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W W Rosser  J G Simms  D W Patten  J Forster 《CMAJ》1981,124(2):147-153
Indications for and dosages of four commonly prescribed benzodiazepines were recorded at a family medicine centre with the aid of a computerized data collection system. Four guidelines were then developed for appropriate prescribing of these drugs: (a) benzodiazepines should be used less frequently with increasing age; (b) short-acting drugs are preferable to long-acting drugs; (c) patients 65 years of age and over should receive half the daily dose prescribed for younger patients; and (d) use of these drugs for more than 1 month should be discouraged. After a year''s observation it was evident that none of the guidelines were being followed. The 30 physicians in the practice were then informed of the findings by an educational program. Another 6 months of observation showed a reduction in the prescribing of benzodiazepines to patients 65 years of age and over, a significant shift to the use of short-acting benzodiazepines, and some reduction in the daily dose and duration of administration of diazepam. Thus, such a review of drug prescribing in family practice can be a practical and effective method of improving prescribing patterns.  相似文献   

A study was made of all cases of acute illness in infants aged 6 months or less presenting in a Gosport practice over five months. The frequency in these patients of the well defined symptoms and signs suggested to be important by the preliminary report of the Department of Health and Social Security''s multicentre study of postneonatal mortality was recorded. During the study period there were 161 infants of this age in the practice, who gave rise to 69 consultations with acute illness. Thirty eight of these were given drug treatment and five were referred to a paediatric unit, one of them on social grounds. There were no infant deaths in the practice (total population 11,400), but two occurred in the Gosport area (total population 83,000). It would be unrealistic to refer all patients with any one of the symptoms and signs, even when well defined, in the age group 6 months or less. Analysis of the symptoms and signs found in those children who required admission did not show any pattern differentiating them from those who did not. Although the symptoms and signs studied are of value in assessment and should be sought in these patients, they cannot be used singly or in any pattern to indicate referral per se.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To determine the 11 year outcome of neurotic disorder in general practice. DESIGN--Cohort study over 11 years. SETTING--Two general practices in Warwickshire England. SUBJECTS--100 patients selected to be representative of those identified nationally by general practitioners as having neurotic disorders. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Mortality, morbidity, and use of health services. RESULTS--At 11 years 87 subjects were traced. The 11 year standardised mortality ratio was 173 (95% confidence interval 164 to 200). 47 were cases on the general health questionnaire, 32 had a relapsing or chronic psychiatric course, and 49 a relapsing or chronic physical course. Treatment for psychiatric illness was mainly drugs. The mean number of consultations per year was 10.8 (median 8.7). A persistent psychiatric diagnosis at one year follow up was associated with high attendance ( > 12 visits a year for 11 years) at follow up after age, sex, and physical illness were adjusted for. Severity of psychiatric illness (general health questionnaire score) at outset predicted general health questionnaire score at 11 year follow up, course of psychiatric illness, and high consultation rate. CONCLUSION--These data support the view that a neurotic illness can become chronic and is associated with raised mortality from all causes and high use of services. Such patients need effective intervention, particularly those with a more severe illness who do not recover within one year.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the time course and prediction of responses to reassurance after gastroscopy showing no serious illness. DESIGN: Selection of consecutive patients were assessed before gastroscopy, immediately after reassurance, and at follow up at 24 hours, 1 week, 1 month, and 1 year. Responses of subgroups of patients identified as high, medium, and low health anxiety by the health anxiety questionnaire were analysed. SETTING: Endoscopy clinic in a general hospital. INTERVENTION: Oral reassurance that there was "nothing seriously wrong." SUBJECTS: One consultant physician and 60 patients aged 18-74 referred for gastroscopy. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Physician''s and patients'' ratings of the extent of the reassurance and patients'' ratings of their anxiety about their health and of their illness belief. RESULTS: There was good agreement between the patients and the physician about whether reassurance had been given. Health anxiety and illness belief decreased markedly after reassurance. Patients with high health anxiety showed a significant resurgence in their worry and illness belief at 24 hours and 1 week, and these levels were maintained at 1 months and 1 year later. Patients with medium levels of health anxiety showed a reduction in worry and illness belief after reassurance, and this was generally maintained during follow up. Patients with low health anxiety maintained low levels of health worry and illness belief throughout the study. Partial correlation analyses showed that the levels of worry and illness belief after reassurance were predicted by the health anxiety questionnaire. This measure also had predictive value beyond that of a measure of general anxiety. CONCLUSIONS: Medical reassurance results in a reduction of worry about health and of illness belief, but this may be very short term. Measurable individual differences in health anxiety can be used to predict the response to reassurance.  相似文献   

A self-administered questionary (the General Health Questionnaire) aimed at detecting current psychiatric disturbance was given to 553 consecutive attenders to a general practitioner''s surgery. A sample of 200 of these patients was given an independent assessment of their mental state by a psychiatrist using a standardized psychiatric interview. Over 90% of the patients were correctly classified as “well” or “ill” by the questionary, and the correlation between questionary score and the clinical assessment of severity of disturbance was found to be +0·80.The “conspicuous psychiatric morbidity” of a suburban general practice assessed by a general practitioner who was himself a psychiatrist and validated against independent psychiatric assessment was found to be 20%. “Hidden psychiatric morbidity” was found to account for one-third of all disturbed patients. These patients were similar to patients with “conspicuous illnesses” in terms both of degree of disturbance and the course of their illnesses at six-month follow-up, but were distinguished by their attitude to their illness and by usually presenting a physical symptom to the general practitioner.When 87 patients who had been assessed as psychiatric cases at the index consultation were called back for follow-up six months later, two-thirds of them were functioning in the normal range. Frequency of attendance at the surgery in the six months following index consultation was found to have only a modest relationship to severity of psychiatric disturbance.It is argued that minor affective illnesses and physical complaints often accompany each other and usually have a good prognosis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To discover cancer patients'' views about disclosure of information to their family, their family''s influence over the information given them, and their preferences for doctors'' behaviour if they and their family disagree, as a complement to applied ethical theory. DESIGN: Semistructured interviews followed by qualitative content analysis. SETTING: Mainly urban British general practice. SUBJECTS: 30 patients in whom cancer, excluding basal and squamous cell skin carcinomas, was diagnosed 1-7 years earlier. RESULTS: All subjects wished doctors to respect their views rather than those of their family, should they differ. With their consent, subjects favoured close family receiving information about their illness, all but one mentioning advantage to their family. Without such consent, six unconditionally favoured disclosure of information to their family while seven unconditionally opposed disclosure. Seventeen participants restricted their approval for such disclosure to specific circumstances. Only two participants approved of their family influencing the information that they received about their illness; all but seven wished to receive full information, the exceptions relating to information about bad prognosis. CONCLUSIONS: Subjects favoured openness with their family but most rejected unconditional disclosure of information without their consent and their family influencing what information they would be given. They valued respect for their autonomy more highly than beneficence and considered that their own needs took priority over those of their family.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To assess the sensitivity to within person change over time of an outcome measure for practitioners in primary care that is applicable to a wide range of illness. DESIGN--Comparison of a new patient generated instrument, the measure yourself medical outcome profile (MYMOP), with the SF-36 health profile and a five point change score; all scales were completed during the consultation with'' practitioners and repeated after four weeks. 103 patients were followed up for 16 weeks and their results charted; seven practitioners were interviewed. SETTING--Established practice of the four NHS general practitioners and four of the private complementary practitioners working in one medical centre. SUBJECTS--Systematic sample of 218 patients from general practice and all 47 patients of complementary practitioners; patients had had symptoms for more than seven days. OUTCOME MEASURES--Standardised response mean and index of responsiveness; view of practitioners. RESULTS--The index of responsiveness, relating to the minimal clinically important difference, was high for MYMOP: 1.4 for the first symptom, 1.33 for activity, and 0.85 for the profile compared with < 0.45 for SF-36. MYMOP''s validity was supported by significant correlation between the change score and the change in the MYMOP score and the ability of this instrument to detect more improvement in acute than in chronic conditions. Practitioners found that MYMOP was practical and applicable to all patients with symptoms and that its use increased their awareness of patients'' priorities. CONCLUSION--MYMOP shows promise as an outcome measure for primary care and for complementary treatment. It is more sensitive to change than the SF-36 and has the added bonus of improving patient-practitioner communication.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To investigate annual health checks for patients of 75 years and over required by the 1990 contract for general practitioners. DESIGN--Visits to practices to collect information on how assessments were organised and carried out; completion of questionnaires for every patient who had been assessed in a sample month, using information provided by the practice records. SETTING--20 general practices in one family health services authority. SUBJECTS--Patients of 75 years and over in 20 general practices. RESULTS--Three practices (15%) had not performed checks. Thirteen practices sent a letter to invite patients to undergo a check. Of these practices, seven followed up non-responders. Two practices visited patients'' homes unannounced, and two did checks on an opportunistic basis only. Sixteen practices used a checklist. Sixteen practices involved their practice nurses; at eight of these, doctors also performed checks; in six practices the nurses undertaking the checks had no training in assessing old people. Ten practices assessed more than 75% of their old people in the first year of the new contract. Practices that did not follow up patients who had not responded to the invitation for assessment completed significantly fewer checks. During the sample month, 331 patients were assessed in the 17 practices. 204 new problems were discovered in 143 patients. Significantly more problems per patient were found in inner city areas. CONCLUSIONS--The way health checks were performed varied greatly, both in their organisation and the practices'' attitudes. Many old people did not respond to letters asking if they wanted an assessment but very few refused one if followed up. Forty three per cent of those assessed had some unmet need. The number of new problems found per patient may reduce over the next few years if the assessments are successful. The need for annual assessment should be kept under review and adequate resources made available for the needs uncovered. Improved training for practice nurses in assessment is needed. Effectiveness of the checks must be monitored. If most unmet need falls in particular high risk groups it would seem sensible to modify the annual check to target these groups.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo assess the policy proposed by the American Diabetes Association of universal screening in general practice of all patients aged over 45 years for diabetes.Design Cross sectional population study.Setting Local general practice in the United Kingdom.Participants All patients aged over 45 not known to have diabetes.Results Of 2481 patients aged over 45 and not known to have diabetes, 876 attended for screening. There were no significant demographic differences between the screened and unscreened patients. Prevalence of diabetes in patients with age as a sole risk factor was 0.2% (95% confidence interval 0% to 1.4%). Prevalence of diabetes in patients with age and one or more other risk factors (hypertension, obesity, or a family history of diabetes) was 2.8% (1.6% to 4.7%). Four hours a week for a year would be needed to screen all people over 45 in the practice''s population; about half this time would be needed to screen patients with risk factors other than age. More than 80% of patients newly diagnosed as having diabetes had a 10 year risk of coronary heart disease >15%, 73% (45% to 92%) were hypertensive, and 73% (45% to 92%) had a cholesterol concentration >5 mmol/l.Conclusions Screening for diabetes in general practice by measuring fasting blood glucose is feasible but has a very low yield in patients whose sole risk factor for diabetes is age over 45. Screening in a low risk population would best be targeted at patients with multiple risk factors.

What is already known on this topic

Between a third and a half of cases of diabetes are undiagnosed at any one timeNew cases can be identified by screening groups of patients at riskThe American Diabetes Association has proposed the screening of all patients aged over 45 every three years

What this study adds

Screening for diabetes in general practice by measuring fasting blood glucose is feasible but requires much staff timeScreening solely on the basis of age has a very low yield and screening would best be targeted at patients with multiple risk factors for diabetes  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the extent to which general practitioners'' questioning behaviour in routine practice is likely to encourage the adoption of evidence based medicine. DESIGN: Self recording of questions by doctors during consultations immediately followed by semistructured interview. SETTING: Urban Australian general practice. SUBJECTS: Random sample of 27 general practitioners followed over a half day of consultations. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Rate of recording of clinical questions about patients'' care which doctors would like answered; frequency with which doctors found answers to their questions. RESULTS: Doctors asked a total of 85 clinical questions, at a rate of 2.4 for every 10 patients seen. They found satisfactory answers to 67 (79%) of these questions. Doctors who worked in small practices (of one or two doctors) had a significantly lower rate of questioning than did those in larger practices (1.6 questions per 10 patients v 3.0 patients, P = 0.049). No other factors were significantly related to rate of questioning. CONCLUSIONS: These results do not support the view that doctors routinely generate a large number of unanswered clinical questions. It may be necessary to promote questioning behaviour in routine practice if evidence based medicine and other forms of self directed learning are to be successfully introduced.  相似文献   

In a study of all 4275 outpatient consultations over one month in a district general hospital it was found that the clinics in surgical specialties had the largest numbers of patients. In general surgery less than half of new patients and only one third of all patients attending the clinic were seen by a consultant. (Nine months later about a third of all new patients had still not seen a consultant in the clinic.) In the medical clinics just over a quarter of patients were seen by doctors who had less than six months'' experience in their present specialty after registration. Overall, doctors had been on continuous duty for at least 24 hours before a third of consultations. Doctors in training had actually worked during the previous night before attending a quarter of the clinics.Much of the large volume of work is performed by tired, incompletely trained doctors. It is suggested that a greater proportion of the work should be performed by fully trained staff. The workload might be reduced by modifying the pattern of the consultation.  相似文献   

Proposed increases in the average hours of surgery sessions of general practitioners as part of the government programme for improving primary health care may result in more use of deputising services to provide off duty cover. The satisfaction of patients with such a service was studied during one week of October 1987 at nine of the 29 branches of Air Call Medical Services in urban areas in Britain by means of a postal questionnaire. Of a sample of 4626 callers to the service, 3887 (84%) responded. An estimated 32% of the patients expected that a doctor from their own practice would have attended them, 19% expected that they would be admitted to hospital and 8% were admitted. Over 90% of patients were satisfied with the telephonist''s handling of the call; 79% of those visited were satisfied with the waiting time; and over 80% were satisfied with various aspects of the doctor''s handling of the visit (bedside manner, communication, taking of history, physical examination, and explanation of findings), the lowest figure being for explanation of findings (81%). Satisfaction was generally higher during the daytime; among the elderly, especially men; and among patients who did not anticipate that a doctor from their doctor''s practice would call. The results suggest that a high proportion of patients were satisfied with the deputising service they received.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES--To identify those important characteristics of doctors'' and patients'' behaviour that distinguish between "good" and "bad" consultations when viewed on videotape; to use these characteristics to develop a reliable instrument for assessing general practitioners'' performance in their own consultations. DESIGN--Questionnaires completed by patients, general practitioner trainers, and general practitioner trainees. Reliability of draft instrument tested by general practitioner trainers. SETTING--All vocational training schemes for general practice in the Northern region of England. SUBJECTS--First stage: 76 patients in seven groups, 108 general practice trainers in 12 groups, and 122 general practice trainees in 10 groups. Second stage: 85 general practice trainers in 12 groups. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Trainers'' ratings of importance; alpha coefficients of draft instrument by trainee, group, and consultation. RESULTS--6890 characteristics of good and bad consultations were consolidated into a draft assessment instrument consisting of 46 pairs of definitions separated by six point bipolar scales. Nine statement pairs given low importance ratings by trainers were eliminated, reducing the instrument to 37 statement pairs. To test reliability, general practitioner trainers used the instrument to assess three consultations. With the exception of one group of trainers, all alpha coefficients exceeded the acceptable level of 0.80. CONCLUSION--The instrument produced is reliable for assessing general practitioners'' performance in their own consultations.  相似文献   

Objective To explore patients'' accounts of being removed from a general practitioner''s list.Design Qualitative analysis of semistructured interviews.Setting Patients'' homes in Leicestershire.Participants 28 patients who had recently been removed from a general practitioner''s list.Results The removed patients gave an account of themselves as having genuine illnesses needing medical care. In putting their case that their removal was unjustified, patients were concerned to show that they were “good” patients who complied with the rules that they understood to govern the doctor-patient relationship: they tried to cope with their illness and follow medical advice, used general practice services “appropriately,” were uncomplaining, and were polite with doctors. Removed patients also used their accounts to characterise the removing general practitioner as one who broke the lay rules of the doctor-patient relationship. These “bad” general practitioners were rude, impersonal, uncaring, and clinically incompetent and lied to patients. Patients felt very threatened by being removed from their general practitioner''s list; they experienced removal as an attack on their right to be an NHS patient, as deeply distressing, and as stigmatising.Conclusions Removal is an overwhelmingly negative and distressing experience for patients. Many of the problems encountered by removed patients may be remediable through general practices having an explicit policy on removal and procedures in place to help with “difficult” patients.  相似文献   

The prescribing of drugs in the therapeutic classes that are affected by the government''s limited list was investigated in a computerised group practice of just over 3,000 patients. Prescribable drugs in categories that are affected by the list were identified for two consecutive six month periods before and one six month period after the introduction of the list. A significant decrease in the prescribing of cough and cold remedies, vitamins, and antacids occurred after the list was introduced, whereas no change occurred in the prescribing of laxatives, benzodiazepines, or analgesics. The prescribing of iron and penicillin increased significantly after the list was introduced, whereas the use of H2 antagonists and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs showed no significant change.  相似文献   

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