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Sago, a processed (gelatinized) edible starch, was successfully used as a gelling agent in culture medium. The efficacy of sago-gelled (80 g dm–3) medium was studied in ten potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) genotypes during micropropagation and minimal growth conservation. Sago starch provided a firm gelling surface throughout the entire culture period, and fostered optimum plantlet growth in terms of shoot height, number of nodes per plant, number of leaves and fresh mass. No softening of the sago-gelled medium occurred over prolonged (six months) storage. The study showed that sago starch could be used as a substitute to agar in culture medium to substantially reduce the medium cost.  相似文献   

The occurrence of selected plant-parasitic nematodes in the hemlock-hardwood-white pine, boreal forest, tundra, and oak-hickory associations in some northern states was compared. Helicotylenchus platyurus and Xiphinema americanum were not found in the boreal forest and tundra, and occurred infrequently in the hemlock-hardwood-white pine areas. They were found frequently, however, in the oak-hickory forest of Iowa. It is questioned that vegetational differences among the areas account directly for the major differences in nematode occurrence. Presence and absence of nematodes and their numbers in the oak-hickory association were clustered by similarity coefficients by sites and correlated with soil pH, percentage organic matter, percentage sand-silt-clay, and field capacity. Of the soil factors measured, pH gave the strongest correlations with nematode numbers. Xiphinema chambersi was found only in soils with a pH between 4.5 and 6.4 while the largest numbers of H. platyurus, H. pseudorobustus, and X. americanum occurred in soil above pH 6.0.  相似文献   

Bacteria of the family Enterobacteriaceae were isolated from the tissues of a number of wild and cultivated plants. All the cultures isolated had a broad spectrum of resistance to antibiotics and were highly adhesive to human erythrocytes. The studies conducted indicate the possibility of a concentration of microorganisms pathogenic for humans in plant tissues.  相似文献   

以华北蓝盆花(Scabiosa tschiliensis)无菌苗的叶片及叶柄为外植体,建立了华北蓝盆花的无性繁殖体系。结果表明,叶片外植体为诱导不定芽的适宜外植体,其不定芽诱导的适宜培养基为MS+4.0 mg.L–16-BA,不定芽生根的最适培养基为MS+2.0 mg.L–1IBA,幼苗移栽成活率可达70%以上。  相似文献   

以毛脉酸模下胚轴和幼苗根茎为外植体,以MS为基本培养基,与不同浓度比例的6-BA和2,4-D等植物生长调节剂进行毛脉酸模组织培养的研究。结果表明,毛脉酸模幼苗根茎是诱导丛生芽的最佳材料,诱导丛生芽产生的最佳培养基为MS+6-BA 3.0 mg·L-1+2,4-D 0.1 mg·L-1,诱导率为81.2%;生根培养基为无激素的MS培养基,生根率可达92%,在此条件下生根迅速,可获得完整植株;组培苗经过炼苗移栽后成活率可达80%。  相似文献   

以黑莓沙泥芽为外植体,筛选培养基,建立黑莓离体再生体系。结果表明,诱导树莓侧芽的最适起始培养基为MS 6-BA1.0 mg/L NAA0.02 mg/L GA6 mg/L;芽的增殖的最适培养基为MS GA6 mg/L NAA0.02 mg/L 6-BA1.0 mg/L;最适生根培养基为MS NAA 0.5 mg/L IBA 0.1 mg/L;试管苗移栽的最适基质为蛭石:珍珠岩:营养土(1∶1∶1)。  相似文献   

通过对安菜组织培养的培养基种类、激素配比、碳源的研究,得出适于安菜侧芽分化生长的最佳培养基为MS+6-BA0.5mg/L+NAA0.2mg/L。诱导愈伤组织以2,4-D浓度在0.2mg/L~0.5mg/L之间最佳。碳源以蔗糖,浓度3%最佳。以IBA0.5mg/L~1.5mg/L浓度诱导生根效果最好。  相似文献   

三叶半夏悬浮培养下的体细胞胚胎发生及植株再生   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用三叶半夏幼嫩叶片诱导产生的胚性愈伤组织建立了胚性细胞悬浮系,研究了悬浮培养下体细胞胚胎的发生及植株的再生。结果表明,胚性悬浮细胞在附加1.0mg/L2,4-D、0.2 mg/LBA和300mg/L LH的MS液体培养基中产生大量的球形胚,转入液体分化培养基(MS 0.1 mg/LNAA 0.2 mg/L BA 300 mg/L LH)中进一步发育成心形胚、鱼雷形胚和子叶形胚。收集成熟胚转移到MS固体分化培养基上培养获得了再生植株。另外还观察到某些成熟胚上产生了许多次生胚。  相似文献   

The pine wilt nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, has been cultured axenically in vitro on soy peptone/yeast extract or modified Caenorhabditis medium supplemented with cholesterol and hemoglobin. Although growth, development and reproduction were best in soy peptone/yeast extract medium, satisfactory population size increases were observed in the chemically defined Caenorhaditis medium.  相似文献   

稀土元素在药用植物细胞和组织培养中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了稀土元素对药用植物细胞、组织的生长及次生代谢产物合成的作用,探讨了稀土的作用机理.大量的实验证明,稀土在药用植物细胞和组织培养中具有广泛的应用前景.  相似文献   

光调控在植物组织培养中的应用研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
光调控是植物组织培养中一种有效的环境控制技术。该文对近年来国内外有关光调控在植物组织培养中的应用,即光照强度、光周期、光质对组培植物的生长发育、光合作用、愈伤组织诱导及其增殖与分化、器官和体细胞胚发生、生理特性及次生代谢物质等方面的影响研究进展进行了综述,为植物细胞工程提供参考。  相似文献   

In vitro procedures are playing a major role in plant breeding. Embryo rescue, either through the culture of excised embryos derived from incompatible crosses or by means of ovule culture, has been a standard procedure for the introgression of genes conferring disease resistance into economically important plants. Somatic hybridization (i.e., protoplast fusion) has also been demonstrated to have some potential in obtaining hybrids that result from very wide interspecific and intergeneric crosses. Wide crosses have also been achieved by means of in vitro pollination of excised ovaries or ovules. Tissue culture-induced variability in regenerated plant (i.e., somaclonal variation) appears to be an effective way of obtaining undirected genetic change that can enhance disease resistance and yield and alter the growth habit of crops that are normally propagated vegetatively (e.g., potato) or by seed (e.g., tomato). In the near future, the isolation and sequencing of genes that confer resistance to specific plant pathogens will be possible, and transfer of this information between species will become a reality.  相似文献   

Reproduction of Meloidogyne javanica was compared on several Agrobacterium rhizogenes-transformed root cultures under monoxenic conditions. M. javanica reproduced on all transformed roots tested; however, more females and eggs were obtained on potato and South Australian Early Dwarf Red tomato than on bindweed, Tropic tomato, lima bean, or carrot. Roots that grew at moderate rates into the agar and produced many secondary roots supported the highest reproduction. Numbers of females produced in cultures of transformed potato roots increased with increasing nematode inoculum levels, whether inoculum was dispersed eggs or juveniles. Females appeared smaller, produced fewer eggs, and were found in coalesced galls at the higher inoculum levels. The ratio between the final and initial population decreased sharply as the juvenile inoculum increased. The second-stage juvenile was preferred to dispersed eggs or egg masses for inoculation of tissue culture systems because quantity and viability of inoculum were easily assessed. Meloidogyne javanica reared on transformed root cultures were able to complete their life cycles on new transformed root cultures or greenhouse tomato plants.  相似文献   

In a series of microcosm experiments with an arable, sandy loam soil amended with sugarbeet leaf, the short-term (8 weeks) dynamics of numbers of nematodes were measured in untreated soil and in γ-irradiated soil inoculated with either a field population of soil microorganisms and nematodes or a mixed population of laboratory-propagated bacterivorous nematode species. Sugarbeet leaf stimulated an increase in bacterivorous Rhabditidae, Cephalobidae, and a lab-cultivated Panagrolaimus sp. Differences were observed between the growth rates of the nematode population in untreated and γ-irradiated soils, which were caused by two nematophagous fungi, Arthrobotrys oligospora and Dactylaria sp. These fungi lowered the increase in nematode numbers due to the organic enrichment in the untreated soil. We estimated the annually produced bacterivous nematodes to consume 50 kg carbon and 10 kg nitrogen per ha, per year, in the upper, plowed 25 cm of arable soil.  相似文献   

As part of our drug discovery program for anti-filarial agents from Indian medicinal plants, leaves of Eucalyptus tereticornis were chemically investigated, which resulted in the isolation and characterization of an anti-filarial agent, ursolic acid (UA) as a major constituent. Antifilarial activity of UA against the human lymphatic filarial parasite Brugia malayi using in vitro and in vivo assays, and in silico docking search on glutathione-s-transferase (GST) parasitic enzyme were carried out. The UA was lethal to microfilariae (mf; LC100: 50; IC50: 8.84 µM) and female adult worms (LC100: 100; IC50: 35.36 µM) as observed by motility assay; it exerted 86% inhibition in MTT reduction potential of the adult parasites. The selectivity index (SI) of UA for the parasites was found safe. This was supported by the molecular docking studies, which showed adequate docking (LibDock) scores for UA (−8.6) with respect to the standard antifilarial drugs, ivermectin (IVM −8.4) and diethylcarbamazine (DEC-C −4.6) on glutathione-s-transferase enzyme. Further, in silico pharmacokinetic and drug-likeness studies showed that UA possesses drug-like properties. Furthermore, UA was evaluated in vivo in B. malayi-M. coucha model (natural infection), which showed 54% macrofilaricidal activity, 56% female worm sterility and almost unchanged microfilaraemia maintained throughout observation period with no adverse effect on the host. Thus, in conclusion in vitro, in silico and in vivo results indicate that UA is a promising, inexpensive, widely available natural lead, which can be designed and developed into a macrofilaricidal drug. To the best of our knowledge this is the first ever report on the anti-filarial potential of UA from E. tereticornis, which is in full agreement with the Thomson Reuter''s ‘Metadrug’ tool screening predictions.  相似文献   

Heterodera schachtii developed to maturity and reproduced on the lateral roots of defoliated sugarbeet which were buried to a depth of 2.5 cm in sterilized soil and inoculated with cysts. Nematodes did not develop on detached lateral roots or on roots of young defoliated beets which did not have a large tap root. The storage roots of large rooted plants were sliced, placed in small jars, inoculated with cysts, covered with moist granulated agar or soil and incubated at 24°C 12-62 days. The sugarbeet nematode developed in root slices of sugarbeet, red table beet, icicle and globe radish, turnip and rutabaga. Only a few males developed on slices of potato tubers. Neither males nor females developed on root slices of carrot, salsify or parsnip. H. schachtii also developed on the cut surfaces of growing sugarbeet and radish.  相似文献   

通过愈伤组织诱导器官发生途径,建立了水杉(Metasequoia glyptostroboides)的植株再生体系,探讨了不同外植体(种胚、幼叶切块、茎段、根段)和植物生长调节剂对不定芽直接再生和愈伤组织诱导器官发生的影响。结果表明:以种胚、无菌苗叶片、茎段和根作为外植体,在MS补加2,4-D、NAA和6-BA不同组合的培养基上都能诱导得到愈伤组织,其中种胚诱导愈伤组织效果最好,诱导率可达100%,茎诱导效果次之,诱导率为97.1%。诱导愈伤组织效果较好的培养基有:MS+1.0mg·L-12,4-D+0.5mg·L-16-BA、MS+0.1mg·L-16-BA+1.0mg·L-1NAA、MS+0.5mg·L-16-BA+1.0mg·L-1NAA、MS+1.0mg·L-16-BA+1.0mg·L-1NAA、MS+0.5mg·L-16-BA+2.0mg·L-1NAA、MS+1.0mg·L-16-BA+2.0mg·L-1NAA和MS+0.5mg·L-12,4-D+0.5mg·L-1NAA。以愈伤组织在MS培养基上植株再生效果最好,再生率为62.5%。  相似文献   

Using new techniques, hatch and movement of Meloidogyne hapla and nematode invasion o f lettuce roots growing in organic soil were studied under controlled soil conditions of temperature, moisture, O₂ and CO₂. When O₂ levels of 2.7, 5, 10, 21 and 40% with CO₂ maintained at 0.03% were used, O₂ below 21% or at 40% reduced nematode activities compared with those at 21%. When CO₂ levels of 0.03, 0.33, 2.8, 10 and 30% with O₂ maintained at 21% were used, all levels above 0.03% CO₂ resulted in less activity than at 0.03% except for more invasion at 0.33% than at 0.03%. Results suggested M. hapla was tolerant of CO₂ below 10% but adversely affected by 30% CO₂. Effect of O₂ was influenced by the level of CO₂ present. No larvae invaded roots at 3.2% O₂ and 18.6% CO₂ but hatch and movement occurred. Night and day temperatures of 21.1 and 26.7 C were more favorable for movement and invasion than 15.5 and 21.1 C, 26.7 and 32.2 C or 26.7 and 32.2 C. Optimum moisture for movement was 80 cm suction and for invasion was 100 cm.  相似文献   

Host plant resistance (HPR) to nematodes has been identified in many major crops and related wild germplasm. Most HPR is to the more specialized, sedentary endoparasitic genera and species, e.g., Globodera, Heterodera, Meloidogyne, Nacobbus, Rotylenchulus, and Tylenchulus. Some HPR has been developed or identified also to certain migratory endoparasites (Aphelenchoides, Ditylenchus, Pratylenchus, Radopholus) in a few hosts. Commercial use of HPR remains limited, despite its benefits to crop production when deployed appropriately. Restricted use and availability of HPR result from problems associated with transfer of resistance into acceptable cultivars. Difficulties occur in gene transfer to acceptable cultivars because of incompatibility barriers to hybridization or linkage to undesirable traits, for example in cucurbitaceous and solanaceous crops and sugarbeet. Specificity of HPR to only one species, or one or few pathotypes, as it relates to resistance durability and nematode virulence, and HPR response to abiotic factors such as high soil temperature, also limit availability and utility. A scheme for HPR development is presented to emphasize nematology research and information requirements for expanding HPR use in nematode control programs, for example in common bean, sugarbeet, and tomato. Nonbiological factors that influence HPR usage are discussed, including heavy reliance on nematicide programs, low priority of nematode HPR in many breeding programs, and insufficient breeder-nematologist collaboration.  相似文献   

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