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《Journal of Asia》2022,25(1):101858
Rhabdochaeta nigroapicalis David, Hancock and Sachin, sp. n., is described from Assam, NE India. A key to all species of Schistopterini and Eutretini recorded from India is provided and taxonomic notes on previously described species are included. DNA barcode sequences of Calloptera asteria (Schiner), Rhabdochaeta pulchella de Meijere, Rhabdochaeta nigroapicalis David, Hancock and Sachin, sp. n. and Rhochmopterum venustum (de Meijere) were obtained and reported. Phylogenetic analysis using 62 mtCOI sequences of Tephritinae revealed Schistopterini to be a monophyletic group and the new species closely related to Rhabdochaeta pulchella, justifying its placement in Rhabdochaeta de Meijere.http://zoobank.org/A97337B3-E2BD-460D-BA62-6D3D4A1A60A2  相似文献   

A total of 117 agromyzid leafminers are known to occur in Turkey, among which Agromyza phylloposthia, Pseudonapomyza pyriformis, Liriomyza cardariae and Phytomyza geminata are described as new to science. A faunistic account of the Agromyzidae in Turkey is given.  相似文献   

Platyrrhinus is a diverse genus of small to large phyllostomid bats characterized by a comparatively narrow uropatagium thickly fringed with hair, a white dorsal stripe, comparatively large inner upper incisors that are convergent at the tips, and three upper and three lower molars. Eighteen species are currently recognized, the majority occurring in the Andes. Molecular, morphological, and morphometric analyses of specimens formerly identified as Platyrrhinus helleri support recognition of Platyrrhinus incarum as a separate species and reveal the presence of two species from western and northern South America that we describe herein as new ( Platyrrhinus angustirostris sp. nov. from eastern Colombia and Ecuador, north‐eastern Peru, and Venezuela and Platyrrhinus fusciventris sp. nov. from Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Trinidad and Tobago, northern Brazil, eastern Ecuador, and southern Venezuela). These two new species are sister taxa and, in turn, sister to Platyrrhinus incarum. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 159 , 785–812.  相似文献   

Morphological characters used in comasterid taxonomy are reappraised. As a result, form and distribution of pinnule combs are newly promoted as primary characters of generic recognition. Form and arrangement of cirri and division series, as used by A. H. Clark (1931), are rejected as characters important in recognizing taxa higher than species. Five of 12 comasterid genera reported as occurring in Australian waters (H. L. Clark, 1946) are critically examined. Of these genera, Comantheria A. H. Clark, 1909b is referred to the synonymy of Comanthus A. H. Clark, 1908a, Comanlhoides A. H. Clark, 1931 is referred to the synonymy of Cenolia A. H. Clark, 1916b, and Comanthina A. H. Clark, 1909b is maintained. In addition, two new genera are described. These genera are related by the occurence of the first brachial syzygy at 3 + 4 on all arms. Twenty-six species within the five genera are now recognized in Australian waters. Nine new species are described, and the 17 existing species are rediagnosed and critically reappraised. The revision involves taxa distributed throughout the Indo-west Pacific region, as far west as S Africa.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of the Taenogera genus-group, consisting of nine genera, are examined using cladistic methods. Twenty-one species representing nine genera and one outgroup were compared in a cladistic analysis across 99 states in 44 characters. The genus Taenogera Kröber is revised to contain only T. longa (Schiner), T. nitida (Macquart) and T. notatithorax Mann. Two new genera are described and figured: Actenomeros gen. n., with two species, A. corniculaticaudus sp. n. and A. onyx sp. n.; and Taenogerella gen. n., with four species, Ta. elizabethae sp. n., Ta. platina sp. n., Ta. schlingeri sp. n. and Ta . nigrapicalis (Mann) comb. n. Phylogenetic analysis also supports the removal of Nanexila gracilis (Mann) comb. n. from Taenogera .  相似文献   


Pelodiaetodes n.gen. (type-species P. prominens n.sp.) and Hygranillus n.gen. (type-species H. kuscheli n.sp.) are described, and the following new synonymies are established: Nesamblyops oreobius (Broun, 1893) = N. coriaceus (Broun, 1908); Zeanillus pallidus (Broun, 1884) = Z. marginatus (Broun, 1914). Nine species of New Zealand Anillini are now recognised; they are distributed between five genera.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The 'nudidrosophila' and 'ateledrosophila' species groups, formerly described as genera, are a relatively small and understudied part of the enormous Hawaiian Drosophila radiation. Only nine species were described previously. Here we revise the two groups, provide a key to males and females, and describe fully all species. The 'ateledrosophila' group now contains three species, D. diamphidia Hardy, D. papala sp.n. , and D. preapicula Hardy. The 28 species of the 'nudidrosophila' group are separated into five subgroups: 'hirtitibia' ( D. hirtitibia Hardy, D. konaensis sp.n. , D. mawaena sp.n. , and D. papaalai sp.n. ); 'kahania' ( D. kahania sp.n. and D. longipalpus sp.n. ); 'nudidrosophila' ( D. aenicta Hardy, D. amita Hardy, D. canavalia sp.n. , D. eximia Hardy, D. gemmula Hardy, D. kualapa sp.n. , D. lepidobregma Hardy, D. mahui sp.n. , D. malele sp.n. , D. panoanoa sp.n. , and D. poonia sp.n. ); 'okala' ( D. akoko sp.n. , D. kuhao sp.n. , D. makawao sp.n. , D. okala sp.n. , and D. panina sp.n. ); and 'velata' ( D. halapepe sp.n. , D. kauaiensis sp.n. , D. lauoho sp.n. , D. milolii sp.n. , D. pohaka sp.n. , and D. velata Hardy).  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships among the East Asian species of the apodemata and sinuata species groups of the genus Amiota were investigated based on DNA sequences of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 (ND2) gene. A total of 23 samples of 12 species were employed as in‐group taxa, and one sample for each of four other Amiota species were used as out‐groups. The results suggested with strong confidence the monophyly of both the apodemata and the sinuata groups, whereas the monophyly of the ‘apodemata group + sinuata group’ cluster was less supported. Based on its geographical distribution, the origin of the sinuata group is supposed to be southern China. Four new species were described from Guangxi and Yunnan, China: Amiota reikae Xu & Chen sp. nov. , Amiota guiensis Xu & Chen sp. nov. , Amiota hesongensis Xu & Chen sp. nov. , and Amiota polytreta Xu & Chen sp. nov. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

The Australian Thrasorinae are revised and Mikeius is transferred to Mikeiinae Paretas-Martínez & Pujade-Villar, subfam. n., and Mikeius clavatus Pujade-Villar & Restrepo-Ortiz, sp. n., is described. Two new genera of Thrasorinae are erected: Cicatrix Paretas-Martínez, gen. n., including Cicatrix pilosiscutum(Girault), comb. n. from Amblynotus, Cicatrix schauffi (Buffington), comb. n. from Mikeius, and Cicatrix neumannoides Paretas-Martínez & Restrepo-Ortiz, sp. n.; and Palmiriella Pujade-Villar & Paretas-Martínez, gen. n., including Palmiriella neumanni (Buffington), comb. n. from Mikeius, Thrasorus rieki Paretas-Martínez & Pujade-Villar, sp. n., is also described. A phylogenetic analysis of 176 morphological and biological characters, including all these new taxa and all genera previously included in Thrasorinae, was conducted. All subfamilies were recovered as monophyletic, with the following relationships: Parnipinae (Euceroptrinae (Mikeiinae (Plectocynipinae (Thrasorinae)))). A worldwide key to the subfamilies of Figitidae is provided that includes the new subfamily, as well as a key to genera Thrasorinae.  相似文献   

The results of a revision of the Sciaridae (Diptera: Nematocera) from the British Isles are presented, carried out as a preliminary to the preparation of a new Handbook for the identification of the British and Irish fauna of this family. A total fauna of 263 species is confirmed, including many species new to the British Isles: 111 new to Great Britain and 32 new to Ireland. Epidapus ( Pseudoaptanogyna ) echinatum Mohrig & Kozánek, 1992 , hitherto known only from North Korea, is newly recorded from Europe. Six species are described as new to science: Bradysia austera Menzel & Heller sp. nov. , Bradysia ismayi Menzel sp. nov. , Bradysia nigrispina Menzel sp. nov. , Corynoptera flavosignata Menzel & Heller sp. nov. , Corynoptera uncata Menzel & Smith sp. nov. and Epidapus subgracilis Menzel & Mohrig sp. nov . The following new synonymies are proposed: Leptosciarella nigrosetosa (Freeman, 1990) =  Leptosciarella truncatula Mohrig & Menzel, 1997 ; Sciara nursei Freeman, 1983 =  Sciara ulrichi Menzel & Mohrig, 1998. Many misidentifications in the previous literature are corrected. Details of the collection data and location of specimens examined are provided under each species. The localities from which Sciaridae were collected in the British Isles are documented by modern county and grid references and the habitat indicated where known, to assist in assessing the ecological requirements of each species.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 146 , 1–147.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of the subfamily Tephritinae (Diptera: Tephritidae) was reconstructed from mitochondrial 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequences using 53 species representing 11 currently recognized tribes of the Tephritinae and 10 outgroup species. The minimum evolution and Bayesian trees suggested the following phylogenetic relationships: (1) monophyly of the Tephritinae was strongly supported; (2) a sister group relationship between the Tephritinae and Plioreocepta was supported by the Bayesian tree; (3) the tribes Tephrellini, Myopitini, and Terelliini (excluding Neaspilota) were supported as monophyletic groups; (4) the non-monophyletic nature of the tribes Dithrycini, Eutretini, Noeetini, Tephritini, Cecidocharini, and Xyphosiini; and (5) recognition of 10 putative tribal groups, most of which were supported strongly by the statistical tests of the interior branches. Our results, therefore, convincingly suggest that an extensive rearrangement of the tribal classification of the Tephritinae is necessary. Since our sampling of taxa heavily relied on the current accepted classification, some lineages identified by the present study were severely under-sampled and other possible major lineages of the Tephritinae were probably not even represented in our dataset. We believe that our results provide baseline information for a more rigorous sampling of additional taxa representing all possible major lineages of the subfamily, which is essential for a comprehensive revision of the tephritine tribal classification.  相似文献   

The genus Pareuchiloglanis (Sisoridae) contains 20 valid species and 5 species with uncertain taxonomic status. Previous morphological and molecular studies indicated that Pareuchiloglanis was non-monophyletic; nonetheless, no change was made to correct the taxonomy of the genus. Therefore, the authors conducted a systematic morphological comparison and molecular phylogenetic study on Pareuchiloglanis. The results showed that Pareuchiloglanis is a polyphyletic group. Species previously identified as Pareuchiloglanis can be divided into four groups, of which Pareuchiloglanis poilanei alone has the genus name Pareuchiloglanis. The remaining three groups of species are contained within new genera named Barbeuchiloglanis, Sineuchiloglanis and Tremeuchiloglanis. Each genus has a distinct distribution that does not cross or overlap. The molecular results supported the reliability of morphological classification and indicated that the four genera were not directly related to one another. Specifically, Sineuchiloglanis and Tremeuchiloglanis shared no recent common ancestor. In contrast, Sineuchiloglanis formed a sister group with Chimarrichthys, and Tremeuchiloglanis formed a sister group with Creteuchiloglanis and Pseudexostoma.  相似文献   

Species of the genus Colocasiomyia de Meijere feed/breed on inflorescences/infructescences of the plants from the families Araceae, Arecaceae and Magnoliaceae. Although most of them utilize plants from the subfamily Aroideae of Araceae, three species of the recently established C. gigantea species group make use of plants of the subfamily Monsteroideae. We describe four new species of the gigantea group found from Yunnan, China: Colocasiomyia longifilamentata Li & Gao, sp. n., C. longivalva Li & Gao, sp. n., C. hailini Li & Gao, sp. n., and C. yini Li & Gao, sp. n. The species delimitation is proved in virtue of not only morphology but also DNA barcodes, i.e., sequences of the partial mitochondrial COI (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) gene. Some nucleotide sites with fixed status in the alignment of the COI sequences (658 sites in length) are used as “pure” molecular diagnostic characters to delineate species in the gigantea group.  相似文献   

In the Oriental Region, the large, basically Northern Hemisphere family Trichopolydesmidae is shown to currently comprise 18 genera and 43 species. Based mainly on gonopod structure, all of them, as well as the whole family, are (re)diagnosed, including five new genera and seven new species. These new taxa are keyed, also being the first to be described from Indochina in general and from Vietnam in particular: Aporodesmella gen. n., with three species: A. securiformis sp. n. (the type species), A. similis sp. n. and A. tergalis sp. n., as well as the following four monotypic genera: Deharvengius gen. n., with D. bedosae sp. n., Gonatodesmus gen. n., with G. communicans sp. n., Helicodesmus gen. n., with H. anichkini sp. n., and Monstrodesmus gen. n., with M. flagellifer sp. n. In addition, Cocacolaria hauseri Hoffman, 1987, hitherto known only from New Ireland Island, Papua New Guinea, is redescribed based on material from Vanuatu whence it is recorded for the first time. One of the new genera, Gonatodesmus gen. n., provides a kind of transition or evolutionary bridge between Trichopolydesmidae and Opisotretidae, thus reinforcing the assignment of these two families to the single superfamily Trichopolydesmoidea.  相似文献   

Akentrogonid rhizocephalans morphologically resembling the genus Thompsonia are revised as a result of examination of new material. The species concerned are all obligatorily colonial and have ovoid or cylindrically shaped externae with a terminal stalk and a much reduced anatomy. A numerical cladistic analysis of all Rhizocephala Akentrogonida using the Hennig 86 program leads to a redefinition of the Thompsoniidae HOeg and Rybakov, 1992. Autapomorphies for the Thompsoniidae are primarily the morphology of the attachment to the host and the total absence of a mesentery. The cladistic analysis refutes that the Thompsoniidae should have a plesiomorphic morphology and branch off very low on the rhizocephalan phylogeny. The family now comprises four genera: Pottsia gen. n. (monotypic), Diplothylacus gen. n. with two species, Thompsonia Kossmann with five species. A revived and redefined Thylacoplethus Coutière includes eight species. The genera are distinguished by the location of the spermatogenic tissue, the site where the eggs are fertilized, the presence or absence of a mantle pore and the way it is formed, the number or absence of oviducts, and the number of cuticular annuli on the stalk. All 16 species, of which six are new to science, are described when necessary, and, if possible, illustrated. A phylogeny for the redefined family is proposed. Thylacoplethus is morphologically closest to the hypothetically ancestral thompsoniid and is likely paraphyletic. The new genus Polysaccus with two species, one of them new to science, and the monotypic genus Pirusaccus Lützen resemble thompsoniids in externa morphology and in being obligatorily colonial.  相似文献   

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