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Intake of endophyte-infected tall fescue by cattle results in fescue toxicosis, which is characterized by increased hyperthermia during heat stress and concomitant reductions in feed intake and growth. Rats were monitored at 21 or 31 °C for short- or long-term periods to determine temporal changes associated with the intake of endophyte-infected (E+) or uninfected (E−) fescue seed diets. Core temperature only changed in rats fed E+ diet at 31 °C. Intake of E+ diet reduced feed intake, daily gain, and serum prolactin. There were temporal and thermal differences in the response to endophytic toxins, with short-term changes diminishing over time at 21 °C, but increasing for certain parameters at 31 °C.  相似文献   

The study of plant responses to environmental stress factors is essential for management of plant systems and for anticipating their response to climate change. The main goal of this study was to determine morphological and physiological responses of Nothofagus obliqua and N. nervosa seedlings to light and temperature, two of the main stress factors acting in their current natural distribution in NW Patagonia. Responses to light were evaluated analyzing growth and survival, as well as morphological and physiological traits related to them, in seedlings subjected to three contrasting light conditions (full-sun conditions, 50% of sunlight and 20% of sunlight) during one growth season. Temperature photosynthetic responses were evaluated in seedlings subjected to temperature treatments between ?5 and 40°C for 2 and 4 h. Growth rate and biomass partition were similar between light treatments in both species. High apical meristem damage and decreased photosynthetic capacity of preformed leaves were observed under full-sun conditions, suggesting that high light levels have a deleterious effect on plant yield. Both species produced neoformed leaves during the growing season with better photosynthetic capacity than preformed leaves under full sun conditions, contributing to plant acclimation. Almost no plasticity was observed in morphological traits in response to shade. Both species differed in optimum temperature for photosynthesis, with a wider temperature range at which high photosynthesis is maintained in N. obliqua. In both species the higher values of net photosynthetic rate were found at higher temperatures than the mean annual temperature of its current natural distribution range. Under no water-stress conditions, future higher temperatures could increase carbon fixation of these species, with a little advantage of N. obliqua if temperature variance is high. Synergy effect of various environmental stress factors, particularly considering cultivation of these species outside their current natural distribution sites require further studies.  相似文献   

Replacement of grasslands by forests may result in increased water consumption, and the magnitude of this will depend on stand density. To test this hypotheses and evaluate the impact of pine plantations on hydric resources in Patagonia Argentina, we measured over two seasons (1999–2000 and 2000–2001) and at two densities of ponderosa pine plantations (350 and 500 trees ha?1) the following variables: soil water content, leaf water potential (ψ), individual tree growth, individual sap flow, and response of sap flow density (u) to vapor pressure deficit (VPD). Stand transpiration (T) and whole-plant liquid-phase hydraulic conductance (L) were also estimated. Pre-dawn ψ varied from about –0.5 to –1.0 MPa. No differences were found in midday maximum u (1100–1800 hours) on clear days between the 2 measurement years, throughout each season, or between different densities of plantation. Sapflow density was also not correlated with soil water storage up to 1.4 m soil depth. Sapflow increased until VPD of about 2.3 kPa, and decreased at VPD >4 kPa, describing a hysteresis in the afternoon. Values of L in Patagonian trees were similar to those recalculated from published data for pines of the same height in the USA. Average stand transpiration increased with increased density (2.07 and 3.08 mm day-1 for 350 and 500 pines ha-1, respectively) and size of the trees. We conclude that ponderosa pines in Patagonia Argentina use more water, in a magnitude depending on the density of the trees, than native grasslands. Accordingly, ponderosa pines use deep water to maintain high water potential and transpiration rates even during the dry season.  相似文献   

植被对不同时间尺度干旱事件的响应特征及成因分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孔冬冬  张强  顾西辉  王月  李华贞 《生态学报》2016,36(24):7908-7918
利用标准化降雨蒸散发指数(SPEI)与归一化植被指数(NDVI)系统研究了中国不同区域、不同土地利用类型的植被对不同时间尺度干旱事件的响应特征,并对成因做出探讨。研究表明:(1)全国大部分区域NDVI与SPEI呈显著正相关,表明中国大部分区域植被生物量变化受干旱时空特征的影响。而沿北纬30度附近的长江流域区域,尤其是长江流域东南部、珠江流域下游等降水相对丰沛区域;黑龙江东北部及长白山地区、四川西部等高寒区域,NDVI与SPEI表现出弱相关性,受干旱影响较小;(2)多年平均水平衡是影响植被对干旱响应的关键因素,土壤水分变化是植被活力与生物量变化的关键影响因子。多年平均日照时数较长的区域,植被变化受干旱影响较大。从对干旱影响敏感性程度来讲,越是水量丰沛的区域,植被受干旱的影响越小,其中,草地对干旱的影响最为敏感,其次为灌木与森林。  相似文献   

L. M. Bates  A. E. Hall 《Oecologia》1982,54(3):304-308
Summary Previously we reported that leaf conductance of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) decreased with small changes in soil water status without associated changes in leaf water status. In these studies a larger range of soil water deficits was imposed in a rain-free environment by prolonged soil drying, and by weekly irrigation with different amounts of water. With progressive soil water deficits, leaf conductance and xylem pressure potential both declined, but in a manner which indicated that they were not related. Diurnal courses of leaf conductance usually indicated that stomatal opening occurred in the morning, and partial or complete stomatal closure occurred during midday and afternoon. This stomatal closure was associated with increases in air vapor pressure deficit. Day-to-day increases in leaf conductance, at times when radiation was not limiting stomatal opening, were associated with decreases in air vapor pressure deficits. However, maximum leaf conductances and their responses to vapor pressure deficit were generally smaller for plants subjected to greater depletion of soil water.  相似文献   

In NW Patagonia, South America, natural shrublands and mixed forests of short Nothofagus antarctica (G. Forst.) Oerst. trees are currently being replaced by plantations with Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb) Franco. This land use change is controversial because the region is prone to drought, and replacement of native vegetation by planted forests may increase vegetation water use. The goal of this study was to examine the physiological differences, especially the response of water flux and canopy conductance to microclimate, that lead to greater water use by exotic trees compared to native trees. Meteorological variables and sapflow density of P. menziesii and four native woody species were measured in the growing season 2005–2006. Canopy conductance (gc) was estimated for both the exotic (monoculture) and native (multi-species) systems, including the individual contributions of each species of the native forest. Sapflow density, stand-level transpiration and gc were related to leaf-to-air vapor pressure difference (VPD). All native species had different magnitudes and diurnal patterns of sapflow density compared to P. menziesii, which could be explained by the different gc responses to VPD. Stomatal sensitivity to VPD suggested that all native species have a stronger stomatal control of leaf water potential and transpiration due to hydraulic limitations compared to P. menziesii. In conclusion, differences in water use between a P. menziesii plantation and a contiguous native mixed forest of similar basal area could be explained by different gc responses to VPD between species (higher sensitivity in the native species), in addition to particular characteristics of the native forest structure.  相似文献   

Hemiepiphytic Ficus species exhibit more conservative water use strategy and are more drought-tolerant compared with their non-hemiepiphytic congeners, but a difference in the response of photosystem I (PSI) and photosystem II (PSII) to drought stress has not been documented to date. The enhancement of non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) and cyclic electron flow (CEF) have been identified as important mechanisms that protect the photosystems under drought conditions. Using the hemiepiphytic Ficus tinctoria and the non-hemiepiphytic Ficus racemosa, we studied the water status and the electron fluxes through PSI and PSII under seasonal water stress. Our results clearly indicated that the decline in the leaf predawn water potential (ψpd), the maximum photosynthetic rate (Amax) and the predawn maximum quantum yield of PSII (Fv/Fm) were more pronounced in F. racemosa than in F. tinctoria at peak drought. The Fv/Fm of F. racemosa was reduced to 0.69, indicating net photoinhibition of PSII. Concomitantly, the maximal photo-oxidizable P700 (Pm) decreased significantly in F. racemosa but remained stable in F. tinctoria. The fraction of non-photochemical quenching [Y(NPQ)] and the ratio of effective quantum yield of PSI to PSII [Y(I)/Y(II)] increased for both Ficus species at peak drought, with a stronger increase in F. racemosa. These results indicated that the enhancement of NPQ and the activation of CEF contributed to the photoprotection of PSI and PSII for both Ficus species under seasonal drought, particularly for F. racemosa.  相似文献   

? Mediterranean-type ecosystems contain 20% of all vascular plant diversity on Earth and have been identified as being particularly threatened by future increases in drought. Of particular concern is the Cape Floral Region of South Africa, a global biodiversity hotspot, yet there are limited experimental data to validate predicted impacts on the flora. In a field rainout experiment, we tested whether rooting depth and degree of isohydry or anisohydry could aid in the functional classification of drought responses across diverse growth forms. ? We imposed a 6-month summer drought, for 2?yr, in a mountain fynbos shrubland. We monitored a suite of parameters, from physiological traits to morphological outcomes, in seven species comprising the three dominant growth forms (deep-rooted proteoid shrubs, shallow-rooted ericoid shrubs and graminoid restioids). ? There was considerable variation in drought response both between and within the growth forms. The shallow-rooted, anisohydric ericoid shrubs all suffered considerable reductions in growth and flowering and increased mortality. By contrast, the shallow-rooted, isohydric restioids and deep-rooted, isohydric proteoid shrubs were largely unaffected by the drought. ? Rooting depth and degree of iso/anisohydry allow a first-order functional classification of drought response pathways in this flora. Consideration of additional traits would further refine this approach.  相似文献   

Oaks (Quercus spp.) represent the most important broadleaf genus with respect to forest-shaping tree species in the Mediterranean. Considering future climate scenarios (increased drought conditions), the identification of drought tolerant oak species is of great importance for future forest management in this region. The objective of the study was the comparison of physiological status of three economically and ecologically valuable oak species (Quercus ilex, Quercus frainetto and Quercus pubescens) co-existing in natural coppice stands in NE Greece, in response to seasonal drought stress. Measurements were conducted between June and September 2016, every 15–20 days until leaf falling. The parameters studied were predawn leaf water potential and fast chlorophyll fluorescence induction curves (OJIP test), chlorophyll content, and relative water content. Meteorological data from the area were also collected. Photosynthetic parameters such as performance indices (PIabs and PItot) reacted to summer drought conditions, with Q. frainetto showing the lowest values. The discrepancy between species increased with duration of drought period. Q. frainetto revealed the lowest predawn water potential values. The results indicate that Q. frainetto is less suitable for future forestry applications in the studied climate/elevation zone than Q. pubescens and Q. ilex.  相似文献   

Abstract We studied the evolutionary response to novel environments by applying artificial selection for total progeny biomass in populations of Drosophila melanogaster maintained at three different larval population densities. We found the relative amount of genetic variability for characters related with biomass to be lower and the correlation between them more negative at the intermediate density, and that selection resulted in changes in phenotypic plasticity and in patterns of resource allocation between traits. We found some evidence for tradeoffs between densities, which suggests that populations living at heterogeneous densities might be subject to disruptive selection. Our results show that adaptation to new environments may be a complex process, involving not only changes in trait means, but also in correlations between traits and between environments.  相似文献   

In the Patagonian region (∼37–56°S) E of the Andes, the salinity and solute composition of lakes is strongly related to their location along the marked W-E decreasing precipitation gradient that is one of the main climatic features of the area. A calibration function (n = 34) based on 12 ostracod species (Ostracoda, Crustacea) was developed by WA-PLS to quantitatively reconstruct electrical conductivity (EC) values as a salinity proxy. The selected one component model had a r2 = 0.74 and RMSEP and maximum bias equal to 16% and 31% of the sampled range, respectively, comparable to other published ostracod-based calibration functions. This model was applied to the ostracod record of the closed lake Laguna Cháltel (49°58′S, 71°07′W), comprising seven species and dominated by two species of the genus Limnocythere. In order to evaluate the calibration function’s robustness, the obtained EC values were compared with qualitative lake level and salinity variations inferred through a multiproxy hydrological reconstruction of the lake. Both reconstructions show good overall agreement, with reconstructed EC values in the oligo-mesohaline range (average: 11 060 ± 680 μS/cm) between 4570 and 3190 cal BP, corresponding to the ephemeral and shallow lake phases, and a marked decrease in EC concurrent with a lake level rise, reaching an average EC of 1140 ± 90 μS/cm during the deep lake phase (1720 cal BP to present). The variability in the reconstructed EC values for the ephemeral lake phase showed some inconsistency with the expected trend, which was attributed to time-averaging effects; for its part, the pace of the decrease in EC during the medium-depth phase (3190–1720 cal BP) differed from the expected, which could be due to autigenic effects (redissolution of salts) at the onset of this phase. This comparison not only lends support to the adequacy of the calibration function, but also suggests that its application in the context of a multiproxy study can greatly contribute to distinguish between autigenic and climatic-related controls of paleosalinity in closed lakes, allowing performing more accurate paleoenvironmental inferences on the basis of paleohydrological reconstructions.  相似文献   

The significant mortality of the Austrocedrus chilensis (D. Don) Pic. Serm. et Bizarri forests, locally known as “Mal del Ciprés”, has been reported since 1945 for most sites across its distribution in Argentina. However, the cause of this decline is still a topic of discussion. In this study, radial growth patterns from symptomatic and asymptomatic A. chilensis trees were analyzed to determine the influence of drought events on tree growth. Fifty pairs of symptomatic and asymptomatic trees with similar DBH, competition, and microsite conditions were cored at five pure A. chilensis stands near El Bolsón, Río Negro, Argentina. A reference chronology from nonaffected trees was used to cross-date all cores and to determine the relationship between A. chilensis radial growth and climate. The growth of A. chilensis is favored by above average precipitation in late spring–early summer (November and December). A strong relationship was also observed between radial growth patterns and the Palmer drought severity index, a measure of the regional water deficit. Significant differences in growth patterns were recorded between symptomatic and asymptomatic trees. Following extreme drought events, the growth of symptomatic trees is consistently lower than in asymptomatic trees. Based on the larger number of droughts recorded during the past decades and on future climatic predictions suggesting increasing trends in the frequency and intensity of drought events in northern Patagonia, a gradual increase in the number of trees affected by “Mal del Ciprés” along the twenty-first century is likely expected.  相似文献   

植被与大气间的显热和潜热通量的日变化是大气过程和植被生理过程的显著标志。本研究利用ChinaFLUX千烟洲站典型的夏季雨热不同季的季节性干旱的试验条件,探讨了2003年季节性干旱对该生态系统显热和潜热通量日变化变异幅度和峰值时间的影响。研究表明:显热通量的日变化变异幅度年平均值为176 W/m2。潜热通量的日变化变异幅度年平均值为171 W/m2。显热通量到达日变化峰值的时间平均为11:57。全年潜热通量的日变化都在午后达到峰值,平均值为12:33。季节性干旱造成显热通量的日变异幅度明显增大,从144W m-2增加到321 W m-2。而潜热通量的日变异幅度明显降低,从324 W/m2减小到198 W/m2。,显热和潜热通量日变异幅度的相对变化明显增大,从-165 W/m2增加到76 W/m2,气温和饱和水汽压差是影响显热和显热日变异幅度及其相对变化的主要控制因素。干旱胁迫期,深层水对显热通量日变化变异幅度及其与潜热通量日变化变异幅度的相对变化的作用更显著,而潜热通量日变化变异幅度与气象要素关系不显著。季节性干旱造成显热通量日变化的峰值时间和显热和潜热通量日变化峰值时间的相对变化明显向下午偏移,显热通量日变化的峰值从上午11:31到中午12:17,相对变化从1小时到1小时20分钟。季节性干旱对潜热通量日变化峰值时间没有显著的影响。非干旱胁迫期,显热通量日变化峰值时间和显热及潜热通量日变化峰值时间的相对变化均与气温负相关,而干旱胁迫期,则与气温正相关。潜热通量日变化峰值时间与气象要素关系均不显著。该生态系统显热和潜热通量日变化峰值的相对变化主要受降水量的季节分配控制,在干旱胁迫期降水的作用更加明显。潜热和显热通量日变化峰值时间的相对变化总体上都受植被与大气间的耦合程度控制。  相似文献   

Trees at timberline in the high Alps are exposed to a variety of climatic conditions. Most climatic stresses occur during winter and spring, when frost, occasionally low snow cover, and high irradiation interact. In this study, we follow reactions of photosynthesis from high winter to spring in two dominating tree species of the alpine timberline, which may indicate the status of stress response to a changing environment. The results indicate a level of physiological stability in trees, which are important for stabilising natural high mountain ecosystems. Trees of Pinus cembra and of Pinus mugo were selected at altitudes between 1850 m a.s.l. and 1950 m a.s.l. near innsbruck, Austria. At six sampling times from January to May, fast chlorophyll fluorescence was measured in the field and twigs were collected for further investigation in the laboratory. The following measurements were taken: photosynthetic oxygen formation, needle chlorophyll and carotenoid determination, and kinetic studies of the xanthophyll cycle. In general, both tree species showed similar results in most parameters studied. P. mugo seems to have some advantages if winter precipitation is high, when, because of its growth habitus, most needles will be snow covered. Primary photochemistry (trapping per reaction centre) in PS II does not change with sampling dates despite the fact that temperature and light are changing. However, first events in electron transport and whole needle photosynthesis are strongly affected by light and temperature conditions during the days before sampling. The kinetics of the xanthophyll cycle indicate not only light, but also strong temperature effects. P. mugo photosynthesis seems to have a higher stability under changing weather. Both tree species are well prepared to start with photosynthesis in winter, if favourable conditions, like foehn events, occur.  相似文献   

3个树种对不同程度土壤干旱的生理生化响应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
吴芹  张光灿  裴斌  方立东 《生态学报》2013,33(12):3648-3656
利用盆栽试验和采用人工浇水后持续自然耗水的方法,研究了3年生山杏(Prunus sibirica)、沙棘(Hippophae rhamnoides)、油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)对土壤干旱胁迫的生理生化响应过程。结果表明:随着干旱程度加剧,3个树种叶片相对含水量(LRWC)及叶绿素(Chl)含量持续下降,细胞膜透性逐渐增大;其中,以山杏和沙棘变化幅度较大,油松最小;3个指标发生显著变化的土壤相对含水量(RWC)临界值,油松为54.7%、山杏和沙棘分别为46.7%和48.4%。3个树种超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)与过氧化物酶(POD)两种抗氧化酶活性,随RWC降低先升高后降低;维持较高抗氧化酶活性的RWC范围,油松为32.9%—76.4%、山杏和沙棘分别为46.7%—77.9%和35.8%—78.2%;在不同土壤干旱程度下,油松的抗氧化酶活性水平高于沙棘和山杏。3个树种两种渗透调节物质脯氨酸(Pro)与可溶性糖(Ss)的含量随RWC降低而增加,油松的增加幅度大于山杏和沙棘;Pro含量的增加速度大于Ss含量。结论:3个树种可通过渗透调节、抗氧化酶活性升高等途径增强对干旱逆境的耐受性和适应性;3个树种的抗旱能力为油松>沙棘>山杏。  相似文献   

In contrast to nuclear DNA, cytoplasmic genes may differ among cloned animals due to the presence of polymorphic mitochondrial DNA haplotypes in the host oocytes, raising doubts about histocompatibility among clones. Three bovine clones were generated by nuclear transfer; dermal fibroblasts from a fetus were used as donor cells, whereas oocytes from abbatoir-derived ovaries were used as recipient cells. The mitochondrial DNA (sequencing of coding and non-coding regions) and nuclear DNA (13 microsatellite markers) of cloned and control animals were characterized to identify potential polymorphisms. Skin auto- and allografts were transplanted on the adult clones and a non-related animal as a measure of immunological reactivity. Nuclear DNA of cloned animals was genetically identical but differed in all microsatellites of the non-related control. Amounts of donor cell mitochondrial DNA in the skin ranged from 1 to 2.6% among clones. Few differences in heteroplasmy were observed between skin and WBC of the clones, indicating limited mitochondrial DNA segregation in tissues during pre- and post-natal development to adulthood. Sequencing of the remaining oocyte-derived mitochondrial DNA haplotype identified polymorphisms in coding and non-coding regions, confirming their origin from unrelated maternal lineages. Nonetheless, skin transplants between clones were accepted for the 92 d study period, whereas third-party grafts were rejected. In conclusion, the nuclear transfer-generated adult bovine clones used in this study were immunologically compatible with one another despite differences in their mitochondrial DNA haplotypes.  相似文献   

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