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Résumé Chaque jour 130 m3 d'eaux résiduaires de l'abattoir de Dakar sont évacués à la mer. Ces eaux contiennent les matières stercoraires des animaux abattus (9.5 tonne/jour), les eaux de lavage et les graisses. Les besoins en énergie de l'abattoir sont de deux types: électricité et eau chaude. L'électricité alimente les chambres frigorifiques à raison de 90% et représente une facture annuelle de 50 millions de francs CFA. L'eau chaude est utilisée pour l'échaudage de porcs: 3 m3 à 60°C sont produits par jour par cuisson sur feu de bois. La facture qui en résulte est de 450 000 francs CFA.
Summary Every day more than 130 m3 of wastewaters from the Dakar municipal slaughterhouse are disposed off in the ocean. These waters comprise mainly stercoral matters, washing waters and greases. The energy requirements in the slaughterhouse are mainly of two types: electricity and heated water. Electricity is used to operate the refrigerating rooms, which corresponds to a total cost per year of 50 million CFA. Heated water is used for the pigs scalding with a bare 3 m3 of water used per day, at a temperature 60°C, obtained with fuel wood, the annual costs of which amounts to 450 000 CFA.

Resumen Cada día más de 130 cm3 de aguas residuales del matadero municipal de Dakar se vierten al oceano. Estas aguas consisten principalmente en estiércoles, aguas de lavado y grasas. Los requerimientos energéticos del matadero son principalmente de dos tipos: electricidad y agua caliente. La electricidad se usa para las cámaras frigoríficas con un coste total de 50 millones de CFA anuales. El agua caliente se utiliza para escaldar cerdos con una media de 3 m3 de agua por día a una temperatura de 60°C, se calienta mediante carburante vegetal, con un coste anual de 450000 CFA.

The Glénan Archipelago was investigated, from the surface to a depth of 60 m, byScuba diving. Four distinct communities (“peuplements”) have been determined that fit into the system of zonation defined by the Genoa Symposium (1957). The results are compared with observations made in the English Channel (Cabioch 1968) and in the Atlantic Ocean (Glemarec 1971). Since illumination depends upon the angle of the rocky face, photophilic species exhibit a maximum range when the rock surfaces are horizontal. The sublittoral zone is dominated by laminarians. They form two distinct communities with the animal and vegetal species they overshadow. The upper community is characterized byLaminaria digitata (Linné)Lamouroux (horizontal rocky face from 0 to 6 m; vertical rocky face from +0.5 to ?3 m). The lower cummunity, characterized byL. hyperborea (Gunner)Foslie has a greater vertical extension (horizontal: ?6 m to ?26 m; vertical: ?3 to ?30 m). The circalittoral zone is colonized by several animal species growing in a ramified manner: the upper community is characterized by Axinellidae (?30 m), the lower byDendrophyllia cornigera (Lamarck) (?55 to ?60 m). Upright algae disappear somewhere between ?40 and ?47 m.  相似文献   

We report a case of disseminated feline leishmaniasis in a FIV-seropositive 14-year-old male cat (Felis catus) living in the Alpes-Maritimes (south of France). The cat presented with erythematous ulcerated papules on the head and withers, and with an ulcerated proliferative lesion on the left pinnae. The condition was diagnosed, along with a squamous cell carcinoma of the pinnae, after histopathological examination of the cutaneous lesions. Total remission of the cutaneous lesions was obtained after oral administration of 100 mg of allopurinol once a day for four months. Necropsic samples revealed that the parasite was still present in the organism after six months of treatment. This case discusses of the cat sensibility to the leishmaniasis pathology and of his potential ability of being a reservoir host.  相似文献   

《Médecine Nucléaire》2017,41(4):313-321
This article contains the semiological bases used to characterize ovarian lesions in imaging, especially ultrasound.  相似文献   



The aim of our study was to assess the variability of 18-FDG uptake in the liver and the relationship between hepatic SUVs and SULs and several clinical and technical factors among patients with 18-FDG avid lymphoma.


Two hundred and thirty eight patients who underwent 18-FDG PET/CT for a Hodgkin lymphoma (HL), Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) or mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL) at baseline (PET1), interim (PET2), and end-of-treatment (PET3) were retrospectively included. Linear regression models were used to assess the variability of hepatic SUVmax, SUVmean, SULmax and SULmean. Correlation between SUVs and SULs and several factors including Body Mass Index (BMI), age, histological type, Ann Arbor classification, LDH levels, AST and ALT levels, chemotherapy, corticosteroid therapy, fasting blood glucose, uptake time, and injected activity. Univariate and multivariate regression models were established. Finally, we compared residual lymphoma and hepatic SUVs at PET2 and PET3 for the patients categorized Deauville 3 and 4.


Liver SUVs were all significantly increased at PET2 and PET3 in comparison with PET1. SULmean was the less variable index. BMI, age, histological type and injected dose were significantly associated with SUVs. In multivariate analysis, only BMI and injected dose remained significantly associated with hepatic SUVs. Residual tumoral uptake at PET2 were lower than hepatic SUVmax in 32/47 patients classified Deauville 3 and higher than hepatic SUVmean and SULmax in almost all Deauville 3 patients.


While the hepatic SUVmax was the most prone to variability, especially sensitive to BMI, it appears to be more appropriate than SUVmean or SULmax in assessing tumor response to treatment. Factors affecting SUVs must be considered in the evaluation of therapeutic response in lymphoma.  相似文献   

Analysis of the evolutionary conservation and change of the Y human specific Hae III 2.4 kb repeated sequence were studied between man and anthropoïd species after restriction with EcoRI endonuclease. In chimpanzee, blocks of these repeats are absent, the remaining copies being interspersed with other sequences. A close similarity of the restriction patterns of these sequences is found between gorilla and man.  相似文献   

Globozoospermia is a severe form of teratozoospermia characterized by round-headed sperms with absence or presence of a rudimentary acrosome. The objective of this study is to analyze sperm from six patients with globozoospermia syndrome and report the results of 11 intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) attempts. The investigation of these issues was carried out by studying the sperm aneuploidy rate by fluorescent in situ hybridization (sperm-FISH) for chromosomes X, Yand 18. The rate of DNA fragmentation was studied by using the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labelling (TUNEL) technique and a detailed ultrastructural morphology study of the sperm using transmission electron microscopy. Eleven ICSI attempts were performed in patients with low fertilization rate, (9.37%) and pregnancy did not occur. This study confirmed the variability of sperm phenotypes observed in this syndrome and the low fertilization rates after IVF-ICSI regardless of the phenotype.  相似文献   

Résumé Des disques imaginaux de patte, prélevés dans des larves de fin de 3e stade de drosophile, ont été cultivés dans le milieu M de Mandaron, en l'absence d'hormone ou en présence soit d'- soit de -ecdysone. L'incorporation de précurseurs marqués (3H-uridine,3H-leucine ou3H-proline) a été étudiée en fonction du stade de développement des disques.En l'absence d'hormone de mue, l'incorporation d'uridine décroît dès que les disques ont été explantés; l'incorporation de leucine et de proline ne décroît que 6 à 12 heures après l'explantation.- et -ecdysone stimulent l'incorporation des trois précurseurs; toutefois celle-ci varie en fonction du développement morphologique du disque.Les maxima et les minima d'incorporation d'uridine précèdent dans le temps ceux de la leucine et de la proline.Les maxima d'incorporation peuvent être mis en rapport avec des évènements morphologiques marquants du développement: évagination, sécrétion des cuticules nymphale et maginale.Il n'y a pas de différences significatives d'incorporation d'uridine en présence d'-ecdysone ou de -ecdysone; en revanche les maxima d'incorporation de leucine et de proline sont plus élevés en présence d'-ecdysone que de -ecdysone.Ces résultats montrent que l'-ecdysone—et à un degré moindre la -ecdysone—peuvent induire les synthèses de macromolécules nécessaires au développement des appendices in vitro.
RNA and protein synthesis inDrosophila leg discs cultured in vitro
Summary Imaginal leg discs from late third instarDrosophila larvae were cultured in Mandaron's medium without hormone or with -ecdysone or -ecdysone. Incorporation of labelled precursors (tritiated uridine, tritiated leucine or tritiated proline) was studied as a function of the stage of in vitro disc development.In the absence of moulting hormone, uridine incorporation decreased as soon as the discs were explanted; leucine and proline incorporation however began to decrease only after 6 to 12 h.- and -ecdysone stimulated the incorporation of all three precursors; however the rate of the incorporation varied as a function of the morphological disc development.The maxima and minima of uridine incorporation preceeded in time those of proline and leucine incorporation.The peaks of incorporation were coincident with salient morphological events of development: evagination, secretion of pupal and imaginal cuticles.There were no significant differences in uridine incorporation in the presence of -ecdysone or -ecdysone. Leucine and proline incorporation maxima however were significantly higher in the presence of -ecdysone than of -ecdysone.The results show that -ecdysone—and to a lesser extent also -ecdysone—can induce the macromolecular syntheses required for the development of the appendage in vitro.

Ce travail a été réalisé avec l'aide du CNRS (Action thématique programmée «Différenciation cellulaire», contrat no A 6554324)

Ce mémoire représente une partie de la thèse qui sera soutenue par l'auteur devant l'Université Scientifique et Médicale de Grenoble  相似文献   

《Médecine Nucléaire》2017,41(6):426-429
Visceral uptake of radiobiphosphonates on bone scan is infrequent. A 53-year-old man, with untreated left lung cancer was referred to our department for a bone scan. The bone scan showed a bone metastasis at the right humeral shaft, and uncommon visceral uptake throughout the gastric wall, the liver and the right lung parenchyma. The serum biochemistry revealed a malignant hypercalcemia. Thus, the incidental observation of metastatic calcifications on bone scintigraphy should alert the physician, and lead to an etiological investigation to search an unknown calcium metabolism disturbances requiring emergency treatment.  相似文献   

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