion enzyme was about 10 pmoles per mg of protein per hr, but after 3 hr of incubation the rate increased about fivefold. The virion enzyme was compared with an RNA polymerase in the microsomal fraction of infected cells. Both enzymes made predominantly single-stranded RNA which was complementary in base sequences to 50S virion RNA. Most of the RNA synthesized by the virion polymerase sedimented at 16S, but the product of the microsomal enzyme sedimented at about 8S.  相似文献   

Immune serum was prepared in the rabbit with BAI strain A leukosis virus isolated by centrifugal fractionation from the plasma of chickens with myeloblastic leukemia and further purified on a potassium tartrate gradient. Antibody to group-specific antigen was demonstrated in the serum by immunoelectrophoresis and immunodiffusion. Fluorescein-conjugated serum was used unabsorbed and absorbed with chick cells for study of acetone-fixed chick embryo cells uninfected or infected with strain MC29 avian leukosis virus. With unabsorbed serum, large numbers of cytoplasmic particles stained in a few cells within 2 hr after exposure to virus, and the cell number increased greatly in 24 hr. Absorption of the serum abolished the early reaction. Staining with absorbed serum was delayed until about 14 hr after culture exposure to virus, but essentially all cells were stained within 72 hr at the time when all cells were morphologically altered. Differences between the responses to unabsorbed and absorbed serum suggested cytoplasmic formation or concentration of chick tissue antigen similar to that incorporated in leukosis virus particles. The characteristics of staining with absorbed serum were similar to those observed by others in analogous studies with avian tumor viruses.  相似文献   

Virus-specific ribonucleic acid (RNA), synthesized in influenza virus-infected cells from 3.5 to 7.5 hr after infection, was studied. After velocity centrifugation in sucrose, three peaks of virus-specific RNA could be identified: 34S, 18S, and 11S. These RNA species are predominantly single-stranded and consist of 90% viral (plus) and 10% complementary (minus) RNA strands. Most (75%) of the complementary RNA is single-stranded, i.e., not part of RNA duplexes or replicative intermediates. The 34S RNA species is an aggregate of 18S and 14S RNA species. Both 18S and 11S RNA species are relatively heterogenous compared to 18S ribosomal RNA, and these species probably contain different RNA molecules having closely related sedimentation coefficients.  相似文献   

HEp-2 cells were pulse-labeled at different times after infection with herpes simplex virus, and nuclear ribonucleic acid (RNA) and cytoplasmic RNA were examined. The data showed the following: (i) Analysis by acrylamide gel electrophoresis of cytoplasmic RNA of cells infected at high multiplicities [80 to 200 plaque-forming units (PFU)/cell] revealed that ribosomal RNA (rRNA) synthesis falls to less than 10% of control (uninfected cell) values by 5 hr after infection. The synthesis of 4S RNA also declined but not as rapidly, and at its lowest level it was still 20% of control values. At lower multiplicities (20 PFU), the rate of inhibition was slower than at high multiplicities. However, at all multiplicities the rates of inhibition of 18S and 28S rRNA remained identical and higher than that of 4S RNA. (ii) Analysis of nuclear RNA of cells infected at high multiplicities by sucrose density gradient centrifugation showed that the synthesis and methylation of 45S rRNA precursor continued at a reduced but significant rate (ca. 30% of control values) at times after infection when no radioactive uridine was incorporated or could be chased into 28S and 18S rRNA. This indicates that the inhibition of rRNA synthesis after herpesvirus infection is a result of two processes: a decrease in the rate of synthesis of 45S RNA and a decrease in the rate of processing of that 45S RNA that is synthesized. (iii) Hybridization of nuclear and cytoplasmic RNA of infected cells with herpesvirus DNA revealed that a significant proportion of the total viral RNA in the nucleus has a sedimentation coefficient of 50S or greater. The sedimentation coefficient of virus-specific RNA associated with cytoplasmic polyribosomes is smaller with a maximum at 16S to 20S, but there is some rapidly sedimenting RNA (> 28S) here too. (iv) Finally, there was leakage of low-molecular weight (4S) RNA from infected cells, the leakage being approximately three-fold that of uninfected cells by approximately 5 hr after infection.  相似文献   

A ribonucleic acid (RNA)-dependent RNA polymerase was induced in chick embryo fibroblast cells after infection with Sendai virus (parainfluenza 1 virus). The enzyme was associated with the microsomal fraction of infected cells and reached maximum detectable activity at 18 hr after virus infection. The activity of the enzyme in vitro was dependent on the presence of added magnesium ions and all four nucleoside triphosphates and was not inhibited by actinomycin D. The RNA synthesized by the enzyme in vitro was sensitive to ribonuclease and consisted of a complex mixture of RNA species including 34S, 24S, and 18S components. Similar RNA components were detected in the microsomal fraction of Sendai virus-infected cells by labeling with (3)H-uridine from 17 to 18 hr postinfection in the presence of actinomycin D. Of the RNA synthesized by Sendai virus-induced RNA polymerase in vitro, 98% became insensitive to ribonuclease after annealing with RNA extracted from purified Sendai virus particles.  相似文献   

Rous sarcoma virus (RSV)-specific ribonucleic acid (RNA) in virus-producing chicken cells and non-virus-producing rat cells infected with RSV was studied by hybridization with the endogenous deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) product of the RSV virion DNA polymerase system. By hybridizing the total DNA product with excess virion RNA, the product DNA was separated into hybridized (“minus”) and nonhybridized (“plus”) DNA. The “minus” DNA was complementary to at least 20% of the RNA from RSV which remained of high molecular weight after denaturation. A maximum of approximately 65% hybridization was observed between “minus” DNA and RSV RNA or RSV-infected chicken cell RNA. A maximum of about 60% hybridization was observed between “minus” DNA and RSV-infected rat cell RNA. RSV-infected chicken cells contained RSV-specific RNA equivalent to about 6,000 virions per cell. RSV-infected rat cells contained RSV-specific RNA equivalent to approximately 400 virions per cell. Neither cell type contained detectable RNA complementary to virion RNA. The RSV-specific RNA in RSV-infected rat cells did not appear to be qualitatively different from that in RSV-infected chicken cells.  相似文献   

The production of virus-specific ribonucleic acid (RNA) was investigated in KB cells infected with herpes simplex virus. A fraction of RNA annealable to virus deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was found in these cells as early as 3 hr after virus inoculation. Production of this species of RNA increased up to 6 or 7 hr after infection, at which time elaboration of virus messenger RNA (mRNA) declined. At 24 hr after infection, the rate of incorporation of uridine into this RNA was approximately one-half of the rate present at 6 hr after inoculation. Nucleotide analysis of the RNA annealable to virus DNA was compatible with that expected for virus mRNA. Centrifugation showed considerable spread in the size of the virus-induced nucleic acid, the bulk of this RNA sedimenting between 12 and 32S. Incorporation of uridine into cell mRNA, ribosomal precursor RNA, and soluble RNA was suppressed rapidly after infection. As is the case with most other cytocidal viruses investigated to date, virus-induced suppression of cell RNA synthesis appears to be a primary mechanism of cell injury.  相似文献   

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)-dependent ribonucleic acid (RNA) polymerase activity was assayed on nuclear preparations of chick embryo fibroblast cells at various times after infection with an influenza A virus (fowl plague virus) and was compared with the activity of uninfected cells. Polymerase activity was increased by about 60% by 2 hr after infection, and this increase coincided with an increase in RNA synthesis in infected cells, as determined by pulse-labeling with uridine. No difference could be detected between the polymerases of infected and uninfected cells as to their requirements for DNA primer, divalent cations, and nucleoside triphosphates, and they were equally sensitive to addition of actinomycin D to the reaction mixture. It is possible that host cell DNA-dependent RNA polymerase is involved in the replication of influenza virus RNA.  相似文献   

A comparison of the replication patterns in L cells and in chick embryo (CE) cell cultures was carried out with the Herts strain of Newcastle disease virus (NDV(o)) and with a mutant (NDV(pi)) isolated from persistently infected L cells. A significant amount of virus progeny, 11 plaque-forming units (PFU)/cell, was synthesized in L cells infected with NDV(o), but the infectivity remained cell-associated and disappeared without being detectable in the medium. In contrast, in L cells infected with NDV(pi), progeny virus (30 PFU/cell) was released efficiently upon maturation. It is suggested that the term "covert" rather than "abortive" be used to describe the infection of L cells with NDV(o). In both L and CE cells, the latent period of NDV(pi) was 2 to 4 hr longer than for NDV(o). The delay in synthesis of viral ribonucleic acid (RNA) in the case of NDV(pi) coincided with the delay in the inhibition of host RNA and protein synthesis. Although both NDV(o) and NDV(pi) produced more progeny and more severe cell damage in CE cells than in L cells, the shut-off of host functions was significantly less efficient in CE cells than in L cells. Paradoxically, no detectable interferon was produced in CE cells by either of the viruses, whereas in L cells most of the interferon appeared in the medium after more than 90% of host protein synthesis was inhibited. These results suggest that the absence of induction of interferon synthesis in CE cells infected with NDV is not related to the general shut-off of host cell synthetic mechanisms but rather to the failure of some more specific event to occur. In spite of the fact that NDV(pi) RNA synthesis commenced 2 to 4 hr later than that of NDV(o), interferon was first detected in the medium 8 hr after infection with both viruses. This finding suggests that there is no relation between viral RNA synthesis and the induction of interferon synthesis.  相似文献   

Cells infected with wild-type Sindbis virus contain at least two forms of mRNA, 26S and 49S RNA. Sindbis 26S RNA (molecular weight 1.6 x 10(6)) constitutes 90% by weight of the mRNA in infected cells, and is thought to specify the structural proteins of the virus. Sindbis 49S RNA, the viral genome (molecular weight 4.3 x 10(6)), constitutes approximately 10% of the mRNA in infected cells and is thought to supply the remaining viral functions. In cells infected with ts2, a temperature-sensitive mutant of Sindbis virus, the messenger forms also include a third species of RNA with a sedimentation coefficient of 33S and an apparent molecular weight of 2.3 x 10(6). Hybridization-competition experiments showed that 90% of the base sequences in 33S RNA from these cells are also present in 26S RNA. Sindbis 33S RNA was also isolated from cells infected with wild-type virus. After reaction with formaldehyde, this species of 33S RNA appeared to be completely converted to 26S RNA. These results indicate that 33S RNA isolated from cells infected with either wild-type Sindbis or ts2 is not a unique and separate form of Sindbis RNA.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic extracts of BHK21 cells infected with Chikungunya virus were analyzed by sucrose gradient sedimentation. Besides 140 S nucleocapsid, 65 S component associated with 26 S single-stranded ribonucleic acid was labeled with 3H-uridine in actinomycin-treated infected cells. The 65 S component, demonstrable in ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid-containing buffers, appeared to accumulate when protein synthesis was inhibited. After glutaraldehyde fixation, this component had a density of 1.48–1.50 g/ml in CsCl. Pulse-chase experiments did not indicate that the 65 S component was a precursor of the 140 S nucleocapsid.  相似文献   

The appearance of Sindbis virus-envelope glycoproteins in the surfaces of chicken embryo fibroblasts was studied by an indirect labeling technique. This technique involved treating infected cells sequentially with rabbit immunoglobulin G (IgG) specific for Sindbis virus followed by hemocyanin-conjugated goat (anti-rabbit IgG) IgG; surface replicas of these cells were then prepared and examined in the electron microscope. As early as 2 h after infection (and at least 1 h before mature virions were released), newly synthesized virus-envelope glycoproteins were detected at the cell surface. By 3 h after infection, cell surface membranes were extensively modified by the insertion of the Sindbis glycoproteins. When infected cells were prefixed with glutaraldehyde before labeling, the glycoproteins were distributed fairly evenly over the cell surface, although a slight clustering was observed on cells labeled early in infection. However, no evidence for large-scale clustering of virus glycoproteins corresponding to patches of budding virus was observed. Similar results were found with unfixed cells labeled at 4 C. However, when unfixed cells were labeled at 37 C, the glycoproteins were shown to be in discrete clusters, demonstrating that these glycoprotein antigens can diffuse laterally through the cell membrane at this temperature.  相似文献   

The studies reported in this paper demonstrate that, although canine herpesvirus differs from other herpesviruses in that it is characterized by a restricted host range, the pattern of virus development in the permissive host closely resembles that previously described for herpes simplex virus. These experiments also reveal the formation in the infected dog kidney cells of a system of tubules and channels in which virions accumulate. It is suggested that these membrane-bound structures serve to protect enveloped virus from being uncoated in the cytoplasm and function in virus release from the infected cells.  相似文献   

Reovirus-directed Ribonucleic Acid Synthesis in Infected L Cells   总被引:25,自引:14,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
Reovirus replication in L-929 mouse fibroblasts was unaffected by 0.5 mug of actinomycin per ml, a concentration which inhibited cell ribonucleic acid (RNA) synthesis by more than 90%. Under these conditions of selective inhibition, the formation of both single-stranded and double-stranded virus-specific RNA was detected beginning at 6 hr after infection. The purified double-stranded RNA was similar in size and base composition to virus RNA and presumably was incorporated into mature virus. The single-stranded RNA formed ribonuclease-resistant duplexes when annealed with denatured virus RNA but did not self-anneal, thus indicating that it includes copies of only one strand of the duplex. The single-stranded RNA was polyribosome-associated and may function as the virus messenger RNA. Production of both types of virus-induced RNA required protein synthesis 6 to 9 hr after infection. At later times in the infectious cycle, only double-stranded RNA synthesis was dependent on continued protein formation.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented by use of radiolabeling and pancreatic and T1 ribonuclease digestion that some of the ribonucleic acid specified by herpes simplex virus contains polyadenylic acid sequences. The polyadenylic sequences are not transcribed from viral DNA.  相似文献   

Infection of chicken embryo cells with vesicular stomatitis (VS) virus resulted in variable production of three classes of intracellular viral ribonucleocapsids with sedimentation coefficients of approximately 140S, 110S, and 80S, as well as three corresponding classes of released virions designated B, LT, and T. Intracellular nucleocapsids of each class contained three proteins of which the major N protein was firmly bound, and the minor L and NS1 proteins were readily dissociated with 0.5 m NaCl. The ribonucleic acid (RNA) species extracted from B, LT, and T virions, and from corresponding intracellular nucleocapsids, contained RNA species with approximate molecular weights of 3.2 x 10(6), 2.0 x 10(6), and 10(6), respectively, as determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. These values are roughly equivalent to sedimentation coefficients of 42S, 28S, and 23S for each of the virion and nucleocapsid RNA species. Cells infected at high multiplicity with undiluted passage VS virus gave rise primarily to virions and nucleocapsids containing 23S RNA, whereas cells productively infected with purified B virions produced predominantly B and LT virions and nucleocapsids. At late stages in the productive cycle of infection, more virions containing 42S RNA were produced, but the intracellular pool of nucleocapsids containing 28S and 23S RNA remained relatively constant. Additional studies by more refined techniques are required to test the hypothesis that nucleocapsids containing 28S and 23S RNA are precursors of the 42S RNA in infectious VS-B virions and that production of defective T and LT virions results from failure of ligation of the RNA precursors.  相似文献   

Yang  Yang  Cong  Haolong  Du  Ning  Han  Xiaodong  Song  Lei  Zhang  Wenliang  Li  Chunrui  Tien  Po 《中国病毒学》2019,34(4):397-411
Enterovirus A71(EV-A71) is one of the main causative agents of hand, foot and mouth disease(HFMD) and it also causes severe neurologic complications in infected children. The interactions between some viruses and the host mitochondria are crucial for virus replication and pathogenicity. In this study, it was observed that EV-A71 infection resulted in a perinuclear redistribution of the mitochondria. The mitochondria rearrangement was found to require the microtubule network, the dynein complex and a low cytosolic calcium concentration. Subsequently, the EV-A71 non-structural protein 2 BC was identified as the viral protein capable of inducing mitochondria clustering. The protein was found localized on mitochondria and interacted with the mitochondrial Rho GTPase 1(RHOT1) that is a key protein required for attachment between the mitochondria and the motor proteins, which are responsible for the control of mitochondria movement.Additionally, suppressing mitochondria clustering by treating cells with nocodazole, EHNA, thapsigargin or A23187 consistently inhibited EV-A71 replication, indicating that mitochondria recruitment played a crucial role in the EV-A71 life cycle. This study identified a novel function of the EV-A71 2 BC protein and provided a potential model for the regulation of mitochondrial motility in EV-A71 infection.  相似文献   

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