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SUMMARY 1. The feeding behaviour of the zebra mussel ( Dreissena polymorpha ) was studied in the laboratory on different combinations of food, including a green alga ( Chlamydomonas reinhardtii ) and toxic and non-toxic strains of the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa .
2. The highest clearance rate of phytoplankton by zebra mussels was found when the mussels were feeding on a mixture of Chlamydomonas and non-toxic Microcystis , the lowest on a mixture of Chlamydomonas and toxic Microcystis .
3. The differences found in the clearance rates between food combinations can be partly explained by the production of pseudofaeces containing live phytoplankton cells. Zebra mussels expelled significantly more live phytoplankton cells in the presence of toxic Microcystis than in the presence of non-toxic Microcystis . The pseudofaeces contained predominantly live Chlamydomonas cells. Proportionately much less live Microcystis cells were encountered in the pseudofaeces.
4. Consequently, grazing of zebra mussels on a combination of Chlamydomonas and Microcystis may finally result in a dominance of Chlamydomonas over Microcystis . The presence of toxic Microcystis may even strengthen this shift.  相似文献   

The freshwater zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) is a notorious biofouling organism. It adheres to a variety of substrata underwater by means of a proteinaceous structure called the byssus, which consists of a number of threads with adhesive plaques at the tips. The byssal proteins are difficult to characterize due to extensive cross-linking of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA), which renders the mature structure largely resistant to protein extraction and immunolocalization. By inducing secretion of fresh threads and plaques in which cross-linking is minimized, three novel zebra mussel byssal proteins were identified following extraction and separation by gel electrophoresis. Peptide fragment fingerprinting was used to match tryptic digests of several gel bands against a cDNA library of genes expressed uniquely in the mussel foot, the organ which secretes the byssus. This allowed identification of a more complete sequence of Dpfp2 (D. polymorpha foot protein 2), a known DOPA-containing byssal protein, and a partial sequence of Dpfp5, a novel protein with several typical characteristics of mussel adhesive proteins.  相似文献   

Freshwater fouling invertebrate zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) harbor a diverse population of microorganisms in the Great Lakes of North America. Among the indigenous microorganisms, selective species are opportunistic pathogens to zebra mussels. Pathogenicity to zebra mussels by opportunistic bacteria isolated from the mussels was investigated in this study. Among the more than 30 bacteria isolated from temperature-stressed mussels, Aeromonas media, A. veronii, A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, and Shewanella putrefaciens are virulent pathogens to juvenile zebra mussels. Inoculation of a bacterial concentration of A. media, A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida and S. putrefaciens at 107 cells per zebra mussel resulted in 100% mortality within 5 days, and only 64.9% for A. veronii. In contrast, mortality was less than 12.3% following inoculation of a sterile phosphate buffer solution as a control. In addition, mortality was dependent on the size of the pathogen population used in inoculation and the incubation temperature, indicating the close relationship between the bacterial population and subsequent death. On the mussel tissue, a dense microbial population was evident from the moribund mussels viewed with Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Opportunistic bacteria invaded and destroyed the D. polymorpha tissue after 7 days of incubation when the bacterial inoculation was larger than 105 per zebra mussel. Our results suggest that mussels are reservoirs of opportunistic pathogenic microorganisms to aquatic organisms and humans and a better understanding of the microbial ecology of the mussels will provide insights to the possible health hazards from these microorganisms.  相似文献   

The capture, transport, and sorting of particles by the gills and labial palps of the freshwater mussel Dreissena polymorpha were examined by endoscopy and video image analysis. More specifically, the morphology of the feeding organs in living zebra mussels was described; the mode and speeds of particle transport on the feeding organs was measured; and the sites of particle selection in the pallial cavity were identified. Particle velocities (outer demibranch lamellae, 90 microm s(-1); inner demibranch lamellae, 129 microm s(-1); marginal food groove of inner demibranchs, 156 microm s(-1); dorsal ciliated tracts, 152 microm s(-1)), as well as the movement of particles on the ctenidia and labial palps of D. polymorpha, are consistent with mucociliary, rather than hydrodynamic, transport. Particles can be sorted on the ctenidia of zebra mussels, resulting in a two-layer transport at the marginal food groove of the inner demibranch. That is: preferred particles are transported inside the marginal groove proper, whereas particles destined for rejection are carried superficially in a string of mucus. Sorting also occurs at the ventral margin of the outer demibranch; desirable particles are retained on the outer demibranch, whereas unacceptable particles are transferred to the inner demibranch and ultimately excluded from ingestion. We suggest that the structure of homorhabdic ctenidia does not preclude particle sorting, and that some ecosystem modifications attributed to zebra mussels may ultimately be due to ctenidial sorting mechanisms.  相似文献   

1. Zebra mussels exposed to deionized water (DW, changed daily) begin to die within several days. More than half the animals die in DW within a week.2. Animals allowed to reattach themselves prior to exposure to DW live somewhat longer than detached animals exposed to DW but are still sensitive to the toxic effects of DW.3. Small animals die in response to DW faster than large animals.4. The toxic effect of DW can be suppressed by addition of 0.5 mM NaCl, 0.25 mM MgSO4, or small amounts of aquarium water.5. KCl is about 10 times more toxic to zebra mussels when applied in DW than when applied in aquarium water.6. The toxic effects of 37 mg KCl/1 DW are not prevented by the addition of 0.5 mM NaCl or 0.25 mM MgSO4.7. Stimulation of potassium transport mechanisms by DW may account for the increased toxicity of KCl in DW. Toxic effects of DW and increased toxicity of potassium in DW may have applications in controlling zebra mussel infestations.  相似文献   

1. Streams flowing from lakes which contain zebra mussels, Dreissena polymorpha , provide apparently suitable habitats for mussel colonization and downstream range expansion, yet most such streams contain few adult mussels. We postulated that mussel veligers experience high mortality during dispersal via downstream transport. They tested this hypothesis in Christiana Creek, a lake-outlet stream in south-western Michigan, U.S.A., in which adult mussel density declined exponentially with distance downstream.
2. A staining technique using neutral red was developed and tested to distinguish quickly live and dead veligers. Live and dead veligers were distinguishable after an exposure of fresh samples to 13.3 mg L−−1 of neutral red for 3 h.
3. Neutral red was used to determine the proportion of live veligers in samples taken longitudinally along Christiana Creek. The proportion of live veligers (mean ± SE) declined from 90 ± 3% at the lake outlet to 40 ± 8% 18 km downstream.
4. Veligers appear to be highly susceptible to damage by physical forces (e.g. shear), and therefore, mortality in turbulent streams could be an important mechanism limiting zebra mussel dispersal to downstream reaches. Predictions of zebra mussel spread and population growth should consider lake-stream linkages and high mortality in running waters.  相似文献   


The zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, is a freshwater biofouling bivalve unintentionally introduced in the 1980s into North America from Europe. Oocyte maturation (germinal vesicle breakdown, GVBD) and spawning of the zebra mussel can be triggered with serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT). In pharmacological experiments to characterize the receptor mediating spawning, the serotonin receptor agonists 8-OH-DPAT, TFMPP, and 1-(1-naphthyl)piperazine were effective at stimulating spawning; whereas, 2-methylserotonin and alpha-methylserotonin had no effect. In experiments with antagonists of serotonin receptors ketanserin and propranolol had no effect; mianserin, NAN-190, and cyproheptadine had partial inhibitory effects; and methiothepin was a very effective antagonist. Metergoline had mixed agonist/antagonist properties. Ergotamine was the most effective activator of spawning in females. Compared to serotonergic receptors in other organisms, the receptors that activate spawning in zebra mussels resemble 5HTlym, 5HTdro2 and human 5HT1Dβ, which are receptors that may act both by inhibiting adenylyl cyclase and by activating phospholipase C. In zebra mussels, 5-HT and 8-OH-DPAT activate GVBD in gonad fragments, a process also initiated by manual dissection of gonad fragments. GVBD can be inhibited by pre-treatment of ovaries with forskolin and theophylline, suggesting an inhibitory role for cyclic AMP. The Ca2+ ionophore A23187 can trigger GVBD and polar body formation. Thus, oocyte maturation in zebra mussels may be initiated via serotonergic receptors simultaneously inhibiting adenylyl cyclase and activating Ca2+ mechanisms.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature acclimation, acute temperature variation and progressive hypoxia on oxygen consumption rates (VO2) were determined for the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha. In the first experiment, after acclimation to 5, 15 or 25 degrees C for at least 2 weeks, VO2 was determined at 5 degrees C increments from 5 to 45 degrees C. VO2 increased in all three acclimation groups from 5 to 30 degrees C, corresponding to the normal ambient temperature range for this species. Mussels displayed imperfect temperature compensation at temperatures above 15 degrees C, but exhibited little acclimatory ability below 15 degrees C. In the hypoxia experiment, VO2 was determined over the course of progressive hypoxia, from full saturation (oxygen tension [PO2]=160 Torr [21.3 kPa]) to a PO2 at which oxygen uptake ceased (<10 Torr [1.3 kPa]). Mussels were acclimated to either 5, 15 or 25 degrees C for at least 2 weeks and their respiratory response to progressive hypoxia was measured at three test temperatures (5, 15 and 25 degrees C). The degree of oxygen regulation increased with increasing test temperature, particularly from 5 to 15 degrees C, but decreased with increasing acclimation temperature. The decreased metabolic rate observed for warm-acclimated animals, particularly in the upper portion of the temperature range of the zebra mussel, may allow for conservation of organic energy stores during warm summer months. Compared to other freshwater bivalves, D. polymorpha is a relatively poor oxygen regulator, corresponding with its preference for well-oxygenated aquatic habitats. In addition, a new quantitative method for determining the degree of oxygen regulation is presented.  相似文献   

1. The bivalve Dreissena polymorpha has invaded many freshwater ecosystems worldwide in recent decades. Because of their high fecundity and ability to settle on almost any solid substratum, zebra mussels usually outcompete the resident species and cause severe damage to waterworks. Time series of D. polymorpha densities display a variety of dynamical patterns, including very irregular behaviours. Unfortunately, there is a lack of mathematical modelling that could explain these patterns. 2. Here, we propose a very simple discrete‐time population model with age structure and density dependence that can generate realistic dynamics. Most of the model parameters can be derived from existing data on D. polymorpha. Some of them are quite variable: with respect to these we perform a sensitivity analysis of the model behaviour and verify that non‐equilibrial regimes (either periodic or chaotic) are the rule rather than the exception. 3. Even in circumstances where the model dynamics are aperiodic it is possible to predict total density peaks from previous peaks. This turns out to be true also in the presence of environmental stochasticity. 4. Using the stochastic model we explore the effects of age‐selective predation. Quite surprisingly, larger removal rates of adults do not always result in smaller population densities and mussel biomasses. Moreover, non‐selective predation can result in skewed size‐frequency distributions which, therefore, are not necessarily the footprint of predators’ preference for larger or smaller zebra mussels.  相似文献   

Wacker A  Von Elert E 《Oecologia》2003,135(3):332-338
Species such as Dreissena polymorpha sometimes contribute substantially in the transfer of primary to secondary production. During the ontogenetic cycle, the reproductive investment of adult mussels is one of the main parameters that affect recruitment success. We studied how food quality and temperature affect the reproductive investment in term of egg mass of D. polymorpha in a lake by sampling mussels monthly from 4 m and 15 m depths. Temperature affected reproduction directly and also indirectly through the food. To assess whether temperature and/or food conditions led to the differences observed in mussels sampled from the two depths, mussels were reared in the laboratory under two different temperature regimes for 3 months, simulating the temperature of the lake at 4 m and 15 m depth. Possible effects of food quality were tested at each temperature using four diets differing in fatty acid composition. Temperature played an important role as a trigger for spawning, and the type of diet clearly affected the reproductive investment. When the heterokont chromophyte alga Nannochloropsis limnetica, which is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and long-chained PUFAs (>C18), was fed to mussels, an increased egg mass was obtained. This result was in contrast to that found when the green alga Scenedesmus obliquus and the cyanobacterium Aphanothece sp., both of which are deficient in long-chained PUFAs, were offered as food to the mussels. Such a PUFA-dependent food quality may affect reproduction in lakes. Food quality effects vary seasonally in a lake and may be most important in summer, when low-food-quality green algae and cyanobacteria are abundant. The low biochemical quality of these blooms may affect at least the later period of gametogenesis of D. polymorpha, which reproduces from June to August.  相似文献   

1. We used long‐term data and a simulation model to investigate temporal fluctuations in zebra mussel populations, which govern the ecological and economic impacts of this pest species. 2. The size of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) population in the Hudson River estuary fluctuated approximately 11‐fold across a 13‐year period, following a cycle with a 2–4 year period. 3. This cycling was caused by low recruitment during years of high adult population size, rapid somatic growth of settled animals, and adult survivorship of 50% per year. 4. Adult growth and body condition were weakly correlated with phytoplankton biomass. 5. The habitat distribution of the Hudson's population changed over the 13‐year period, with an increasing proportion of the population spreading onto soft sediments over time. The character of soft‐sediment habitats in the Hudson changed because of large amounts (mean = 34 g DM m?2) of empty zebra mussel shells now in the sediments. 6. Simulation models show that zebra mussel populations can show a range of long‐term trajectories, depending on the balance between adult space limitation, larval food limitation, and disturbance. 7. Effective understanding and management of the effects of zebra mussels and other alien species depend on understanding of their long‐term demography, which may vary across ecosystems.  相似文献   

1. Field experiments conducted in Lake Wawasee in 1995 and 1996 measured the response of shell growth of Dreissena polymorpha to environmental gradients.
2. Shell growth decreased with initial shell length in four mussel size classes ranging between 8 and 22 mm, and decreased with depth, with mussels in shallow water (<4 m) having growth rates nearly twice those of mussels in deeper water (4–7 m).
3. Growth occurred early in the spring–summer period (May–June) with relatively little shell added later in the summer (July–September), and varied significantly among sites within Lake Wawasee, but not between the 2 years of this study.
4. Rank order of sites was consistent for both years implying that environmental conditions responsible for variation in shell growth were stable within Lake Wawasee.
5. Cage design did not have a significant effect on mussel shell growth nor did the distance of growth cages above the bottom (0.5–0.75 m above the bottom versus directly on the bottom).
6. This study demonstrates the sensitivity of adult mussel growth to subtle variation in environmental conditions occurring within and among lakes, with potential consequences for mussel population dynamics and community structure and function.  相似文献   

Eggs isolated from animals spawned with 10−3 M serotonin were inseminated with sperm concentrations ranging from 103–106 sperm/ml. Multiple sperm attached to the surface of the egg and sperm incorporation occurred within 3 min postinsemination (PI). Sperm mitochondria, centrioles, and flagellum were also incorporated. Incorporation was essentially complete by 6 min PI. In the egg cortex, the sperm head rotated 180°, and a rapid translocation of the sperm through the cytoplasm towards the egg interior began by 5–6 min PI. In heavily polyspermic inseminations, translocations of the sperm were either minimal or nonexistent. In monospermic eggs, nuclear decondensation occurred after translocation was complete, beginning by 9–10 min PI. A male pronucleus began to develop in the cytoplasm by 21 min PI and enlarged to 20 μm before fusing with the female pronucleus. Oscillation of the egg cytoplasm and mitotic spindle apparatus was observed immediately prior to cleavage. Cleavage occurred at 60 min PI. Sperm incorporation and pronuclear formation were confirmed with fluorescent and confocal microscopy using the DNA-specific dyes Hoescht 33342 and 7-aminoactinomycin D. In sperm concentrations >104 sperm/ml, 26–76% of the eggs exhibited polyspermy. The high incidence of polyspermy suggests that rapid, effective blocks to polyspermy were not present or were ineffective in a significant proportion of serotonin-spawned eggs. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The effect of varying algal availability on byssal thread productionby re–attaching zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) wasquantified. The byssal apparatus was severed and mussels allowedto re–attach to a hard substratum for a 21 day periodduring which they were fed at algal concentrations of 0.0, 0.1,0.5, 1.0 or 2.0 mg C l-1. Byssal thread production was quantifiedby counting the number of new attachment plaques present eachday. Results showed that starved mussels continued to partition organiccarbon towards thread production but the resultant byssal masswas compromised, containing fewer threads than those producedby fed mussels. The daily average byssal thread production bymussels fed at 2.0 mg C l-1 was greater than that of starved musselsand the final mean dry soft tissue weight higher. At algal Cconcentrations below maintenance requirements byssal threadproduction was elevated compared to starved mussels, but therewas no concurrent increase in soft tissue. This suggests thatbelow maintenance levels assimilated carbon was solely partitionedtowards byssus production and stored reserves may have beenutilized. The ratio of organic carbon contained in the byssusto that in the soft tissues remained relatively constant acrossall feeding levels. This suggests that the carbon content ofthe byssus is a constant function of that of the soft tissuemass. These results may explain seasonal variation in attachmentstrength of numerous byssate species and seasonal vertical migrationsby D. polymorpha. Present Address-Queen Mary & Westfield College, Dept of Biology,University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, UK (Received 16 March 1998; accepted 30 September 1998)  相似文献   

The zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas), a bivalve species originally native to the Black and Caspian seas, has invaded Ireland in the last decade. Five microsatellite loci were used to investigate genetic diversity and population structure in 10 populations across Europe (Ireland, UK, the Netherlands and Romania) and the Great Lakes (Lake Ontario and Lake St Clair). Levels of allelic diversity and mean expected heterozygosity were high for all populations (mean number of alleles/locus and H(E) were 10-15.2 and 0.79-0.89, respectively). High levels of polymorphism observed in Irish populations suggest that the Irish founder population(s) were large and/or several introductions took place after foundation. Significant deficits of heterozygotes were recorded for all populations, and null alleles were the most probable factor contributing to these deficits. Pairwise comparisons using Fisher exact tests and F(ST) values revealed little genetic differentiation between Irish populations. The UK sample was not significantly differentiated from the Irish samples, most probably reflecting an English origin for Irish zebra mussels. No significant differentiation was detected between the two Great Lakes populations. Our data support a northwest rather than a central or east European source for North American zebra mussels.  相似文献   

The enemy release hypothesis states that invasive species are successful in their new environment because native species are not adapted to utilize the invasive. If true for predators, native predators should have lower feeding rates on the invasive species than a predator from the native range of the invasive species. We tested this hypothesis for zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) by comparing handling time and predation rate on zebra mussels in the laboratory by two North American species (pumpkinseed, Lepomis gibbosus, and rusty crayfish, Orconectes rusticus) and one predator with a long evolutionary history with zebra mussels (round goby, Neogobius melanostomus). Handling time per mussel (7 mm shell length) ranged from 25 to >70 s for the three predator species. Feeding rates on attached zebra mussels were higher for round goby than the two native predators. Medium and large gobies consumed 50–67 zebra mussels attached to stones in 24 h, whereas pumpkinseed and rusty crayfish consumed <11. This supports the hypothesis that the rapid spread of zebra mussels in North America was facilitated by low predation rates from the existing native predators. At these predation rates and realistic goby abundance estimates, round goby could affect zebra mussel abundance in some lakes.  相似文献   

The herbicide paraquat (PQ), still widely used in developing countries, represents a serious risk factor for human and environmental health. To test the sublethal effects of PQ on the freshwater bivalve Dreissena polymorpha, mussels were exposed to 0.125, 0.250, 0.500 mg/L for 7 and 14 days and histologically screened. PQ's genotoxic potential was also determined in haemocytes by the micronucleus, MN, assay. At concentrations > or = 0.250 mg/L, severe lesions, such as cellular vacuolation, lysis and thinness of the germinative epithelia were observed in the digestive gland and testis. A positive trend between the number of granulocytes and all PQ concentrations was observed in both gonads and digestive glands, addressing the inflammatory capacity of this herbicide on these tissues. Mussels exposed to PQ also exhibited a significant MN induction. The spontaneous MN frequencies ranged from 2.75 to 0.425 per cent, while PQ-induced MN rates in treated mussels were between 3.50 and 1.250 per cent. The histopathological effects on the digestive and reproductive systems, as well as the MN induction in the haemocytes, confirmed the cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of PQ also in D. polymorpha.  相似文献   

Dreissena polymorpha, an invasive freshwater bivalve, displays physiological characteristics that reflect its ancestry in brackish water, yet it has limited ability to withstand modest increases in salinity. We examined changes in hemolymph ion concentrations and acid-base variables in mussels transferred to and incubated in 10% artificial seawater (ASW) for 7 days and then returned to pondwater (PW) for a further 7 days. Hemolymph was sampled (10 animals per sample period) every 4 h for the first 24-h incubation and at 72 h and 168 h for both the transfer to 10% ASW and the transfer back to PW. The initial response to transfer to 10% ASW was a rapid attainment of an apparent isoosmotic steady state, with most hemolymph ion concentrations rising and attaining steady state within 12 h. Hemolymph magnesium rose more slowly, and hemolymph calcium declined despite an increase in its concentration in the bathing medium. Hemolymph pH rose significantly during the first 24 h, from 7.96 to 8.25, as a result of increases in bicarbonate; pH subsequently returned to normal through increases in PCO2. When animals were returned to PW after 7 days' incubation in ASW, the response of the major hemolymph ions was largely the reverse of that effected by the transfer to ASW. Hemolymph pH was not altered significantly until after 72 h in PW, when declines in bicarbonate lowered the pH to 7.73. Strong ion difference (SID) was related significantly to hemolymph pH. Hemolymph calcium and magnesium showed a reciprocal relationship throughout both transfer and incubation. Solubility interactions between sulfate and calcium and magnesium may be important in determining calcium availability in solution. The Na/K ratio in hemolymph was maintained within relatively narrow bounds throughout the procedure and may contribute to the mussels' ability to volume-regulate during an osmotic challenge. Overall, the responses of D. polymorpha to modest changes in salinity were largely the result of passive processes.  相似文献   

1 . To investigate direct effects of zebra mussel ( Dreissena polymorpha ) feeding activities on phytoplankton community composition, short‐term microcosm experiments were performed in natural water with complex phytoplankton communities. Both gross effects (without resuspension of mussel excretions) and net effects (with resuspension) were studied.
2. Gross clearance rates were not selective; essentially all taxa were removed at similar rates ranging from 24 to 63 mL mussel–1 h–1. Net clearance rates were highly selective; different plankton taxa were removed at very different rates, ranging from 12 to 83% of the gross rates, leading to consistent changes in the phytoplankton community composition. Thus, although zebra mussels can cause most phytoplankton to decline, there is considerable variation among taxa in either pre‐digestive selection or post‐digestive survival.
3. The direct, short‐term effects of zebra mussels on phytoplankton community composition are consistent with some of the major changes observed in the Hudson River since establishment of zebra mussels.
4. We show, with simple calculations, how zebra mussel filtration rate, its selective efficiency on various taxa, and phytoplankton growth rates interact to produce changes in the phytoplankton composition.  相似文献   

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