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The economics of control of grain aphid (Sitobion avenae) and rose-grain aphid (Metopolophium dirhodum) were investigated in a series of experiments carried out across England in 1988 and 1989. Sprays of pirimicarb or dimethoate were applied at three growth stages and yield effects measured. Aphid infestations were determined by a range of different methods, to evaluate the value of each for decision making. Aphids overwintered in crops in mild conditions in both seasons, resulting in early population build-up and decline in many cases. Aphicide sprays applied during the booting stage increased average yields by 0.26 t/ha. Profitability of the treatment strategies considered was not greatly enhanced by selective spray application related to aphid assessment at this stage. Delaying decision making to the flowering or grain-filling stages resulted in reduced profitability. A poor correlation between aphid numbers and crop yield response to sprays was found. This was shown to be due to differences in subsequent aphid population development and in aphicide efficacy. Grain quality was affected only by high aphid infestations which caused large yield reductions.  相似文献   

1 The effect of reducing the growth of winter wheat on population size and development of the grain aphid Sitobion avenae was studied. 2 Automatic, mobile, crop shading devices, which reduced radiation comparable to levels found on a cloudy day, whilst minimizing other climatic changes, were used to reduce crop growth. Shading was applied between either GS 31 and 39 (1st node detectable → flag leaf ligule just visible) or GS 39 and 55 (flag leaf just visible → 50% of inflorescence emerged). 3 Sitobion avenae populations were initiated at GS 55 and highest populations were subsequently observed on plants shaded between GS 31 and 39. 4 Individual aphids confined within clip cages were observed to measure development from birth to adult moult, adult lifespan and fecundity. Results indicated that adult lifespan was shortest on plants shaded between GS31 and 39, whilst there were no differences in development time or fecundity. 5 Possible explanations for these observations are discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated, within two cereal fields in Southern England, the within-canopy spatial distribution of the aphids Sitobion avenae and Metopolophium dirhodum in relation to crop yield and plant nitrogen. We extended the study to investigate the spatial distribution of aphids that fell to, or returned from, the ground in order to estimate availability of the within-canopy aphid population to ground-active predators. We revealed that crop canopy aphid spatial pattern was associated with nitrogen or yield. Differences were evident between species: S. avenae was generally negatively associated with yield or plant nitrogen, whilst M. dirhodum exhibited positive association. For both aphid species, we observed strong spatial pattern for aphids falling to the ground and conclude that this could, in part, mediate the effectiveness of ground-active predators as pest control agents.  相似文献   

In field experiments apterous Metopolophium dirhodum produced significantly more alatae when reared on mature plants (milky ripe stage) than on young plants. Nymphal and adult survival and relative growth rate were little affected by the developmental stage of the host plant. Relative growth rate and fecundity were strongly related to temperature. Laboratory experiments confirmed that the developmental stage of wheat had no significant effect on survival or relative growth rate of the aphids. However, laboratory grown plants did not produce the levels of alate production seen in field crops and in the field experiments. It is suggested that in investigations into the effects of the host plant on cereal aphids field grown plants should be used whenever possible. Alate production is proposed as the major plant induced factor affecting the development of M. dirhodum populations on wheat in the field. Alatae developed on mature plants even when the number of aphids was very low.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Polyphagous predator densities were manipulated in a wheat crop using polythene exclusion barriers.
2. The rates at which aphids fell to the ground and subsequently climbed and returned to the crop canopy were measured.
3. Peak aphid density was highest when polyphagous predator density was lowest.
4. Similar rates of aphid fall-off were measured in each plot, but aphid climbing rate was highest when predator densities were lowest.
5. It was concluded that ground-zone predators reduced the rate at which aphids return to the crop canopy.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Indole alkaloid contents of five winter wheat varieties at different growth stages, and the relationship between indole alkaloids and carboxylesterase activities of Sitobion avenae (F.) from wheat ears of different varieties were studied. The results indicated that KOK1679 and My295, highly and moderately aphid-resistant varieties, had a high indole alkaloid content during vegetative growth. During their reproduction growth, resistant varieties had a high alkaloid content in penultimate leaves, and indole alkaloid contents of KOK1679 were significantly higher than that of other varieties in wheat ears. The indole alkaloid contents of all varieties were low in flag leaves except for Han4564 . A significant correlation was shown between carboxylesterase activity in aphids collected from wheat ears and indole alkaloid contents in ears of the wheat varieties ( r  = 0.9646).  相似文献   

春小麦品种对麦长管蚜生长发育和繁殖的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在室内25 ℃条件下研究了7种不同抗性的春小麦品种(系)对麦长管蚜生长发育和繁殖的影响.结果表明,不同抗性品种(系)对麦长管蚜若蚜发育历期、存活率、成蚜寿命和生殖力有显著的影响,麦长管蚜在抗性强的品种上成蚜寿命短、产仔量少;以内禀增长率作为测定抗生性的指标,供试小麦品种(系)对麦长管蚜抗生性的大小依次为辽春10号>02C-MB >新春6号>巴丰1号>永良4号>内麦19>蒙花1号,与田间抗性鉴定结果基本相同.  相似文献   

Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was used to construct electrophoretic 'keys' for identifying larval, pupal and adult hymenopterous parasitoids of Sitobion avenae (F.). In general, for each parasitoid and enzyme system tested, all life stages gave similar banding patterns. Although five enzyme systems were tested, esterase was found to be the most useful single system. Using laboratory-reared parasitoids and staining for esterase activity, all species examined, except Aphidius rhopalosiphi and A. ervi could be readily distinguished with the aid of the appropriate key.  相似文献   

  • 1 Aphids are important pests of spring cereals and their abundance and the impact of their natural enemies may be influenced by fertilizer regime.
  • 2 We conducted a 2‐year field study investigating the effects of organic slow‐release and conventional fertilizers on cereal aphids, hymenopteran parasitoids and syrphid predators and considered how the effects of fertilizers on barley morphology and colour might influence these species.
  • 3 Barley yield was greater in conventionally fertilized pots. Barley morphology was also affected by treatment: vegetative growth was greater under conventional treatments. Barley receiving organic fertilizers or no fertilizer was visually more attractive to aphids compared with plants receiving conventional fertilizers.
  • 4 Aphids were more abundant in conventionally fertilized barley but the reason for this increased abundance was species specific. Metopolophium dirhodum was responding to fertilizer effects on plant morphology, whereas Rhopalosiphum padi was sensitive to the temporal availability of nutrients.
  • 5 Syrphid eggs were more numerous in conventionally fertilized pots, whereas the response of parasitoids appeared to be dependent on the abundance of aphids, although the number of parasitoid mummies was low in both years.
  • 6 This research shows that the fertilizer treatment used can affect numerous characteristics of plant growth and colour, which can then influence higher trophic levels. This knowledge might be used to make more informed fertilizer application choices.

The numbers of cereal aphids, especially Metopolophium dirhodum in 1979, and Sitobion avenae in 1980, were significantly increased on BYDV infected wheat and oats in 1979, and wheat, barley and oats in 1980. The differences were probably caused by attraction of alates of each species to virus infected plants which had changed colour as a result of their infection. Significantly more alates of M. dirhodum were found on virus infected oats in 1979, and of S. avenae on oats and barley in 1980, although not on wheat in either year. probably because the colour contrast in wheat was less intense than in the other crops. Flight chamber experiments with alates of both species confirmed their visual attraction to virus-infected leaves. The interaction between virus, vector and host plants is discussed with reference to the ecology of virus spread.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal distribution of the grain aphid Sitobion avenae F. (Homoptera: Aphididae) was studied within a field of winter wheat during the summer of 1996. Sampling was done using four nested grids comprising 133 locations. Analysis by Taylor's power law gave results typical for insect populations. Analysis by SADIE (Spatial Analysis by Distance Indices) showed spatial pattern due to edge effects and sampling scale, and positive but mild spatial association, although spatial patterns were ephemeral. Reasons for these findings and the implications for integrated crop management are discussed.  相似文献   

Composition, dominance and change in population density of species flying over and feeding on winter wheat fields was studied between 1982 and 1998 at Mosonmagyaróvár. There were 29 aphid species among flying insects. The ones imposing risk to winter wheat were as follows: Diuraphis noxia Kurdj., Metopolophium dirhodum Walk., Rho‐palosiphum padi L., Schizaphis graminum Rond., Sitobion avenae Fabr. Number of flying individuals changed year by year, depending principally on climatic factors (temperature, relative humidity, and rainfall). Flight was continuous from late April to harvest. In the average of 17 years flight peak was observed in June.

Establishment of the firsts alate individuals of aphids with holocyclic development can be expected from the second decade of April. As a result of the continuous reproduction, the peak in number of individuals was observed in the second decade of June. During the six years between 1993 and 1998 this value was 17.18 aphids/ plant. Every year there were deviations from the average data, e.g., in 1994 aphid number per plant was 33.61. These pests appeared on the ears in the first decade of June, their number was continuously increasing due to drying of leaves.

During the six years when detailed data were recorded, Rh. padi L. was the dominant species three times (1994: 70.4%; 1995: 82.6%; 1996: 87.9%), M. dirhodum Walk. took this role two times (1993: 67.1%; 1997: 84.8%) and S. avenae Fabr. only once (1998: 53%).

Considering seventeen years’ data, it is necessary to produce resistant varieties and/or seed dressing, or insecticide treatment to control the first alates.  相似文献   

The hydroxamic acids in the seedlings of four varieties of winter wheat were extracted initially in boiling methanol in order to avoid enzymatic hydrolysis. The increase in numbers of aphids on these varieties of wheat were recorded. HPLC analysis of hydroxamic acids in the extracts showed the presence of DIMBOA-glucoside, DIMBOA-aglucone and its benzoxazolinone (MBOA). There was a highly significant negative correlation between the concentration of DIMBOA-aglucone in the seedlings and aphid performance. However, the association between aphid performance and DIMBOA-aglucone in the tips of the seedlings was weaker. In general aphid infestation of wheat seedlings slightly increased the concentration of all the hydroxamic acid derivatives. Moreover, aphids ingested hydroxamic acids and were able to detoxify some of the DIMBOA-aglucone they ingested.  相似文献   

Field-caged, post-anthesis populations of the aphids Sitobion avenae and Metopolophium dirhodum reduced grain weight of wheat by 14 and 7% respectively and induced changes in the senescence of the flag leaf. Spikelet number and grain number were unaffected as they are normally determined by pre-anthesis factors. Percentage grain protein was significantly reduced by both aphid species. The pattern of grain weight reduction within the ear was consistent with known limitations on the distribution of flag leaf assimilates among the grains. The relative effects of the two aphid species apparently resulted from the degree of nutrient drain imposed at particular feeding sites and the reduction in the leaf area duration of the flag leaf.  相似文献   

Individual S. avenae and M. dirhodum excreted significantly fewer droplets of honeydew on plants infected with BYDV than on healthy plants. S. avenae excreted less honeydew on the ears than on the leaves of wheat. M. dirhodum excreted less than S. avenae on the leaves. The size of honeydew droplets increased with the age of aphids but was not affected by BYDV infection. Possible reasons for the observed effects of BYDV on honeydew excretion are discussed.  相似文献   

1 Cereals can be attacked severely by the grain aphid, Sitobion avenae (F.), and the bird cherry‐oat aphid, Rhopalosiphum padi (L.). The time of migration from winter hosts in spring is important regarding input to decision support systems concerning insecticide treatment of aphids. 2 The present study aimed to construct two separate migration models, which could be used immediately for advisors and farmers but also be part of a decision support system for the chemical control of aphids in winter wheat and spring barley. 3 Winter wheat (Triticum sativum Lam.) and spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) fields were monitored from 1991–2005 for the occurrence of grain aphids and bird cherry‐oat aphids, and the data were used to construct migration models. 4 The models were constructed based on all 9 years data and subsequently validated by using all 9 years data, excluding 1 year at a time. 5 The migration model for the grain aphid producing the best forecast was obtained with migration date M (number of days from 1 June), degree‐days (DD) of April (Ta) and DD of May (Tm), with the model being M= 265.0 ? 10.2 loge(Ta) ? 35.1 loge(Tm). 6 The migration model for the bird cherry‐oat aphid producing the best forecast was obtained with migration date M (number of days from 15 May), DD of April (Ta) and DD from 1–15 May (Tm1), with the model being M= 294.4 ? 34.7 loge(Ta) ? 22.5 loge(Tm1). 7 The models only worked well in areas where the grain aphid and the bird cherry‐oat aphid are entirely holocyclic.  相似文献   

Winged individuals of Rhopalosiphum padi and Sitobion avenae transmitted the PAV-like and MAV-like isolates of barley yellow dwarf virus respectively. Success of transmission after inoculation access periods of 2, 6, 12, 24, 48 and 72 h were examined and survival, reproduction and movement of the aphid vectors were recorded at these times. The experiment was done at four different temperatures: 6oC, 12oC, 18oC and 23oC. For both isolates the inoculation efficacy did not increase after a 24 h inoculation access period and there was no difference in inoculation efficiency at the three highest temperatures, that at 6oC being significantly lower than at 12oC to 23oC. The results suggest that autumn temperature is a critical factor for BYDV epidemiology in Britain with a small increase in autumn temperature leading to greatly increased infection rates.  相似文献   

张广珠  胡春祥  苏建伟  戈峰 《生态学报》2009,29(9):4745-4752
在加倍CO2浓度(0.7 mL/L)的人工气候箱中培养小麦感蚜品种(铭贤169)和抗蚜品种(KOK1679)幼苗30d,正常CO2浓度(0.35 mL/L)处理为对照.应用刺探电位图谱(EPG)技术对麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae (Fab.),在苗期小麦上的取食行为进行了比较研究.结果表明:蚜虫在加倍CO2浓度下生长的2个小麦品种上的取食过程中,电势降落次数(pd波个数)显著增加,刺探总时间(C波总时间)显著延长,首次出现在小麦韧皮部取食的时间(E2)显著滞后,被动取食持续时间(E2波的总时间)显著拉长.因此,加倍CO2浓度可能通过影响小麦而对麦长管蚜的取食行为产生了明显的间接影响.  相似文献   

The effect of wheat resistance in lines of Triticum monococcum L., on the reproductive performances of the cereal aphid (Sitobion avenae F.) was investigated. Aphids were reared from birth to adult moult either on resistant or susceptible wheat lines, and transferred as apterae to both host genotypes. The influence of these transfers on the subsequent adult weight, gonad status and reproductive performances was evaluated. Aphids transferred from resistant to susceptible plants proved able to compensate for their poor nymphal growth, mainly through additional embryo growth and an increase in the number of matured embryos within the first 10 days of their adult life. Most aphids transferred from susceptible to resistant plants died within the first week following the transfer. Their most advanced embryos matured and were born, but subsequent embryo growth was quickly reduced. The reproductive strategies adopted by S. avenae when facing plant resistance, and the hypothesis of a resistant mechanism based on a poor nutritional state of the resistant plants are discussed.  相似文献   

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