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The neural encoding of sensory stimuli is usually investigated for spike responses, although many neurons are known to convey information by graded membrane potential changes. We compare by model simulations how well different dynamical stimuli can be discriminated on the basis of spiking or graded responses. Although a continuously varying membrane potential contains more information than binary spike trains, we find situations where different stimuli can be better discriminated on the basis of spike responses than on the basis of graded responses. Spikes can be superior to graded membrane potential fluctuations if spikes sharpen the temporal structure of neuronal responses by amplifying fast transients of the membrane potential. Such fast membrane potential changes can be induced deterministically by the stimulus or can be due to membrane potential noise that is influenced in its statistical properties by the stimulus. The graded response mode is superior for discrimination between stimuli on a fine time scale.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms by which sensory experiences are stored remains a compelling challenge for neuroscience. Previous work has described how the activity of neurons in the sensory cortex allows rats to discriminate the physical features of an object contacted with their whiskers. But to date there is no evidence about how neurons represent the behavioural significance of tactile stimuli, or how they are encoded in memory. To investigate these issues, we recorded single-unit firing and local field potentials from the CA1 region of hippocampus while rats performed a task in which tactile stimuli specified reward location. On each trial the rat touched a textured plate with its whiskers, and then turned towards the Left or Right water spout. Two textures were associated with each reward location. To determine the influence of the rat's position on sensory coding, we placed it on a second platform in the same room where it performed the identical texture discrimination task. Over 25 percent of the sampled neurons encoded texture identity--their firing differed for two stimuli associated with the same reward location--and over 50 percent of neurons encoded the reward location with which the stimuli were associated. The neuronal population carried texture and reward location signals continuously, from the moment of stimulus contact until the end of reward collection. The set of neurons discriminating between one texture pair was found to be independent of, and partially overlapping, the set of neurons encoding the discrimination between a different texture pair. In a given neuron, the presence of a tactile signal was uncorrelated with the presence, magnitude, or timing of reward location signals. These experiments indicate that neurons in CA1 form a texture representation independently of the action the stimulus is associated with and retain the stimulus representation through reward collection.  相似文献   

Our understanding of multisensory integration has advanced because of recent functional neuroimaging studies of three areas in human lateral occipito-temporal cortex: superior temporal sulcus, area LO and area MT (V5). Superior temporal sulcus is activated strongly in response to meaningful auditory and visual stimuli, but responses to tactile stimuli have not been well studied. Area LO shows strong activation in response to both visual and tactile shape information, but not to auditory representations of objects. Area MT, an important region for processing visual motion, also shows weak activation in response to tactile motion, and a signal that drops below resting baseline in response to auditory motion. Within superior temporal sulcus, a patchy organization of regions is activated in response to auditory, visual and multisensory stimuli. This organization appears similar to that observed in polysensory areas in macaque superior temporal sulcus, suggesting that it is an anatomical substrate for multisensory integration. A patchy organization might also be a neural mechanism for integrating disparate representations within individual sensory modalities, such as representations of visual form and visual motion.  相似文献   

Successful behavior requires selection and preferred processing of relevant sensory information. The cortical representation of relevant sensory information has been related to neuronal oscillations in the gamma frequency band. Pain is of invariably high behavioral relevance and, thus, nociceptive stimuli receive preferred processing. Here, by using magnetoencephalography, we show that selective nociceptive stimuli induce gamma oscillations between 60 and 95 Hz in primary somatosensory cortex. Amplitudes of pain-induced gamma oscillations vary with objective stimulus intensity and subjective pain intensity. However, around pain threshold, perceived stimuli yielded stronger gamma oscillations than unperceived stimuli of equal stimulus intensity. These results show that pain induces gamma oscillations in primary somatosensory cortex that are particularly related to the subjective perception of pain. Our findings support the hypothesis that gamma oscillations are related to the internal representation of behaviorally relevant stimuli that should receive preferred processing.  相似文献   

The relationship between 5 positive components of somatosensory evoked potentials (EPs) and subjective response to electrical stimuli, which were recorded in the same human subjects, was assessed in the present study. Five levels of tactile stimuli and 6 levels of noxious stimuli were applied to the tip of the right index finger. The relationship between the magnitude of subjective response and stimulus intensity was well expressed by a power function. Of 5 major positive components in an EP, P30 and P50 were localized at contralateral primary somatic projection area, while P90, P190 and P270 were at the vertex area. The amplitude of the 5 components systematically increased as increasing stimulus intensity, and also increased with the magnitude of subjective response. A significant correlation between the amplitude of P30 or P50 and stimulus intensity was found when the effect of subjective response was partially out. By contrast, the amplitudes of P190 and P270 were associated with subjective response when the effect of stimulus intensity was partially out. These results suggest that the earlier EP components reflect sensory signal processing, while the latter ones concern the subjective evaluating system.  相似文献   

动物感觉输入的适应性影响了它们对外界环境改变的意识和反应.感觉通路各层次,诸如感受器、传入神经和中枢系统等,反应活性的降低可能与感觉适应性相关联.在感觉适应过程中,皮层局部网络中神经元和星形胶质细胞对信号的编程机制仍有待进一步研究.利用活体双光子成像、电生理记录即药理学方法,我们分析了小鼠barrel皮层神经元和星形胶质应答重复的胡须感觉输入动力学.相同特征的胡须感觉刺激诱发了神经元和星形胶质细胞反应活性的降低,并且它们的活动在空间上和时间上去同步化,神经元和星形胶质细胞之间的缺少协调性.这种神经元和星形胶质细胞功能在空间和时间性质上的下调被局部施加AMPA受体脱敏感抑制剂所逆转.因此,在胡须感觉适应过程中,barrel皮层神经元和星形胶质细胞反应活性的下降和去同步化是由AMPA受体脱敏感参与介导完成的.  相似文献   

Although many studies have shown that attention to a stimulus can enhance the responses of individual cortical sensory neurons, little is known about how attention accomplishes this change in response. Here, we propose that attention-based changes in neuronal responses depend on the same response normalization mechanism that adjusts sensory responses whenever multiple stimuli are present. We have implemented a model of attention that assumes that attention works only through this normalization mechanism, and show that it can replicate key effects of attention. The model successfully explains how attention changes the gain of responses to individual stimuli and also why modulation by attention is more robust and not a simple gain change when multiple stimuli are present inside a neuron''s receptive field. Additionally, the model accounts well for physiological data that measure separately attentional modulation and sensory normalization of the responses of individual neurons in area MT in visual cortex. The proposal that attention works through a normalization mechanism sheds new light a broad range of observations on how attention alters the representation of sensory information in cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

Neuronal response in the caudate nucleus to presentation of a wide variety of visual and other sensory stimuli was investigated in waking cats. Pronounced discrepancies in background activity of unknown origin as well as differing neuronal activity level were noted in adjacent sections of the nucleus. Of the neurons from which readings of response to sensory stimulation could be made, some reacted to presentation of exclusively visual and others to tactile stimuli; a third group responded to a combination of visual and somatic stimulation only. Response could only be produced in cells of all types by a high level of activity in the animal. Visual stimuli attracting the animal's interest proved to be the most effective form of stimulation. Ipsi- and contralateral sides of the animal's body were both represented in the caudate nucleus of each hemisphere. Neuronal response in the caudate nucleus may be compared with that produced by application of similar stimuli in cells belonging to different cortical areas.Institute for Research on Information Transmission, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 3–10, January–February, 1990.  相似文献   

Receåfindings indicate that cockroaches escape in response to tactile stimulation as well as they do in response to the classic wind puff stimulus. The thoracic interneurons that receive inputs from ventral giant interneurons also respond to tactile stimulation and therefore, represent a potential site of convergence between wind and tactile stimulation as well as other sensory modalities. In this article, we characterize the tactile response of these interneurons, which are referred to as type-A thoracic interneurons (TIAs). In response to tactile stimulation of the body cuticle, TIAs typically respond with a short latency biphasic depolarization which often passes threshold for action potentials. The biphasic response is not typical of responses to wind stimulation nor of tactile stimulation of the antennae. It is also not seen in tactile responses of thoracic interneurons that are not part of the TIA group. The responses of individual TIAs to stimulation of various body locations were mapped. The left-right directional properties of TIAs are consistent with their responses to wind puffs from various different directions. Cells that respond equally well to wind from the left and right side also respond equally well to tactile stimuli on the left and right side of the animal's body. In contrast, cells that are biased to wind on one side are also biased to tactile stimulation on the same side. In general, tactile responses directed at body cuticle are phasic rather than tonic, occurring both when the tactile stimulator is depressed and released. The response reflects stimulus strength and follows repeated stimulation quite well. However, the first phase of the biphasic response is more robust during high-frequency stimulation than the second phase. TIAs also respond to antennal stimulation. However, here the response characteristics are complicated by the fact that movement of either antenna evokes descending activity in both left and right thoracic connectives. The data suggest that the TIAs make up a multimodal site of sensory convergence that is capable of generating an oriental escape turn in response to any one of several sensory cues. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Processing of motion and pattern has been extensively studied in the visual domain, but much less in the somatosensory system. Here, we used ultra-high-field functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) at 7 Tesla to investigate the neuronal correlates of tactile motion and pattern processing in humans under tightly controlled stimulation conditions. Different types of dynamic stimuli created the sensation of moving or stationary bar patterns during passive touch. Activity in somatosensory cortex was increased during both motion and pattern processing and modulated by motion directionality in primary and secondary somatosensory cortices (SI and SII) as well as by pattern orientation in the anterior intraparietal sulcus. Furthermore, tactile motion and pattern processing induced activity in the middle temporal cortex (hMT+/V5) and in the inferior parietal cortex (IPC), involving parts of the supramarginal und angular gyri. These responses covaried with subjects' individual perceptual performance, suggesting that hMT+/V5 and IPC contribute to conscious perception of specific tactile stimulus features. In addition, an analysis of effective connectivity using psychophysiological interactions (PPI) revealed increased functional coupling between SI and hMT+/V5 during motion processing, as well as between SI and IPC during pattern processing. This connectivity pattern provides evidence for the direct engagement of these specialized cortical areas in tactile processing during somesthesis.  相似文献   

In the past two decades, sensory neuroscience has moved from describing response properties to external stimuli in cerebral cortex to establishing connections between neuronal activity and sensory perception. The seminal studies by Newsome, Movshon and colleagues in the awake behaving macaque firmly link single cells in extrastriate area V5/MT and perception of motion. A decade later, extrastriate visual cortex appears awash with neuronal correlates for many different perceptual tasks. Examples are attentional signals, choice signals for ambiguous images, correlates for binocular rivalry, stereo and shape perception, and so on. These diverse paradigms are aimed at elucidating the neuronal code for perceptual processes, but it has been little studied how they directly compare or even interact. In this paper, I explore to what degree the measured neuronal signals in V5/MT for choice and attentional paradigms might reflect a common neuronal mechanism for visual perception.  相似文献   

In this work we study the connection between some dynamic effects at the synaptic level and fast reorganization of cortical sensory maps. By using a biologically plausible computational model of the primary somatosensory system we obtained simulation results that can be used to relate the dynamics of the interactions of excitatory and inhibitory neurons to the process of somatotopic map reorganization immediately after peripheral lesion. The model consists of three regions integrated into a single structure: tactile receptors representing the glabrous surface of the hand, ventral posterior lateral nucleus of the thalamus and area 3b of the primary somatosensory cortex, reproducing the main aspects of the connectivity of these regions. By applying informational measures to the simulation results of the dynamic behavior of AMPA, NMDA and GABA synaptic conductances we draw some conjectures about how the several neuronal synaptic elements are related to the initial stage of the digit-induced reorganization of the hand map in the somatosensory cortex.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of neuronal target structure with spatial anisotropy of lateral inhibition is discussed. The positions of the neuronal target to oriented sensory stimuli are investigated by computer simulation. It is suggested that visual stimuli orientation is coded in the late phase of dynamic responses of cortical neurons. This idea is in agreement with the data obtained in experiments on guinea pig visual cortex neurons.  相似文献   

Changes in activity of 54 neurons in the rabbit visual cortex evoked by the replacement of eight color and eight achromatic stimuli in pairs were analyzed. The diffused stimuli generated by color SVGA monitor were used in the experiments. The earliest response of phasic neurons (50-90 ms after the replacement) was strongly correlated with differences between stimuli in color or intensity. This response ("the signal of differences") was used as a basis of a matrix (8 x 8) constructed for each neuron. Such matrices included mean numbers of spikes per second in responses to changes of different stimuli pairs. All matrices were subjected to factor analysis, and the basic axes (the main factors) of sensory spaces were revealed. It was found that 16 neurons (30%) detected only achromatic differences between stimuli. Perceptual spaces of these neurons were two-dimensional with brightness and darkness orthogonal axes. The spaces of 12 neurons (22%) were four-dimensional with two chromatic and two achromatic axes. The structure of the perceptual space reconstructed from neuronal spikes was similar to the space calculated from the early VEP components recorded under similar conditions and to another space reconstructed on the basis of rabbit's instrumental learning. The fundamental coincidence of color spaces revealed by different methods may reflect the general principle of vector coding in the visual system and suggests the coexistence of two independent cortical mechanisms of the detection of chromatic and achromatic differences.  相似文献   

Activity of 112 neurons of the precruciate motor cortex in cats was studied during a forelimb placing reaction to tactile stimulation of its distal parts. The latent period of response of the limb to tactile stimulation was: for flexors of the elbow (biceps brachii) 30–40 msec, for the earliest reponses of cortical motor neurons about 20 msec. The biceps response was observed 5–10 msec after the end of stimulation of the cortex with a series of pulses lasting 25 msec. Two types of excitatory responses of the neurons were identified: responses of sensory type observed to each tactile stimulation of the limb and independent of the presence or absence of motion, and responses of motor type, which developed parallel with the motor response of the limb and were not observed in the absence of motion. The minimal latent period of the responses of motor type was equal to the latent period of the sensory responses to tactile stimulation (20±10 msec). Stimulation of the cortex through the recording microelectrode at the site of derivation of unit activity, which increased during active flexion of the forelimb at the elbow (11 stimuli at intervals of 2.5 msec, current not exceeding 25 µA), in 70% of cases evoked an electrical response in the flexor muscle of the elbow.M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 115–123, March–April, 1977.  相似文献   

Changes in activity of 83 neurons in the rabbit colliculus superior evoked by the replacement of eight color and eight achromatic stimuli in pairs were analyzed. It was found out that neurons displayed the early and late phasic responses (within 50-90 and 120-300 ms respectively, after the replacement) and long-term tonic response component, which depended on stimuli intensity. Analysis of phasic component revealed three neuronal groups. The first group (n=25, 30%) selected on the basis of the earliest component, was specialized to differentiate stimuli only by intensities. The perceptual spaces of these neurons reconstructed on the basis of spike discharge in the earliest response were two-dimensional. The second group of neurons (n=16, 19%) selected on the basis of the late phasic component demonstrated four-dimensional structure of perceptual space. Neurons of the third group (n=4, 5%) possessed a two-dimensional structure of perceptual space reconstructed by the analysis of the early component, whereas analysis of the late response revealed a four-dimensional structure. We suggest that information about differences between stimuli in color and intensity coming from cortical neurons is necessary for the reconstruction of four-dimensional space. The structure of perceptual spaces reconstructed on the basis of phasic responses of neurons in the colliculus superior was similar to the spaces of neurons in the primary visual cortex and lateral geniculate nucleus. The structure of perceptual space reconstructed on the basis of neuronal spikes was also similar to the space calculated from the N85 component of the visual evoked potential recorded under similar conditions. This finding confirms the general principle of vector coding in the visual system.  相似文献   

Li X  Coyle D  Maguire L  McGinnity TM  Hess RF 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e26562
An investigation of long timescale (5 minutes) fMRI neuronal adaptation effects, based on retinotopic mapping and spatial frequency stimuli, is presented in this paper. A hierarchical linear model was developed to quantify the adaptation effects in the visual cortex. The analysis of data involved studying the retinotopic mapping and spatial frequency adaptation effects in the amblyopic cortex. Our results suggest that, firstly, there are many cortical regions, including V1, where neuronal adaptation effects are reduced in the cortex in response to amblyopic eye stimulation. Secondly, our results show the regional contribution is different, and it seems to start from V1 and spread to the extracortex regions. Thirdly, our results show that there is greater adaptation to broadband retinotopic mapping as opposed to narrowband spatial frequency stimulation of the amblyopic eye, and we find significant correlation between fMRI response and the magnitude of the adaptation effect, suggesting that the reduced adaptation may be a consequence of the reduced response to different stimuli reported for amblyopic eyes.  相似文献   

B Ye  L Huang  Z Gao  P Chen  H Ni  S Guan  Y Zhu  JH Wang 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e41986


Cross-modal plasticity is characterized as the hypersensitivity of remaining modalities after a sensory function is lost in rodents, which ensures their awareness to environmental changes. Cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying cross-modal sensory plasticity remain unclear. We aim to study the role of different types of neurons in cross-modal plasticity.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In addition to behavioral tasks in mice, whole-cell recordings at the excitatory and inhibitory neurons, and their two-photon imaging, were conducted in piriform cortex. We produced a mouse model of cross-modal sensory plasticity that olfactory function was upregulated by trimming whiskers to deprive their sensory inputs. In the meantime of olfactory hypersensitivity, pyramidal neurons and excitatory synapses were functionally upregulated, as well as GABAergic cells and inhibitory synapses were downregulated in piriform cortex from the mice of cross-modal sensory plasticity, compared with controls. A crosswire connection between barrel cortex and piriform cortex was established in cross-modal plasticity.


An upregulation of pyramidal neurons and a downregulation of GABAergic neurons strengthen the activities of neuronal networks in piriform cortex, which may be responsible for olfactory hypersensitivity after a loss of whisker tactile input. This finding provides the clues for developing therapeutic strategies to promote sensory recovery and substitution.  相似文献   

Monotremes, perhaps more than any other order of mammals, display an enormous behavioural reliance upon the tactile senses. In the platypus, Ornithorhynchus anatinus, this is manifest most strikingly in the special importance of the bill as a peripheral sensory organ, an importance confirmed by electrophysiological mapping that reveals a vast area of the cerebral cortex allocated to the processing of tactile inputs from the bill. Although behavioural evidence in the echidna, Tachyglossus aculeatus, suggests a similar prominence for tactile inputs from the snout, there is also a great reliance upon the distal limbs for digging and burrowing activity, pointing to the importance of tactile information from these regions for the echidna. In recent studies, we have investigated the peripheral tactile neural mechanisms in the forepaw of the echidna to establish the extent of correspondence or divergence that has emerged over the widely different evolutionary paths taken by monotreme and placental mammals. Electrophysiological recordings were made from single tactile sensory nerve fibres isolated in fine strands of the median or ulnar nerves of the forearm. Controlled tactile stimuli applied to the forepaw glabrous skin permitted an initial classification of tactile sensory fibres into two broad divisions, according to their responses to static skin displacement. One displayed slowly adapting (SA) response properties, while the other showed a selective sensitivity to the dynamic components of the skin displacement. These purely dynamically-sensitive tactile fibres could be subdivided according to vibrotactile sensitivity and receptive field characteristics into a rapidly adapting (RA) class, sensitive to low frequency (相似文献   

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