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A study was made to determine the feasibility of producing,by inbreeding and selection, lines of rapidcycling Brassicanapus L. with high or low potential for anther culture. In contrastto previous observations of B. campestris L., a self-incompatiblespecies, the anther culture potential of the plants of successiveinbred generations of B. napus remained uniform, and antherefficiency was poor, with a maximum of 0.476 embryoids producedfor each anther plated. This negative response to selectionmay have been due to an absence of variation with respect toanther culture ability in the base population, resulting fromthe self-fertility of the species. Cytological studies of culturedanthers of B. napus indicated that in each generation therewas a poor correlation between pollen induction and embryoidproduction. In an attempt to improve the yield of haploid embryoids of B.napus, isolated microspore culture was attempted, and was foundto be at least 60 times more efficient than anther culture,with as many as 32 embryoids being produced from each anther.In experiments designed to ascertain the reasons for such differences,an inhibitory effect of the anther wall on the anther embryogenesisof B. napus was observed, and embryoid yields were improvedby centrifuging buds prior to anther extraction to simulatethe effects of the centrifugation which is a component of themicrospore preparation procedure. Brassica napus, L. anther culture, microspore culture, inbreeding, selection  相似文献   

To obtain the maximal production of pollen embryoids in culturedanthers of Datura innoxia, the critical stage of anther developmentand the effect of physical factors, such as the precise modeof implantation of the anthers in the culture medium, light,temperature, and pH, were studied. In almost all media used,anthers containing uninucleate pollen were the best for initiationof embryogenesis. Variations in light and temperature also affecteddevelopment of the embryoids significantly. The percentage ofanthers producing pollen embryoids increased almost linearlywhen the temperature was raised from 22 to 30 °C. At lowertemperatures (15 to 20 °C) no embryoids were produced. Cultureskept in darkness produced embryoids, but upon transfer of culturesto the light the percentage of responding anthers increasedconsiderably.  相似文献   

Haploid, diploid and tetraploid lines ofBrassica rapaL. (syn.campestris),and allotetraploidB. napusL., were examined to determine theinfluence of ploidy on floral features, particularly nectarymorphology and anatomy, and to relate nectary structure to nectarproduction capacity. Except for haploids, all lines were rapid-cycling.Average flower dry weight, and petal length and width, werein the descending orderB. napus>B. rapa (4n) >2n>n.Pollen grains of 4nplants were larger than those of 2nplants;haploids lacked pollen. All lines developed nectaries. Typically, each flower producedtwo pairs of nectaries, of different types and nectar productioncapacity. Normally, each lateral gland was located above thebase of a short stamen, and together this pair yielded mostof a flower 's nectar carbohydrate. Each median nectary aroseat the outer junction of the bases of two adjacent long stamens.All lateral nectaries received a vascular supply of phloem alone,but median glands received reduced amounts of phloem, or lackedvasculature altogether. Most nectaries were solitary, but 14%of all flowers, and especially those of 2n B. rapa,had at leastone median and lateral gland connected. Obvious variation existed in nectary morphology between ploidylevels, between flowers of the same plant, and even within flowers.Ten forms of each nectary type were recognized. Plants producingthe most nectar carbohydrate had high frequencies of lateralnectaries which were symmetrical, unfurrowed swellings. TetraploidsofB. rapahad both the highest frequencies of furrowed lateralglands, and of isolated segments of nectarial tissue at thatposition. Even these separated nectarial outgrowths receivedphloem and produced a nectar droplet. At the median location,nectaries were commonly of two forms: peg- or fan-shaped. Lobeson median nectaries, up to four per nectary, were detected inalmost half of glands of 4nflowers examined; lobes were absentin haploids. Brassica rapa; Brassica napus; flower size; nectar production; nectary variability; petal size; ploidyphloem; pollen; rapeseed  相似文献   

The breeding systems of an obligate outbreeder (Plantago lanceolata)and an obligate inbreeder (P. patagonica) were compared. Outbreedingin the former and inbreeding in the latter species is achievedby self-incompatibility and preanthesis cleistogamy, respectively.The difference in breeding system is accompanied by a differencein the pollen output, pollen to ovule ratio, stigma and anthersize, and seed weight. P. ovata, a third species known onlyin cultivated form, is intermediate. This species has two typesof plants, some of which are protogynous and others where stigmareceptivity and anther dehiscence synchronize. Although thedifferences between the two intraspecific variants are not large,they nevertheless suggest that the species is in evolutionaryflux. Domestication is known to have modified the breeding systemin many crop plants and there is evidence that, in P. ovata,a start in this direction has already been made. Plantago lanceolata, P. ovata, P. patagonica, protogyny, anther, stigma, pollen to ovule ratio  相似文献   

We investigated whether partial self-sterility inCalluna vulgarisresultsfrom abortion of selfed offspring owing to inbreeding depressionor a late-acting self-incompatibility mechanism, and whetherself-pollen interferes with normal functioning of cross-pollen.Self-pollination resulted in 75% less seed set than cross-pollination.Self-pollen tubes reached ovaries and penetrated ovules as oftenas those of cross-pollen. Following self-pollination, examinationof the size of undeveloped seeds showed that at least 70% resultedfrom ovule fertilization and arrest of development occurredat various stages. All self-pollinated plants produced seedsand self-fertility varied among plants. These results indicatethat the reduced seed set observed in self-pollination is morelikely the result of inbreeding depression rather than a late-actingself-incompatibility system. The fecundity component of inbreedingdepression was high (0.762). Seed set was reduced by an averageof 40% when self-pollen was mixed with cross-pollen, comparedto pure cross-pollination. Using genetic markers, we found about20% of seeds resulted from self-pollination in mixed-pollinatedfruits.C. vulgarisis likely to experience self-pollination innature and our data suggest this will reduce the number of ovulesthat might otherwise mature after cross-pollination.Copyright1999 Annals of Botany Company Calluna vulgaris(heather), self-pollination, pollen tube, ovule fertilization, early inbreeding depression, pollen interference.  相似文献   

Modification of the Pollen-Stigma Interaction in Brassica oleracea by Water   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The presence of a film of distilled water on the stigma surfaceof freshly opened flowers results in complete inhibition ofpollen following both incompatible and compatible pollinationsin self-incompatible (SI) genotypes of Brassica oleracea, SIgenotypes of B. campestris and one self-compatible (SC) genotypeof B. campestris. The application of water to the stigmas afterpollination also resulted in a marked reduction in pollen germinationand tube penetration. An increase in the time intervals betweenthe application of pollen onto the stigma and the water treatmentprogressively reduced this inhibition. Pollen germination wasalso completely inhibited when stigmas from freshly-opened flowersof SI B. campestris and B. oleracea genotypes were washed inwater, dried and pollinated with pollen grains of either compatibility.The ability of stigmas to induce pollen germination and tubegrowth was restored over a period, the length of which was dependenton the incompatibility (S) genotype. Stigmas of B. napus (SC)and SC mutants of SI B. campestris were found to be affectedby washing, but stigmas of a SC variety of B. campestris andthe immature stigmas from buds of B. oleracea were found tobe considerably less affected. Microscopic examination of pollenplaced on washed stigmas reveals that grains, irrespective oftheir compatibility, fail to hydrate normally. When inducedto hydrate by raising atmospheric humidity, pollen grains onwashed stigmas did germinate, but most of the tubes failed topenetrate the papillar wall and very few entered the style.It is proposed that the water treatment mobilises componentsof the pellicle which reorganize to block the activity of molecules,present in both SC and SI individuals, responsible for establishingfull contact between the pellicle and pollen grain coating. Brassica, pellicle, pollen, recognition, self-incompatibility  相似文献   

Variation in fruit-set, cone crop, seed viability and seedlingvigour ofAbies pinsapoBoiss. were recorded at two differentstand densities during four consecutive years (1990–1993).In this period only two cone crops were observed (1991 and 1992).Extreme differences were found in response to density. In thelow density stand trees had a greater seed-cone production andfruit-set in each of the two crop years. Also, significant differenceswere recorded in the seed crop viability: in the low densityzone average seed viability was only 21% whereas in the highdensity one it was 82%. Other important differences such ascone size, number of seeds per cone and seedling vigour wererecorded at different densities. The results suggest that bothpollen availability and pollen origin in low density standsinfluence the frequency and quality of filled seeds. The resultshave practical implications for the management ofA. pinsapoforseed production and subsequent reforestation. Abies pinsapo; inbreeding; mating system; plant density; cone crop; seed viability; seedling vigour; Mediterranean fir  相似文献   

In anther cultures of Datura innoxia the addition of growthhormones, such as auxins, gibberellins, and cytokinins, to theculture medium enhanced the production of pollen embryoids.Cytokinins appeared to be the most effective and, among thefour cytokinins tested, zeatin and kinetin gave the best results.Generally speaking, combinations of hormones did not improvethe response over that of an individual hormone. The numberof embryoids per anther varied in the same medium and did notstrictly correlate with the percentage of responding anthers.  相似文献   

In prior work we detected no significant inbreeding depression for pollen and ovule production in the highly selfing Mimulus micranthus, but both characters showed high inbreeding depression in the mixed-mating M. guttatus. The goal of this study was to determine if the genetic load for these traits in M. guttatus could be purged in a program of enforced selfing. These characters should have been under much stronger selection in our artificial breeding program than previously reported characters such as biomass and total flower production because, for example, plants unable to produce viable pollen could not contribute to future generations. Purging of genetic load was investigated at the level of both the population and the individual maternal line within two populations of M. guttatus. Mean ovule number, pollen number, and pollen viability declined significantly as plants became more inbred. The mean performance of outcross progeny generated from crosses between pairs of maternal inbred lines always exceeded that of self progeny and was fairly constant for each trait through all five generations. The consistent performance of outcross progeny and the universally negative relationships between performance and degree of inbreeding are interpreted as evidence for the weakness of selection relative to the quick fixation of deleterious alleles due to drift during the inbreeding process. The selective removal (purging) of deleterious alleles from our population would have been revealed by an increase in performance of outcross progeny or an attenuation of the effects of increasing homozygosity. The relationships between the mean of each of these traits and the expected inbreeding coefficient were linear, but one population displayed a significant negative curvilinear relationship between the log of male fertility (a function of pollen number and viability) and the inbreeding coefficient. The generally linear form of the responses to inbreeding were taken as evidence consistent with an additive model of gene action, but the negative curvilinear relationship between male fertility and the inbreeding coefficient suggested reinforcing epistasis. Within both populations there was significant genetic variation among maternal lineages for the response to inbreeding in all traits. Although all inbred lineages declined at least somewhat in performance, several maternal lines maintained levels of performance just below outcross means even after four or five generations of selfing. We suggest that selection among maternal lines will have a greater effect than selecting within lines in lowering the genetic load of populations.  相似文献   

Summary Intergeneric hybrids were produced between Diplotaxis siettiana and Brassica campestris through embryo rescue. The hybrids were completely pollen sterile and backcrosses with pollen of B. campestris did not yield any seeds. Induction of colchiploidy restored pollen fertility and backcross pollinations yielded viable seeds. Cytological details of the hybrid, amphidiploid and backcross progenies were studied. Both pollen-sterile and pollen-fertile plants have been obtained in backcross 2 progeny. This hybrid (D. siettiana x B. campestris) was used as a bridge cross to transfer the cytoplasm of D. Siettiana to two other incompatible cultivars of BrassicaB. juncea and B. napus. Pollinations of the amphidiploid (D. siettiana x B. campestris, 2n = 36) with pollen of B. juncea/B. napus readily produced seeds without embryo rescue. These hybrids were grown to flowering and their cytological details were studied. Seeds have been produced from backcross pollinations of both these hybrids with the pollen of the respective cultivars. The results clearly show the feasibility of producing alloplasmic lines in all the three oilseed brassicas.  相似文献   

Frequencies of spontaneous hybridization between oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) and weedy Brassica campesíris ssp. campestris L. were measured in agricultural fields. Hybrids were identified by enzyme electrophoresis, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis, chromosome counting, morphology, and pollen fertility. When the two species were mixed 1:1, B. campestris produced 13% hybrid seeds and oilseed rape 9%. In two experiments with single plants of the self-incompatible B. campestris widely spaced within fields of oilseed rape, 56% and 93% hybrid seeds were produced. Analysis of a weedy population of B. campestris in oilseed rape revealed 60% hybrid seeds. Backcrossing of the hybrids to the weedy species seems to occur as supported by the finding in a natural population of two B. campestris-like plants with a marker specific to oilseed rape. The results suggest that transgenes could be dispersed from oilseed rape to B. campestris.  相似文献   

Winter rapeseed (Brassica napus, cv. Samouraï) flowersearly in spring and, under field conditions, short freezingperiods can occur. Unacclimatized plants were freeze-stressed(–3°C for 4 h) at different developmental stages ofbuds, open flowers and seeds. The dissection of pistils from stressed plants showed that freezingresults in shrivelled ovules. We assessed freezing injury onthe basis of per cent of shrivelled ovules: ovule sensitivitybegins early (8 d before anthesis) but increases up to anthesis.Crosspollination of stressed pistils with non-stressed pollenshowed that recording of freeze-injured ovules is a good methodfor early estimation of the effect of stress on seed yields. On the other hand, stress does not reduce the viability of pollen,except when it was applied at the binucleate pollen stage. Useof frozen pollen x nonstressed pistils has little effect onseed yields. Freeze injury on seeds was assessed by seed filling:seeds are very susceptible just after fertilization until 20d after fertilization (DAF). Freezing seems to inhibit seedfilling. A germination test of stressed seeds during their developmentindicated that embryo viability is not affected if the stressoccurs after 35 DAF. As the embryos develop, resistance to stressincreases. Key words: Brassica napus, rapeseed, freeze injury, pollen and ovule, seed filling  相似文献   

Annatto (Bixa orellana L.) is an important dye-yielding medium-sized tree occurring in the tropics. Investigations aimed at elucidating the reproductive characters as well as establishing a set of breeding parameters for genetic improvement of B. orellana was carried out. Records on pollen/ovule ratios of annatto showed that this species is xenogamous. The acetolyzed pollen of B. orellana was tricolporate. The fluorochromatic test showed 95% pollen viability. The viability of the pollen grains decreased sharply after 4 h from anther dehiscence. The optimum time range for artificial pollination was standardized between 12:00 and 13:00 h. A high in vitro germination rate (92%) of freshly collected pollen was recorded in modified Brewbaker’s medium with 15% sucrose. Resource allocation studies showed that the construction of each flower cost 1.162 g. The floral vegetative cost was 75%. Of the total allocation, 21% was spent by the stamens. Based on identified reproductive characters, controlled pollination experiments were conducted by selecting four morphologically distinct parent plants: (1) green-fruited with reddish spines, (2) red-fruited, (3) brown large-fruited, and (4) with brown distorted fruits. In artificial cross-pollination experiments, wide variation ranges in fruit set (0–95%) and fruit maturation (0–85%) were observed in different crosses. The number of seeds per capsule also showed variation (0–40 per capsule). Germination studies of seeds raised from different crosses showed a maximum 93% germination. The present study proved that improvement in B. orellana could be achieved by adopting breeding techniques using specifically selected parents.  相似文献   

In vitro culture ofBrassica alba anthers on a growth medium containing inorganics of KB5 and organics, iron, sucrose and hormones of B5 resulted in a very high response of anthers (93.75%) towards callus induction. All the calli transferred to regeneration media responded favourably even after six months of callus induction. Numerous torpedo-shaped embryoids developed in clusters at many sites from each callus mass. Secondary embryogenesis and multiple shoot formation was also observed in many cases. The number of embryoids and plantlets produced by one embryogenic anther were as high as 169.8 and 17 respectively. 87% of the regenerated plants were haploids.  相似文献   

HORNER  M.; STREET  H. E. 《Annals of botany》1978,42(4):763-771
Pollen dimorphism during the ripening of Nicotiana tabacum antherstakes the form of differentiation at the binucleate pollen stageinto normal (N) grains, characterized by their high frequency,larger size, densely–staining cytoplasm and high starchcontent and into smaller (S) grains characterized by their variableand low frequency and weakly–staining cytoplasm. Mostof the S grains show distinctive vegetative and generative nuclei(A grains); a small number have two vegetative–type nuclei(B grains). Evidence is presented that when excised anthersare cultured, pollen plants arise only from S grains. It issuggested that the differentiation into N and S grains arisesby an abnormal second meiotic division in the pollen mothercells. Nicotiana tabacum, tobacco, pollen dimorphism, anther culture  相似文献   

Male Sterility and Anther Wall Structure in Copper-deficient Plants   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
DELL  B. 《Annals of botany》1981,48(5):599-608
Anther development and pollen sterility were followed in plantsof wheat, oat, barley, sweetcorn, sunflower, petunia and subterraneumclover grown at a range of copper supplies. Copper-deficientplants had increased pollen sterility. Lignified wall thickenings were reduced or absent in the endotheciaof anthers from Cu-deficient plants. Reduced seed set may resultboth from reduced pollen fertility or failure of the stomiato rupture due to decreased lignification of anther walls. Triticum aestivum L., wheat, Hordeum vulgare L., barley, Avena sativa L., oat, Zea mays L., corn, sweetcorn, maize, Helianthus annuus L., sunflower, Petunia hybrida L., Trifolium subterraneum L., subterranean clover, male sterility, anther development, copper deficiency  相似文献   

Mercurialis annua L. is a dioecious anemophilous species thatflowers all year round in central and southern Italy. The flowersof both sexes are dimorphic: the female flower has a vestigialcalyx; the male flower consists only of a calyx that opens atanthesis. The anthers always dehisce after anthesis. The anthesisof male flowers seems to be temperature dependent, whereas antherdehiscence is related to relative humidity. The pollen grainsvary in volume according to the season: they are smaller whenrelative humidity is low and vice versa. They always decreasein volume after anther dehiscence and have the capacity to varyin volume and reach equilibrium with a changing environment.Viability is high, but may drop suddenly during heavy rain orhail that damage the exposed male flowers. The number of pollengrains per stigma varies from 0 to 300. The data is discussedin relation to the type of pollination and environmental characteristics.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press Mercurialis annua, dioecism, anthesis, anther dehiscence, pollen volume, pollen viability, anemophilous pollination, pollination ecology  相似文献   

Somatic embryogenesis and subsequent diploid plants have been obtained from anthers of Vitis vinifera Cabernet-Sauvignon, a cultivar so far considered as recalcitrant to in vitro regeneration. Anthers enclosing microspores near the first pollen mitosis were found to be the most responsive. However, from a practical point of view anther length proved to be an easier criterium for determining the optimal physiological anther stage. Calli derived from the anther somatic tissues produced embryoids only when cultured on a medium supplemented with casein hydrolysate. Glutamine and adenine were found to stimulate this embryoid production. Evidence is presented that early removal of cotyledons increases the frequency of normal development of embryoids into plantlets.Abbreviations MS Murashige and Skoog medium (1962) - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - NAA 1-naphtaleneacetic acid - BA 6-benzylaminopurine  相似文献   

The influence of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation on the developmentof the male gametophyte was studied inZea maysL. cv. LG12 grownin a growth chamber under PAR light supplemented with UV-B radiationand compared with a second set of plants grown under PAR light.Pollen samples collected from both groups of plants were culturedon germination medium and it was found that UV-B had no effecton pollen germination. Total pollen protein content was notaffected but UV-B absorbing pigments increased. Some ultrastructuralalterations were observed in pollen and pollen tubes, in particularlarge amounts of electron dense deposits were seen throughoutthe cytoplasm and in association with the pollen wall. In maturespikes of UV-B treated plants, anthers retained numerous pollengrains in their loculi while anthers of control plants werealmost empty. UV-B treatment delayed flowering by 2–3d. These results show that UV-B treatment of maize plants interfereswith flowering, pollen ultrastructure and anther maturationeven though pollen germination is unaffected. The significantincrease of UV-B absorbing pigments in pollen grains could representa defence mechanism that enables plants to complete their reproductivecycle.Copyright 1998 Annals of Botany Company Zea maysL., maize, UV-B radiation, pollen.  相似文献   

Embryoid Formation in Pollen Grains of Nicotiana tabacum   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Anthers of Nicotiana tabacum (n = 24) were cultured on nutrientagar and examined at intervals for pollen embryoids. Embryoidswere formed in anthers of varying developmental stage, the youngestof which coincided with the liberation of free microspores fromtetrads, and the oldest with the formation of bicellular grains.This period in the development of the anther occupied 4–5days. Older anthers within this range were more successful thanyounger anthers. The first mitosis of the pollen was typicallyasymmetric and resulted in the formation of unequal generativeand vegetative cells. Some of the grains then went into a lagphase for at least 5–6 days, after which the mitotic conditionwas restored. Embryoids were formed by repeated division ofthe vegetative cell. If the generative cell divided, it didso only once or twice. Occasionally the first mitosis was symmetricand gave rise to equal cells, and in these instances both cellsprobably participated in embryoid formation. The youngest anthersexamined were probably less successful because fewer grainssurvived to enter mitosis. The number of embryoids produced varied considerably from oneanther to another both within the same bud and between differentbuds: values ranging from less than 400 to 10 000 per antherwere encountered. Most of these degenerated after the firstfew divisions, partly because they burst prematurely from thepollen grain wall. Embryoids which continued to develop formedplantlets and/or callus. The largest number of plantlets obtainedfrom one anther was 32. Haploid plantlets were also regeneratedfrom callus by transferring it to a low-sugar medium withoutauxin. The behaviour of grains not forming embryoids was also noted.  相似文献   

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