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Although there is considerable evidence that the H fields of Forel of the posterior diencephalon play an important role in the regulation of cardiovascular function, little is known about the role these areas play in the control of airway caliber. In chloralose-anesthetized paralyzed dogs, we used both electrical and chemical means to stimulate the H fields of Forel, while we monitored breath-by-breath changes in total lung resistance (TLR), a functional index of airway caliber. Electrical stimulation (200-250 microA, 80 Hz, 0.75 ms) of 82 histologically confirmed sites significantly decreased TLR from 9.2 +/- 0.4 to 7.9 +/- 0.4 cmH2O.l-1.s (P less than 0.01). The bronchodilation evoked by electrical stimulation was unaffected by beta-adrenergic blockade with propranolol but was abolished by cholinergic blockade with atropine. The increases in airway caliber evoked by stimulation were often accompanied by increases in phrenic nerve activity. Chemical stimulation of 21 of 82 sites with microinjections of DL-homocysteic acid (83 nl, 0.2 and 0.5 M), which stimulates cell bodies but not fibers of passage, also decreased TLR from 8.3 +/- 0.5 to 7.3 +/- 0.5 cmH2O.l-1.s (P less than 0.03). We conclude that stimulation of cell bodies in the H fields of Forel produces bronchodilation by withdrawal of cholinergic tone to airway smooth muscle.  相似文献   

The foraging habits of the arboreal ant Crematogaster matsumurai Forel were studied in natural and captive colonies in southern Kyushu, Japan. The nests of C. matsumurai are made mainly in the trunks of living trees. In the natural environment, the species mainly lives in decayed parts of relatively tall trees, such as Acer palmatum, Prunus jamasakura and Prunus yedoensis. Observation over a 24 h period showed that C. matsumurai foraged actively at night as well as during the day. The foraging of the workers out of the nest was seen from early spring to late autumn, both on the tree and on the ground. As protein sources, aphids were mainly collected by foragers from the tree, while small parts of dead insects or other arthropods were mainly collected from the ground surface. The foraging activity of workers is assumed to be influenced by the quantity and quality of food rather than seasonality.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This work was carried out to determine the internal and external structures of Atta bisphaerica (Forel) nests. Six nests were excavated and during excavation, all data referring to chambers and tunnels were recorded. Three nests had been internally cement-moulded, which enabled a better view of the chamber and tunnel structures. Atta bisphaerica nests presented a similar structural pattern, varying only in the number of chambers as a function of external mound area. Chambers were spherical with two communication tunnels. Internal tunnels had an elliptical section, sometimes circular, indirectly linked to chambers through ramifications and directly through short tunnels. Entrance holes were linked to the area of highest chamber concentration by tunnels from the elliptical section, which led to the nest in a radial manner. Knowledge of the colony's three-dimensional architecture permits successful application of chemical control processes, reduces the quantity of product applied, and consequently diminishes costs and environmental damage.  相似文献   

In eusocial Hymenoptera, worker reproduction is affected by various factors, especially the genetic structure of the colony. Kinship theory predicts that hymenopteran workers prefer to produce sons rather than brothers when a single, once-mated queen is in a colony, while such worker reproduction is expected to be mutually inhibited by other workers under multiple mating of the queen. To test these predictions we observed the behaviour of the myrmicine ant Aphaenogaster smythiesi japonica. Observation of the social structure of 60 queenright colonies indicated monogyny and microsatellite DNA analysis of 14 colonies showed monandry. Under laboratory conditions, workers with functional ovaries laid only trophic eggs in the presence of the queen and produced viable eggs in her absence. In an experiment in which colonies split and reunited, workers that had well-developed ovarioles with viable oocytes were frequently attacked by other workers from the queenright groups. The number of oocytes in a worker's ovarioles was positively correlated with the frequency of being attacked. The results show that a worker's production of males in this species is potentially inhibited by worker policing, contrary to the prediction that worker policing is not predominant in monogynous and monandrous societies. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

  • 1 Bothroponera tesserinoda wirbt um Neulinge für Futter- und Nestplätze durch Tandemlauf. Durch ein kurzes Ziehen mit den Mandibeln wird eine Nestgenossin zum Tandemfolgen aufgefordert. Die Folgerin läuft in engem Fühlerkontakt hinter der Führerin her.
  • 2 Die Analyse dieses Verhaltens zeigte, daß sowohl chemische wie auch mechanische Signale eine Rolle spielen. Die führende Ameise wird durch Betrillern des Hinterleibs und der Hinterbeine zum Führlauf gereizt. Die Folgerin ist durch ein Oberflächenpheromon und durch mechanische Reize an die Führameise gebunden.
  • 3 Das gesamte Verhaltensmuster des Tandemlaufens läßt sich durch Natur- (Ameisenkörperteile) und Kunstattrappen (Papier, Wachs oder Glas) auslösen. Mit Hilfe solcher Attrappenversuche ließ sich zeigen, daß für die Folgereaktion sowohl die mechanischen als auch die chemischen Signale getrennt wirksam sind, jedoch erst in ihrer Summation der normalen Führqualität einer Ameise gleichkommen.
  • 4 Die Sekrete der Mandibel- und Stacheldrüsen und Rectalblaseninhalt werden beim Tandemlauf nicht eingesetzt; Mandibel- und Stacheldrüsensubstanzen haben Alarm- und Repellentfunktion.

Throughout Amazonia, the ant Crematogaster levior is known for its participation in a complex ant-garden mutualism with the ant Camponotus femoratus and several species of epiphytic plants for which it plays an important role in seed viability. We isolated nine polymorphic microsatellite loci for C. levior from a genomic library enriched for di-, tri-, and tetra-nucleotide repeats. Two to 14 alleles were detected per locus, with levels of observed heterozygosity ranging from 0.103 to 0.785.  相似文献   

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