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Plant-parasitic nematodes are pests of a wide range of economically important crops, causing severe losses to agriculture. Natural genetic resistance of plants is expected to be a valid solution of the many problems nematodes cause all over the world. Progress in resistance applications is particularly important for the less-developed countries of tropical and subtropical regions, since use of resistant cultivars may be the only possible and economically feasible control strategy in those farming systems. Resistance is being considered of particular importance also in modern high-input production systems of developed countries, as the customary reliance on chemical nematicides has been restricted or has come to an end. This review briefly describes the genetic bases of resistance to nematodes in plants and focuses on the chances and problems of its exploitation as a key element in an integrated management program. Much space is dedicated to the major problem of resistance durability, in that the intensive use of resistant cultivars is likely to increasingly induce the selection of virulent populations able to “break” the resistance. Protocols of pest-host suitability are described, as bioassays are being used to evaluate local nematode populations in their potential to be selected on resistant germplasm and endanger resistant crops. The recent progress in using robust and durable resistances against nematodes as an efficient method for growers in vegetable cropping systems is reported, as well as the possible use of chemicals that do not show any unfavorable impact on environment, to induce in plants resistance against plant-parasitic nematodes.  相似文献   

Since the 1970s the Brazilian Amazon has received over 1 million migrant farm households from other regions of the country, many of whom were attracted to government-sponsored frontier settlement programs that offered free tropical forest land. As a result, pressures on tropical forests have intensified along several settlement corridors throughout the region. Despite their importance as agents of landscape change, surprisingly little is known about the land use practices of these farmers. This paper briefly reviews the research literature on smallholder land use patterns in Amazonia, describes the recent history of one important agricultural land settlement program in the western Brazilian Amazon state of Rondônia, and, based on 240 household surveys conducted in three separate settlement locations in the state, highlights key differences in land use patterns among the rural population. Typologies of farming systems are presented on the basis of cluster analysis of land use data and ANOVA tests. The findings indicate considerable complexity and heterogeneity in smallholder farming systems. Spatial variations in farming system types may be due to geographic differences in soil regimes, the social histories of specific communities, and site-specific responses to exogenous variables.  相似文献   

Parasitic infections of fish cultured in fresh and marine waters of subtropical and tropical geographic regions are reviewed. The following parasites are discussed: Ectoparasitic protozoa, Coccidia, Myxosporea, Monogenea, Metacercariae of trematodes, the Asian tapeworm, nematodes, ergasilids, lernaeids, and argulids. Criteria for selection were their impact on farmed fish and the availability of data beyond case reports and surveys. Epizootic ectoparasitic infections are usually the outcome of adverse growth conditions, either climatic or resulting from management practices. Epizootiology of infections by internal parasites, heteroxenous in particular, is more complex, particularly in man-made systems, as it is determined by a wider range of interacting ecological parameters. Exotic species, particularly cyprinids, comprise the bulk of freshwater fish farmed in warm water systems. Most important diseases affecting fishes in such systems are caused by introduced pathogens. Only a few of the autochthonous parasites become involved in epizootic infections, also where indigenous species are farmed. Marine farming is usually based on indigenous species. The relatively short history of piscine mariculture has already recorded epizootic infections and mortalities both by parasites contracted from the local environment and by specific parasites associated with the cultured species. As in freshwater systems, culture practices often create an environment favorable to epizootic infection.  相似文献   

An increasing number of scientists have recently raised concerns about the threat posed by human intervention on the evolution of parasites and disease agents. New parasites (including pathogens) keep emerging and parasites which previously were considered to be 'under control' are re-emerging, sometimes in highly virulent forms. This re-emergence may be parasite evolution, driven by human activity, including ecological changes related to modern agricultural practices. Intensive farming creates conditions for parasite growth and transmission drastically different from what parasites experience in wild host populations and may therefore alter selection on various traits, such as life-history traits and virulence. Although recent epidemic outbreaks highlight the risks associated with intensive farming practices, most work has focused on reducing the short-term economic losses imposed by parasites, such as application of chemotherapy. Most of the research on parasite evolution has been conducted using laboratory model systems, often unrelated to economically important systems. Here, we review the possible evolutionary consequences of intensive farming by relating current knowledge of the evolution of parasite life-history and virulence with specific conditions experienced by parasites on farms. We show that intensive farming practices are likely to select for fast-growing, early-transmitted, and hence probably more virulent parasites. As an illustration, we consider the case of the fish farming industry, a branch of intensive farming which has dramatically expanded recently and present evidence that supports the idea that intensive farming conditions increase parasite virulence. We suggest that more studies should focus on the impact of intensive farming on parasite evolution in order to build currently lacking, but necessary bridges between academia and decision-makers.  相似文献   

In this review of research on production losses and control principles in ruminant helminthiasis, the discussion primarily refers to nematode infections under conditions in Europe.Among the loss-producing effects of nematodes much interest has recently been centered on the possible reduction in milk yield of cows brought about by Ostertagia ostertagi. Another important factor of new interest is the inappetence associated with trichostrongyle infections. Furthermore, an example is given of hidden losses in association with the adoption of less profitable production systems to avoid parasitism.It is imperative that scientists and advisors are aware of newer management practices which engender risks of loss-producing infections. High stocking rates and the spreading of slurry onto pastures are examples of procedures which may increase the hazards of parasitism. To implement practices of routine control it is important to examine the regularity with which the herbage infectivity patterns occur. Principles of controlling nematode infections by systems of grazing management and by strategic anthelmintic treatments are discussed and illustrated with examples. Finally, problems of integrating control in farm enterprises are discussed.  相似文献   

This review relates the ecology and physiology of apple snails (Ampullariidae) to their impact on rice‐production systems. Two species in particular, Pomacea canaliculata and Pomacea maculata, have been introduced to several rice‐growing regions. Flooded rice systems represent a high‐quality habitat for these apple snails because of similarities in the environmental conditions (water temperature, salinity, pH, water flow velocity) necessary for both rice production and for snail survival and development. Furthermore, amphibious respiration, a capacity to aestivate during dry periods, as well as cold acclimation and tolerance (particularly in P. canaliculata), increases the resilience of apple snails to rice farming practices, including agrochemical applications, intermittent drainage and crop rotations – under a wide range of climatic conditions. Risks to regional rice production depend on four principal factors: these are (a) regional climate, (b) regional rice‐production systems, (c) prevailing production practices, and (4) the presence/absence of invasive, non‐native apple snails. Based on these criteria, lowland irrigated rice in tropical and subtropical regions that is wet‐direct seeded is most vulnerable to damage from both native and non‐native apple snails (albeit with greater losses from non‐native snails because of normally higher densities). Adequate quarantine regulations, particularly in vulnerable tropical regions that are adjacent to centres of recent outbreaks (e.g. India and Bangladesh adjacent to Myanmar, Peru and Colombia adjacent to Ecuador) and attention to the preparedness of farming systems could reduce potential impacts as these highly invasive snails continue to spread. The urgent development of labour‐saving crop‐establishment methods that reduce dependencies on chemical molluscicides is necessary to achieve sustainable rice production in regions at risk from non‐native apple snails.  相似文献   

Fires in humid tropical forests are increasingly frequent due to severe dry seasons, forest degradation and agricultural expansion. One agent implicated in current discourse surrounding tropical forest fires is the small-scale farming peasantry who rely on fire in swidden (shifting cultivation, slash-and-burn) agriculture. The environmental degradation associated with fire has led to government responses at multiple scales (international, national, state, regional) via policies aimed mainly at managing ignition sources. However, continued increase in forest fires suggests that these policies may be having limited impact and a fresh evaluation of current policy approaches to fire management is needed. We review fire policy measures with insights of caboclo farming practices and perspectives from Eastern Amazonia and examine the congruence between policy and practice. We demonstrate a significant disparity between policy requirements such as firebreaks and actual fire management practices, in which measures rarely meet requirements outlined in legislation. We explore the origins and the impacts of these disparities, focussing on smallholder farm-level management measures and local capacity. Incomplete knowledge coupled with marginal awareness of legal requirements served to propagate widespread erroneous beliefs in what these are. This analysis at multiple scales (international, national, state, regional) will contribute to developing greater congruence between fire policies and smallholder farming practices.  相似文献   

The debate on the relative benefits of conventional and organic farming systems has in recent time gained significant interest. So far, global agricultural development has focused on increased productivity rather than on a holistic natural resource management for food security. Thus, developing more sustainable farming practices on a large scale is of utmost importance. However, information concerning the performance of farming systems under organic and conventional management in tropical and subtropical regions is scarce. This study presents agronomic and economic data from the conversion phase (2007–2010) of a farming systems comparison trial on a Vertisol soil in Madhya Pradesh, central India. A cotton-soybean-wheat crop rotation under biodynamic, organic and conventional (with and without Bt cotton) management was investigated. We observed a significant yield gap between organic and conventional farming systems in the 1st crop cycle (cycle 1: 2007–2008) for cotton (−29%) and wheat (−27%), whereas in the 2nd crop cycle (cycle 2: 2009–2010) cotton and wheat yields were similar in all farming systems due to lower yields in the conventional systems. In contrast, organic soybean (a nitrogen fixing leguminous plant) yields were marginally lower than conventional yields (−1% in cycle 1, −11% in cycle 2). Averaged across all crops, conventional farming systems achieved significantly higher gross margins in cycle 1 (+29%), whereas in cycle 2 gross margins in organic farming systems were significantly higher (+25%) due to lower variable production costs but similar yields. Soybean gross margin was significantly higher in the organic system (+11%) across the four harvest years compared to the conventional systems. Our results suggest that organic soybean production is a viable option for smallholder farmers under the prevailing semi-arid conditions in India. Future research needs to elucidate the long-term productivity and profitability, particularly of cotton and wheat, and the ecological impact of the different farming systems.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P)-deficiency is a significant challenge for agricultural productivity on many highly P-sorbing weathered and tropical soils throughout the world. On these soils it can be necessary to apply up to five-fold more P as fertiliser than is exported in products. Given the finite nature of global P resources, it is important that such inefficiencies be addressed. For low P-sorbing soils, P-efficient farming systems will also assist attempts to reduce pollution associated with P losses to the environment. P-balance inefficiency of farms is associated with loss of P in erosion, runoff or leaching, uneven dispersal of animal excreta, and accumulation of P as sparingly-available phosphate and organic P in the soil. In many cases it is possible to minimise P losses in runoff or erosion. Uneven dispersal of P in excreta typically amounts to ~5% of P-fertiliser inputs. However, the rate of P accumulation in moderate to highly P-sorbing soils is a major contributor to inefficient P-fertiliser use. We discuss the causal edaphic, plant and microbial factors in the context of soil P management, P cycling and productivity goals of farms. Management interventions that can alter P-use efficiency are explored, including better targeted P-fertiliser use, organic amendments, removing other constraints to yield, zone management, use of plants with low critical-P requirements, and modified farming systems. Higher productivity in low-P soils, or lower P inputs in fertilised agricultural systems can be achieved by various interventions, but it is also critically important to understand the agroecology of plant P nutrition within farming systems for improvements in P-use efficiency to be realised.  相似文献   

The oil palm industry is one of the main economic drivers in Southeast Asia. The industry has caused tropical deforestation on a massive scale in producing countries, and this forest conversion to oil palm agriculture has decimated the habitat of numerous native species. Monoculture and polyculture practices are two distinctive oil palm production systems. We hypothesize that polyculture farming hosts a greater diversity of species than monoculture farming. Habitat complexity in smallholdings is influenced by multiple farming practices (i.e. polyculture and monoculture). However, little is known about the effects of such farming practices in smallholdings on mammalian biodiversity, and particularly frugivorous bats. Our study aimed to find the best farming practice to reconcile oil palm production with biodiversity conservation. Mist-nets were used to trap frugivorous bats at 120 smallholdings in Peninsular Malaysia. We compared species richness and the abundance of frugivorous bats between monoculture and polyculture smallholdings. We investigated their relationships with vegetation structure characteristics. Our results revealed that species richness and abundance of frugivorous bats were significantly greater in polyculture smallholdings than monoculture smallholdings. We also found that 28.21% of the variation in species richness was explained by in situ habitat characteristics, including the number of dead standing oil palms and immature oil palms, non-grass cover, height of non-grass cover, and farming practices. The in situ habitat quality was closely associated with oil palm farming management. Commercial growers should implement polyculture rather than monoculture farming because polyculture farming has positive effects on the abundance and species richness of bats in oil palm production landscapes.  相似文献   

Nematodes are hidden enemies that inhibit the entire ecosystem causing adverse effects on animals and plants, leading to economic losses. Management of foliar phytoparasitic nematodes is an excruciating task. Various approaches were used to control nematodes dispersal, i.e., traditional practices, resistant cultivars, plant extract, compost, biofumigants, induced resistance, nano-biotechnology applications, and chemical control. This study reviews the various strategies adopted in combating plant-parasitic nematodes while examining the benefits and challenges. The significant awareness of biological and environmental factors determines the effectiveness of nematode control, where the incorporation of alternative methods to reduce the nematodes population in plants with increasing crop yield. The researchers were interested in explaining the fundamental molecular mechanisms, providing an opportunity to deepen our understanding of the sustainable management of nematodes in croplands. Eco-friendly pesticides are effective as a sustainable nematodes management tool and safe for humans. The current review presents the eco-friendly methods in controlling nematodes to minimize yield losses, and benefit the agricultural production efficiency and the environment.  相似文献   

The applicability of models in addressing resource management issues in agriculture has been widely promoted by the research community, yet examples of real impacts of such modelling efforts on current farming practices are rare. Nevertheless, simulation models can compliment traditional field experimentation in researching alternative management options. The first objective of this paper is, therefore, to provide four case study examples of where models were used to help research issues relating to improved nutrient efficiency in low-input cropping systems. The first two cases addressed strategies of augmenting traditional farming practices with small applications of chemical fertilizer (N and P). The latter two cases explicitly addressed the question of what plant genetic traits can be beneficial in low-nutrient farming systems. In each of these case studies, the APSIM (Agricultural Production Systems Simulator) systems model was used to simulate the impacts of alternative crop management systems.The question of whether simulation models can assist the research community in contributing to purposeful change in farming practice is also addressed. Recent experiences in Australia are reported where simulation models have contributed to practice change by farmers. Finally, current initiatives aimed at testing whether models can also contribute to improving the nutrient efficiency of smallholder farmers in the SAT are discussed.  相似文献   

The nitrogen (N) cycle is essentially 'leaky'. The losses of small amounts of nitrate to waters and of ammonia and nitrous oxide to the atmosphere are a part of the global biogeochemical N cycle. However, intensive agricultural production, industry and vehicle use have more tem change and health concerns. Research has identified agricultural practices that cause large losses of N and, in some cases, developed solutions. This paper discusses the problems of maintaining productivity while reducing N losses, compares conventional with low input (integrated) and organic farming systems, and discusses wider options. It also looks at the need to integrate studies on N with other environmental impacts, set in the context of the whole farm system, to provide truly sustainable agricultural systems.  相似文献   

Results of mycological surveys of root-knot and cyst nematodes from tropical regions indicate that most fungal species associated with females or cysts of species of Globodera, Heterodera, and Meloidogyne are those found with nematodes from temperate areas. Some fungal species, however, were found in higher frequency in tropical regions than in temperate countries; e.g., Cylindrocarpon destructans and Ulocladium atrum were the most common species associated with G. pallida and G. rostochiensis cysts in Peru. These fungi are not so frequent in nematodes from temperate areas. Fungi associated with diseased nematodes in the tropics vary greatly in nutritional requirements and include thermophilic species as well as cold-tolerant fungi. Multi-cropping systems possible in most tropical regions may be designed to increase the frequency of occurrence of microbial species antagonistic to phytonematodes.  相似文献   

The important tropical root and tuberous crops cassava (Manihot esculenta), sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), yams (Dioscorea spp.), and the aroids (especially Xanthosoma and Colocasia spp.) represent an important source of relatively inexpensive carbohydrates to large sectors of the population in tropical areas. One or more tropical root crops are normally a staple in rural communities and are typically grown on small-scale subsistence farms. The current status of the agroecology research on these crops, including productivity under polyculture systems, resource (water, nutrients, light, space) utilization, tolerance to environmental stress, pest dynamics response to habitat manipulation, and alternative cultural practices, is reviewed in this paper as they relate to the performance of these crops in small-scale tropical agricultural systems. The development of technological recommendations to improve the productivity of tropical root crops in the tropics is dependent on an understanding of important underlying agroecological principles. The objective of background ecophysiological work is to develop crop-specific technological packages appropriate to low-input subsistence farming, and to match specific crops with a cropping system that will result in adequate yields and in ecological and socioeconomical sustainability. Because of the close relationship between crops and humans in small-scale farms of the tropics, it is imperative that agroecology research be holistic, multidisciplinary, and cognizant of the many socioeconomic and cultural factors that will determine whether improved technologies will be adopted in any given location.  相似文献   

Secondary succession in tropical deciduous forest is often characterized by vegetative reproduction, or coppicing. Coppicing is also observed in forest sites that are disturbed by farming activity. This observation raises questions about the role of established management practices in determining the succession of vegetation on farmsites once they are abandoned to fallow. To what extent is the coppicing succession the result of specific aspects of swidden farming technology and management? And what variations in coppice successions occur in swidden sites following deviations from the standard farming practice? In research on swidden farming among the Susu of Sierra Leone, I examined the successional pathway in an age series of forest fallow sites. I show that the standard pattern of minimal cultivation favors the coppicing of felled trees in the subsequent fallow periods. By contrast, deviation from this pattern results in stump deaths and favors the invasion of fallow sites by grasses and vegetatively reproducing pioneer trees from the savanna. Variations in the environmental outcome of disturbance to plant communities, then, are the result of interactions between processes of tropical tree reproduction and the agricultural practices of local farmers.  相似文献   

In regions of intensive pig and dairy farming, nutrient losses to the environment at farm level are a source of concern for water and air quality. Dynamic models are useful tools to evaluate the effects of production strategies on nutrient flows and losses to the environment. This paper presents the development of a new whole-farm model upscaling dynamic models developed at the field or animal scale. The model, called MELODIE, is based on an original structure with interacting biotechnical and decisional modules. Indeed, it is supported by an ontology of production systems and the associated programming platform DIESE. The biotechnical module simulates the nutrient flows in the different animal, soil and crops and manure sub-models. The decision module relies on an annual optimization of cropping and spreading allocation plans, and on the flexible execution of activity plans for each simulated year. These plans are examined every day by an operational management sub-model and their application is context dependent. As a result, MELODIE dynamically simulates the flows of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, copper, zinc and water within the whole farm over the short and long-term considering both the farming system and its adaptation to climatic conditions. Therefore, it is possible to study both the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of the environmental risks, and to test changes of practices and innovative scenarios. This is illustrated with one example of simulation plan on dairy farms to interpret the Nitrogen farm-gate budget indicator. It shows that this indicator is able to reflect small differences in Nitrogen losses between different systems, but it can only be interpreted using a mobile average, not on a yearly basis. This example illustrates how MELODIE could be used to study the dynamic behaviour of the system and the dynamic of nutrient flows. Finally, MELODIE can also be used for comprehensive multi-criterion assessments, and it also constitutes a generic and evolving framework for virtual experimentation on animal farming systems.  相似文献   

The nitrogen (N) cycle is essentially 'leaky'. The losses of small amounts of nitrate to waters and of ammonia and nitrous oxide to the atmosphere are a part of the global biogeo-chemical N cycle. However, intensive agricultural production, industry and vehicle use have more than doubled the amount of 'reactive' N in the environment, resulting in eutrophication, ecosystem change and health concerns. Research has identified agricultural practices that cause large losses of N and, in some cases, developed solutions. This paper discusses the problems of maintaining productivity while reducing N losses, compares conventional with low input (integrated) and organic farming systems, and discusses wider options. It also looks at the need to integrate studies on N with other environmental impacts, set in the context of the whole farm system, to provide truly sustainable agricultural systems.  相似文献   

The nitrogen (N) cycle is essentially ‘leaky’. The losses of small amounts of nitrate to waters and of ammonia and nitrous oxide to the atmosphere are a part of the global biogeochemical N cycle. However, intensive agricultural production, industry and vehicle use have more than doubled the amount of ‘reactive’ N in the environment, resulting in eutrophication, ecosystem change and health concerns. Research has identified agricultural practices that cause large losses of N and, in some cases, developed solutions. This paper discusses the problems of maintaining productivity while reducing N losses, compares conventional with low input (integrated) and organic farming systems, and discusses wider options. It also looks at the need to integrate studies on N with other environmental impacts, set in the context of the whole farm system, to provide truly sustainable agricultural systems.  相似文献   

Ciliates of the family Trichodinidae are protozoan parasites of importance for fish farming in South America, given that at high infestation levels, they cause significant mortality among farmed fish. Although data on economic losses due to parasitosis are not available for South America, mortality outbreaks correlated to trichodinids are very common in the tilapia production chain, especially in Brazil, the largest aquaculture chain in the country. In Brazil in the past, trichodinids were considered only as Trichodina sp. Today, they have been better studied and identified taxonomically in wild and farmed fish. However, in other countries in South America, trichodinids continue to be described only as Trichodina sp. This review presents the history of occurrences of trichodinids in fish of interest in South America, highlighting 15 new species that have been described in three genera in Brazil, along with information on parasite-host-environment relationships, diagnostic methods and treatments. The occurrence of parasitic ciliates must be correlated with farming conditions such as stress factors, water quality, seasonality, age and host immunity to elucidate the critical points of each production system. Furthermore, for tropical fish, studies on treatment against trichodinid species are needed to provide support for approval of antiparasitic medications for use in fish farming. However, it is recommended that the production sector use intensive production systems that are more sustainable, with biosafety protocols, to increase production and productivity.  相似文献   

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